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The level of the Mcl-1 pro-survival protein is highly regulated, and the down-regulation of Mcl-1 expression favors the apoptotic process. Mcl-1 physically interacts with different BH3-only proteins; particularly, Noxa is involved in the modulation of Mcl-1 expression. In this study, we demonstrated that Noxa triggers the degradation of Mcl-1 at the mitochondria according to the exclusive location of Noxa at this compartment. The Noxa-induced degradation of Mcl-1 required the E3 ligase Mule, which is responsible for the polyubiquitination of Mcl-1. Because the USP9X deubiquitinase was recently demonstrated to be involved in Mcl-1 protein turnover by preventing its degradation through the removal of conjugated ubiquitin, we investigated whether Noxa affected the deubiquitination process. Interestingly, Noxa over-expression caused a decrease in the USP9X/Mcl-1 interaction associated with an increase in the Mcl-1 polyubiquitinated forms. Additionally, Noxa over-expression triggered an increase in the Mule/Mcl-1 interaction in parallel with the decrease in Mule/USP9X complex formation. Taken together, these modifications result in the degradation of Mcl-1 by the proteasome machinery. The implication of Noxa in the regulation of Mcl-1 proteasomal degradation adds complexity to this process, which is governed by multiple interactions.  相似文献   

Protein modification by one or more ubiquitin chains serves a critical signalling function across a wide range of cellular processes. Specificity within this system is conferred by ubiquitin E3 ligases, which target the substrates. Their activity is balanced by deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs), which remove ubiquitin from both substrates and ligases. The RING-CH ligases were initially identified as viral immunoevasins involved in the downregulation of immunoreceptors. Their cellular orthologues, the Membrane-Associated RING-CH (MARCH) family represent a subgroup of the classical RING genes. Unlike their viral counterparts, the cellular RING-CH proteins appear highly regulated, and one of these in particular, MARCH7, was of interest because of a potential role in neuronal development and lymphocyte proliferation. Difficulties in detection and expression of this orphan ligase lead us to search for cellular cofactors involved in MARCH7 stability. In this study, we show that MARCH7 readily undergoes autoubiquitylation and associates with two deubiquitylating enzymes – ubiquitin-specific protease (USP)9X in the cytosol and USP7 in the nucleus. Exogenous expression and short interfering RNA depletion experiments demonstrate that MARCH7 can be stabilized by both USP9X and USP7, which deubiquitylate MARCH7 in the cytosol and nucleus, respectively. We therefore demonstrate compartment-specific regulation of this E3 ligase through recruitment of site-specific DUBs.  相似文献   

The stability of a protein is regulated by a balance between its ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation. S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (SKP2) is an oncogenic F-box protein that recognizes tumor suppressor substrates for targeted ubiquitylation by the E3 ligase SKP1-Cullin1-F-box and degradation by proteasome. SKP2 is itself ubiquitylated by the E3 ligases APC/CCDH1 and SCFFBXW2, and deubiquitylated by deubiquitylases (DUBs) USP10 and USP13. Given the biological significance of SKP2, it is likely that the other E3s or DUBs may also regulate its stability. Here, we report the identification and characterization of USP2 as a new DUB. We first screened a panel of DUBs and found that both USP2 and USP21 bound to endogenous SKP2, but only USP2 deubiquitylated and stabilized SKP2 protein. USP2 inactivation via siRNA knockdown or small-molecule inhibitor treatment remarkably shortened SKP2 protein half-life by enhancing its ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation. Unexpectedly, USP2-stabilized SKP2 did not destabilize its substrates p21 and p27. Mechanistically, USP2 bound to SKP2 via the leucine-rich repeat substrate-binding domain on SKP2 to disrupt the SKP2-substrate binding, leading to stabilization of both SKP2 and these substrates. Biologically, growth suppression induced by USP2 knockdown or USP2 inhibitor is partially mediated via modulation of SKP2 and its substrates. Our study revealed a new mechanism of the cross-talk among the E3–DUB substrates and its potential implication in targeting the USP2–SKP2 axis for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is a common disabling disease with complex, multifactorial genetic and environmental etiology. The small fraction of epilepsies subject to Mendelian inheritance offers key insight into epilepsy disease mechanisms; and pathologies brought on by mutations in a single gene can point the way to generalizable therapeutic strategies. Mutations in the PRICKLE genes can cause seizures in humans, zebrafish, mice, and flies, suggesting the seizure-suppression pathway is evolutionarily conserved. This pathway has never been targeted for novel anti-seizure treatments. Here, the mammalian PRICKLE-interactome was defined, identifying prickle-interacting proteins that localize to synapses and a novel interacting partner, USP9X, a substrate-specific de-ubiquitinase. PRICKLE and USP9X interact through their carboxy-termini; and USP9X de-ubiquitinates PRICKLE, protecting it from proteasomal degradation. In forebrain neurons of mice, USP9X deficiency reduced levels of Prickle2 protein. Genetic analysis suggests the same pathway regulates Prickle-mediated seizures. The seizure phenotype was suppressed in prickle mutant flies by the small-molecule USP9X inhibitor, Degrasyn/WP1130, or by reducing the dose of fat facets a USP9X orthologue. USP9X mutations were identified by resequencing a cohort of patients with epileptic encephalopathy, one patient harbored a de novo missense mutation and another a novel coding mutation. Both USP9X variants were outside the PRICKLE-interacting domain. These findings demonstrate that USP9X inhibition can suppress prickle-mediated seizure activity, and that USP9X variants may predispose to seizures. These studies point to a new target for anti-seizure therapy and illustrate the translational power of studying diseases in species across the evolutionary spectrum.  相似文献   

