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李芳芳  叶恭银  吴琼  彭予发  陈学新 《昆虫学报》2007,50(10):1070-1076
利用透射电镜观察了稻纵卷叶螟 Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guenée)幼虫取食转Bt基因水稻后中肠的组织病理变化。结果表明:稻纵卷叶螟幼虫取食转cry1Ab基因水稻后,中肠上皮细胞的线粒体先发生形态变化,随连续取食时间的延长线粒体出现凝聚、内嵴稀疏、空泡化等,在后期还呈凝聚态随突起脱落或沿杯腔边沿单一排列。内质网的变化也很明显,病变过程中伴随着粗糙内质网的肿胀、核糖体脱落,粗糙内质网增多等现象。细胞核的变化较小,在处理后期出现细胞核拉长、核仁聚集等变化。组织病变程度不一,有的细胞在病变早期就出现了空泡化。  相似文献   

田宇  杜娟  李尚伟  李娇  王爽 《昆虫学报》2016,(6):602-612
【目的】海藻糖酶(trehalase,Tre)是昆虫体内海藻糖代谢的一个关键酶,包括可溶型(Tre1)和膜结合型(Tre2)两种类型,在昆虫发育和能量调节中具有重要作用。本研究旨在克隆稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis海藻糖酶基因(Cm Tre),解析其在稻纵卷叶螟不同发育阶段和不同组织中的表达模式,分析该基因及酶蛋白的分子特征。【方法】通过稻纵卷叶螟转录组数据结合RACE技术,克隆稻纵卷叶螟Cm Tre的全长c DNA序列,并对该基因进行生物信息学分析;采用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-q PCR)解析Cm Tre在稻纵卷叶螟不同发育阶段及成虫不同组织部位的m RNA表达模式。【结果】获得两种类型的稻纵卷叶螟Cm Tre基因,即可溶型海藻糖酶基因Cm Tre1和膜结合型海藻糖酶基因Cm Tre2。Cm Tre1的全长c DNA长度为2 364 bp,开放阅读框长1 704 bp,编码567个氨基酸;Cm Tre2的全长c DNA长度为2 079 bp,开放阅读框长1 923 bp,编码640个氨基酸。生物信息学分析表明,Cm Tre前端有一个信号肽,Cm Tre1无跨膜结构,Cm Tre2有一个跨膜结构。同源性和聚类分析表明,Cm Tre1和Cm Tre2的氨基酸序列与竹蠹螟Omphisa fuscidentalis海藻糖酶Tre1和Tre2氨基酸序列的一致性最高,分别为74%和79%。同源建模预测结果显示,Cm Tre1的三维分子结构包含19个α螺旋和2个β折叠片;Cm Tre2的三维分子结构含有23个α螺旋,没有β折叠片。RT-q PCR结果显示,Cm Tre在稻纵卷叶螟整个发育历期都有表达,在成虫期表达水平最高,在整个幼虫期都有相对稳定的表达;Cm Tre1在蛹期表达水平最低,Cm Tre2在5龄幼虫时期表达水平最低。Cm Tre在所检测的成虫组织(中肠、体壁、马氏管、头、卵巢、脂肪体、肌肉和精巢)中均有表达;Cm Tre1在中肠和体壁中的表达水平较高,Cm Tre2在肌肉和中肠中的表达水平较高。【结论】本研究克隆了稻纵卷叶螟两种类型的海藻糖酶基因,分析了其基因特征和表达模式。研究结果为阐明海藻糖酶基因的功能进而以海藻糖酶基因为靶标防治害虫奠定了基础。  相似文献   

