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The effect of n-butanol on the mobility of phospholipids in phospholipid vesicles and beef heart mitochondrial membranes has been studied using three stearic acid spin labels having a paramagnetic doxyl group in positions 5,12, and 16, respectively, and the fluorescent probe 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS). The mobility of the spin labels in the phospholipid aliphatic chains increases from the polar heads toward the methyl groups both in vesicles and in mitochondrial membranes; however, in the latter there is a higher constriction of rotational mobility observed at all levels in the lipid bilayer. Butanol determines a moderate increase in mobility of phospholipids in lipid vesicles, but the effect is more striking in the mitochondrial membranes, where the protein-induced constraint of mobility of the fatty acyl chains is removed at low concentrations of the alcohol. Butanol also enhances the mobility of tightly bound phospholipids residual in lipid-depleted mitochondrial preparations, although higher concentrations of butanol are required for this effect. The effect of the series of aliphatic n-alcohols is related to their hydrophobicity.Alcohols induce a decrease of the fluorescence of ANS bound to both lipid vesicles and mitochondrial membranes. The fluorescence decrease is not the result of a decreased partition of ANS from the aqueous medium to the bilayer, but depends upon a change in the chromophore environment. Since no shift of the emission maximum is observed after alcohol addition, such a change must be ascribed to increased mobility of the probe, in accord with the spin label data.As for the spin label data, the effect of the series of aliphatic n-alcohols is related to their hydrophobicity; at difference with the electron spin resonance results, however, the effects are maximal for pure phospholipid vesicles. It is calculated that alcohols affect both the long-range interactions between phospholipids and proteins in mitochondrial membranes (as detected by spin labels) and the order of phospholipid bilayers near the glycerol region (as detected by ANS). The differences between the two kinds of probes may be related to their differing localization in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

We investigated the kinetics of mitochondrial ATPase in bovine heart mitochondria and submitochondrial particles upon treatment with phospholipase A2, or upon addition of n-butanol to perturb the lipid protein interactions. The changes observed are the following: (1) Lipid removal or perturbation with butanol is accompanied by loss of ATPase activity with decrease of both V and of the KM for ATP. (2) There are changes of activation energy of ATPase activity at temperatures above the discontinuity normally observed for membrane-bound enzymes in mitochondria. In particular, butanol abolishes the discontinuity, and induces a constant activation energy of about 32 kcal/mol in the range 8--37 degrees C. (3) Butanol modifies the pH dependence of ATPase shifting the pH optimum from around 10 to less alkaline values. The optimum for Mg2+ concentrations is increased by the solvent. (4) Treatment with phospholipase A2 results in a removal of oligomycin-sensitive ATPase, whereas butanol addition prevents oligomycin inhibition of ATPase. (5) In beef heart mitochondria, a spin-labelled analog of the inhibitor, dicyclohexyl carbodiimide, did not show any change in environment upon butanol addition, unlike that found in mitochondria from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of four lipid membranes of different compositions, namely neat DPPC and PSM, and equimolar DPPC-cholesterol and PSM-cholesterol mixtures, are performed in the presence and absence of the general anesthetics diethylether and sevoflurane both at 1 and 600 bar. The results are analyzed in order to identify membrane properties that are potentially related to the molecular mechanism of anesthesia, namely that change in the same way in any membrane with any anesthetics, and change oppositely with increasing pressure. We find that the lateral lipid density satisfies both criteria: it is decreased by anesthetics and increased by pressure. This anesthetic-induced swelling is attributed to only those anesthetic molecules that are located close to the boundary of the apolar phase. This lateral expansion is found to lead to increased lateral mobility of the lipids, an effect often thought to be related to general anesthesia; to an increased fraction of the free volume around the outer preferred position of anesthetics; and to the decrease of the lateral pressure in the nearby range of the ester and amide groups, a region into which anesthetic molecules already cannot penetrate. All these changes are reverted by the increase of pressure. Another important finding of this study is that cholesterol has an opposite effect on the membrane properties than anesthetics, and, correspondingly, these changes are less marked in the presence of cholesterol. Therefore, changes in the membrane that can lead to general anesthesia are expected to occur in the membrane domains of low cholesterol content.  相似文献   

