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Experimental acholia was reproduced by applying a biliary fistula to the choledochus in cats for 20 days. It was established that acholia was accompanied by considerable changes in the lymph flow and in the protein-electrolyte composition of the lymph. The rate of the lymph flow in animals with acholia was more than 2 times as decreased as compared with control. The electrolyte and protein shifts in the lymph during acholia were manifested by the reduction in the lymph protein and K+ content.  相似文献   

In the pentobarbital-anaesthetized dog the effect of electrical stimulation of hindlimb skeletal muscles on thoracic and right duct lymph flow and enzyme content was examined. Increase in plasma creatine kinase (CK), L-aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) during 30-min muscle stimulation were not significantly altered by draining lymph. Both right duct and thoracic duct lymph flow trebled during stimulation. At the same time, the activity of the three enzymes examined decreased in right duct lymph and increased in thoracic duct lymph. Of the latter, only the increase in lymph CK was of a sufficient magnitude to have resulted in a detectable increase in plasma CK. CK was the smallest of the three enzymes studied and apparently preferentially entered the lymph, suggesting that the larger AST and LDH molecules were not likely to have entered the blood plasma directly from skeletal muscle. Rather their entry from some other tissue, possibly the formed elements of the blood, is indicated.  相似文献   

Experiments conducted on 25 dogs demonstrated that burn was accompanied by a regular redistribution of plasma proteins between the fluid media of the organism and an intensification of lymphogenic resorption. Properdin, albumin, and alpha2-globulin retardation in tissues in case of burn was demonstrated indirectly. The degree of burn proved to depend on the initial properdin level.  相似文献   

In experiments on 1-day to 3-month-old puppies and adult dogs, studies have been made on the lymph flow from the thoracic duct. Within the first week of postnatal life, the lymph volume was found to be high decreasing gradually in further development. In adult dogs, the volume of the lymph flowing from the thoracic duct per unit of time and per body mass was 3 times lower than that in 1-week-old puppies. Possible mechanisms of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the anterior limbic area of the cortex in dogs resulted in increase of the lymph flow from the intestinal lymph duct, in enlargement of the mesenteric lymph nodes, in a fall of arterial pressure in the cranial mesenteric artery, and in decrease of the blood-stream from the homonymous vein and in the tone of the mesenteric veins. Constriction of the mesenteric veins and increase in the intestinal lymph-stream are considered to be a compensatory reaction to restore the arterial pressure to the initial level.  相似文献   

The significance of changes in lymph flow for the extracellular distribution and transport of cellular enzymes and for the level of enzyme activities in plasma was investigated. Specimens of thoracic duct lymph were obtained from an extracorporal lymph shunt in anaesthetized, conscious resting and treadmill exercising dogs (6 km X h-1 for 1 h) The activity of 10 enzymes and of protein content in lymph and plasma were studied, as well as lymph flow, lymphatic transport, and the lymph-plasma ratio of these compounds. Lactate, pH, and blood gases were monitored in venous blood. Lymph flow of 0.80 ml X min-1 in anaesthetized dogs more than doubled (to 1.86 ml X min-1) when the animals were conscious and resting. In anaesthetized dogs lymph enzyme activity was higher only for enzymes of predominately hepatic origin, such as choline esterase (CHE) and alanine aminoferase (ALAT), and was lower for aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) and aldolase (ALD). In conscious dogs, due to activation of the skeletal muscle "tissue pump", lymphatic transport of enzymes with rather high activity in skeletal muscle, and of protein, is significantly enhanced. Enzyme activities in plasma, however, did not differ between the groups. Lymph-plasma activity ratios higher than one were found for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), ASAT, creatine kinase (CK), ALD, and phosphohexose isomerase (PHI). Exercise stimulated lymph flow up to 4.9 ml X min-1, and increased the lymphatic activities of those enzymes with a lymph-plasma ratio higher than unity, these enzymes increasing in the plasma due to the highly increased lymphatic transport.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

It was shown in experiments on dogs that the terminal blood letting with the subsequent reanimation by intrabone autoblood force pumping caused regular redistribution of proteins between blood, lymph, and tissues. Properdine and alpha-globulin retention in interstitium not eliminable by reanimation measures, and also stress secretion of gamma-globulins from the lymph nodes was noted.  相似文献   

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