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水分胁迫下山黧豆中ABA及ODAP的积累研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用PEG、PEG+ABA、ABA分别处理15d龄的山黧豆幼苗,取其叶片为实验材料,测定内源ABA、ODAP、MDA和H2O2含量以及几种抗氧化酶活性,结果表明,与对照相比处理材料叶片中ABA和ODAP含量显著增加;外源ABA的加入降低了PEG胁迫引起的MDA和H2O2含量的增加,延缓了PEG胁迫引起的CAT活性的衰减,提高了GR活性.用外源ABA长时间处理山黧豆,发现叶片中ABA含量显著增加,随后出现ODAP的积累;ABA处理初期(0~3d)对叶片中活性氧代谢影响不大,随着ABA处理时间的延长(7~15d),可引起叶片中SOD、POD、CAT、GR活性的降低,MDA、H2O2含量的增加,表明ABA确实可促进ODAP的积累.  相似文献   

1 引  言山黧豆抗寒、抗旱、耐贫瘠 ,尤其适于干旱、半干旱地区种植 .但山黧豆中含有的毒素 β ODAP会导致下肢瘫痪 .由于这个原因限制了山黧豆的大面积栽培 .我们采用 60 Coγ射线和EMS单因子、复因子诱变的方法选育丰产、低毒、无毒山黧豆新品系 .近年来对生物辐射敏感性的研究表明 ,其抗性除与本身DNA损伤修复能力有关外 ,还与体内所含防护物质有关 ,SOD、POD、CAT即是重要的保护物质 .关于抗氧化酶活性与辐射剂量、诱变剂浓度关系的研究很少 ,因此本实验对山黧豆成苗率、抗氧化酶活性、和 β ODAP含量进行…  相似文献   

Proline-[14C] infiltrated into leaf disks of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-4) in the dark was converted to glutamic acid and then metabolized through the TCA cycle. A smaller amount of proline-[14C] was metabolized when the leaf disks were wilted than when turgid. During a 6 hr period following rehydration, disks converted a larger amount of proline-[14C] to oxidized products than when wilted, although the proline content of rehydrated disks had not declined. These results indicate that proline oxidation is inhibited by water stress.  相似文献   

Lathyrus sativus seeds were treated with 60Co gamma-ray and EMS(ethyl methane sulfonate), and their emergence rate and SOD, POD and CAT activities were determined. The result indicated that the treatment decreased the emergence rate. The activities of SOD and POD were changed in accordance with the increase of irradiation dose and EMS concentration, while that of CAT had no obvious change. After treatment, the ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus decreased. Amutant was developed, with toxin content of 0.1%, compared to 0.2% in control.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Prior) leaves converted more 14C-glutamic acid to free proline when water-stressed than when turgid; neither decreased protein synthesis nor isotope trapping by the enlarged free proline pools found in wilted tissue seemed to account for the result. This apparent stimulation of proline biosynthesis in wilted leaves was not observed when radioactive ornithine or P5C (Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate, an intermediate following glutamate in proline synthesis) were used as proline precursors unless proline levels were high as a result of previous water stress. We interpret this to mean that any stimulation of proline synthesis by water stress must act on P5C formation rather than its reduction to proline. Experiments showing greater apparent conversion of 14C-glutamate to proline do not unequivocally prove that proline synthesis is stimulated by water stress, as P5C feeding studies show that proline oxidation is inhibited under comparable conditions. This inhibition could account, at least in part, for increased proline labeling, and must be considered an alternate possibility.  相似文献   

RAPD patterns were studied in seven somaclones of Lathyrus sativus having contrasting characteristics alongwith the parent cultivar P-24. Out of 81 decamer random primers used, 5 did not amplify and 24 revealed DNA polymorphism while the rest generated monomorphic banding patterns. Eight unique bands were amplified with different primers in four different somaclones. With most of the informative primers differences were observed between somaclones and also between some of the somaclones and parent cultivar P-24. More than 90% similarity in the RAPD patterns was evident among the somaclones and the parent cultivar P-24. Though it was not possible to identify a particular somaclone with a single primer, a combination of two or more primers could be employed to identify a somaclone.  相似文献   

家山黧豆及其毒素ODAP的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家山黧豆作为人类的食物及动物的饲料,最早可追溯到新石器时代。长期以来,因其营养丰富,具有耐旱、耐寒等优良生产性状,广受世界各地的青睐。特别是在大旱年份,在其它粮食作物绝收的情况下,仍有较好的收成,因此,被视为干旱及半干旱地区首选的优良作物。但由于其含有毒素β-ODAP,使山黧豆的种植受到限制。近年来,由于人类对肉质品的量与质的多元化的需求,家山黧豆这一潜在的、丰产的、高营养的豆科作物,已引起各国学者的广泛关注。从家山黧豆在植物学、遗传学、分子生物学、生态学、营养学、山黧豆中毒、毒理学、毒素ODAP、ODAP的分析方法、ODAP的生物合成途径、养殖业等几个方面的研究进展作了简要综述。  相似文献   

Summary In Lathyrus sativus (2n=14), variety LSD-1 shows an instability of somatic chromosome number which can be observed in root tip and shoot tip mitoses. In this variety, approximately 54% of the seedlings showed intra-individual variation in chromosome number ranging from 2n=14–3. This variability in chromosome number was recorded in approximately 60% of the dividing cells. Two seedlings were triploid with 21 chromosomes. Variation in chromosome number in somatic cells within individual plants is possibly controlled by genetic factors, which result in spindle abnormalities, chromosome degradation and minute chromosomes. The variation in chromosome number is probably responsible for the pollen polymorphism noted in this particular strain. The possible mechanism of intra-individual variability and the occurrence of the phenomenon vis-a-vis its applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Direct somatic embryogenesis and genetic transformation has been achieved in Lathyrus sativus. The genetic transformation was achieved by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and biolistic methods of gene transfer. Somatic embryogenesis was obtained from immature leaflets and nodal segments by using 2,4-0 in the induction medium. Somatic embryos formed germinated on growth regulator-free medium. The transgenic nature of the transformants was confirmed by GUS expression assay. The transgenic shoots/plantlets were obtained only from tissue transformed with biolistic method of gene transfer.  相似文献   

