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Accurate species delimitation is important as species are a fundamental unit in ecological, evolutionary and conservation biology research. In lichenized fungi, species delimitation has been difficult due to a lack of taxonomically important characteristics and due to the limits of traditional, morphology‐based species concepts. In this study we reassess the current taxonomy of the Parmotrema perforatum group, which recognizes six closely related species divided into three species pairs, each pair comprising one apotheciate (sexual) and one sorediate (asexual) species. Each pair is further characterized by a distinct combination of secondary metabolites. It was hypothesized that the three apotheciate species are reproductively isolated sibling species and that each sorediate species evolved once from the chemically identical apotheciate species. In this study, species boundaries were re‐examined using an integrative approach incorporating morphological, chemical and molecular sequence data to delimit species boundaries. Phylogenetic trees were inferred from a seven‐locus DNA sequence dataset using concatenated gene tree and coalescent‐based species‐tree inference methods. Furthermore, we employed a multi‐species coalescent method to validate candidate species. Micromorphological measurements of conidia were found to be congruent with phylogenetic clusters. Each approach that we applied to the P. perforatum group consistently recovered four of the currently circumscribed species (P. perforatum, P. hypotropum, P. subrigidum and P. louisianae), whereas P. preperforatum and P. hypoleucinum were consistently combined and are thus interpreted as conspecific.  相似文献   

Abstract:Two new species belonging to the lichen families Pilocarpaceae andEctolechiaceae are described from tropical Africa: Calopadia lucida sp. nov. (Ectolechiaceae) from Tanzania, being similar to C. puiggarii but differing in the UV fluorescent thallus and the pruinose apothecia, andFellhanera ivoriensis sp. nov. (Pilocarpaceae) from the Ivory Coast, differing from the related F. rhapidophylli by the sorediate thallus and from other sorediate taxa by the combination of pale soralia, dark brown apothecia, and the ellipsoid-bacillar conidia. A key to the nine sorediate species of Fellhanera is provided.  相似文献   

Placopsis auriculata Lumbsch & Kashiwadani is described from Papua New Guinea. This new species is characterized by the presence of campylidia-like helmet-shaped soralia and the presence of the gyrophoric acid chemosyndrome. Hiascic acid is reported for the first time from theAgyriaceae. The distinction of that species from other sorediate species ofPlacopsis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

中国和日本有关具粉末状粉芽的矮石蕊(Cladonia humilis)的报导大多数实际上是指本文中描述的新种,黑氏石蕊(Cladonia kurokawae Ahti & S. Stcnroos).其特征是杯体深裂,含有黑茶渍素和富马原岛衣酸.真正的矮石蕊在中国和日本是很少见的;日本的种类中,含有黑茶渍素和波衣酸的两个化学型都存在.  相似文献   

Abstract:Two new species of lichens are described from the Iberian Peninsula. Halecania giraltiae is the first sorediate saxicolous species known in the genus and has been collected growing on lichens and sometimes directly on rock in localities from northern Portugal to central Spain. Catillaria fungoides, a sorediate, corticolous representative of the C. nigroclavata group, is known from southern Portugal and northern Spain.  相似文献   

A new sorediate lichen, Menegazzia hypernota Bjerke, is described from New Zealand. This new species is characterised by convex, crescent‐shaped to fabi‐form soralia that are occasionally associated with perforations; apothecia with 2‐spored asci; the small perforations; the numerous secondary lobules; the presence of inconspicuous, yellow spots in the internal cavity; and fumarprotocetraric acid as principal medullary constituent. Menegazzia caliginosa, a species associated with M. hypernota, is reported for the first time from the Auckland Islands.  相似文献   

Abstract:Biatora britannica sp. nov. is described from Wales. The species is the sorediate sister taxon of the Madeiran Biatora hertelii. The close relationship is supported by the presence of the hymenial pigment Hertelii-green, which is hitherto known only from these two species. Molecular data from the nuclear ITS-region of 14 Biatora -species renders further support for the close relationship of both species. Sterile, sorediate material from the British Isles earlier referred to B. efflorescens may in fact belong to B. britannica.  相似文献   

Lecanora compallens and L. sinuosa, two corticolous lichens, are described as species new to science on the basis of numerous collections. Lecanora compallens is a sorediate species, known only as sterile. It is probably common in Western Europe, but overlooked because it is very similar to L. expallens. Chemically, the new species is identical with L. strobilina, of which it may represent a sorediate counterpart. Lecanora sinuosa is a new species similar to L. chlarotera and so far only known from a limited area in the Netherlands and Germany, although it may be overlooked elsewhere. Lecanora sinuosa is very close to L. hybocarpa, with which it shares thepulicaris -type epihymenium inspersed with fine crystals but differs markedly by its thick thallus and thick and sinuous apothecium margin.  相似文献   

