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Release of free F1 histone during nuclease digestion of rat liver chromatin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C B Chae 《Biochemistry》1974,13(6):1110-1115

The role of histone H1 in the actual interactions bringing about chromatin folding is investigated by studying the reversibility of its dissociation. H1 was dissociated by increase of the NaCl concentration and reassociated by dialysis, without removal from the dialysis bag. To scrutinize the fidelity of this stoichiometric form of chromatin reconstitution, we use circular dichroism, nuclease digestion, thermal denaturation and the sensitive electric birefringence method. No alteration of the repeat length and no nucleosomal sliding are observed upon the reassociation procedure. However, under all the different conditions investigated, the original value of the positive electric birefringence is never recovered, indicating an irreversible change of structure. CD and melting profiles confirm that DNA-protein interactions are modified, and orientational relaxation time measurements indicate that these structural perturbations affect the salt-induced transition of polynucleosomal fibers. The striking conclusion of these studies is that variations of ionic concentration are sufficient to induce irreversible structural alterations affecting the higher-order folding of chromatin. It is of interest that the only sample which exhibits behavior upon reassociation comparable to that of native chromatin is the one which experienced the fastest salt transitions. We suggest that these conformational changes arise from the unbinding to DNA of certain basic tails of histone(s), and that a competition for DNA binding locations exists upon the reassociation. These results are then additional arguments (Mazen, A., Hacques, M.F. and Marion, C.,J. Mol. Biol. 194, 741-745 (1987)), to suggest that dissociation of H1 might modify a direct interaction between basic tails of core histones and H1.  相似文献   

Chromatin in isolated rat liver nuclei was compared with chromatin in (i) nuclei depleted of H1 by acid extraction; (ii) nuclei treated at pH 3.2 (without removal of H1), and (iii) depleted nuclei following reassociation of H1. Electron microscopy and digestion by DNase I, micrococcal nuclease and endogenous Ca/Mg endonuclease were used for this comparative examination. Electron micrographs of H1-depleted nuclei showed a dispersed and finely granular appearance. The rate of DNA cleavage by micrococcal nuclease or DNase I was increased several-fold after H1 removal. Discretely sized intermediate particles produced by Ca/Mg endonuclease in native nuclei were not observed in digests of depleted nuclei. Digestion by micrococcal nuclease to chromatin particles soluble in 60 mM NaCl buffer appeared not to be affected in depleted nuclei. When nuclei were treated at pH 3.2, neither the appearance of chromatin in electron micrographs nor the mode or rate of nuclease digestion changed appreciably. Following reassociation of H1 to depleted nuclei, electron micrographs demonstrated the reformation of compacted chromatin, but the lower rate of DNA cleavage in native nuclei was not restored. Further, H1 reassociation produced a significant decrease in the solubility of nuclear chromatin cleaved by micrococcal nuclease or Ca/Mg endonuclease. In order to evaluate critically the reconstitution of native chromatin from H1-depleted chromatin we propose the use of digestion by a variety of nucleases in addition to an electron microscopic examination.  相似文献   

E Albi  M V Magni 《FEBS letters》1999,460(2):369-372
The presence of phospholipids in chromatin has been demonstrated, as well as the difference in composition and turnover compared to those present in the nuclear membrane. Recently, some enzymes were also evidenced in chromatin: the base exchange protein complex and neutral sphingomyelinase. The latter has a particular relevance, since sphingomyelin is one of the phospholipids more represented in chromatin. We therefore decided to study the synthesis of sphingomyelin in chromatin and in nuclear membrane isolated from liver nuclei. The evaluation of the enzyme was made (i) using [(3)H]phosphatidylcholine as donor of radioactive phosphorylcholine and (ii) by identifying the product isolated by thin layer chromatography. In both fractions the enzyme phosphatidylcholine:ceramide phosphocholine transferase or sphingomyelin synthase was present, although with higher activity in nuclear membrane. The enzyme present in the chromatin differs in pH optimum and K(m), showing a higher affinity for the substrates than that of nuclear membrane. The results presented show that sphingomyelin synthase is present not only in the cytoplasm at the level of the Golgi apparatus, but also in the nuclei, at the level of either the nuclear membrane or the chromatin.  相似文献   

N-Pyrenemaleimide, a fluorescent probe that specifically labels histone H3 of rat liver chromatin in situ, was used to monitor the accessibility of histone H3 in chromatin isolated from rat liver at different times during degeneration. At times of maximum DNA synthesis (18--24 h after hepatectomy), the accessibility of the probe was found to be markedly (40--50%) increased. This increase is abolished, however, by treatment of the chromatin fibres with high salt (2 M-NaCl) or detergent. Tryptophan fluorescence was also enhanced at points of maximum DNA synthesis, suggesting that some non-histone tryptophan-containing protein was being synthesized. The polarization of the labelled histone H3 is not markedly altered, suggesting that fibre aggregation or dissociation does not occur. Mononucleosomes extracted from sham-operated and hepatectomized animals did not exhibit any difference in binding to the probe. Also, analysis of the chromatin protein by electrophoresis on detergent- and acid/urea/ Triton-X-100-containing polyacrylamide gels showed no detectable difference in histone H3 : 1, H3 : 2 or H3 : 3 subclasses.  相似文献   

