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VAMP7 or tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle- associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) has been proposed to regulate apical transport in polarized epithelial cells, axonal transport in neurons and lysosomal exocytosis. To investigate the function of VAMP7 in vivo, we generated VAMP7 knockout mice. Here, we show that VAMP7 knockout mice are indistinguishable from control mice and display a similar localization of apical proteins in the kidney and small intestine and a similar localization of axonal proteins in the nervous system. Neurite outgrowth of cultured mutant hippocampal neurons was reduced in mutant neurons. However, lysosomal exocytosis was not affected in mutant fibroblasts. Our results show that VAMP7 is required in neurons to extend axons to the full extent. However, VAMP7 does not seem to be required for epithelial cell polarity and lysosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis involves the receptor-mediated extension of plasmalemmal protrusions, called pseudopods, which fuse at their tip to engulf a particle. Actin polymerizes under the nascent phagosome and may propel the protrusion of pseudopods. Alternatively, membrane extension could result from the localized insertion of intracellular membranes into the plasmalemma next to the particle. Here we show focal accumulation of VAMP3-containing vesicles, likely derived from recycling endosomes, in the vicinity of the nascent phagosome. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as both a fluorescent indicator and an exofacial epitope tag, we show that polarized fusion of VAMP3 vesicles precedes phagosome sealing. It is therefore likely that targeted delivery of endomembranes contributes to the elongation of pseudopods. In addition to mediating pseudopod formation, receptor-triggered focal secretion of endosomes may contribute to polarized membrane extension in processes such as lamellipodial elongation or chemotaxis.  相似文献   

SNARE protein complexes are key mediators of exocytosis by juxtaposing opposing membranes, leading to membrane fusion. SNAREs generally consist of one or two core domains that can form a four-helix bundle with other SNARE core domains. Some SNAREs, such as syntaxin target-SNAREs and longin vesicular-SNAREs, have independent, folded N-terminal domains that can interact with their respective SNARE core domains and thereby affect the kinetics of SNARE complex formation. This autoinhibition mechanism is believed to regulate the role of the longin VAMP7/TI-VAMP in neuronal morphogenesis. Here we use nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the longin-SNARE core domain interaction for VAMP7. Using complete backbone resonance assignments, chemical shift perturbations analysis, and hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments, we conclusively show that VAMP7 adopts a preferentially closed conformation in solution. Taken together, the closed conformation of longins is conserved, in contrast to the syntaxin family of SNAREs for which mixtures of open and closed states have been observed. This may indicate different regulatory mechanisms for SNARE complexes containing syntaxins and longins, respectively.  相似文献   


Background information

ATP is the main transmitter stored and released from astrocytes under physiological and pathological conditions. Morphological and functional evidence suggest that besides secretory granules, secretory lysosomes release ATP. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in astrocytic lysosome fusion remain still unknown.


In the present study, we identify tetanus neurotoxin‐insensitive vesicle‐associated membrane protein (TI‐VAMP, also called VAMP7) as the vesicular SNARE which mediates secretory lysosome exocytosis, contributing to release of both ATP and cathepsin B from glial cells. We also demonstrate that fusion of secretory lysosomes is triggered by slow and locally restricted calcium elevations, distinct from calcium spikes which induce the fusion of glutamate‐containing clear vesicles. Downregulation of TI‐VAMP/VAMP7 expression inhibited the fusion of ATP‐storing vesicles and ATP‐mediated calcium wave propagation. TI‐VAMP/VAMP7 downregulation also significantly reduced secretion of cathepsin B from glioma.