As the nascent polypeptide chain is being synthesized, it passes through a tunnel within the large ribosomal subunit and emerges at the solvent side where protein folding occurs. Despite the universality and conservation of dimensions of the ribosomal tunnel, a functional role for the ribosomal tunnel is only beginning to emerge: Rather than a passive conduit for the nascent chain, accumulating evidence indicates that the tunnel plays a more active role. In this article, we discuss recent structural insights into the role of the tunnel environment, and its implications for protein folding, co-translational targeting and translation regulation.  相似文献   

The substrate-specific deubiquitylating enzyme USP9X is a putative “stemness” gene expressed in many progenitor cell populations. To test its function in embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitor/stem cells, we expressed USP9X from a Nestin promoter. Elevated USP9X levels resulted in two phenomena. First, it produced a dramatically altered cellular architecture wherein the majority (>80%) of neural progenitors was arranged into radial clusters. These progenitors expressed markers of radial glial cells and were highly polarized with adherens junction proteins (N-cadherin, β-catenin, and AF-6) and apical markers (Prominin1, atypical protein kinase C-ζ) as well as Notch, Numb, and USP9X itself, concentrated at the center. The cluster centers were also devoid of nuclei and so resembled the apical end-feet of radial progenitors in the neural tube. Second, USP9X overexpression caused a fivefold increase in the number of radial progenitors and neurons, in the absence of exogenous growth factors. 5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine labeling, as well as the examination of the brain lipid-binding protein:βIII-tubulin ratio, indicated that nestin-USP9X enhanced the self-renewal of radial progenitors but did not block their subsequent differentiation to neurons and astrocytes. nestin-USP9X radial progenitors reformed clusters after passage as single cells, whereas control cells did not, suggesting it aids the establishment of polarity. We propose that USP9X-induced polarization of these neural progenitors results in their radial arrangement, which provides an environment conducive for self-renewal.  相似文献   

Peroxin 5 (PEX5), the peroxisomal protein shuttling receptor, binds newly synthesized peroxisomal matrix proteins in the cytosol and promotes their translocation across the organelle membrane. During the translocation step, PEX5 itself becomes inserted into the peroxisomal docking/translocation machinery. PEX5 is then monoubiquitinated at a conserved cysteine residue and extracted back into the cytosol in an ATP-dependent manner. We have previously shown that the ubiquitin-PEX5 thioester conjugate (Ub-PEX5) released into the cytosol can be efficiently disrupted by physiological concentrations of glutathione, raising the possibility that a fraction of Ub-PEX5 is nonenzymatically deubiquitinated in vivo. However, data suggesting that Ub-PEX5 is also a target of a deubiquitinase were also obtained in that work. Here, we used an unbiased biochemical approach to identify this enzyme. Our results suggest that ubiquitin-specific protease 9X (USP9X) is by far the most active deubiquitinase acting on Ub-PEX5, both in female rat liver and HeLa cells. We also show that USP9X is an elongated monomeric protein with the capacity to hydrolyze thioester, isopeptide, and peptide bonds. The strategy described here will be useful in identifying deubiquitinases acting on other ubiquitin conjugates.  相似文献   