高温和干旱胁迫对鳞叶藓游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
研究了高温和干旱胁迫对鳞叶藓 (Taxiphyllumtaxirameum)游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量的影响。结果显示 ,高温和干旱均能诱导植物体内可溶性糖的积累。在 60℃高温胁迫下处理 ,可溶性糖含量随处理时间的延长而增加 ,最高值比对照增加了 2倍。PEG 60 0 0胁迫下处理可使可溶性糖含量分别增加 2 .4倍。经统计学检验 ,逆境条件与游离脯氨酸含量变化无关  相似文献   

Lectin has been isolated and purified from Lathyrus sativus using ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by affinity chromatography. The molecular weight as determined by HPLC was found to be 42kD. The lectin is a tetramer, consisting of two types of subunits of which the heavier subunit consists of 2 polypeptides of mol wt of about 21 kD and 16 kD while the smaller subunits consists of two polypeptides of about 5kD as revealed by SDS-PAGE. The most potent sugar inhibitor of the Lathyrus lectin was found to be α-methyl D-mannoside. The N-terminal amino acid sequence was similar to that of pea lectin sequence.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of water stress on growth (fresh weight, dry weight), water relations (water saturation deficit, water potential, osmotic pressure), and proline metabolism in Phaseolus vulgaris were studied.Experimentally, water deficit was produced by reduced watering of the bean plants. This resulted in a decrease in water potential and leaf fresh and dry weight. Increases in the water saturation deficit and the osmotic pressure of the sap were, however, recorded. Water stress was also induced by treatment of the plants with polyethylene glycol, but its effects on the above mentioned parameters were different. In addition, necrosis of the foliage was observed. According to the present results, polyethylene glycol seems to be suitable only for the induction of short-termed water stress conditions.The effects of water stress on growth and on water relations of the plants were accompanied by a marked increase in the free amino acid content, especially that of the free proline content of the plants. The activities of the proline dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase were stimulated under water stress conditions, indicating that proline accumulation in water stressed plants is not attributed to an inhibited proline breakdown. The accumulated proline was metabolized rapidly once the water deficit of the plant was relieved by watering. The ability of the plant to accumulate proline might be of ecological importance for the plant and might be an adaption mechanism of the plant to overcome short periods of drought.Abbreviations -Kg -ketoglutarate - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - PDH proline dehydrogenase - P5C -pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid - PEG polyethylene glycol - WSD water saturation deficit  相似文献   

Studies on response of Lathyrus sativus plants to water stress showed that the plants recovered to pre-stressed level if revived within first seven days of stress. After 12 days of stress period, root weight of stressed plants was 10 times lesser than control. Lipoxygenase expression was the highest in leaves followed by very low levels in stems and undetectable in roots. Lox A and B messengers were respectively 3 and 1.5 fold more in stressed leaves than control. A ?22kD polypeptide was observed in stressed plants on SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Inhibition of proline oxidation by water stress   总被引:21,自引:17,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The conversion of proline to glutamic acid and hence to other soluble compounds (proline oxidation) proceeds readily in turgid barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves and is stimulated by higher concentrations of proline. This suggests that proline oxidation could function as a control mechanism for maintaining low cellular levels of proline in turgid tissue. In water-stressed tissue, however, proline oxidation is reduced to negligible rates. These results are consistent with the idea that proline accumulation results from inactivation by water stress of normal control mechanisms. It seems likely that inhibition of proline oxidation is necessary in maintaining the high levels of proline found in stressed barley leaves.  相似文献   

Transpiration rate, stomatal frequency, growth, contents of pigments, saccharides, total nitrogen, proteins and some nutritive elements (K, Ca, Mg, P) of radish plants were significantly lowere dwith the rise in salinization levels using NaCl. Spraying radish shoots with proline solution (200 g m-3) counteracted the above adverse effects, especially at low and moderate salinity.  相似文献   

Somaclones of Lathyrus sativus having low ODAP contents were characterised at molecular level with respect to soluble protein pattern, esterase and ADH isozyme pattern, Southern hybridisation of genomic and mitochondrial DNA with specific probes. In 10-day-old seedling esterase isozyme pattern showed the presence of an unique band of Rm 0.73 in Bio L-12 and 15-8-1 and the absence of a band of Rm 0.80 in 15-8-1, as compared to parent and other somaclones. Southern hybridisation of genomic DNA with cDNA clone 29 showed an extra band of 13.5 kb in L-56 and 15-8-1 only. Hybridisation of mitochondrial DNA with mitochondrial specific ati ATPase probe showed differences with the pattern from Bio R-15 being unique. Some of these differences observed will be useful as marker for their identification.  相似文献   

通过对山黧豆中常见的20几种游离氨基酸薄层层析发现,其毒素ODAP的Rf值与好几种相关氨基酸的接近,而用阳离子交换柱对氨基酸抽提样进行简单的分离纯化,第一个洗脱出来的即为ODAP,这样在排除其它氨基酸干扰的情况下再进行ODAP的薄层分析将得到准确的结果。  相似文献   

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