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A multi-enzyme distribution of endo-β-1,4-glucanase activity was found in the digestive system of a worker caste of the lower termite Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki) by zymogram analysis. Its distribution analysis demonstrated that about 80% of this activity was localized in salivary glands from where only one component (EG-E) was secreted into the digestive tract.

EG-E was isolated by a combination of chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques. Its molecular mass, optimal pH and temperature, isoelectric point, and K m were 48 kDa, 6.0, 50°C, 4.2, and 3.8 (mg/ml on carboxymethylcellulose), respectively. EG-E hydrolyzed cellooligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization of 4 and larger, and had low activity on crystalline cellulose. Main reaction products from low molecular weight cellulose were cellobiose and cellotriose. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of EG-E has similarity with fungal endo-β-1,4-glucanases and cellobiohydrolases of the glycosyl hydrolase family 7 rather than the other insect endo-β-1,4-glucanases of family 9.  相似文献   

M. G. Powell  R. B. Deber 《CMAJ》1982,127(6):493-495
The issue of pregnancy among adolescent women has received considerable attention from the media. Contrary to common belief, both the numbers and the rates of such pregnancies, even when data on abortion are included, have been declining. Patterns of contraception may account for some of the decrease; however, more study is required. In the past, unmarried teenagers who became pregnant either got married or put the baby up for adoption. Now they can either have an abortion or keep the baby. Solutions to the problems of pregnancy among teenagers must therefore be addressed to these altered social consequences rather than to misleading comments about "epidemics", with their suggestion of increased rates of pregnancy.  相似文献   

  • 1 The seed-harvesting ant Messor (Veromessor) prrgandei (Mayr) is a common inhabitant of southwestern deserts of the U.S.A. Foragers vary in size from less than 1 mg to more than 10 mg in body mass and may travel over 80 m on a single foraging trip. Their small size, long foraging range, and hot, arid habitat suggest that water stress may limit foraging activity. We examined intercolony and interindividual variation in water loss of M.pergandei foragers under several different situations in the field.
  • 2 Colonies differed significantly in minimum critical water content (Wc) of individual foragers (water content below which foragers are incapable of normal locomotion). In one colony small workers had disproportionately higher Wc than larger workers; in the other colony Wc was isometric with body size.
  • 3 Groups of workers confined in the field approached Wc only after normal foraging stopped and substrate temperatures exceeded 45°C, while water content of individual foragers did not approach the Wc during normal foraging periods. Moreover, seed load and distance travelled did not negatively affect forager water content, as measured on return to the nest: indeed, our results suggest that forager hydration level may influence load selection and/or foraging distance. We conclude that, under normal circumstances, foraging in M.pergandei is not water-limited.

The anthropometric data of a longitudinal growth study on healthy infants, followed from birth until the age of 4 years and performed during 1995-1999 in The Netherlands, were used to analyze the general growth patterns in terms of height, weight and head circumference, based on z-scores, during the first 4 years of life. The well-known phenomenon where each infant or child tends to decelerate or accelerate its growth velocity depending on its starting position on the reference curve is obvious in this study too. This phenomenon, known as the regression to the mean, is a strong phenomenon especially during the first year. Regression to the mean is calculated for the different age groups as factor. With the given alpha, it is possible to estimate the individual expectation of growth.  相似文献   

The relationship between the number of immature individuals of Tetranychus urticae used to calculate life table parameters (sex ratio, development time, immature survival and the intrinsic rate of increase) and the accuracy of such determinations has been estimated. Additionally, the approach used in this paper, which considers each female offspring as a separate replicate, has allowed statistical comparison of the parameters obtained. At least the first four eggs from 16 females should be followed up to completion of their development to prevent the occurrence significant differences for the selected parameters. However, our results indicate that optimal sample sizes are different for the different life table parameters considered and should adapt to the preset level of accuracy.  相似文献   

Flower stalks of Pulsatilla cernua, an early spring herb in north temperate Asia, changed position from erect to pendulous and back to erect during 6-10 d anthesis. We tested three possible explanations for this movement. Our results showed that (1) this movement is unlikely to be a mechanism to attract pollinators or enhance pollen output, because no pollinator preference was observed between erect and pendulous flowers and we found no buzz-pollination in this species; (2) hand self-pollination yielded higher seed set than open pollination in the field, but spontaneous selfing rarely occurred. Among open-pollinated flowers, seed set was depressed by emasculation, indicating that in the presence of insects, self-pollen provided reproductive assurance in this protogynous and self-compatible species. However, the change in flower orientation cannot be explained as reproductive assurance in that even self-pollination largely depended on pollinator visits rather than gravity. (3) A pollen germination experiment indicated that pollen damage by water is serious in this species. We deduced that the bending of the flower stalk during anthesis was to avoid rain damage to pollen grains in this species. During the 3-6 d period of pollen presentation, the petals elongated and were covered with unwettable hairs. Together with flower stalk movement, this was enough to protect the organs inside the flower from rain. This movement of the flower stalk seems to be important to maintain pollen viability in a rainy habitat with a scarcity of pollinators.  相似文献   