温湿度对稻纵卷叶螟卵的联合作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨温湿度在稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée)种群发展中的作用, 通过室内实验调查了不同温度和湿度组合下该蛾卵的发育历期、 胚胎发育情况、 孵化率和卵粒重量的变化。结果表明: 在相同温度下卵历期随相对湿度的增大而缩短, 孵化率随相对湿度的加大而提高。在22℃下低于46%的相对湿度显著降低了卵的孵化率, 而在25~34℃下低于66%的相对湿度会引起孵化率的显著降低, 37℃下卵无论在何种湿度中均不能孵化。在50%左右的低湿条件下, 温度高于28℃后卵也不能孵化。温度在22~31℃和相对湿度在77%~100%范围内, 卵的孵化率无显著差异, 这属于稻纵卷叶螟卵的适宜温湿度范围。稻纵卷叶螟卵的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为10.1±0.6℃和63.7±3.5日度。卵的孵化率(Y)与温湿系数(RH/T)间呈显著的逻辑斯蒂曲线关系Y=0.8662/[1+exp(17.4084-7.5714×RH/T)]。温湿系数在2.34以下时卵孵化率将低于50%, 而达到3.0左右时孵化率接近最高值。结论认为, 低湿造成的稻纵卷叶螟卵重量显著降低、 卵粒干瘪、 胚胎发育受阻是致死卵的主要原因。  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟性信息素在其种群监测上的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探索性信息素在稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(鳞翅目: 螟蛾科)预测预报上的应用技术, 2009年8月15日-9月20日在浙江省海宁市, 对不同性信息素化合物配制诱芯的田间诱捕效果, 以及性信息素群集诱捕、灯光诱捕和赶蛾3种不同方法监测成虫消长规律等进行研究。结果表明: 在浙江地区以顺11-十八碳烯醛、顺13-十八碳烯醛、顺11-十八碳烯醇和顺13-十八碳烯醇以60 μg∶500 μg∶60 μg∶120 μg配制的PVC毛细管诱芯对稻纵卷叶螟的诱集效果最佳。通过性信息素诱捕、灯光诱捕和赶蛾3种方法的比较试验, 初步结果显示性诱测报可取代传统的系统赶蛾法用于稻纵卷叶螟的预测预报。  相似文献   

水稻品种对稻纵卷叶螟抗性的物理及生化机制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王亓翔  许路  吴进才 《昆虫学报》2008,51(12):1265-1270
稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis连年大发生,为在其治理中培育和推广抗虫品种,本文应用扫描电镜和生化测定研究了5个常用水稻栽培品种扬辐粳8号、扬稻6号、扬粳9538、淮稻9号和宁梗1号叶片中的硅含量、硅颗粒大小、蜡质含量等物理指标和一些生化指标与抗虫性的关系,并比较了稻纵卷叶螟幼虫危害不同水稻品种后其体内生化反应的差异。结果表明抗虫品种宁梗1号、淮稻9号叶片表面的硅含量显著高于感虫品种,硅颗粒大小在品种间无显著差异。宁粳1号叶片蜡质含量显著高于其他品种。由此表明叶片表面硅和蜡质含量与抗性有关。稻纵卷叶螟幼虫取食后,抗虫品种体内的过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性显著高于感虫品种,但丙二醛(MDA)含量低于感虫品种。稻纵卷叶螟幼虫取食不同品种后,其体内一些酶的活性明显不同,取食抗虫品种的幼虫体内POD和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)活性显著高于取食其他品种的幼虫,SOD活性显著低于取食感虫品种的幼虫, 表明抗虫品种对稻纵卷叶螟幼虫有毒害作用。  相似文献   

