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For the proper segregation of sister chromatids before cell division, each sister kinetochore must attach to microtubules that extend to opposite spindle poles. This process is called bipolar microtubule attachment or chromosome bi-orientation. The mechanism for chromosome bi-orientation lies at the heart of chromosome segregation, but is still poorly understood. Recent studies suggest that cells can promote bi-orientation by re-orienting kinetochore-spindle pole connections.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent analysis has shown that autoimmune sera M-222 and M-260 are bound to interphase nuclei and mitotic chromosomes of the pig embryo kidney cell culture. The fluorescent stain is diffuse in nuclei and forms a thin fluorescent area around each nucleolus, whereas the nucleolar cores are unstained. The periphery of each mitotic chromosome is stained distinctly. After removal of histones and DNA by the cell treatment with 2 M NaCl and DNase I, the Hoechst 33258 staining of nuclei and chromosomes disappears completely, whereas the pattern of staining with antibodies is not changed as compared with normal cells. Electron microscopy revealed in interphase nuclei after such treatment only lamina, residual nucleoli, and the intranuclear matrix network, and antibodies are bound just to these elements. Molecular mass of proteins bound to these antibodies was determined by immunoblotting. Serum M-260 contained antibodies to a single 65 kDa polypeptide, whereas antibodies to two polypeptides of 47 and 65 kDa were found in M-222. After chromatin removal and revealing nuclear protein matrix, M-222 binds only to 65 kDa polypeptides. Thus, peripheral chromosomal material is involved in transfer of the nuclear matrix polypeptide to daughter nuclei during mitosis.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2021,81(21):4369-4376.e3
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Mitotic spindle assembly requires the regulated activity of numerous spindle-associated proteins. In mammalian cells, the Kinesin-5 motor Eg5 interacts with the spindle assembly factor TPX2, but how this interaction contributes to spindle formation and function is not established. Using bacterial artificial chromosome technology, we generated cells expressing TPX2 lacking the Eg5 interaction domain. Spindles in these cells were highly disorganized with multiple spindle poles. The TPX2-Eg5 interaction was required for kinetochore fiber formation and contributed to Eg5 localization to spindle microtubules but not spindle poles. Microinjection of the Eg5-binding domain of TPX2 resulted in spindle elongation, indicating that the interaction of Eg5 with TPX2 reduces motor activity. Consistent with this possibility, we found that TPX2 reduced the velocity of Eg5-dependent microtubule gliding, inhibited microtubule sliding, and resulted in the accumulation of motor on microtubules. These results establish a novel function of TPX2 in regulating the location and activity of the mitotic motor Eg5.  相似文献   

Summary Smooth muscle heavy myosin and actin have been detected in mouse and rat meiotic chromosomes, by indirect immunofluorescence performed on testis cryostat sections and isolated germ cells. Both contractile proteins are detectable in the nuclei of meiotic cells during the first prophase. The appearance and disappearance time of myosin and actin, however, is not synchronous. While actin is visible in small spots from resting to late diplotene spermatocytes, myosin appears as filaments in the primary spermatocytes from the zygotene to the early stage of diplotene. The number of myosin filaments in the pachytene spermatocytes corresponds to the number of bivalent chromosomes, whereas actin spots constantly outnumber the pairing chromosomes by two units. These immunochemical observations suggest that the two contractile proteins are associated with the synaptonemal complex (SC). Myosin seems to be associated with the central region of the SC, while actin is present in its basal knob which is in connection with the nuclear membrane. The difference in number between myosin filaments and actin spots appears to be related to the peculiar behaviour of the pairing sex chromosomes. The presence of contractile proteins in the nuclei of primary spermatocytes seems to suggest that they might play a role in the process of pairing of homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Kaulich M  Cubizolles F  Nigg EA 《Chromosoma》2012,121(4):395-408
The putative chromatin remodeling enzyme Plk1-interacting checkpoint helicase (PICH) was discovered as an interaction partner and substrate of the mitotic kinase Plk1. During mitosis PICH associates with centromeres and kinetochores and, most interestingly, constitutes a robust marker for ultrafine DNA bridges (UFBs) that connect separating chromatids in anaphase cells. The precise roles of PICH remain to be clarified. Here, we have used antibody microinjection and siRNA-rescue experiments to study PICH function and localization during M phase progression, with particular emphasis on the role of the predicted ATPase domain and the regulation of PICH localization by Plk1. We show that interference with PICH function results in chromatin bridge formation and micronucleation and that ATPase activity is critical for PICH function. Interestingly, an intact ATPase domain of PICH is required for prevention of chromatin bridge formation but not for UFB resolution, and quantitative analyses of UFB and chromatin bridge frequencies suggest that these structures are of different etiologies. We also show that the ATPase activity of PICH is required for temporal and spatial control of PICH localization to chromatin and that Plk1 likely controls PICH localization through phosphorylation of proteins distinct from PICH itself. This work strengthens the view that PICH is an important, Plk1-regulated enzyme, whose ATPase activity is essential for maintenance of genome integrity. Although not required for the spindle assembly checkpoint, PICH is clearly important for faithful chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Tanaka TU 《Chromosoma》2008,117(6):521-533
To maintain their genetic integrity, eukaryotic cells must segregate their chromosomes properly to opposite poles during mitosis. This process mainly depends on the forces generated by microtubules that attach to kinetochores. During prometaphase, kinetochores initially interact with a single microtubule that extends from a spindle pole and then move towards a spindle pole. Subsequently, microtubules that extend from the other spindle pole also interact with kinetochores and, eventually, each sister kinetochore attaches to microtubules that extend from opposite poles (sister kinetochore bi-orientation). If sister kinetochores interact with microtubules in wrong orientation, this must be corrected before the onset of anaphase. Here, I discuss the processes leading to bi-orientation and the mechanisms ensuring this pivotal state that is required for proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Latexin is the only known carboxypeptidase A inhibitor in mammals and shares structural similarity with cystatin C, suggesting that latexin regulates the abundance of as yet unidentified target proteins. A forward genetic approach revealed that latexin is involved in homeostasis of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in mice; however, little is known about the mechanisms by which latexin negatively affects the numbers of HSCs. In this study, we found that latexin is preferentially expressed in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, and is co-localized with the molecules responsible for the interaction of HSCs with a bone marrow niche, such as N-cadherin, Tie2, and Roundabout 4. Latexin-knockout young female mice showed an increase in the numbers of KSL (c-Kit(+)/Sca-1(+)/linegae marker-negative) cells, which may be attributable to enhanced self-renewal because latexin-deficient KSL cells formed more colonies than their wild-type counterparts in methylcellulose culture. Proteomic analysis of Sca-1(+) bone marrow cells demonstrated that latexin ablation reduced the abundance of multiple cellular proteins, including N-cadherin, Tie2, and Roundabout 4. Finally, we found that latexin expression was lost or greatly reduced in approximately 50% of human leukemia/lymphoma cell lines. These results imply that latexin inhibits the self-renewal of HSCs by facilitating the lodgment of HSCs within a bone marrow niche to maintain HSC homeostasis.  相似文献   

