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运用玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术,观察豚鼠(Cavia porcellus)离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is—EPSP)与蛙皮素(BOM)、P物质(SP)的关系,以探讨肽类神经递质在外周神经系统中的作用。结果显示,SP去极化、BOM去极化与Is—EPSP具有相关性;SP受体脱敏使SP敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响BOM引起的去极化;BOM受体脱敏使BOM敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响SP引起的去极化。大部分Is—EPSP阳性细胞对SP、BOM敏感,而对SP、BOM均不敏感的细胞多数不出现Is—EPSP。结果提示,BOM、SP通过IMG细胞膜上相应受体参与了Is-EPSP的形成,受体间无交互脱敏现象。  相似文献   

运用在体细胞内电位记录法,观察了与肠系膜下神经节(IMG)相连的四组神经对IMG神经元自发电位活动的影响,结果显示扩和结肠或膀胱时,IMG细胞自发电位活动增加;切断或阻滞任一组神经均使IMG细胞电位活动受抑。其中结肠神经和腹下神经分别传导源自结肠尾段和膀胱等盆腔脏器的外周性兴奋,节间神经同时传导源自脊髓的中枢性和结肠的外周笥兴奋,肠系膜下神经节细胞的兴奋不仅源自脊髓,而且来源于结肠和膀胱。定量研究表明后者比前者对神经节细胞兴奋的影响更大。  相似文献   

兔肠系膜下神经节细胞的两种非胆碱能性慢突触后电位   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以常规细胞内记录技术对兔肠系膜下神经节细胞的跨膜电位进行了观察。对节前神经的短串脉冲刺激,可诱发出一串快兴奋性突触后电位(f-EPSP)或顺向动作电位;在此之后,大多数细胞还出现一个持续约2min 的缓慢去极化电位。该电位具有抗箭毒和阿托品性质,受低钙高镁溶液的可逆性阻抑,因而可称为非胆碱能性兴奋性突触后电位,或者也可归入迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(ls-EPSP)。多数细胞的 ls-EPSP 伴有膜电阻增大,电位的幅度随细胞静息电位的超极化而变小;提示在这些细胞上,钾电导的失活很可能参与了电位的发生。以P物质溶液灌流神经节未见该电位有显著改变。另外,在箭毒化加阿托品化的神经节中,还发现少数细胞对节前神经的串刺激发生一个持续约一分钟的超极化电位。它也具有抗胆碱能受体阻断剂的性质,受低钙高镁溶液可逆性阻抑,为此我们命之为“极慢抑制性突触后电位”(vs-IPSP),以区别于“慢抑制性突触后电位”(s-IPSP),后者是通常用以表示一种胆碱能性的慢电位。本文所述的这两种非胆碱能性的突触电位有关递质,尚待探索。  相似文献   

Kong DH  Wang G  Wang HM  Ke DP  Hu JL  Zhu Y  Huang ZX 《生理学报》2003,55(4):388-394
应用细胞内记录技术,对铃蟾肽(bombesin,BOM)在豚鼠离体肠系膜下神经节(inferior mesenteric ganglion,IMG)非胆碱能兴奋性突触传递中的作用进行了研究。重复电刺激突触前结肠神经,有74.3%(52/70)IMG细胞可诱发迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(ls-EPSP)。在可引出ls-EPSP的细胞中,22%(4/18)细胞同时对BOM和SP敏感。用BOM持续灌流IMG,可明显抑制对BOM敏感细胞的ls-EPSP,对BOM不敏感细胞的ls-EPSP则无影响,且BOM受体与SP受体间无交叉脱敏。BOM受体阻断剂tyr^4[D-phe^12]bombesin能明显可逆性地抑制BOM敏感细胞的ls-EPSP和去极化,但对BOM不敏感细胞则无影响。研究结果提示,BOM可能是介导豚鼠IMG细胞ls-EPSP的一种递质。  相似文献   

本实验通过豚鼠离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)的细胞内生物电记录方法观察到:(1)5-羟色胺(5-HT 1-100μmol/L)灌流可在部分 IMG 细胞引起与非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is-EPSP)相似的缓慢去极化;(2)持续灌流5-HT 可使对5-HT 敏感的 IMG 细胞的Is-EPSP 明显阻抑;(3)5-HT 去极化及5-HT 敏感细胞的 Is-EPSP 均可为5-HT 再摄取抑制剂氟苯氧丙胺(50μmol/L)所增大,而对5-HT 不敏感细胞的 Is-EPSP 则不受这种药物的影响,(4)5-HT 合成抑制剂对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)预处理可使 IMG 细胞的 Is-EPSP 的出现率和去极幅度均明显减低。上述结果表明:5-HT 可能参与介导豚鼠部分 IMG 细胞的Is-EPSP。  相似文献   

