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Bayesian quantitative trait loci mapping for multiple traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Banerjee S  Yandell BS  Yi N 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2275-2289
Most quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping experiments typically collect phenotypic data on multiple correlated complex traits. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive genomewide mapping strategy for correlated traits in the literature. We develop Bayesian multiple-QTL mapping methods for correlated continuous traits using two multivariate models: one that assumes the same genetic model for all traits, the traditional multivariate model, and the other known as the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model that allows different genetic models for different traits. We develop computationally efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for performing joint analysis. We conduct extensive simulation studies to assess the performance of the proposed methods and to compare with the conventional single-trait model. Our methods have been implemented in the freely available package R/qtlbim (http://www.qtlbim.org), which greatly facilitates the general usage of the Bayesian methodology for unraveling the genetic architecture of complex traits.  相似文献   

Yi N  Banerjee S  Pomp D  Yandell BS 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1855-1864
Development of statistical methods and software for mapping interacting QTL has been the focus of much recent research. We previously developed a Bayesian model selection framework, based on the composite model space approach, for mapping multiple epistatic QTL affecting continuous traits. In this study we extend the composite model space approach to complex ordinal traits in experimental crosses. We jointly model main and epistatic effects of QTL and environmental factors on the basis of the ordinal probit model (also called threshold model) that assumes a latent continuous trait underlies the generation of the ordinal phenotypes through a set of unknown thresholds. A data augmentation approach is developed to jointly generate the latent data and the thresholds. The proposed ordinal probit model, combined with the composite model space framework for continuous traits, offers a convenient way for genomewide interacting QTL analysis of ordinal traits. We illustrate the proposed method by detecting new QTL and epistatic effects for an ordinal trait, dead fetuses, in a F(2) intercross of mice. Utility and flexibility of the method are also demonstrated using a simulated data set. Our method has been implemented in the freely available package R/qtlbim, which greatly facilitates the general usage of the Bayesian methodology for genomewide interacting QTL analysis for continuous, binary, and ordinal traits in experimental crosses.  相似文献   

Huang H  Eversley CD  Threadgill DW  Zou F 《Genetics》2007,176(4):2529-2540
A Bayesian methodology has been developed for multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of complex binary traits that follow liability threshold models. Unlike most QTL mapping methods where only one or a few markers are used at a time, the proposed method utilizes all markers across the genome simultaneously. The outperformance of our Bayesian method over the traditional single-marker analysis and interval mapping has been illustrated via simulations and real data analysis to identify candidate loci associated with colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Bayesian LASSO for quantitative trait loci mapping   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Yi N  Xu S 《Genetics》2008,179(2):1045-1055
The mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) is to identify molecular markers or genomic loci that influence the variation of complex traits. The problem is complicated by the facts that QTL data usually contain a large number of markers across the entire genome and most of them have little or no effect on the phenotype. In this article, we propose several Bayesian hierarchical models for mapping multiple QTL that simultaneously fit and estimate all possible genetic effects associated with all markers. The proposed models use prior distributions for the genetic effects that are scale mixtures of normal distributions with mean zero and variances distributed to give each effect a high probability of being near zero. We consider two types of priors for the variances, exponential and scaled inverse-chi(2) distributions, which result in a Bayesian version of the popular least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) model and the well-known Student's t model, respectively. Unlike most applications where fixed values are preset for hyperparameters in the priors, we treat all hyperparameters as unknowns and estimate them along with other parameters. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are developed to simulate the parameters from the posteriors. The methods are illustrated using well-known barley data.  相似文献   

