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The presence of divalent (Mg2+) ions greatly reduced the lysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain G48 in a system at pH 7·8 or 9·0 consisting of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), lysozyme and tris. Similar reductions in lysis occurred when EDTA was replaced by nitrilotriacetic acid, sodium citrate or sodium polyphosphate. The effect depended on the cation concentration. Mg2+ may replace cations removed from the outer membrane, or may effectively remove the permeabilizer from the system. The results suggest that the permeabilizing activity associated with these agents against this organism has a common basis in affecting the outer membrane.  相似文献   

OXA-14 enzyme, a class D beta-lactamase, gave biphasic kinetics with all penicillin and cephalosporin substrates tested, such that the catalytic rate declined more swiftly than was explicable by substrate depletion. This biphasic behaviour was independent of temperature or extraneous protein but was lost if the enzyme was diluted to occupy almost the total assay volume before addition of a small amount of concentrated substrate. The presence of substrate could partially protect the enzyme against conversion to the less active form, with protection greatest at substrate concentration above the K(m). These observations are compatible with the hypothesis that the biphasic kinetics depended on the enzyme existing as a highly active dimer at high concentration and as a less active monomer at low concentration. Direct evidence supporting this hypothesis came from the observation that gel exclusion chromatography indicated a higher molecular weight for concentrated enzyme than for dilute. Biphasic kinetics are not so universal for different substrates amongst beta-lactamases (OXA-10, -11, -13, -16 and -17) that differ from OXA-14 by only one to two amino acid substitutions. It may be that the monomer:dimer equilibrium is more rapidly achieved with these enzymes than with OXA-14, or that the kinetic properties of the dimers and monomers of these enzymes are similar, masking any biphasic trait.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: beta-lactam antibiotic therapies are commonly challenged by the hydrolytic activities of beta-lactamases in bacteria. These enzymes have been grouped into four classes: A, B, C, and D. Class B beta-lactamases are zinc dependent, and enzymes of classes A, C, and D are transiently acylated on a serine residue in the course of the turnover chemistry. While class A and C beta-lactamases have been extensively characterized by biochemical and structural methods, class D enzymes remain the least studied despite their increasing importance in the clinic. RESULTS: The crystal structure of the OXA10 class D beta-lactamase has been solved to 1.66 A resolution from a gold derivative and MAD phasing. This structure reveals that beta-lactamases from classes D and A, despite very poor sequence similarity, share a similar overall fold. An additional beta strand in OXA10 mediates the association into dimers characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation. Major differences are found when comparing the molecular details of the active site of this class D enzyme to the corresponding regions in class A and C beta-lactamases. In the native structure of the OXA10 enzyme solved to 1.8 A, Lys-70 is carbamylated. CONCLUSIONS: Several features were revealed by this study: the dimeric structure of the OXA10 beta-lactamase, an extension of the substrate binding site which suggests that class D enzymes may bind other substrates beside beta-lactams, and carbamylation of the active site Lys-70 residue. The CO2-dependent activity of the OXA10 enzyme and the kinetic properties of the natural OXA17 mutant protein suggest possible relationships between carbamylation, inhibition of the enzyme by anions, and biphasic behavior of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the class D beta-lactamase OXA-10   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report the crystal structure of a class D beta-lactamase, the broad spectrum enzyme OXA-10 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 2.0 A resolution. There are significant differences between the overall fold observed in this structure and those of the evolutionarily related class A and class C beta-lactamases. Furthermore, the structure suggests the unique, cation mediated formation of a homodimer. Kinetic and hydrodynamic data shows that the dimer is a relevant species in solution and is the more active form of the enzyme. Comparison of the molecular details of the active sites of the class A and class C enzymes with the OXA-10 structure reveals that there is no counterpart in OXA-10 to the residues proposed to act as general bases in either of these enzymes (Glu 166 and Tyr 150, respectively). Our structures of the native and chloride inhibited forms of OXA-10 suggest that the class D enzymes have evolved a distinct catalytic mechanism for beta-lactam hydrolysis. Clinical variants of OXA-10 are also discussed in light of the structure.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of the Escherichia coli OXA-1 beta-lactamase has been established at 1.5-A resolution and refined to R = 0.18. The 28.2-kD oxacillinase is a class D serine beta-lactamase that is especially active against the penicillin-type beta-lactams oxacillin and cloxacillin. In contrast to the structures of OXA-2, OXA-10, and OXA-13 belonging to other subclasses, the OXA-1 molecule is monomeric rather than dimeric and represents the subclass characterized by an enlarged Omega loop near the beta-lactam binding site. The 6-residue hydrophilic insertion in this loop cannot interact directly with substrates and, instead, projects into solvent. In this structure at pH 7.5, carboxylation of the conserved Lys 70 in the catalytic site is observed. One oxygen atom of the carboxylate group is hydrogen bonded to Ser 120 and Trp 160. The other oxygen atom is more exposed and hydrogen bonded to the Ogamma of the reactive Ser 67. In the overlay of the class D and class A binding sites, the carboxylate group is displaced ca. 2.6 A from the carboxylate group of Glu 166 of class A enzymes. However, each group is equidistant from the site of the water molecule expected to function in hydrolysis, and which could be activated by the carboxylate group of Lys 70. In this ligand-free OXA-1 structure, no water molecule is seen in this site, so the water molecule must enter after formation of the acyl-Ser 67 intermediate.  相似文献   