杀虫环对黑胸大蠊神经突触传递的阻遏作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
用电生理糖间隙法研究杀虫环对黑胸大蠊神经突触传递的作用,并以α-银环蛇毒素作比较。结果证明:1)杀虫环阈浓度1×10-5M即显著地抑制兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)。作用开始使之阈值递增,此时只有增加刺激强度方可诱出EPSP。2)(虫非)蠊第Ⅵ腹神经节是胆碱能的。已知突触后阻遏剂如α-银环蛇毒素的作用是N型乙酰胆碱受体(n-AchR)的专一性配基,与杀虫环阻遏神经突触的传递颇为相似,二者均不影响突触后神经元的静息电位和动作电位的传导;而杀虫环对非胆磁能的神经肌肉接头则无影响。3)自发突触后电位随杀虫环处理时间的不同而变化。开始自发释放电位的振幅、频率逐渐增加,继之产生持续期较长的阵发性高频发放,以后又逐渐消失。  相似文献   

采用耳蜗外淋巴液灌流催产素(OXT),记录由鼓阶电极引导的听神经复合动作电位(CAP)及耳蜗微音电位(CM)的输入—输出(I/O)函数。发现OXT可在90dB(SPL)以下各声强提高短纯音诱发的CM振幅以及短声诱发的CAP振幅,而当声强高于90dB时CM变化不明显。但在用含氯化筒箭毒(dTC)的外淋巴液灌流以阻断橄榄耳蜗束胆碱能传出控制后,OXT不再引起CM改变,而对CAP的作用在低声强段(<60dB)依然存在。这些结果提示OXT可能调节传出神经对内耳的控制,并可能对外毛细胞(OHC)的运动能力有直接影响。  相似文献   

(一)在硫贲妥钠浅麻醉下犬的颌下腺多半有自动性分泌。颈动脉窦内加压一般都可以反射地刺激颌下腺的这种分泌。这一反射的传出途径除由腺门进入腺体的鼓索神经和交感神经外,可能尚有新的通路,文中曾予讨论。 (二)在浅麻醉或清醒状态下,颈动脉窦内压力增加可以反射地刺激膀胱运动,或是发动膀胱收缩,或是增加膀胱的收缩强度、收缩频率与收缩持续的时间。这一反射的传出途径通过盆神经。在个别情况下,也看到有抑制膀胱节律性活动的作用。 (三)颈动脉窦内压力增加也可以反射地刺激各段小肠以及结肠的运动,能够提高其紧张性,节律性与收缩强度。如果肠的运动性较高,有时则能发生抑制效应。 (四)我们认为颈动脉窦压力感受性反射在植物神经系统中能广泛扩散,尤其在浅麻醉或清醒状态下最容易表现出来,并且一般是副交感性的。  相似文献   

问为什么排便必定引起排尿?而排尿不一定引起排便? 答在人的直肠内通常是没有粪便的。当粪便被集团蠕动推进直肠时,即可引起便意。粪便入肠后刺激直肠壁内的机械感受器,冲动主要沿盆神经传至脊髓腰骶段的初级排便中枢,同时上传到大脑皮质引起排便反射。这时通过盆神经的传出冲动使降结肠、乙状结肠和直肠收缩,肛内括约肌舒张,同时阴部神经的冲动减少,肛外括约肌舒张,使粪便排出体外。与此同时,通过支配腹肌和膈肌的神经使腹肌和膈肌也发生收缩,促进粪便排出。而排尿也是一个复杂的反射过程。当膀胱的贮尿量增加到400毫升左右,膀胱内压升高到15厘米水柱以上时,便可刺激膀胱壁压力感  相似文献   

