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BACKGROUND: Systemic in vivo gene therapy has resulted in widespread correction in animal models when treated at birth. However, limited improvement was observed in postnatally treated animals with mainly targeting to the liver and bone marrow. It has been shown that an O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase variant (MGMT(P140K)) mediated in vivo selection of transduced hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in animals. METHODS: We investigated the feasibility of MGMT(P140K)-mediated selection in primary hepatocytes from a mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) in vitro using lentiviral vectors. RESULTS: We found that multiple cycles of O(6)-benzylguanine (BG)/1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) treatment at a dosage effective for ex vivo HSC selection led to a two-fold increase of MGMT-expressing primary hepatocytes under culture conditions with minimum cell expansion. This enrichment level was comparable to that obtained after selection at a hepatic maximal tolerated dose of BCNU. Similar levels of increase were observed regardless of initial transduction frequency, or the position of MGMT (upstream or downstream of internal ribosome entry site) in the vector constructs. In addition, we found that elongation factor 1alpha promoter was superior to the long-terminal repeat promoter from spleen focus-forming virus with regard to transgene expression in primary hepatocytes. Moreover, the levels of therapeutic transgene expression in transduced, enzyme-deficient hepatocytes directly correlated with the doses of BCNU, leading to metabolic correction in transduced hepatocytes and metabolic cross-correction in neighbouring non-transduced MPS I cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that MGMT(P140K) expression confers successful protection/selection in primary hepatocytes, and provide 'proof of concept' to the prospect of MGMT(P140K)-mediated co-selection for hepatocytes and HSC using BG/BCNU treatment.  相似文献   

Cell immortalization technology based on gene transfer has been successfully used to generate cell lines from a wide variety of cell types. The inability to stably introduce and express foreign genes has hampered application of this strategy in shrimp cells. We report here the use of replication-defective pantropic retrovirus to achieve a novel immortalization vector in which simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40T) gene is expressed from Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) promoter. Data confirmed the presence of transferred SV40T gene and its stable mRNA expression in transduced lymphoid cells of Penaeus chinensis. The transduced cells showed a higher growth rate and a longer replication life-span compared with their untransduced counterparts. These results indicate the pantropic retrovirus-based immortalization-inducing gene delivery system is a potential tool for establishing cell lines from shrimp. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sandhoff disease, a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the intracellular accumulation of GM2 ganglioside, is caused by mutations in the hexosaminidase beta-chain gene resulting in a hexosaminidase A (alphabeta) and B (betabeta) deficiency. A bicistronic lentiviral vector encoding both the hexosaminidase alpha and beta chains (SIV.ASB) has previously been shown to correct the beta-hexosaminidase deficiency and to reduce GM2 levels both in transduced and cross-corrected human Sandhoff fibroblasts. Recent advances in determining the neuropathophysiological mechanisms in Sandhoff disease have shown a mechanistic link between GM2 accumulation, neuronal cell death, reduction of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) activity, and axonal outgrowth. To examine the ability of the SIV.ASB vector to reverse these pathophysiological events, hippocampal neurons from embryonic Sandhoff mice were transduced with the lentivector. Normal axonal growth rates were restored, as was the rate of Ca(2+) uptake via the SERCA and the sensitivity of the neurons to thapsigargin-induced cell death, concomitant with a decrease in GM2 and GA2 levels. Thus, we have demonstrated that the bicistronic vector can reverse the biochemical defects and down-stream consequences in Sandhoff neurons, reinforcing its potential for Sandhoff disease in vivo gene therapy.  相似文献   



Lentiviral vectors allow gene transfer into non‐dividing cells. Further development of these vector systems requires stable packaging cell lines that enable adequate safety testing.


To generate a packaging cell line for vectors based on simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), expression plasmids were constructed that contain the codon‐optimized gag‐pol gene of SIV and the gene for the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV‐G) under the control of an ponasterone‐inducible promoter. Stable cell lines expressing these packaging constructs were established and characterized.


The RT activity and vector titers of cell clones stably transfected with the inducible gag‐pol expession plasmid could be induced by ponasterone by more than a factor of 1000. One of these clones was subsequently transfected with the ponasterone‐inducible VSV‐G expression plasmid to generate packaging cells. Clones of the packaging cells were screened for vector production by infection with an SIV vector and subsequent induction by ponasterone. In the supernatant of selected ponasterone‐induced producer clones vector titers of more than 1×105 transducing units/ml were obtained. Producer cell clones were stable for at least five months, as tested by vector production.


