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B. N. Patel  M. J. Merrett 《Planta》1986,169(2):222-227
Air-grown cells of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum showed only 10% of the carbonic-anhydrase activity of air-grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Measurement of carbonic-anhydrase activity using intact cells and cell extracts showed all activity was intracellular in Phaeodactylum. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution at constant inorganic-carbon concentration but varying pH showed that exogenous CO2 was poorly utilized by the cells. Sodium ions increased the affinity of Phaeodactylum for HCO 3 - and even at high HCO 3 - concentrations sodium ions enhanced HCO 3 - utilization. The internal inorganic-carbon pool (HCO 3 - +CO2] was measured using a silicone-oil-layer centrifugal filtering technique. The internal [HCO 3 - +CO2] concentration never exceeded 15% of the external [HCO 3 - +CO2] concentration even at the lowest external concentrations tested. It is concluded that an internal accumulation of inorganic carbon relative to the external medium does not occur in P. tricornutum.Abbreviation Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   

J. Munoz  M. J. Merrett 《Planta》1989,178(4):450-455
Inorganic-carbon transport was investigated in the eukaryotic marine microalgaeStichococcus minor, Nannochloropsis oculata and aMonallantus sp. Photosynthetic O2 evolution at constant inorganic-carbon concentration but varying pH showed thatS. minor had a greater capacity for CO2 rather than HCO 3 utilization but forN. oculata andMonallantus HCO 3 was the preferred source of inorganic carbon. All three microalgae had a low affinity for CO2 as shown by the measurement of inorganic-carbon-dependent photosynthetic O2 evolution at pH 5.0. At pH 8.3, where HCO 3 is the predominant form of inorganic carbon, the concentration of inorganic carbon required for half-maximal rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution [K 0.5 (CO2)] was 53 M forMonallantus sp. and 125 M forN. oculata, values compatible with HCO 3 transport. Neither extra- nor intracellular carbonic anhydrase was detected in these three microalgal species. It is concluded that these microalgae lack a specific transport system for CO2 but that HCO 3 transport occurs inN. oculata andMonallantus, and in the absence of intracellular carbonic anhydrase the conversion of HCO 3 to CO2 may be facilitated by the internal pH of the cell.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-starved sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovic) cannot absorb NO 3 or NO 2 upon initial exposure to these anions. Ability of the plants to take up NO 3 and NO 2 at high rates from the beginning was induced by a pretreatment with NO 3 . Nitrite also acted as inducer of the NO 2 -uptake system. The presence of cycloheximide during NO 3 -pretreatment prevented the subsequent uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 , indicating that both uptake systems are synthesized de novo when plants are exposed to NO 3 . Cycloheximide also suppressed nitrate-reductase (EC and nitrite-reductase (EC activities in the roots. The sulfhydryl-group reagent N-ethylmaleimide greatly inhibited the uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 . Likewise, N-ethylmaleimide promoted in vivo the inactivation of nitrate reductase without affecting nitrite-reductase activity. Rates of NO 3 and NO 2 uptake as a function of external anion concentration exhibited saturation kinetics. The calculated Km values for NO 3 and NO 2 uptake were 45 and 23 M, respectively. Rates of NO 3 uptake were four to six times higher than NO 3 -reduction rates in roots. In contrast, NO 2 -uptake rates, found to be very similar to NO 3 -uptake rates, were much lower (about 30 times) than NO 2 -reduction rates. Removal of oxygen from the external solution drastically suppressed NO 3 and NO 2 uptake without affecting their reduction. Uptake and reduction were also differentially affected by pH. The results demonstrate that uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 into sunflower plants is mediated by energy-dependent inducible-transport systems distinguishable from the respective enzymatic reducing systems.Abbreviations CHI cycloheximide - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - NiR nitrite reductase - NR nitrate reductase - pHME p-hydroxymercuribenzoate This research was supported by grant PB86-0232 from the Dirección General de Investigatión Científica y Técnica (Spain). One of us (E.A.) thanks the Consejeria de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucia for the tenure of a fellowship. We thank Miss G. Alcalá and Miss C. Santos for their valuable technical and secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