Freely-diffusing phospholipid spin labels have been employed to study rhodopsin-lipid interactions in frog rod outer segment disc membranes. Examination of the ESR spectra leads us to the conclusion that there are two motionally distinguishable populations of lipid existing in frog rod outer segment membranes over a wide physiological temperature range. Each of the spin probes used shows a two-component electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum, one component of which is motionally restricted on the ESR timescale, and represents between 33 and 40% of the total integrated spectral intensity. The second spectral component which accounts for the remainder of the spectral intensity possesses a lineshape characteristic of anisotropic motion in a lipid bilayer, very similar in shape to that observed from the same spin labels in dispersions of whole extracted frog rod outer segment lipid. The motionally restricted spectral component is attributed to those spin labels in contact with the surface of rhodospin, while the major component is believed to originate from spin labels in the fluid lipid bilayer region of the membranes. Calculations indicate that the motionally restricted lipid is sufficient to cover the protein surface. This population of lipids is shown here and elsewhere (Watts, A., Volotovski, I.D. and Marsh, D. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 5006-5013) to be by no means rigidly immobilized, having motion in the 20 ns time regime as opposed to motions in the one nanosecond time regime found in the fluid bilayer. Little selectivity for the motionally restricted population is observed between the different spin-labelled phospholipid classes nor with a spin-labelled fatty acid or sterol.  相似文献   

Alamethicin is a 19-amino-acid residue hydrophobic peptide that produces voltage-dependent ion channels in membranes. Analogues of the Glu(OMe)(7,18,19) variant of alamethicin F50/5 that are rigidly spin-labeled in the peptide backbone have been synthesized by replacing residue 1, 8, or 16 with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxyl (TOAC), a helicogenic nitroxyl amino acid. Conventional electron paramagnetic resonance spectra are used to determine the insertion and orientation of the TOAC(n) alamethicins in fluid lipid bilayer membranes of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. Isotropic (14)N-hyperfine couplings indicate that TOAC(8) and TOAC(16) are situated in the hydrophobic core of the membrane, whereas the TOAC(1) label resides closer to the membrane surface. Anisotropic hyperfine splittings show that alamethicin is highly ordered in the fluid membranes. Experiments with aligned membranes demonstrate that the principal diffusion axis lies close to the membrane normal, corresponding to a transmembrane orientation. Combination of data from the three spin-labeled positions yields both the dynamic order parameter of the peptide backbone and the intramolecular orientations of the TOAC groups. The latter are compared with x-ray diffraction results from alamethicin crystals. Saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance, which is sensitive to microsecond rotational motion, reveals that overall rotation of alamethicin is fast in fluid membranes, with effective correlation times <30 ns. Thus, alamethicin does not form large stable aggregates in fluid membranes, and ionic conductance must arise from transient or voltage-induced associations.  相似文献   

The influence of phospholipid environment upon the mobility of spin labels covalently bound to the Ca2+-transport ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase [EC]) was studied by electron spin resonance spectroscopy in native and reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. Fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit skeletal muscle was covalently labeled with maleimide spin-labels of different chain length or with 4-(2-iodoacetamido)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxyl, and the phospholipids were exchanged for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. With short-chain maleimide or iodoacetamide spin labels, the spectrum of the protein-bound label reflected the change in microenvironment caused by replacement of endogenous phospholipids with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine as a decrease in mobility. In contrast, after labeling with long-chain maleimide derivatives, there were no noticeable differences in the spectra before and after substitution with dipalmitophatidylcholine. Replacement of endogenous phospholipids with dioleoylphosphatidylcholine did not affect the spectra. The data indicate that increased viscosity in the environment of Ca2+-transport ATPase produced by replacement of sarcoplasmic reticulum lipids with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine reduces the mobility of short-chain maleimide spin labels covalently attached to the Ca2+-transport ATPase polypeptide.  相似文献   