研究抑制泛素特异性蛋白酶9X(ubiquitin-specific protease 9X,USP9X)对人肝癌(primary hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)细胞SMMC7721和HepG2中髓细胞白血病-1(myeloid cell leukemia-1,Mcl-1)蛋白的表达调控及对细胞凋亡和生长活力的影响。实验分为USP9X-siRNA组和阴性对照NC组两组进行分析。通过Western blot技术分别检测USP9X在肝癌细胞SMMC7721、HepG2和正常人肝细胞株L02中的蛋白表达情况;应用化学合成USP9X-siRNA转染肝癌细胞SMMC7721和HepG2,通过Western blot、流式细胞仪和MTT检测转染前后Mcl-1的蛋白表达差异以及细胞凋亡和生长活力变化。结果表明,USP9X在肝癌细胞SMMC7721和HepG2中的蛋白表达水平均高于正常肝细胞L02(t=15.155,P=0.000;t=9.171,P=0.001);SMMC7721和HepG2细胞中抑制USP9X能明显下调Mcl-1的蛋白表达,并导致细胞凋亡增加和生长活力降低。提示,肝癌细胞SMMC7721和HepG2中USP9X表达上调;USP9X表达降低可能通过下调Mcl-1的蛋白表达进而诱导人肝癌细胞SMMC7721和HepG2的凋亡。  相似文献   

Initially described as a nonspecific degradation process induced upon starvation, autophagy is now known also to be involved in the degradation of specific ubiquitinated substrates such as mitochondria, bacteria and aggregated proteins, ensuring crucial functions in cell physiology and immunity. We report here that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP36 controls selective autophagy activation in Drosophila and in human cells. We show that dUsp36 loss of function autonomously inhibits cell growth while activating autophagy. Despite the phenotypic similarity, dUSP36 is not part of the TOR signaling pathway. Autophagy induced by dUsp36 loss of function depends on p62/SQSTM1, an adaptor for delivering cargo marked by polyubiquitin to autophagosomes. Consistent with p62 requirement, dUsp36 mutant cells display nuclear aggregates of ubiquitinated proteins, including Histone H2B, and cytoplasmic ubiquitinated proteins; the latter are eliminated by autophagy. Importantly, USP36 function in p62-dependent selective autophagy is conserved in human cells. Our work identifies a novel, crucial role for a deubiquitinating enzyme in selective autophagy.  相似文献   

Initially described as a nonspecific degradation process induced upon starvation, autophagy is now known also to be involved in the degradation of specific ubiquitinated substrates such as mitochondria, bacteria and aggregated proteins, ensuring crucial functions in cell physiology and immunity. We report here that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP36 controls selective autophagy activation in Drosophila and in human cells. We show that dUsp36 loss of function autonomously inhibits cell growth while activating autophagy. Despite the phenotypic similarity, dUSP36 is not part of the TOR signaling pathway. Autophagy induced by dUsp36 loss of function depends on p62/SQSTM1, an adaptor for delivering cargo marked by polyubiquitin to autophagosomes. Consistent with p62 requirement, dUsp36 mutant cells display nuclear aggregates of ubiquitinated proteins, including Histone H2B, and cytoplasmic ubiquitinated proteins; the latter are eliminated by autophagy. Importantly, USP36 function in p62-dependent selective autophagy is conserved in human cells. Our work identifies a novel, crucial role for a deubiquitinating enzyme in selective autophagy.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an atypical serine/threonine kinase that responds to extracellular environment to regulate a number of cellular processes. These include cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Although both kinase-dependent and -independent functions of mTOR are known to be critical modulators of muscle cell differentiation and regeneration, the signaling mechanisms regulating mTOR activity during differentiation are still unclear. In this study we identify a novel mTOR interacting protein, the ubiquitin-specific protease USP9X, which acts as a negative regulator of mTOR activity and muscle differentiation. USP9X can co-immunoprecipitate mTOR with both Raptor and Rictor, components of mTOR complexes 1 and 2 (mTORC1 and -2), respectively, suggesting that it is present in both mTOR complexes. Knockdown of USP9X leads to increased mTORC1 activity in response to growth factor stimulation. Interestingly, upon initiation of differentiation of C2C12 mouse skeletal myoblasts, knockdown of USP9X increases mTORC2 activity. This increase in mTORC2 activity is accompanied by accelerated differentiation of myoblasts into myotubes. Taken together, our data describe the identification of the deubiquitinase USP9X as a novel mTORC1 and -2 binding partner that negatively regulates mTOR activity and skeletal muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

Chk1, an essential checkpoint kinase in the DNA damage response pathway (DDR), is tightly regulated by both ATR-dependent phosphorylation and proteasome-mediated degradation. Here we identify ubiquitin hydrolase USP7 as a novel regulator of Chk1 protein stability. USP7 was shown before to regulate other DDR proteins such as p53, Hdm2 and Claspin, an adaptor protein in the ATR-Chk1 pathway required for Chk1 activation. Depletion or inhibition of USP7 leads to lower Chk1 levels. The decreased Chk1 protein after USP7 knock down cannot be rescued by simultaneously elevating Claspin levels, demonstrating that the effect of USP7 on Chk1 is independent of its known effect on Claspin. Conversely, overexpression of USP7 wild type, but not a catalytic mutant version, elevates Chk1 levels and increases the half-life of Chk1 protein. Importantly, wild type, but not catalytic mutant USP7 can deubiquitinate Chk1 in vivo and in vitro, confirming that USP7 directly regulates Chk1 protein levels. Finally we show that USP7 catalytic mutant is (mono-)ubiquitinated, which suggests auto-deubiquitination by this ubiquitin hydrolase, possibly important for its regulation.  相似文献   