李明珠  刘向东 《昆虫学报》2022,65(10):1314-1323
摘要: 【目的】在全球不断变暖背景下,昆虫受到热胁迫的频率不断增加。短期内反复受到热胁迫会使昆虫产生热适应性,但是昆虫热驯化所产生的耐热能力的传代效应还不完全清楚。稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis是水稻上的重要害虫,对其幼虫在特定温度下进行几代热锻炼可提高其对高温的适应能力。本研究旨在摸清稻纵卷叶螟热适应的传代能力,为在全球变暖形势下以温度因子预测其种群发展趋势提供指导。【方法】将实验室内分别经39℃和41℃连续锻炼30代建立的稻纵卷叶螟热锻炼品系HA39和HA41以及非锻炼品系HA27的1-5龄期幼虫在不同温度(36℃和41℃)下进行不同时长(1~144 h)的暴露处理,调查幼虫的存活率,确定热锻炼品系幼虫的耐热能力;采用两品系间杂交实验测定HA39和HA27各交配组合的繁殖力及后代3龄幼虫的耐热能力;对HA39停止高温锻炼,并测定停止锻炼2代后3龄幼虫的耐热能力。【结果】稻纵卷叶螟3龄幼虫经历多代次短期热锻炼不仅可提高该龄幼虫的高温适应力,而且可提高其他龄期幼虫对特定高温的耐受能力,表现为HA39和HA41在36或41℃下处理特定时长的存活率显著高于HA27。锻炼高温的不同,幼虫获得的热耐受能力也有差异。39℃下锻炼可提高4龄幼虫在36℃下暴露2和4 d以及5龄幼虫在41℃下暴露5和6 h时的存活率,但41℃下锻炼则不可。HA39和HA27的自交及杂交后代的繁殖力之间均无显著差异,杂交后代3龄幼虫在41℃下处理5和6 h时的存活率与HA39自交后代的相当,并且显著高于HA27自交后代的,幼虫通过热锻炼获得的耐热能力可从亲本遗传给后代。停止热锻炼2代后,在39℃下处理4 h时HA39 3龄幼虫的存活率显著高于HA27的,但39℃下其余处理时间以及36和41℃下处理1~7 h HA39 3龄幼虫的存活率均与HA27的无显著差异,表明幼虫热锻炼产生的耐热能力在停止锻炼后2代仍可部分保持。【结论】稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的热适应能力具有继代效应。经过长期的气候变暖适应后,稻纵卷叶螟种群的热适应能力很可能在不断增强,从而夏季高温对其种群的抑制作用减弱,其种群暴发频率增加。  相似文献   

Taking a published natural population life table of rice leaf roller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), as an example, we estimated the population trend index, I, via re‐sampling methods (jackknife and bootstrap), determined its statistical properties and illustrated the application of these methods in determining the control effectiveness of bio‐agents and chemical insecticides. Depending on the simulation outputs, the smoothed distribution pattern of the estimates of I by delete‐1 jackknife is visually distinguishable from the normal density, but the smoothed pattern produced by delete‐d jackknife, and logarithm‐transformed smoothed patterns produced by both empirical and parametric bootstraps, matched well the corresponding normal density. Thus, the estimates of I produced by delete‐1 jackknife were not used to determine the suppressive effect of wasps and insecticides. The 95% percent confidence intervals or the narrowest 95 percentiles and Z‐test criterion were employed to compare the effectiveness of Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead and insecticides (powder, 1.5% mevinphos + 3% alpha‐hexachloro cyclohexane) against the rice leaf roller based on the estimates of I produced by delete‐d jackknife and bootstrap techniques. At α= 0.05 level, there were statistical differences between wasp treatment and control, and between wasp and insecticide treatments, if the normality is ensured, or by the narrowest 95 percentiles. However, there is still no difference between insecticide treatment and control. By Z‐test criterion, wasp treatment is better than control and insecticide treatment with P‐value < 0.01. Insecticide treatment is similar to control with P‐value > 0.2 indicating that 95% confidence intervals procedure is more conservative. Although similar conclusions may be drawn by re‐sampling techniques, such as the delta method, about the suppressive effect of trichogramma and insecticides, the normality of the estimates can be checked and guaranteed, and the correlation among sequential life stages of rice leaf roller is also considered in the estimation. Judged by the P‐values from Z‐test, the delta method is more conservative.  相似文献   

