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The authors studied the origin of the v. portae and the variability of its tributaries in 30 adult laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus v. alba) after injecting blue-dyed latex into the venous bed. In 21 cases (70.0%) the v. portae was formed from three tributaries. In 18 of these cases (60.0%) they were the v. mesenterica cranialis, v. lienalis and v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. In eight cases the v. portae was formed from four or five tributaries and in only one case was it formed from two--the v. mesenterica cranialis and v. lienalis. In 21 cases (70.0%) the v. gastrica sinistra was a tributary of the v. lienalis. It collected blood from the anterior and posterior surface of the stomach and sometimes originated as far away as the curvatura major ventriculi. A v. cardiaca was present in all 30 cases (100%). As a rule (in 28 cases, i.e. 93.3%), it was a tributary of the v. gastrica sinistra. There was likewise a v. pylorica in every case; most frequently this united with the v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis, but was also connected with other veins in the vicinity. A v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was always present. In 22 cases (73.3%) it was an independent tributary of the v. portae. In 11 cases (36.7%), there were no vv. gastroepiploicae or equivalent vessels and blood from the stomach was drained mainly by the v. gastrica sinistra. A v. gastroepiploica dextra was present in 11 cases (36.7%), mostly as a tributary of the v. lienalis; in two cases (6.7%) there was a v. gastroepiploica sinistra and in six cases (20%) the place of these veins was taken by vv. gastricae as tributaries of the v. lienalis. In 21 cases (70.0%) the v. lienalis was joined by the v. gastrica sinistra. In 22 cases (73.3%) inter-organ anastomoses between the spleen, stomach and pancreas were found. A v. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was always present and in 20 cases (66.7%) it was an independent tributary of the v. mesenterica cranialis. A comparison of the origin of the v. portae and the organization and variability of its tributaries in the rat, cat and guinea pig shows that, in agreement with their position in the zoological system and their mode of life, there was greater similarity between the rat and the guinea pig as regards practically all the veins examined.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the origin of the v. portae and variability of its main tributaries in 30 adult guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus). The venous bed was visualized by means of blue-dyed latex. The v. portae was formed the most frequently - in 17 cases (56.7%) - by the confluence of three veins - the v. mesenterica cranialis, the v. lienalis and the v. gastroepiploica dextra; less often it was formed from four or five tributaries and in one case only it was formed by union of the v. mesenterica cranialis and the v. lienalis. The v. gastrica sinistra was a tributary of the v. lienalis in 24 cases (80.0%). It arose on the ventral and the dorsal surface of the stomach, in the region adjacent to the curvatura minor ventriculi. In 21 cases (70.0%) it was joined by an independent v. cardiaca. The v. lienalis originated in the hilus lienis, usually as a result of the union of two venous trunks. Inter-organ anastomoses were found in 26 cases (86.7%); in 10 cases (33.3%) they occurred simultaneously between the spleen and the stomach and between the spleen and the pancreas, while in 16 cases (53.3%) they connected the superior pole of the spleen with the stomach. An independent v. gastroepiploica dextra was present in 19 cases (63.3%) as a tributary of the v. portae. In 22 cases it was joined by the v. pylorica. A v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was present in 27 cases (90.0%). In 18 cases (60.0%) it united with the v. gastroepiploica dextra to form a common trunk, the v. gastroduodenalis, which joined the v. portae; in two cases (6.7%) it was an independent tributary of the v. portae. In six cases it was connected with the v. lienalis and in three cases (10.0%) it was replaced by a few vv. pancreaticae emptying into the v. lienalis. A typical v. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis, as a tributary of the a. mesenterica cranialis, was found in 19 cases (63.3%). In two cases, together with the v. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis, it formed a single trunk (the v. pancreaticoduodenalis communis). A comparison of the v. portae and its tributaries in the guinea pig and the cat has so far not brought to light any significant morphological differences relative to their different zoological classification and their different modes of life.  相似文献   