With a wealth of disease-associated DNA variants being recently reported, the challenges of providing their functional characterization are mounting. Previously, as part of a large systematic resequencing of the X chromosome in 208 unrelated families with nonsyndromic X-linked intellectual disability, we identified three unique variants (two missense and one protein truncating) in USP9X. To assess the functional significance of these variants, we took advantage of the Usp9x knockout mouse we generated. Loss of Usp9x causes reduction in both axonal growth and neuronal cell migration. Although overexpression of wild-type human USP9X rescued these defects, all three USP9X variants failed to rescue axonal growth, caused reduced USP9X protein localization in axonal growth cones, and (in 2/3 variants) failed to rescue neuronal cell migration. Interestingly, in one of these families, the proband was subsequently identified to have a microdeletion encompassing ARID1B, a known ID gene. Given our findings it is plausible that loss of function of both genes contributes to the individual''s phenotype. This case highlights the complexity of the interpretations of genetic findings from genome-wide investigations. We also performed proteomics analysis of neurons from both the wild-type and Usp9x knockout embryos and identified disruption of the cytoskeleton as the main underlying consequence of the loss of Usp9x. Detailed clinical assessment of all three families with USP9X variants identified hypotonia and behavioral and morphological defects as common features in addition to ID. Together our data support involvement of all three USP9X variants in ID in these families and provide likely cellular and molecular mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Mutations in more than a hundred genes have been reported to cause X-linked recessive intellectual disability (ID) mainly in males. In contrast, the number of identified X-linked genes in which de novo mutations specifically cause ID in females is limited. Here, we report 17 females with de novo loss-of-function mutations in USP9X, encoding a highly conserved deubiquitinating enzyme. The females in our study have a specific phenotype that includes ID/developmental delay (DD), characteristic facial features, short stature, and distinct congenital malformations comprising choanal atresia, anal abnormalities, post-axial polydactyly, heart defects, hypomastia, cleft palate/bifid uvula, progressive scoliosis, and structural brain abnormalities. Four females from our cohort were identified by targeted genetic testing because their phenotype was suggestive for USP9X mutations. In several females, pigment changes along Blaschko lines and body asymmetry were observed, which is probably related to differential (escape from) X-inactivation between tissues. Expression studies on both mRNA and protein level in affected-female-derived fibroblasts showed significant reduction of USP9X level, confirming the loss-of-function effect of the identified mutations. Given that some features of affected females are also reported in known ciliopathy syndromes, we examined the role of USP9X in the primary cilium and found that endogenous USP9X localizes along the length of the ciliary axoneme, indicating that its loss of function could indeed disrupt cilium-regulated processes. Absence of dysregulated ciliary parameters in affected female-derived fibroblasts, however, points toward spatiotemporal specificity of ciliary USP9X (dys-)function.  相似文献   

Liu J  Xia H  Kim M  Xu L  Li Y  Zhang L  Cai Y  Norberg HV  Zhang T  Furuya T  Jin M  Zhu Z  Wang H  Yu J  Li Y  Hao Y  Choi A  Ke H  Ma D  Yuan J 《Cell》2011,147(1):223-234
Autophagy is an important intracellular catabolic mechanism that mediates the degradation of cytoplasmic proteins and organelles. We report a potent small molecule inhibitor of autophagy named "spautin-1" for specific and potent autophagy inhibitor-1. Spautin-1 promotes the degradation of Vps34 PI3 kinase complexes by inhibiting two ubiquitin-specific peptidases, USP10 and USP13, that target the Beclin1 subunit of Vps34 complexes. Beclin1 is a tumor suppressor and frequently monoallelically lost in human cancers. Interestingly, Beclin1 also controls the protein stabilities of USP10 and USP13 by regulating their deubiquitinating activities. Since USP10 mediates the deubiquitination of p53, regulating deubiquitination activity of USP10 and USP13 by Beclin1 provides a mechanism for Beclin1 to control the levels of p53. Our study provides a molecular mechanism involving protein deubiquitination that connects two important tumor suppressors, p53 and Beclin1, and a potent small molecule inhibitor of autophagy as a possible lead compound for developing anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

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