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Individuals of many species cache food to gain direct benefits from consuming their own caches, but individuals of a few species also gain indirect benefits by sharing caches with kin. We investigated whether gray squirrels cache primarily to gain direct benefits or if they also gain indirect benefits by sharing caches with kin. If squirrels share caches with kin, then genetically related squirrels should live near one another and cache near one another to facilitate cache sharing. In contrast, if squirrels cache primarily for direct benefits, then they should clump their caches near the center of their ranges to facilitate cache defense. This study was conducted with 140 squirrels in a 10 ha forest. DNA was extracted from blood samples taken from squirrels, and genetic similarity scores from randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci were used to measure relatedness. Squirrels were given piles of pecans for caching at six sites and observed from a blind. We recorded the direction squirrels took nuts from piles and at one site determined the location of caches. For male–female comparisons, related squirrels lived significantly closer to one another than unrelated squirrels, but this was not the case for female–female and male–male comparisons. The genetic similarity of neighboring squirrels did not influence the location of caches or the direction that squirrels took nuts from piles. Squirrels clumped their own caches and moved nuts toward their own home range centers. These results suggest that gray squirrels cache primarily to gain direct benefits rather than indirect benefits.  相似文献   

1. The ecologically dominant leaf‐cutting ants exhibit one of the most complex forms of morphological caste‐based division of labour in order to efficiently conduct tasks, ranging from harvesting fresh leaf material to caring for the vulnerable fungal crop they farm as food. While much of their division of labour is well known, the role of the smallest workers on foraging trails is puzzling. Frequently these minim workers hitchhike on leaf fragments and it has been suggested that they may act to reduce the microbial contamination of leaf material before they enter the nest. Here we investigated this potentially important role of minims with field colonies of Atta colombica. 2. We experimentally increased the microbial load of leaf fragments and found that this resulted in minims hitchhiking on leaf fragments for longer. Furthermore, we show that leaves naturally have a significant microbial load and that the presence of hitchhikers reduces the microbial load of both experimentally manipulated and natural leaf fragments. 3. Intriguingly, the microbial load of leaves high in the canopy where ants were foraging was much lower than closer to the ground where the ants avoided cutting leaves. This suggests that the often perplexing foraging patterns of leaf‐cutting ants may in part be explained by the ants avoiding leaves that are more heavily contaminated with microbes. 4. The removal of microbial contaminants is therefore an important role of hitchhiking minim workers in natural colonies of Atta leaf‐cutting ants, although other tasks such as trail maintenance and defence also explain their occurrence on trails.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Atta sexdens changes diel periods of foraging, the size of its foraging territory, the numbers and lengths of foraging trails, and its rate of foraging with respect to seasonality in subtropical Paraguay. Leaf loads are significantly larger in warmer months than loads carried in cooler months.
2. Foragers segregate into three labour groups in the field: a small subset climb trees, cut large quantities of vegetation, and drop them to the ground; the second subset of foragers searches out these leaf caches, cut diem into smaller pieces, and carry and deposit the leaf fragments on the foraging trail; the third subset of workers retrieves leaf fragments on the trail and carry them to the nest.
3. Pitfall trapping shows a large degree of patchiness in activity, with media workers dominating the foraging population, more so closer to vegetation which is being harvested.
4. The recovery efficiency of the multi-staged foraging behaviour is estimated to be only 49%, with the recovery of leaf caches near 50%. The impact of A. sexdens may, thus, be twice as great as previous estimates on their herbivory.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies use interactions among workers to regulate collective behavior. Harvester ant foragers interact in a chamber just inside the nest entrance, here called the ''entrance chamber''. Previous studies of the activation of foragers in red harvester ants show that an outgoing forager inside the nest experiences an increase in brief antennal contacts before it leaves the nest to forage. Here we compare the interaction rate experienced by foragers that left the nest and ants that did not. We found that ants in the entrance chamber that leave the nest to forage experienced more interactions than ants that descend to the deeper nest without foraging. Additionally, we found that the availability of foragers in the entrance chamber is associated with the rate of forager return. An increase in the rate of forager return leads to an increase in the rate at which ants descend to the deeper nest, which then stimulates more ants to ascend into the entrance chamber. Thus a higher rate of forager return leads to more available foragers in the entrance chamber. The highest density of interactions occurs near the nest entrance and the entrances of the tunnels from the entrance chamber to the deeper nest. Local interactions with returning foragers regulate both the activation of waiting foragers and the number of foragers available to be activated.  相似文献   