Roots of nitrate-starved and nitrate-pretreated seedlings of Hordeum vulgare were used to investigate the induction of a high-capacity uptake mechanism for nitrate. When exposed to 0.2 mmol·l-1KNO3, nitrate-starved roots took up nitrate at a rate of approx. 1 mol·(g FW)-1·h-1; K+ was absorbed at a rate ten-times higher. Nitrate uptake accelerated after a lag of about 1 h, until it matched the rate of K+ uptake about 4 h later. p-Fluorophenylalanine (FPA), which prevents the synthesis of functioning proteins, suppressed the development of the high-capacity mechanism. Pretreatment of the roots with 0.2 mmol·l-1 Ca(NO3)2 for 24 h established the high-capacity mechanism. Pretreated roots were able to absorb nitrate at high rates immediately upon exposure to 0.2 mmol·l-1KNO3, in the absence or presence of FPA. The high-capacity mechanism, once established, appeared to have a protein turnover as slow as that of the low-capacity mechanism or that of the mechanism involved in the uptake of K+. In contrast, the mechanisms for the transport of nitrate and K+ into the xylem vessels were completely blocked by FPA within 1 h of application, confirming earlier evidence for a rapid turnover of the transport proteins in the xylem parenchyma.Nitrate reduction proceeded at rates which were roughly one-tenth as large as the rates of the respective nitrate-uptake processes, indicating that nitrate-reductase activity was determined by the rate of nitrate uptake and not vice versa.We conclude that the formation of a high-capacity nitrate-uptake mechanism in barley roots occurs in response to nitrate uptake through a constitutive mechanism of low capacity which appears to function as a sensing mechanism for nitrate in the environment of the roots.Abbreviation FPA p-fluorophenylalanine  相似文献   

The kinetics of the uptake of [3H]gibberellin A1 (GA1) by light- and dark-grown suspension-cultured cells of Spinacia oleracea (spinach) have been studied. Use of nonradioactive GA1 and gibberellic acid (GA3) show that the uptake has a saturable and a nonsaturable component. The nonsaturable component increases as the pH is lowered at a fixed concentration of [3H]GA1 and is probably caused by non-mediated diffusion of the uncharged protonated species of GA1. The saturable component is not the result of metabolic transformation or to GA1 binding to the cell wall and is suggested to represent the operation of a transport carrier for which GA1 and GA3 are substrates. Auxin, abscisic acid and a cytokinin did not alter the GA1 uptake. The Km is approx. 0.3 mol dm-3 at pH 4.4 in light- and dark-grown cells. The Vmax of the carrier is higher in the light-grown cells. The optimum pH for the carrier at a physiological GA1 concentration (3 nmol dm-3) was pH 4.0, with no activity detectable at pH 7.0. Both saturable and nonsaturable components were decreased by protonophores indicating that the pH gradient between the cells and the medium may be a component of the driving forces for both types of transport. Both the permeability coefficient for the undissociated GA1 and the ratio V max/K m for the carrier are lower than the corresponding values for the indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid carriers studied in other species.Abbreviations and symbols ABA abscisic acid - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - GA gibberellin - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - P permeability coefficient  相似文献   

J. Schlee  E. Komor 《Planta》1986,168(2):232-238
The preincubation of Chlorella cells with glucose caused a tenfold increase of the maximal uptake rate of ammonium without change in the K m (2 M). A similar stimulation of ammonium uptake was found when the cells were transferred to nitrogen-free growth medium. The time-course of uptake stimulation by glucose revealed a lag period of 10–20 min. The turnover of the ammonium transport system is characterized by a half-life time of 5–10 h, but in the presence of light 30% of uptake activity stayed even after 50 h. 6-Deoxyglucose was not able to increase the ammonium uptake rate. These data together were interpreted as evidence for induction of an ammonium transport system by a metabolite of glucose. Mechanistic studies of the ammonium transport system provided evidence for the electrogenic uptake of the ammonium ion. The charge compensation for NH 4 + entry was achieved by immediate K+ efflux from the cells, and this was followed after 1 min by H+ extrusion. Ammonium accumulated in the cells; the rate of uptake was sensitive to p-trifluoromethoxy-carbonylcyanide-phenylhydrazon and insensitive to methionine-sulfoxime. Uptake studies with methylamine revealed that methylamine transport is obviously catalyzed by the ammonium transport system and, therefore, also increased in glucose-treated Chlorella cells.Abbreviation p.c. packed cells  相似文献   