在2007年7~9月江淮稻区稻纵卷叶螟大发生期间,利用多普勒昆虫监测雷达在南京市浦口区对稻纵卷叶螟成虫的迁飞活动进行了监测,结合大气风温场的数值模拟,研究了稻纵卷叶螟成虫的空中飞行参数和种群迁飞动态。结果表明:稻纵卷叶螟多选择在黄昏18:30以后大规模起飞,空中虫群密度在20:00~22:00时最大,迁飞过程可持续到次日5:00;稻纵卷叶螟主要选择在500m以下高度飞行。空中虫群具有聚集成层的现象,虫层多在100~500m高度之间形成,有时形成两个虫层,成层现象与低空急流关系密切,与温度没有直接关系。迁飞过程分析表明,浦口区的六(4)代稻纵卷叶螟在台风、副热带高压和江淮气旋的影响下,先后出现了多次迁入迁出过程。低压系统外围的下沉气流很可能是稻纵卷叶螟两次集中迁入的主要原因。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101860
In 2019 and 2020, ten rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars including check commonly grown in the Kharif-II season (June-November) were in-situ screened against rice leaf folder (RLF, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) in RLF-prone experimental plots in Bagerhat, Bangladesh, following RCBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) with three replicates and physicochemical analyses in the lab to evaluate their innate immunity to the pest. Of ten cultivars, only BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) rice 72 and 87 tended to be moderately resistant (damage scale 3.00–4.99), while BRRI rice 73, 80, and 90 were susceptible to RLF (damage scale 7.00–8.99) and none appearing to be highly resistant or susceptible. In-field evaluation of Kharif-II rice cultivars against RLF, principal component analysis identified 14 key variables of 30 contributing maximum variance of PCA1 and PCA2. Cluster analysis grouped studied rice cultivars into four clades with clade II of BRRI rice 72 and 87 belonging to resistant club with high tannin and phenol contents (mg/g) assuring relatively higher yield (MT/ha) over others. A 3-D surface plot demonstrated, upsurge of larvae/ hill speeded up RLF incidence and severity (%) while bubble plot depicted, tiller infection (%) and RLF-fold length (cm) enhanced by leaf width (cm) limited the grain yield (MT/ha) in rice, well-supportive to correlation analysis. As per regression analysis, unit increment of tannin and phenol content (mg/g) declined tiller infection by 11 and 14%. Identified these two resistant cultivars could be used as potential parents in further breeding programs to develop an elite high yielding Kharif-II rice line by combining their novel resistance through hybridization.  相似文献   

闫锋  汪霞  吕静  庞保平  娄永根 《昆虫知识》2010,47(1):96-101
前期研究结果表明,二化螟和稻纵卷叶螟幼虫为害所诱导的水稻挥发物能对二化螟绒茧蜂Apanteles chilonis Munakata、二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)和稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guene)雌成虫的行为产生影响,并且两者的影响效应存在明显差异,但至今仍不清楚2种害虫危害后水稻挥发物的变化情况。利用动态吸附法对健康水稻苗、二化螟或稻纵卷叶螟幼虫为害苗的挥发物进行捕集与鉴定。在3种处理水稻苗中,共捕集到28种挥发物组分,包括萜类化合物、烷烃类化合物、酮类、醇类、水杨酸甲酯和一些未知化合物。二化螟和稻纵卷叶螟为害均能导致水稻挥发物总量和大多挥发物组分释放量的上升;同时,二化螟幼虫危害能诱导水稻新释放2-heptanonol,(E)-linalooloxide和2种未知挥发物组分,稻纵卷叶螟为害则可诱导水稻产生2-heptanonol,(E)-linalooloxide,MeSA和β-caryophyllene4种新化合物。2种虫害稻株间的比较表明,β-caryophyllene和MeSA是稻纵卷叶螟危害水稻后诱导产生的特有挥发物组分,并且linalool,α-copaene,(+)-cedrol,n-heptadecane和n-nonadecane在二化螟为害苗与稻纵卷叶螟为害苗之间差异显著。这一结果也许可以解释2种害虫诱导水稻挥发物对天敌和害虫行为影响不同的原因。  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟肠道细菌群落结构与多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确水稻主要害虫稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guenée)幼虫肠道细菌的群落结构和多样性。【方法】利用Illumina Mi Seq技术对稻纵卷叶螟4龄幼虫肠道细菌的16S r DNA V3-V4变异区序列进行测序,应用USEARCH和QIIME软件整理和统计样品序列数和操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)数量,分析4龄幼虫肠道细菌的物种组成、丰度和多样性。【结果】稻纵卷叶螟4个数量不同的4龄幼虫样本(1,2,3和5头)共得165 386条reads,在97%相似度下可将其聚类为604个OTUs。总共注释到22个门,43个纲,82个目,142个科,204个属,244个种。其中在门水平上,主要优势菌为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(相对丰度26%~34%)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)(23%~32%);在纲水平上,主要优势菌为放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)(相对丰度23%~32%)、酸杆菌纲(Acidobacteria)(9%~11%)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)(10%~13%)、β-变形菌纲(Betaproteobacteria)(6%~8%)和γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)(6%~12%);在科水平上,共有优势菌为类诺卡氏菌科(Nocardioidaceae)、丛毛单胞菌科(Comamonadaceae)、黄单胞菌科(Xanthomonadaceae)、鞘脂单胞菌科(Sphingomonadaceae)和芽单胞菌科(Gemmatimonadaceae)等。在属水平上,4个样本前5位优势属中,类诺卡氏属Nocardioides和鞘脂单胞菌Sphingomonas为共有优势属。稻纵卷叶螟肠道细菌Simpson指数、Shannon指数、Ace指数和Chao指数分别为0.16~0.65,0.94~3.22,212~488和210~490。【结论】稻纵卷叶螟幼虫肠道细菌多样性比较丰富,个体间微生物群落结构和多样性有差异。不同数量样本数据与总体数据有助于综合反映稻纵卷叶螟种群肠道微生物状况。本研究结果为进一步研究稻纵卷叶螟肠道微生物的功能及其在防治中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