Complex traits important for humans are often correlated phenotypically and genetically. Joint mapping of quantitative-trait loci (QTLs) for multiple correlated traits plays an important role in unraveling the genetic architecture of complex traits. Compared with single-trait analysis, joint mapping addresses more questions and has advantages for power of QTL detection and precision of parameter estimation. Some statistical methods have been developed to map QTLs underlying multiple traits, most of which are based on maximum-likelihood methods. We develop here a multivariate version of the Bayes methodology for joint mapping of QTLs, using the Markov chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. We adopt a variance-components method to model complex traits in outbred populations (e.g., humans). The method is robust, can deal with an arbitrary number of alleles with arbitrary patterns of gene actions (such as additive and dominant), and allows for multiple phenotype data of various types in the joint analysis (e.g., multiple continuous traits and mixtures of continuous traits and discrete traits). Under a Bayesian framework, parameters--including the number of QTLs--are estimated on the basis of their marginal posterior samples, which are generated through two samplers, the Gibbs sampler and the reversible-jump MCMC. In addition, we calculate the Bayes factor related to each identified QTL, to test coincident linkage versus pleiotropy. The performance of our method is evaluated in simulations with full-sib families. The results show that our proposed Bayesian joint-mapping method performs well for mapping multiple QTLs in situations of either bivariate continuous traits or mixed data types. Compared with the analysis for each trait separately, Bayesian joint mapping improves statistical power, provides stronger evidence of QTL detection, and increases precision in estimation of parameter and QTL position. We also applied the proposed method to a set of real data and detected a coincident linkage responsible for determining bone mineral density and areal bone size of wrist in humans.  相似文献   

N Yi  S Xu 《Genetics》1999,153(2):1029-1040
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for complex binary traits is more challenging than for normally distributed traits due to the nonlinear relationship between the observed phenotype and unobservable genetic effects, especially when the mapping population contains multiple outbred families. Because the number of alleles of a QTL depends on the number of founders in an outbred population, it is more appropriate to treat the effect of each allele as a random variable so that a single variance rather than individual allelic effects is estimated and tested. Such a method is called the random model approach. In this study, we develop the random model approach of QTL mapping for binary traits in outbred populations. An EM-algorithm with a Fisher-scoring algorithm embedded in each E-step is adopted here to estimate the genetic variances. A simple Monte Carlo integration technique is used here to calculate the likelihood-ratio test statistic. For the first time we show that QTL of complex binary traits in an outbred population can be scanned along a chromosome for their positions, estimated for their explained variances, and tested for their statistical significance. Application of the method is illustrated using a set of simulated data.  相似文献   

Kao CH 《Genetics》2004,167(4):1987-2002
Endosperm traits are trisomic inheritant and are of great economic importance because they are usually directly related to grain quality. Mapping for quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying endosperm traits can provide an efficient way to genetically improve grain quality. As the traditional QTL mapping methods (diploid methods) are usually designed for traits under diploid control, they are not the ideal approaches to map endosperm traits because they ignore the triploid nature of endosperm. In this article, a statistical method considering the triploid nature of endosperm (triploid method) is developed on the basis of multiple-interval mapping (MIM) to map for the underlying QTL. The proposed triploid MIM method is derived to broadly use the marker information either from only the maternal plants or from both the maternal plants and their embryos in the backcross and F2 populations for mapping endosperm traits. Due to the use of multiple intervals simultaneously to take multiple QTL into account, the triploid MIM method can provide better detection power and estimation precision, and as shown in this article it is capable of analyzing and searching for epistatic QTL directly as compared to the traditional diploid methods and current triploid methods using only one (or two) interval(s). Several important issues in endosperm trait mapping, such as the relation and differences between the diploid and triploid methods, variance components of genetic variation, and the problems if effects are present and ignored, are also addressed. Simulations are performed to further explore these issues, to investigate the relative efficiency of different experimental designs, and to evaluate the performance of the proposed and current methods in mapping endosperm traits. The MIM-based triploid method can provide a powerful tool to estimate the genetic architecture of endosperm traits and to assist the marker-assisted selection for the improvement of grain quality in crop science. The triploid MIM FORTRAN program for mapping endosperm traits is available on the worldwide web (http://www.stat.sinica.edu.tw/chkao/).  相似文献   

