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Despite the clinical importance of aneuploidy, surprisingly little is known concerning its impact during the earliest stages of human development. This study aimed to shed light on the genesis, progression, and survival of different types of chromosome anomaly from the fertilized oocyte through the final stage of preimplantation development (blastocyst). 2,204 oocytes and embryos were examined using comprehensive cytogenetic methodology. A diverse array of chromosome abnormalities was detected, including many forms never recorded later in development. Advancing female age was associated with dramatic increase in aneuploidy rate and complex chromosomal abnormalities. Anaphase lag and congression failure were found to be important malsegregation causing mechanisms in oogenesis and during the first few mitotic divisions. All abnormalities appeared to be tolerated until activation of the embryonic genome, after which some forms started to decline in frequency. However, many aneuploidies continued to have little impact, with affected embryos successfully reaching the blastocyst stage. Results from the direct analyses of female meiotic divisions and early embryonic stages suggest that chromosome errors present during preimplantation development have origins that are more varied than those seen in later pregnancy, raising the intriguing possibility that the source of aneuploidy might modulate impact on embryo viability. The results of this study also narrow the window of time for selection against aneuploid embryos, indicating that most survive until the blastocyst stage and, since they are not detected in clinical pregnancies, must be lost around the time of implantation or shortly thereafter.  相似文献   

Fluorinated organic compounds, such as perfluorooctane sulfonate, are stable chemicals with a wide range of industrial applications. The potential toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate is not well characterized, and even less known are the mechanisms underlying its toxic effects. Perfluorooctane sulfonate change of inner mitochondrial membrane permeability has been implicated as a potential mechanism of toxicity. In this study, we research that perfluorooctane sulfonate effects the expression of Apaf1 and Caspase3 genes in the amnion and fetal lung cell line that initiate the cells to undergo apoptosis. The expression of Caspase3 and Apaf1 was determined by using quantitative RT-PCR. In the study there is significant increase in expression of Caspase3 and Apaf1 in amnion and fetal lung cell line exposed to high dose (p < 0.001, p = 0.004). Also there is significant increase in cell lines exposed for a long period of time to perfluorooctane sulfonate (p = 0.001). But no significant increase was seen in the low doses and exposed for a short period of time. In conclusion, apoptotic gene expression is increase in cells exposed perfluorooctane sulfonate by dose dependent manner was determined. So this work is the first study examines the apoptotic effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate in human embryonic cells it will lead the way to the other topical studies.  相似文献   

The embryonic origin of imaginal discs in Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The thoracic imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster can be observed during embryogenesis as clusters of cells with particular shapes, sizes and behaviours. These structures can be detected soon after germ band shortening and their development appears to be tightly linked to that of the larval epidermis.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are used extensively in biomedical research and as a model with which to study early mammalian development, but their exact origin has been subject to much debate. They are routinely derived from pre-implantation embryos, but it has been suggested that the cells that give rise to ES cells might arise from epiblast cells that are already predisposed to a primordial germ cell (PGC) fate, which then progress to ES cell status via the PGC lineage. Based on recent findings, we propose here that ES cells can be derived directly from early epiblast cells and that ES cells might arise via two different routes that are dictated by their culture conditions.  相似文献   

Chordates originated from a common ancestor(s) shared with two other deuterostome groups, echinoderms and hemichordates, by creating a novel type of tadpole-like larva, which was characterized by a dorsal hollow neural tube and notochord. Recent molecular phylogeny supports the notion that echinoderms and hemichordates form a clade named the Ambulacraria and that, among the chordates, cephalochordates are more basal than urochordates and vertebrates. An aboral-dorsalization hypothesis is proposed to explain how the tadpole-type larva evolved. Embryological comparison of cephalochordates with nonchordate deuterostomes suggests that, because of limited space on the oral side of the ancestral embryo, morphogenesis to form the neural tube and notochord occurred on the aboral side of the embryo. Namely, the dorsalization of the aboral side of the ancestral embryo may have been a key developmental event that led to the formation of the basic chordate body plan.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system is thought to originate solely from the neural crest. Transgenic lineage tracing revealed a novel population of clonal pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 (Pdx1)-Cre lineage progenitor cells in the tunica muscularis of the gut that produced pancreatic descendants as well as neurons upon differentiation in vitro. Additionally, an in vivo subpopulation of endoderm lineage enteric neurons, but not glial cells, was seen especially in the proximal gut. Analysis of early transgenic embryos revealed Pdx1-Cre progeny (as well as Sox-17-Cre and Foxa2-Cre progeny) migrating from the developing pancreas and duodenum at E11.5 and contributing to the enteric nervous system. These results show that the mammalian enteric nervous system arises from both the neural crest and the endoderm. Moreover, in adult mice there are separate Wnt1-Cre neural crest stem cells and Pdx1-Cre pancreatic progenitors within the muscle layer of the gut.  相似文献   