In the domestic cat the v. portae originates as a thick venous trunk below the liver through confluence of the v. gastrica sinistra, v. lienalis and v. mesenterica cranialis. It was formed in this way in 19 cases, i.e. in 63.3%. Among the aberrations found in the other cases, the most frequent was a common trunk for the v. gastrica sinistra and v. lienalis (6.7%). In 26 cases (86.6%), the v. gastrica sinistra was an independent tributary of the v. portae. A single v. lienalis was found in 27 cases (90.0%). Inter-organ anastomoses were found in the region of the v. lienalis. In 29 cases (96.7%) they connected the cranial part of the spleen with the fundus ventriculi. Inter-organ venous anastomoses between the caudal part of the spleen and the pancreas were found in four cases (13.4%). These anastomoses came from within the spleen and joined the veins of the stomach or the pancreas. In 14 cases (46.6%) the v. mesenterica cranialis originated as the v. colica dextra or v. caecalis. In nine cases (30.0%), in the concavity of the small intestine we found two trunks forming the v. mesenterica cranialis-one from the caecum and the other from the ileum and jejunum. Lastly, in five cases (16.7%) the v. mesenterica cranialis started only from the ileum and jejunum. The most frequent first tributary-in 19 cases (63.3%)-was a venous trunk of varying length formed by union of the v. mesenterica caudalis and the v. colica media, which started in 11 cases (36.7%) as the v. colica dextra.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The authors studied the ramification of the a. mesenterica cranialis and its variability in 30 domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, f. domestica, breed New Zealand White). The animals were anaesthetized and red-dyed latex was injected into their arterial bed via the thoracic aorta. In every case (100%), the a. mesenterica cranialis was an independent trunk arising from the abdominal aorta 1.5-2 cm caudally to the origin of the a. coeliaca. We did not observe a truncus coeliaco-mesentericus in our material. In 17 cases (56.7%), the a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was the first branch of the a. mesenterica cranialis. In 28 cases (93.3%) it formed a thick trunk which divided into two main branches to the aboral part of the duodenum and the caudal part of the pancreas respectively; in two cases (6.7%), the a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis was duplicated. In only two cases (6.7%), the first branch of the a. mesenterica cranialis was the a. colica media. The a. mesenterica cranialis then divided into two thick trunks to the intestine - the truncus jejunalis and the truncus ileocaecocolicus. Single aa. jejunales branched off successively from the arching truncus jejunalis. The truncus ileocaecocolicus led in a caudal direction and broke up, as a rule, into three arteries supplying the ileum, the caecum and the colon transversum. In 17 cases (56.7%), 1-6 aa. jejunales arose directly from the trunk of the a. mesenterica cranialis and 13-21 from the convexity of the arch of the truncus jejunalis. In 13 cases (43.3%), all the aa. jejunales found (11-23) were branches of the truncus jejunalis. On the mesenteric side of the jejunum, the aa. jejunales forked and formed an arcade from which small branches led to the intestine. In the rabbit we always observed only one arcade; more complex systems were not formed. A truncus ileocaecocolicus, whose branching was characterized by marked variability, was found in all 30 cases (100%). Division of this trunk to an a. ileocaecalis, a. caecocolica and a. colica dextra was observed in only four cases (13.3%). In every case, extensive anastomoses with branches of the a. colica dextra and a. colica sinistra were formed. In general, it can be claimed that the arterial bed of the a. mesenterica cranialis is highly variable. Since little attention has been paid in the literature to variability of the ramification of this artery in different species of mammals, the authors will concentrate, in their next studies, on a detailed investigation of the arterial bed of the abdominal cavity, and of its variability, in further laboratory animals.  相似文献   

