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Scent Marking in Female Prairie Voles: a Test of Alternative Hypotheses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We conducted three experiments with females in different stages of reproductive condition to test alternative hypotheses for the function of scent marking in female prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster . The three reproductive categories were isolated females prior to sexual stimulation (anoestrous), sexually stimulated (oestrous) and lactating. Females in different reproductive condition were given the opportunity to scent mark clean unmarked substrate or areas that had previously been marked by adult females or adult males. The numbers of scent marks deposited by females did not differ statistically for females in different reproductive condition. However, there was a trend for anoestrous females to mark the most, oestrous females less, and lactating females the least. The lack of scent marking by lactating females might be to reduce conspicuousness to conspecifics or predators. Oestrous females tended to mark the most in the area marked previously by males, although the difference was not statistically significant.
Our results provide some support for a mate-attraction hypothesis and a territorial-defense hypothesis, but were most consistent with a self-advertisement hypothesis. Over marking was uncommon and did not differ by experiment or sex of previous donor. Our results suggest that the number and placement of scent marks by females are highly variable and function primarily to convey individual identity.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, the reproductive condition of female mammals changes. Females may or may not be sexually receptive. We conducted a series of experiments to determine whether reproductive condition of female meadow voles affects their scent marking behavior as well as the scent marking behavior of male conspecifics. In expt 1, females in postpartum estrus (PPE females) deposited more scent marks than females that were neither pregnant nor lactating (REF females) or ovariectomized females (OVX females). In expt 2, male voles scent marked more and deposited more over‐marks in areas marked by PPE females than by REF and OVX females. In expt 3, PPE females deposited more scent marks and over‐marks in areas marked by males than did females in the other reproductive states. The results of these experiments showed that male and female voles may vary in the number, type and location of scent marks they deposit in areas scented by particular conspecifics.  相似文献   

Models of age-related effects on behavior predict that among short-lived species younger adults are more attractive and attracted to opposite-sex conspecifics than are older adults, whereas the converse is predicted for long-lived species. Although most studies of age-related effects on behavior support these predictions, they are not supported by many studies of scent marking, a behavior used in mate attraction. Over-marking, a form of scent marking, is a tactic used by many terrestrial mammals to convey information about themselves to opposite-sex conspecifics. The present study tested the hypothesis that the age of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus ; a microtine rodent, affects their over- and scent-marking behaviors when they encounter the marks of opposite-sex conspecifics. Sex differences existed in the over-marking behavior of adult voles among the three different age groups that were tested. Male voles that were 5–7 and 10–12 mo olds over-marked a higher proportion of the marks of females than did 2–3 mo old male voles. Female voles that were 2–3, 5–7, and 10–12 mo old over-marked a similar number of marks deposited by male voles. Overall, the data were not consistent with models predicting the behavior of short-lived animals such as rodents when they encounter the opposite sex. The differences in over-marking displayed by older and younger adult male voles may be associated with life history tradeoffs, the likelihood that they will encounter sexually receptive females, and being selected as mates.  相似文献   

Scent counter-marking, in which one individual deposits scent in close proximity to the scent of another individual, is a widespread but poorly understood aspect of olfactory communication. Recent work with golden hamsters suggests that animals may have specially evolved mechanisms for determining which individual has marked most recently, and this work emphasizes the need for studies with other species. In Experiment 1 it was shown for the first time that male meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, scent mark with urine and anogenital scents and probably also counter-mark with these scents. Female meadow voles, after investigation of an area marked by two males, preferred the whole-body odours of the male that had marked the arena most recently (Experiment 2). After females investigated a male's home cage that had just been marked by another male, they again preferred the whole-body odours of the male that had marked in the cage most recently (Experiment 3). These results demonstrate that female voles, like male hamsters, can distinguish the top or most recent individual's scent from the bottom or older scent in places marked by two males, and further indicate that female voles may prefer the individual that deposited the top scent. Taken together, the results suggest that counter-marking by male voles may be a type of competitive advertising and that females may base mate-choice decisions on information from the pattern of such counter-marks.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The aggressive, sexual, and scent marking behaviorsof male gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) are sensitive to gonadalandrogens, but androgens are not equally important in the controlof each behavior. In this species, territorial residency, prioraggressive experience, and unidentified factors that contributeto large individual differences in aggressiveness, influencethe aggressive behavior of males at least as much as androgensdo. To the extent that androgens affect aggression between malegerbils, they act partially by altering aggressiveness and partiallyby altering production of aggression-eliciting cues. The natureof these cues is unknown. Understanding the role of androgensin aggression in this species is further complicated by theobservation that castration can either increase or decreaseaggression depending on the age at which the surgery is performed.In contrast, androgens play aprimary role in the control ofsexual behavior and scent marking. Both behaviors consistentlydecline following castration despite prior experience of themales. Both behaviors are also controlled by the medial preopticarea-anterior hypothalamus, an area of the brain often implicatedin the control of male sociosexual behaviors. It appears, though,that the sites, and possibly the mechanisms, of hormone actionunderlying scent marking and sexual behavior differ. Studyingboth behaviors in the same species, and whenever possible inthe same individuals, is proving to be a useful technique foridentifying such differences between behaviors as their sensitivityto steroids and to brain lesions.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - In mammals, olfactory communication plays an essential role in territorial and mating dynamics. Scent depositions in various species, including lemurs, can be...  相似文献   