The dissociation curves of histone H1 from chromatin in interphase and metaphase nuclei from Physarum polycephalum have been determined using CaCl2 as dissociating agent. H1 is less strongly bound to metaphase chromosomes than to interphase chromatin. However, no differences could be detected in the binding of Hl to early S, late S or G2 phase chromatin. The number of CaCl2 molecules involved in binding one H1 molecule to chromatin was reduced from 5 in interphase to 4 in metaphase. The non-electrostatic contribution to the free-energy of binding was small in both cases. A comparison of the binding properties of H1 to sheared chromatin, native chromatin and metaphase chromosomes suggests that the electrostatic binding functions of H1 are completely satisfied within the nucleosome and that further electrostatic interactions are not involved in folding the nucleosomal fibre into the 300 A "solenoid" or the more tightly folded metaphase chromosome.  相似文献   

S L Biroc  R H Reeder 《Biochemistry》1976,15(7):1440-1448
The reaction of calf thymus and Xenopus laevis histones with radioactive iodine has been studied under various conditions that affect chromatin structure. All histones from both species contain at least one tyrosine residue and, in a denaturing solvent, all the the histones react with iodine. Histone F2a1 has been studied in detail. Calf thymus F2a1 is known to contain four tyrosyls and all four react with iodine. In high voltage paper electrophoresis, the tyrosine-containing peptides from calf co-migrate with those from Xenopus F2a1, suggesting that the amino acid sequence is strongly conserved between these two species. Therefore, the published calf thymus F2a1 sequence has been used to order the Xenopus F2a1 peptides within the molecules. When gently isolated native chromatin is iodinated in a low ionic strength medium 60% of the radioactivity in F2a1 is in tyrosyl 88, 30% in tyrosyl 51, and tyrosyl 72 and 98 have almost no radioactivity. Reagents which remove the protein from the DNA (2 M NaCl) or partially disrupt protein tertiary structure (5 M urea) increase the reactivity of each of the four tyrosyls five- to tenfold, suggesting that all four are protected about equally by the overall folding of the chromatin. Isolated F2a1 iodinated in the presence of 10 M urea shows uniform labeling in each of the four peptides, suggesting that tyrosyl 72 and 98 are afforded some protection solely by protein-protein interactions. The stepwise removal of histones in increasing NaCl concentrations differentially increases the availability of each F2a1 tyrosyl. The preferential exposure of tyrosyl 88 coincides with the removal of the majority of F1 histones at 0.5 M NaCl while the gradual and stepwise increase in reactivity of tyrosyl 51, 72, and 98 correlates with the gradual removal of histones other than F1. Radioactive iodination of chromatin has been shown to be a sensitive probe for detecting changes in the association state (or conformation) of histone F2a1.  相似文献   

A study has been made of histone and non-histone proteins of the peripheral chromatin fraction linked to the nuclear envelope. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide-SDS gels has shown that this chromatin fraction, although not differing from the bulk chromatin in the content and composition of octameric histones as well as in the nucleosome conformation, lacks the H1 histone. It also contains some non-histone proteins and presents a special kind of linkage with the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated that neuronal nuclei of rabbit, mouse and rat cerebral hemispheres exhibit a short DNA repeat length of 160 bp compared to the more typical repeat size of 200 bp found in glial nuclei and other cell types of higher eukaryotes. In this study we report that the conversion of chromatin to a short DNA repeat length in rat cerebral hemisphere neurons is a gradual process which begins between the first and second day after birth and is complete by 8 days. In these neurons, histone H1 appears to be less accessible to degradation by trypsin in the newborn rat brain compared to the 8 day old rat. This suggests that the developmental shift to a short DNA repeat length may be accompanied by a dispersal or decondensation of neuronal chromatin which results in an increased accessibility of neuronal histone H1 to degradation by trypsin. The increase in nuclear DNA content to 3.5C which has been reported in rat cortical neurons during early postnatal development does not appear to be associated with a selective amplification of a subset of DNA sequences as determined by DNA reassociation kinetics.  相似文献   

Physiochemical changes in the state of chromatin shortly following glucocorticoid stimulation of target cells are predicted by the proposed mechanism of steroid action. These changes had not been previously demonstrated in situ. The present experiments demonstrate that in the intact rat, or in one which has been adrenalectomized but given a moderate dose of dexamethasone, the thermal stability of liver cell chromatin is significantly reduced over the level observed in the adrenalectomized untreated animal. This alteration was rated by measuring nuclear acridine orange metachromasia following chromatin denaturation. These data also show an enhanced binding of the dye by the liver cell nuclei under the same conditions. Feulgen dye binding was also found to be enhanced by dexamethasone stimulation but to a level indicative of configurational changes in the chromatin rather than an increase in the amount of DNA in the cells.  相似文献   

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