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Whether movement will enable organisms to alleviate thermal stress is central to the biodiversity implications of climate change. We use the temperature-dependence of ectotherm performance to investigate the fitness consequences of movement. Movement to an optimal location within a 50 km radius will only offset the fitness impacts of climate change by 2100 in 5 per cent of locations globally. Random movement carries an 87 per cent risk of further fitness detriment. Mountainous regions with high temperature seasonality (i.e. temperate areas) not only offer the greatest benefit from optimal movement but also the most severe fitness consequences if an organism moves to the wrong location. Doubling dispersal capacity would provide modest benefit exclusively to directed dispersers in topographically diverse areas. The benefits of movement for escaping climate change are particularly limited in the tropics, where fitness impacts will be most severe. The potential of movement to lessen climate change impacts may have been overestimated.  相似文献   

Thermal performance curves (TPCs), which quantify how an ectotherm's body temperature (Tb) affects its performance or fitness, are often used in an attempt to predict organismal responses to climate change. Here, we examine the key – but often biologically unreasonable – assumptions underlying this approach; for example, that physiology and thermal regimes are invariant over ontogeny, space and time, and also that TPCs are independent of previously experienced Tb. We show how a critical consideration of these assumptions can lead to biologically useful hypotheses and experimental designs. For example, rather than assuming that TPCs are fixed during ontogeny, one can measure TPCs for each major life stage and incorporate these into stage‐specific ecological models to reveal the life stage most likely to be vulnerable to climate change. Our overall goal is to explicitly examine the assumptions underlying the integration of TPCs with Tb, to develop a framework within which empiricists can place their work within these limitations, and to facilitate the application of thermal physiology to understanding the biological implications of climate change.  相似文献   

Many mutator genes have been characterized in E. coli, but the realization that mutA, the most recent mutator pathway described, encodes for a missense suppressor glycine tRNA caused a real surprise. The connection between expression of mutA and a 10 times increase in the spontaneous mutation rate is not readily explainable. The first attempt to describe the mechanism of action suggested a direct mistranslation of one subunit of polymerase III (PolIII) and the ideal candidate was the epsilon subunit carrying the 3'-->5' exonuclease activity. This subunit increases PolIII accuracy about 100 times. However, such direct mistranslation of epsilon was later ruled out when it became clear that all mutA cells express an error-prone form of PolIII. This result could not be reconciled with the very low level of mistranslation (1%) caused by mutA. But there is no need to invoke amino acid misincorporation in epsilon to destroy its activity. On the contrary, I suggest a new way to regulate epsilon amount, based on the reinterpretation of the mutA pathway through the new and puzzling observation that several tRNAs (including mutA which encodes for a glycine missense suppressor tRNA) are complementary to the 5' end of dnaQ mRNA. Accordingly, I propose that uncharged tRNAs can act as antisense RNAs, decreasing translation of dnaQ and possibly other genes. This could represent a new regulatory function for tRNAs and of course gives a direct and unrecognized link between starvation and mutation rate.  相似文献   

This article comments on: Adenylate control contributes to thermal acclimation of sugar maple fine‐root respiration in experimentally warmed soil  相似文献   

A simple thermo-physiological model of outdoor thermal sensation adjusted with psychological factors is developed aiming to predict thermal sensation in Mediterranean climates. Microclimatic measurements simultaneously with interviews on personal and psychological conditions were carried out in a square, a street canyon and a coastal location of the greater urban area of Athens, Greece. Multiple linear and ordinal regression were applied in order to estimate thermal sensation making allowance for all the recorded parameters or specific, empirically selected, subsets producing so-called extensive and empirical models, respectively. Meteorological, thermo-physiological and overall models - considering psychological factors as well - were developed. Predictions were improved when personal and psychological factors were taken into account as compared to meteorological models. The model based on ordinal regression reproduced extreme values of thermal sensation vote more adequately than the linear regression one, while the empirical model produced satisfactory results in relation to the extensive model. The effects of adaptation and expectation on thermal sensation vote were introduced in the models by means of the exposure time, season and preference related to air temperature and irradiation. The assessment of thermal sensation could be a useful criterion in decision making regarding public health, outdoor spaces planning and tourism.  相似文献   