The authors studied branching of the a. coeliaca (the truncus coeliacomesentericus) in a group of Peruvian short-haired guinea pigs, with special reference to its variability. After the animals had been anaesthetized, their arterial bed was injected with red-dyed latex, fixed and dissected. In all 30 guinea pigs (100%), blood was supplied to the unpaired organs of the abdominal cavity by a truncus coeliacomesentericus arising from the aorta abdominalis at fundus ventriculi level. In 53.3% of the cases, the truncus coeliacomesentericus divided into a truncus gastrolienalis sending out an a. gastrica sinistra and an a. lienalis, and to a truncus hepatomesentericus which split up into an a. hepatica communis and a. mesenterica cranialis. An a. coeliaca (tripus Halleri) was found in only one guinea pig (3.3%), as a branch of the truncus coeliacomesentericus. In the remaining cases, the truncus branched in the most varied ways. The a. gastrica sinistra was most frequently (60%) a branch of the truncus gastrolienalis. In 21 cases (70%) there was a single a. gastrica sinistra and in nine cases (30%) it was doubled. In 29 cases (96.7%) the a. hepatica communis arose from the truncus hepatomesentericus. The classic type of division of the a. hepatica communis to an a. hepatica propria and an a. gastroduodenalis was observed in every case (100%). In 100% of the cases, the a. hepatica propria terminated in a r. dexter and a r. sinister to the liver. An a. cystica, as a direct branch of the a. hepatica propria, was formed in 28 cases (93.3%). In every case (100%) the a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis was a branch of the a. gastroduodenalis. An a. gastrica dextra was recorded in only eight cases in the series (26.7%)--in 23.3% as a branch of the a. hepatica propria and in 3.3% as a branch of the a. cystica. Duplication of this artery was found in one case (3.3%). An a. lienalis was found in 28 cases (93.3%), as a direct branch of the truncus gastrolienalis; in two cases (6.7%) it was doubled. An a. gastroepiploica sinistra and a. gastroepiploica dextra were present in 100% of the cases. Inter-organ arterial anastomoses were found in 22 guinea pigs (73.3%)--between the spleen and the stomach (36.7%), between the pancreas and the stomach (10%), between the stomach, spleen and pancreas (10%) and, in the remaining cases, as various combinations of these connections.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Systematisation of the arteries in the splenic hilus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J P Vandamme  J Bonte 《Acta anatomica》1986,125(4):217-224
156 abdominal preparations were explored by arteriography, corrosion and dissection. Within the meanders of the splenic artery a basic pattern can be traced. The division of the artery can easily be summarized by introducing the term of a truncus lienogastroepiploicus. The short gastric arteries are always present, and usually they are longer and more important than may appear from their name. In nearly half of the preparations (52%) an artery for the extremitas lienalis posterior is found; an artery for the extremitas lienalis anterior is very exceptional. A posterior gastric artery can be identified (36%) but it must be distinguished from several other vessels. The arteria colli pancreatis (for the neck of the pancreas) is a constant vessel that may have a superior (usually arteria lienalis) or an inferior origin (arteria mesenterica superior). It commonly supplies the transverse pancreatic artery and often the prepancreatic arcade. The arteria corporis pancreatis, too, is a constant artery. The pancreatic tail is thoroughly irrigated by usually more than one arteria caudae pancreatis. An important part of the greater curvature is not accompanied by the left gastroepiploic artery, but is supplied by the arteriae gastricae breves.  相似文献   

Accessory arteries supplying the human transverse colon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An accessory colic artery which arose from the superior mesenteric artery more proximally than the first jejunal artery and met the marginal artery at the splenic flexure was observed in 32 of 65 subjects (49.2%). Considering its constant morphological features, this accessory colic artery was given the new nomenclature 'superior left colic artery (arteria colica sinistra superior; CSS)'. The unusual middle colic artery arising from the celiac trunk was supposed to be caused by the anastomosis between the dorsal pancreatic artery from the CSS and that from the celiac trunk. An additional epiploic branch derived from the pancreatic branch (posterior epiploic branch) also sent an accessory colic artery in 2 subjects. But judging from its origin and area of distribution which overlaps with that of the middle colic artery, this accessory colic artery is not equivalent to CSS.  相似文献   



A rare, but life-threatening complication in pancreatitis is a spontaneous bleeding from intestinal vessels with or without previous formation of (pseudo-) aneurysms. And yet, the optimal diagnostic and therapeutic strategies remain unclear.