激活大麻素CB1受体(CB1Rs)通过调控多种离子通道,从而调节脊椎动物视网膜的功能。本文旨在利用膜片钳全细胞记录技术,在大鼠视网膜薄片上研究CB1Rs对神经节细胞兴奋性的作用。结果显示,在电流钳制状态下,灌流CB1R激动剂WIN55212-2(WIN,5μmol/L)对神经节细胞的自发动作电位发放频率和静息膜电位均没有显著影响。在灌流液中加入CNQX,D-APV,bicuculline和strychnine以阻断神经节细胞的兴奋性和抑制性输入,灌流5μmol/L WIN对正向电流注入(+10pA到+100pA)诱发的动作电位的频率也没有显著影响。位相分析结果显示,触发动作电位的阈值电位和触发第一个动作电位的延迟时间在加入WIN前后也没有显著改变;然而,WIN显著降低动作电位的上升和下降相速率(±dV/dtmax),而且该作用可被CB1R拮抗剂SR141716所阻断。此外,在阻断突触输入的情况下,WIN对神经节细胞的膜电位也没有显著影响。以上结果提示,激活大麻素CB1Rs通过调控诱发动作电位,从而调节大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的兴奋性。  相似文献   

Spontaneous and electrically-elicited motor activity was recorded by triple organ bath in rat segment-model preparation as display of excitation of local nerve networks and ascending or descending reflex pathways underlying contractile potency and functional coordination of colonic longitudinal and circular muscles. Spontaneous high-amplitude contractions, but not relaxations, appeared synchronously in both muscles. Electrical field stimulation applied to proximal or distal part of segments elicited both tetrodotoxin (0.1 microM)-sensitive local motor responses of the stimulated part and ascending or descending motor responses of the contralateral, nonstimulated part of the preparations. Contractions characterized the local response of longitudinal muscle. The circular muscle responded with relaxation followed by contraction. Synchronous ascending contractions and descending contraction of the longitudinal muscle and relaxation followed by contraction of the circular muscle were observed when the middle part of segments was stimulated, thus indicating that locally-induced nerve excitation propagated via intrinsic ascending or descending nerve pathways that could be synchronously coactivated by one and the same stimulus. The ascending motor responses were more pronounced and the motor responses of longitudinal muscle were expressed more than those of circular muscle suggesting an essential role of ascending reflex pathways and longitudinal muscle in the coordinated motor activity of colon.  相似文献   

A two-compartment, flat-sheet preparation of rat colon was devised, which enabled exclusive measurement of longitudinal muscle activity during the ascending and descending phases of the peristaltic reflex. A previous study using longitudinal muscle strips revealed the operation of an integrated neuronal circuit consisting of somatostatin, opioid, and VIP/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP)/nitric oxide synthase (NOS) interneurons coupled to cholinergic/tachykinin motor neurons innervating longitudinal muscle strips that could lead to descending contraction and ascending relaxation of this muscle layer. Previous studies in peristaltic preparations have also shown that an increase in somatostatin release during the descending phase causes a decrease in Met-enkephalin release and suppression of the inhibitory effect of Met-enkephalin on VIP/PACAP/NOS motor neurons innervating circular muscle and a distinct set of VIP/PACAP/NOS interneurons. The present study showed that in contrast to circular muscle, longitudinal muscle contracted during the descending phase and relaxed during the ascending phase. Somatostatin antiserum inhibited descending contraction and augmented ascending relaxation of longitudinal muscle, whereas naloxone had the opposite effect. VIP and PACAP antagonists inhibited descending contraction of longitudinal muscle and augmented ascending relaxation. Atropine and tachykinin antagonists inhibited descending contraction of longitudinal muscle. As shown in earlier studies, the same antagonists and antisera produced opposite effects on circular muscle. We conclude that longitudinal muscle contracts and relaxes in reverse fashion to circular muscle during the peristaltic reflex. Longitudinal muscle activity is regulated by excitatory VIP/PACAP/NOS interneurons coupled to cholinergic/tachykinin motor neurons innervating longitudinal muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic leukotriene D4 (LTD4) was evaluated on isolated gastric longitudinal or circular smooth muscle and distal colon of the rat. The concentrations of LTD4, 2.5 X 10(-10)M to 5 X 10(-7)M, evoked minimal to maximal contractile responses. In addition, selected prostaglandins were used to identify the mediator of LTD4-induced contraction of gastric smooth muscle. FPL 55712 inhibited LTD4-induced contractions of gastric longitudinal or circular muscle. Indomethacin inhibited only LTD4-induced contractions of the longitudinal muscle. A combination of FPL 55712 and indomethacin produced greater inhibition of LTD4-induced contractions of longitudinal muscle than either agent alone. However, the same combination of inhibitors showed no greater effect than FPL 55712 alone on LTD4-induced contractions of circular smooth muscle. Unlike PGI2, PGF2, PGA2, or PGD2, PGE2 evoked contraction of the longitudinal muscle and relaxation of the circular muscle of the stomach. The dissimilar effect of PGE2 in the two smooth muscle layers of the rat stomach may signify that PGE2 is the prostaglandin released by LTD4 from the longitudinal and circular gastric muscle. However, the opposing pharmacologic effects following LTD4-induced release of prostaglandins in the circular muscle of the stomach would preclude the appearance of an inhibitory effect of indomethacin in this tissue. In contrast, PGE2 and other prostaglandins contract gastric longitudinal muscle in response to LTD4. Thus, these studies clearly suggest that LTD4 has both a direct and indirect effect on gastric smooth muscle of the rat. Unlike the stomach, LTD4-induced contraction of the distal colon was not inhibited by indomethacin while FPL 55712 antagonized contractions. Thus, these findings indicate a differential mechanism of stimulation of rat gastrointestinal tissue by LTD4.  相似文献   

