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Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) serve a wide variety of functions, from constructing and maintaining the microtubule cytoskeleton to using this cytoskeleton to transport cargo and to tether molecules that are involved in numerous cellular processes. Throughout the cell cycle, distinct microtubule arrays carry out specific roles in cytokinesis, karyokinesis, and cell expansion. Recent findings have shed new light on the importance of MAPs in controlling microtubule growth dynamics as well as in cross-linking microtubules to facilitate the formation and function of these cytoskeletal arrays.  相似文献   

The calpains are a family of Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine proteases implicated in various biological processes. In this family, calpain 6 (Capn6) is unique in that it lacks the active-site cysteine residues requisite for protease activity. During the search for genes downstream of the endothelin 1 (ET-1) signaling in pharyngeal-arch development, we identified Capn6. After confirming that the expression of Capn6 in pharyngeal arches is downregulated in ET-1-null embryos by in situ hybridization, we investigated its function. In Capn6-transfected cells, cytokinesis was retarded and was often aborted to yield multinucleated cells. Capn6 overexpression also caused the formation of microtubule bundles rich in acetylated alpha-tubulin and resistant to the depolymerizing activity of nocodazole. Green fluorescent protein-Capn6 overexpression, immunostaining for endogenous Capn6, and biochemical analysis demonstrated interaction between Capn6 and microtubules, which appeared to be mainly mediated by domain III. Furthermore, RNA interference-mediated Capn6 inactivation caused microtubule instability with a loss of acetylated alpha-tubulin and induced actin reorganization, resulting in lamellipodium formation with membrane ruffling. Taken together, these results indicate that Capn6 is a microtubule-stabilizing protein expressed in embryonic tissues that may be involved in the regulation of microtubule dynamics and cytoskeletal organization.  相似文献   

Microtubules are hollow tubes essential for many cellular functions such as cell polarization and migration, intracellular trafficking and cell division. They are polarized polymers composed of α and β tubulin that are, in most cells, nucleated at the centrosome at the center of the cell. Microtubule plus-ends are oriented towards the periphery of the cell and explore the cytoplasm in a very dynamic manner. Microtubule alternate between phases of growth and shrinkage in a manner described as dynamic instability. Their dynamics is highly regulated by multiple factors: tubulin post-translational modifications such as detyrosination or acetylation, and microtubule-associated proteins, among them the plus-tip tracking proteins. This regulation is necessary for microtubule functions in the cell. In this review, we will focus on the role of microtubules in intracellular organization. After an overview of the mechanisms responsible for the regulation of microtubule dynamics, the major roles of microtubules dynamics in organelle positioning and organization in interphase cells will be discussed. Conversely, the role of certain organelles, like the nucleus and the Golgi apparatus as microtubule organizing centers will be reviewed. We will then consider the role of microtubules in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity using few examples of cell polarization: epithelial cells, neurons and migrating cells. In these cells, the microtubule network is reorganized and undergoes specific and local regulation events; microtubules also participate in the intracellular reorganization of different organelles to ensure proper cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Coordinated functions of the actin cytoskeleton and microtubules, which need to be carefully controlled in time and space, are required for the drastic alterations of neuronal morphology during neuromorphogenesis and neuronal network formation. A key process in neuronal actin dynamics is filament formation by actin nucleators, such as the Arp2/3 complex, formins and the brain-enriched, novel WH2 domain-based nucleators Spire and cordon-bleu (Cobl). We here discuss in detail the currently available data on the roles of these actin nucleators during neuromorphogenesis and highlight how their required control at the plasma membrane may be brought about. The Arp2/3 complex was found to be especially important for proper growth cone translocation and axon development. The underlying molecular mechanisms for Arp2/3 complex activation at the neuronal plasma membrane include a recruitment and an activation of N-WASP by lipid- and F-actin-binding adaptor proteins, Cdc42 and phosphatidyl-inositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). Together, these components upstream of N-WASP and the Arp2/3 complex ensure fine-control of N-WASP-mediated Arp2/3 complex activation and control distinct functions during axon development. They are counteracted by Arp2/3 complex inhibitors, such as PICK, which likewise play an important role in neuromorphogenesis. In contrast to the crucial role of the Arp2/3 complex in proper axon development, dendrite formation and dendritic arborization was revealed to critically involve the newly identified actin nucleator Cobl. Cobl is a brain-enriched protein and uses three Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein homology 2 (WH2) domains for actin binding and for promoting the formation of non-bundled, unbranched filaments. Thus, cells use different actin nucleators to steer the complex remodeling processes underlying cell morphogenesis, the formation of cellular networks and the development of complex body plans.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of cytoskeletal organization and dynamics on cellular biochemistry, a mathematical model was formulated based on our own experimental evidence. The model couples microtubular protein (MTP) dynamics to the glycolytic pathway and its branches: the Krebs cycle, ethanolic fermentation, and the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway. Results show that the flux through glycolysis coherently and coordinately increases or decreases with increased or decreased levels of polymerized MTP, respectively. The rates of individual enzymatic steps and metabolite concentrations change with the polymeric status of MTP throughout the metabolic network. Negative control is exerted by the PP pathway on the glycolytic flux, and the extent of inhibition depends inversely on the polymerization state of MTP, i.e. a high degree of polymerization relieves the negative control. The stability of the model's steady state dynamics for a wide range of variation of metabolic parameters increased with the degree of polymerized MTP. The findings indicate that the organization of the cytoskeleton bestows coherence and robustness to the coordination of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