Clark's nutcrackers ( Nucifraga columbiana ) hide thousands of seeds in subterranean caches that they later recover using spatial information about cache location. In two experiments, we tested whether nutcrackers also remember another type of information regarding their caches – the size of the seeds in each cache. We videotaped birds during cache recovery and then measured their bill gape during probing behaviour as captured on the videotape. In experiment one, six birds each experienced two treatments: one that allowed them to cache and then recover large seeds, and the other, an identical treatment using small seeds. During this experiment, all six birds used a wider gape when attempting to recover seeds during the large-seed treatment than during the small-seed treatment, and gape width was significantly correlated with seed size. During experiment two, we presented birds with both large and small seeds within the same caching session. We also increased the retention interval between caching and recovery. These modifications increased the difficulty of the task. Six of the seven birds used a wider gape during seed recovery when digging for caches that contained large seeds than they did when searching for small seeds. The ability to remember the size of seeds placed within caches may serve to increase the likelihood of speedy and successful recovery. It also allows the birds another level of organization of their food supply. These are the first experiments to suggest that Clark's nutcrackers remember more about their caches than location alone.  相似文献   

The survival of small birds in winter is critically dependenton the birds' ability to accumulate and maintain safe levelsof energy reserves. In some species, food caching facilitatesenergy regulation by providing an energy source complementaryto body fat. We present a dynamic optimization model of short-term,diurnal energy management for both food-caching and non-caching birds in which only short-day, winter conditions are considered.We assumed that birds can either rest, forage and eat, forageand cache, or retrieve existing caches (the two latter optionsare available only to caching birds). The model predicted thatwhen there is variability in foraging success (here modeledstrictly as within-day variability), both caching and non-caching birds should increase their fat reserves almost linearly inthe morning slowing down toward late afternoon, a result consistentwith field data but different than the result of a previousdynamic program. Non-cachers were predicted to carry higherfat levels than cachers especially when the variability inforaging success is high. Probability of death for non-caching birds was predicted to be higher than that for cachers, especiallyat higher levels of variability in foraging success. Amongcaching birds, an increase in number of caches and fat reserveswas also predicted if: (1) mean foraging success was decreased,(2) variability in foraging success was increased, and (3)energy expenditure at night was increased over our baselineconditions. Under the conditions simulated in our model, birdswere predicted to cache only if cache half-life (i.e., timeinterval over which 50% of the caches are forgotten or lostto pilferage) exceeded 2.5 days, indicating that low pilferagerate and long memory favor more caching. Finally, we showedthat such daily patterns of energy management do not necessarilyrequire relaxing assumptions about mass-dependent predationrisk.  相似文献   