The relationship between neurogenic responses of longitudinal and circular muscle was studied by measuring contractions and EMG or nonadrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) relaxations and NANC inhibitory junction potentials in different preparations of the guinea-pig ileum. NANC relaxation of longitudinal muscle was observed also without any preceding or concomitant circular muscle contraction ruling out the possibility that the latter might be the cause of the NANC relaxation. Circular muscle twitches or powerful contractions were absent if there was no preceding neurogenic or myogenic excitation of longitudinal muscle; in preparations with myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle layers removed only small residual responses were seen although still under neurogenic influences. Thus excitation of longitudinal muscle seemed a prerequisite for synchronized and powerful contractions of circular muscle to occur. Cholinergic contraction and NANC relaxation of longitudinal muscle evoked by field stimulation were partly inhibited if the submucous plexus was also present suggesting the involvement of a more complex neuronal circuitry in these responses.  相似文献   

The relationship between longitudinal and circular muscle tension in the mouse colon and mechanosensory excitatory synaptic input to neurons in the superior mesenteric ganglion (SMG) was investigated in vitro. Electrical activity was recorded intracellularly from SMG neurons, and muscle tension was simultaneously monitored in the longitudinal, circumferential, or both axes. Colonic intraluminal pressure and volume changes were also monitored simultaneously with muscle tension changes. The results showed that the frequency of fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) in SMG neurons increased when colonic muscle tension decreased, when the colon relaxed and refilled with fluid after contraction, and during receptive relaxation preceding spontaneous colonic contractions. In contrast, fEPSP frequency decreased when colonic muscle tension increased during spontaneous colonic contraction and emptying. Manual stretch of the colon wall to 10-15% beyond resting length in the circumferential axis of flat sheet preparations increased fEPSP frequency in SMG neurons, but stretch in the longitudinal axis to 15% beyond resting length in the same preparations did not. There was no increase in synaptic input when tubular colon segments were stretched in their long axes up to 20% beyond their resting length. The circumferential stretch-sensitive increase in the frequency of synaptic input to SMG neurons persisted when the colonic muscles were relaxed pharmacologically by nifedipine (2 microM) or nicardipine (3 microM). These results suggest that colonic mechanosensory afferent nerves projecting to the SMG function as length or stretch detectors in parallel to the circular muscle layer.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) are activated during static muscle contraction. Furthermore, activation of the PPN, via electrical stimulation or chemical disinhibition, is associated with increases in respiratory activity observed via diaphragmatic electromyogram recordings. The present experiments address the potential for PPN involvement in the regulation of the reflex diaphragmatic responses to muscle contraction in chloralose-urethane anesthetized rats. Diaphragmatic responses to unilateral static hindlimb muscle contraction, evoked via electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve, were recorded before and subsequent to bilateral microinjections of a synaptic blockade agent (CoCl2) into the PPN. The peak reflex increases in respiratory frequency (9.0 +/- 1.0 breaths/min) and minute integrated diaphragmatic electromyogram activity (14.6 +/- 3.3 units/min) were attenuated after microinjection of CoCl2 into the PPN (2.6 +/- 0.9 breaths/min and 4.6 +/- 2.1 units/min, respectively). Consistent diaphragmatic responses were observed in the subset of animals that were barodenervated. Control experiments suggest no effects of PPN synaptic blockade on the cardiovascular responses to muscle contraction. The results are discussed in terms of a potential role for the PPN in modulation of the reflex respiratory adjustments that accompany muscular activity.  相似文献   

