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The last two decades have witnessed an unsurpassed effort aimed at reconstructing the history of life from the genetic information contained in extant organisms. The availability of many sequenced genomes has allowed the reconstruction of phylogenies from gene families and its comparison with traditional single-gene trees. However, the appearance of major discrepancies between both approaches questions whether horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has played a prominent role in shaping the topology of the Tree of Life. Recent attempts at solving this controversy and reaching a consensus tree combine molecular data with additional phylogenetic markers. Translation is a universal cellular function that involves a meaningful, highly conserved set of genes: both rRNA and r-protein operons have an undisputed phylogenetic value and rarely undergo HGT. Ribosomal function reflects the concerted expression of that genetic network and consequently yields information about the evolutionary paths followed by the organisms. Here we report on tree reconstruction using a measure of the performance of the ribosome: antibiotic sensitivity of protein synthesis. A large database has been used where 33 ribosomal systems belonging to the three major cellular lineages were probed against 38 protein synthesis inhibitors. Different definitions of distance between pairs of organisms have been explored, and the classical algorithm of bootstrap evaluation has been adapted to quantify the reliability of the reconstructions obtained. Our analysis returns a consistent phylogeny, where archaea are systematically affiliated to eukarya, in agreement with recent reconstructions which used information-processing systems. The integration of the information derived from relevant functional markers into current phylogenetic reconstructions might facilitate achieving a consensus Tree of Life.  相似文献   

Discussions aimed at resolution of the Tree of Life are most often focused on the interrelationships of major organismal lineages. In this study, we focus on the resolution of some of the most apical branches in the Tree of Life through exploration of the phylogenetic relationships of darters, a species-rich clade of North American freshwater fishes. With a near-complete taxon sampling of close to 250 species, we aim to investigate strategies for efficient multilocus data sampling and the estimation of divergence times using relaxed-clock methods when a clade lacks a fossil record. Our phylogenetic data set comprises a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene and two nuclear genes sampled from 245 of the 248 darter species. This dense sampling allows us to determine if a modest amount of nuclear DNA sequence data can resolve relationships among closely related animal species. Darters lack a fossil record to provide age calibration priors in relaxed-clock analyses. Therefore, we use a near-complete species-sampled phylogeny of the perciform clade Centrarchidae, which has a rich fossil record, to assess two distinct strategies of external calibration in relaxed-clock divergence time estimates of darters: using ages inferred from the fossil record and molecular evolutionary rate estimates. Comparison of Bayesian phylogenies inferred from mtDNA and nuclear genes reveals that heterospecific mtDNA is present in approximately 12.5% of all darter species. We identify three patterns of mtDNA introgression in darters: proximal mtDNA transfer, which involves the transfer of mtDNA among extant and sympatric darter species, indeterminate introgression, which involves the transfer of mtDNA from a lineage that cannot be confidently identified because the introgressed haplotypes are not clearly referable to mtDNA haplotypes in any recognized species, and deep introgression, which is characterized by species diversification within a recipient clade subsequent to the transfer of heterospecific mtDNA. The results of our analyses indicate that DNA sequences sampled from single-copy nuclear genes can provide appreciable phylogenetic resolution for closely related animal species. A well-resolved near-complete species-sampled phylogeny of darters was estimated with Bayesian methods using a concatenated mtDNA and nuclear gene data set with all identified heterospecific mtDNA haplotypes treated as missing data. The relaxed-clock analyses resulted in very similar posterior age estimates across the three sampled genes and methods of calibration and therefore offer a viable strategy for estimating divergence times for clades that lack a fossil record. In addition, an informative rank-free clade-based classification of darters that preserves the rich history of nomenclature in the group and provides formal taxonomic communication of darter clades was constructed using the mtDNA and nuclear gene phylogeny. On the whole, the appeal of mtDNA for phylogeny inference among closely related animal species is diminished by the observations of extensive mtDNA introgression and by finding appreciable phylogenetic signal in a modest sampling of nuclear genes in our phylogenetic analyses of darters.  相似文献   

