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Barranco de Tamadaya is a deep ravine located in southern Tenerife, which is included within a protected area where several endemic plants grow. Among them, two legumes are catalogued as critically endangered, Anagyris latifolia and Lotus berthelotii. Rhizobial strains isolated from their root nodules grown in soil samples from this ravine harboured symbiotic genes belonging to two distant symbiovars, but they shared identical 16S rRNA gene sequences (rrs). The phylogeny based on the rrs sequences placed these isolates in a separate subbranch that did not include any of the currently recognised Mesorhizobium species, but the resolution of the ribosomal tree did not permit further taxonomic conclusions. Nevertheless, multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of four housekeeping genes (atpD, recA, glnII and dnaK) and the rrs gene generated a highly supported Bayesian phylogeny, identifying these isolates as a new Mesorhizobium lineage. DNA-DNA hybridisation homology percentages were lower than 30% compared to type strains of the closest related species, and supported the phylogenetic data. Phenotypic characterisation also distinguished this lineage from the other closest Mesorhizobium species. The polyphasic approach thus confirmed that the isolates represented a novel species for which we propose the name Mesorhizobium tamadayense sp. nov. The type strain is Ala-3(T) (CECT 8040(T), LMG 26736(T)).  相似文献   

The present work investigated early hatching differences in naturally occuring field populations and newly reared populations of potato cyst nematodes from the Canary Islands. Hatching behavior of the two species appears to be distinct, with more juveniles hatched from G. pallida that hatch earlier and over a shorter time than G. rostochiensis. The hatching rate of 3-year-old PCN populations was more than double (mean 44.5% ñ 1) that shown by newly reared populations (mean 19.1% ñ 12.5), and those that could be classified as pathotype Pa 1 (Pa 1 and P 13) were found to hatch particularly poorly. Significant differences were also observed in the juveniles released in tap water between newly reared populations of both species, with mean hatch significantly higher for G. rostochiensis. The results are discussed in relation to the implication that these findings may have for competition between the two species of PCN in the field.  相似文献   

The geographical and host distributions of Xenopsylla fleas parasitizing murid rodents on the Canary Islands have been reported. Three Xenopsylla species, X. cheopis, X. brasiliensis and X. guancha, have been detected on two rodents species, Mus musculus and Rattus rattus. X. guancha has been the most prevalent species detected, specifically on M. musculus, the most abundant rodent, but it has been detected only on three eastern islands, where the species is endemic. X. cheopis has been shown to be the most widely distributed species throughout the archipelago and the species most frequently found on R. rattus. X. brasiliensis has been shown to be the least prevalent Xenopsylla species, with the lowest geographical distribution on the Canary Islands and focused only on R. rattus. The detection of both X. cheopis and X. brasiliensis on the island of Lanzarote, and of X. guancha on the island of Fuerteventura and the islet of La Graciosa represents the first report of these species on those particular Canary Islands.  相似文献   

The beetle genus Trechus (Carabidae) is represented in the Macaronesian Islands by 43 endemic species. The Canary Islands have 16 endemic species, with two adapted to hypogean life. Phylogenetic relationships among 177 individuals of 38 Canarian, Madeiran, Azorean and continental Trechus species were examined using mitochondrial DNA and nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequence data. Results show two main lineages in the Canaries: one comprising two sister groups with species from the laurel forest of La Gomera and Tenerife, and the other containing the single species from Gran Canaria and a species complex in the four western islands including two troglobites. Calibrations were applied to a linearized tree using a relaxed molecular clock method to estimate the major evolutionary divergence times of the Canarian Trechus species. Although the species assemblage in this archipelago is relatively ancient (7-8 million years), much of the species diversity is recent. Transition to the hypogean environment is more consistent with the "adaptive shift" rather than with the competing "climatic relict" hypothesis.  相似文献   

Six novel polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from enriched libraries in Myrica faya Ait., recently renamed Morella faya, (fayatree, firetree, or firebush) in order to examine the genetic diversity in natural populations. Also, test cross-specific amplification and genetic diversity in Myrica rivas-martinezii, which is endemic on the Canary islands. Microsatellite loci were screened in 225 individuals of both species from different islands of the Canarian archipelago. All markers were successfully amplified from both Myrica species, with an average number of 6.5 and 9.3 alleles per locus in M. rivas-martinezii and M. faya, respectively. There was no evidence for linkage disequilibrium between loci, and the probability of null alleles ranged from 0.01 to 0.17.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba spp., known to cause keratitis and granulomatous encephalitis in humans, are frequently isolated from a variety of water sources. Here we report for the first time the characterization of an Acanthamoeba sp. (ACC01) isolated from tap water in Brazil. This organism is currently being maintained in an axenic growth medium. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU rRNA gene sequences positioned the new isolate in genotype T4, closest to the keratitis-causing isolate, A. polyphaga ATCC 30461 (∼99% similarity). Acanthamoeba ACC01 and A. polyphaga 30461 both grew at 37 °C and were osmotically resistant, multiplying in hyperosmolar medium. Both isolates secreted comparable amounts of proteolytic enzymes, including serine peptidases that were optimally active at a near neutral/alkaline pH and resolved identically in gelatin gels. Incubation of gels at pH 4.0 with 2 mM DTT also indicated the secretion of similar cysteine peptidases. Altogether, the results point to the pathogenic potential of Acanthamoeba ACC01.  相似文献   