In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the effect of different cations on the acid phosphatase activity was studied in order to acquire more information related to a previously proposed mechanism, involving the coordinated action of this enzyme with phospholipase C. Although the natural substrate of this enzyme is phosphorylcholine, in order to avoid the possible interaction of its positive charge and those of the different cations with the enzyme molecule, the artificial substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate was utilized. Kinetic studies of the activation of acid phosphatase (phosphorylcholine phosphatase) mediated by divalent cations Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ revealed that all these ions bind to the enzyme in a compulsory order (ordered bireactant system). The Km values obtained for p-NPP in the presence of Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ were 1.4 mM, 1.0 mM and 3.5 mM, respectively. The KA values for the same ions were 1.25 mM, 0.05 mM and 0.03 mM, respectively. The Vmax obtained in the presence of Cu2+ was about twofold higher than that obtained in the presence of Mg2+ or Zn2+. The inhibition observed with Al3+ seems to be a multi-site inhibition. The K'app and n values, from the Hill plot, were about 0.25 mM and 4.0 mM, respectively, which were independent of the metal ion utilized as activator. It is proposed that the acid phosphatase may exert its action under physiological conditions, depending on the availability of either one of these metal ions.  相似文献   

The fluorescence and phosphorescence properties of various divalent metal cations and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dissolved in 1:1 volume by volume of ethylene glycol and water at 77 K have been studied. The present results indicate that Co2+, Ni2+ and Mn2+ quench the phosphorescence of ATP, whereas the fluorescence and the phosphorescence decays are not or only slightly affected. On the other hand, Ca2+ and Mg2+ have no remarkable effect upon the fluorescence and phosphorescence properties.  相似文献   

In the absence of added Mg2+, alkylsulfatase induction in resting cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was inhibited 17% by exogenous 0.05 mM UTP. Under these conditions, the cells converted UTP to ATP and rapid degradation of these nucleotides did not occur. In the presence of 0.73 mM Mg2+, 0.05 mM UTP repressed the synthesis of the enzyme by 71%. Under these conditions, the cells rapidly degraded both ATP derived from UTP as well as residual UTP. In the presence of Mg2+ and 0.1 mM UTP, full repression of alkylsulfatase formation occurred whereas Mg2+-depleted cell suspensions were still capable of synthesizing 47% of the enzyme under these conditions compared with control levels. The inhibition of alkylsulfatase induction was highly specific for UTP. Some inhibition was observed with exogenous uracil, uridine, and pyrophosophate but only at concentrations greater than 1.0 mM. Exogenous UMP and UDP (2mM) had no effect.  相似文献   

An acyl-enzyme was isolated from certain chromosomal beta-lactamases and a penicillin. The penicillin was cloxacillin which, although it is a substrate for these enzymes, has such a low kcat. that it functions as an inhibitor. The enzymes were from the mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 18 S that produces the beta-lactamase constitutively [Flett, Curtis & Richmond (1976) J. Bacteriol. 127, 1585-1586; Berks, Redhead & Abraham (1982) J. Gen. Microbiol., in the press] and from Escherichia coli K-12 (the ampC beta-lactamase) [Boman, Nordström & Normak (1974) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 235, 569-586]. The acyl-enzymes have been degraded to determine the residue labelled, and the sequence around it. The residue labelled is serine. The sequences around the labelled serine in these two beta-lactamases are exceedingly similar. However, the sequences are quite different from those around the active site serine in the beta-lactamases previously studied. There is thus more than one class of serine beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