The effects of Met-enkephalin on the spontaneous and electrically evoked activity were investigated in longitudinal and circular strips isolated from different regions of the large intestine, i.e., proximal colon, distal colon and rectum. Met-enkephalin induced dose-dependent contractile responses which were reversibly blocked by naloxone (10(-6) M). In all longitudinal strips and in the circular strips of the rectum, the effects of Met-enkephalin were prevented by TTX (10(-7) M), demonstrating their neurogenic nature. In the circular strips from the colon, Met-enkephalin induced contractile responses after TTX, proving the existence of smooth muscle opioid receptors. The comparison between the EC50 values of Met-enkephalin showed that the opioid receptors in the different regions have different sensitivity to Met-enkephalin, while the opioid receptors in the longitudinal and circular layers of the same region have equal affinity. Atropine (10(-6) M) and guanethidine (10(-6) M) did not alter significantly the EC50 values, showing that the neurogenic effects of Met-enkephalin on the spontaneous activity involve mainly nonadrenergic, noncholinergic (NANC) neurotransmitter mechanisms. When the preparations were stimulated electrically, Met-enkephalin (10(-9) M) suppressed the cholinergic components of the responses. Met-enkephalin-containing nerve fibers were found in the myenteric plexus of the three intestinal regions. In the colon, where direct smooth muscle effects were observed, fibers containing Met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity were found to go deep into the circular layer, suggesting that they could supply Met-enkephalin input to the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

The pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) has previously been implicated in central command regulation of the cardiorespiratory adjustments that accompany exercise. The current study was executed to begin to address the potential role of the PPN in the regulation of cardiorespiratory adjustments evoked by muscle contraction. Extracellular single-unit recording was employed to document the responses of PPN neurons during static muscle contraction. Sixty-four percent (20/31) of neurons sampled from the PPN responded to static muscle contraction with increases in firing rate. Furthermore, muscle contraction-responsive neurons in the PPN were unresponsive to brief periods of hypotension but were markedly activated during chemical disinhibition of the caudal hypothalamus. A separate sample of PPN neurons was found to be moderately activated during systemic hypoxia. Chemical disinhibition of the PPN was found to markedly increase respiratory drive. These findings suggest that the PPN may be involved in modulating respiratory adjustments that accompany muscle contraction and that PPN neurons may have the capacity to synthesize muscle reflex and central command influences.  相似文献   

A functional analysis of the striated swim-bladder muscles engaged in the sound production of the toadfish has been performed by simultaneous recording of muscle action potentials, mechanical effects, and sound. Experiments with electrical nerve stimulation were made on excised bladder, while decerebrate preparations were used for studies of reflex activation of bladders in situ. The muscle twitch in response to a single maximal nerve volley was found to be very fast. The average contraction time was 5 msec. with a range from 3 to 8 msec., the relaxation being somewhat slower. The analysis of muscle action potentials with surface electrodes showed that the activity of the muscle fibers running transversely to the long axis of the muscle was well synchronized both during artificial and reflex activation. With inserted metal microelectrodes monophasic potentials of 0.4 msec. rise time and 1.2 to 1.5 msec. total duration were recorded. The interval between peak of action potential and onset of contraction was only 0.5 msec. Microphonic recordings of the characteristic sound effect accompanying each contraction showed a high amplitude diphasic deflection during the early part of the contraction. During relaxation a similar but smaller deflection of opposite phase could sometimes be distinguished above the noise level. The output from the microphone was interpreted as a higher order derivative function of the muscle displacement. This interpretation was supported by complementary experiments on muscle sound in mammalian muscle. The dependence of the sound effects on the rate of muscle contraction was demonstrated by changing the temperature of the preparation and, in addition, by a special series of experiments with repeated stimulation at short intervals. Results obtained by varying the pressure within the bladder provided further evidence for the view that the sound initiated in the muscle is reinforced by bladder resonance. Analysis of spontaneous grunts confirmed the finding of a predominant sound frequency of about 100 per second, which was also found in reflexly evoked grunts. During these, muscle action potentials of the same rate as the dominant sound frequency were recorded, the activity being synchronous in the muscles on both sides. Some factors possibly contributing to rapid contraction are discussed.  相似文献   

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