Aim Climate change could result in an increase in species richness because large‐scale biogeography suggests that more species could be gained from equatorial regions than may be lost pole‐ward. However, the colonization of newly available habitat may lag behind the rate dictated by climatic warming if there exists of a lack of connectivity between ‘donor’ and receiving areas. The objective of this study was to compare how regional warming affected the biodiversity of marine fish in areas that differed in their connectivity in the Baltic Sea. Location North‐east Atlantic, Kattegat and Baltic Sea. Methods The total species richness and the mean species richness from scientific surveys were related to changes in temperature and salinity. Changes in the extent of the distribution of individual fish species were related to the latitudinal distribution, salinity tolerance, maximum body size and exploitation status to assess to what extent climate change and fishing impacts could explain changes in species richness in the Baltic. Results Rising temperatures in the well‐connected Kattegat correlated to an increase in the species richness of fish, due to an increase in low‐latitude species. Unexpectedly, species richness in the poorly connected Baltic Sea also increased. However, the increase seems to be related to higher salinity rather than temperature and there was no influx of low‐latitude species. Main conclusions These results do not support the hypothesis that low‐connectivity areas are less likely to see increases in species richness in response to warming. This indicates that the effect of climate change on biodiversity may be more difficult to predict in areas of low connectivity than in well‐connected areas.  相似文献   

We compared changes in body condition (relative weight) and mercury concentrations ([Hg]) in two species of coregonid fish (lake herring Coregonus artedi, lake whitefish C. clupeaformis) among discrete populations in Ontario between 1967 and 2006. Temporal comparisons among populations were made to determine whether 1) the establishment of Bythotrephes longimanus had affected coregonid populations, or 2) if changes in body condition or [Hg] were related to regional differences in the degree of climate change during the time period investigated. Climate data from northwestern, northeastern and southern Ontario showed a general warming trend in all regions over the period of study. However, greater temporal changes in climate were observed in the northwest where growing degree days >5°C (GDD) increased and precipitation declined over the study period compared with relatively little change in southern or northeastern Ontario. Correspondingly, northwestern Ontario coregonid populations demonstrated significantly greater declines in body condition relative to those from northeastern or southern Ontario. Declines in [Hg] of both species were also greater among northwestern populations compared with those from northeastern or southern Ontario but only significantly so for lake herring. These declines were independent of the invasion of non‐native Bythotrephes, and declines in [Hg] were opposite predictions based on the hypothesis that Bythotrephes invasion lengthened aquatic food chains. Based on our findings and further evidence from the literature, we propose that warming regional climates are capable of contributing to declines in both condition and [Hg] of fishes. Because fish condition affects both reproductive success and overwinter survival, observed condition declines of the magnitude reported here could have profound implications for the structure of future aquatic ecosystems in a warming climate.  相似文献   

Understanding the response of a crop to drought is the first step in the breeding of tolerant genotypes. In our study, two maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes with contrasting sensitivity to dehydration were subjected to moderate drought conditions. The subsequent analysis of their physiological parameters revealed a decreased stomatal conductance accompanied by a slighter decrease in the relative water content in the sensitive genotype. In contrast, the tolerant genotype maintained open stomata and active photosynthesis, even under dehydration conditions. Drought-induced changes in the leaf proteome were analyzed by two independent approaches, 2D gel electrophoresis and iTRAQ analysis, which provided compatible but only partially overlapping results. Drought caused the up-regulation of protective and stress-related proteins (mainly chaperones and dehydrins) in both genotypes. The differences in the levels of various detoxification proteins corresponded well with the observed changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes. The number and levels of up-regulated protective proteins were generally lower in the sensitive genotype, implying a reduced level of proteosynthesis, which was also indicated by specific changes in the components of the translation machinery. Based on these results, we propose that the hypersensitive early stomatal closure in the sensitive genotype leads to the inhibition of photosynthesis and, subsequently, to a less efficient synthesis of the protective/detoxification proteins that are associated with drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Heterostyly is a specialised floral polymorphism consisting in the presence within the populations of two or three morphs that differ reciprocally in sexual organ position. The function of heterostyly has usually been related to the promotion of cross-pollination fostered by the perfect adjustment between pollinators and flower morphologies. Rubiaceae is the largest family in which this polymorphism is present. Nevertheless, just a few studies on the evolution of heterostyly have been carried out in this family.To investigate the appearance and maintenance of heterostyly we select the subfamily Rubioideae as study group. Rubioideae occur in both tropical and temperate regions and since the tropics are known to contain higher biodiversity and greater ecological specialisation than temperate areas, we characterise the taxa as tropical, non-tropical or mixed distributed (when they are present in tropical and non-tropical areas) and explored whether the heterostyly, as a specialised system, is more stable in tropical regions than in other climates of the world.Ancestral nodes in Rubioideae present heterostyly, which also is maintained along most evolutionary lineages of this group. Although we do not find a significant correlation between the presence of heterostyly and the climate zones along the whole subfamily, our results show that two of the main clades in the Spermacoceae alliance where heterostyly is lost are distributed in non-tropical areas or, at least, they are not restricted to tropical distributions.These results partially support the hypothesis that plant lineages when exposed to different pollination scenarios may evolve towards divergent pollination systems and different degrees of specialisation. However, a more detailed analysis at the species level is suggested for future studies.  相似文献   