Rotational diffusion of cytochrome oxidase in the inner membrane of rat liver mitochondria was measured by detecting the decay of absorption anisotropy after photolysis of the heme a3.CO complex by a vertically polarized laser flash. As in previous experiments with beef heart mitochondria (Kawato, S., Sigel, E., Carafoli, E., and Cherry, R. J. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 5508-5510), co-existence of rotating cytochrome oxidase (mean rotational relaxation time, phi, of 700 to 1400 microseconds) and immobilized cytochrome oxidase (phi greater than 20 ms) was observed in mitochondria and mitoplasts. The effect of lipid/protein ratio by weight (L/P) on the relative proportions of mobile and immobile cytochrome oxidase was investigated following the fusion of soybean phospholipid vesicles with mitoplasts. The fusion procedure yielded four separate fractions upon sucrose density gradient centrifugation with L/P as follows: 0.3 in Pellet, 0.7 in Band 3, 1.5 in Band 2, and 3.0 in Band 1. The percentage of rotationally mobile cytochrome oxidase (phi = 700 to 1000 microseconds) in each of the different bands was found to be 16% in Pellet, 25% in Band 3, 47% in Band 2, and 76% in Band 1 at 37 degrees C. The dependence of the amount of mobile cytochrome oxidase on L/P indicates that the fraction of aggregated protein progressively decreases with decreasing concentration of proteins in the membrane. Thus, the large immobile fraction of cytochrome oxidase in mitochondrial inner membranes can be explained by nonspecific protein aggregation which is a consequence of the low L/P. The decrease in the mobile fraction in Pellet compared with mitoplasts was shown to be due to the pH 6.5 incubation used for fusion.  相似文献   

Molecular mobility in membranes of intracellular organelles is poorly understood, due to the lack of experimental tools applicable for a great diversity of shapes and sizes such organelles can acquire. Determinations of diffusion within the plasma membrane or cytosol are based mostly on the assumption of an infinite flat space, not valid for curved membranes of smaller organelles. Here we extend the application of FRAP to mitochondria of living cells by application of numerical analysis to data collected from a small region inside a single organelle. The spatiotemporal pattern of light pulses generated by the laser scanning microscope during the measurement is reconstructed in silico and consequently the values of diffusion parameters best suited to the particular organelle are found. The mobility of the outer membrane proteins hFis and Tom7, as well as oxidative phosphorylation complexes COX and F1F0 ATPase located in the inner membrane is analyzed in detail. Several alternative models of diffusivity applied to these proteins provide insight into the mechanisms determining the rate of motion in each of the membranes. Tom7 and hFis move along the mitochondrial axis in the outer membrane with similar diffusion coefficients (D = 0.7 μm2/s and 0.6 μm2/s respectively) and equal immobile fraction (7%). The notably slower motion of the inner membrane proteins is best represented by a dual-component model with approximately equal partitioning of the fractions (F1F0 ATPase: 0.4 μm2/s and 0.0005 μm2/s; COX: 0.3 μm2/s and 0.007 μm2/s). The mobility patterns specific for the membranes of this organelle are unambiguously distinguishable from those of the plasma membrane or artificial lipid environments: The parameters of mitochondrial proteins indicate a distinct set of factors responsible for their diffusion characteristics.  相似文献   

