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Nucleotide sequences of the nuclear c-mos gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND2 genes were used to assess the monophyly of Sibley and Monroe's [Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1990] Muscicapoidea superfamily. The relationships and monophyly of major lineages within the superfamily, as well as genera membership in major lineages was also assessed. Analyses suggest that Bombycillidae is not a part of Muscicapoidea, and there is strongly supported evidence to suggest that Turdinae is not part of the Muscicapidae, but is instead sister to a Sturnidae+Cinclidae clade. This clade is in turn sister to Muscicapidae (Muscicapini+Saxicolini). Of the 49 Turdinae and Muscicapidae genera that we included in our analyses, 10 (20%) are shown to be misclassified to subfamily or tribe. Our results place one current Saxicolini genus in Turdinae, two Saxicolini genera in Muscicapini, and five Turdinae and two Muscicapini genera in Saxicolini; these relationships are supported with 100% Bayesian support. Our analyses suggest that c-mos was only marginally useful in resolving these "deep" phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Homology of Balbiani Ring DNA in two closely related Chironomus species   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Cytogenetic analysis indicates that Balbiani Ring 2 (BR 2) in the two sibling species Chironomus tentans and Chironomus pallidivittatus arises from identifically banded segments in the salivary gland polytene chromosomes, although chromosomal rearrangements have occurred. In situ hybridization of BR 2 RNA to the polytene chromosomes of each individual species, as well as their F1 hybrids, reveals that the repetitious BR 2 DNA in the two species has, within the limits of the technique, retained identity of nucleotide sequences and degree of repetition. The DNA of the naturally expressed BR 1 and BR 3 in both species and that ot the galactose induced BR 6 in C. pallidivittatus did not hybridize with BR 2 RNA, indicating that these BR's are different from BR 2 with regard to sequence content.  相似文献   

Distinction between members of the equatorial Africa malaria vector Anopheles moucheti (Evans) s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) has been based mainly on doubtful morphological features. To determine the level of genetic differentiation between the three morphological forms of this complex, we investigated molecular polymorphism in the gene encoding for mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase b (CytB) and in the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2). The three genomic regions revealed sequence differences between the three morphological forms similar in degree to the differences shown previously for members of other anopheline species groups or complexes (genetic distance d = 0.047-0.05 for CytB, 0.084-0.166 for ITS1 and 0.03-0.05 for ITS2). Using sequence variation in the ITS1 region, we set up a diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for rapid and reliable identification of each subspecies within the An. moucheti complex. Specimens of An. moucheti s.l. collected in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda and Nigeria were successfully identified, demonstrating the general applicability of this technique.  相似文献   

García  José V.  Pereira S  Guido 《Hydrobiologia》2000,427(1):129-133
We describe life history tactics under laboratory conditions of two species of cladocerans of the genus Simocephalus. The populations live in two habitats with different characteristics. S. acutirostratus was isolated from a small temporary pool without fish. S. latirostris was found in the marginal vegetation of a reservoir with fish. Their life history was monitored for differences in traits such as clutch size, neonate size, age distribution, reproductive effort and adult survival. Our results show that S. acutirostratus (the larger-sized species) grows until it reaches the optimal foraging size and then begins to reproduce, while S. latirostris (the smaller-sized species) starts breeding before reaching the optimal foraging size, allocating energy mainly to reproduction. We explore the possibility that divergences in life history may arise as a response to environmental stress such as that produced by fishes.  相似文献   