Scent over-marking occurs when an animal deposits its scent mark on top of the scent mark of a conspecific. Over-marking may provide advantages in the transfer of information to the individual whose scent is on top but not to the individual whose scent is on the bottom. We tested the hypothesis that over-marking is a competitive form of olfactory communication and that male prairie voles would over-mark the scent marks of same-sex conspecifics more than those of same-sex siblings. Two age-matched male voles (first male and second male) were placed successively into an arena in which they were allowed to explore freely and scent mark for 15 min at age 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, and 52 d. The first male was placed into a clean arena, whereas the second male was placed into an arena containing either the scent marks of an age-matched male sibling or nonsibling. Age affected the total number of scent marks deposited by the voles; 12-20-d-old voles deposited fewer scent marks, over-marks and adjacent marks than did 28-52-d-old voles. Sibship did not affect the total number of scent marks deposited by the first and second voles but did affect the number of over-marks and adjacent marks deposited by the second vole. Siblings received significantly fewer over-marks and adjacent marks than did nonsiblings; this effect was most dramatic after the voles reached 28 d of age, a time coincident with the onset of puberty. Males separated from siblings and housed singly at 44-d-old and tested at 52-d-old, deposited significantly more over-marks and adjacent marks in arenas if the first vole was a nonsibling than if it was a sibling. This differential scent-marking supports the hypothesis that over-marking and adjacent marking are used as competitive forms of olfactory communication by male prairie voles.  相似文献   

Scent over-marking occurs when an animal deposits its scent mark on top of the scent mark of a conspecific; adjacent-marking occurs when an animal deposits its scent mark next to the scent mark of a conspecific. Given that male rodents usually scent mark more than females and that animals spend more time investigating the odor of the top-scent donor of an over-mark, I tested the following three hypotheses. First, male meadow voles deposit more scent marks than female meadow voles. Second, male meadow voles will deposit more over-marks and adjacent-marks in response to the scent marks of a same-sex conspecific than females would. Third, meadow voles spend more time investigating the odor of the second vole placed in the arena than that of the first vole placed in the arena. To test these hypotheses, two age-matched, like-sex conspecifics (first vole and second vole) were placed successively into an arena in which they were allowed to freely explore and scent mark for 15 min. The first hypothesis was not supported. The first and second vole, independently of sex, deposited a similar number of scent marks. The second hypothesis was also not supported by the data: more conspecific scent marks were over-marked by the second female than by the second male. The third hypothesis was supported by the data. After investigating a scented arena, males and females spent more time investigating the odor of the second vole than that of the first vole. Sex differences in scent-marking behaviors of meadow voles are unlike those reported for other species of rodents.  相似文献   

苏铁  吴钥  张恩迪 《四川动物》2007,26(4):768-773
化学物质被认为是哺乳动物标记行为信息传递的主要载体,而标记在鹿科动物的竞争雌性资源中具有重要的作用,因此本文重点对雄性黑麂的化学标记与雌性化学信息存留点的关系进行了行为学研究。观察发现面腺标记(利用额腺和眶下腺)是雌雄黑麂共有的化学标记行为,而行为性排尿和刨地行为(利用蹄腺)则仅为雄性具有的标记行为;躺卧不具有化学标记作用,而排粪在化学标记上的作用则难以确定。同时分析表明,雄性黑麂更倾向于在靠近雌性化学信息存留区的区域进行化学标记,且可能会因竞争压力的增大而扩大领域范围。  相似文献   