The species–area relationship (SAR) is known to overestimate species extinction but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear to a great extent. Here, I show that when total species number in an area is unknown, the SAR model exaggerates the estimation of species extinction. It is proposed that to accurately estimate species extinction caused by habitat destruction, one of the principal prerequisites is to accurately total the species numbers presented in the whole study area. One can better evaluate and compare alternative theoretical SAR models on the accurate estimation of species loss only when the exact total species number for the whole area is clear. This presents an opportunity for ecologists to simulate more research on accurately estimating Whittaker’s gamma diversity for the purpose of better predicting species loss.  相似文献   

Adult females of Pyrrhocoris apterus, programmed for diapause by short-day (SD) photoperiod and those programmed for reproduction by long-day (LD) retain photoperiodic information in continuous darkness (DD) until death. However, if the interruption of SD by DD is made in the course of diapause programming in adults, then the incidence of diapause depends on the number of SD cycles received before DD, with no evidence that the photoperiodic clock is free-running at DD to complete diapause induction. These results indicate that the photoperiodic clock is stopped after transfer to DD and the information accumulated before transfer to DD is maintained. Diapause programming in the adult stage requires 9–10 SD cycles to induce diapause in 80% of individuals. However, if the diapause programming starts after ecdysis of LD-larvae to the last instar, only 3 SD cycles before transfer to DD are required for diapause in 80% of individuals. Surprisingly, if the newly ecdysed last instar LD-larvae, sensitive to photoperiod, are transferred to DD (thus they did not experience any SD), diapause occurs in 40% of the individuals. Thus, diapause ‘information’ is present in LD-larvae and is responsible for a lower number of SD required for diapause induction in the larval than in the adult stage.  相似文献   

Plant chemistry can strongly influence interactions between herbivores and their natural enemies, either by providing volatile compounds that serve as foraging cues for parasitoids or predators, or by affecting the quality of herbivores as hosts or prey. Through these effects plants may influence parasitoid population genetic structure. We tested for a possible specialization on specific crop plants in Chelonus insularis and Campoletis sonorensis, two primary parasitoids of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Throughout Mexico, S. frugiperda larvae were collected from their main host plants, maize and sorghum and parasitoids that emerged from the larvae were used for subsequent comparison by molecular analysis. Genetic variation at eight and 11 microsatellites were respectively assayed for C. insularis and C. sonorensis to examine isolation by distance, host plant and regional effects. Kinship analyses were also performed to assess female migration among host‐plants. The analyses showed considerable within population variation and revealed a significant regional effect. No effect of host plant on population structure of either of the two parasitoid species was found. Isolation by distance was observed at the individual level, but not at the population level. Kinship analyses revealed significantly more genetically related—or kin—individuals on the same plant species than on different plant species, suggesting that locally, mothers preferentially stay on the same plant species. Although the standard population genetics parameters showed no effect of plant species on population structure, the kinship analyses revealed that mothers exhibit plant species fidelity, which may speed up divergence if adaptation were to occur.  相似文献   

Fruit colour is essential to seed dispersal, speciation, and biological diversity in global ecosystems. The relationship between fruit-colour variation and species diversification has long been of interest in evolutionary biology, but remains poorly understood at the genus level. Here, we used Callicarpa, a typical representative of pantropical angiosperm, to analyse whether fruit colours are correlated with biogeographic distribution, dispersal events, and diversification rate. We estimated a time-calibrated phylogeny for Callicarpa and reconstructed ancestral fruit colour. Utilizing phylogenetic methods, we estimated the major dispersal events across the phylogenetic tree and the most likely fruit colours related to each dispersal event, and tested whether the dispersal frequencies and distances of the four fruit colours between major biogeographical areas were equal. We then tested whether fruit colours are correlated with latitude, elevation, and diversification rate. Biogeographical reconstructions showed that Callicarpa originated in the East Asia and Southeast Asia during the Eocene (∼35.53 Ma) and diverse species diverged mainly in the Miocene and lasted into the Pleistocene. Large-scale dispersal events were significantly associated with violet-fruited lineages. Furthermore, different fruit colours were markedly correlated with different latitudes and elevations (e.g., violet fruits were correlated with higher latitudes and elevations; red fruits and black fruits with lower latitudes; white fruits with higher elevations). Notably, violet fruits were statistically associated with highest diversification rates, driving fruit colour variation among different regions globally. Our results contribute to further understanding why fruit colour is so variable at the genus level of angiosperms in different areas around the world.  相似文献   