To define the extent of the modification of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) during Aspergillus nidulans closed mitosis, a systematic analysis of nuclear transport genes has been completed. Thirty genes have been deleted defining 12 nonessential and 18 essential genes. Several of the nonessential deletions caused conditional phenotypes and self-sterility, whereas deletion of some essential genes caused defects in nuclear structure. Live cell imaging of endogenously tagged NPC proteins (Nups) revealed that during mitosis 14 predicted peripheral Nups, including all FG repeat Nups, disperse throughout the cell. A core mitotic NPC structure consisting of membrane Nups, all components of the An-Nup84 subcomplex, An-Nup170, and surprisingly, An-Gle1 remained throughout mitosis. We propose this minimal mitotic NPC core provides a conduit across the nuclear envelope and acts as a scaffold to which dispersed Nups return during mitotic exit. Further, unlike other dispersed Nups, An-Nup2 locates exclusively to mitotic chromatin, suggesting it may have a novel mitotic role in addition to its nuclear transport functions. Importantly, its deletion causes lethality and defects in DNA segregation. This work defines the dramatic changes in NPC composition during A. nidulans mitosis and provides insight into how NPC disassembly may be integrated with mitosis.  相似文献   

Summary Examinations of human mitotic chromosomes using an electron microscope since the last review in Humangenetik (Schwarzacher, 1970) were summarized. Three methods were used for preparation: ultrathinnsectioning, spreading- and critical point drying and a method for comparing cells in the light and electron microscope.These three methods showed that fibrils are the main elements of organization of chromosomes. Fibrils with a diameter of 20–40 Å, of 100 Å, of 250 Å and thick fibrils (bundles) of 500–1000 Å thickness were described.A comparison of chromosomes in the light and electron microscope showed, that metaphase chromosomes can be characterized by the number of their primary coils.Examinations of Giemsa-banding techniques with electron microscope showed fibrils as being clearly visible. G bands are coils of thick fibrils (up to 1000 Å).The methods based on these new results were discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Stand der Untersuchung menschlicher Mitosechromosomen im Elektronenmikroskop seit der letzten in Humangenetik erschienenen zusammenfassenden Arbeit (Schwarzacher, 1970) behandelt. Drei Methoden wurden bei der Präparation angewandt: Ultradünnschnittechnik, Spreitungs- und Kritischer-Punkt-Trocknungstechnik und vergleichende licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Methode.Alle drei Methoden zeigten, daß Fibrillen wesentlich am Bau von Chromosomen beteiligt sind. Es wurden Fibrillen mit einem Durchmesser zwischen 20 und 40 Å, Fibrillen mit ca. 100 Å, Fibrillen mit 250 Å und dicke Fibrillen (Bündel) mit 500–1000 Å Durchmesser beschrieben.Vergleichende licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Techniken zeigten, daß Metaphasechromosomen durch ihre Primärwindungen zu charakterisieren sind.Untersuchungen der Giemsabandentechniken im Elektronenmikroskop ergaben, daß Fibrillen deutlicher zur Darstellung kommen. G-Banden imponieren als Coils aus dicken Fibrillen (bis 1000 Å) aufgebaut.Aus den neuen Befunden resultierende Modelle werden diskutiert.