Carnosine, homocarnosine and anserine have been proposed to act as antioxidants in vivo. Our studies show that all three compounds are good scavengers of the hydroxyl radical (.OH) but that none of them can react with superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorous acid at biologically significant rates. None of them can bind iron ions in ways that interfere with 'site-specific' iron-dependent radical damage to the sugar deoxyribose, nor can they restrict the availability of Cu2+ to phenanthroline. Homocarnosine has no effect on iron ion-dependent lipid peroxidation; carnosine and anserine have weak inhibitory effects when used at high concentrations in some (but not all) assay systems. However, the ability of these compounds to interfere with a commonly used version of the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test may have led to an overestimate of their ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation in some previous studies. By contrast, histidine stimulated iron ion-dependent lipid peroxidation. It is concluded that, because of the high concentrations present in vivo, carnosine and anserine could conceivably act as physiological antioxidants by scavenging .OH, but that they do not have a broad spectrum of antioxidant activity, and their ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation is not well established. It may be that they have a function other than antioxidant protection (e.g. buffering), but that they are safer to accumulate than histidine, which has a marked pro-oxidant action upon iron ion-dependent lipid peroxidation. The inability of homocarnosine to react with HOCl, interfere with the TBA test or affect lipid peroxidation systems in the same way as carnosine is surprising in view of the apparent structural similarity between these two molecules.  相似文献   

Temperature has dramatic evolutionary fitness consequences and is therefore a major factor determining the geographic distribution and abundance of ectotherms. However, the role that age might have on insect thermal tolerance is often overlooked in studies of behaviour, ecology, physiology and evolutionary biology. Here, we review the evidence for ontogenetic and ageing effects on traits of high- and low-temperature tolerance in insects and show that these effects are typically pronounced for most taxa in which data are available. We therefore argue that basal thermal tolerance and acclimation responses (i.e. phenotypic plasticity) are strongly influenced by age and/or ontogeny and may confound studies of temperature responses if unaccounted for. We outline three alternative hypotheses which can be distinguished to propose why development affects thermal tolerance in insects. At present no studies have been undertaken to directly address these options. The implications of these age-related changes in thermal biology are discussed and, most significantly, suggest that the temperature tolerance of insects should be defined within the age-demographics of a particular population or species. Although we conclude that age is a source of variation that should be carefully controlled for in thermal biology, we also suggest that it can be used as a valuable tool for testing evolutionary theories of ageing and the cellular and genetic basis of thermal tolerance.  相似文献   

