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The most commonly used means of assessing the invasiveness of cultured cells is the Boyden chamber assay, which requires that cells lyse Matrigel™, followed by migration through pores in a filter in response to a chemotactic gradient. This report describes a simple method, which greatly increases the speed and accuracy by which Boyden chamber assays can be analyzed, and permits the concurrent analysis of distinct cell subpopulations within specimens containing multiple-cell types.  相似文献   

Cell locomotion and chemotaxis are usually assayed by the Boyden chamber technique, in which the response is measured by microscopical counting of the cells migrated into a micropore filter. We report a simplified Boyden chamber method which utilizes myeloperoxidase (MPO) specific to neutrophilic and monocytic leukocytes. The chamber is incubated for a period long enough for the neutrophils to migrate through the first of two superimposed filters. The cells entering the second filter are then lysed and the released MPO activity is quantitated. Random migration, chemokinesis, and chemotaxis measurements of neutrophils were compared by the enzymatic and the conventional cell count methods. There was good agreement between the two methods (0.84 less than r less than 0.98). The intraassay precision of the enzymatic and the cell count methods was equal; the coefficients of variation were 14 and 15%, respectively. The enzymatic method provides a more objective, reliable, and rapid modification of the Boyden chamber assay for analysis of neutrophil chemotaxis.  相似文献   

The Boyden chamber assay provides a convenient method of assessing cell migration and measuring cell motility coefficients at the population level. Previous models of this assay completely ignore cell sedimentation in the suspension, assuming that all cells have already settled on the filter surface before commencing migration within the filter. However, ignoring cell sedimentation could lead to poor data interpretation because the time required for cells to settle through the suspension is close to the incubation period of only a few hours. This study models the Boyden chamber assay by incorporating the cell settling process to account for the cells remaining in the upper well when other cells migrate in the filter. The simulations in this study elucidate the experiments in the literature that test the haptotactic and chemotactic responses of rabbit chondrocytes to type II collagen. This study determines the cell population random motility, as well as the haptotaxis and chemotaxis coefficients, by fitting the experimental data. Results show that the chemotactic motility coefficient is 100 times greater than the haptotactic coefficient, and the equilibrium collagen-receptor dissociation constant is about 10-fold the haptotactic counterpart. Diffusion causes the soluble collagen gradients in the chemotactic case to decline over time, while the coated collagen gradients in the haptotactic assay are likely to remain fixed. As a result, the chemotactic case exhibits a lower number of migrated cells than the haptotactic assay. This study also demonstrates the influences of the dimensionless parameters that control cell behavior in the Boyden assay, providing a reference for future experiment designs.  相似文献   

Migration of PMN cells was measure kinetically by the "leading front" method in a modified Boyden chamber. In some experiments, release of lactoferrin and of chymotrypsin-like cationic protein were measured simultaneously. Migration, both directed and random, was increased by increased cell concentration. Kinetically, directed migration consisted of two phases. The second phase was more influenced by the cell concentration. Preincubation of the cells with low concentrations of chymotrypsin-like cationic protein stimulated cell migration in the same way as did high cell concentrations, i.e., by primarily affecting the second phase. The effect of chymotrypsin-like cationic protein was time and dose dependent and dependent on the chymotrypsin-like activity of the protein. At high concentrations of protein, the cells were immobilized. Release of granular proteins did not take place during the first phase of migration but was parallel to the second phase. It is concluded that chymotrypsin-like cationic protein might be one of the substances responsible for the effect of cell concentration seen on migration in vitro.  相似文献   

The metastatic invasion of cancer cells from the primary lesion into the adjacent stroma is a key step in cancer progression, and is associated with poor outcome. The principles of cancer invasion have been experimentally addressed in various in vitro models; however, key steps and mechanisms in vivo remain unclear. Here, we establish a modified skin-fold chamber model for orthotopic implantation, growth and invasion of human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells, dynamically reconstructed by epifluorescence and multiphoton microscopy. This strategy allows repeated imaging of tumor growth, tumor-induced angiogenesis and invasion, as either individual cells, or collective strands and cell masses that move along collagen-rich extracellular matrix and coopt host tissue including striated muscle strands and lymph vessels. This modified window model will be suited to address mechanisms of cancer invasion and metastasis, and related experimental therapy.  相似文献   

Several genetic and epigenetic factors, both in the cell and in the host, contribute to the progression of tumors towards metastases. The escape of cancer cells from a primary, localized tumor to distant organs transforms a relatively curable pathology to an almost untreatable one. Metastatic lesions are often resistant to cancer therapy because of the progressive phenotypic changes that they have undergone. In this article we will give a bird's eye view on the features of metastatic cells and potential therapeutic targets. In particular, the invasion of basement membranes represents a fundamental step for cell dispersion. Over seventeen years ago we established the Matrigel "chemoinvasion" assay, a useful tool for studying the mechanisms involved in tumor and endothelial cell invasion of basement membranes and for the screening of anti-invasive agents. We will describe the assay and review some of the major results it enabled to obtain.  相似文献   

Although various methods for collagen gel-based cell invasion assays have been described, there continues to be a need for a simpler and more objective assay. Here, we describe an easy-to-prepare double-layered collagen gel hemisphere (DL-CGH) system that satisfies these requirements, and we demonstrate the advantages of this new system for visualizing cell movements during invasion. DL-CGH consists of a central core collagen layer surrounded by an outer cover collagen layer. A droplet of collagen I solution (containing cells to be examined) naturally forms a small hemisphere on the bottom of the culture dish. After this central core layer gels, a second droplet is placed atop the first gel, encapsulating it completely. The hemisphere is submerged in the medium and cultured. The invasive activity of cells that infiltrate from the inner to the outer layer can be evaluated optically. Using this in vitro system, we measured the inhibitory effect of E-cadherin expression on cancer cell invasion. DL-CGH also allowed visualization of interactions between invading cancer cells and the stroma. Cancer cells, which lack the proteases required for direct entrance into the three-dimensional collagen matrix, were seen to slip like amoebas through matrix gaps generated by the pericellular proteolytic activity of fibroblasts. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Cell Communication and Adhesion for the following free supplemental resources: Movies 1-3; 4a and b].  相似文献   