Summary Most studies on leaf-cutting ant foraging examined forest species that harvest dicot leaves. We investigated division of labor and task partitioning during foraging in the grass-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri. Workers of this species harvest grass fragments and transport them to the nest for distances up to 150 m along well-established trunk trails. We recorded the behavior of foraging ants while cutting and monitored the transport of individually-marked fragments from the cutting site until they reached the nest. A. vollenweideri foragers showed division of labor between cutting and carrying, with larger workers cutting the fragments, and smaller ones transporting them. This division was less marked when plants were located very close to the nest and no physical trail was present, i.e., the cutter often transported its own fragment back to the nest. On long foraging trails, the transport of fragments was a partitioned task, i.e., workers formed transport chains composed of 2 to 5 carriers. This sequential load transport occurred more often on long than on short trails. The first carriers in a transport chain covered only short distances before dropping their fragments, and they were observed to turn back and revisit the patch. The last carriers covered the longest distance. The probability of dropping the carried fragment on the trail was independent of both worker and fragment size, and there was no particular location on the trail for dropping, i.e., fragments were not cached. Transport time of fragments transported by a chain was longer than for those transported by single workers all the way to the nest, i.e., sequential transport did not save foraging time. Two hypotheses concerning the possible adaptive value of transport chains are discussed. The first one argues that sequential transport may lead to an increased material transport rate compared to individual transport. The second one considers sequential transport as a way to enhance the information flow among foragers, thus leading to a quicker build-up of workers at particular harvesting places. It is suggested that rather than increasing the gross transport rate of material, transport via chains may favor the transfer of information about the kind of resource being actually harvested.Received 19 December 2002; revised 14 March 2003; accepted 19 March 2003  相似文献   

Western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) hide food and rely on spatial memory to recover their caches at a later date. They also rely on observational spatial memory to steal caches made by other individuals. Successful pilfering may require an understanding of allocentric space because the observer will often be in a different position from the demonstrator when the caching event occurs. We compared cache recovery accuracy of pairs of observers that watched a demonstrator cache food. The pattern of recovery searches showed that observers were more accurate when they had observed the caching event from the same viewing direction as the demonstrator than when they had watched from the opposite direction. Search accuracy was not affected by whether or not the tray-specific local cues provided left–right landmark information (i.e. heterogeneous vs. homogeneous local cues), or whether or not the caching tray location was rotated. Taken together, these results suggest that observers have excellent spatial memory and that they have little difficulty with mental rotation.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that slope influences where worker ants deposit excavated soil on piles near the nest entrance. We predicted that ants will deposit their load near the top of a pile where the slope changes from upward to downward, to prevent material rolling back towards the entrance. We tested this hypothesis by studying five natural colonies of Pheidole oxyops ants at a field site at S?o Sim?o, Brazil. At this site, each colony was dumping sandy soil excavated from its underground nest in a crescent-shaped pile c. 13 cm from and perpendicular to the nest entrance. Each nest was given an experimental sand pile of symmetrical curved cross section on a plywood platform that could be tilted 15 degrees up or down. From videos, the locations where individual ants dumped their soil loads were measured in relation to the inner (position = 0) and outer (position = 1) edges of the pile. When the platform was tilted down the ants deposited their loads significantly closer to the inner edge (0.458 ± 0.007) than when not tilted (0.530 ± 0.006). When the platform was tilted up the ants deposited their loads significantly further from the inner edge (0.626 ± 0.006) than when not tilted (0.522 ± 0.006). These results support the hypothesis that ants use pile slope in deciding where to dump their load. A similar rule is probably used in other ant species that place excavated soil in steep piles near the nest entrance. Received 5 February 2007; revised 10 June 2007; accepted 9 October 2007.  相似文献   