Tropical organisms are predicted to be among the most impacted by increasing sea surface temperatures, particularly those from intertidal habitats. In this study, a complete thermal biology assessment was conducted for two widespread tropical Atlantic shallow reef fish: Abudefduf saxatilis (damselfish) and Scartella cristata (blenny), which make extensive use of tide pools. The main objectives were to measure the time-course changes during one month in i) thermal and oxidative stress biomarkers (in gills, muscle and skin), ii) upper thermal limits, acclimation capacity and thermal safety margins and iii) body size, condition and energy reserves (total protein and lipid contents), under two temperature treatments (control – mean summer temperature, and elevated temperature − + 3 °C, as projected by climate warming scenarios for the end of this century).Results from biomarker analyses suggest that under increased temperature, both species displayed a typical response of physiological stress characterized by the activation of molecular chaperones and antioxidant protection. Both species presented a significant acclimation potential in the long term, as shown by increased critical thermal maxima values at higher temperature. However, these species may already be at risk during summer heat waves, as thermal safety margins for both species were low. Additionally, despite acclimation, some energetic tradeoffs may exist, since specimens from both species showed smaller body sizes at higher temperature (even though maintaining body condition). Finally, temperature treatments had a significant influence not only in the total amount of energy reserves (lipid contents) but also in their rate of deposition or depletion (total proteins and lipid contents). This is the first multi-end-point holistic approach to assess the impact of warming in shallow tropical water fish and it highlights the high risk that intertidal organisms are facing in both present and future sea surface temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most important factors affecting the phenology, distribution, composition and diversity of organisms. In agricultural systems many pests and natural enemies are arthropods. As poikilotherm organisms, their body temperature is highly dependent on environmental conditions. Because higher trophic levels typically have lower tolerance to high temperatures than lower trophic levels, trends towards increasing local or regional temperatures may affect the strength of predator/prey interactions and disrupt pest control. Furthermore, increasing temperatures may create climate corridors that could facilitate the invasion and establishment of invasive species originating from warmer areas. In this study we examined the effect of environmental conditions on the dynamics of an agro-ecosystem community located in southern Spain, using field data on predator/prey dynamics and climate gathered during four consecutive years. The study system was composed of an ever-green tree species (avocado), an exotic tetranychid mite, and two native species of phytoseiid mites found in association with this new pest. We also present a climatological analysis of the temperature trend in the area of study during the last 28 years, as evidence of temperature warming occurring in the area. We found that the range of temperatures with positive per capita growth rates was much wider in prey than in predators, and that relative humidity contributed to explain the growth rate variation in predators, but not in prey. Predator and prey differences in thermal performance curves could explain why natural enemies did not respond numerically to the pest when environmental conditions were harsh.  相似文献   

Climate can greatly affect building design, life style and thermal perception for all groups of people; however, this phenomenon has not yet been rigorously evaluated in China's hot–arid climate. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a thermal comfort survey by evaluating the influence of the hot–arid climate upon the behavioural patterns and thermal comfort responses of 160 residents in 65 traditional vernacular houses in Turfan, China, in 2011. In this survey, there were 206 sets of effective data, and the features of the traditional residential buildings and the human behaviour patterns in Turfan were described and analysed. The results showed that the diversified courtyards and shade spaces were the most obvious features of traditional houses in Turfan. People here typically spend most of their time in one of two spaces for eating, resting, and entertaining. It was found that the preferred temperature was 26.5 °C. The preferred air velocity occurred at 0.62 m/s. A suitable air velocity range of 0.15–1.24 m/s was suggested in Turfan. Moreover, the neutral temperature of the local people was 30.1 °C (tg or to). The upper limits of the 80% acceptable zone by using the direct and indirect acceptability method were 32.7 and 33.8 °C, respectively. The neutral temperature and upper limit of the acceptable zone in Turfan were higher than those of the adaptive standards. Attention should be paid to the role of thermal comfort in influencing building design by using simple passive cooling strategies. The above results are believed to be potentially valuable for the design and evaluation of residential buildings located in hot–arid climate.  相似文献   



A causal relationship between salinity and oxidative stress tolerance and a suitability of using root antioxidant activity as a biochemical marker for salinity tolerance in barley was investigated.


Net ion fluxes were measured from the mature zone of excised roots of two barley varieties contrasting in their salinity tolerance using non-invasive MIFE technique in response to acute and prolonged salinity treatment. These changes were correlated with activity of major antioxidant enzymes; ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase.