Supertrees result from combining many smaller, overlapping phylogenetic trees into a single, more comprehensive tree. As such, supertree construction is probably as old as the field of systematics itself, and remains our only way of visualizing the Tree of Life as a whole. Over the past decade, supertree construction has gained a more formal, objective footing, and has become an area of active theoretical and practical research. Here, I review the history of the supertree approach, focusing mainly on its current implementation. The supertrees of today represent some of the largest, complete phylogenies available for many groups, but are not without their critics. I conclude by arguing that the ever-growing molecular revolution will result in supertree construction taking on a new role and implementation in the future for analyzing large DNA sequence matrices as part of a divide-and-conquer phylogenetic approach.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns and processes of diversification of life in the planet is a key challenge of science. The Tree of Life represents such diversification processes through the evolutionary relationships among the different taxa, and can be extended down to intra-specific relationships. Here we examine the topological properties of a large set of interspecific and intraspecific phylogenies and show that the branching patterns follow allometric rules conserved across the different levels in the Tree of Life, all significantly departing from those expected from the standard null models. The finding of non-random universal patterns of phylogenetic differentiation suggests that similar evolutionary forces drive diversification across the broad range of scales, from macro-evolutionary to micro-evolutionary processes, shaping the diversity of life on the planet.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic systematics is heading for a renaissance where we shift from considering our phylogenetic estimates as a static image in a published paper and taxonomies as a hardcopy checklist to treating both the phylogenetic estimate and dynamic taxonomies as metadata for further analyses. The Open Tree of Life project (opentreeoflife.org) is developing synthesis tools for harnessing the power of phylogenetic inference and robust taxonomy to develop a synthetic tree of life. We capitalize on this approach to estimate a synthesis tree for the freshwater crayfish. The crayfish make an exceptional group to demonstrate the utility of the synthesis approach, as there recently have been a number of phylogenetic studies on the crayfishes along with a robust underlying taxonomic framework. Importantly, the crayfish have also been extensively assessed by an IUCN Red List team and therefore have accurate and up-to-date area and conservation status data available for analysis within a phylogenetic context. Here, we develop a synthesis phylogeny for the world''s freshwater crayfish and examine the phylogenetic distribution of threat. We also estimate a molecular phylogeny based on all available GenBank crayfish sequences and use this tree to estimate divergence times and test for divergence rate variation. Finally, we conduct EDGE and HEDGE analyses and identify a number of species of freshwater crayfish of highest priority in conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The Composition Vector Tree (CVTree) is a parameter-free and alignment-free method to infer prokaryotic phylogeny from their complete genomes. It is distinct from the traditional 16S rRNA analysis in both the input data and the methodology. The prokaryotic phylogenetic trees constructed by using the CVTree method agree well with the Bergey's taxonomy in all major groupings and fine branching patterns. Thus, combined use of the CVTree approach and the 16S rRNA analysis may provide an objective and reliable reconstruction of the prokaryotic branch of the Tree of Life.  相似文献   

The ‘Tree of Life’ is intended to represent the pattern of evolutionary processes that result in bifurcating species lineages. Often justified in reference to Darwin’s discussions of trees, the Tree of Life has run up against numerous challenges especially in regard to prokaryote evolution. This special issue examines scientific, historical and philosophical aspects of debates about the Tree of Life, with the aim of turning these criticisms towards a reconstruction of prokaryote phylogeny and even some aspects of the standard evolutionary understanding of eukaryotes. These discussions have arisen out of a multidisciplinary collaboration of people with an interest in the Tree of Life, and we suggest that this sort of focused engagement enables a practical understanding of the relationships between biology, philosophy and history.  相似文献   