We performed a retrospective analysis of all patients with pancreatitis and intraabdominal bleeding at a German tertiary referral center between January 2002 and December 2012.


Bleeding occurred in <1% (14/3,421) of patients with pancreatitis. Most involved vessels were arteria lienalis, arteria gastroduodenalis, and arteria pancreaticoduodenalis. All bleedings could be stopped by transcatheter arterial coil embolization. Recurrent bleeding after coil embolization occurred in 2/14 (14%) patients.


In cases of intraabdominal hemorrhage in patients with pancreatitis, transcatheter arterial coil embolization should be considered as the first interventional procedure.  相似文献   

The possibility of reverse perfusion of the brain (in which arterial blood flows to brain tissues through venous vessels, and venous blood is drained by the arteries) was studied in acute and chronic experiments on dogs. Blood pressure in cerebral veins could reach 90--120 mm Hg, in Willisii arteries it was 5--35 mm Hg. Liquor pressure reached 20--35 mmHg. After temporary arterialization of the brain venous system (10, 30 and 60 min) the animals survived without impairment of the brain function and behaviour. In the future reverse perfusion of the brain (in which blood pressure in the arteries falls to the level of venous pressure) could be used as a means of urgent surgical intervention in cases of threatened or beginning intracranial arterial hemorrhage.  相似文献   

I Ebner  F Anderhuber 《Acta anatomica》1985,121(2):115-123
The cauda pancreatis has a characteristic pattern of vascularization. Among the big arterial stems surrounding it, up to 4 arteries, 'caudal arteries', nourish the arterial system of the cauda. These stems originate especially in the Arteria gastroepiploica sinistra and in the lower main splenic branch of the Arteria lienalis. The vascular relations between corpus and cauda can be of different kinds. Five basic types of relations can be identified: type I: the cauda is supplied exclusively by caudal arteries; type II: at least one caudal artery anastomoses with the vessels of the corpus; type III: the cauda is supplied both by the caudal arteries and by vessels of the corpus (non-anastomosing); type IV: combined forms of blood supply by caudal arteries and corpus arteries by way of anastomoses and non-anastomosing vessels are found; type V: the cauda is supplied exclusively be vessels stemming from the corpus. In each of these five types, individual vessels supplying the cauda can assume the function of a terminal vessel.  相似文献   

There is little information on the distribution of acinarperfusion because it is difficult to resolve blood flow within such small regions. We hypothesized that the known heterogeneity of arteriolar blood flow and capillary blood flow would result in heterogeneous acinar perfusion. To test this hypothesis, the passage offluorescent dye boluses through the subpleural microcirculation ofisolated dog lobes was videotaped by using fluorescence microscopy. Asthe videotapes were replayed, dye-dilution curves were recorded fromeach of the tributary branches of Y-shaped venules that drained anacinus. From the dye curves, we calculated the mean appearance time ofeach curve. The difference in mean appearance times between venulartributary branches was small in most cases. In 43% of the observedvenular branch pairs, the dye curves were essentially superimposable(the mean appearance-time difference was <5%); and in another 42%,the mean appearance-time difference between curves was 5-10%.From these results, we conclude that acinar perfusion is unexpectedlyhomogeneous.


R Shehata 《Acta anatomica》1979,105(1):61-64
The venous drainage of the urinary bladder was studied in 20 pelvic halves (14 males and 6 females). Vesical and prostatic plexuses draining the bladder (vesical only in females) were found in 16 cases; they supplied blood to the internal iliac vein--usually by two to five veins--the most common number being three. One vein always drained the prostatic plexus. The vesical and prostatic plexuses were absent in 4 male cases, where the vesical veins issuing from the bladder wall drained directly the internal iliac vein. Their number in such cases was minimal: between one and two only, on each side. The union of a vesical vein issuing from any of the two mentioned plexuses (when found) with the obturator, prostatic or vaginal vein was common. A shunt from a common trunk of united obturator and vesical veins to the external iliac vein was noticed in some cases. Occasionally, an inferior vesical vein ending in the obturator vein accompanied an inferior vesical artery initiating from the obturator artery.  相似文献   

