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校园景观因其教育属性有别于城市景观,对学生的学习、成长起到重要的审美熏陶和精神引领作用。新时期教育理念要求校园景观设计实现“环境育人”,笔者从功能、审美、精神这3个层面展开讨论环境育人的机制,并提出在校园景观设计中应把握景观环境与规划、建筑的整体关系,注重校园生态环境的可持续发展,营造地域性、文化性、时代性相融合的校园环境,实现环境育人的目的。  相似文献   

从实验鱼类、暴露系统、暴露方式、评价指标四个方面对国内外环境雌激素的实验室暴露研究方法进行了介绍,为环境雌激素的暴露机制、毒性机理及雌激素效应的研究提供了理论依据和实验指导。  相似文献   

从"新工科"背景下环境微生物学课程实践教学改革的现实意义出发,阐述了构建基于"新工科"要求的环境微生物学课程实践教学模式。该实践教学模式从学科基础实验、校企合作实训、课程设计实践和教学实践德育等4个方面进行设计,要求以提升学生的思想道德素质和实践能力为目标,达到契合环境微生物行业发展需求的目的。实践教学环节有效地加强了师生间的互动交流,激发了学生的实践创新积极性,为培养符合"新工科"要求的复合型、实践型具有环境微生物学知识背景的工程师提供了良好的实践平台。  相似文献   

在生物新课标上对于选修1的专题2“微生物的培养与应用”中的课题1“微生物的实验室培养”有下列要求:具体内容标准为“进行微生物的分离和培养”,活动建议是“用大肠杆菌为材料进行平面培养,分离菌落”。为此笔者在教学中给学生提供了实验条件,并指导10个班的学生设计并进行了实验,取得了  相似文献   

高等学校实验室是教学、科研的重要场所,是培养具有创新能力和发散思维的科学研究与应用型人才的实验平台。高校实验室建设情况和管理水平,直接影响到学校教学质量和科研水平的高低。要建设高水平实验室,在重视设备投入的同时,必须重视实验技术队伍的同步建设,除此之外合理的实验室结构和资源配置、高水平的实验教学质量和高效率的管理工作等软件条件也不可或缺。只有大力加强实验室建设,才能更好应对医学教育领域呈现的综合化、一体化发展趋势,形成利于实验教学效益发挥的良性运行机制,实现实验室的可持续发展。  相似文献   

植物生理学综合性实验的教学探讨与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多年来,植物生理学实验课一直是我们教学中的薄弱环节。由于教材、教学环境和实验设备等多方面的原因,大部分的实验项目仍以验证性实验为主,实验的教学内容和方法基本停留在20  相似文献   

赵焱 《病毒学报》2019,35(2):288-291
目前,我国已有两家生物安全四级实验室和五十多家生物安全三级实验室完成建造并通过实验室认可。生物安全管理体系的技术要素和管理要素是确保高级别生物安全实验室生物安全的关键。本文探讨了高级别生物安全实验室区别于其他体系实验室(如ISO 17025检测和校准实验室与ISO 15189医学实验室)的若干个特征性管理要素,这些要素包括潜在污染的周期性评估、失活验证实验、分子诊断实验的无生物风险的阳性对照、微生物的不同封闭措施及生物安全文化。潜在污染的周期性评估与失活验证实验是高级别生物安全实验室日常管理的强制性措施。分子诊断实验的无生物风险的阳性对照与微生物的不同封闭措施应用于微生物实验(尤其是病毒学实验)从而降低暴露风险。生物安全文化应全面施行,以预防生物安全事件的再次发生。  相似文献   

闫志勇  王斌 《微生物学通报》2012,39(1):0106-0110
根据对不同层次和专业医学生实验室生物安全教学的实践和体会,从教学指导思想、课程设置、考核评估等方面进行了总结,并分析了教学过程发现的问题,以期通过教学活动培养学生良好的实验室生物安全意识和素质。  相似文献   

根据动物实验室管理信息的规范化、科学化要求,结合实际工作经验,作者设计了9个功能模块、一个基础模块和一个系统模块,基本涵盖了动物实验室全部工作,初步构建起动物实验室管理系统,并简要介绍了其主要功能及技术特点,对其优点及目前的不完备性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