The packaging cells described should be suitable for most preclinical applications of SIV‐based vectors. By avoiding regions of high homology between the vector and the packaging constructs, the design of the SIV packaging cell line should reduce the risk of transfer of packaging genes to target cells and at the same time provide flexibility with respect to the SIV vector constructs that can be packaged. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

为了建立无筛选标记基因的转Fat-1基因绵羊细胞系,本研究将PCR克隆得到的Fat-1基因,合成的attB、Loxp序列并克隆入pN1-EGFP框架载体,得到可删除筛选标记基因的pEGFP-N1-Fat-1真核表达载体。体外转录合成phiC31整合酶mRNA并与线性化的pEGFP-N1-Fat-1载体共转染绵羊胎儿皮肤成纤维细胞,G418筛选得到表达绿色荧光的单克隆,再利用pET-28a-His-NLS-TAT-Cre质粒诱导Cre重组蛋白表达,将纯化后的Cre穿膜肽转导表达绿色荧光的单克隆细胞,将荧光淬灭的细胞系扩繁,提取基因组DNA,进行PCR及测序鉴定,得到无标记转Fat-1基因绵羊胎儿皮肤成纤维细胞系,为生产无筛选标记基因的转基因绵羊奠定基础。  相似文献   

Summary Cell suspensions of Petunia hybrida were subjected to a selection procedure in which the concentration of the selective agent, methotrexate (MTX), was gradually elevated. In mammalian cells, this procedure frequently results in MTX-resistant mutants due to amplification of the gene coding for dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), the target protein of MTX.Five suspension lines were isolated, with degrees of resistance ranging from 10 to 500 M MTX (in wild type the LD99.9 is 0.2 M). MTXR phenotypes were unstable, as manifested by the loss of resistance upon prolonged growth in the absence of drug. All of the mutants also exhibited high values of MTX-binding protein (60- to 400-fold higher than that of the wild type), which declined to intermediate values upon MTX withdrawal. Finally, cellular extracts from all of the mutants also showed high specific staining of DHFR-activity in gels.The results suggest that the resistance of MTX in these plant cell-lines is mediated by the elevation of the amounts of DHFR, probably as a consequence of gene amplification.  相似文献   

Mechanisms through which tissues are formed and maintained remain unknown but are fundamental aspects in biology. Tissue-specific gene expression is a valuable tool to study such mechanisms. But in many biomedical studies, cell lines, rather than human body tissues, are used to investigate biological mechanisms Whether or not cell lines maintain their tissue-specific characteristics after they are isolated and cultured outside the human body remains to be explored. In this study, we applied a novel computational method to identify core genes that contribute to the differentiation of cell lines from various tissues. Several advanced computational techniques, such as Monte Carlo feature selection method, incremental feature selection method, and support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, were incorporated in the proposed method, which extensively analyzed the gene expression profiles of cell lines from different tissues. As a result, we extracted a group of functional genes that can indicate the differences of cell lines in different tissues and built an optimal SVM classifier for identifying cell lines in different tissues. In addition, a set of rules for classifying cell lines were also reported, which can give a clearer picture of cell lines in different issues although its performance was not better than the optimal SVM classifier. Finally, we compared such genes with the tissue-specific genes identified by the Genotype-tissue Expression project. Results showed that most expression patterns between tissues remained in the derived cell lines despite some uniqueness that some genes show tissue specificity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: T-cells expressing the HSV1-TK suicide gene can be used for the control of graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic stem cell transplantation. To develop clinical trials based on such a strategy, we have generated under good manufacturing procedures a novel 'split genome' human packaging cell line (1704 cells). METHODS: To minimize the risk of generating replication-competent retroviruses, pol was truncated to remove sequences overlapping with env. To improve retroviral infection and selection of transduced T-cells, high titers of GALV-pseudotyped retroviral particles harboring a bicistronic Thy1-IRES-TK vector coding for the CD90 GPI-anchored membrane molecule were produced by 1704 cells. RESULTS: Using 1704 cell supernatant and an optimized transduction protocol, approximately 50% of primary T-cells were transduced and could then be purified (approximately 95%) using clinical-grade immunomagnetic beads directed against CD90. Over 96% of these OKT3/IL-2-activated CD90(+)-selected T-cells were killed by ganciclovir. Cell proliferation and cytokine production of transduced T-cells and HLA-restricted cytotoxicity of transduced T-cell clones were identical to those of their non-transduced counterparts cultured under the same conditions. CONCLUSIONS: GALV-pseudotyped retroviral particles harboring a bicistronic Thy1-IRES-TK vector allow efficient transduction and rapid selection of human T-cells under conditions applicable for clinical trials using the new human 1704 packaging cell line.  相似文献   