The construction of a modified perfusion chamber is presented, which can be used for a prolonged cultivation of mammalian cells and tissues, for observation of the behavior of living cells as well as for the study of different effects on these cells. The chamber is made as non-demountable of optical glass, with a diffusive barrier separating the pericellular zone from that with a perfusion medium. The scheme of the equipment for cultivation of cells and tissues in this diffusion chamber on controlling the composition of nutrient medium and gas phase is given.  相似文献   

Cell migration, a fundamental process in development, wound healing, and immune function, is a common topic in undergraduate cell biology courses. We developed laboratory exercises with an inquiry-based learning (IBL) approach in which cell migration could be examined with the scratch assay, adapted from the primary literature. A narrow scratch was created in a confluent monolayer of cells growing on the bottom of a cell culture dish. Migration into the resultant cell-free zone from both sides of the scratch was measured after one day using the scale bar function of a digital camera. The Chinese hamster ovary cell line was used, but any adherent cell type could be examined. Students used the scratch assay to formulate hypotheses and design experiments in which variables affecting cell migration could be investigated. For example, the effect of cytoskeletal disruption was evaluated by adding the microtubule- and microfilament-disrupting drugs, colcemid and phallacidin, respectively, to the growth medium when the scratch was made. Optimal drug concentration parameters were determined for students to reference. Low drug concentrations inhibited cell migration, while higher concentrations killed the cells. This study demonstrated that the scratch assay is an accessible IBL method for studying cell migration.  相似文献   

Invasive and metastatic cells, as well as endothelial cells, must cross basement membranes (BMs) in order to disseminate or to form new blood vessels. The chemoinvasion assay using the reconstituted BM Matrigel in Boyden blind-well chambers is a very rapid, easy, inexpensive and flexible test that can be used to quantify the invasive potential of most cell types; it can be applied to detect the migratory activity associated with matrix degradation and can also be adapted to study the selective degrading activity on different matrix substrates. Transwell inserts can also be used. Once the optimal experimental conditions are empirically determined for specific cellular models, the chemoinvasion assay can be used for the screening of inhibitors of invasiveness and angiogenesis, or to select for invasive cellular populations. This protocol can be completed in 9 h.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell lines are widely used as an in vitro model to study cell invasion by Salmonella. In turn, phagocytic cell lines are used to study Salmonella intracellular survival and proliferation. We describe a novel method, derived from the classical mixed infection procedure, to quantify invasion and proliferation defects in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. A eukaryotic cell culture is infected with two strains (e.g., a mutant and the wild-type). After infection, bacterial cells that remain extracellular are eliminated with gentamicin. At the end of the trial, intracellular bacteria are recovered and plated. Colonies from each strain are then counted for the calculation of a competitive index. Strain discrimination can be achieved either with antibiotic resistance markers or using plasmids encoding color markers (e.g., fluorescent proteins). Because both strains are exposed to the same conditions throughout the process, the procedure decreases the variability between independent trials and allows a direct measurement of the impairment of the mutant in invasion or intracellular proliferation.  相似文献   

M Borràs 《Stain technology》1988,63(5):307-310
The Promoting Activity Test (PAT) requires a staining procedure that allows rapid, accurate and reliable counting of mitotic figures. We propose use of Fraser's kernechtrot-crystal violet technique, but eliminating the picric-alcoholic differentiation to avoid fading. This modified protocol gives higher mitotic counts in adult mouse adrenal cortex than the hematoxylin-eosin originally used, especially with respect to less conspicuous prophases.  相似文献   

肿瘤细胞侵袭研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肿瘤细胞侵袭和转移是癌医学和癌生物学最重要的难题,癌症主要因其肿瘤细胞的侵袭和转移而成为致命的疾病,虽然侵袭和转移的机制仍不清楚,但肿瘤细胞侵袭一直是研究热点,本文就近年来对肿瘤细胞侵袭研究的新进展进行综述,以期为寻找治疗肿瘤的新方案提供参考.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) activity has been linked to numerous disease processes from arthritis to ulcer. Its proteolytic activity has been implicated inconsistently in different steps of tumourigenesis and metastasis. The discrepancies may be attributable to our limited understanding of MMP-1 production, cellular trafficking, secretion and local activation. Specifically, regulation of MMP-1 directional delivery versus its general extracellular matrix secretion is largely unknown. Inhibition of prenylation by farnesyl transferase inhibitor (FTI-276) decreased extracellular MMP-1 and subsequently reduced invasiveness by 30%. Parallel, stable cell line RNAi knockdown of MMP-1 confirmed its role in cellular invasiveness. The prenylation agonist farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) partially normalized FTI-276 inhibited extracellular MMP-1 levels and invasion capacity while transiently delayed its cellular podia distribution. MMP-1 directional delivery to these structures were confirmed by combination of a MMP-1-specific fluorogenic substrate, a MMP1-Ds-Red fusion protein construct expression and DQ-collagen degradation, which demonstrated coupling of directional delivery and activation. MetaMorph analysis of cellular lamellipodia structures indicated that FTI-276 inhibited formation and delivery to these structures. Farnesyl pyrophosphate partially restored lamellipodia area but not MMP-1 delivery under the time frame investigated. These results indicate that MMP-1 directional delivery to podia structures is involved in the invasive activity of sarcoma cells, and this process is prenylation sensitive.  相似文献   

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