Eukaryote cells dramatically reorganize their long chromosomal DNAs to facilitate their physical segregation during mitosis. The internal organization of folded mitotic chromosomes remains a basic mystery of cell biology; its understanding would likely shed light on how chromosomes are separated from one another as well as into chromosome structure between cell divisions. We report biophysical experiments on single mitotic chromosomes from human cells, where we combine micromanipulation, nano-Newton-scale force measurement and biochemical treatments to study chromosome connectivity and topology. Results are in accord with previous experiments on amphibian chromosomes and support the 'chromatin network' model of mitotic chromosome structure. Prospects for studies of chromosome-organizing proteins using siRNA expression knockdowns, as well as for differential studies of chromosomes with and without mutations associated with genetic diseases, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cell-fate diversity is generated in part by the unequal segregation of cell-fate determinants during asymmetric cell divisions. In the Drosophila pupa, the pI sense organ precursor cell is polarized along the anterior-posterior axis of the fly and divides asymmetrically to generate a posterior pIIa cell and an anterior pIIb cell. The anterior pIIb cell specifically inherits the determinant Numb and the adaptor protein Partner of Numb (Pon). By labelling both the Pon crescent and the microtubules in living pupae, we show that determinants localize at the anterior cortex before mitotic-spindle formation, and that the spindle forms with random orientation and rotates to line up with the Pon crescent. By imaging living frizzled (fz) mutant pupae we show that Fz regulates the orientation of the polarity axis of pI, the initiation of spindle rotation and the unequal partitioning of determinants. We conclude that Fz participates in establishing the polarity of pI.  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis is a multi-organ disorder characterized by the formation of benign tumors, called hamartomas, which affects more than 1 million people worldwide. The syndrome is initiated by a mutation in one of two tumor suppressor genes, TSC1 or TSC2, that encode for the proteins hamartin and tuberin, respectively. Herein, we demonstrate that tuberin binds and regulates the G2/M cyclin, cyclin B1. We have determined that this binding region encompasses a mutational hotspot within tuberin that is implicated in some of the most severe cases of TS. Mimicking a mutation found in a subset of patients with tuberous sclerosis, we found a significant reduction in the binding between tuberin and cyclin B1. Functionally, our data supports that tuberin plays a role in regulating the cellular localization of cyclin B1. These results demonstrate a novel and clinically relevant mechanism, where tuberin functions in mitotic onset.  相似文献   

To localize chicken genes and microsatellites, we used heterologous two-color FISH and chicken chromosome specific BAC clones. All BAC clones were verified by PCR. An analysis of the results has shown that maf gene forms one linkage group with the mc1r gene (CJA11), aldh1a1 forms one linkage group with the igvps gene (CJA15), pno forms one linkage group with the acaca gene (CJA19), fzf forms one linkage group with the bmp7 gene (CJA20), and cw01 forms one linkage group with the ubap2w gene (CJAW). Microsatellite ADL0254 was localized jointly with the insr gene (CJA28), and LEI0342 and MCW0330 microsatellites were localized jointly with the hspa5 gene (CJA17). If we consider that the nomenclature of quail chromosomes is the same as in chickens, their localization will correspond to the following chromosomes: CJA11 (maf), 15 (aldh1a1), 19 (pno), 20 (fzf), and W (cw01). The microsatellite ADL0254 turned out to be located on the same microchromosome as the insr gene (CJA 28), while microsatellites LEI0342 and MCW0330 were found to be in the same linkage group with the hspa5 gene (CJA17). The same work was also carried out on the chicken genome. Different results were obtained. The localization of the BAC clones containing the cw01 and fzf genes and the MCW0330 microsatellite was confirmed completely; they are located on GGAW, 20, and 17 chromosomes, respectively. Microsatellites ADL0254 and LEI0342 were each revealed to have two sites, whereas the localization of the remaining genes (maf, aldh1a1, and pno) on the GGA11, GGA15, and GGA19 chromosomes turned out to be untrue and needs further study.  相似文献   

LSD was found to induce chromosomal aberrations in root tip cells of Allium cepa, Hordeum vulgare and Secale cereale. Aberrations occurred in the form of chromatid and isochromatid breaks with most of these breaks failing to rejoin. The distribution of chromosome breaks was not uniform over the length of chromosomes, and a majority of the breaks were localized at the centromeric regions. For a given dose of LSD (30 g/ml), onion appeared to be more susceptible than barley or rye. The diploid and tetraploid rye used in the study showed no appreciable difference in sensitivity to LSD treatment. — A preliminary study on meiotic chromosomes in LSD-treated diploid rye revealed the presence of univalents, chromosome breaks and fragments, suggesting that LSD can induce meiotic abnormalities in plant material.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky. The investigation reported in this paper (73-3-75) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director.  相似文献   

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