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A gene cluster containing two genes in tandem has been identified in Vibrio cholerae ElTor N16961. Each has more than one cadherin domain and is homologous to the RTX toxin family and was common in various V. cholerae strains. Insertional mutagenesis demonstrated that each gene has a role in Hep-2 cell rounding, hemolytic activity towards human and sheep RBCs and biofilm formation. The mutants showed reduced adherence to intestinal epithelial cells as well as reduction of in vivo colonization in suckling mice. These two genes thus code for RTX-like toxins in V. cholerae and are associated with the pathogenecity of this organism.  相似文献   

IrgA is an iron-regulated virulence factor for infection in an animal model with classical Vibrio cholerae strain 0395. We detected gene sequences hybridizing to irgA at high stringency in clinical isolates in addition to 0395, including another classical strain of V. cholerae, three V. cholerae strains of the El Tor biotype, three non-O1 isolates of V. cholerae, and individual isolates of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio fluvialis, and Vibrio alginolyticus. No hybridization to irgA was seen with chromosomal DNA from Vibrio vulnificus or Aeromonas hydrophila. To verify that irgA is the structural gene for the major iron-regulated outer membrane protein of V. cholerae, we determined the amino-terminal sequence of this protein recovered after gel electrophoresis and demonstrated that it corresponds to the amino acid sequence of IrgA deduced from the nucleotide sequence. Gel electrophoresis showed that two El Tor strains of V. cholerae had a major iron-regulated outer membrane protein identical in size and appearance to IrgA in strain 0395, consistent with the findings of DNA hybridization. We have previously suggested that IrgA might be the outer membrane receptor for the V. cholerae siderophore, vibriobactin. Biological data presented here, however, show that a mutation in irgA had no effect on the transport of vibriobactin and produced no defect in the utilization of iron from ferrichrome, ferric citrate, haemin or haemoglobin. The complete deduced amino acid sequence of IrgA demonstrated homology to the entire class of Escherichia coli TonB-dependent proteins, particularly Cir. Unlike the situation with Cir, however, we were unable to demonstrate a role for IrgA as a receptor for catechol-substituted cephalosporins. The role of IrgA in the pathogenesis of V. cholerae infection, its function as an outer membrane receptor, and its potential interaction with a TonB-like protein in V. cholerae remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins of Vibrio cholerae were purified by sucrose density centrifugation and Triton X-100 extraction at 10 mM Mg2+. The proteins were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. V. cholerae outer membrane proteins presented a unique pattern when compared with the patterns of other gram-negative rods. There were 8 to 10 major bands (Mr 94,000 to 27,000), with most of the protein located in band 5 (Mr approximately 45,000), which thus appears to be the major structural protein of the outer membrane. Lipid and carbohydrate were associated with band 6.  相似文献   

The genome of Vibrio cholerae contains five flagellin genes that encode proteins (FlaA-E) of 39-41 kDa with 61-82% identity among them. Although the existing live oral attenuated vaccine strains against cholera are protective in humans, there is an intrinsic residual cytotoxic and inflammatory component associated with these candidate vaccine strains. Bacterial flagellins are known to be potent inducers of proinflammatory molecules via activation of Toll-like receptor 5. Here we found that purified flagella from wild type V. cholerae 395 induced significant release of interleukin (IL)-8 from cultured HT-29 human colonic epithelial cells. Furthermore we found that filtered supernatants of KKV90, a DeltaflaA isogenic strain unable to produce flagella, were still able to activate production of IL-8 albeit to significantly lower levels than the wild type, suggesting that other activators of proinflammatory molecules were still present in these supernatants. A comparative proteomics analysis of secreted proteins of V. cholerae 395 and KKV90 identified additional proteins with potential to induce IL-8 release in HT-29 cells. Secreted proteins in the range of 30-45 kDa identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry revealed the presence of two additional flagellins, FlaC and FlaD, that appeared to be secreted 3- and 6-fold more, respectively, in the mutant compared with the wild type. Double isogenic mutants flaAC and flaAD were unable to trigger IL-8 release from HT-29 cells. In sum, we have shown that purified flagella and secreted flagellin proteins (FlaC and FlaD) are inducers of IL-8 release from epithelial cells via Toll-like receptor 5. This observation may explain, in part, the observed reactogenicity of cholera vaccine strains in humans.