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? The CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON (CUC)/NO APICAL MERISTEM (NAM) family of genes control boundary formation and lateral organ separation, which is critical for proper leaf and flower patterning. However, most downstream targets of CUC/NAM genes remain unclear. ? In a forward screen of the tobacco retrotransposon1 (Tnt1) insertion population in Medicago truncatula, we isolated a weak allele of the no-apical-meristem mutant mtnam-2. Meanwhile, we regenerated a mature plant from the null allele mtnam-1. These materials allowed us to extensively characterize the function of MtNAM and its downstream genes. ? MtNAM is highly expressed in vegetative shoot buds and inflorescence apices, specifically at boundaries between the shoot apical meristem and leaf/flower primordia. Mature plants of the regenerated null allele and the weak allele display remarkable floral phenotypes: floral whorls and organ numbers are reduced and the floral organ identity is compromised. Microarray and quantitative RT-PCR analyses revealed that all classes of floral homeotic genes are down-regulated in mtnam mutants. Mutations in MtNAM also lead to fused cotyledons and leaflets of the compound leaf as well as a defective shoot apical meristem. ? Our results revealed that MtNAM shares the role of CUC/NAM family genes in lateral organ separation and compound leaf development, and is also required for floral organ identity and development.  相似文献   

New members of the floral organ identity AGAMOUS pathway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Arabidopsis floral organ identity gene AGAMOUS (AG) specifies stamen and carpel development as well as floral determinacy. Recent reports suggest that the HUA1, HUA2, HEN1 and HEN2 genes function redundantly as components of the AG pathway. The HUA1, HUA2, HEN1 and HEN2 genes encode nuclear proteins that perhaps play a role in RNA metabolism. The HUA and HEN genes function not only on the AG pathway, but also in vegetative development.  相似文献   

Flower development: manipulating floral organ identity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Control of flowering and the regulation of plant architecture have been thoroughly investigated in a number of well-studied dicot plants such as Arabidopsis, Antirrhinum, and tobacco. However, in many important monocot seed crops, molecular information on plant reproduction is still limited. To investigate the regulation of meristem identity and the control of floral transition in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) we isolated a ryegrass TERMINAL FLOWER1-like gene, LpTFL1, and characterized it for its function in ryegrass flower development. Perennial ryegrass requires a cold treatment of at least 12 weeks to induce flowering. During this period a decrease in LpTFL1 message was detected in the ryegrass apex. However, upon subsequent induction with elevated temperatures and long-day photoperiods, LpTFL1 message levels increased and reached a maximum when the ryegrass apex has formed visible spikelets. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing LpTFL1 were significantly delayed in flowering and exhibited dramatic changes in architecture such as extensive lateral branching, increased growth of all vegetative organs, and a highly increased trichome production. Furthermore, overexpression of LpTFL1 was able to complement the phenotype of the severe tfl1-14 mutant of Arabidopsis. Analysis of the LpTFL1 promoter fused to the UidA gene in Arabidopsis revealed that the promoter is active in axillary meristems, but not the apical meristem. Therefore, we suggest that LpTFL1 is a repressor of flowering and a controller of axillary meristem identity in ryegrass.  相似文献   

In Impatiens balsamina a lack of commitment of the meristem during floral development leads to the continuous requirement for a leaf-derived floral signal. In the absence of this signal the meristem reverts to leaf production. Current models for Arabidopsis state that LEAFY (LFY) is central to the integration of floral signals and regulates flowering partly via interactions with TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1) and AGAMOUS (AG). Here we describe Impatiens homologues of LFY, TFL1 and AG (IbLFY, IbTFL1 and IbAG) that are highly conserved at a sequence level and demonstrate homologous functions when expressed ectopically in transgenic Arabidopsis. We relate the expression patterns of IbTFL1 and IbAG to the control of terminal flowering and floral determinacy in Impatiens. IbTFL1 is involved in controlling the phase of the axillary meristems and is expressed in axillary shoots and axillary meristems which produce inflorescences, but not in axillary flowers. It is not involved in maintaining the terminal meristem in either an inflorescence or indeterminate state. Terminal flowering in Impatiens appears therefore to be controlled by a pathway that uses a different integration system than that regulating the development of axillary flowers and branches. The pattern of ovule production in Impatiens requires the meristem to be maintained after the production of carpels. Consistent with this morphological feature IbAG appears to specify stamen and carpel identity, but is not sufficient to specify meristem determinacy in Impatiens.  相似文献   