Yuan Z  Zou F  Liu Y 《Genetics》2011,188(1):189-195
The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a renewable mouse resource that mimics the genetic diversity in humans. The recombinant inbred intercrosses (RIX) generated from CC recombinant inbred (RI) lines share similar genetic structures to those of F(2) individuals. In contrast to F(2) mice, genotypes of RIX can be inferred from the genotypes of their RI parents and can be produced repeatedly. Also, RIX mice do not typically share the same degree of relatedness. This unbalanced genetic relatedness requires careful statistical modeling to avoid a large number of false positive findings. For complex traits, mapping multiple genes simultaneously is arguably more powerful than mapping one gene at a time. In this article, we describe how we have developed a Bayesian quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping method that simultaneously deals with the special genetic architecture of RIX and maps multiple genes. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by extensive simulations. In addition, for a given set of RI lines, there are numerous ways to generate RIX samples. To provide a general guideline on future RIX studies, we compare several RIX designs through simulations.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting, an epigenetic phenomenon of parent-of-origin-specific gene expression, has been widely observed in plants, animals, and humans. To detect imprinting genes influencing quantitative traits, the least squares and maximum likelihood approaches for fitting a single quantitative trait locus (QTL) and Bayesian methods for simultaneously modeling multiple QTL have been adopted, respectively, in various studies. However, most of these studies have only estimated imprinting main effects and thus ignored imprinting epistatic effects. In the presence of extremely complex genomic imprinting architectures, we introduce a Bayesian model selection method to analyze the multiple interacting imprinted QTL (iQTL) model. This approach will greatly enhance the computational efficiency through setting the upper bound of the number of QTLs and performing selective sampling for QTL parameters. The imprinting types of detected main-effect QTLs can be estimated from the Bayes factor statistic formulated by the posterior probabilities for the genetic effects being compared. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by several simulation experiments. Moreover, this method is applied to dissect the imprinting genetic architecture for body weight in mouse and fruit weight in tomato. Matlab code for implementing this approach will be available from the authors upon request.  相似文献   

Yi N  Xu S 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1759-1771
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) are easily studied in a biallelic system. Such a system requires the cross of two inbred lines presumably fixed for alternative alleles of the QTL. However, development of inbred lines can be time consuming and cost ineffective for species with long generation intervals and severe inbreeding depression. In addition, restriction of the investigation to a biallelic system can sometimes be misleading because many potentially important allelic interactions do not have a chance to express and thus fail to be detected. A complicated mating design involving multiple alleles mimics the actual breeding system. However, it is difficult to develop the statistical model and algorithm using the classical maximum-likelihood method. In this study, we investigate the application of a Bayesian method implemented via the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to QTL mapping under arbitrarily complicated mating designs. We develop the method under a mixed-model framework where the genetic values of founder alleles are treated as random and the nongenetic effects are treated as fixed. With the MCMC algorithm, we first draw the gene flows from the founders to the descendants for each QTL and then draw samples of the genetic parameters. Finally, we are able to simultaneously infer the posterior distribution of the number, the additive and dominance variances, and the chromosomal locations of all identified QTL.  相似文献   

In most quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies, phenotypes are assumed to follow normal distributions. Deviations from this assumption may affect the accuracy of QTL detection, leading to detection of false positive QTL. To improve the robustness of QTL mapping methods, we replace the normal distribution assumption for residuals in a multiple QTL model with a Student-t distribution that is able to accommodate residual outliers. A Robust Bayesian mapping strategy is proposed on the basis of the Bayesian shrinkage analysis for QTL effects. The simulations show that Robust Bayesian mapping approach can substantially increase the power of QTL detection when the normality assumption does not hold and applying it to data already normally distributed does not influence the result. The proposed QTL mapping method is applied to mapping QTL for the traits associated with physics–chemical characters and quality in rice. Similarly to the simulation study in the real data case the robust approach was able to detect additional QTLs when compared to the traditional approach. The program to implement the method is available on request from the first or the corresponding author. Xin Wang and Zhongze Piao contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

Functional genomics relies on two essential parameters: the sensitivity of phenotypic measures and the power to detect genomic perturbations that cause phenotypic variations. In model organisms, two types of perturbations are widely used. Artificial mutations can be introduced in virtually any gene and allow the systematic analysis of gene function via mutants fitness. Alternatively, natural genetic variations can be associated to particular phenotypes via genetic mapping. However, the access to genome manipulation and breeding provided by model organisms is sometimes counterbalanced by phenotyping limitations. Here we investigated the natural genetic diversity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cellular morphology using a very sensitive high-throughput imaging platform. We quantified 501 morphological parameters in over 50,000 yeast cells from a cross between two wild-type divergent backgrounds. Extensive morphological differences were found between these backgrounds. The genetic architecture of the traits was complex, with evidence of both epistasis and transgressive segregation. We mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) for 67 traits and discovered 364 correlations between traits segregation and inheritance of gene expression levels. We validated one QTL by the replacement of a single base in the genome. This study illustrates the natural diversity and complexity of cellular traits among natural yeast strains and provides an ideal framework for a genetical genomics dissection of multiple traits. Our results did not overlap with results previously obtained from systematic deletion strains, showing that both approaches are necessary for the functional exploration of genomes.  相似文献   