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the molecular cloning of a gene, gspK, in Vibrio cholerae that encodes a specific glucosamine kinase. We describe here the identification of bglA, a gene contiguous to gspK in a presumptive large chitin catabolic operon. BglA was molecularly cloned into Escherichia coli, and the protein BglA was overexpressed and purified to apparent homogeneity. BglA is 65 kDa (574 amino acids) with an N-terminal amino acid sequence predicted by the gene sequence, suggesting that the enzyme is cytoplasmic. The purified enzyme exhibited optimal activity with p-nitrophenyl beta-glucoside, cellobiose, and higher oligosaccharides of cellulose. No other glucosides or glycosides tested were hydrolyzed, including Glc-Glc disaccharides where the linkage is beta 1-->2, beta 1-->3, and beta 1-->6, respectively. The predicted BglA sequence bears little similarity to other proteins in the data banks. The Henrissat algorithm places BglA sequence in Family 9 of the glycosidases, suggesting it is an endoglucanase. However, the results summarized above suggested that BglA is an exoenzyme yielding Glc at each cleavage step. To resolve this apparent discrepancy, detailed kinetic studies were conducted with cellotetraose. Only exoglucanase activity was detected. The function of this enzyme in V. cholerae remains to be determined, especially because our strain of this organism does not utilize cellobiose.  相似文献   

The double-histone fold is a rare protein fold in which two consecutive regions characterized by the typical structure of histones assemble together, thus giving a histone pseudodimer. Previously, this fold was found in a few prokaryotic histones and in the regulatory region of guanine–nucleotide exchange factors of the Sos family. Standard methods of sequence comparison did not allow us to find new proteins containing a histone pseudodimer, as previously reported (Sondermann et al. 2003). However, a deeper investigation of protein sequences showed that the two histone folds included in Sos proteins share significant sequence similarity with nucleosomal histones. On the basis of this observation, we applied a specific strategy of sequence-homology search, which led to the identification of a new group of histone pseudodimers in Cca3 and proteins similar to Cca3 (Cca3S). A homology model of the histone pseudodimer included in rat Cca3 was constructed. A subsequent structure–function relationship study revealed that the histone pseudodimers included in Cca3 and Cca3S proteins, but not those present in Sos proteins, could retain the ability of mediating protein–DNA interactions, and could consequently act as DNA-binding modules. Figure a and b Graphical representation of the statistical parameters (Pscore and Parea, see [20]) on which the prediction of DNA-binding site is based. Black crosses indicate the Pscore and Parea values calculated for 63 representative dsDNA-binding proteins, while the red asterisks refer to the values of the same parameters for Cca3 histone pseudodimer model (a), and for the amino-terminal domain of hSos1 (b). Only the proteins with Pscore > 0.12 and Parea > 250 (thus included in the upper right region of the graph) are considered dsDNA-binding proteins. c Localization of the predicted DNA-binding surface (in blue) on the rat Cca3 model  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of TCP gene clusters among clinical and environmental Vibrio cholerae isolates and to explore the genetic relatedness of isolates using ribotyping technique. A total of 50 V. cholerae strains (30 clinical and 20 environmental) were included in this study. Three clinical isolates were negative for TCP cluster genes while the cluster was absent in all of the environmental strains. Ribotyping of rRNA genes with BglI produced 18 different ribotype patterns, three of which belonged to clinical O1 serotype isolates. The remaining 15 ribotypes belonged to clinical non-O1, non-O139 serogroups (two patterns) and environmental non-O1, non-O139 serogroups (13 patterns). Clinical V. cholerae O1 strains from 2004 through 2006 and several environmental non-O1, non-O139 V. cholerae strains from 2006 showed 67.3 % similarity and fell within one single gene cluster. Ribotyping analysis made it possible to further comprehend the close originality of clinical isolates as very little changes have been occurred within rRNA genes of different genotypes of V. cholerae strains through years. In conclusion, ribotyping analysis of environmental V. cholerae isolates showed a substantial genomic diversity supporting the fact that genetic changes within bacterial genome occurs during years in the environment, while only little changes may arise within the genome of clinical isolates.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae uses quorum sensing communication system to interact with other bacteria and for gauzing environmental parameters. This organism dwells equally well in both human host and aquatic environments. Quorum sensing regulates multitude of activities and is one of the lucrative targets presently pursued for drug design in bacteria to encounter virulence. Histidine phosphotransfer protein LuxU and response regulator LuxO of V. cholerae are known to play important roles in biofilms and virulence machinery. In the present study, we used computational methods to model LuxU and LuxO and simulated the interactions of LuxO and LuxU. Since no structural details of the proteins were available, we employed homology modeling to construct the three-dimensional structures and then performed molecular dynamics simulations to study dynamic behavior of the LuxO and LuxU from V. cholerae. The modeled proteins were validated and subjected to molecular docking analyses. This allowed us to predict the binding modes of the proteins to elucidate probable sites of interference.