Given that sustained ATP release from glia upon injury greatly contributes to secondary brain damage and cathepsin B plays a critical role in glioma dissemination, TI‐VAMP silencing can represent a novel strategy to control lysosome fusion in pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Intracellular vesicular trafficking is one of the important tools in maintaining polarity, adhesion, and shape of epithelial cells. Rab11, a subfamily of the Ypt/Rab gene family of ubiquitously expressed GTPases and a molecular marker of recycling endosomes, transports different components of plasma membrane. Here, we report that Rab11 affects tubulogenesis of Malpighian tubules (MTs). MTs are simple polarized epithelial tubular structures, considered as functional analogue of human kidney. Rab11 has pleiotropic effects on MTs development as down‐regulation of Rab11 in principal cells (PCs) of MTs from embryonic stages of development results in reduced endoreplication, clustering of cells, disorganized cytoskeleton, and disruption of polarity leading to shortening of MTs in third instar larvae. Rab11 is also required for proper localization of different transporters in PCs, essential for physiological activity of MTs. Collectively, our data suggest that Rab11 plays a key role in the process of tubulogenesis of MTs in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin controls many aspects of plant development. Membrane trafficking processes, such as secretion, endocytosis and recycling, regulate the polar localization of auxin transporters in order to establish an auxin concentration gradient. Here, we investigate the function of the Arabidopsis thaliana R-SNAREs VESICLE-ASSOCIATED MEMBRANE PROTEIN 721 (VAMP721) and VAMP722 in the post-Golgi trafficking required for proper auxin distribution and seedling growth. We show that multiple growth phenotypes, such as cotyledon development, vein patterning and lateral root growth, were defective in the double homozygous vamp721 vamp722 mutant. Abnormal auxin distribution and root patterning were also observed in the mutant seedlings. Fluorescence imaging revealed that three auxin transporters, PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1), PIN2 and AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AUX1), aberrantly accumulate within the cytoplasm of the double mutant, impairing the polar localization at the plasma membrane (PM). Analysis of intracellular trafficking demonstrated the involvement of VAMP721 and VAMP722 in the endocytosis of FM4-64 and the secretion and recycling of the PIN2 transporter protein to the PM, but not its trafficking to the vacuole. Furthermore, vamp721 vamp722 mutant roots display enlarged trans-Golgi network (TGN) structures, as indicated by the subcellular localization of a variety of marker proteins and the ultrastructure observed using transmission electron microscopy. Thus, our results suggest that the R-SNAREs VAMP721 and VAMP722 mediate the post-Golgi trafficking of auxin transporters to the PM from the TGN subdomains, substantially contributing to plant growth.  相似文献   

Successful vaccines rely on activating a functional humoral response that results from promoting a proper germinal center (GC) reaction. Key in this process is the activation of follicular B cells that need to acquire antigens and to present them to cognate CD4 T cells. Here, we report that follicular B cells can phagocytose large antigen‐coated particles, a process thought to be exclusive of specialized antigen‐presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells. We show that antigen phagocytosis by B cells is BCR‐driven and mechanistically dependent on the GTPase RhoG. Using Rhog?/? mice, we show that phagocytosis of antigen by B cells is important for the development of a strong GC response and the generation of high‐affinity class‐switched antibodies. Importantly, we show that the potentiation effect of alum, a common vaccine adjuvant, requires direct phagocytosis of alum–antigen complexes by B cells. These data suggest a new avenue for vaccination approaches by aiming to deliver 1–3 μm size antigen particles to follicular B cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian phagocytes carry out several essential functions, including killing and digesting infectious organisms, clearing denatured proteins, removing dead cells and removing several types of debris from the extracellular space. Many of these functions involve phagocytosis, the engulfment of a target in a specialized endocytic process and then fusion of the new phagosome with lysosomes. Phagocytes such as macrophages can phagocytose targets that are several micrometers in diameter (eg, dead cells), but in some cases they encounter much larger objects. We have studied two such examples in some detail: large deposits of lipoproteins such as those in the wall of blood vessels associated with atherosclerosis, and dead adipocytes, which are dozens of micrometers in diameter. We describe a process, which we call digestive exophagy, in which macrophages create a tight seal in contact with the target, acidify the sealed zone and secrete lysosomal contents into the contact zone. By this process, hydrolysis by lysosomal enzymes occurs in a compartment that is outside the cell. We compare this process to the well characterized digestion of bone by osteoclasts, and we point out key similarities and differences.  相似文献   

