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Scent over-marking occurs when an animal deposits its scent mark on top of the scent mark of a conspecific. Over-marking may provide advantages in the transfer of information to the individual whose scent is on top but not to the individual whose scent is on the bottom. We tested the hypothesis that over-marking is a competitive form of olfactory communication and that male prairie voles would over-mark the scent marks of same-sex conspecifics more than those of same-sex siblings. Two age-matched male voles (first male and second male) were placed successively into an arena in which they were allowed to explore freely and scent mark for 15 min at age 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, and 52 d. The first male was placed into a clean arena, whereas the second male was placed into an arena containing either the scent marks of an age-matched male sibling or nonsibling. Age affected the total number of scent marks deposited by the voles; 12-20-d-old voles deposited fewer scent marks, over-marks and adjacent marks than did 28-52-d-old voles. Sibship did not affect the total number of scent marks deposited by the first and second voles but did affect the number of over-marks and adjacent marks deposited by the second vole. Siblings received significantly fewer over-marks and adjacent marks than did nonsiblings; this effect was most dramatic after the voles reached 28 d of age, a time coincident with the onset of puberty. Males separated from siblings and housed singly at 44-d-old and tested at 52-d-old, deposited significantly more over-marks and adjacent marks in arenas if the first vole was a nonsibling than if it was a sibling. This differential scent-marking supports the hypothesis that over-marking and adjacent marking are used as competitive forms of olfactory communication by male prairie voles.  相似文献   

Scent Marking in Female Prairie Voles: a Test of Alternative Hypotheses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We conducted three experiments with females in different stages of reproductive condition to test alternative hypotheses for the function of scent marking in female prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster . The three reproductive categories were isolated females prior to sexual stimulation (anoestrous), sexually stimulated (oestrous) and lactating. Females in different reproductive condition were given the opportunity to scent mark clean unmarked substrate or areas that had previously been marked by adult females or adult males. The numbers of scent marks deposited by females did not differ statistically for females in different reproductive condition. However, there was a trend for anoestrous females to mark the most, oestrous females less, and lactating females the least. The lack of scent marking by lactating females might be to reduce conspicuousness to conspecifics or predators. Oestrous females tended to mark the most in the area marked previously by males, although the difference was not statistically significant.
Our results provide some support for a mate-attraction hypothesis and a territorial-defense hypothesis, but were most consistent with a self-advertisement hypothesis. Over marking was uncommon and did not differ by experiment or sex of previous donor. Our results suggest that the number and placement of scent marks by females are highly variable and function primarily to convey individual identity.  相似文献   

The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a rare rodent living in patchy grassy areas of the Iberian Peninsula where unpaired individuals of both sexes use scent marking primarily to increase their mate-finding likelihood. Cabrera voles establish long-term pair bonds with opposite-sex conspecifics constituting a breeding pair, which is expected to reduce the efforts in searching for a new mate. Under such circumstances, scent marking as a strategy to increase mate-finding likelihood became useless. Accordingly, we hypothesise that pair bonded Cabrera voles suppress mate-finding scent marking to reduce energetic costs and predation risk. To test this hypothesis, we compared scent-marking behaviour towards a clean substrate, in both paired and non-paired voles. No differences were found in the scent marks’ type and the amount of marks placed by voles in both conditions. We also analysed the scent-marking behaviour of both sex pair bonded voles when exposed simultaneously to a clean substrate, a substrate pre-marked by males and a substrate pre-marked by females. We found no significant differences in scent-marks (urine-marked area and number of faecal boli) across the three types of substrate types. In accordance with our prediction, these results suggest that pair bonded Cabrera voles did not use scent marking for mate finding, thus providing further support to the existence of a monogamous mating strategy. Furthermore, our results fail to support the use of scent marking for territorial defence purposes.  相似文献   

Models of age-related effects on behavior predict that among short-lived species younger adults are more attractive and attracted to opposite-sex conspecifics than are older adults, whereas the converse is predicted for long-lived species. Although most studies of age-related effects on behavior support these predictions, they are not supported by many studies of scent marking, a behavior used in mate attraction. Over-marking, a form of scent marking, is a tactic used by many terrestrial mammals to convey information about themselves to opposite-sex conspecifics. The present study tested the hypothesis that the age of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus ; a microtine rodent, affects their over- and scent-marking behaviors when they encounter the marks of opposite-sex conspecifics. Sex differences existed in the over-marking behavior of adult voles among the three different age groups that were tested. Male voles that were 5–7 and 10–12 mo olds over-marked a higher proportion of the marks of females than did 2–3 mo old male voles. Female voles that were 2–3, 5–7, and 10–12 mo old over-marked a similar number of marks deposited by male voles. Overall, the data were not consistent with models predicting the behavior of short-lived animals such as rodents when they encounter the opposite sex. The differences in over-marking displayed by older and younger adult male voles may be associated with life history tradeoffs, the likelihood that they will encounter sexually receptive females, and being selected as mates.  相似文献   