 A high frequency of embryogenesis and transformation from all parts of flowers of two lines of Medicago truncatula R-108–1 and Jemalong J5 were obtained. Using this flower system, we obtained transgenic plants expressing promoter-uidA gene fusions as well as the gfp living cell color reporter gene. Moreover, this method allows us to save time and to use a smaller greenhouse surface for the culture of donor plants. Southern hybridization showed that the internal gfp fragment had the expected size and the number of T-DNA copies integrated in the plant genome varied between one and three. These data suggest that the presence of the GFP protein has no toxic effects, since no rearrangement of the gfp reporter gene was detected in the regenerated plants. Received: 25 May 1999 / Revision received: 2 August 1999 / Accepted: 2 August 1999  相似文献   

LEAFY controls floral meristem identity in Arabidopsis.   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  
The first step in flower development is the generation of a floral meristem by the inflorescence meristem. We have analyzed how this process is affected by mutant alleles of the Arabidopsis gene LEAFY. We show that LEAFY interacts with another floral control gene, APETALA1, to promote the transition from inflorescence to floral meristem. We have cloned the LEAFY gene, and, consistent with the mutant phenotype, we find that LEAFY RNA is expressed strongly in young flower primordia. LEAFY expression procedes expression of the homeotic genes AGAMOUS and APETALA3, which specify organ identify within the flower. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LEAFY is the Arabidopsis homolog of the FLORICAULA gene, which controls floral meristem identity in the distantly related species Antirrhinum majus.  相似文献   

Of the many innovations associated with the radiation of the angiosperms, the evolution of a petal identity program is among the best understood from a genetic standpoint. Although the existing data do indicate that similar genetic mechanisms control petal development across diverse taxa, there is also considerable evidence for variability in petal identity programs, likely due to a number of factors. These points are illustrated through a review of our current knowledge on the subject, integrating phylogenetic, morphological, and genetic studies. Comparative studies of petal identity highlight the complex nature of homology in plants and stand as a cautionary tale for the interpretation of gene expression data.  相似文献   

Regulation of floral transition and inflorescence development is crucial for plant reproductive success. FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is one of the central players in the flowering genetic regulatory network, whereas FLOWERING LOCUS D (FD), an interactor of FT and TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1), plays significant roles in both floral transition and inflorescence development. Here we show the genetic regulatory networks of floral transition and inflorescence development in Medicago truncatula by characterizing MtFTa1 and MtFDa and their genetic interactions with key inflorescence meristem (IM) regulators. Both MtFTa1 and MtFDa promote flowering; the double mutant mtfda mtfta1 does not proceed to floral transition. RNAseq analysis reveals that a broad range of genes involved in flowering regulation and flower development are up- or downregulated by MtFTa1 and/or MtFDa mutations. Furthermore, mutation of MtFDa also affects the inflorescence architecture. Genetic analyses of MtFDa, MtFTa1, MtTFL1, and MtFULc show that MtFDa is epistatic to MtFULc and MtTFL1 in controlling IM identity. Our results demonstrate that MtFTa1 and MtFDa are major flowering regulators in M. truncatula, and MtFDa is essential both in floral transition and secondary inflorescence development. The study will advance our understanding of the genetic regulation of flowering time and inflorescence development in legumes.

Double mutation of two flowering genes in Medicago truncatula completely blocks the floral transition, resulting in significantly more biomass compared to wild-type.  相似文献   

计慎敏  张大兵 《植物学报》2007,24(3):284-292
继双子叶模式植物拟南芥之后, 单子叶模式植物水稻的生殖发育研究受到广泛的重视。随着水稻正向和反向遗传学研究的不断深入, 人们发现了一些调控水稻花器官特征以及花器官数量的重要基因, 使得对水稻花器官发育的调控机制有了更多的了解。本文着重概述和讨论水稻花器官特征决定以及花器官数量控制分子机理研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

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