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proseq is an integrated user‐friendly windows based program for convenient sequence editing and evolutionary analysis. It is designed to simplify preparation and analysis of DNA sequence data sets in population genetic, phylogenetic and molecular ecology studies. Sequence editor features include editing of chromatogram files, contig assembly, sequence alignment, translation and other utilities. Analysis features include calculation of genetic diversity, divergence, population subdivision and gene flow with permutation‐based significance testing and various tests of neutrality. A tool for coalescent simulations implements models with intragenic recombination, population subdivision and population growth.  相似文献   

The ability to detect and characterize hybridization in nature has long been of interest to many fields of biology and often has direct implications for wildlife management and conservation. The capacity to identify the presence of hybridization, and quantify the numbers of individuals belonging to different hybrid classes, permits inference on the magnitude of, and timescale over which, hybridization has been or is occurring. Here, we present an r package and associated workflow developed for the detection, with estimates of efficiency and accuracy, of multigenerational hybrid individuals using genetic or genomic data in conjunction with the program newhybrids . This package includes functions for the identification and testing of diagnostic panels of markers, the simulation of multigenerational hybrids, and the quantification and visualization of the efficiency and accuracy with which hybrids can be detected. Overall, this package delivers a streamlined hybrid analysis platform, providing improvements in speed, ease of use and repeatability over current ad hoc approaches. The latest version of the package and associated documentation are available on GitHub ( https://github.com/bwringe/hybriddetective ).  相似文献   

Simulated genotypes, Bayesian analyses and molecular genetic data were used to detect individuals of hybrid origin and hybrid introgression between the Australian bass ( Macquaria novemaculeata ), a species extensively stocked in Australia, and estuary perch ( Macquaria colonorum ). Based on this analytical framework, 93% of the hybrids up to three generations later could be distinguished from the Australian bass. Individuals of hybrid origin were identified in all three rivers sampled. In addition, this study verified the fertility of hybrids between Australian bass and estuary perch as determined through genomic introgression. This study exemplifies an analytical procedure that has implications for identifying suitable individuals for use in breeding and restocking programmes for other species.  相似文献   

We describe four extensions to existing Bayesian methods for the analysis of genetic structure in populations: (i) use of beta distributions to approximate the posterior distribution of f and theta(B); (ii) use of an entropy statistic to describe the amount of information about a parameter derived from the data; (iii) use of the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) as a model choice criterion for determining whether there is evidence for inbreeding within populations or genetic differentiation among populations; and (iv) use of samples from the posterior distributions for f and theta(B) derived from different data sets to determine whether the estimates are consistent with one another. We illustrate each of these extensions by applying them to data derived from previous allozyme and random amplified polymorphic DNA surveys of an endangered orchid, Platanthera leucophaea, and we conclude that differences in theta(B) from the two data sets may represent differences in the underlying mutational processes.  相似文献   

With the availability of whole-genome sequence data biologists are able to test hypotheses regarding the demography of populations. Furthermore, the advancement of the Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) methodology allows the demographic inference to be performed in a simple framework using summary statistics. We present here msABC, a coalescent-based software that facilitates the simulation of multi-locus data, suitable for an ABC analysis. msABC is based on Hudson's ms algorithm, which is used extensively for simulating neutral demographic histories of populations. The flexibility of the original algorithm has been extended so that sample size may vary among loci, missing data can be incorporated in simulations and calculations, and a multitude of summary statistics for single or multiple populations is generated. The source code of msABC is available at http://bio.lmu.de/~pavlidis/msabc or upon request from the authors.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for defining groups of populations that are geographically homogeneous and maximally differentiated from each other. As a by-product, it also leads to the identification of genetic barriers between these groups. The method is based on a simulated annealing procedure that aims to maximize the proportion of total genetic variance due to differences between groups of populations (spatial analysis of molecular variance; samova). Monte Carlo simulations were used to study the performance of our approach and, for comparison, the behaviour of the Monmonier algorithm, a procedure commonly used to identify zones of sharp genetic changes in a geographical area. Simulations showed that the samova algorithm indeed finds maximally differentiated groups, which do not always correspond to the simulated group structure in the presence of isolation by distance, especially when data from a single locus are available. In this case, the Monmonier algorithm seems slightly better at finding predefined genetic barriers, but can often lead to the definition of groups of populations not differentiated genetically. The samova algorithm was then applied to a set of European roe deer populations examined for their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) HVRI diversity. The inferred genetic structure seemed to confirm the hypothesis that some Italian populations were recently reintroduced from a Balkanic stock, as well as the differentiation of groups of populations possibly due to the postglacial recolonization of Europe or the action of a specific barrier to gene flow.  相似文献   