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae uses quorum sensing communication system to interact with other bacteria and for gauzing environmental parameters. This organism dwells equally well in both human host and aquatic environments. Quorum sensing regulates multitude of activities and is one of the lucrative targets presently pursued for drug design in bacteria to encounter virulence. Histidine phosphotransfer protein LuxU and response regulator LuxO of V. cholerae are known to play important roles in biofilms and virulence machinery. In the present study, we used computational methods to model LuxU and LuxO and simulated the interactions of LuxO and LuxU. Since no structural details of the proteins were available, we employed homology modeling to construct the three-dimensional structures and then performed molecular dynamics simulations to study dynamic behavior of the LuxO and LuxU from V. cholerae. The modeled proteins were validated and subjected to molecular docking analyses. This allowed us to predict the binding modes of the proteins to elucidate probable sites of interference.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 6.3-kb BamHI fragment of the chromosome of Vibrio cholerae 569B that includes the sequence of the mannose-fucose-resistant hemagglutinin reported previously (V.L. Franzon, A. Barker, and P. A. Manning, Infect. Immun. 61:3032-3037, 1993). This region contains nine copies of a 124-bp direct repeat, here named VCR, of imperfect dyad symmetry, that are shown by Southern hybridization to occur at least 60 to 100 times in the V. cholerae O1 chromosome. Large-scale chromosomal mapping suggests that the repeats are confined to about 10% of the chromosome. Related sequences are also found in non-O1 V. cholerae but not in other members of the family Vibrionaceae. However, VCR is unrelated to other previously described repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae has a sheath-covered monotrichous flagellum that is known to contribute to virulence. Although the structural organization of the V. cholerae flagellum has been extensively studied, the involvement of outer membrane proteins as integral components in the flagellum still remains elusive. Here we show that flagella produced by V. cholerae O1 El Tor strain C6706 were two times thicker than those from two other Gram-negative bacteria. A C6706 mutant strain (SSY11) devoid of two outer membrane proteins (OMPs), OmpU and OmpT, produced thinner flagella. SSY11 showed significant defects in the flagella-mediated motility as compared to its parental strain. Moreover, increased shedding of the flagella-associated proteins was observed in the culture supernatant of SSY11. This finding was also supported by the observation that culture supernatants of the SSY11 strain induced the production of a significantly higher level of IL-8 in human colon carcinoma HT29 and alveolar epithelial A549 cells than those of the wild-type C6706 strain. These results further suggest a definite role of these two OMPs in providing the structural integrity of the V. cholerae flagellum as part of the surrounding sheath.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae switches between free-living motile and surface-attached sessile lifestyles. Cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) is a signaling molecule controlling such lifestyle changes. C-di-GMP is synthesized by diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) that contain a GGDEF domain and is degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDEs) that contain an EAL or HD-GYP domain. We constructed in-frame deletions of all V. cholerae genes encoding proteins with GGDEF and/or EAL domains and screened mutants for altered motility phenotypes. Of 52 mutants tested, four mutants exhibited an increase in motility, while three mutants exhibited a decrease in motility. We further characterized one mutant lacking VC0137 (cdgJ), which encodes an EAL domain protein. Cellular c-di-GMP quantifications and in vitro enzymatic activity assays revealed that CdgJ functions as a PDE. The cdgJ mutant had reduced motility and exhibited a small decrease in flaA expression; however, it was able to produce a flagellum. This mutant had enhanced biofilm formation and vps gene expression compared to that of the wild type, indicating that CdgJ inversely regulates motility and biofilm formation. Genetic interaction analysis revealed that at least four DGCs, together with CdgJ, control motility in V. cholerae.Cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) is a ubiquitous second messenger in bacteria. It is synthesized by diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) that contain a GGDEF domain and is degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDEs) that contain an EAL or HD-GYP domain (46, 48, 50). The receptors of c-di-GMP, which can be proteins or RNAs (riboswitches), bind to c-di-GMP and subsequently transmit the signal to downstream targets (22). C-di-GMP signaling is predicted to occur via a common or localized c-di-GMP pool(s) through so-called c-di-GMP signaling modules harboring DGCs and PDEs, receptors, and targets that affect cellular function (22).C-di-GMP controls various cellular functions, including the transition between a planktonic lifestyle and biofilm lifestyle. In general, high concentrations of c-di-GMP promote the expression of adhesive matrix components and result in biofilm formation, while low concentrations of c-di-GMP result in altered motility upon changes in flagellar or pili function and/or production (reviewed in reference 25). C-di-GMP inversely regulates motility and biofilm formation by implementing control at different levels through gene expression or through posttranslational mechanisms (reviewed in reference 25).Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the disease cholera, uses c-di-GMP signaling to undergo a motile-to-sessile lifestyle switch that is important for both environmental and in vivo stages of the V. cholerae life cycle. The survival of the pathogen in both natural aquatic environments and during infection depends on the appropriate regulation of motility, surface attachment, and colonization factors (26). The V. cholerae genome encodes a total of 62 putative c-di-GMP metabolic enzymes: 31 with a GGDEF domain, 12 with an EAL domain, 10 with both GGDEF and EAL domains, and 9 with an HD-GYP domain (21). V. cholerae contains a few known or predicted c-di-GMP receptors: two riboswitches (53), five PilZ domain proteins (43), VpsT (31), and CdgG (6). C-di-GMP regulates virulence, motility, biofilm formation, and the smooth-to-rugose phase variation in V. cholerae (6, 8, 9, 12, 30, 33, 43, 45, 54, 56, 57). However, particular sets of proteins have not been matched to discrete cellular processes.Some of the DGCs and PDEs involved in regulating motility in V. cholerae have been identified: rocS and cdgG mutants exhibit a decrease in motility (45), while cdgD and cdgH mutants exhibit an increase in motility (6). In addition, VieA (PDE) positively regulates motility in the V. cholerae classical biotype but not in the El Tor biotype (7). AcgA (PDE) positively regulates motility at low concentrations of inorganic phosphate (42). In this study, we investigated the role of each putative gene encoding DGCs and PDEs in controlling cell motility. In addition to the already-characterized proteins CdgD, CdgH, and RocS, we identified two putative DGCs (CdgK and CdgL) that negatively control motility and a putative PDE (CdgJ) that positively controls motility. We further characterized CdgJ and showed that it functions as a PDE and inversely regulates motility and biofilm formation. Genetic interaction studies revealed that DGCs CdgD, CdgH, CdgL, and CdgK and PDE CdgJ form a c-di-GMP signaling network to control motility in V. cholerae.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics analysis of the primary and secondary structure of the Vibrio cholerae Cef (CHO cell elongating factor) protein was conducted. Similarity with triacylglycerol lipases and cytotonic toxins of other bacterial species was observed. Cef was predicted to be a heat-tolerant serine lipase with the Kunitz domain and leucine zipper. These data were confirmed experimentally. The Cefs of the two biotypes of V. cholerae O1, as well as O139 and nonO1/nonO139 serogroups, were purified from the recombinant Escherichia coli strains carrying corresponding cloned genes, and their physicochemical properties, biochemical and biological activities in vitro and in vivo were characterized. Biological activity against the cultured cells was not associated with estherase activity. Evidently, Cef is a bifunctional protein contributing both to pathogenicity of the cholera agent and to its competitive ability in different ecological niches.  相似文献   

Despite over 100 years of study, the intestinal pathogen Vibrio cholerae still causes epidemic disease in areas of the world where there is poor sanitation. While cholera toxin and the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) are known to be essential for full virulence, the role that other factors play has remained ill-defined. Herein, we describe a large-scale signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) screen utilizing 100 pools of 96 mutants each to identify factors involved in colonization of the infant mouse small intestine. A total of 164 mutants representing transposition events into 95 different open reading frames were shown to be recovered at greatly reduced numbers from the infant mouse model. Analysis of the sites of insertion revealed multiple independent mutations within the rfb gene cluster, needed for synthesis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the tcp gene cluster, needed for synthesis of the TCP. More importantly, in addition to these previously known colonization factors, we identified many genes whose activity in colonization was not previously appreciated. These can be divided into a number of functional groups, which include production of factors involved in metabolic activities, regulation of cellular processes, transport, adaptation to stress and unknown functions. In addition, we describe the reiterative use of STM, whereby colonization-defective mutants were assembled into virulence-attenuated pools (VAPs), which were used to begin to reveal roles that the identified virulence factors play in the infection process. Nine new factors were shown to be crucial for the V. cholerae acid tolerance response, which has previously been hypothesized to be important for epidemic spread of cholera. Competition assays of these nine acid tolerance response (ATR)-defective mutants revealed that mutations in gshB, hepA and recO result in a 1000-fold reduction in colonization.  相似文献   

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