Urate was taken up at a negligible rate by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells grown on ammonium and transferred to media containing urate plus ammonium or urate plus chloral hydrate or cycloheximide. Addition of ammonium to cells actively consuming urate produced a rapid inhibition of urate uptake whereas the intracellular oxidation of urate was unaffected. Methylammonium but not glutamine or glutamate inhibited urate uptake. Addition of l-methionine-dl-sulfoximine to cells actively consuming urate provoked ammonium excretion, which was accompanied by a rapid inhibition of urate uptake. In cells growing on urate and exhibiting noticeable levels of nitrite-reductase activity, nitrite caused a sudden inhibition of urate uptake whereas nitrate required a time to induce nitrate reductase and to exert its inhibitory effect on uptake. The urate-uptake system did not require urate for induction since the urate-uptake capacity appeared in nitrogen-starved cells. From these results it is concluded that, in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, ammonium inhibits urate uptake and also acts as co-repressor of the uptake system.  相似文献   

A highly selective alkaloid uptake system in vacuoles of higher plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
B. Deus-Neumann  M. H. Zenk 《Planta》1984,162(3):250-260
Vacuoles were isolated from different plant cell cultures and the transport mechanism for alkaloid uptake at the tonoplast membrane, as well as the compartmentation of enzymes and products inside the cells were investigated. While serpentine, the major alkaloid of Catharanthus roseus cells, is definitely located inside the vacuole, two key enzymes of the indole-alkaloid pathway, strictosidine synthase and a specific glucosidase, are located in the cytosol. Transport of alkaloids across the tonoplast into the vacuolar space has been characterized as an active, engergy-requiring mechanism, which is sensitive to the temperature and pH of the surrounding medium, stimulated by K+ and Mg2+, and inhibited by N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimid and Cu2+. The alkaloids accumulate inside the vacuoles against a concentration gradient, and the uptake system is specific for alkaloids indigenous to the plant from which the vacuoles have been isolated.Abbreviation DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimid Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hubert Ziegler on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The transport of ammonium and methylammonium was studied in a strain of Ochrobactrum anthropi, a microorganism isolated from garden soil and able to degrade methyleneureas which are used as slow-release nitrogen fertilizer. The activity of both transport systems was determined using [14C]methylammonium. Differences between the two transport systems were observed with regard to their pH- and temperature dependence as well as their kinetic parameters and regulation during growth with various nitrogen sources. Ammonium transport was subject to repression by ammonium and to derepression in its absence, while the methylammonium carrier was induced in the presence of methylamine. The ammonium but not the methylammonium transport system was severely inhibited by ammonium, and metabolic poisons inhibited both uptake systems. The analysis of intracellular metabolites using thin-layer chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry indicated that methylammonium was rapidly metabolized to N-methylglutamate via -N-methylglutamine.  相似文献   