T M Svitkina 《Tsitologiia》1989,31(12):1435-1440
Cytoskeleton organization of cultured normal epithelial cells (epithelium of newborn mouse kidney, mouse and rat hepatocytes) was studied using electron microscopy of platinum replicas. These cells in culture were firmly connected with each other and formed multicellular islands. Pseudopodial activity was observed only at the free edges of marginal cells of the islands. Cytoskeleton in the vicinity of such active edges included several structurally different zones. The most peripheral zone contained dense actin meshwork. More inner "sparse" zone contained loose actin filament network. Next zone in the same direction was the lamella proper. It contained individual microfilaments and their bundles or meshwork patches. Microtubules and intermediate filaments were also present in the lamella proper. The characteristic feature of the central (endoplasmic) region of the marginal cells of the islands was the presence of the submembranous microfilament sheath. Microfilaments in the sheath were densely packed. Individual fibers were visible along a significant distance. The inner cells in the epithelial islands had no zonal organization of the cytoskeleton. The endoplasmic microfilament sheath occupied the whole dorsal cell surface in these cells. Different epithelia studied here had some variations in the relative width of cytoskeletal zones. The organization of cytoskeleton in the epithelial cells has many features in common with that in fibroblasts. Possible mechanisms of establishment of the zonal cytoskeletal organization in both the cell types are discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of microtubule nucleation sites is an essential step in microtubule organization. Cortical microtubule arrays in green plant cells at inter-phase are organized in a distinct manner—the array is formed in the absence of previously recognized organelles for microtubule nucleation, for example the centrosome and spindle pole body. Microtubules in the cortical array were recently found to be nucleated as branches on pre-existing microtubules via recruitment of cytosolic γ-tubulin. In this review we briefly summarize the mechanism of microtubule-dependent microtubule nucleation and discuss a possible role of this mechanism in other cellular processes and their evolution.  相似文献   

Until recently, the dynamic properties of intermediate filaments (IF) were attributed primarily to the exchange of subunits between a disassembled pool and polymerized 10nm filaments. During interphase, this subunit exchange process was thought to produce local modifications in IF structure. During cell division, shifts in the equilibrium between subunits and polymers were thought to lead to either the global or regional disassembly of IF networks, thereby facilitating their distribution into daughter cells. Recently, novel structural forms of IF that undergo rapid and directed transport in several cell types were revealed. Time-lapse observations of motile IF structures in different cell systems have also revealed novel insights into the mechanisms underlying the transport of cytoskeletal components throughout the cytoplasm and the molecular basis of the 'crosstalk' between different cytoskeletal systems.  相似文献   

Although microtubules are known to be essential for chromosome segregation during cell division, they also play important roles in the regulation and function of cell polarity. Cell polarization is fundamental to appropriate tissue patterning and the regulation of cellular diversity during animal development. In polarized cells, microtubules are often organized asymmetrically along the polarity axis. Recent studies show that such asymmetry in microtubule organization is important to connect a cell's polarization with its polarized functions. In some cases, asymmetrically organized microtubule arrays themselves induce cell polarity. Here we present an overview of the mechanisms and functions of asymmetric microtubule organization and discuss the possible role of microtubule asymmetry in the symmetry-breaking that leads to cell polarization.  相似文献   