It was found that genotypic difference in salinity tolerance was largely independent of root integrity, and observed not only for short-term but also long-term NaCl exposures. Higher K+ retention ability (and, hence, salinity tolerance) positively correlated with oxidative stress tolerance. At the same time, antioxidant activities were constitutively higher in a sensitive but not tolerant variety, and no correlation was found between SOD activity and salinity tolerance index during large-scale screening.


Although salinity tolerance in barley correlates with its oxidative stress tolerance, higher antioxidant activity at one particular time does not correlate with salinity tolerance and, as such, cannot be used as a biochemical marker in barley screening programs.  相似文献   

Female multiple mating, known as polyandry, is ubiquitous and occurs in a wide variety of taxa. Polyandry varies greatly from species in which females mate with one or two males in their lifetime to species in which females may mate with several different males on the same day. As multiple mating by females is associated with costs, numerous hypotheses attempt to explain this phenomenon. One hypothesis not extensively explored is the possibility that polyandrous behavior is captured and “fixed” in populations via genetic processes that preserve the behavior independently of any adaptive benefit of polyandry. Here, we use female isolines derived from populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura from three locations in North America to examine whether different female remating levels are associated with patterns of chromosome inversions, which may explain patterns of polyandry across the geographic range. Populations differed with respect to the frequency of polyandry and the presence of inversion polymorphisms on the third chromosome. The population with the lowest level of female remating was the only one that was entirely comprised of homokaryotypic lines, but the small number of populations prevented us investigating this relationship further at a population level. However, we found no strong relationship between female remating levels and specific karyotypes of the various isolines.  相似文献   

Lucy Gilbert 《Oecologia》2010,162(1):217-225
The impact of climate change on vector-borne infectious diseases is currently controversial. In Europe the primary arthropod vectors of zoonotic diseases are ticks, which transmit Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (the agent of Lyme disease), tick-borne encephalitis virus and louping ill virus between humans, livestock and wildlife. Ixodes ricinus ticks and reported tick-borne disease cases are currently increasing in the UK. Theories for this include climate change and increasing host abundance. This study aimed to test how I. ricinus tick abundance might be influenced by climate change in Scotland by using altitudinal gradients as a proxy, while also taking into account the effects of hosts, vegetation and weather effects. It was predicted that tick abundance would be higher at lower altitudes (i.e. warmer climates) and increase with host abundance. Surveys were conducted on nine hills in Scotland, all of open moorland habitat. Tick abundance was positively associated with deer abundance, but even after taking this into account, there was a strong negative association of ticks with altitude. This was probably a real climate effect, with temperature (and humidity, i.e. saturation deficit) most likely playing an important role. It could be inferred that ticks may become more abundant at higher altitudes in response to climate warming. This has potential implications for pathogen prevalence such as louping ill virus if tick numbers increase at elevations where competent transmission hosts (red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus and mountain hares Lepus timidus) occur in higher numbers.  相似文献   

Kluge S  Weston J 《Biochemistry》2005,44(12):4877-4885
Density functional (B3LYP) calculations indicate that a hydroxide ligand is capable of triggering a reduction in the coordination number of Mg(2+) ions from 6 to 5. Since this could be quite relevant in the mode of action of magnesium-containing enzymes (especially hydrolases in which a metal-bound hydroxide species is believed to play a crucial role), we have performed a systematic deprotonation study of biologically relevant magnesium complexes. We explicitly calculated the preferred coordination number of [MgL(1)(x)L(2)(y)L(3)(z)](2)(-)(n) species at the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. L(1), L(2), and L(3) represent combinations of water, hydroxide, carboxylate (models Glu and Asp), ammonia ligands (models Lys and His residues), and fluoride ions. As expected, Mg(2+) exclusively prefers an octahedral coordination geometry with H(2)O, HCO(2)(-), or NH(3). Surprisingly, one hydroxide ligand triggers a change to a trigonal bipyramidal geometry. The isoelectronic fluoride ion behaves similarly. When two OH(-) are present, a tetrahedral coordination geometry is preferred. We postulate that a hydroxide (in addition to its role as an active nucleophile) could be employed by magnesium-containing enzymes to trigger a differential coordination behavior.  相似文献   

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