Yi N  Shriner D 《Heredity》2008,100(3):240-252
Many complex human diseases and traits of biological and/or economic importance are determined by interacting networks of multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) and environmental factors. Mapping QTL is critical for understanding the genetic basis of complex traits, and for ultimate identification of genes responsible. A variety of sophisticated statistical methods for QTL mapping have been developed. Among these developments, the evolution of Bayesian approaches for multiple QTL mapping over the past decade has been remarkable. Bayesian methods can jointly infer the number of QTL, their genomic positions and their genetic effects. Here, we review recently developed and still developing Bayesian methods and associated computer software for mapping multiple QTL in experimental crosses. We compare and contrast these methods to clearly describe the relationships among different Bayesian methods. We conclude this review by highlighting some areas of future research.  相似文献   

In order to reveal quantitative trait loci (QTL) interactions and the relationship between various interactions in complex traits, we have developed a new QTL mapping approach, named genotype matrix mapping (GMM), which searches for QTL interactions in genetic variation. The central approach in GMM is the following. (1) Each tested marker is given a virtual matrix, named a genotype matrix (GM), containing intersecting lines and rows equal to the total allele number for that marker in the population analyzed. (2) QTL interactions are then estimated and compared through virtual networks among the GMs. To evaluate the contribution of marker combinations to a quantitative phenotype, the GMM method divides the samples into two non-overlapping subclasses, S(0) and S(1); the former contains the samples that have a specific genotype pattern to be evaluated, and the latter contains samples that do not. Based on this division, the F-measure is calculated as an index of significance. With the GMM method, we extracted significant marker combinations consisting of one to three interacting markers. The results indicated there were multiple QTL interactions affecting the phenotype (flowering date). GMM will be a valuable approach to identify QTL interactions in genetic variation of a complex trait within a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

T Qi  B Jiang  Z Zhu  C Wei  Y Gao  S Zhu  H Xu  X Lou 《Heredity》2014,113(3):224-232
The crop seed is a complex organ that may be composed of the diploid embryo, the triploid endosperm and the diploid maternal tissues. According to the genetic features of seed characters, two genetic models for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of crop seed traits are proposed, with inclusion of maternal effects, embryo or endosperm effects of QTL, environmental effects and QTL-by-environment (QE) interactions. The mapping population can be generated either from double back-cross of immortalized F2 (IF2) to the two parents, from random-cross of IF2 or from selfing of IF2 population. Candidate marker intervals potentially harboring QTLs are first selected through one-dimensional scanning across the whole genome. The selected candidate marker intervals are then included in the model as cofactors to control background genetic effects on the putative QTL(s). Finally, a QTL full model is constructed and model selection is conducted to eliminate false positive QTLs. The genetic main effects of QTLs, QE interaction effects and the corresponding P-values are computed by Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for Gaussian mixed linear model via Gibbs sampling. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to investigate the reliability and efficiency of the proposed method. The simulation results showed that the proposed method had higher power to accurately detect simulated QTLs and properly estimated effect of these QTLs. To demonstrate the usefulness, the proposed method was used to identify the QTLs underlying fiber percentage in an upland cotton IF2 population. A computer software, QTLNetwork-Seed, was developed for QTL analysis of seed traits.  相似文献   