Using linker insertion mutations, we determined the most stable region of the parE gene which encodes a toxic protein (ParE) that inhibits growth of Escherichia coli. The toxicity of ParE was sustained until a 144bp linker was inserted into this region. We have developed a 3 T-overhang vector based on these characteristics of the GST-ParE toxin, and named pTOC-T. Because pTOC-T uses a post-segregational killing system, all transformants grown up on the plates can be considered as recombinants containing foreign DNA. pTOC-T not require X-Gal, IPTG or other substrates for selection. This T-vector using a positive selection system can be applied to various E. coli strains such as XL1-Blue, BL21, DH5, JM109, and JM110.Revisions requested 28 July 2004; Revisions received 7 September 2004  相似文献   

By genetic manipulation of cloned Escherichia coli galactose operon DNA, we have constructed a new plasmid in which the N terminal segment of the galK gene is replaced by the N terminal of the galE gene. This plasmid encodes a hybrid protein that confers a Gal K+ phenotype on host cells: differences in initiation at the galE translation start point cause different phenotypes. The plasmid has unique restriction sites at the junction of the galE and galK gene segments and thus can be used to replace the N terminal of galK with any other translation start.  相似文献   

Melanoma cell lines and normal human melanocytes (NHM) were assayed for p53-dependent G1 checkpoint response to ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA damage. Sixty-six percent of melanoma cell lines displayed a defective G1 checkpoint. Checkpoint function was correlated with sensitivity to IR with checkpoint-defective lines being radio-resistant. Microarray analysis identified 316 probes whose expression was correlated with G1 checkpoint function in melanoma lines (P≤0.007) including p53 transactivation targets CDKN1A, DDB2, and RRM2B. The 316 probe list predicted G1 checkpoint function of the melanoma lines with 86% accuracy using a binary analysis and 91% accuracy using a continuous analysis. When applied to microarray data from primary melanomas, the 316 probe list was prognostic of 4-yr distant metastasis-free survival. Thus, p53 function, radio-sensitivity, and metastatic spread may be estimated in melanomas from a signature of gene expression.  相似文献   

为构建表达人神经元素3基因(neurogenin 3,ngn3)的重组逆转录病毒载体,建立稳定表达ngn3的包装细胞株,本研究以流产人胎儿胰腺组织为材料,通过RT-PCR方法克隆出人ngn3基因,将其连接到pMD18-T载体上并测序,结果表明,测序得到的基因序列与发表的人ngn3基因序列(GenBank Accession No.BC126468)完全一致。将EcoRI和HpaI双酶切后的基因片段构建到pMSCV-neo逆转录病毒载体中,酶切鉴定结果表明,pMSCV-ngn3重组逆转录病毒载体构建成功。脂质体法将pMSCV-ngn3重组载体导入PT67包装细胞,G418筛选后,对得到的细胞株进行RT-PCR和免疫组化检测,结果显示,该细胞株在mRNA水平和蛋白水平均稳定表达Ngn3;收集该细胞株的培养上清液,进行RT-PCR检测及电镜观察,结果表明,该细胞株将导入的重组逆转录病毒载体pMSCV-ngn3包装成了具有感染性的病毒颗粒,并将其释放到了培养上清液中。以上结果表明PT67-ngn3包装细胞株建立成功。该细胞株的成功建立,为下一步将ngn3基因应用于提高人胎儿胰腺祖细胞诱导分化效率方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Selection markers are common genetic elements used in recombinant cell line development. While several selection systems exist for use in mammalian cell lines, no previous study has comprehensively evaluated their performance in the isolation of recombinant populations and cell lines. Here we examine four antibiotics, hygromycin B, neomycin, puromycin, and Zeocin™, and their corresponding selector genes, using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter in two model cell lines, HT1080 and HEK293. We identify Zeocin™ as the best selection agent for cell line development in human cells. In comparison to the other selection systems, Zeocin™ is able to identify populations with higher fluorescence levels, which in turn leads to the isolation of better clonal populations and less false positives. Furthermore, Zeocin™-resistant populations exhibit better transgene stability in the absence of selection pressure compared to other selection agents. All isolated Zeocin™-resistant clones, regardless of cell type, exhibited GFP expression. By comparison, only 79% of hygromycin B-resistant, 47% of neomycin-resistant, and 14% of puromycin-resistant clones expressed GFP. Based on these results, we rank Zeocin™ > hygromycin B ∼ puromycin > neomycin for cell line development in human cells. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that selection marker choice does indeed impact cell line development.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(10):1428-1444.e9
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