Chemical communication by scent-marking behavior in New World primates is used to prevent the access of potential competitors to a territory, to identify food resources and the reproductive condition of mates, among others. In common marmosets, primates of the Callitrichidae family, this behavior also occurs as olfactory identification of an individual or of the reproductive status of females. Despite this information, the diurnal variation and gender differences in the profile of this behavior remain to be investigated. The aims of this study were to establish the diurnal profile of the distribution of this behavior and the influence of the sex of markers. We used 18 adult common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, 10 males and 8 females from 6 family groups (6 fathers and 4 sons; 4 mothers and 4 daughters). The frequency of scent-marking behavior was recorded for each animal over a period of 8 days, twice a week, for 4 weeks, starting when the animals left the nest box (approximately at 05:00 a.m.) until the end of the photophase, at about 05:00 p.m. A MANOVA test was performed to compare the frequency of scent-marking behavior at 2 hour intervals using pooled data for males and females. The results showed that significantly higher levels of scent-marking behavior occurred during the 03:00–05:00 p.m. interval compared to all other intervals. Lower values were recorded during the 11:00–13:00 interval and an effect of the sex factor was also found, with the values being higher for females than for males, although a significant difference was recorded only for the 07:00–09:00 interval. Minimal values for males were recorded during the 07:00–09:00 interval, whereas minimum values for females were recorded during the 11:00–13:00 interval. However, the highest values for both sexes continued to occur during the 15:00–17:00 interval. These results suggest that scent marking behavior in common marmosets has a preferential incidence at the end of the day and this might be occurring in association with feeding behavior. At this time these animals usually forage more to prepare for the night's fast. Since these animals can discriminate chemical clues as long as 24 hours after they have been left, the higher incidence of this behavior at this time probably will assure that the animals will localize feeding resources used on the preceding day. Significant elevation of scent marking behavior in females in relation to males was found only at 07:00–09:00 interval and seems to be associated with signalizing of reproductive status, preferential access to foraging or both.  相似文献   

Many mammal species adopt marking postures that elevate their scent deposits. The most extreme of these is handstand marking, in which an individual reverses against an upright object, flings its hind legs into the air above its back and balances bipedally on its fore feet. The resulting anogenital deposit is thus raised one full body length above ground level. It has been suggested that this energetically costly form of marking serves to provide conspecifics with information about the marker's body size and hence competitive ability. However, this explanation assumes that the height of an individuals’ deposit does reflect accurately its body size, an assumption that has never been tested in any hand‐standing species. This study investigated the relationship between body size and handstand mark height in a wild population of dwarf mongooses (Helogale parvula) in South Africa. We found that although body size and marking height were correlated positively for female dwarf mongooses, they were not related for males. Male dwarf mongooses (who are subject to intrasexual competition from outside their group) invested more heavily in anogenital range marking, marking at three times the female frequency and placing their deposits significantly higher than females (although they were not dimorphic). Males that were particularly vulnerable to rivals (i.e. those that were small for their age) tended to mark higher than more robust age‐mates, in keeping with the predictions of Adams & Mesterton‐Gibbons’ (1995, J. Theor. Biol.175, 405–421). model of deceptive threat communication. These findings suggest strongly that the height of anogenital scent deposits is of social significance to dwarf mongooses.  相似文献   