Investigations into the phylogenetics of closely related animal species are dominated by the use of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data. However, the near-ubiquitous use of mtDNA to infer phylogeny among closely related animal lineages is tempered by an increasing number of studies that document high rates of transfer of mtDNA genomes among closely related species through hybridization, leading to substantial discordance between phylogenies inferred from mtDNA and nuclear gene sequences. In addition, the recent development of methods that simultaneously infer a species phylogeny and estimate divergence times, while accounting for incongruence among individual gene trees, has ushered in a new era in the investigation of phylogeny among closely related species. In this study we assess if DNA sequence data sampled from a modest number of nuclear genes can resolve relationships of a species-rich clade of North American freshwater teleost fishes, the darters. We articulate and expand on a recently introduced method to infer a time-calibrated multi-species coalescent phylogeny using the computer program *BEAST. Our analyses result in well-resolved and strongly supported time-calibrated darter species tree. Contrary to the expectation that mtDNA will provide greater phylogenetic resolution than nuclear gene data; the darter species tree inferred exclusively from nuclear genes exhibits a higher frequency of strongly supported nodes than the mtDNA time-calibrated gene tree.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among endemic Baikal sponges of the family Lubomirskiidae and to clarify their taxonomy, the sequence variation at the silicatein-encoding gene and the mtDNA intergenic region was examined. Phylogenetic analysis of the silicatein α1 gene exonic regions in six freshwater sponge species revealed considerable interspecific variability of this region. The analysis performed did not support the monophyly of the genera Lubomirskia and Baikalospongia. The mtDNA region between the COX2 and ATP6 genes was examined in five species from the Lubomirskiidae family, including multiple samples for analyzing intraspecific variations. According to the data obtained, the genus Baikalospongia was paraphyletic with respect to Lubomirskia, while B. bacilifera and B. recta did not form monophyletic groups. Molecular data indicate that taxonomy of Lubomirskiidae should be revised. It was demonstrated that, in endemic Baikal sponges, the accelerated evolution was accompanied by an increase in the length of the non-coding regions in both mitochondrial and nuclear genes.  相似文献   

Spatial genetic structure (SGS) is largely determined by colonization history, landscape and ecological characteristics of the species. Therefore, sympatric and ecologically similar species are expected to exhibit similar SGSs, potentially enabling prediction of the SGS of one species from that of another. On the other hand, due to interspecific interactions, ecologically similar species could have different SGSs. We explored the SGSs of the closely related Calopteryx splendens and Calopteryx virgo within Finland and related the genetic patterns to characteristics of the sampling localities. We observed different SGSs for the two species. Genetic differentiation even within short distances in C. splendens suggests genetic drift as an important driver. However, we also observed indication of previous gene flow (revealed by a negative relationship between genetic differentiation and increasing potential connectivity of the landscape). Interestingly, genetic diversity of C. splendens was negatively related to density of C. virgo, suggesting that interspecific interactions influence the SGS of C. splendens. In contrast, genetic differentiation between C. virgo subpopulations was low and only exhibited relationships with latitude, pointing to high gene flow, colonization history and range margin effects as the drivers of SGS. The different SGSs of the two ecologically similar species caution indirect inferences of SGS based on ecologically similar surrogate species.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in two related seabird species, the razorbill (Alca torda) and common guillemot (Uria aalge), was investigated using sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the variable 5' segment of the control region in razorbills and common guillemots from breeding colonies across the Atlantic Ocean. The ecology and life history characteristics of razorbill and common guillemot are in many respects similar. They are both considered highly philopatric and have largely overlapping distributions in temperate and subarctic regions of the North Atlantic, yet the species were found to differ widely in the extent and spatial distribution of mtDNA variation. Moreover, the differences in genetic differentiation and diversity were in the opposite direction to that expected from a consideration of traditional classifications and current population sizes. Indices of genetic diversity were highest in razorbill and varied among colonies, as did genotype frequencies, suggestive of restrictions to gene flow. The distribution of genetic variation suggests that razorbills originated from a refugial population in the south-western Atlantic Ocean through sequential founder events and subsequent expansion in the east and north. In common guillemots, genetic diversity was low and there was a lack of geographical structure, consistent with a recent population bottleneck, expansion and gene flow. We suggest that the reduced level of genetic diversity and differentiation in the common guillemot is caused by an inherent propensity for repeated population bottlenecks and concomitantly unstable population structure related to their specialized feeding ecology.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The genealogies of samples of orthologous regions from multiple species can be classified by their shapes. Using a neutral coalescent model of two species, I give exact probabilities of each of four possible genealogical shapes: reciprocal monophyly, two types of paraphyly, and polyphyly. After the divergence that forms two species, each of which has population size N , polyphyly is the most likely genealogical shape for the lineages of the two species. At ∼ 1.300 N generations after divergence, paraphyly becomes most likely, and reciprocal monophyly becomes most likely at ∼1.665 N generations. For a given species, the time at which 99% of its loci acquire monophyletic genealogies is ∼5.298 N generations, assuming all loci in its sister species are monophyletic. The probability that all lineages of two species are reciprocally monophyletic given that a sample from the two species has a reciprocally monophyletic genealogy increases rapidly with sample size, as does the probability that the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for a sample is also the MRCA for all lineages from the two species. The results have potential applications for the testing of evolutionary hypotheses.  相似文献   