Microtubules exhibit dynamic instability, converting abruptly between assembly and disassembly with continued growth dependent on the presence of a tubulin-GTP cap at the plus end of the organelle. Tubulin, the main structural protein of microtubules, is a heterodimer composed of related polypeptides termed alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin. Most eukaryotic cells possess several isoforms of the alpha- and beta-tubulins, as well as gamma-tubulin, an isoform restricted to the centrosome. The isoforms of tubulin arise either as the products of different genes or by posttranslational processes and their synthesis is subject to regulation. Tubulin isoforms coassemble with one another and isoform composition does not appear to determine whether a microtubule is able to carry out one particular activity or another. However, the posttranslational modification of polymerized tubulin may provide chemical signals which designate microtubules for a certain function. Microtubules interact with proteins called microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and they can be divided into two groups. The structural MAPs stimulate tubulin assembly, enhance microtubule stability, and influence the spatial distribution of microtubules within cells. The dynamic MAPs take advantage of microtubule polarity and organization to vectorially translocate cellular components. The interactions between microtubules and MAPs contribute to the structural-functional integration that characterizes eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Polarization of T cells involves reorientation of the microtubule organizing center (MTOC). Because activated ERK is localized at the immunological synapse, we investigated its role by showing that ERK activation is important for MTOC polarization. Suspecting that ERK phosphorylates a regulator of microtubules, we next focused on stathmin, a known ERK substrate. Our work indicates that during T cell activation, ERK is recruited to the synapse, allowing it to phosphorylate stathmin molecules near the immunological synapse. Supporting an important role of stathmin phosphorylation in T cell activation, we showed that T cell activation results in increased microtubule growth rate dependent on the presence of stathmin. The significance of this finding was demonstrated by results showing that CTLs from stathmin(-/-) mice displayed defective MTOC polarization and defective target cell cytolysis. These data implicate stathmin as a regulator of the microtubule network during T cell activation.  相似文献   

We previously reported that undifferentiated colonic cancer HT-29 cells, unlike the differentiated ones, exhibit unusual organelle distributions and atypical vesicle trafficking patterns, which are microtubule-independent and microfilamentdependent. In the present study, we have analyzed the microtubule network in both phenotypes, using confocal microscopy, and determined the expression levels of some rnicrotubule-associated proteins by quantitative imrnunoblotting. Differentiated cells exhibited the microtubular organization of polarized epithelial cells. Non-polarized undifferentiated cells presented an atypical microtubule organization as microtubules were localized mainly at the cell ‘top’. Immunoblot analysis indicated the absence or sow content of several structural and motor microtubule-associated proteins in undifferentiated cells, compared to differentiated cells. This may explain in part their atypical microtubular organization. This study agrees with a crucial role for microfilaments in the intracellular organization of undifferentiated HT-29 cancer cells, while differentiated HT-29 cells exhibit intracellular organization similar to that of normal enterocytic cells, although they are also tumoral.  相似文献   

Serial sectioning was used to track the position and measure the lengths of cortical microtubules in glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide-fixed root tip cells. Microtubules lying against the longitudinal walls during interphase, those overlying developing xylem thickenings, and those in pre-prophase bands are oriented circumferentially but on average are only about one-eighth of the cell circumference in length, i.e., 2-4 micrometer. The arrays consist of overlapping component microtubules, interconnected by cross bridges where they are grouped and also connected to the plasma membrane. Microtubule lengths vary greatly in any given array, but the probability that any pass right around the cell is extremely low. The majority of the microtubule terminations lie in statistically random positions in the arrays, but nonrandomness in the form of groups of terminations and terminations in short lines parallel to the axis of cell elongation has been observed. Low temperature induces microtubule shortening and increases the frequency of C-shaped terminations over the 1.7% found under normal conditions; colchicine and high pressures produce abnormally large proportions of very short microtubules amongst those that survive the treatments. Deuterium oxide (D2O) treatment probably induces the formation of additional microtubules as distinct from increasing the length of those already present. The distribution of C-shaped terminations provides evidence for at least local polarity in the arrays. The validity of the findings is discussed, along with implications for the development, maintenance, and orientation of the arrays and their possible relationship to the orientation of cellulose deposition.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for plant communities in water-limited systems is introduced and applied to a mixed woody-herbaceous community. Two feedbacks between biomass and water are found to be of crucial importance for understanding woody-herbaceous interactions: water uptake by plants' roots and increased water infiltration at vegetation patches. The former acts to increase interspecific competition while the latter favors facilitation. The net interspecific interaction is determined by the relative strength of the two feedbacks. The model is used to highlight new mechanisms of plant-interaction change by studying factors that tilt the balance between the two feedbacks. Factors addressed in this study include environmental stresses and patch dynamics of the woody species. The model is further used to study mechanisms of species-diversity change by taking into consideration tradeoffs in species traits and conditions giving rise to irregular patch patterns.  相似文献   