Beetles (Coleoptera) are the most diverse and species‐rich insect group, representing an impressive explosive radiation in the evolutionary history of insects, and their evolutionary relationships are often difficult to resolve. The amount of ‘traditional markers’ (e.g. mitochondrial genes and nuclear rDNAs) for beetle phylogenetics is small, and these markers often lack sufficient signals in resolving relationships for such a rapidly radiating lineage. Here, based on the available genome data of beetles and other related insect species, we performed a genome‐wide survey to search nuclear protein‐coding (NPC) genes suitable for research on beetle phylogenetics. As a result, we identified 1470 candidate loci, which provided a valuable data resource to the beetle evolutionary research community for NPC marker development. We randomly chose 180 candidate loci from the database to design primers and successfully developed 95 NPC markers which can be PCR amplified from standard genomic DNA extracts. These new nuclear markers are universally applicable across Coleoptera, with an average amplification success rate of 90%. To test the phylogenetic utility, we used them to investigate the backbone phylogeny of Coleoptera (18 families sampled) and the family Coccinellidae (39 species sampled). Both phylogenies are well resolved (average bootstrap support >95%), showing that our markers can be used to address phylogenetic questions of various evolutionary depth (from species level to family level). In general, the newly developed nuclear markers are much easier to use and more phylogenetically informative than the ‘traditional markers’, and show great potential to expedite resolution of many parts in the Beetle Tree of Life.  相似文献   

In the onrush of molecular-based phylogenetic hypotheses, previous morphological-based phylogenies are being ignored, discarded, or even treated with disdain. Coupled with this implicit superiority of molecular data is the sometimes tendency to construct a phylogeny from the molecular data with less than analytical rigor. This paper examines the phylogenetic relationships within the lizard family Xantusiidae employing both molecular and morphological data. The analysis focuses on four analytical points of the molecular data and on the phylogenetics synthesis of the two data sets. We conclude that the phylogeny of xantusiid lizards is not yet a robust hypothesis.  相似文献   



Since Darwin's Origin of Species, reconstructing the Tree of Life has been a goal of evolutionists, and tree-thinking has become a major concept of evolutionary biology. Practically, building the Tree of Life has proven to be tedious. Too few morphological characters are useful for conducting conclusive phylogenetic analyses at the highest taxonomic level. Consequently, molecular sequences (genes, proteins, and genomes) likely constitute the only useful characters for constructing a phylogeny of all life. For this reason, tree-makers expect a lot from gene comparisons. The simultaneous study of the largest number of molecular markers possible is sometimes considered to be one of the best solutions in reconstructing the genealogy of organisms. This conclusion is a direct consequence of tree-thinking: if gene inheritance conforms to a tree-like model of evolution, sampling more of these molecules will provide enough phylogenetic signal to build the Tree of Life. The selection of congruent markers is thus a fundamental step in simultaneous analysis of many genes.  相似文献   

Abstract Mitochondrial genomes provide a promising new tool for understanding deep‐level insect phylogenetics, but have yet to be evaluated for their ability to resolve intraordinal relationships. We tested the utility of mitochondrial genome data for the resolution of relationships within Diptera, the insect order for which the most data are available. We sequenced an additional three genomes, from a syrphid, nemestrinid and tabanid, representing three additional dipteran clades, ‘aschiza’, non‐heteroneuran muscomorpha and ‘basal brachyceran’, respectively. We assessed the influence of optimality criteria, gene inclusion/exclusion, data recoding and partitioning strategies on topology and nodal support within Diptera. Our consensus phylogeny of Diptera was largely consistent with previous phylogenetic hypotheses of the order, except that we did not recover a monophyletic Muscomorpha (Nesmestrinidae grouped with Tabanidae) or Acalyptratae (Drosophilidae grouped with Calliphoridae). The results were very robust to optimality criteria, as parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian approaches yielded very similar topologies, although nodal support varied. The addition of ribosomal and transfer RNA genes to the protein coding genes traditionally used in mitochondrial genome phylogenies improved the resolution and support, contrary to previous suggestions that these genes would evolve too quickly or prove too difficult to align to provide phylogenetic signal at deep nodes. Strategies to recode data, aimed at reducing homoplasy, resulted in a decrease in tree resolution and branch support. Bayesian analyses were highly sensitive to partitioning strategy: biologically realistic partitions into codon groups produced the best results. The implications of this study for dipteran systematics and the effective approaches to using mitochondrial genome data are discussed. Mitochondrial genomes resolve intraordinal relationships within Diptera accurately over very wide time ranges (1–200 million years ago) and genetic distances, suggesting that this may be an excellent data source for deep‐level studies within other, less studied, insect orders.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the fungus gnat tribe Exechiini (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) is reconstructed based on the combined analysis of five nuclear (18S, two parts of 28S, CAD, EF1α) and two mitochondrial (12S, COI) gene markers. According to known fossil record, and recent higher‐level phylogenies, the tribe constitutes the most apomorphic, distinctly monophyletic clade of the family Mycetophilidae. The tribe originated in the Paleogene and apparently quickly diversified in the Neogene with an unusual rapid radiation of complex male terminalia. Earlier attempts to reconstruct the phylogeny of the tribe, based on both morphology and molecular methods, have not yielded reliable hypotheses, neither in terms of resolution nor in terms of support for major clades. Increased taxon sampling and wider gene sampling have been suggested to achieve better phylogenetic resolution. Aiming at this, we present new phylogenies, for the first time with all known genera and subgenera of Exechiini represented. While many terminal intergeneric relationships are well supported, both in maximum likelihood and in Bayesian analyses, most of the major, deeper clades remain poorly supported. We suggest that a rapid radiation event close to the root may be causing the low resolution at this level in the phylogeny. This contrasts parallel phylogenies of the older subfamilies and tribes of the family Mycetophilidae, where traditional clades have usually been recovered with high support. Further in‐depth studies into the evolutionary history of the tribe are needed to enlighten and coalesce the specific phenomena driving their unique morphological, genetic and phylogeographic histories.  相似文献   