几种药剂及施药方式对稻纵卷叶螟的防治效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guen e高龄幼虫防治药剂31%氟虫腈.三唑磷ME和当地几种常用药剂及不同施药方法对防治效果影响进行试验。结果表明:(1)毒死蜱(48%乐斯本EC)有较好速效性,药后1 d可达理想防效,三唑磷与氟出腈、氟铃脲复配的药剂(31%氟虫腈.三唑磷ME、21%氟虫腈.三唑磷EC、15%氟铃脲.三唑磷EC)药后3d才能达到理想防效;(2)药后3d,各处理均达到理想防效,防效依次为31%氟虫腈.三唑磷ME1.5L/hm2>31%氟虫腈.三唑磷ME1.05L/hm2>21%氟虫腈.三唑磷EC1.5L/hm2>48%毒死蜱EC1.5L/hm2>15%氟虫腈.三唑磷EC1.5L/hm2>15%阿维菌素.毒死蜱EC1.5L/hm2;(3)分虫龄防效统计,药后3d供试药剂对1龄以下(施药时虫龄,后同)幼虫防效均在91%以上,对2~3龄幼虫,31%氟虫腈.三唑磷ME保持90%以上的防效,其它处理防效明显下降,对4龄以上高龄幼虫,31%氟虫腈.三唑磷1.5L/hm2细喷雾处理防效仍达95.6%,其它处理防效很低。(4)细喷雾可提高31%氟虫腈.三唑磷ME对稻纵卷叶螟的防治效果,尤其是对高龄幼虫,与工农16型1.8mm孔径喷片的常规喷雾相比,1.2mm孔径喷片细喷雾处理药后3 d防效提高5.5%,东方红18型弥雾处理防效提高7.8%,其中,弥雾处理对1~2龄幼虫防效提高4.7%,对4~5龄幼虫防效提高了20.8%。  相似文献   