Summary A month-long study was conducted on the comparative foraging behavior of 20 colonies of the leafcutting ant, Atta cephalotes L. in Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The study was conducted during the middle of the wet season, when trees had mature foliage and the ants were maximally selective among species of potential host plants. The colonies always gathered leaves from more than a single tree species but on average one species constituted almost half the diet with the remaining species being of geometrically decreasing importance. Colonies exhibited greater diversity in their choice of leaves and lower constancy of foraging when the average quality of resource trees was lower, as predicted by elementary optimal foraging theory. Furthermore, the ants were more selective of the species they attacked at greater distances from the nest. However, the ants sometimes did not attack apparently palatable species, and often did not attack nearby individuals of species they were exploiting at greater distances.A classical explanation for why leafcutting ants exploit distant host trees when apparently equally good trees are nearer, is that the ants are pursuing a strategy of conserving resources to avoid long-term overgrazing pressure on nearby trees. We prefer a simpler hypothesis: (1) Trees of exploited species exhibit individual variation in the acceptability of their leaves to the ants. (2) The abundance of a species will generally increase with area and radial distance from the nest, so the probability that at least one tree of the species will be acceptable to the ants also increases with distance. (3) The ants forage using a system of trunk-trails cleared of leaf litter, which significantly reduces their travel time to previously discovered, high-quality resource trees (by a factor of 4- to 10-fold). (4) Foragers are unware of the total pool of resources available to the colony. Therefore once scouts have chanced upon a tree which is acceptable, the colony will concentrate on harvesting from that tree rather than searching for additional sources of leaves distant from the established trail.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of the arboreal turtle ant, Cephalotes goniodontus, was studied in the tropical dry forest of western Mexico. The ants collected mostly plant-derived food, including nectar and fluids collected from the edges of wounds on leaves, as well as caterpillar frass and lichen. Foraging trails are on small pieces of ephemeral vegetation, and persist in exactly the same place for 4–8 days, indicating that food sources may be used until they are depleted. The species is polydomous, occupying many nests which are abandoned cavities or ends of broken branches in dead wood. Foraging trails extend from trees with nests to trees with food sources. Observations of marked individuals show that each trail is travelled by a distinct group of foragers. This makes the entire foraging circuit more resilient if a path becomes impassable, since foraging in one trail can continue while a different group of ants forms a new trail. The colony’s trails move around the forest from month to month; from one year to the next, only one colony out of five was found in the same location. There is continual searching in the vicinity of trails: ants recruited to bait within 3 bifurcations of a main foraging trail within 4 hours. When bait was offered on one trail, to which ants recruited, foraging activity increased on a different trail, with no bait, connected to the same nest. This suggests that the allocation of foragers to different trails is regulated by interactions at the nest.  相似文献   

Food-storing birds lose a great deal of their stored food toother animals. We examined whether blackcapped chickadees (Parusairicapillus) modify their choice of cache sites using informationthat predicts cache loss. In experiment 1, birds learned toavoid caching at spatial locations where cache loss had previouslyoccurred, but they did not avoid caching near local color cuesthat predicted cache loss. Birds did not modify their generaluse of space in the aviary. Birds also learned to reduce searchingfor caches where spatial location predicted cache loss. Experiment2 confirmed the birds’ ability to discriminate among thespatial locations and the local color cues used in experiment1. In experiment 3, learning a food-rewarded approach to potentialcache sites occurred without any change in the choice of sitesfor caching. We discuss how chickadees selectively associatethe choice of cache site with its consequences, even over delaysof several hours between caching and cache recovery.  相似文献   

Leaver  Lisa A. 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(5):729-734
Animals that scatter cache their food face a trade-off betweenthe benefits of protecting caches from pilferers and the costsassociated with caching. Placing food into a large number ofwidely spaced caches helps to protect it from pilferage butalso involves costs such as greater exposure to predators. Ipredicted that animals would disperse food into a larger numberof more widely spaced caches when caching (1) a preferred foodversus a less preferred food and (2) under conditions of lowpredation risk versus high predation risk. To test these predictions,I examined the scatter-caching decisions of Merriam's kangaroorats (Dipodomys merriami). D. merriami distributed caches inclumped patterns, regardless of food preference, but they showeda tendency to invest more in a preferred food by distributingcaches more widely. Under the relative safety of the new moon,they did not disperse caches more widely, rather they partitionedthe same amount of food into a larger number of caches thanthey did under the full moon, when predation risk is higher.To examine whether their cache spacing decisions had a significantimpact on the success of cache pilferers, I measured discoveryby pilferers of artificial caches of two food types at differentcaching distances. Results indicate that the cache spacing behaviorof D. merriami functions to protect caches from pilferers, becauseincreased spacing of artificial caches decreased the probabilityof pilferage for both types of food.  相似文献   