Cytosolic sulfotransferases (STs), traditionally viewed as Phase II drug-metabolizing or detoxifying enzymes, are increasingly being implicated in the metabolism of endogenous biologically-active molecules. Except for studies on changes in their levels of expression and activity in the early stage of development in mammals, very little is known about how these enzymes are regulated. In this study, the regulatory effects of divalent metal cations on the activity of human cytosolic STs were quantitatively evaluated. Results obtained indicate that all nine human cytosolic STs examined are partially or completely inhibited/stimulated by the ten divalent metal cations tested at 10 mM concentration. Compared with the other metal cations, the inhibitory or stimulatory effect of Mg2+ and Ca2+ on the activities of the human cytosolic STs appeared to be relatively smaller. Concentration-dependent effects of the divalent metal cations were further examined. The IC50 or EC50 values determined for different divalent metal cations were mostly above their normal physiological concentration ranges. In a few cases, however, IC50 values close to the physiological concentrations of certain divalent metal cations were observed. Using the monoamine (M)-form phenol ST (PST) as a model, it was demonstrated that the K(m) for dopamine changed only slightly with increasing concentrations of Cd2+, whereas the V(max) was dramatically decreased.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 biofilm and planktonic cell susceptibility to metal cations. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) required to eradicate 100% of the planktonic population (MBC 100), and the minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) were determined using the MBEC trade mark-high throughput assay. Six metals - Co(2+), Ni(2+), Cu(2+), Zn(2+), Al(3+) and Pb(2+)- were each tested at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 27 h of exposure to biofilm and planktonic cultures grown in rich or minimal media. With 2 or 4 h of exposure, biofilms were approximately 2-25 times more tolerant to killing by metal cations than the corresponding planktonic cultures. However, by 27 h of exposure, biofilm and planktonic bacteria were eradicated at approximately the same concentration in every instance. Viable cell counts evaluated at 2 and 27 h of exposure revealed that at high concentrations, most of the metals assayed had killed greater than 99.9% of biofilm and planktonic cell populations. The surviving cells were propogated in vitro and gave rise to biofilm and planktonic cultures with normal sensitivity to metals. Further, retention of copper by the biofilm matrix was investigated using the chelator sodium diethlydithiocarbamate. Formation of visible brown metal-chelates in biofilms treated with Cu(2+) suggests that the biofilm matrix may coordinate and sequester metal cations from the aqueous surroundings. Overall, our data suggest that both metal sequestration in the biofilm matrix and the presence of a small population of 'persister' cells may be contributing factors in the time-dependent tolerance of both planktonic cells and biofilms to high concentrations of metal cations.  相似文献   

Isolation of DL-fucosamine from Pseudomonas aeruginosa N10   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic human pathogen that produces and secretes exopolysaccharides (EPS), in which cells are embedded to form a highly organized community structure called biofilm. Here, we characterized the role of cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) and EPS (PEL) overproduction in the wspF mutant phenotypes of P. aeruginosa PA14 (wrinkly appearance, hyperadherence, impaired motilities, and reduced virulence in acute infections). We confirmed that the elevated c-di-GMP level plays a key role in all the wspF mutant phenotypes listed above, as assessed by ectopic expression of a c-di-GMP-degrading phophodiesterase (PvrR) in the wspF mutant. In contrast, PEL EPS, which is overproduced in the wspF mutant, was necessary for wrinkly appearance and hyperadherence, but not for the impaired flagellar motilities and the attenuated virulence of the wspF mutant. These results suggest that cdi- GMP affects flagellar motility and virulence, independently of EPS production and surface adherence of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Daptomycin, a cyclic anionic lipopeptide antibiotic, whose three-dimensional structure was recently solved using solution state NMR (Ball et al. 2004; Jung et al. 2004; Rotondi and Gierasch 2005), requires calcium for function. To date, the exact nature of the interaction between divalent cations, such as Ca2+ or Mg2+, has not been fully characterized. It has, however, been suggested that addition of Ca2+ to daptomycin in a 1:1 molar ratio induces aggregation. Moreover, it has been suggested that certain residues, e.g. Asp3 and Asp7, which are essential for activity (Grunewald et al. 2004; Kopp et al. 2006), may also be important for Ca2+ binding (Jung et al. 2004). In this work, we have tried: (1) to further pinpoint how Ca2+ affects daptomycin structure/oligomerization using analytical ultracentrifugation; and (2) to determine whether a specific calcium binding site exists, based on one-dimensional 13C NMR spectra and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The centrifugation results indicated that daptomycin formed micelles of between 14 and 16 monomers in the presence of a 1:1 molar ratio of Ca2+ and daptomycin. The 13C NMR data indicated that addition of calcium had a significant effect on the Trp1 and Kyn13 residues, indicating that either calcium binds in this region or that these residues may be important for oligomerization. Finally, the molecular dynamics simulation results indicated that the conformational change of daptomycin upon calcium binding might not be as significant as originally proposed. Similar studies on the divalent cation Mg2+ are also presented. The implication of these results for the biological function of daptomycin is discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains Supplemental Material, which is available to authorized users. Steven W. Ho and David Jung have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (GRC1) isolated from potato rhizosphere, grew better on succinate medium than tryptic soy medium and produced hydroxamate type of siderophore in iron-deficient succinate medium. When the strain GRC1 was grown in the presence of different metal ion compounds, viz. ZnSO4, MnSO4, MnCl2 and FeCl3 at 6 and 12 microM concentrations individually, ZnSO4 (12 microM) promoted siderophore production but suppressed the growth and protein content of test organism. MnCl2 and FeCl3 (12 microM) enhanced the growth, whereas MnCl2 and MnSO4 (12 microM) induced protein contents of strain GRC1.  相似文献   

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