The analysis of genetic marker data is increasingly being conducted in the context of the spatial arrangement of strata (e.g. populations) necessitating a more flexible set of analysis tools. GeneticStudio consists of four interacting programs: (i) Geno a spreadsheet-like interface for the analysis of spatially explicit marker-based genetic variation; (ii) Graph software for the analysis of Population Graph and network topologies, (iii) Manteller, a general purpose for matrix analysis program; and (iv) SNPFinder, a program for identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms. The GeneticStudio suite is available as source code as well as binaries for OSX and Windows and is distributed under the GNU General Public License.  相似文献   

Information on the genetic diversity and population structure of cattle breeds is useful when deciding the most optimal, for example, crossbreeding strategies to improve phenotypic performance by exploiting heterosis. The present study investigated the genetic diversity and population structure of the most prominent dairy and beef breeds used in Ireland. Illumina high-density genotypes (777 962 single nucleotide polymorphisms; SNPs) were available on 4623 purebred bulls from nine breeds; Angus (n=430), Belgian Blue (n=298), Charolais (n=893), Hereford (n=327), Holstein-Friesian (n=1261), Jersey (n=75), Limousin (n=943), Montbéliarde (n=33) and Simmental (n=363). Principal component analysis revealed that Angus, Hereford, and Jersey formed non-overlapping clusters, representing distinct populations. In contrast, overlapping clusters suggested geographical proximity of origin and genetic similarity between Limousin, Simmental and Montbéliarde and to a lesser extent between Holstein, Friesian and Belgian Blue. The observed SNP heterozygosity averaged across all loci was 0.379. The Belgian Blue had the greatest mean observed heterozygosity (HO=0.389) among individuals within breed while the Holstein-Friesian and Jersey populations had the lowest mean heterozygosity (HO=0.370 and 0.376, respectively). The correlation between the genomic-based and pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients was weak (r=0.171; P<0.001). Mean genomic inbreeding estimates were greatest for Jersey (0.173) and least for Hereford (0.051). The pair-wise breed fixation index (Fst) ranged from 0.049 (Limousin and Charolais) to 0.165 (Hereford and Jersey). In conclusion, substantial genetic variation exists among breeds commercially used in Ireland. Thus custom-mating strategies would be successful in maximising the exploitation of heterosis in crossbreeding strategies.  相似文献   

Genetic isolation among populations can be effectively investigated by multilocus DNA fingerprinting. If populations have diverged, it is expected that the mean proportion of bands shared by individuals from the same population, Bw, exceeds the corresponding mean, Bb, calculated from pairs of individuals from distinct populations. A problem arises in deciding whether any difference between Bw and Bb is statistically significant. In fact, any two band-sharing data (bij), contributing to Bw or Bb, are not independent if they share a common individual (like bij and bjl). This prevents a correct application of parametric tests, such as the Student's t-test. Recently, a modification of this test has been proposed that should avoid the independence problem. Using a large number of samples of fingerprints, simulated from an appropriate 'genetic' model, under a wide range of conditions, we compared the performances of the Student's t-test, the modified t-test and five new permutation tests, where individuals, rather than bij values, are permuted. We found that: (i) the Student's t-test can be very permissive, rejecting too often the null hypothesis when true, but is correct or conservative in certain cases; (ii) the modified t-test is extremely conservative when the null hypothesis is true and very inefficient otherwise; (iii) all five permutation tests are strictly correct, provided that individuals are ordered randomly on gels; and (iv) in this case, the permutation tests are equally efficient, and are not inferior to the Student's t-test when the latter is approximately correct and provides a fair benchmark.  相似文献   

王强  梁玉  范小莉  张文馨  何欢  戴九兰 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1514-1527
微生物生态研究中,对微生物群落结构、群落特征以及其与环境因素的关系的揭示,一直受到广泛关注;适当的数据分析方法有助于更清晰地刻画微生物群落结构特征,明确其与环境因素的关系。结合实例,对微生物生态研究中基于BIOLOG微平板技术的数据分析方法进行梳理,分别介绍数据读取整理、特征指数计算、非限制性排序、限制性排序、聚类分析、环境向量拟合、蒙特尔检验等常用数据操作及生态分析方法;针对不同方法结论,结合研究目标和生态理论给出具有统计学意义的解释,并评价不同方法特点及适用场景;分析过程以R语言实现,并提供全部代码。结果表明,BIOLOG方法产生数据能从多个角度表征微生物群落功能特征,并结合环境指标梯度进行分析;但BIOLOG数据可能不满足正态性分布,在基于正态分布的分析前应提前进行检验;排序分析时应慎用主成分分析,可优先采用其他基于距离矩阵的排序方法;R语言能够简化BIOLOG数据读取及操作,易于完成各类统计分析。本研究能够对微生物生态研究者科学选择应用统计分析方法、提高数据处理效率提供直接参考。  相似文献   