The venous drainage of the kidney of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) was studied in 17 kidneys of male and female adult animals. Injection of latex, plastoid as well as radiopaque substance (40% barium sulfate) were used to follow the distribution of the renal vein through the kidney tissue. The renal vein of the camel is unique as it gives off vv. interlobares I which drain the ventral half of the kidney, in addition to large cranial and caudal stem vessels from which vv. interlobares I of the dorsal surface branch. The general pattern of distribution of the renal vein in the camel's kidney resembles, more or less, that of the other domestic animals.  相似文献   

Standard techniques for performing carotid angiography in dogs and in man were adapted to the cat in order to study the vascularization of both intracranial and extracranial structures. Venous drainage was examined by venography of selected vessels. The carotid-cerebral and the vertebral-basilar arterial systems of the cat were studied, although no attempt was made to define the territory supplied by each system. In serial angiograms, vascularization of the rete mirabile conjugatum was visualized and distinct arterial and venous retia were delineated. Large facial veins were seen approximately one second after the intra-arterial injection of radio-contrast material. The early filling of the large facial veins appeared to be the result of an artery-to-venous shunt. Contrast material flowed posteriorly in these veins and drained into the venous rete. When contrast material was injected either into the sagittal sinus or retrograde in the external jugular vein, the internal jugular vein was visible in four of ten cats. This vessel drained blood directly from intracranial contents before anastomosis with the vertebral and external jugular veins.  相似文献   

A technique is described for intermittent collection of portal venous blood from guinea pigs through a catheter advanced from an ileal tributary of the cranio-mesenteric vein into the portal vein and for the collection of bile from a catheter in the gallbladder after ligature obstruction of the common bile duct.  相似文献   

The model of Onchocerca lienalis microfilariae (mff) injected into CBA and T.O. strains of mice has been used to examine immunity to skin-dwelling microfilariae following exposure to a range of species of helminths. Mice which had received a primary infection with O. cervicalis mff were significantly resistant to challenge with O. lienalis mff (58% reduction relative to challenge controls). Immunization with the uterine contents (eggs and mff) of O. lienalis, O. gutturosa or O. volvulus conferred equivalent levels of protection against challenge with O. lienalis mff (66 to 75%). Similar results were obtained with immunizations in mice that employed either fresh or freeze-killed eggs of O. gutturosa. Significant reductions in the recoveries of O. lienalis mff were also demonstrated following the intraperitoneal implantation of adult male worms of O. gutturosa (30 to 52%), the adults of either sex of Dipetalonema viteae (60%), or after infection with Trichinella spiralis (27 to 81%). Infections with the trematode, Schistosoma mansoni, had a negligible effect on mff recoveries. It is concluded that partial resistance in mice to Onchocerca mff may be stimulated by factors, yet to be determined, that are neither stage nor species-specific.  相似文献   

Infective larvae of Onchocerca lienalis and O. volvulus implanted subcutaneously within micropore chambers into laboratory hosts moulted to the fourth stage (L4) and underwent limited development and growth. Similar recoveries of O. lienalis L4 larvae in the range of 33-66% were obtained from chambers implanted into CBA and BALB/c strains of mice, jirds, and the natural bovine host. A relatively constant proportion of larvae survived up to 24 days post implantation and thereafter recoveries declined, although some worms were still alive after 96 days. Recoveries of O. volvulus L4 larvae from chambers given to normal or T-cell deprived mice were equivalent to one another and to those obtained with O. lienalis. Moulting of O. lienalis in chambers was observed on days 3 and 5, in close accordance with the timing of the third moult in cattle following systemic infection. Moulting of O. volvulus occurred between days 3-6. Morphological changes in developing larvae included a small but significant increase in length, a transient increase in width, and early development of the spicular primordia and genital tube. L4 larvae of O. lienalis, but not those of O. volvulus, exhibited 3 distinct caudal papillae not present on infective larvae.  相似文献   