Summary Nucleated erythrocytes of non-mammalian vertebrates are a useful model system for studying the correlation between changes in cell shape and cytoskeletal organization during cellular morphogenesis. They are believed to transform from spheres to flattened discs to ellipsoids. Our previous work on developing erythroblasts suggested that pointed cells containing incomplete, pointed marginal bands (MBs) of microtubules might be intermediate stages in the larval axolotl. To test whether the occurrence of such pointed cells was characteristic of amphibian erythrogenesis, we have utilized phenylhydrazine (PHZ)-induced anemia in adultXenopus. In this system, circulating erythrocytes are destroyed and replaced by erythroblasts that differentiate in the blood, making them experimentally accessible. Thus, we followed the time-course of morphological and cytoskeletal changes in the new erythroid population during recovery. During days 7–9 post-PHZ, pointed cells did indeed begin to appear, as did spherical and discoidal cells. The percentage of pointed cells peaked at days 11–13 in different animals, subsequently declining as the percentage of elliptical cells increased. Since degenerating old erythrocytes were still present when pointed cells appeared, we tested directly whether pointed ones were old or new cells. Blood was removed via the dorsal tarsus vein, and the erythrocytes washed, fluorescently tagged, and re-injected. In different animals, 2–8% of circulating erythrocytes were labeled. Subsequent to induction of anemia in these frogs, time-course sampling showed that no pointed cells were labeled, identifying them as new cells. Use of propidium iodide revealed large nuclei and cytoplasmic staining indicative of immaturity, and video-enhanced phase contrast and anti-tubulin immunofluorescence showed that the pointed cells contained pointed MBs. The results show that pointed cells, containing incomplete, pointed MBs are a consistent feature of amphibian erythrogenesis. These cells may represent intermediate stages in the formation of elliptical erythrocytes.Abbreviations MB marginal band - MS membrane skeleton - PHZ phenylhydrazine  相似文献   

Establishment of epithelial polarity requires the reorganization of the microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton from a radial array into a network positioned along the apicobasal axis of the cell. Little is known about the mechanisms that spatially guide the remodeling of MTs during epithelial polarization. Septins are filamentous guanine triphosphatases (GTPases) that associate with MTs, but the function of septins in MT organization and dynamics is poorly understood. In this paper, we show that in polarizing epithelia, septins guide the directionality of MT plus end movement by suppressing MT catastrophe. By enabling persistent MT growth, two spatially distinct populations of septins, perinuclear and peripheral filaments, steer the growth and capture of MT plus ends. This navigation mechanism is essential for the maintenance of perinuclear MT bundles and for the orientation of peripheral MTs as well as for the apicobasal positioning of MTs. Our results suggest that septins provide the directional guidance cues necessary for polarizing the epithelial MT network.  相似文献   

Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) represents a key component of integrin signaling complexes that functions in concert with multiple binding partners to transmit cues from the extracellular matrix environment to the actin cytoskeleton. Both gain- and loss-of-function approaches to study ILK have confirmed the essential role of this protein in regulating cell-matrix adhesion dynamics and cytoskeletal organization.  相似文献   

Hormones affect growth and alter the cytoskeleton suggesting that hormones and the cytoskeleton interact with each other. The cytoskeleton of ancestral algae such as Chara showed similar sensitivity to auxin as higher plants, even in generative structures but the sensitivity differed between IAA and alpha-NAA and presumably other auxins. The ability of cells to elongate depends on microtubule organization during the transition from disorganized to perpendicular to longitudinal organization of the cytoskeleton. Because of the many functions of the cytoskeleton it is possible that its composition is influenced by selective gene expression and adaptation to growth regulators. Co-localization of microtubules and F-actin change at a high temporal and spatial scale. High resolution measurements of mRNA expression indicate rapid turnover that may affect the composition of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Organization of kinetochore fiber microtubules (MTs) throughout mitosis in the endosperm of Haemanthus katherinae Bak. has been analysed using serial section reconstruction from electron micrographs. Accurate and complete studies have required careful analysis of individual MTs in precisely oriented serial sections through many (45) preselected cells. Kinetochore MTs (kMTs) and non-kinetochore MTs (nkMTs) intermingle within the fiber throughout division, undergoing characteristic, time- dependent, organizational changes. The number of kMTs increases progressively throughout the kinetochore during prometaphase-metaphase. Prometaphase chromosomes which were probably moving toward the pole at the time of fixation have unequally developed kinetochores associated with many nkMTs. The greatest numbers of kMTs (74-109/kinetochore), kinetochore cross-sectional area, and kMT central density all occur at metaphase. Throughout anaphase and telophase there is a decrease in the number of kMTs and, in the kinetochore cross-sectional area, an increased obliquity of kMTs and increased numbers of short MTs near the kinetochore. Delayed kinetochores possess more kMTs than do kinetochores near the poles, but fewer kMTs than chromosomes which have moved equivalent distances in other cells. The frequency of C-shaped proximal MT terminations within kinetochores is highest at early prometaphase and midtelophase, falling to zero at midanaphase. Therefore, in Haemanthus, MTs are probably lost from the periphery of the kinetochore during anaphase in a manner which is related to both time and position of the chromosome along the spindle axis. The complex, time-dependent organization of MTs in the kinetochore region strongly suggests that chromosome movement is accompanied by continual MT rearrangement and/or assembly/disassembly.  相似文献   

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