The blue tit (Parus caeruleus teneriffae group) is proposed to have colonised the Canary Islands from North Africa according to an east-to-west stepping stone model, and today, the species group is divided into four subspecies, differing in morphological, acoustic, and ecological characters. This colonisation hypothesis was tested and the population structure between and within the islands studied using mitochondrial DNA sequences of the non-coding and relatively fast evolving control region. Our results suggest that one of the central islands, Tenerife, was colonised first and the other islands from there. Three of the presently recognised four subspecies are monophyletic, exception being the subspecies teneriffae, which consists of two monophyletic groups, the one including birds of Tenerife and La Gomera and the other birds of Gran Canaria. The Gran Canarian birds are well differentiated from birds of the other islands and should be given a subspecies status. In addition, the teneriffae subspecies group is clearly distinct from the European caeruleus group, and therefore the blue tit assemblage should be divided into two species.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 11 isozyme loci was used to explore the levels and apportionment of genetic variation in the eight known populations of Matthiola bolleana, an endemic Brassicaceae to the Eastern Canarian islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Within islands, ecosystem antiquity and uniformity, lack of evidence for selection or genetic bottlenecks, the high genetic identities between the populations, and the low values of F ST converge to suggest that the high levels of variation detected have been maintained in a context of prolonged environmental stability through an overall predominance of outbreeding and unrestricted gene flow. Despite the geographical closeness between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and the long range dispersal features of the propagules of M. bolleana, we detected a striking qualitative genetic differentiation between the two islands. We suggest that wind direction has made seed and pollen flow between Fuerteventura and Lanzarote much less likely than expected, and that the lack of inter-island dispersal has far overriden the influence of stochastic forces and of the reproductive attributes of M. bolleana in shaping the patterns of inter-island genetic differentiation. However, genetic similarity in M. bolleana is within the ranges defined by Canarian taxa for which the extent of genetic differentiation has also been assessed using the values of isozyme genetic identity.  相似文献   

Pseudoniphargus candelariae n. sp. is described from a ground-water-fed well in Tenerife (Canary Islands) and is compared with all species known from Macaronesia. The new species has one unique character (spination of palmar angle of gnathopod 1 sexually dimorphic) and presents furthermore a new combination of morphological features not found in other species of the genus in the area studied.  相似文献   

The trophozoite of Acanthamoeba transforms into a cyst, the resistant form under harmful environments such as starvation, cold and certain chemicals used in medical treatment. To investigate the factors mediating encystation, ESTs of encystation-induced A. castellanii were analysed and compared to those of trophozoites. Each EST was compared by the predicted proteins from the ESTs, to the cyst and the trophozoite by reciprocal BLAST analysis, KOG assignment, and gene annotation. In addition to the genes previously reported to encystation mediate such as cyst specific protein 21, protein kinase C, proteasome and heat shock protein, several genes like cullin 4, autophage protein 8 and ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes were identified to be related to encystation. Five kinds of proteinase genes were detected in cyst ESTs. The information of the genes expressed during encystation may open the way to further study on differentiation and resistance of cyst-forming pathogenic protozoa.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Acanthamoeba are known to infect the CNS, resulting in fatal granulomatous encephalitis. The mechanisms associated with the pathogenesis remain unclear; however pathophysiological complications involving the CNS most likely include induction of pro-inflammatory responses, invasion of the blood-brain barrier and the connective tissue and neuronal damage leading to brain dysfunction. The routes of entry include the olfactory neuroepithelium pathway and/or lower respiratory tract, followed by haematogenous spread. Skin lesions may provide direct entry into the bloodstream, bypassing the lower respiratory tract. For the haematogenous route, entry of amoebae into the CNS most likely occurs at the sites of the blood-brain barrier. Recent studies have identified several molecular mechanisms associated with Acanthamoeba traversal of the blood-brain barrier and targeting those may help develop therapeutic interventions and/or design preventative strategies.  相似文献   

Eleven strains were isolated from root nodules of Lotus endemic to the Canary Islands and they belonged to the genus Ensifer, a genus never previously described as a symbiont of Lotus. According to their 16S rRNA and atpD gene sequences, two isolates represented minority genotypes that could belong to previously undescribed Ensifer species, but most of the isolates were classified within the species Ensifer meliloti. These isolates nodulated Lotus lancerottensis, Lotus corniculatus and Lotus japonicus, whereas Lotus tenuis and Lotus uliginosus were more restrictive hosts. However, effective nitrogen fixation only occurred with the endemic L. lancerottensis. The E. meliloti strains did not nodulate Medicago sativa, Medicago laciniata Glycine max or Glycine soja, but induced non-fixing nodules on Phaseolus vulgaris roots. nodC and nifH symbiotic gene phylogenies showed that the E. meliloti symbionts of Lotus markedly diverged from strains of Mesorhizobium loti, the usual symbionts of Lotus, as well as from the three biovars (bv. meliloti, bv. medicaginis, and bv. mediterranense) so far described within E. meliloti. Indeed, the nodC and nifH genes from the E. meliloti isolates from Lotus represented unique symbiotic genotypes. According to their symbiotic gene sequences and host range, the Lotus symbionts would represent a new biovar of E. meliloti for which bv. lancerottense is proposed.  相似文献   