多作稻田生态系统对稻纵卷叶螟及其天敌功能团的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林胜  杨广  尤民生  姚凤銮 《昆虫学报》2010,53(7):754-766
为探明稻田与非稻田生境时空配置对稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée)及其天敌功能团产生的生态学效应,分别于2007和2008年的中稻期,在福建省武夷山试验基地,采用室内观察法、田间剥查法和吸虫器法,系统调查了水稻多作系统和水稻单作系统内稻纵卷叶螟种群及其寄生蜂功能团和捕食性节肢动物个体数量的时序动态; 同时通过陷阱诱集法,调查了多作和单作稻田生境边界地表捕食性节肢动物(蜘蛛和昆虫)个体数量的时序动态,以及多作系统中,捕食性节肢动物在稻田和非稻田生境间的迁移动态。 结果表明:与辣椒、生姜、玉米和花生等镶嵌种植的稻田,其稻纵卷叶螟幼虫及其寄生蜂功能团个体数量较单一稻田差异不大,而捕食性节肢动物则明显少于单作稻田,但多作稻田边界较单作稻田边界有更多的捕食性节肢动物个体数量(2007年:多作稻田边界1984~2294个体,单作稻田边界1479个体;2008年:多作稻田边界3 417~4 178个体,单作稻田边界2 423个体)。 究其原因,主要由于多作系统中捕食性节肢动物更偏好从稻田向非稻田生境迁移,其中捕食性昆虫效应更明显。  相似文献   

2010年6月10-12日, 我国华南、 江南南部稻区出现了稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée)的大范围同期突增。为了明确此次同期突增的虫源性质, 进一步揭示稻纵卷叶螟大规模降落的大气动力学机制, 我们利用HYSPLIT轨迹分析平台、 地理信息系统ArcGIS和气象图形软件GrADS, 对稻纵卷叶螟的迁飞过程及大气背景场进行了个例研究。结果表明: (1)粤北大范围的稻纵卷叶螟突增以外地迁入种群为主, 部分为本地繁殖种群; (2)西南低空急流为稻纵卷叶螟的远距离迁飞提供了运载气流, 稻纵卷叶螟迁飞种群的集中降落是降雨造成的, 主降区位于雨区边缘的曲江、 紫金、 佛冈等地区, 降雨区的空间分布直接导致了曲江、 南雄地区降虫量的巨大差别; (3)稻纵卷叶螟迁入峰的主要虫源地分布在广东西南部稻区, 6月上旬以阳春为代表的虫源地的双季早稻进入扬花灌浆期 乳熟期, 叶片营养恶化, 稻纵卷叶螟处于成虫盛发期, 存在为粤北大规模迁入提供虫源的可能。  相似文献   

陈萍  刘欢  侯茂林 《昆虫学报》2021,64(3):400-408
[目的]稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis是水稻的迁飞性害虫之一,同时也能在玉米上完成世代.本研究旨在探究寄主转换对稻纵卷叶螟寄主种群适合度的影响.[方法]稻纵卷叶螟玉米种群和水稻种群分别取食原寄主和转换寄主,形成取食玉米的稻纵卷叶螟玉米种群、取食水稻的稻纵卷叶螟玉米种群、取食玉米的稻纵卷叶螟水...  相似文献   

The complete genome of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis granulovirus(CnmeGV) from a serious migratory rice pest, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was sequenced using the Roche 454 Genome Sequencer FLX system(GS FLX) with shotgun strategy and assembled by Roche GS De Novo assembler software. Its circular double-stranded genome is 111,246 bp in size with a high A+T content of 64.8% and codes for 118 putative open reading frames(ORFs). It contains 37 conserved baculovirus core ORFs, 13 unique ORFs, 26 ORFs that were found in all Lepidoptera baculoviruses and 42 common ORFs. The analysis of nucleotide sequence repeats revealed that the CnmeGV genome differs from the rest of sequenced GVs by a 23 kb and a 17 kb gene block inversions, and does not contain any typical homologous region(hr) except for a region of non-hr-like sequence. Chitinase and cathepsin genes, which are reported to have major roles in the liquefaction of the hosts, were not found in the CnmeGV genome, which explains why CnmeGV infected insects do not show the phenotype of typical liquefaction. Phylogenetic analysis,based on the 37 core baculovirus genes, indicates that CnmeGV is closely related to Adoxophyes orana granulovirus. The genome analysis would contribute to the functional research of CnmeGV,and would benefit to the utilization of CnmeGV as pest control reagent for rice production.  相似文献   