The compartmental organization of eukaryotic cells is?maintained dynamically by vesicular trafficking. SNARE proteins play a crucial role in intracellular membrane fusion and need to be targeted to their proper donor or acceptor membrane. The molecular mechanisms that allow for the secretory vesicles carrying the v-SNARE TI-VAMP/VAMP7 to leave the?cell center, load onto microtubules, and reach the periphery to mediate exocytosis are largely unknown. Here, we show that the TI-VAMP/VAMP7 partner Varp, a Rab21 guanine nucleotide exchange factor, interacts with GolginA4 and the kinesin 1 Kif5A. Activated Rab21-GTP in turn binds to MACF1, an actin and microtubule regulator, which is itself a partner of GolginA4. These components are required for directed movement of TI-VAMP/VAMP7 vesicles from the cell center to the cell periphery. The molecular mechanisms uncovered here suggest an integrated view of the transport of vesicles carrying a specific v-SNARE toward the cell surface.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the functions of two vacuolar t-SNAREs, Vam3p and Vam7p, in peroxisome degradation in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. A Hp-vam7 mutant was strongly affected in peroxisome degradation by selective macropexophagy as well as non-selective microautophagy. Deletion of Hp-Vam3p function had only a minor effect on peroxisome degradation processes. Both proteins were located at the vacuolar membrane, with Hp-Vam7p also having a partially cytosolic location. Previously, in baker's yeast Vam3p and Vam7p have been demonstrated to be components of a t-SNARE complex essential for vacuole biogenesis. We speculate that the function of this complex in macropexophagy includes a role in membrane fusion processes between the outer membrane layer of sequestered peroxisomes and the vacuolar membrane. Our data suggest that Hp-Vam3p may be functionally redundant in peroxisome degradation. Remarkably, deletion of Hp-VAM7 also significantly affected peroxisome biogenesis and resulted in organelles with multiple, membrane-enclosed compartments. These morphological defects became first visible in cells that were in the mid-exponential growth phase of cultivation on methanol, and were correlated with accumulation of electron-dense extensions that were connected to mitochondria.  相似文献   

Intracellular trafficking regulates the abundance and therefore activity of transporters present at the plasma membrane. The transporter, Na+-taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (ntcp), is increased at the plasma membrane upon treatment of cells with cAMP, for which microtubules (MTs) are required and the PI3K pathway and PKCzeta have been implicated. However, trafficking of ntcp on MTs has not been demonstrated directly and the regulation and intracellular localization of ntcp is not well understood. Here, we utilize in vitro and whole-cell immunofluorescence microscopy assays to demonstrate that ntcp is present on intracellular vesicles that bind MTs and move bidirectionally, using kinesin-1 and dynein. These vesicles co-localize with markers for recycling endosomes and early but not late endosomes. They frequently undergo fission, providing a mechanism for the exclusion of ntcp from late endosomes. PI(3,4,5)P3 activates PKCzeta and enhances motility of the ntcp vesicles and overcomes the partial inhibition produced by a PI3-kinase inhibitor. Specific inhibition of PKCzeta blocks the motility of ntcp-containing vesicles but has no effect on late vesicles as shown both in vitro and in living cells transfected with ntcp-GFP. These data indicate that PKCzeta is required specifically for the intracellular movement of vesicles that contain the ntcp transporter.  相似文献   

Early endosomes are well-established acceptor compartments of endocytic vesicles in many cell types. Little evidence of their existence or function has been obtained in synapses, and it is generally believed that synaptic vesicles recycle without passing through an endosomal intermediate. We show here that the early endosomal SNARE proteins are enriched in synaptic vesicles. To investigate their function in the synapse, we isolated synaptic nerve terminals (synaptosomes), stimulated them in presence of different fluorescent markers to label the recycling vesicles and used these vesicles in in vitro fusion assays. The recently endocytosed vesicles underwent homotypic fusion. They also fused with endosomes from PC12 and BHK cells. The fusion process was dependent upon NSF activity. Moreover, fusion was dependent upon the early endosomal SNAREs but not upon the SNAREs involved in exocytosis. Our results thus show that at least a fraction of the vesicles endocytosed during synaptic activity are capable of fusing with early endosomes and lend support to an involvement of endosomal intermediates during recycling of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) produces phosphatidic acid (PA), an established intracellular signalling lipid that has been also implicated in vesicular trafficking, and as such, PLD could play multiple roles during phagocytosis. Using an RNA interference strategy, we show that endogenous PLD1 and PLD2 are necessary for efficient phagocytosis in murine macrophages, in line with results obtained with wild-type constructs and catalytically inactive PLD mutants which, respectively, enhance and inhibit phagocytosis. Furthermore, we found that PA is transiently produced at sites of phagosome formation. Macrophage PLD1 and PLD2 differ in their subcellular distributions. PLD1 is associated with cytoplasmic vesicles, identified as a late endosomal/lysosomal compartment, whereas PLD2 localizes at the plasma membrane. In living cells undergoing phagocytosis, PLD1 vesicles are recruited to nascent and internalized phagosomes, whereas PLD2 is only observed on nascent phagosomes. These results provide evidence that both PLD isoforms are required for phagosome formation, but only PLD1 seems to be implicated in later stages of phagocytosis occurring after phagosomal internalization.  相似文献   