Chemical communication by scent-marking behavior in New World primates is used to prevent the access of potential competitors to a territory, to identify food resources and the reproductive condition of mates, among others. In common marmosets, primates of the Callitrichidae family, this behavior also occurs as olfactory identification of an individual or of the reproductive status of females. Despite this information, the diurnal variation and gender differences in the profile of this behavior remain to be investigated. The aims of this study were to establish the diurnal profile of the distribution of this behavior and the influence of the sex of markers. We used 18 adult common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, 10 males and 8 females from 6 family groups (6 fathers and 4 sons; 4 mothers and 4 daughters). The frequency of scent-marking behavior was recorded for each animal over a period of 8 days, twice a week, for 4 weeks, starting when the animals left the nest box (approximately at 05:00 a.m.) until the end of the photophase, at about 05:00 p.m. A MANOVA test was performed to compare the frequency of scent-marking behavior at 2 hour intervals using pooled data for males and females. The results showed that significantly higher levels of scent-marking behavior occurred during the 03:00-05:00 p.m. interval compared to all other intervals. Lower values were recorded during the 11:00-13:00 interval and an effect of the sex factor was also found, with the values being higher for females than for males, although a significant difference was recorded only for the 07:00-09:00 interval. Minimal values for males were recorded during the 07:00-09:00 interval, whereas minimum values for females were recorded during the 11:00-13:00 interval. However, the highest values for both sexes continued to occur during the 15:00-17:00 interval. These results suggest that scent marking behavior in common marmosets has a preferential incidence at the end of the day and this might be occurring in association with feeding behavior. At this time these animals usually forage more to prepare for the night's fast. Since these animals can discriminate chemical clues as long as 24 hours after they have been left, the higher incidence of this behavior at this time probably will assure that the animals will localize feeding resources used on the preceding day. Significant elevation of scent marking behavior in females in relation to males was found only at 07:00-09:00 interval and seems to be associated with signalizing of reproductive status, preferential access to foraging or both.  相似文献   

Previous work shows that after investigating a same-sex over-mark, two nonmonogamous species, meadow voles and golden hamsters, preferred the odor of the top-scent donor to that of the bottom-scent donor, and behaved as the odor of the bottom-scent donor was not familiar. This finding supported the scent-masking hypothesis; one of three hypotheses suggested previously to account for how an animal responds to the overlapping scent marks of two same-sex conspecifics. The present experiments tested whether one of these hypotheses, either scent-masking, scent-bulletin-board, or scent-blending, predicts how a monogamous species, the prairie vole, responds to such over-marks. Our data show that none of the three hypotheses adequately describes the way in which prairie voles respond to conspecific over-marks. Although prairie voles preferred the top scent to the bottom scent, they behaved as if the latter scent was familiar and less important than a novel scent (a scent not part of the over-mark). Overall, the data suggest that the manner in which males and females respond to same-sex over-marks reflects the different tactics they may use to attract and compete with conspecifics in monogamous and nonmonogamous species.  相似文献   

Males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (medfly), defend individual leaves as mating territories. While perching, males release an air-borne pheromone (known to attract females) from everted rectal epithelium at the tip of the abdomen. Males also occasionally touch the substrate with the tip of their abdomen. The main objective of the present study was to determine whether such abdomen dipping was a form of intersexual signaling, i.e., whether this action resulted in increased female visitation to the territory. Following observations on the frequency of pheromone calling and abdomen dipping of individually marked males, I ran a standard set of experiments using leaves from four different plant species. Leaves were exposed to varying numbers of (mature) males and females, respectively, for varying durations, and female settlement was compared on exposed versus nonexposed leaves in laboratory cages. Exposing leaves to females had no, or little, influence on female distribution for any of the four plant species. Exposing leaves to males had little influence on subsequent female settlement for orange, coffee, or macadamia trees. However, leaves of the fig tree Ficus bejamina that were exposed to males were much more attractive to females than nonexposed leaves. I then conducted a series of additional tests using fig leaves and found that i) leaf exposure to immature males had no effect on female distribution, ii) leaf exposure to mature males for as little as 90 min increased leaf attractiveness to females, iii) prohibiting males direct contact with the leaf during exposure eliminated any effect on female settlement, and iv) females discriminated between exposed and nonexposed leaves even in physically complex environments (i.e., potted plants). The possible role of abdomen dipping in sexual advertisement of male medflies is discussed.  相似文献   