A geographical difference in reproductive status of moths in populations of C. medinalis Guénée was recognized in autumn paddy fields of north Kyushu, south-west Japan. This geographical variation in mating frequency of the population resembled the intensity of immigrant density in early summer: the proportion of mated females in the population was high in the west coast regions of Kyushu and low in inland areas. Light trap catches of moths in 1985 suggested overseas invasions from China in the autumn to westerly regions of north Kyushu. The potential autumn immigrations of moths in ripening paddy fields would satisfactorily explain the variations in reproductive status of moths with locality in the same season. These migrations are apparently non-adaptive because immigrants or their progeny would soon be killed at harvest or from cold weather.
Résumé Une différence géographique dans l'activité reproductrice des papillons de la population de C. medinalis a été observée dans les champs de paddy d'automne du Kyushu septentrional au Japon. Cette différence géographique dans la fréquence des accouplements de la population ressemble à celle de l'importance de la densité d'immigration au début de l'été: la proportion de femelles inséminées est élevée dans les populations de la côte occidentale de Kyushu et basse dans la région intérieure. Les captures de papillons aux pièges lumineux, en 1985, suggèrent l'existence au Kyushu septentrional d'invasions d'outre-mer venant de Chine. Ces immigrations potentielles automnales de papillons dans les champs de paddy à maturité expliqueraient correctement les variations au cours de la même saison de l'activité reproductrice des papillons suivant les localités. Ces migrations ne sont apparemment pas adaptatives puisque les immigrants ou leur progéniture seront immédiatement tués à la récolte ou par le froid hivernal.

[目的]明确稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis生理状态对性信息素和花香气味的嗅觉行为反应的影响,以及在田间性信息素和花香气味诱蛾量的动态.[方法]于2020年在广西、湖南、浙江、四川5个试验点,通过田间网捕、花香气味和性信息素诱捕稻纵卷叶螟成虫,结合解剖卵巢和精巢,比较性信息素和花香诱捕的基本迁...  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were determined and analyzed. The circular genomes were 15,388 bp long for C. medinalis and 15,395 bp long for C. suppressalis. Both mitogenomes contained 37 genes, with gene order similar to that of other lepidopterans. Notably, 12 protein-coding genes (PCGs) utilized the standard ATN, but the cox1 gene used CGA as the initiation codon; the cox1, cox2, and nad4 genes in the two mitogenomes had the truncated termination codons T, T, and TA, respectively, but the nad5 gene was found to use T as the termination codon only in the C. medinalis mitogenome. Additionally, the codon distribution and Relative Synonymous Codon Usage of the 13 PCGs in the C. medinalis mitogenome were very different from those in other pyralid moth mitogenomes. Most of the tRNA genes had typical cloverleaf secondary structures. However, the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm of the trnS1(AGN) gene did not form a stable stem-loop structure. Forty-nine helices in six domains, and 33 helices in three domains were present in the secondary structures of the rrnL and rrnS genes of the two mitogenomes, respectively. There were four major intergenic spacers, except for the A+T-rich region, spanning at least 12 bp in the two mitogenomes. The A+T-rich region contained an 'ATAGT(A)'-like motif followed by a poly-T stretch in the two mitogenomes. In addition, there were a potential stem-loop structure, a duplicated 25-bp repeat element, and a microsatellite '(TA)(13)' observed in the A+T-rich region of the C. medinalis mitogenome. A poly-T motif, a duplicated 31-bp repeat element, and a 19-bp triplication were found in the C. suppressalis mitogenome. However, there are many differences in the A+T-rich regions between the C. suppressalis mitogenome sequence in the present study and previous reports. Finally, the phylogenetic relationships of these insects were reconstructed based on amino acid sequences of mitochondrial 13 PCGs using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods. These molecular-based phylogenies support the traditional morphologically based view of relationships within the Pyralidae.  相似文献   

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