Proceptive behaviours are used by animals to indicate interest in opposite-sex conspecifics. These behaviours can be affected by an individual's nutritional status. Two mutually exclusive hypotheses have been proposed to account for the effects of food availability on reproduction. These are the metabolic fuels hypothesis and the reproduction at all costs hypothesis. It is not known if food availability affects proceptive behaviours such as scent marking, over-marking, and self-grooming. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that food-deprived and nonfood-deprived meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, differ in the number of scent marks they deposit, the proportion of over-marks they deposit, and the amount of time they spend self-grooming when they encounter the scent marks of opposite-sex conspecifics. We tested this hypothesis by exposing meadow voles that either had continuous access to food or were food-deprived for either 6hours or 24hours to the scent marks of an opposite-sex conspecific. Due to differences in the natural history of male and female meadow voles, we predicted that female voles' behaviour will best be explained by the metabolic fuels hypothesis whereas males' behaviour will best be explained by the reproduction at all costs hypothesis. We found that both male and female voles deprived of food for either 6hours or 24hours spent less time self-grooming compared to nonfood-deprived voles. However, food availability did not affect the scent marking and over-marking behaviour of male and female voles. Differences in the effects of food availability on these proceptive behaviours are discussed within the context of the natural history of meadow voles.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial mammals scent mark in areas containing the scent marks of conspecifics, and thus, may deposit their own scent marks on top of those that were deposited previously by conspecifics. This phenomenon, known as over-marking appears to play a role in same-sex competition or mate attraction. The present study determines whether meadow and prairie voles avoid over-marking the scent marks of conspecifics, target the scent marks of conspecifics and over-mark them, or randomly over-mark the scent marks of conspecifics. The data show that meadow and prairie voles adjust the number and location of scent marks that they deposit in areas marked previously by particular conspecifics. Male and female meadow and prairie voles target the scent marks of opposite-sex conspecifics and over-mark them. Female meadow and prairie voles also target the scent marks of female conspecifics. In contrast, male meadow and prairie voles over-mark the scent marks of male conspecifics in a random manner. By differentially over-marking the scent marks of conspecifics, voles may be able to communicate particular information to a variety of conspecifics.  相似文献   

Scent over-marking occurs when an animal deposits its scent mark on top of the scent mark of a conspecific; adjacent-marking occurs when an animal deposits its scent mark next to the scent mark of a conspecific. Given that male rodents usually scent mark more than females and that animals spend more time investigating the odor of the top-scent donor of an over-mark, I tested the following three hypotheses. First, male meadow voles deposit more scent marks than female meadow voles. Second, male meadow voles will deposit more over-marks and adjacent-marks in response to the scent marks of a same-sex conspecific than females would. Third, meadow voles spend more time investigating the odor of the second vole placed in the arena than that of the first vole placed in the arena. To test these hypotheses, two age-matched, like-sex conspecifics (first vole and second vole) were placed successively into an arena in which they were allowed to freely explore and scent mark for 15 min. The first hypothesis was not supported. The first and second vole, independently of sex, deposited a similar number of scent marks. The second hypothesis was also not supported by the data: more conspecific scent marks were over-marked by the second female than by the second male. The third hypothesis was supported by the data. After investigating a scented arena, males and females spent more time investigating the odor of the second vole than that of the first vole. Sex differences in scent-marking behaviors of meadow voles are unlike those reported for other species of rodents.  相似文献   

