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Identifying differentially expressed (DE) genes across conditions or treatments is a typical problem in microarray experiments. In time course microarray experiments (under two or more conditions/treatments), it is sometimes of interest to identify two classes of DE genes: those with no time-condition interactions (called parallel DE genes, or PDE), and those with time-condition interactions (nonparallel DE genes, NPDE). Although many methods have been proposed for identifying DE genes in time course experiments, methods for discerning NPDE genes from the general DE genes are still lacking. We propose a functional ANOVA mixed-effect model to model time course gene expression observations. The fixed effect of (the mean curve) of the model decomposes bivariate functions of time and treatments (or experimental conditions) as in the classic ANOVA method and provides the associated notions of main effects and interactions. Random effects capture time-dependent correlation structures. In this model, identifying NPDE genes is equivalent to testing the significance of the time-condition interaction, for which an approximate F-test is suggested. We examined the performance of the proposed method on simulated datasets in comparison with some existing methods, and applied the method to a study of human reaction to the endotoxin stimulation, as well as to a cell cycle expression data set.  相似文献   

We studied molecular-genetic mechanisms of retina regeneration in amphibians and, specifically, expression of the homeobox genes Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 in normal development and during retina regeneration in the newt. Based on the structural analysis of genes in closely related amphibian species, primers were constructed that flank certain regions of these genes. PCR fragments of calculated length were obtained. The relationship of PCR products to the above genes was confirmed by sequencing. A comparative PCR analysis of expression of Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 was carried out in the native and regenerating newt retina, which allowed estimation of the level of expression. cDNA libraries obtained from the native and regenerating retina were used as templates. The libraries were preliminary standardized according to glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme of general cell metabolism. The genes we studied were expressed in both native and regenerating retina. The level of Pax6 and Prox1 expression increased during regeneration, while that of Six3 decreased. The decrease in the level of Six3 expression could be due to antagonistic interrelations of Prox1 and Six3. The changed level of Prox1 and Six3 expression is a new fact and requires further studies. The interactions between these and other regulatory genes and localization of their expression in the cells of native and regenerating retina will be studied using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

We studied tissue-specific expression of homeobox genes Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 during regeneration of the retina and lens. In the native retina, mRNA of Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 was predominantly localized in ganglion cells and in the inner nuclear layer of the retina. Active Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 expression was detected at early stages of regeneration in all proliferating neuroblasts forming the retinal primordium. Low levels of Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 mRNA were revealed in depigmented cells of the pigment epithelium as compared to the proliferating neuroblasts. At the intermediate stage of retinal regeneration, the distribution of Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 mRNA was diffuse and even all over the primordium. During differentiation of the cellular layers in the course of retinal regeneration, Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 mRNA was predominantly localized in ganglion cells and in the inner part of the inner nuclear layer, which was similar to the native retina. An increased expression was revealed in the peripheral regenerated retina where multipotent cells were localized. The dual role of regulatory genes Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 during regeneration of eye structures has been revealed; these genes controlled cell proliferation and subsequent differentiation of ganglion, amacrine, and horizontal cells. High hybridization signal of all studied genes was revealed in actively proliferating epithelial cells of the native and regenerating lens, while the corneal epithelium demonstrated a lower signal. Pax6 and Prox1 expression was also revealed in single choroid cells of the regenerating eye.  相似文献   

李玉昌  徐存拴  张云汉 《遗传》2002,24(2):152-154
应用抑制性消减杂交技术成功地构建了高消减效率的正向消减cDNA文库,从随机挑取的50个克隆中有31个均检出了60~400bp插入片段,对这些插入cDNA片段进行测序后经Genbank同源性检索,表明其中7个片段为未知新序列。大鼠肝切除后肝再生cDNA正向消减文库的建立为进一步大批量筛选、克隆肝再生特异性表达的未知新基因奠定了基础,初步筛选出的特异性表达的序列标记为进一步研究肝再生中基因的功能提供了依据。 Abstract:The cDNA from rat regenerating liver tissue was used as the tester and that from normal liver was used as the driver.A highly efficient subtractive cDNA library was constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH).After screening,31 clones from 50 clones which were derived from the cDNA library were inserted by 60~400bp cDNA fragments.24 cDNA fragments corresponded to known genes and 7 cDNA fragments were unknown sequences(GenBank accession number:BG447490~447496).  相似文献   

Lean-type Pekin duck is a commercial breed that has been obtained through long-term selection. Investigation of the differentially expressed genes in breast muscle and skin fat at different developmental stages will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the potential mechanisms underlying the lean-type Pekin duck phenotype. In the present study, RNA-seq was performed on breast muscle and skin fat at 2-, 4- and 6-weeks of age. More than 89% of the annotated duck genes were covered by our RNA-seq dataset. Thousands of differentially expressed genes, including many important genes involved in the regulation of muscle development and fat deposition, were detected through comparison of the expression levels in the muscle and skin fat of the same time point, or the same tissue at different time points. KEGG pathway analysis showed that the differentially expressed genes clustered significantly in many muscle development and fat deposition related pathways such as MAPK signaling pathway, PPAR signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Fat digestion and absorption, and TGF-beta signaling pathway. The results presented here could provide a basis for further investigation of the mechanisms involved in muscle development and fat deposition in Pekin duck.  相似文献   