Florigen is a mobile signal released by the leaves that reaching the shoot apical meristem (SAM), changes its developmental program from vegetative to reproductive. The protein FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) constitutes an important element of the florigen, but other components such as sugars, have been also proposed to be part of this signal.1-5 We have studied the accumulation and composition of starch during the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana in order to understand the role of carbon mobilization in this process. In A. thaliana and Antirrhinum majus the gene coding for the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS) is regulated by the circadian clock6,7 while in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii the homolog gene CrGBSS is controlled by photoperiod and circadian signals.8,9 In a recent paper10 we described the role of the central photoperiodic factor CONSTANS (CO) in the regulation of GBSS expression in Arabidopsis. This regulation is in the basis of the change in the balance between starch and free sugars observed during the floral transition. We propose that this regulation may contribute to the florigenic signal and to the increase in sugar transport required during the flowering process.  相似文献   

  • 1 The same woodland rarely supports two different broods of 17-year cicadas, and never two that appear in successive years. Theoretically, this is because a build-up of predators, generated by the leading brood, would eliminate the lagging one, or because nymphs of the lagging brood would suffer a competitive disadvantage, or both.
  • 2 Nevertheless, substantial numbers of 17-year cicadas of all three species (Magicicada septendecim, M.cassini and M.septendecula) did appear in Grant County, Kentucky, in 1974 (Brood XIV, expected) and 1975 (not expected). This is interpreted to mean that many individuals delayed their emergence until the eighteenth year.
  • 3 Dissected eggnests show that the expected build-up of hymenopterous egg parasitoids failed to occur, although there may have been a build-up of dipteran parasitoids, which may leave no trace in the eggnest.
  • 4 Excavated young nymphs show that establishment rate was poorer in 1975 than in 1974, which is attributed to nymphal competition.
  • 5 Identification of eggnests from the two years shows that one of the species (M.septendecula, which is usually the rarest in mixed-species populations) is much more susceptible to delaying its development by a year than are the other two species.
  • 6 It is predicted that the 1975 emergence will produce no adult progeny, i.e. that there will be no emergence in 1992.
  • 7 The sporadic occurrence of this phenomenon, other factors being equal, would be sufficient to explain the comparative rarity of M. septendecula, or even its local extinction.
  • 8 Historical records from northern Illinois show frequent emergences one year behind schedule. These delayed individuals never produce progeny that survive to the next generation. M.septendecula is absent from northern Illinois and indeed absent from the northern areas of all periodical cicada broods in the northern part of the range.

  • 1.1. The length of the poly(A) tail at the 3'-end of mRNA may control protein synthesis by bringing the 3'-end in close proximity to the 5'-end of the noncoding region as well as increasing the duration of mRNA translation by its binding to the poly(A) binding protein.
  • 2.2. The rate-limiting step in the decay of the body of the message is the shortening of a long poly(A) tail during mRNA translation. The shortening of the poly(A) tail occurs during pre-elongation in the protein synthesis cycle.
  • 3.3. The shortening of the poly(A) tail during mRNA translation may not involve RNase activity, however poly(A) binding protein seems to play a role, at least in part, in shortening of the poly(A) tail.

The osteological development of elements forming the oral cavity was examined in early stage larvae of the grouper,Epinephelus coioides, from hatching to 242.5 hours after hatching. By the time of initial mouth opening, at 54 hours after hatching, the fundamental elements, composed of the trabecula, some components of the lower branchial and hyoid arches, the quadrate and symplectic-hyomandibular cartilages, maxilla and Meckel's cartilage, had appeared. No further elements were observed until 165 hours after initial mouth opening, except some components in the lower branchial arch and head region. The appearance of new elements and initial ossification of existing cartilage occurred thereafter, but all elements related to feeding either had not appeared or had not started ossifying until 188.5 hours after initial mouth opening. Based on the morphology and developmental modes of these elements, the feeding mode of grouper larvae was considered to be “sucking/grasping.” However, the appearance and ossification of elements occurred slowly, with no transitional phase from sucking to grasping modes of feeding being observed during the study; such delayed development of the feeding-related bony elements was considered to be a cause of the difficulty in rearing early stage grouper larvae.  相似文献   

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