The embryonic origins of taste receptor cells have not beenestablished experimentally. Although related receptor cells(e.g. hair cells of the inner ear, lateral line receptors) areknown to arise from neurogenic ectoderm (e.g. neural crest orplacodes), taste buds are described as arising from local epithelialcells. Also unknown is whether or not each taste bud is a cloneof cells, i.e. arising from a single progenitor. To addressthese problems, mosaic and chimeric analyses of lingual epitheliumand taste buds have been undertaken. This paper describes thetheory of chimeric and mosaic cell lineage analyses, the advantagesand disadvantages, and the preliminary results obtained fromthe examination of the taste buds and lingual epithelium of:1) mosaic Xenopus, 2) chimeric mice and 3) X-inactivation mosaicmice.  相似文献   

The lymph heart is a sac-like structure on either side of avian tail. In some adult birds, it empties the lymph from the copulatory organ; however, during embryonic development, it is thought to circulate extra-embryonic lymph. Very little is known about the origin, innervation and the cellular changes it undergoes during development. Using immunohistochemistry and gene expression profiling we show that the musculature of the lymph heart is initially composed solely of striated skeletal muscle but later develops an additional layer composed of smooth myofibroblasts. Chick-quail fate-mapping demonstrates that the lymph heart originates from the hypaxial compartments of somites 34-41. The embryonic lymph heart is transiently innervated by somatic motoneurons with no autonomic input. In comparison to body muscles, the lymph heart has different sensitivity to neuromuscular junction blockers (sensitive only to decamethonium). Furthermore, its abundant bungarotoxin-positive acetylcholinesterase receptors are unique as they completely lack specific acetylcholinesterase activity. Several lines of evidence suggest that the lymph heart may possess an intrinsic pacing mechanism. Finally, we assessed the function of the lymph heart during embryogenesis and demonstrate that it is responsible for preventing embryonic oedema in birds, a role previously thought to be played by body skeletal muscle contractions.  相似文献   

The somitic level of origin of embryonic chick hindlimb muscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of avian chimeras made by transplanting groups of quail somites into chick embryos have consistently shown that the muscle cells of the hindlimb are derived from the adjacent somites, however, the pattern of cell distribution from individual somites to individual hindlimb muscles has not been characterized. I have mapped quail cell distribution in the chick hindlimb after single somite transplantation to determine if cells from an individual somite populate discrete limb muscle regions and if there is a spatial correspondence between a muscle's somitic level of origin and the known spinal cord position of its motoneuron pool. At stages 15-18 single chick somites or equivalent lengths of unsegmented somitic mesoderm adjacent to the prospective hindlimb region were replaced with the corresponding tissue from quail embryos. At stages 28-34, quail cell distribution was mapped within individual thigh muscles and shank muscle regions. A quail-specific antiserum and Feulgen staining were used to identify quail cells. Transplants from somite levels 26-33 each gave rise to consistent quail cell labeling in a unique subset of limb muscles. The anteroposterior positions of these subsets corresponded to that of the transplanted somitic tissue. For example, more anterior or anteromedial thigh muscles contained quail cells when more anterior somitic tissue had been transplanted. For the majority of thigh muscles studied and for shank muscle groups, there was also a clear correlation between somitic level of origin and motoneuron pool position. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that motoneurons and the muscle cells of their targets share axial position labels. The question of whether motoneurons from a specific spinal cord segment recognize and consequently innervate muscle cells derived from the same axial level during early axon outgrowth is addressed in the accompanying paper (C. Lance-Jones, 1988, Dev. Biol. 126, 408-419). Quail cell distribution was also mapped in chick embryos in which quail somites or unsegmented mesoderm had been placed 2-3 somites away from their position of origin. In all cases donor somitic tissues contributed to muscles in accord with their host position. These results indicate that muscle cell precursors within the somites are not specified to migrate to a predetermined target region.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(3):138-141
Small (50–200 nm), calcium phosphate (apatite)-covered organic particles called nanobacteria or calcifying nanoparticles (CNP) seem to be ubiquitous in kidney stones and are thought to be involved in stone formation. Although initial claims that these particles are the smallest known life forms have been somewhat softened, much controversy remains as to their involvement in kidney stone formation as well as in other pathological calcifications. I suggest that such particles are non-living and may be formed during the normal living activities of bona-fide bacteria which inhabit the kidneys. This hypothesis is based on previous observations that bacteria immersed in a supersaturated fluid produce organic globules which calcify when released to the surrounding fluid, forming CNP-like particles. The possibility that this process is responsible for the formation of CNP associated with pathological calcifications deserves greater scrutiny.  相似文献   