In many phylogenetic problems, assuming that species have evolved from a common ancestor by a simple branching process is unrealistic. Reticulate phylogenetic models, however, have been largely neglected because the concept of reticulate evolution have not been supported by using appropriate analytical tools and software. The reticulate model can adequately describe such complicated mechanisms as hybridization between species or lateral gene transfer in bacteria. In this paper, we describe a new algorithm for inferring reticulate phylogenies from evolutionary distances among species. The algorithm is capable of detecting contradictory signals encompassed in a phylogenetic tree and identifying possible reticulate events that may have occurred during evolution. The algorithm produces a reticulate phylogeny by gradually improving upon the initial solution provided by a phylogenetic tree model. The new algorithm is compared to the popular SplitsGraph method in a reanalysis of the evolution of photosynthetic organisms. A computer program to construct and visualize reticulate phylogenies, called T-Rex (Tree and Reticulogram Reconstruction), is available to researchers at the following URL: www.fas.umontreal.ca/biol/casgrain/en/labo/t-rex.  相似文献   

Exon-intron structure and evolution of the Lipocalin gene family   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Lipocalins are an ancient protein family whose expression is currently confirmed in bacteria, protoctists, plants, arthropods, and chordates. The evolution of this protein family has been assessed previously using amino acid sequence phylogenies. In this report we use an independent set of characters derived from the gene structure (exon-intron arrangement) to infer a new lipocalin phylogeny. We also present the novel gene structure of three insect lipocalins. The position and phase of introns are well preserved among lipocalin clades when mapped onto a protein sequence alignment, suggesting the homologous nature of these introns. Because of this homology, we use the intron position and phase of 23 lipocalin genes to reconstruct a phylogeny by maximum parsimony and distance methods. These phylogenies are very similar to the phylogenies derived from protein sequence. This result is confirmed by congruence analysis, and a consensus tree shows the commonalities between the two source trees. Interestingly, the intron arrangement phylogeny shows that metazoan lipocalins have more introns than other eukaryotic lipocalins, and that intron gains have occurred in the C-termini of chordate lipocalins. We also analyze the relationship of intron arrangement and protein tertiary structure, as well as the relationship of lipocalins with members of the proposed structural superfamily of calycins. Our congruence analysis validates the gene structure data as a source of phylogenetic information and helps to further refine our hypothesis on the evolutionary history of lipocalins.  相似文献   