群体遗传学研究中的数据处理方法I.RAPD数据的AMOVA分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
张富民  葛颂 《生物多样性》2002,10(4):438-444
近年来,RAPD数据和AMOVA分析广泛地应用于群体遗传学和保护遗传学研究。然而,由于RAPD标记具显性特点。加上目前进行AMOVA分析所依赖的RAPDistance软件不完善,使得对RAPD数据进行AMOVA分析时存在许多不足。本文介绍了AMOVA分析的基本过程,同时引入一个新的程序DCFA用以替代RADistance并详述了将DCFA与WINAMOVA联用,对RAPD数据进行AMOVA分析的具体步骤与注意事项,最后,以产自中国和巴西8个普通野生稻(Oryza furipogon)天然群体为例,演示了对RAPD表型数据进行AMOVA分析的过程,讨论了AMOVA分析结果在群体遗传结构上的意义。通过对AMOVA算法的分析,同时比较4种距离系数所得AMOVA结果,我们认为在进行AMOVA分析时选择NEI-LI距离和欧氏距离平方较为合适,而目前国内使用较多的JACCARD系数不适合AMOVA分析。  相似文献   

Declining populations of less than 250 mature individuals are symptomatic of many Critically Endangered cycads, which, globally, comprise the most threatened group of organisms as a result of collecting and habitat loss. Survival plans focus on law enforcement, reintroduction, and augmentation programmes using plants from the wild and botanical gardens. Augmentation is one of the few remaining options for cycad populations, although the assumed benefits remain untested and there is a possibility that augmentation from different sources could compromise the genetic integrity of existing populations, especially when garden plants have no provenance data. We studied Encephalartos latifrons, a South African endemic, which is a typical Critically Endangered cycad. We studied the extent and structure of genetic diversity in wild and ex situ populations to assess the potential benefits and risks associated with augmentation programmes. We examined 86 plants using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The 417 AFLP markers thus generated yielded a unique DNA ‘fingerprint’ for each plant. Wild populations retain high levels of genetic diversity and this is reflected among the ex situ holdings at the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden. No population differentiation is evident, indicating a single panmictic population, consistent with moderately high levels of gene flow between subpopulations and a sexual mode of reproduction. Bayesian clustering identified four genotype groups in the wild, as well as a genotype group only found in ex situ collections. Our results indicate that E. latifrons would benefit from augmentation programmes, including the use of undocumented collections, and careful management of breeding plants would increase the heterogeneity of propagules. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 293–308.  相似文献   

A plethora of statistical models have recently been developed to estimate components of population genetic history. Very few of these methods, however, have been adequately evaluated for their performance in accurately estimating population genetic parameters of interest. In this paper, we continue a research program of evaluation of population genetic methods through computer simulation. Specifically, we examine the software MIGRATEE-N 1.6.8 and test the accuracy of this software to estimate genetic diversity (Theta), migration rates, and confidence intervals. We simulated nucleotide sequence data under a neutral coalescent model with lengths of 500 bp and 1000 bp, and with three different per site Theta values of (0.00025, 0.0025, 0.025) crossed with four different migration rates (0.0000025, 0.025, 0.25, 2.5) to construct 1000 evolutionary trees per-combination per-sequence-length. We found that while MIGRATEE-N 1.6.8 performs reasonably well in estimating genetic diversity (Theta), it does poorly at estimating migration rates and the confidence intervals associated with them. We recommend researchers use this software with caution under conditions similar to those used in this evaluation.  相似文献   

Several market research studies have shown that consumers are primarily concerned with the provenance of the food they eat. Among the available identification methods, only DNA‐based techniques appear able to completely prevent frauds. In this study, a new method to discriminate among different bovine breeds and assign new individuals to groups was developed. Bulls of three cattle breeds farmed in Italy – Holstein, Brown, and Simmental – were genotyped using the 50K SNP Illumina BeadChip. Multivariate canonical discriminant analysis was used to discriminate among breeds, and discriminant analysis (DA) was used to assign new observations. This method was able to completely identify the three groups at chromosome level. Moreover, a genome‐wide analysis developed using 340 linearly independent SNPs yielded a significant separation among groups. Using the reduced set of markers, the DA was able to assign 30 independent individuals to the proper breed. Finally, a set of 48 high discriminant SNPs was selected and used to develop a new run of the analysis. Again, the procedure was able to significantly identify the three breeds and to correctly assign new observations. These results suggest that an assay with the selected 48 SNP could be used to routinely track monobreed products.  相似文献   