Caloplaca erodens is a new species of sect. Pyrenodesmia, characterised by an orbicular, sorediate, bluish-grey thallus which is endolithic but emerges at the periphery with a white, K−, obscurely lobate prothallus. The species is frequent on calcareous outcrops and walls of isolated churches and ruins of the Central Apennines (Sibillini, Gran Sasso), where it may occur in large monospecific populations, from 1000 to 2500 m asl., and is also known from dry sites of the southern Alps. It has been found with apothecia only in the type locality, being predominantly sterile. The reproduction of this lichen is evidently linked to the release of fragments of clusters of photobiont cells and mycobiont hyphae which are continuously exposed with the dissolution of the substratum. Readily distinguished from the apparently similar endolithic C. alociza (which is characterised by numerous apothecia, black, K+ purple prothallus, and esorediate thallus), C. erodens probably belongs to the C. circumalbata complex, whose taxa are always epilithic but have a white, K− prothallus. The phylogenetic position of the new species within sect. Pyrenodesmia as inferred by ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkeys (Oreonax flavicauda) are considered Critically Endangered (IUCN Categories A4c). The International Primatological Society also considers them one of the world’s 25 most endangered primate species and therefore a conservation priority. However, there is little concerted conservation action, and the existing protected area network may be inadequate to protect this species from extinction. Until recently this species has been the focus of few studies and its distributional limits remain unknown. I present results of a range-wide survey of Oreonax flavicauda in northeastern Peru. I conducted 53 presence/absence field surveys at 43 sites between March 2007 and March 2010, with data collected for an additional 7 sites from other researchers. I chose sites where the species was previously reported or following suggestions from predictive GIS modeling. Oreonax flavicauda was present at 35 sites, all presence records were in Ficus spp.–dominated cloud forests between 1500 and 2650 m above sea level. I give the geographical limits of this species distribution throughout the north, east, and west of its range; the exact extent of its range to the south requires further investigation. Oreonax flavicauda continues to be threatened throughout its range. The major threats I identified at the survey locations were the continued conversion of forests to cattle pasture, opening of new access routes into virgin areas, and both commercial and subsistence hunting. My results suggest that existing conservation measures may be inadequate at protecting this species but that substantial opportunities do exist. Further surveys need to be made in the southern distribution of this species to determine more accurately extant habitat.  相似文献   

Maireina afibulata and M. attenuatipilis are proposed as new members of the recently revised genus Maireina, one of the few anatomically well-studied cyphelloid groups in the Basidiomycota. Maireina species have brownish basidiomes, smooth, parietally unpigmented spores, and are characterized by non-ramified external hyphae with more or less thick, yellow to brown cell walls and distinct crystalline incrustations that always include their distal ends. A key to the species of the genus Maireina is presented, and M. afibulata as well as M. attenuatipilis are described and discussed in detail. Taxonomic novelties: Maireina afibulata Bodensteiner, M. attenuatipilis Bodensteiner  相似文献   

A revision based on the morphological and genetic analyses of 133 specimens of black-fruited, endolithic Caloplaca belonging to subgenus Pyrenodesmia is presented. The material was collected in 16 sites distributed along a transept from Gargano (Central Italy) to the southeastern Alps, from sea level to ca 1500 m. The nuclear ITS was sequenced for all the mycobionts and selected representatives of photobionts. Except for the sorediate C. erodens, all species share the same algal lineage of Trebouxia as photobiont. The haplotype analysis of the mycobionts revealed an unexpected, high genetic heterogeneity. Three main morphotypic clusters were recognized among five species: C. albopruinosa (syn. C. agardhiana auct.), C. alociza, C. badioreagens, C. erodens, and C. variabilis. A phylogenetic analysis, including already available Caloplaca sequence data, revealed that these lichens form a monophyletic group within the genus. For each species, notes on ecology, distribution in Italy, and nomenclature are given.  相似文献   

An α‐taxonomic revision of the African pike, Hepsetus odoe, from Lower Guinea is provided. The results show that three different species occur in Lower Guinea instead of one. Hepsetus akawo, recently described from West Africa, is present in the northern part of Lower Guinea; Hepsetus lineata, the most widespread species within Lower Guinea, is known from the Sanaga (Cameroon) in the north to the Shiloango (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the south and Hepsetus kingsleyae sp. nov. is endemic to the Ogowe Basin. The new species H. kingsleyae is described and H. lineata, which is elevated here to the species level, is redescribed. Hepsetus lineata can easily be recognized by its prominent horizontal line pattern on the flanks and differs further from H. akawo and H. kingsleyae in the number of lateral‐line scales and the number of gill rakers. Hepsetus kingsleyae differs from H. lineata and H. akawo by its narrow head, elongated snout and narrow, knife‐shaped body. All three species are also distinguishable from H. odoe and the recently revalidated H. cuvieri. A few exceptional specimens could not be allocated to one of the three species and may represent hybrids because of their mixed diagnostic characters or their intermediate values.  相似文献   