Recent mtDNA phylogenies of Australasian agamid lizards are highly incongruent with existing morphological views. To resolve this discrepancy we sequenced two nuclear gene regions, c- mos and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). These were highly concordant with each other and the mtDNA phylogeny, but not the morphology. A combined molecular analysis reveals substantial hidden support (additional phylogenetic signal that emerges only when the data sets interact in a combined analysis). Bayesian posteriors, and a partitioned bootstrap procedure introduced here, indicate strong support for most nodes. The resultant tree implies extensive morphological homoplasy, with many genera emerging as non-monophyletic ( Amphibolurus , Rankinia , Ctenophorus , Physignathus , Diporiphora ). The water and forest dragons ( Physignathus and Hypsilurus ) form a paraphyletic basal assemblage to the more derived Australian forms such as Amphibolurus and Ctenophorus , which include almost all the xeric taxa. However, the thorny devil Moloch horridus is a basal lineage and not closely related to the other arid forms. Tree topology, inferred divergence dates, palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic data are all consistent with Miocene immigration into Australia from the north by mesic forest ecomorphs, followed by initial diversification in mesic habitats before radiation into xeric habitats facilitated by increasing aridity.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 343–358.  相似文献   

Phylogenies based on morphology vary considerably in their quality: some are robust and explicit with little conflict in the data set, whereas others are far more tenuous, with much conflict and many possible alternatives. The main primary reasons for untrue or inexplicit morphological phylogenies are: not enough characters developed between branching points, uncertain character polarity, poorly differentiated character states, homoplasy caused by parallelism or reversal, and extinction, which may remove species entirely from consideration and can make originally conflicting data sets misleadingly compatible, increasing congruence at the expense of truth. Extinction differs from other confounding factors in not being apparent either in the data set or in subsequent analysis. One possibility is that variation in the quality of morphological phylogenies has resulted from exposure to different ecological situations. To investigate this, it is necessary to compare the histories of the clades concerned. In the case of explicit morphological phylogenies, ecological and behavioural data can be integrated with them and it may then be possible to decide whether morphological characters are likely to have been elicited by the environments through which the clade has passed. The credibility of such results depends not only on the phylogeny being robust but also on its detailed topology: a pectinate phylogeny will often allow more certain and more explicit statements to be made about historical events. In the case of poor phylogenies, it is not possible to produce detailed histories, but they can be compared with robust phylogenies in the range of ecological situations occupied, and whether they occupy novel situations in comparison with their outgroups. LeQuesne testing can give information about niche homoplasy, and it may also be possible to see if morphological features are functionally associated with ecological parameters, even if the direction of change is unknown. Examination of the robust and explicit phylogeny of the semaphore geckoes (Pristurus) suggests that its quality does stem from a variety of environmental factors. The group has progressed along an ecological continuum, passing through a series of increasingly severe niches that appear to have elicited many morphological changes. The fact that niches are progressively filled reduces the likelihood of species reinvading a previous one with related character reversal. Because the niches of advanced Pristurus are virtually unique within the Gekkonidae the morphological changes produced are also very rare and therefore easy to polarize. Ecological changes on the main stem of the phylogeny are abrupt and associated character states consequently well differentiated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nye TM 《Systematic biology》2008,57(5):785-794
Phylogenetic analysis very commonly produces several alternative trees for a given fixed set of taxa. For example, different sets of orthologous genes may be analyzed, or the analysis may sample from a distribution of probable trees. This article describes an approach to comparing and visualizing multiple alternative phylogenies via the idea of a "tree of trees" or "meta-tree." A meta-tree clusters phylogenies with similar topologies together in the same way that a phylogeny clusters species with similar DNA sequences. Leaf nodes on a meta-tree correspond to the original set of phylogenies given by some analysis, whereas interior nodes correspond to certain consensus topologies. The construction of meta-trees is motivated by analogy with construction of a most parsimonious tree for DNA data, but instead of using DNA letters, in a meta-tree the characters are partitions or splits of the set of taxa. An efficient algorithm for meta-tree construction is described that makes use of a known relationship between the majority consensus and parsimony in terms of gain and loss of splits. To illustrate these ideas meta-trees are constructed for two datasets: a set of gene trees for species of yeast and trees from a bootstrap analysis of a set of gene trees in ray-finned fish. A software tool for constructing meta-trees and comparing alternative phylogenies is available online, and the source code can be obtained from the author.  相似文献   

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