Kong L  Ge BX 《Cell research》2008,18(7):745-755
Phagocytosis and subsequent degradation of pathogens by macrophages play a pivotal role in host innate immune responses to microbial infection. Recent studies have shown that Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in promoting the clearance of bacteria by up-regulating the phagocytic activity of macrophages. However, information regarding the signaling mechanism of TLR-mediated phagocytosis is still limited. Here, we provide evidence that the stimulation of TLR4 with LPS leads to activation of multiple signaling pathways including MAP kinases, phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), and small GTPases in the murine macrophage-like cell line RAW264.7. Specific inhibition of Cdc42/Rac or p38 MAP kinase, but not PI3K, reduced TLR4-induced phagocytosis of bacteria. Moreover, we have found that either inhibition of actin polymerization by cytochalasin D or the knockdown of actin by RNAi markedly reduced the activation of Cdc42 and Rac by LPS. TLR4-induced activation of Cdc42 and Rac appears to be independent of MyD88. Taken together, our results described a novel actin-Cdc42/Rac pathway through which TLRs can specifically provoke phagocytosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The colonization of the gastric mucosa with Helicobacter pylori is accompanied by elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and IL-8. The aim of our study was to determine the mechanisms of IL-6 stimulation in phagocytes upon H. pylori infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated the secretion of IL-6 by different professional phagocytes from murine and human origin, including granulocyte- and monocyte-like cells and macrophages derived from human peripheral blood monocytes (PBMCs). The influence of viability, phagocytosis, and the impact of different subcellular fractions of H. pylori bacteria were evaluated. RESULTS: IL-6 levels induced by H. pylori were low in cell lines derived from murine and human monocytes and in human granulocyte-like cells. By contrast, macrophages derived from human PBMCs were highly responsive to both H. pylori and Escherichia coli. IL-6 induction was blocked by inhibition of actin-dependent processes prior to infection with H. pylori, but not with E. coli or E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Using cell fractionation, the most activity was found in the H. pylori membrane. H. pylori LPS exhibited a 10(3)- to 10(4)-fold lower biologic activity than E. coli LPS, suggesting a minor role for toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-mediated signalling from the exterior. CONCLUSIONS: From these data, we conclude that macrophages may be a major source of IL-6 in the gastric mucosa upon H. pylori infection. The IL-6 induction by H. pylori in these cells is a multifactorial process, which requires the uptake and presumably degradation of H. pylori bacteria.  相似文献   

Exocytosis of the acrosome (the acrosome reaction) is a terminal morphological alteration that sperm must undergo prior to penetration of the extracellular coat of the egg. Ca(2+) is an essential mediator of this regulated secretory event. Aided by a streptolysin-O permeabilization protocol developed in our laboratory, we have previously demonstrated requirements for Rab3A, NSF, and synaptotagmin VI in the human sperm acrosome reaction. Interestingly, Rab3A elicits an exocytotic response of comparable magnitude to that of Ca(2+). Here, we report a direct role for the SNARE complex in the acrosome reaction. First, the presence of SNARE proteins is demonstrated by Western blot. Second, the Ca(2+)-triggered acrosome reaction is inhibited by botulinum neurotoxins BoNT/A, -E, -C, and -F. Third, antibody inhibition studies show a requirement for SNAP-25, SNAP-23, syntaxins 1A, 1B, 4, and 6, and VAMP 2. Fourth, addition of bacterially expressed SNAP-25 and SNAP-23 abolishes exocytosis. Acrosome reaction elicited by Rab3-GTP is also inhibited by BoNT/A, -C, and -F. Taken together, these results demonstrate a requirement for members of all SNARE protein families in the Ca(2+)- and Rab3A-triggered acrosome reaction. Furthermore, they indicate that the onset of sperm exocytosis relies on the functional assembly of SNARE complexes.  相似文献   