M. de Agazio  R. Federico  S. Grego 《Planta》1989,177(3):388-392
The inhibition of K+ uptake through the plasma membrane resulting from injury caused by cutting, or from application of polyamines (PAs), has been investigated in root segments of maize (Zea mays L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.). It was found, for both treatments, that K+ uptake recovered if the segments were washed for 2 h. The K+ uptake inhibited by cutting and that inhibited by spermidine treatment were stimulated to the same extent by fusicoccin. In addition, there was a correlation between the extent of the recovery of K+ uptake caused by washing and the distribution, along the root axis, of both PAs and the activities of enzymes responsible for PA degradation. In apical segments of maize, where the PA content and the activity of the degradative enzyme polyamine oxidase (EC were higher than in the more distal segments, the recovery of K+ uptake caused by washing was also higher. On the other hand, the opposite trend was observed in root segments of pea, where the PA content and the activity of the degradative enzyme diamine oxidase (EC were higher in distal segments in which K+ uptake was greatly stimulated by washing. The effect of the amine-oxidase inhibitor, aminoguanidine, indicates that the degradation products of PAs are involved in the mechanism of inhibition of K+ uptake by PAs. The data also seem to indicate that PAs and their degradation products are responsible for the inhibition of K+ uptake occurring as a result of injury sustained by cutting roots into segments.Abbreviations DAO diamine oxidase - FC fusicoccin - PA polyamine - PAO polyamine oxidase - PUT putrescine - SPD spermidine  相似文献   

Strains of Rhizobium spp. isolated from leguminous plants and standard strains accumulated 27% to 57% polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) of their cell biomass. Among these cultures, one strain of Rhizobium meliloti synthesized 10–30% more PHA than others and contained 3% hydroxyvalerate (HV) when grown on sucrose as carbon substrate. The occurrence of hydroxybutyrate (HB) and HV was confirmed by GC and 1H NMR analysis. Treatment of the culture with 4-N-piperidinobutyl-2-chlorophenoxazine resulted in a mutant which synthesized upto 69%, PHA of the cell biomass with an improved yield of 11 to 47% under different carbon and nitrogen ratios, compared to the parent strain.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin-containing vacuoles were isolated from protoplasts of a cell suspension culture of Daucus carota. The vacuoles were stable for at least 2 h as demonstrated by the fact that they showed no efflux of anthocyanin. The uptake of radioactively labelled anthocyanin was time-dependent with a pH optimum at 7.5, and could be inhibited by the protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Furthermore, the transport was specific, since vacuoles from other plant species showed no uptake of labelled anthocyanin, and strongly depended on acylation with sinapic acid, as deacylated glycosides were not taken up by isolated vacuoles. Hence, it is suggested that the acylation of anthocyanin, which is also required for the stabilization of colour in vacuoles, is important for transport, and that acylated anthocyanin is transported by a selective carrier and might be trapped by a pH-dependent conformational change of the molecule inside the acid vacuolar sap.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

From measurements of the rates of depletion of labelled ions from solution in the low concentration range, we described the phosphate and potassium uptake characteristics of the roots of intact barley plants in terms of the kinetic parameters, K m and I max (the maximum rate of uptake). In relatively young (13 d) and older (42 d) plants, cessation of phosphate supply for 4 d or more caused a marked increase in I max (up to four times), without concomitant change in K m, which remained between 5 and 7 M. By contrast, 1 d of potassium starvation with 14-d plants caused a decline in the K m (i.e. an increased apparent affinity for potassium) from 53 M to 11 M, without alteration to I max. After longer periods of potassium starvation, I max increased (about two times) while the K m remained at the same low value. Growth of shoots and roots were unaffected by these treatments, so that concentrations of ions in the tissues declined after 1 d or more of nutrient starvation, but we could not identify a characteristic endogenous concentration for either nutrient at which changes in kinetic parameters were invariably induced. The possible mechanisms regulating carriermediated transport, and the importance of changes induced in kinetic parameters in ion uptake from solution and soil are discussed.Symbol I max the maximum rate of absorption at saturating concentrations  相似文献   

Close coupling between extrusion of H+ and uptake of K+ by barley roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rudolf Behl  Klaus Raschke 《Planta》1987,172(4):531-538
Extrusion of H+ by intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots was automatically titrated. Simultaneously, uptake of K+ into the roots, transport of K+ through the roots, and (as a residual term) accumulation of K+ within the root tissue were determined. When no monovalent cation was present in the medium the steady rate of H+ release was close to zero. Addition of K+ stimulated H+ extrusion within less than 1 min. The stimulation of H+ release was apparently limited only by the movement of K+ through the apoplast of the roots. The steady rate of H+ extrusion depended on the availability of external K+ and saturated at a K+ concentration of about 100 mol· dm-3. Half-maximum rates of net K+ uptake and H+ extrusion were reached at a K+ concentration of about 10 mol·dm-3. With (slowly absorbable) sulfate as the only anion present, the stoichoimetry between H+ release and net K+ uptake was one. In conclusion, the uptake of K+ across the plasmalemma of the cells of the root cortex is electrically coupled to H+ extrusion.  相似文献   