Decreased interest in pleasurable stimuli including social withdrawal and reduced libido are some of the key symptomatic criteria for major depression, and thus assays that measure social and sexual behavior in rodents may be highly appropriate for modeling depressive states. Here we present a novel approach for validating rodent models of depression by assessing male urine scent marking (USM) made in consequence to a spot of urine from a proestrous female. USM is an ethologically important form of sexual communication expressed by males to attract females. The expression of this behavior is highly sensitive and adaptive to environmental cues and social status. We hypothesized that male USM behavior offers a naturalistic measure of social motivation that can be used to evaluate hedonic behaviors relevant to the study of mood disorders. We demonstrated that 1) adult male mice displayed a strong preference for marking proestrous female urine with a high degree of specificity, 2) exposure to chronic social defeat profoundly decreased USM whereas exposure to environmental enrichment increased USM, 3) the standard antidepressant fluoxetine reversed declines in USM induced by social defeat, 4) USM behavior closely correlated with other hedonic measures, and 5) USM scores in non-stressed mice predicted behavioral outcomes after defeat exposure such that mice displaying high preference for marking female urine prior to social defeat showed behavioral resiliency after social defeat. The findings indicate that the USM test is a sensitive, validated measure of psychosocial stress effects that has high predictive value for examination of stress resiliency and vulnerability and their neurobiological substrates.  相似文献   

Mate selection influences individual fitness, is often based on complex cues and behaviours, and can be difficult to study in solitary species including carnivores. We used motion-triggered cameras at 29 community scrapes (i.e. scent marking locations used by multiple individuals) and home range data from 39 GPS-collared pumas (Puma concolor) to assess the relevance of communication behaviours for mate selection by female pumas in California. Female pumas visited community scrapes irregularly and visitation bouts appeared to be correlated with oestrus. Female pumas on average selected from 1.7 collared males, and selection was based on multiple cues that varied among the different time periods measured (i.e. the female’s visitation bout and in 90 days previous to the consorting event). Female mate selection over the course of a visitation bout was based on frequency of the male visitation, mass, and age. In the 90 days previous to consorting, the number of scrapes a male created was the most important contributor to selection, which was likely related to his residency status. We also found that at least 14% of females mated with multiple males, thus possibly confusing paternity. Our findings provide a mechanistic understanding of how female pumas use scent and auditory communication at community scrapes to select dominant resident males to mate with.  相似文献   

In his book, Art and agency , Alfred Gell presents a theory of art based neither on aesthetics nor on visual communication. Art is defined by the distinctive function it performs in advancing social relationships through 'the abduction of agency'. Art objects are indexes of the artist's or model's agency. This article examines Gell's use of agency, particularly in relation to the ritual art that is central to his argument. Focusing on Gell's employment of Peirce's term 'index' (out of his triad of index, icon, and symbol), I note that Peirce's approach deflects attention from signification towards the link between art works and the things to which they refer. I consider what Peirce meant by abduction, and conclude that while Gell makes a good case for the agency of art objects he does not explain the distinctive ways in which art objects extend their maker's or user's agency. Gell lacked the time to make detailed revisions before publication and I acknowledge that, given more time, he might have revised some parts of the book.  相似文献   

Current theory and supporting data regarding population regulationand cycling in microtine rodents needs to be reviewed in lightof a new, season-sensitive model of social behavior for meadowvoles, Microtus pennsylvanicus. The finding of a clear socialimperative among meadow voles during most of the fall, winterand spring conflicts with the prediction of high levels of socialintolerance in the higher density populations commonly existinglate in the year. The general rarity of adult dispersal, exceptduring periods of declining densityin winter and early spring,and the contact-seeking nature of this dispersal,are generallycontradictory to predictions based on "intrinsic’ theories.Finally,published data on meadow vole reproduction, recruitmentand dispersal, and hence demography, are probably biased asa result of effects produced by the spread of rodent pheromonesby investigators, prolonged entrapment of individual voles,and inappropriate behavioral measures in the field.  相似文献   

Robert Steele 《CMAJ》1965,92(11):554-556
Attention is drawn to the marked change in the pattern of infant mortality in Canada. The period of greatest improvement in the reduction of infant death, i.e. from the end of the first 28 days of life to the end of the first year, continues to present a challenge in the problem of sudden unexpected deaths (S.U.D.). Cases remain unexplained even after detailed autopsy examination. The principal theories of milk hypersensitivity and virus infection have been unsatisfactory, to date, in accounting for the deaths.By enlisting the co-operation of parents and physicians, the Department of Preventive Medicine at Queen''s University plans to carry out an epidemiological investigation of S.U.D. in infancy in Southeastern Ontario. Much could be added to our knowledge of S.U.D. by the examination of the sociomedical background of cases.  相似文献   

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