The Mostly Male theory is the first to use evidence from gene phylogenies, genetics, modern plant morphology and fossils to explain the evolutionary origin of flowers. It proposes that flower organization derives more from the male structures of ancestral gymnosperms than from female structures. The theory arose from a hypothesis-based study. Such studies are the most likely to generate testable evolutionary scenarios, which should be the ultimate goal of evo-devo.  相似文献   

Kim J  Chu J  Shen X  Wang J  Orkin SH 《Cell》2008,132(6):1049-1061

An improved preservation technique for cells of hemopoietic origin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new technique for the cryopreservation of cell lines of hemopoietic origin is described. It uses a combination of 10% polyvinylpyrrolidone or hydroxyethylstarch with 15% glycerol, a slow stepwise addition of the cryoprotectants before freezing, cooling at 4 degrees C/min, rapid rewarming, and a slow step-wise dilution after thawing. This technique has given improved recovery rates with a number of basophil/mast cell lines, as well as a wide range of hemopoietic cells including hybridomas.  相似文献   

The inner ear and cochleovestibular ganglion (CVG) derive from a specialized region of head ectoderm termed the otic placode. During embryogenesis, the otic placode invaginates into the head to form the otic vesicle (OV), the primordium of the inner ear and CVG. Non-autonomous cell signaling from the hindbrain to the OV is required for inner ear morphogenesis and neurogenesis. In this study, we show that neuroepithelial cells (NECs), including neural crest cells (NCCs), can contribute directly to the OV from the neural tube. Using Wnt1-Cre, Pax3(Cre/+) and Hoxb1(Cre/+) mice to label and fate map cranial NEC lineages, we have demonstrated that cells from the neural tube incorporate into the otic epithelium after otic placode induction has occurred. Pax3(Cre/+) labeled a more extensive population of NEC derivatives in the OV than did Wnt1-Cre. NEC derivatives constitute a significant population of the OV and, moreover, are regionalized specifically to proneurosensory domains. Descendents of Pax3(Cre/+) and Wnt1-Cre labeled cells are localized within sensory epithelia of the saccule, utricle and cochlea throughout development and into adulthood, where they differentiate into hair cells and supporting cells. Some NEC derivatives give rise to neuroblasts in the OV and CVG, in addition to their known contribution to glial cells. This study defines a dual cellular origin of the inner ear from sensory placode ectoderm and NECs, and changes the current paradigm of inner ear neurosensory development.  相似文献   

Stem and progenitor cells are populations of cells that retain the capacity to populate specific lineages and to transit this capacity through cell division. However, attempts to define markers for stem cells have met with limited success. Here we consider whether this limited success reflects an intrinsic requirement for heterogeneity with stem cell populations. We focus on Embryonic Stem (ES) cells, in vitro derived cell lines from the early embryo that are considered both pluripotent (able to generate all the lineages of the future embryo) and indefinitely self renewing. We examine the relevance of recently reported heterogeneities in ES cells and whether these heterogeneities themselves are inherent requirements of functional potency and self renewal.  相似文献   

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