Many studies have found that scatter‐hoarding animals change their behaviour when storing food in the presence of conspecifics to minimize the likelihood that their caches will be pilfered; they refrain from caching, move away from conspecifics or choose visually obscured sites. This study reports the first evidence that the presence of conspecifics continues to influence the caching behaviour of a scatter‐hoarding mammal, the grey squirrel, after a suitable cache site has been selected and the hoarder is filling and covering its cache. Wild grey squirrels were filmed when storing preferred and less preferred nuts and when they were alone or with conspecifics present. In line with previous findings, squirrels spent longer travelling from the nut patch and were more vigilant when conspecifics were present. However, squirrels also spent longer disguising their caches and were more likely to stop digging and become vigilant when conspecifics were present than when they were alone. In particular, they were most likely to curtail their digging when storing their preferred nuts in the presence of conspecifics. The results indicate that caching squirrels remain sensitive to the presence of conspecifics until the cache is complete and that they respond flexibly to conspecifics according to the type of food they are storing.  相似文献   

Group-foraging ravens scatter-hoard when they are competing for food and, to some extent, also raid the caches made by others. We investigated the effects of observational spatial memory on individual caching and raiding tactics. With captive ravens, we found visual observation was essential for locating and raiding the caches of conspecifics. Both captive and free-ranging ravens, food cachers as well as potential cache raiders, responded to each other's presence. Cachers withdrew from conspecifics and most often placed their caches behind structures, obstructing the view of potential observers. Raiders watched inconspicuously and kept at a distance to cachers close to their cache sites. In response to the presence of potential raiders or because of their initial movements towards caches, the cachers frequently interrupted caching, changed cache sites, or recovered their food items. These results suggest that ravens, regardless of whether they act as cachers or raiders, are capable of withholding information about their intentions and, hence, manipulate the other bird's attention either to prevent or to achieve social-learning opportunities. Such interactions may qualify as ‘tactical’ deception and may have created a considerable pressure selecting for social cognition in ravens. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Summary Workers of the giant tropical ant,Paraponera clavata, use trail pheromones for orientation and recruitment of nestmates. However, chemical markings may not always be sufficient for successful navigation in complex three-dimensional terrain, and additional orientation cues may be required. Behavioral field experiments were performed to investigate the significance of visual landmarks for homing foragers. Animals which were prevented from seeing the canopy were unable to navigate back to the nest, even though trail pheromones were still present. In contrast, foragers found their way back to the nest after their trail pheromones had been abolished but their visual scenes remained unchanged. This emphasizes the important role of visual landmarks during spatial orientation in homingP. clavata foragers. Individually foraging scouts were discovered in the understory of the forest floor up to 30 m away from their nest. They were rewarded, and displaced between 0.8 m and 13.6 m. Fifteen out of 16 animals had no difficulties in finding the nest entrance despite the altered appearance of local and distant landmarks at the release site. Apparently the scouts were able to recognize the visual scenes at the release site, and used them for reference to locate the nest entrance. In contrast, ants displaced from their nest to sites around 4 m away had more difficulties to re-find the nest.  相似文献   

Abstract The role a small marsupial, the woylie Bettongia penicillata, might play in the recruitment and regeneration of Western Australian sandalwood Santalum spicatum through its seed caching behaviour was investigated in this study. To determine the fate of the seeds, cotton thread was attached to the seeds and the trail followed. A total of 25 seed caches were located. All of the seeds were found in separate caches, which was consistent with scatter‐hoarding behaviour. The average distance from the source of the seeds to the cache was 43.1 m ± 5.8 m at Dryandra woodland and 29.1 m ± 3.8 m at Karakamia sanctuary. The mean cache depth was 4.3 cm ± 0.2 cm at Dryandra woodland compared with 4.6 cm ± 0.3 cm at Karakamia sanctuary. Significantly more seedlings and saplings grew away from sandalwood trees at sites where woylies were present than at sites with no woylies. In contrast, significantly more seedlings and saplings grew under adult sandalwood trees at the site without woylies than where they were present, although there were significantly lower rates of recruitment and sandalwood regeneration at these sites. In addition, significantly more whole, undisturbed sandalwood seeds were found under the parent trees at the woylie‐free site than at the site with woylies. These findings strongly suggest that little seed dispersal or regeneration of sandalwood occurs in the absence of woylies. Through scatter‐hoarding, woylies have the potential to disperse and cache sandalwood seeds away from the source and significantly alter the subsequent regeneration of sandalwood. Furthermore, by caching seeds large distances away from a source, woylies could modify the distribution of sandalwood in an area.  相似文献   