Yi N  Xu S 《Genetics》2000,156(1):411-422
Variance component analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) is an important strategy of genetic mapping for complex traits in humans. The method is robust because it can handle an arbitrary number of alleles with arbitrary modes of gene actions. The variance component method is usually implemented using the proportion of alleles with identity-by-descent (IBD) shared by relatives. As a result, information about marker linkage phases in the parents is not required. The method has been studied extensively under either the maximum-likelihood framework or the sib-pair regression paradigm. However, virtually all investigations are limited to normally distributed traits under a single QTL model. In this study, we develop a Bayes method to map multiple QTL. We also extend the Bayesian mapping procedure to identify QTL responsible for the variation of complex binary diseases in humans under a threshold model. The method can also treat the number of QTL as a parameter and infer its posterior distribution. We use the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method to infer the posterior distributions of parameters of interest. The Bayesian mapping procedure ends with an estimation of the joint posterior distribution of the number of QTL and the locations and variances of the identified QTL. Utilities of the method are demonstrated using a simulated population consisting of multiple full-sib families.  相似文献   

C Chen  K Ritland 《Heredity》2013,111(2):106-113
We present an approach for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, termed as ‘lineage-specific QTL mapping'', for inferring allelic changes of QTL evolution along with branches in a phylogeny. We describe and analyze the simplest case: by adding a third taxon into the normal procedure of QTL mapping between pairs of taxa, such inferences can be made along lineages to a presumed common ancestor. Although comparisons of QTL maps among species can identify homology of QTLs by apparent co-location, lineage-specific mapping of QTL can classify homology into (1) orthology (shared origin of QTL) versus (2) paralogy (independent origin of QTL within resolution of map distance). In this light, we present a graphical method that identifies six modes of QTL evolution in a three taxon comparison. We then apply our model to map lineage-specific QTLs for inbreeding among three taxa of yellow monkey-flower: Mimulus guttatus and two inbreeders M. platycalyx and M. micranthus, but critically assuming outcrossing was the ancestral state. The two most common modes of homology across traits were orthologous (shared ancestry of mutation for QTL alleles). The outbreeder M. guttatus had the fewest lineage-specific QTL, in accordance with the presumed ancestry of outbreeding. Extensions of lineage-specific QTL mapping to other types of data and crosses, and to inference of ancestral QTL state, are discussed.  相似文献   

Sillanpää MJ  Arjas E 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1605-1619
A general fine-scale Bayesian quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping method for outcrossing species is presented. It is suitable for an analysis of complete and incomplete data from experimental designs of F2 families or backcrosses. The amount of genotyping of parents and grandparents is optional, as well as the assumption that the QTL alleles in the crossed lines are fixed. Grandparental origin indicators are used, but without forgetting the original genotype or allelic origin information. The method treats the number of QTL in the analyzed chromosome as a random variable and allows some QTL effects from other chromosomes to be taken into account in a composite interval mapping manner. A block-update of ordered genotypes (haplotypes) of the whole family is sampled once in each marker locus during every round of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm used in the numerical estimation. As a byproduct, the method gives the posterior distributions for linkage phases in the family and therefore it can also be used as a haplotyping algorithm. The Bayesian method is tested and compared with two frequentist methods using simulated data sets, considering two different parental crosses and three different levels of available parental information. The method is implemented as a software package and is freely available under the name Multimapper/outbred at URL http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/mjs/.  相似文献   

Korol AB  Ronin YI  Itskovich AM  Peng J  Nevo E 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1789-1803
An approach to increase the efficiency of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) was proposed earlier by the authors on the basis of bivariate analysis of correlated traits. The power of QTL detection using the log-likelihood ratio (LOD scores) grows proportionally to the broad sense heritability. We found that this relationship holds also for correlated traits, so that an increased bivariate heritability implicates a higher LOD score, higher detection power, and better mapping resolution. However, the increased number of parameters to be estimated complicates the application of this approach when a large number of traits are considered simultaneously. Here we present a multivariate generalization of our previous two-trait QTL analysis. The proposed multivariate analogue of QTL contribution to the broad-sense heritability based on interval-specific calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the residual covariance matrix allows prediction of the expected QTL detection power and mapping resolution for any subset of the initial multivariate trait complex. Permutation technique allows chromosome-wise testing of significance for the whole trait complex and the significance of the contribution of individual traits owing to: (a) their correlation with other traits, (b) dependence on the chromosome in question, and (c) both a and b. An example of application of the proposed method on a real data set of 11 traits from an experiment performed on an F(2)/F(3) mapping population of tetraploid wheat (Triticum durum x T. dicoccoides) is provided.  相似文献   

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