The mobility of spin labels covalently bound to the Ca2+-transport ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase [EC 3.y.1.3]) was studied by electron spin-resonance spectroscopy in purified ATPase and reconstituted vesicles. The purified ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit skeletal muscle was covalently labeled with maleimide spin-labels of different chain length and the phospholipids were exchanged for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. The spectrum of the short-chain maleimide spin-label, bound to purified ATPase indicates reduced mobility after substitution of endogenous phospholipids with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. With the long-chain maleimide derivative no difference was detected in the spectra, measured at 20-35 degrees C temperature before and after substitution with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. Below 10 degrees C temperature the substitution with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine decreased the mobility of the prove, indicating that the microviscosity of environment in the vicinity of nitroxide groups was influenced by changes in the fatty acid composition. With both short and long chain spin-labels bound to purified ATPase adn sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles the amplitude of weakly immobilized component sharply decreased in media containing 20-50% glycerol. Therefore, the mobility of covalently bound nitroxide group in short or long chain maleimide derivatives is also sensitive to the viscosity of the water phase.  相似文献   

Freely diffusable lipid spin labels in bovine rod outer segment disc membranes display an apparent two-component ESR spectrum. One component is markedly more immobilized than that found in fluid lipid bilayers, and is attributed to lipid interacting directly with rhodopsin. For the 14-doxyl stearic acid spin label this more immobilized component has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0 degrees C, with a considerable temperature dependence, the effective outer splitting decreasing to 54 G at 24 degrees C. Spin label lipid chains covalently attached to rhodopsin can also display a two-component spectrum in rod outer segment membranes. In unbleached, non-delipidated membranes the 16-doxyl stearoyl maleimide label shows an immobilized component which has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0 degrees C and a considerable temperature dependence. This component which is not resolved at high temperatures (24--35 degrees C), is attributed to the lipid chains interacting directly with the monomeric protein, as with the diffusable labels. In contrast, in rod outer segment membranes which have been either delipidated or extensively bleached, a strongly immobilized component is observed with the 16-doxyl maleimide label at all temperatures. This immobilized component has an outer splitting of 62--64 G at 0 degrees C, with very little temperature dependence (61--62 G at 35 degrees C), and is attributed to protein aggregation.  相似文献   

In order to gain direct evidence for lipid-dependent protein conformation in membrane, effects of modification of lipid composition on mobility of spin-labeled cysteine residues were investigated in the plasma membrane of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Conversion of the bulk of phospholipids to diglycerides by treatment of the membrane with phospholipase C substantially enhanced spectral anisotropy. However, alteration of the viscosity of the lipid-bilayer by enriching the membrane with palmitelaidic or oleic acid had no effect on mobility of spin-labeled cysteine residues. These observations indicate that while the spin-labeled residues are not in direct contact with the lipid core of the membrane, there are lipid-protein interactions to the extent that removal of polar portion of the bulk of phospholipids induces conformational changes in proteins, which in turn restrict mobility of these residues. It is concluded that conformation of membrane proteins depends on lipid structure and that phospholipids have a role in preserving the native conformation of proteins.  相似文献   

A single-cysteine mutant of the lactose transport protein LacS(C320A/W399C) from Streptococcus thermophilus was selectively labeled with a nitroxide spin label, and its mobility in lipid membranes was studied as a function of its concentration in the membrane by saturation-transfer electron spin resonance. Bovine rhodopsin was also selectively spin-labeled and studied to aid the interpretation of the measurements. Observations of spin-labeled proteins in macroscopically aligned bilayers indicated that the spin label tends to orient so as to reflect the transmembrane orientation of the protein. Rotational correlation times of 1-2 micros for purified spin-labeled bovine rhodopsin in lipid membranes led to viscosities of 2.2 poise for bilayers of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (28 degrees C) and 3.0 poise for the specific mixture of lipids used to reconstitute LacS (30 degrees C). The rotational correlation time for LacS did not vary significantly over the range of low concentrations in lipid bilayers, where optimal activity was seen to decrease sharply and was determined to be 9 +/- 1 micros (mean +/- SD) for these samples. This mobility was interpreted as being too low for a monomer but could correspond to a dimer if the protein self-associates into an elongated configuration within the membrane. Rather than changing its oligomeric state, LacS appeared to become less ordered at the concentrations in aligned membranes exceeding 1:100 (w/w) with respect to the lipid.  相似文献   

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