Calpains are Ca2+-dependent modulator Cys proteases that have a variety of functions in almost all eukaryotes. There are more than 10 well-conserved mammalian calpains, among which eutherian calpain-6 (CAPN6) is unique in that it has amino acid substitutions at the active-site Cys residue (to Lys in humans), strongly suggesting a loss of proteolytic activity. CAPN6 is expressed predominantly in embryonic muscles, placenta, and several cultured cell lines. We previously reported that CAPN6 is involved in regulating microtubule dynamics and actin reorganization in cultured cells. The physiological functions of CAPN6, however, are still unclear. Here, to elucidate CAPN6''s in vivo roles, we generated Capn6-deficient mice, in which a lacZ expression cassette was integrated into the Capn6 gene. These Capn6-deficient mouse embryos expressed lacZ predominantly in skeletal muscles, as well as in cartilage and the heart. Histological and biochemical analyses showed that the CAPN6 deficiency promoted the development of embryonic skeletal muscle. In primary cultured skeletal muscle cells that were induced to differentiate into myotubes, Capn6 expression was detected in skeletal myocytes, and Capn6-deficient cultures showed increased differentiation. Furthermore, we found that CAPN6 was expressed in the regenerating skeletal muscles of adult mice after cardiotoxin-induced degeneration. In this experimental system, Capn6-deficient mice exhibited more advanced skeletal-muscle regeneration than heterozygotes or wild-type mice at the same time point. These results collectively showed that a loss of CAPN6 promotes skeletal muscle differentiation during both development and regeneration, suggesting a novel physiological function of CAPN6 as a suppressor of skeletal muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

Root nodules are the symbiotic organ of legumes that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Many genes are specifically induced in nodules during the interactions between the host plant and symbiotic rhizobia. Information regarding the regulation of expression for most of these genes is lacking. One of the largest gene families expressed in the nodules of the model legume Medicago truncatula is the nodule cysteine-rich (NCR) group of defensin-like (DEFL) genes. We used a custom Affymetrix microarray to catalog the expression changes of 566 NCRs at different stages of nodule development. Additionally, bacterial mutants were used to understand the importance of the rhizobial partners in induction of NCRs. Expression of early NCRs was detected during the initial infection of rhizobia in nodules and expression continued as nodules became mature. Late NCRs were induced concomitantly with bacteroid development in the nodules. The induction of early and late NCRs was correlated with the number and morphology of rhizobia in the nodule. Conserved 41 to 50 bp motifs identified in the upstream 1,000 bp promoter regions of NCRs were required for promoter activity. These cis-element motifs were found to be unique to the NCR family among all annotated genes in the M. truncatula genome, although they contain sub-regions with clear similarity to known regulatory motifs involved in nodule-specific expression and temporal gene regulation.  相似文献   

In mouse reticulocytes, approximately 250 middle abundant-rare class messages were estimated to be present besides globin mRNA (OBINATA and IKAWA, 1980). Approximately 200 independent genomic clones (rt-clones) expressed in the mouse reticulocyte mRNAs were obtained from a mouse gene library. Surprisingly, most of the rt-clones are shown to be expressed even in non-erythroid tissues significantly. By the plaque hybridization method with 133 rt-clones, the pattern of expression of these genes was examined at different stages of erythroid cell maturation.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling regulates multiple aspects of vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) development, including neurogenesis. However, vertebrate genomes can contain up to 25 Wnt genes, the functions of which are poorly characterized partly due to redundancy in their expression. To identify candidate Wnt genes as candidate mediators of pathway activity in specific brain progenitor zones, we have performed a comprehensive expression analysis at three different stages during zebrafish development. Antisense RNA probes for 21 Wnt genes were generated from existing and newly synthesized cDNA clones and used for in situ hybridization on whole embryos and dissected brains. As in other species, we found that Wnt expression patterns in the embryonic zebrafish CNS are complex and often redundant. We observed that progenitor zones in the telencephalon, dorsal diencephalon, hypothalamus, midbrain, midbrain-hindbrain boundary, cerebellum and retina all express multiple Wnt genes. Our data identify 12 specific ligands that can now be tested using loss-of-function approaches.  相似文献   