The dentition of Gallotia stehlini from one extant and two subfossil populations dated as 4000 and 2000 years before present was studied. Body measurements were similar in the two subfossil populations, but much greater than the largest sizes observed today in G. stehlini. The morphology of the dental cusps in this G. stehlini differs greatly from that of other Lacertidae, including other congeneric Canarian species; this has been connected with a vegetarian diet. A decrease in heterodonty with size of the animal is also seen which contrasts strongly with the models observed in the Mediterranean lacertid lizards.  相似文献   

Information on biometric and biological parameters of Cancer bellianus Johnson, 1861 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Cancridae) off the Canary Islands is given. Crabs examined were collected during experimental fishing surveys during 1974–1998. Carapace length, carapace width, total wet weight, sex and ovigerous condition were determined. This species was caught at depths from 153 to 750 m, the deepest ever recorded. Size frequency distributions were assembled and size-weight relationships were estimated by sex. Sex-ratio as a function of size and depth was determined. The size at first maturity was calculated by analysing the relative growth between the carapace length and the left chela width: 103.5 mm CL in males, 101.2 mm CL in females. Ovigerous females, egg size and fecundity estimates are reported apparently for the first time.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Apis mellifera populations from the Canary Islands has been assessed by mitochondrial (restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the intergenic transfer RNAleu-COII region) and nuclear (microsatellites) studies. These populations show a low level of genetic variation in terms of average number of alleles and degree of heterozygosity. Significant differences in the distribution of alleles were found in both data sets, confirming the genetic differentiation among some of the islands but not within them. Two mitochondrial haplotypes characteristic of the Canary Islands are found at high frequencies, although populations are introgressed by imported honeybees of eastern European C lineage. This introgression is rather high on Tenerife and El Hierro and low on Gran Canaria and La Gomera, whereas on La Palma it has not been recorded. The finding of microsatellite alleles characteristic of the eastern European lineage corroborates the genetic introgression. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the Canarian honeybees are differentiated from other lineages and provide genetic evidence of their African origin.  相似文献   

DNA nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) and the nuclear intron 7 of β-fibrinogen were obtained to infer the phylogenetic origin of the two endemic Canarian pigeons: Bolle’s Pigeon (Columba bollii) and Laurel Pigeon (C. junoniae). Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference all converged into a congruent topology: C. bollii clusters together with the Wood Pigeon (C. palumbus) which is common in Europe and Asia, while C. junoniae was found near the base of the clade that includes other species of the genus Columba from the Old World. Laurel Pigeon probably represents an old lineage that might have colonized the Canary Islands a long time ago (20 My) while Bolle’s Pigeon might have arrived on the archipelago much later during the Upper Miocene (5 My). Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we reported our discovery of Acanthamoeba contamination in domestic tap water; in that study, we determined that some Acanthamoeba strains harbor endosymbiotic bacteria, via our molecular characterization by mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (Mt DNA RFLP). Five (29.4%) among 17 Acanthamoeba isolates contained endosymbionts in their cytoplasm, as demonstrated via orcein staining. In order to estimate their pathogenicity, we conducted a genetic characterization of the endosymbionts in Acanthamoeba isolated from domestic tap water via 16S rDNA sequencing. The endosymbionts of Acanthamoeba sp. KA/WP3 and KA/WP4 evidenced the highest level of similarity, at 97% of the recently published 16S rDNA sequence of the bacterium, Candidatus Amoebophilus asiaticus. The endosymbionts of Acanthamoeba sp. KA/WP8 and KA/WP12 shared a 97% sequence similarity with each other, and were also highly similar to Candidatus Odyssella thessalonicensis, a member of the α-proteobacteria. The endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba sp. KA/WP9 exhibits a high degree of similarity (85-95%) with genus Methylophilus, which is not yet known to harbor any endosymbionts. This is the first report, to the best of our knowledge, to show that Methylophilus spp. can live in the cytoplasm of Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate spatial and temporal variation in Gelidium canariensis populations at two shores in northern Gran Canaria during two years. Spatial scales ranged from some hundred meters (distance between shores), 10 to 30 m (distance between plots) to less than 3 m (distance between quadrats). Gelidium individuals were defined as distinct Gelidium clumps. The results show a significant difference in size of clumps between shores, but not on the smaller spatial scales. No significant temporal variation was found. There was no significant temporal or spatial variation in standing crop or density (counts made in quadrats where Gelidium was present, rather than counts for the total shore). Sporophytic and gametophytic clumps were also distinguished by identifying reproductive structures in the field. The total proportion of sporophytes was larger than the proportion of gametophytes, but at a smaller scale there could be a shift in dominance. The survival rate of clumps was similar between shores with a mean survival rate of 85%, but there was a significant difference in recruitment between shores. The results indicate a stable population structure. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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