What we refer to as over-marking occurs when one individual places its scent mark on top of, touching, or adjacent to the scent mark of another individual, usually a conspecific. Over-marking frequently occurs among mammals that share common paths, trails, and runways. Despite its ubiquity among terrestrial mammals, we know little about how individuals respond to over-marks and the function(s) of over-marking. Studies on voles and golden hamsters indicate that after exploring an over-mark, individuals respond selectively to the mark of the top-scent donor relative to that of the bottom-scent donor. Thus, individuals may be able to focus their attention on a particular scent mark relevant at a particular time and in a particular context, neglecting other scent marks that are present. The function(s) of over-marking are examined within the framework of ten hypotheses. Several hypotheses are plausible. However, the bulk of the literature is consistent with hypotheses stating that over-marking serving a role in olfactory communication between opposite and same-sex conspecifics. Lastly, we postulate the costs and benefits that may be garnered by the top-scent donor of an over-mark.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment using the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) to test predictions associated with the proposed functions of scent marking as a sexual attractant, in reproductive competition, and as a self-advertisement. We allowed an oestrous female, an anoestrous female, and an adult male to scent mark three portions of a clean substrate and then exposed a second male to this substrate for secondary marking. We did not support a sexual attraction hypothesis in that males did not place more scent marks in response to oestrous than anoestrous females. Similarly, we did not support a reproductive competition hypothesis in that males did not place more scent marks in response to marks of males than to those of females or bare substrate. Males did not overmark the scent of males or females and thus we did not support a scent-masking or scent-blending hypothesis. In that males deposited scent similarly in response to males, females, and on bare substrate, our results suggest that the frequency and placement of scent marks by males function primarily to advertise individual identity in an area.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, the reproductive condition of female mammals changes. Females may or may not be sexually receptive. We conducted a series of experiments to determine whether reproductive condition of female meadow voles affects their scent marking behavior as well as the scent marking behavior of male conspecifics. In expt 1, females in postpartum estrus (PPE females) deposited more scent marks than females that were neither pregnant nor lactating (REF females) or ovariectomized females (OVX females). In expt 2, male voles scent marked more and deposited more over‐marks in areas marked by PPE females than by REF and OVX females. In expt 3, PPE females deposited more scent marks and over‐marks in areas marked by males than did females in the other reproductive states. The results of these experiments showed that male and female voles may vary in the number, type and location of scent marks they deposit in areas scented by particular conspecifics.  相似文献   

Scent marking is common among male and female rodents and might be used in male-male competition and as a mechanism for mate attraction. I tested the hypotheses that females would choose males based on their frequency and placement of scent marks, and that a female would advertise interest in a particular male by placing her scent marks on or near those of a preferred mating partner. In a series of experiments conducted with prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster, females did not choose mates based on the frequency or placement of scent marks by males nor did they advertise their interest in a particular male through the frequency or placement of scent marks. The number of males chosen that scent-marked more than their opponents did not differ significantly between females exposed (11 of 15) and not exposed (10 of 15) to scents of males. Females exposed and not exposed to scents of males preferred seven of the same males that had scent-marked more than their opponents. When a third group of females was exposed to four times more scent of the less preferred than preferred males, they still chose the preferred males. Thus, the frequency and placement of scent marks by males were not used to assess males for mate choice nor did female prairie voles use scent to advertise their preference for a mating partner. In that scent marking is common in male and female mammals, scent quality might be more important than quantity in male-male competition and mate attraction.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment to test three alternative hypotheses for the function of frequency of scent marking in male prairie voles, MICROTUS OCHROGASTER: (1) sexual attraction (to advertise male quality for mating); (2) reproductive competition; and (3) self-advertisement or individual identity. In laboratory experiments, males deposited scent on all areas of a bare substrate, and more in an area next to a stimulus animal than other areas, regardless of the stimulus animal's sex. Females did not choose mates based on their frequency of scent marking and scent marking did not antagonize or stimulate aggression between males. The frequency of scent marking by males supports the individual identity hypothesis, and is less consistent with the sexual attraction or reproductive competition hypotheses. Mate choice is likely based on a complex suite of characters, but at least in prairie voles, the frequency of scent marking by males does not appear to be one of them.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial mammals will deposit scent marks and over-marks, the latter being the overlapping scent marks of two conspecifics. Studies have shown that male rodents that are exposed to the overlapping scent marks of two female conspecifics later spend more time investigating the mark of the top-scent female than that of the bottom-scent female. This suggests that over-marking is a form of competition and that the top-scent female is more likely than the bottom-scent female to be chosen as a potential mate. Thus, females should over-mark the scents of neighboring females at a rate that will maximize their chances of attracting males. However, meadow voles live in areas that may contain patchy food availability and residents may differ in their nutritional status. Females in a better nutritional state may be more likely than those in poorer nutritional states to indicate their presence in an area, signal possession of a territory, and to attract mates. Thus, we tested the prediction that female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, that were not food deprived would deposit more over-marks than female voles that were food deprived for 6 h. Food-deprived female voles and female voles that had continuous access to food deposited a similar number of scent marks and used a similar proportion of those marks as over-marks when they encountered the scent marks of female conspecifics. These findings suggest that the nutritional status of female voles does not affect their ability to signal their presence in an area marked by a female conspecific.  相似文献   