开放实验室条件下的动物学实验教学改革新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了充分利用开放实验室进一步改革动物学实验教学的新方法:把开展大学生课题研究融入动物学实验教学、充分利用动物标本室加强动物学实验教学、以学生为主体调整动物学实验的教学内容以及结合相关产学研课题提高动物学实验教学的效率。结合实际条件激发学生学习的兴趣和参加实验的积极性,提高了实验效果,培养了学生的创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

探讨网络实验室的构建与微生物教学与管理的实践。实践证明,利用网络实验室,可以提高学生对实验的熟悉程度,弥补实验室已有硬件条件的局限,以仿真实验弥补传统实验教学的不足。同时,网络实验室能拓展学生的实验技能、有效加强毕业环节的过程管理与提高指导毕业实践的时效性,并提高真实实验室的运行效率。利用实验室网站,可以展示学生的实验结果、学习成就,以提升学生的成就感。  相似文献   

传统的环境工程微生物学实验在教学内容方面多是一些操作性和验证性的实验,在教学手段上多采用灌输式被动教学,这些教学内容和教学方式极大的抑制了学生的自主创新能力。作者结合自己的教学改革实践,以培养学生的自主创新兴趣和能力为目标,对环境工程微生物学实验进行了一系列教学改革尝试,并取得了良好的结果。在总结教学改革实践的基础上,从优化实验教学内容和改进教学方法两个方面进行系统阐述。  相似文献   

Background, Intention, Goal and Scope  The analytical laboratory is traditionally considered to be a service provider. This has resulted in laboratory environmental management being considered mostly from a pollution prevention and waste minimization perspective. There is a recognized need to view environmental performance of a laboratory service provider from a broader perspective. This broader perspective is inclusive of sampling, analysis and the potential for impacts to arise from the use of output information products. A generic methodology for the measurement and benchmarking of the overall environmental performance of an analytical laboratory and its outputs using the Laboratory Product Model (LPM) is described. Environmental performance indicators, relating to inputs and processing are proposed. Objectives  The project seeks to broaden the focus of environmental performance away from the individual analytical unit processes to a more encompassing ‘cradle-to-grave’ approach incorporating sample collection and results reporting and use. To support this approach, a functional unit of output for a laboratory has to be defined. Methods  A life cycle assessment approach, incorporating life cycle inventory considerations, is applied within the LPM conceptual framework. Results and Discussion  This approach facilitates a shift in thinking from laboratory service to the life cycle of laboratory product inputs and outputs. It enables LCA methodologies to be applied to environmental performance through the application of the LPM. The definition of a laboratory product output facilitates benchmarking and comparison of laboratories. Conclusions  The LPM approach assigns a critical role to the laboratory for the sustainability of the laboratory operations from sample collection, through analysis to the use of its product outputs. Recommendations and Outlook  The application of the LPM offers a top down approach for the evaluation of the environmental performance of an analytical laboratory. It is expected to provide a useful tool for assessing and benchmarking the environmental performance of analytical laboratories.  相似文献   

University laboratories involve various occupational hazards during the research and course activities, which might affect health and safety of both researchers and students, including chemical, physical, electrical, mechanical, as well as ergonomic and psychosocial risk factors. There are many aspects open to improvements in Occupational Health and Safety management of laboratories, and it is required to deal with risks, reduce them in an acceptable level, and implement control measures. In this study, a risk assessment approach is proposed for the university laboratory operations. The proposed approach incorporates 5S methodology, failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), interval type-two fuzzy sets (IT2FSs), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR). AHP is injected into IT2FSs in the phase of evaluation and weighting of severity (S), occurrence (O), and detectability (D) parameters of FMEA. By applying IT2FVIKOR, it is aimed at prioritizing the emerged hazards in the chemical laboratory of the observed university. The proposed approach reveals the important hazards and suggests control measures for managing them. The study methodologically contributes to risk assessment in the knowledge, while a case study in a chemical laboratory of a newly established university offers an insight into education industry in safety improvement.  相似文献   