Data on the use of various immunochemical markers specifically indicating cell types of the neural retina and pigment epithelium are reviewed. It is demonstrated how this approach can be applied to the analysis of specific features of vertebrate retinal development, including the order and timing of differentiation of the main cell types, their interdependence in the course of this process, and factors controlling the latter. Problems concerning the state of differentiation and its change in the cells of retinal pigment epithelium and glial cells are discussed in respect to their analysis with the aid of specific protein markers. The current state of retina regeneration research involving the use of labeled cell sources and regenerated cells in lower vertebrates is analyzed. Problems in the search for new markers of retinal photoreceptor, macroglial, and microglial cells and their use in experiments are addressed.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, many analytical methods and tools have been developed for microarray data. The detection of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among different treatment groups is often a primary purpose of microarray data analysis. In addition, association studies investigating the relationship between genes and a phenotype of interest such as survival time are also popular in microarray data analysis. Phenotype association analysis provides a list of phenotype-associated genes (PAGs). However, it is sometimes necessary to identify genes that are both DEGs and PAGs. We consider the joint identification of DEGs and PAGs in microarray data analyses. The first approach we used was a naïve approach that detects DEGs and PAGs separately and then identifies the genes in an intersection of the list of PAGs and DEGs. The second approach we considered was a hierarchical approach that detects DEGs first and then chooses PAGs from among the DEGs or vice versa. In this study, we propose a new model-based approach for the joint identification of DEGs and PAGs. Unlike the previous two-step approaches, the proposed method identifies genes simultaneously that are DEGs and PAGs. This method uses standard regression models but adopts different null hypothesis from ordinary regression models, which allows us to perform joint identification in one-step. The proposed model-based methods were evaluated using experimental data and simulation studies. The proposed methods were used to analyze a microarray experiment in which the main interest lies in detecting genes that are both DEGs and PAGs, where DEGs are identified between two diet groups and PAGs are associated with four phenotypes reflecting the expression of leptin, adiponectin, insulin-like growth factor 1, and insulin. Model-based approaches provided a larger number of genes, which are both DEGs and PAGs, than other methods. Simulation studies showed that they have more power than other methods. Through analysis of data from experimental microarrays and simulation studies, the proposed model-based approach was shown to provide a more powerful result than the naïve approach and the hierarchical approach. Since our approach is model-based, it is very flexible and can easily handle different types of covariates.  相似文献   



Ectrodactyly ectodermal dysplasia cleft lip/palate (EEC) syndrome and limb-mammary syndrome (LMS) share a similar phenotype and the same pathogenic gene, which complicates the ability to distinguish between these diagnoses. The current study aims to identify a potential and practical clinical biomarker to distinguish EEC from LMS.


Two EEC pedigrees and one LMS pedigree that have been previously reported were reanalyzed. After confirmation of the causative mutations for these new patients, whole-genome expression microarray analysis was performed to assess the molecular genetic changes in these families.


Five new patients with classic symptoms were reported, and these individuals exhibited the same mutation as their relatives (c.812 G>C; c.611G>A; and c.680G>A). According to the whole genome expression results, the EEC patients exhibited different gene expression characteristics compared with the LMS patients. More than 5,000 genes were differentially expressed (changes >2 or <0.5-fold) among the EEC patients, LMS patients and healthy individuals. The top three altered pathways have been implicated in apoptosis, the hematopoietic cell lineage and the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.


Our results provide additional clinical and molecular information regarding EEC and LMS and suggest that peripheral blood cytokines may represent a promising clinical biomarker for the diagnosis of these syndromes.  相似文献   

水稻种子发育期间特异锌指蛋白基因的筛选与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
.锌指蛋白基因是植物基因组中最大最复杂的基因家族之一.大部分的锌指模体存在于转录因子中,它们在转录水平上参与植物生长发育及植物对生物和非生物胁迫的反应.为了解锌指蛋白基因在水稻种子发育中的作用,本研究通过多种数据库搜索获得了878个水稻锌指蛋白基因.从中选取311个利用RT-PCR技术分析它们在水稻成熟期根、茎、叶、花及不同发育阶段种子中的表达特征.结果发现,共有196个基因能在至少1个水稻器官中表达,其中10个为种子特异性表达基因.进一步分析发现,10个特异表达基因在水稻种子不同发育阶段中的表达具有种子阶段表达特异性.同时分析它们的基因及蛋白结构特点,结果显示它们的结构较简单,其中3个蛋白含有线粒体靶肽,5个蛋白含有CCCH锌指结构域.另外,分析种子特异性表达基因上游调控区的顺式作用元件,结果表明它们都含有TATA-box、CAAT-box和种子特异调控元件,除此之外还发现了光、激素和胁迫反应相关调控元件.这些结果为进一步研究它们在种子发育过程中的生物学功能提供了有用的线索.  相似文献   

以短间隔连续部分肝切除112h为试验方,以0h对照为驱动方,应用抑制性消减杂交技术构建了高效率的正向消减cDNA文库,从中随机挑取的50个克隆中有45个包含了100~350bp插入片段,对这些片段进行测序后经GenBank blast同源性检索,表明8个片段均为未知新序列。大鼠短间隔连续部分肝切除后肝再生cDNA正向消减文库的建立和未知的上调表达基因片段的克隆为研究肝再生的分子机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We investigated the functions of the highly expressed, sporulation-specific SpoC1 genes of Aspergillus nidulans by deleting the entire 38-kb SpoC1 gene cluster. The resultant mutant strain did not differ from the wild type in (1) growth rate, (2) morphology of specialized reproductive structures formed during completion of the asexual or sexual life cycles, (3) sporulation efficiency, (4) spore viability or (5) spore resistance to environmental stress. Thus, deletion of the SpoC1 gene cluster, representing 0.15% of the A. nidulans genome, had no readily detectable phenotypic effects. Implications of this result are discussed in the context of major alterations in gene expression that occur during A. nidulans development.  相似文献   

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