Particular features of the signaling characteristics of the scent marks of temperate zone, seasonally breeding mammals may reflect differences in their reproductive state and, hence, be variable. Consequently, an individual's perception of self may depend more on the condition independent than on the condition-dependent signaling characteristics of the scent marks. Yet, we do not know whether an individual responds to changes in the signaling characteristics of its own scent marks, such as those associated with changes in an individual's reproductive state. Such changes may affect how and where an animal scent marks. Here we report on a series of experiments designed to test the hypothesis that individual meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus , distinguish between scent marks they deposited when they were in different reproductive states. Results showed that voles discriminated their own scent marks from those of unfamiliar, same-sex conspecifics, and the scent marks of siblings. Voles did not behave as if they could distinguish between their own scent marks if the marks were deposited when the voles were in the same reproductive state, although the two scent marks used as stimuli differed in age by 30 d. However, they did so distinguish if they were exposed to scent marks taken when they were in different reproductive states. Overall, these findings suggest that voles behave as if their novel and familiar scent marks shared the similar signaling features. If, however, the reproductive condition of the voles differed when it provided the two scent marks, they behaved as if their own scent marks had different signal characteristics, which may have induced voles to treat the two scent marks as not being the same or having been deposited by two different donors. We speculate that the scent marks of individuals may have unique signaling characteristics that may be associated with that individual's 'current template for self'.  相似文献   

Most mammals scent‐mark, and a variety of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this behaviour. Most of our knowledge about scent marking in domestic dogs comes from studies carried out on laboratory or companion dogs, while few studies have been carried out on free‐ranging dogs. Here, we explored the functional significance of different scent‐marking behavioural patterns in a pack of free‐ranging domestic dogs by testing two non‐exclusive hypotheses: the indirect territorial defence and the dominance/threat hypotheses. Through direct observation, we recorded the locations of dog scent marks (urination, defecation and ground scratching) and information regarding the identity and posture of the marking animal. We found evidence that markings are used by dogs to form a ‘property line’ and to threaten rivals during agonistic conflicts. Both males and females utilized scent marking to assert dominance and probably to relocate food or maintain possession over it. Raised‐leg urination and ground scratching probably play a role in olfactory and visual communication in both males and females. Urinations released by females, especially through flexed‐leg posture, may also convey information about their reproductive state. Finally, our observations suggest that defecation does not play an essential role in olfactory communication among free‐ranging dogs and that standing and squat postures are associated with normal excretion. Our results suggest that many of the proposed functions of marking behaviours are not mutually exclusive, and all should be explored through detailed field and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Scent marking and over‐marking are important forms of communication between the sexes for many terrestrial mammals. Over the course of three experiments, we determined whether the amount of time individuals investigate the scent marks of opposite‐sex conspecifics is affected by 4 d of olfactory experience with those conspecifics. In Experiment 1, female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, spent more time investigating the scent mark of the novel male conspecific than that of the familiar male donor, whereas male voles spent similar amounts of time investigating the scent mark of the familiar female and a novel female conspecific. In Experiment 2, voles were exposed to a mixed‐sex over‐mark in which subjects did not have 4 d of olfactory experience with either the top‐scent donor or the bottom‐scent donor. During the test phase, male and female voles spent more time investigating the scent mark of the opposite‐sex conspecific that provided the top‐scent mark than that of a novel, opposite‐sex conspecific. Male and female voles spent similar amounts of time investigating the scent mark of the bottom‐scent donor and that of a novel opposite‐sex conspecific. In Experiment 3, voles were exposed to a mixed‐sex over‐mark that contained the scent mark of an opposite‐sex conspecific with which they had 4 d of olfactory experience. During the test phase, male voles spent more time investigating the mark of the familiar, top‐scent female than the scent mark of a novel female donor but spent similar amounts of time investigating the mark of the familiar, bottom‐scent female and that of a novel female donor. In contrast, female voles spent more time investigating the mark of a novel male donor than that of either the familiar, top‐scent male or that of the familiar, bottom‐scent male. The sex differences in the responses of voles to scent marks and mixed‐sex over‐marks are discussed in relation to the natural history and non‐monogamous mating system of meadow voles.  相似文献   