Phosphate uptake inLemna gibba G1: energetics and kinetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphate uptake was studied by determining [32P]phosphate influx and by measurements of the electrical membrane potential in duckweed (Lemna gibba L.). Phosphate-induced membrane depolarization (E m ) was controlled by the intracellular phosphate content, thus maximal E m by 1 mM H2PO 4 - was up to 133 mV after 15d of phosphate starvation. The E m was strongly dependent on the extracellular pH, with a sharp optimum at pH 5.7. It is suggested that phosphate uptake is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient, proceeding by a 2H+/H2PO 4 - contransport mechanism. This is supported also by the fusicoccin stimulation of phosphate influx. Kinetics of phosphate influx and of E m , which represent mere plasmalemma transport, are best described by two Michaelis-Menten terms without any linear components.Abbreviations E m electrical membrane potential difference - E m phosphate-induced, maximal membrane depolarization - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

Kjeldahl assays showed that the pod wall of Vicia faba fruits behaves as a transitory reservoir of nitrogen. We have studied the properties and energetics of amino-acid uptake during the accumulating stage of pod wall development. A comparative analysis using various inhibitors or activators of the proton pump has been carried out i) on threonine uptake, ii) on the acidifying activity of the tissues, and iii) on the transmembrane potential difference of mesocarp cells. Except for the effect of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide which could not be satisfactorily explained, all other results obtained with ATPase inhibitors, uncouplers and fusicoccin were consistent with the view of a transport energized by the proton-motive force. Adding threonine to a medium containing fragments of pericarp or of endocarp induced a pH change (to-wards more alkaline values) of the medium and a membrane depolarization of the storage cells which depended on the amino-acid concentration added. These data indicate H+-threonine cotransport in the pod wall of broad bean. Moreover, because p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid inhibits threonine uptake without affecting the transmembrane potential difference, it is concluded that the threonine carrier possesses a functional SH-group located at the external side of the plasmalemma.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide- m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - DES diethylstilbestrol - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - FC fusicoccin - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid - PD potential difference  相似文献   

Uptake of glucose, 3-O-methylglucose and sucrose into beetroot protoplasts is considerably stimulated by 10–6M fusicoccin. This effect is decreased in the presence of 10mM Na+ or K+, 2 mM Mg2+ or Ca2+. Whereas fusicoccin causes no change in the pH-optimum of the sugar uptake (pH 5.0), the apparent Km of this uptake which obeys a biphasic kinetics is decreased by the action of fusicoccin. In the protoplast suspension, fusicoccin induces an acidification which is suppressed by uncoupling agents. Correspondingly, uncouplers as well as vanadate and diethylstilbestrol markedly inhibit the effect of fusicoccin on sugar uptake. The present data support the view that glucose uptake into beetroot protoplasts depend on the proton-pumping activity of the plasmalemma-ATPase. cis–Abscisic acid diminishes significantly the fusicoccin-enhanced glucose uptake. By using a radioimmunoassay, the internal abscisic acid content of the protoplast was estimated to be in the range of 10–6 M. Protoplasts isolated from bundle tissue contain twice as much abscisic acid as those derived from storage parenchyma. Because protoplasts from the bundle tissue were shown to take up sugars much faster than those from the storage cells, the observed effect of abscisic acid might reflect an involvement of this hormone in the regulation of carbohydrate partitioning in the beet.Abbreviations ABA cis–abscisic acid - bundle protoplast protoplasts isolated from the conducting tissue of beetroots - DES diethylstilbestrol - FC fusicoccin - 3-OMG 3-O-methylglucopyranose - PCMBS p–chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - storage protoplasts protoplasts isolated from storage parenchyma  相似文献   

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