Clark's nutcrackers, Nucifraga columbiana, accurately v recover thousands of caches per year in the field. Previous experiments have confirmed that these birds possess excellent, long-lasting spatial-memory capabilities. We tested whether resistance to interference is one of the features of nutcracker spatial memory. Experiment 1 tested retroactive interference. Nutcrackers showed no decrease in accuracy overall but performed relatively poorly in their final recovery session. Interference is unlikely to have caused these sites to be poorly remembered because they had fewer neighbouring cache sites than better-remembered sites. Experiment 2 tested for proactive interference. Interference would have caused the experimental birds to be less accurate than control birds. Instead then were slightly more accurate. In experiment 3, nutcrackers were allowed to repeatedly view their cache sites from a cage between caching and recovery. Nutcrackers were less accurate when recovering from cache sites they had viewed. This effect may be due to changes in motivation. Order of caching had no effect on accuracy but nutcrackers were more accurate when recovering caches from central than from peripheral areas of experimental rooms. In summary, these experiments provide further evidence of the remarkable spatial-memory abilities of Clark's nutcrackers and demonstrate that these birds are highly resistant to interference effects on spatial memory. Comparative tests will be needed to test if specialized food storers are exceptionally resistant to interference in spatial memory.  相似文献   

Seed caching and reciprocal cache pilferage play an important role in the coexistence of food‐hoarding animals. Understanding what affects seed caching and how cache pilferage occurs is an important question in seed dispersal ecology. However, tracking seed fate and cache pilferage presents substantial practical difficulties. Siberian chipmunks Tamias sibiricus always remove the entire pericarp when scatter‐hoarding acorns of Mongolian oak Quercus mongolica, whereas wood mice Apodemus peninsulae often store whole acorns in their caches. These differences in behavior provide an opportunity to investigate unilateral cache pilferage of T. sibiricus from A. peninsulae in response to seed abundance. In this study, tagged acorns were released at the peak and end periods of seed rain from Q. mongolica. This allowed us to investigate seed caching and unilateral cache pilferage at different seed abundances. We found that a higher proportion of acorns were cached at lower level of seed abundance (toward the end of seed rain), mainly because T. sibiricus rather than A. peninsulae scatter‐hoarded significantly more acorns at this time. Cache distances decreased with increasing seed abundance, indicating that acorns were cached further away and into smaller caches at lower seed abundance. Unexpectedly, unilateral cache pilferage by T. sibiricus was not significantly influenced by seed abundance—remaining at around 28% during both periods of high and low seed abundance.  相似文献   

Food caching animals depend on their caches at times of low food availability. Because stored food is susceptible to being stolen or degraded, many species employ cache protection strategies such as ceasing caching in the presence of others or avoiding storing perishable items for long periods. Several species frequently recover their caches and recache, which may reduce pilferage or degradation of cached items. We studied the food handling decisions of Florida scrub‐jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) after cache recovery to determine the roles that social and ecological environments play in post‐recovery decisions. Instead of reducing recaching in the presence of others, recovering jays flew away from the recovery site, allowing them to eat or recache a recovered item regardless of the social context. Microhabitat type and soil moisture of the recovery sites had a significant influence on whether recoveries were eaten or recached; most items that were recached had been recovered from bare sand sites or sites with low soil moisture. Taken together, our results suggest that food store management of Florida scrub‐jays are unaffected by the social context, but are strongly affected by the habitat conditions that influence the quality of caches.  相似文献   

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