Climate change and harvesting can affect the ecosystems'' functioning by altering the population dynamics and interactions among species. Knowing how species interact is essential for better understanding potentially unintended consequences of harvest on multiple species in ecosystems. I analyzed how stage‐specific interactions between two harvested competitors, the haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), living in the Barents Sea affect the outcome of changes in the harvest of the two species. Using state‐space models that account for observation errors and stochasticity in the population dynamics, I run different harvesting scenarios and track population‐level responses of both species. The increasing temperature elevated the number of larvae of haddock but did not significantly influence the older age‐classes. The nature of the interactions between both species shifted from predator‐prey to competition around age‐2 to ‐3. Increased cod fishing mortality, which led to decreasing abundance of cod, was associated with an increasing overall abundance of haddock, which suggests compensatory dynamics of both species. From a stage‐specific approach, I show that a change in the abundance in one species may propagate to other species, threatening the exploited species'' recovery. Thus, this study demonstrates that considering interactions among life history stages of harvested species is essential to enhance species'' co‐existence in harvested ecosystems. The approach developed in this study steps forward the analyses of effects of harvest and climate in multi‐species systems by considering the comprehension of complex ecological processes to facilitate the sustainable use of natural resources.  相似文献   

Herbivory has long been recognized as a significant driver of plant population dynamics, yet its effects along environmental gradients are unclear. Understanding how weather modulates plant–insect interactions can be particularly important for predicting the consequences of exotic insect invasions, and an explicit consideration of weather may help explain why the impact can vary greatly across space and time. We surveyed two native prickly pear cactus species (genus Opuntia) in the Florida panhandle, USA, and their specialist insect herbivores (the invasive South American cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum, and three native insect species) for five years across six sites. We used generalized linear mixed models to assess the impact of herbivory and weather on plant relative growth rate (RGR) and sexual reproduction, and we used Fisher's exact test to estimate the impact of herbivory on survival. Weather variables (precipitation and temperature) were consistently significant predictors of vital rate variation for both cactus species, in contrast to the limited and varied impacts of insect herbivory. Weather only significantly influenced the impact of herbivory on Opuntia humifusa fruit production. The relationships of RGR and fruit production with precipitation suggest that precipitation serves as a cue in determining the trade‐off in the allocation of resources to growth or fruit production. The presence of the native bug explained vital rate variation for both cactus species, whereas the invasive moth explained variation only for Ostricta. Despite the inconsistent effect of herbivory across vital rates and cactus species, almost half of Ostricta plants declined in size, and the invasive insect negatively affected RGR and fruit production. Given that fruit production was strongly size‐dependent, this suggests that Ostricta populations at the locations surveyed are transitioning to a size distribution of predominantly smaller sizes and with reduced sexual reproduction potential.  相似文献   