Standing translocates thoracic blood volume into the dependent body. The skeletal muscle pump participates in preventing orthostatic intolerance by enhancing venous return. We investigated the hypothesis that skeletal muscle pump function is impaired in postural tachycardia (POTS) associated with low calf blood flow (low-flow POTS) and depends in general on muscle blood flow. We compared 12 subjects that have low-flow POTS with 10 controls and 7 patients that have POTS and normal calf blood flow using strain-gauge plethysmography to measure peripheral blood flow, venous capacitance, and calf muscle pump function. Blood volume was estimated by dye dilution. We found that calf circumference was reduced in low-flow POTS (32 +/- 1 vs. 39 +/- 3 and 43 +/- 3 cm) and, compared with controls and POTS patients with normal blood flow, is related to the reduced fraction of calf venous capacity emptied during voluntary muscle contraction (ejection fraction, 0.52 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.76 +/- 0.07 and 0.80 +/- 0.06). We found that blood flow was linearly correlated (r(p) = 0.69) with calf circumference (used as a surrogate for muscle mass). Blood volume measurements were 2.2 +/- 0.3 in low-flow POTS vs. 2.6 +/- 0.5 in controls (P = 0.17) and 2.4 +/- 0.7 in normal-flow POTS patients. Decreased calf blood flow may reduce calf size in POTS and thereby impair the upright ejective ability of the skeletal muscle pump and further contribute to overall reduced blood flow and orthostatic intolerance in these patients.  相似文献   

We studied the opisthonephric (mesonephric) kidneys of adult male and female Xenopus laevis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of vascular corrosion casts and light microscopy of paraplast embedded tissue sections. Both techniques displayed glomeruli from ventral to mid-dorsal regions of the kidneys with single glomeruli located dorsally close beneath the renal capsule. Glomeruli in general were fed by a single afferent arteriole and drained via a single thinner efferent arteriole into peritubular vessels. Light microscopy and SEM of vascular corrosion casts revealed sphincters at the origins of afferent arterioles, which arose closely, spaced from their parent renal arteries. The second source of renal blood supply via renal portal veins varied interindividually in branching patterns with vessels showing up to five branching orders before they became peritubular vessels. Main trunks and their first- and second-order branches revealed clear longish endothelial cell nuclei imprint patterns oriented parallel to the vessels longitudinal axis, a pattern characteristic for arteries. Peritubular vessels had irregular contours and were never seen as clear cylindrical structures. They ran rather parallel, anastomosed with neighbors and changed into renal venules and veins, which finally emptied into the ventrally located posterior caval vein. A third source of blood supply of the peritubular vessels by straight terminal portions of renal arteries (vasa recta) was not found.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte subpopulation as well as other hematological properties were compared between arterial and venous bloods of Wistar-Imamichi rats. Lymphocyte subsets were defined with four monoclonal antibodies which were specific to the respective cell surface glycoproteins. Using these monoclonal antibodies, subsets of B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, helper T lymphocytes, and suppressor and cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the peripheral lymphocytes were identified. The blood samples were taken from aorta abdominalis and venae cava caudalis. The population of these subsets were enumerated by a laser flow-cytometry system. The result showed that there was no significant difference in hematological properties between the arterial and venous blood except in leukocyte count and hemoglobin concentration. The difference in leukocyte counts was thought to depend mainly on the fluctuation of the lymphocyte counts. However, no significant difference was recognized in the proportion of positive cells to each monoclonal antibody. It was concluded that the difference in leukocyte counts found between the arterial and venous bloods of the Wistar-Imamichi rat did not produce any effects on the proportion of the subpopulation in the peripheral lymphocytes, and the lymphocyte subpopulations in both arterial and venous bloods were substantially equivalent to each other.  相似文献   

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