Glial subcellular re-sealed particles (referred to as gliosomes here) were purified from rat cerebral cortex and investigated for their ability to release glutamate. Confocal microscopy showed that the glia-specific proteins glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S-100, but not the neuronal proteins 95-kDa postsynaptic density protein (PSD-95), microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) and beta-tubulin III, were enriched in purified gliosomes. Furthermore, gliosomes exhibited labelling neither for integrin-alphaM nor for myelin basic protein, which are specific for microglia and oligodendrocytes respectively. The Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (0.1-5 microm) efficiently stimulated the release of tritium from gliosomes pre-labelled with [3H]d-aspartate and of endogenous glutamate in a Ca(2+)-dependent and bafilomycin A1-sensitive manner, suggesting the involvement of an exocytotic process. Accordingly, ionomycin was found to induce a Ca(2+)-dependent increase in the vesicular fusion rate, when exocytosis was monitored with acridine orange. ATP stimulated [3H]d-aspartate release in a concentration- (0.1-3 mm) and Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The gliosomal fraction contained proteins of the exocytotic machinery [syntaxin-1, vesicular-associated membrane protein type 2 (VAMP-2), 23-kDa synaptosome-associated protein (SNAP-23) and 25-kDa synaptosome-associated protein (SNAP-25)] co-existing with GFAP immunoreactivity. Moreover, GFAP or VAMP-2 co-expressed with the vesicular glutamate transporter type 1. Consistent with ultrastructural analysis, several approximately 30-nm non-clustered vesicles were present in the gliosome cytoplasm. It is concluded that gliosomes purified from adult brain contain glutamate-accumulating vesicles and can release the amino acid by a process resembling neuronal exocytosis.  相似文献   

The vesicular soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin‐insensitive vesicle‐associated membrane protein (TI‐VAMP/VAMP7) was previously shown to mediate an exocytic pathway involved in neurite growth, but its regulation is still largely unknown. Here we show that TI‐VAMP interacts with the Vps9 domain and ankyrin‐repeat‐containing protein (Varp), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of the small GTPase Rab21, through a specific domain herein called the interacting domain (ID). Varp, TI‐VAMP and Rab21 co‐localize in the perinuclear region of differentiating hippocampal neurons and transiently in transport vesicles in the shaft of neurites. Silencing the expression of Varp by RNA interference or expressing ID or a form of Varp deprived of its Vps9 domain impairs neurite growth. Furthermore, the mutant form of Rab21, defective in GTP hydrolysis, enhances neurite growth. We conclude that Varp is a positive regulator of neurite growth through both its GEF activity and its interaction with TI‐VAMP.  相似文献   

Exogenous antigenic peptides captured and presented in the context of major histocompatibility (MHC) class II molecules on APC, have been employed as potent vaccine reagents capable of activating cellular immune responses. Binding and presentation of select peptide via surface class II molecules has been reported. Here, a role for endocytosis and early endosomes in the presentation of exogenous peptides via MHC class II molecules is described. T cell recognition of a 14 amino acid human serum albumin-derived peptide in the context of HLA-DR4 was observed only with metabolically active APC. The delayed kinetics and temperature dependence of functional peptide presentation via APC, were consistent with a requirement for peptide internalization to early endosomal compartments prior to T cell recognition. Ablating endocytosis by exposing cells to inhibitors of ATP production completely blocked the display of functional peptide:class II complexes on the surface of the APC. Presentation of the peptide was also found to be sensitive to primaquine, a drug that perturbs the recycling of transport vesicles containing endocytic receptors and mature class II complexes. Functional presentation of the endocytosed peptide was dependent upon these mature class II complexes, as inhibitor studies ruled out a requirement for newly synthesized class II molecules. N-terminal processing of the endocytosed peptide was observed upon trafficking through endosomal compartments and linked to the formation of functional peptide:class II complexes. These findings establish a novel mechanism for regulating class II-restricted peptide presentation via the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying early/recycling endosomes-to-TGN transport are still not understood. We identified interactions between the TGN-localized putative t-SNAREs syntaxin 6, syntaxin 16, and Vti1a, and two early/recycling endosomal v-SNAREs, VAMP3/cellubrevin, and VAMP4. Using a novel permeabilized cell system, these proteins were functionally implicated in the post-Golgi retrograde transport step. The function of Rab6a' was also required, whereas its closely related isoform, Rab6a, has previously been implicated in Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum transport. Thus, our study shows that membrane exchange between the early endocytic and the biosynthetic/secretory pathways involves specific components of the Rab and SNARE machinery, and suggests that retrograde transport between early/recycling endosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum is critically dependent on the sequential action of two members of the Rab6 subfamily.  相似文献   

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