M. J. Barry 《Oecologia》2000,124(3):396-401
The predator-induced responses of two species of Australian Daphnia, with contrasting distributions and life history patterns, to the kairomones of two species of Anisops predators, were measured. Daphnia longicephala produced a large crest and attained a larger size when exposed to both predators. D. carinata sl matured earlier than D. longicephala and did not produce a crest. Surprisingly, kairomones of both predators inhibited the production of ephippia in D. carinata sl. Anisops stali, the larger of the two predator species, induced a significantly larger crest size in D. longicephala, and larger brood size in both species compared with the smaller A. gratus, indicating a quantitative but not qualitative effect of predator species on inducible defences. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

Reproductive interference due to interspecific hybridization can lead to character displacement among related species with overlapping ranges. However, no studies have examined which reproductive traits are most important in reducing reproductive interference. We conducted molecular analyses of two nuclear genes (28S and Wingless) and a mitochondrial gene (COI) from two closely related ground beetle species, Pterostichus thunbergi and Pterostichus habui (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with overlapping distributions. In addition, we examined four reproductive traits (body size, organ morphologies of intromittent and non‐intromittent male genital organs, and female reproductive period) in sympatric and allopatric habitats. We compared male genital morphology using geometric morphometric analysis. The species determined by morphology were classified into separate groups based on the phylogenetic tree constructed by the nuclear gene (Wingless). However, according to the mitochondrial genes examined, P. thunbergi was not monophyletic, whereas at the sympatric sites, these species formed a monophyletic clade. This incongruence suggests that interspecific hybridization and subsequent mitochondrial introgression from P. habui to P. thunbergi have occurred. Concerning genital morphology, both of the intromittent and nonintromittent organs of P. thunbergi differed more from P. habui at the sympatric sites than between allopatric sites, suggesting reproductive character displacement. Pterostichus thunbergi, which likely arrived in P. habui habitat in small numbers, would have experienced stronger selection pressures than P. habui.  相似文献   

Twelve isolates of Pythium species (P. aphanidermatum, P. deliense, P. ultimum var. ultimum and P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum) from different hosts were compared from morphological, pathological and molecular viewpoints. Minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures of P. aphanidermatum and P. deliense were similar while those of P. ultimum var. ultimum and P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum were also similar. All tested isolates were highly virulent against cucumber seedlings with 100% damping-off. RAPD data using three different primers revealed that strains of P. ultimum var. ultimum and P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum are distinct from each other. This data can be used to separate those species from P. aphanidermatum and P. deliense. In contrast, RAPD data cannot be used to separate P. aphanidermatum and P. deliense. Sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) was used to establish phylogenetic relationships among the tested isolates.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in three closely related chigger mite species of the genus Hirsutiella Schluger et Vysotzkaya, 1970, H. steineri (Kepka, 1966), H. llogorensis (Daniel, 1960), and H. alpina Stekolnikov, 2001 has been studied based on materials collected in Caucasus and Turkey. It is established that both H. steineri and H. llogorensis include Western Caucasian and Asian forms, the first one being larger than the second one. Western Caucasian samples of H. steineri are also split into large and small forms. The large form inhabits screes with larvae occurring mainly on snow voles, and the small form inhabits meadows and forests with larvae parasitizing snow voles as well as mice of the genus Apodemus and pine voles. Asian population of H. steineri include small low-mountain form which is hard to distinguish from H. llogorensis. In the light of the new data on variability, morphological border between these two species are specified. Correlations between some characters and altitude above sea level are shown within the Western Caucasian and Asian forms of both species, and also in H. alpina. All the three species can occur together on the same individual hosts, but they have different sets of main hosts and different distribution among biotopes in the area of sympatria. The border between H. steineri and H. llogorensis in the places of sympatria can be indistinct owing to the presence of small ecological forms of H. steineri. Our results give a basis for the construction of alternative hypotheses concerning the processes of speciation in trombiculids. Chiggers species could be formed in allopatric way, on the base of such geographical forms, as Western and Asian forms of the Caucasian Hirsutiella species, but they could also be formed in sympatric way, distributing among neighbouring biotopes (e.g., screes and meadows, or screes and forests), as large and small forms of Western Caucasian H. steineri do.  相似文献   