The vegetation pattern in the upstream of Minjiang River, and its relationship with environment factors, such as landscape position (elevation, slope, aspect), precipitation and temperature and soil are analyzed in this paper. The data used in this paper were based on the landscape map derived from 1994 TM imagery. The results were as follows: 1) dominant landscape types were forest, shrub land and grassland, which were very similar in terms of area ratio (32.87%, 31.85% and 28.44%, respectively); 2) the patch shape of conifer forest and mixed forest was complicated while that of broad-leaved forest and cultivated land was simple; 3) the fragmentation of conifer forest and mixed forest was serious in contrast with low fragmentation of broad-leaved forest and cultivated land; and 4) closed scrub and grassland had a high contagion and good connectivity while mixed forest had a lower contagion and bad connectivity. In addition, the vegetation distribution pattern of upstream of Minjiang River was closely related with elevation and temperature, but the relationship between vegetation and precipitation was not statistically significant. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2005,41(4) [译自: 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2005,41(4)]  相似文献   

The vegetation pattern in the upstream of Minjiang River,and its relationship with environment factors,such as landscape position(elevation,slope,aspect),precipitation and temperature and soil are analyzed in this paper.The data used in this Paper were based on the landscape map derived from 1994 TM imagery.The results were as follows:1)dominant landscape types were forest,shrub land and grassland,which were very similar in terms of area ratio(32.87%,31.85% and 28.44%,respectively);2)the patch shape of conifer forest and mixed forest was complicated while that of broad-leaved forest and cultivated land was simple;3)the fragmentation of conifer forest and mixed forest was serious in contrast with low fragmentation of broad-leaved forest and cultivated land;and 4)closed scrub and grassland had a high contagion and good connectivity while mixed forest had a lower contagion and bad connectivity.In addition,the vegetation distribution pattern of upstream of Minjiang River Was closely related with elevation and temperature,but the relationship between vegetation and precipitation was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

天然药物化学实验教学模式的改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然药物化学是药学专业一门重要的必修课程。其实验课以培养学生的综合实验技能,提高学生的创新能力为主。针对天然药物化学实验教学中存在的问题,对其实验教学内容和方法作出相应的改革,以提高教学效果和质量。  相似文献   

The establishment of teaching laboratories for botany in the United States was strongly influenced in the early part of the 19th century by the founding of a laboratory of natural history at the Rensselaer School by Amos Eaton who inspired numerous educators, particularly women. By midcentury and later, botany programs were established at land-grant colleges and the so-called “new Botany” movement spread from them. In the latter part of the century additional changes were brought about by the influence of German laboratory activity and botanists’ reactions to the introduction of the Huxley-Martin biology programs to America. During these times, Americans were improving their own manufactured microscopes, laboratory supplies, and equipment capabilities. By the beginning of the 20th century, laboratory teaching of botanical subjects was widely accepted as normal in universities and colleges, as well as in some high schools.  相似文献   

The completion of the human genome project, and other genome sequencing projects, has spearheaded the emergence of the field of bioinformatics. Using computer programs to analyse DNA and protein information has become an important area of life science research and development. While it is not necessary for most life science researchers to develop specialist bioinformatic skills (including software development), basic skills in the application of common bioinformatics software and the effective interpretation of results are increasingly required by all life science researchers. Training in bioinformatics is increasingly occurring within the university system as part of existing undergraduate science and specialist degrees. One difficulty in bioinformatics education is the sheer number of software programs required in order to provide a thorough grounding in the subject to the student. Teaching requires either a well-maintained internal server with all the required software, properly interfacing with student terminals, and with sufficient capacity to handle multiple simultaneous requests, or it requires the individual installation and maintenance of every piece of software on each computer. In both cases, there are difficult issues regarding site maintenance and accessibility. In this article, we discuss the use of BioManager, a web-based bioinformatics application integrating a variety of common bioinformatics tools, for teaching, including its role as the main bioinformatics training tool in some Australian and international universities. We discuss some of the issues with using a bioinformatics resource primarily created for research in an undergraduate teaching environment.  相似文献   

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