The first record of Ornithodoros (Alectorobius) coniceps (Canestrini) was reported for Italy in 1877, inside the interstices of the ancient mosaics at S. Marco Basilica in Venice. Afterwards only few discoveries of the species are reported for Italy; the last record is dated back to 1984, in L’Aquila town (Abruzzo Region). The present study shows the data of a survey carried out as a result of a massive infestation by O. coniceps in an ancient villa in Anzio town (Latium region) recently restored. In the past decades the villa has been fallen into disrepair, becoming an occasional shelter for wild animals mainly pigeons, that colonized the whole building for generations. This case appears worthy of note because it is the first record of this species after more than 25 years in Italy. A total of 136 specimens were collected by three methods: manual, mechanical aspirators and Wilson traps. Wilson trapping indicates positive O. coniceps tropism for CO2.  相似文献   

Although invaders come in all shapes and sizes, several mollusks have recently achieved notoriety as both economically and ecologically costly invaders. Applesnails of the genus Pomacea get their name from reaching the size of an apple. Native to South America, the species P. insularum has recently established reproducing, and potentially invasive, populations in Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. In contrast to the widely invasive golden applesnail (P. canaliculata), few studies of the channeled species P. insularum exist. In studying similar invasive applesnail species, scientists use several methods of measurement. We have explored the relationships among shell height, operculum width, and weight among juvenile and adult P. insularum and tested their inter-measurer reliability. We also investigated the use of shell height, shell length, and operculum width measurements in P. canaliculata studies and observed whether or not those studies defined their measurements. We found that operculum width served as a significantly more reliable measure among researchers. Furthermore, operculum width better predicted weight than shell height. The majority of articles that measured P. canaliculata did not define their measurements, which may cause problems when comparing studies between native and exotic populations or when comparing the two species. We recommend that future studies of P. insularum use operculum width to measure snails and explore a possible sex dimorphism in the operculum width of adult P. insularum.  相似文献   

The genus Burkholderia comprises more than 60 species isolated from a wide range of niches. Although they have been shown to be diverse and ubiquitously distributed, most studies have thus far focused on the pathogenic species due to their clinical importance. However, the increasing number of recently described Burkholderia species associated with plants or with the environment has highlighted the division of the genus into two main clusters, as suggested by phylogenetical analyses. The first cluster includes human, animal, and plant pathogens, such as Burkholderia glumae, Burkholderia pseudomallei, and Burkholderia mallei, as well as the 17 defined species of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, while the other, more recently established cluster comprises more than 30 non-pathogenic species, which in most cases have been found to be associated with plants, and thus might be considered to be potentially beneficial. Several species from the latter group share characteristics that are of use when associating with plants, such as a quorum sensing system, the presence of nitrogen fixation and/or nodulation genes, and the ability to degrade aromatic compounds. This review examines the commonalities in this growing subgroup of Burkholderia species and discusses their prospective biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

The seed morphology of 79 species of neotropical Miconieae (Melastomataceae) is presented. These species have been chosen, in majority, from the polyphyletic genus Leandra. A few other species from the polyphyletic genera Miconia, Ossaea, and Clidemia were also sampled, because of potential similarities. Sixteen morphological seed types are defined after analysis through light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The seed morphology appears to possess a great deal of variability on the level of the overall shape as well as the structure and the surface of the testa. The different types defined here do not match with genera or sections, but rather are composed of species coming from different genera. In comparison with a preliminary molecular phylogeny study done on Leandra, some types of seeds are related to well supported clades. In some cases seed morphology corresponds with natural groups of species, thus being of high phylogenetic importance.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria that cause reproductive alterations in numerous arthropod species. Using a PCR-based method, we found that, out of 33 odonate species, four species were infected with Wolbachia. This finding represents the first record of Wolbachia infection in tropical odonates. Identical wsp gene sequences were found in the Wolbachia-infected common odonate species, Agriocnemis f. femina, collected from different locations in Thailand. The infection frequencies in several natural populations suggest that replacement of uninfected populations by Wolbachia-infected ones has recently occurred in this damselfly species.Received: 12 November 2002 / Accepted: 13 December 2002  相似文献   

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