Southern gel analysis of total DNA from Chironomus tentans showed that the rRNA genes (rDNA) are homogeneous in structure. After cloning in Escherichia coli plasmid pBR313, the rDNA organisation was further studied by restriction fragment analysis and R-loop mapping. No heterogeneity could be detected by heteroduplex analysis of six different cloned rRNA cistrons. R-loop sizes of 1.69 and 3.63 kilobases (kb) were measured for the 18S and 28S rRNA coding sequences. The two spacers are 0.75 and 1.77 kb long. Southern gel analysis showed also a homogeneous rDNA structure for a Canadian population of C. tentans and C. pallidivittatus. The same technique indicated, however, that the rDNA of two other closely related species of C. thummi and C. melanotus is heterogeneous in structure. A possible correlation between this heterogeneity and the presence of heterochromatin in these species is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The respiration rates of Notonomus gravis (Chaudoir) and N.philippi (Newman) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were measured at temperatures between 10°C and 45°C. Mature males of both species had higher respiration rates than mature females. There was no difference between the rates of teneral male and female beetles at 30°C. The difference in respiration rates between the sexes is attributed to the maternal behaviour, and decreased surface activity, of mature females.  相似文献   

Bielawski JP  Gold JR 《Genetics》2002,161(4):1589-1597
Mitochondrial genome replication is asymmetric. Replication starts from the origin of heavy (H)-strand replication, displacing the parental H-strand as it proceeds along the molecule. The H-strand remains single stranded until light (L)-strand replication is initiated from a second origin of replication. It has been suggested that single-stranded H-strand DNA is more sensitive to mutational damage, giving rise to substitutional rate differences between the two strands and among genes in mammalian mitochondrial DNA. In this study, we analyzed sequences of the cytochrome b, ND4, ND4L, and COI genes of cyprinid fishes to investigate rates and patterns of nucleotide substitution in the mitochondrial genome. To test for strand-asymmetric mutation pressure, a likelihood-ratio test was developed and applied to the cyprinid sequences. Patterns of substitution and levels of strand-asymmetric mutation pressure were largely consistent with a mutation gradient between the H- and L-strand origins of replication. Significant strand bias was observed among rates of transitional substitution. However, biological interpretation of the direction and strength of strand asymmetry for specific classes of substitutions is problematic. The problem occurs because the rate of any single class of substitution inferred from one strand is actually a sum of rates on two strands. The validity of the likelihood-ratio test is not affected by this problem.  相似文献   

We compared egg survivorship and egg development time at different soil moistures for two closely related grasshopper species from divergent habitats: marsh-inhabiting Romalea microptera (Beauvois) versus desert-inhabiting Taeniopoda eques (Burmeister). These two species can interbreed and produce viable offspring. In nature, both species have a similar 8-9 mo subterranean egg stage, but their soil environments differ dramatically in water content. We predicted that the eggs of the two species would exhibit differential survivorship and development times under different moisture levels. Our laboratory results show that the eggs of both species survived a wide range of soil moistures (≈ 0.5 to 90%), maintained for 3 mo. However, the eggs of the marsh grasshopper, R. microptera, better tolerated the highest soil moistures (95 and 100%), whereas the eggs of the desert species, T. eques, better tolerated the lowest soil moistures (0.0 and 0.1%). Sixty-five percent of marsh-inhabiting R. microptera eggs, but no desert T. eques eggs, survived 3 mo submersion under water. In contrast, 49% of desert T. eques eggs, but only 3.5% of R. microptera eggs, survived after being laid into oven-dried sand and then maintained with no additional water until hatch. In the laboratory at 26 °C, the two species differed significantly in the mean length of the oviposition-to-hatch interval: 176 d for R. microptera versus 237 d for T. eques. These divergent traits presumably benefit these insects in their divergent habitats. Our results suggest the evolution of physiological divergence that is consistent with adaptations to local environments.  相似文献   

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