Several vole species use scent marked runways radiating from their burrows for foraging and dispersion. These marks are probably used for social communication. This 4-day laboratory study investigated the environmental and social causations of marking inside pre-existing corridors in male and female common volesMicrotus arvalis (Pallas, 1778). Firstly I tested the novelty and the reinforcement hypotheses in isolated voles, predicting respectively a habituation or a continuous increase in mark deposition. I then confronted with each other two same-sex voles for two days to investigate the differences between males and females in the pattern of marks inside three corridors, one of which runs along the common partition with the neighbour. I tested the self-advertisement and territorial-defence hypotheses, respectively predicting in the presence of a neighbour either a similar marking between the three corridors or a greater marking in the corridor close to the neighbour than in the two other corridors. The results showed no habituation in marking, even in a familiar environment, confirming the reinforcement hypothesis. After the addition of a neighbour, only the females left more marks in the corridor that ran alongside the common border than in the two other corridors. The territorial-defence hypothesis was thus confirmed in (territorial) females while the self-advertisement was supported in (non-territorial) males. Finally, I tested the competitive-ability hypothesis in females, stating that the abundance of scent marks of an individual before a social interaction can predict its degree of intolerance in a future social interaction. The results from female pairs physically interacting for four days support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Competing species benefit from eavesdropping on each other's signals by learning about shared resources or predators. But conspicuous signals are also open to exploitation by eavesdropping predators and should also pose a threat to other sympatric prey species. In western Finland, sibling voles Microtus rossiameridionalis and field voles M. agrestis compete for food and space, and both species rely upon scent marks for intraspecific communication. Both vole species are prey to a range of terrestrial scent hunting predators such as least weasels, however, the competitively superior sibling voles are taken preferentially. We tested in large out‐door enclosures whether field voles eavesdrop on the signals of its competitor, and whether they behave as though this eavesdropping carries a risk of predation. We presented field voles with scent marks from unknown conspecifics and sibling voles and measured their visitation, activity and scent marking behaviours at these scents under high (weasel present) and low (weasel absent) predation risk. Field voles readily visited both field and sibling vole scents under both high and low predation risk; however their activity at sibling vole scent marks declined significantly under increased predation risk. In contrast, predation risk did not affect field voles’ activity at conspecific scents. Thus, field voles were compelled to maintain eavesdropping on heterospecific scents under an increased risk of predation, however they compensated for this additional risk by reducing their activity at these risky scents. Scent marking rates declined significantly under high predation risk. Our results therefore reveal a hidden complexity in the use of social signals within multi‐species assemblages that is clearly sensitive to the potential for increased predation risk. The predation risks of interspecific eavesdropping demonstrated here represents a significant generalisation of the concept of associational susceptibility.  相似文献   

Voles use runways, paths, and trails that may also be used by rabbits and mink. These shared areas could contain the scent marks of conspecifics and heterospecifics. Thus, it is likely that the scent marks of heterospecifics may overlap or be overlapped by those of voles, forming over‐marks. Much is known about how voles respond to over‐marks of two different conspecifics. However, we do not know how they would respond to an opposite‐sex conspecific whose scent marks are in an over‐mark with the scent marks of predator or the scent marks of a non‐predator heterospecifics. We tested the hypothesis that meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, differ in their response to the scent mark of the opposite‐sex conspecific if the scent mark was overlapped by that of a mink, a vole predator, or rabbit, a vole non‐predator. We found that female but not male voles showed a preference for the scent marks of the opposite‐sex conspecifics that were part of the mink‐vole over‐mark when compared to those of opposite‐sex conspecifics that were not part of the over‐mark. This preference by female voles was independent of whether the male vole was the top‐scent donor or bottom‐scent donor of the over‐mark. Male and female voles showed no preference between the scent marks of the opposite‐sex conspecifics whose marks were part of or not part of the rabbit‐vole over‐mark. Sex differences in the manner that meadow voles respond to rabbit‐vole and mink‐vole over‐marks are discussed.  相似文献   

Extreme inbreeding will compromise an animal's ability to discriminate between individuals and, thus, assess familiarity and kinship with conspecifics. In rodents, a large component of individual recognition is mediated through chemical communication. The counter-marking of competitor males' scent marks provides a measure of discrimination between their own scent and that from other individuals. We investigated whether males in common outbred (ICR(CD-1) and TO) and inbred (BALB/c) strains of laboratory mice could recognize the urinary scents of other individuals by measuring their investigation and counter-marking responses. Dominant males of outbred strains investigated and counter-marked scents from other males, whether of the same or another strain. Dominant inbred BALB/c males investigated but did not counter-mark their own strain scents, counter-marking only those from another strain. They did not use environmentally induced status differences in odours to recognize scents from other males. The inability of the inbred mice to discriminate between their own scent marks and those of other males is likely to alter their competitive behaviour, which could influence responses in experiments and the welfare of caged laboratory mice.  相似文献   

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