微生物生态研究中基于BIOLOG方法的数据分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
BIOLOG微平板法作为一种方便快速的微生物检验技术,已广泛应用于环境微生物检测,微生物生态研究等方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。该方法可以获得关于微生物群落碳源利用能力的大量数据,反映出关于微生物活性的丰富信息。然而大量的数据也对解释和分析提出了挑战,分析了应用于BIOLOG产生数据的统计分析方法,对常用的AWCD值计算,多样性指数计算,主成分分析(PCA),聚类分析,相关、回归等方法深入探讨,阐述各自的功能、不足以及在应用中容易出现的问题。另外也对一些不常见的方法,如非参数多元分析(Non-Parametric version of MANOVA/Permutation version of MANOVA)、动力学参数分析、多元回归树、典范对应分析等也进行了讨论。通过对不同方法应用目标和原理的分析论述了各自优缺点,对微生物研究中基于BIOLOG方法数据分析的选择应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are quite popular due to their degree of polymorphism and efficiency; however, the utility of such markers for analysing allotetraploid species is often hampered by an inability to determine allele copy number for partial heterozygotes. tetrasat is a program that uses an iterative substitution process to account for all probable combinations of allele copy numbers in populations with partial heterozygote samples. The program subsequently calculates allele frequencies, and mean Hardy–Weinberg expected heterozygosity (HE), Shannon–Weiner Diversity Index (H′) and Nei's measure of population differentiation (GST) are reported for each locus and population. Of equal importance is the calculation of statistical variability generated by the missing data and allele substitution process, which allows for assessment of the strength of conclusions drawn from the statistics.  相似文献   

Simulations were used to study the influence of model adequacy and data structure on the estimation of genetic parameters for traits governed by direct and maternal effects. To test model adequacy, several data sets were simulated according to different underlying genetic assumptions and analysed by comparing the correct and incorrect models. Results showed that omission of one of the random effects leads to an incorrect decomposition of the other components. If maternal genetic effects exist but are neglected, direct heritability is overestimated, and sometimes more than double. The bias depends on the value of the genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects. To study the influence of data structure on the estimation of genetic parameters, several populations were simulated, with different degrees of known paternity and different levels of genetic connectedness between flocks. Results showed that the lack of connectedness affects estimates when flocks have different genetic means because no distinction can be made between genetic and environmental differences between flocks. In this case, direct and maternal heritabilities are under-estimated, whereas maternal environmental effects are overestimated. The insufficiency of pedigree leads to biased estimates of genetic parameters.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of a population involves changes in size, movements and selection pressures through time. Reconstruction of population history based on modern genetic data tends to be averaged over time or to be biased by generally reflecting only recent or extreme events, leaving many population historic processes undetected. Temporal genetic data present opportunities to reveal more complex population histories and provide important insights into what processes have influenced modern genetic diversity. Here we provide a synopsis of methods available for the analysis of ancient genetic data. We review 29 ancient DNA studies, summarizing the analytical methods and general conclusions for each study. Using the serial coalescent and a model-testing approach, we then re-analyse data from two species represented by these data sets in a common interpretive framework. Our analyses show that phylochronologic data can reveal more about population history than modern data alone, thus revealing 'cryptic' population processes, and enable us to determine whether simple or complex models best explain the data. Our re-analyses point to the need for novel methods that consider gene flow, multiple populations and population size in reconstruction of population history. We conclude that population genetic samples over large temporal and geographical scales, when analysed using more complex models and the serial coalescent, are critical to understand past population dynamics and provide important tools for reconstructing the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Lupinus microcarpus is a self-compatible annual plant that forms a species complex of morphologically variable but indeterminate varieties. In order to examine the hypothesis that varieties of L. microcarpus comprise genetically differentiated and reproductively isolated species, populations of L. microcarpus var. horizontalis and var. densiflorus were sampled from an area of sympatry in central California and genotyped using six microsatellite loci. Bayesian clustering divided the total sample into two groups corresponding to the named varieties with extremely low levels of inferred coancestry. Similarly, maximum likelihood and distance methods for genetic assignment placed individuals in two nonoverlapping groups. Evidence for isolation by distance (IBD) within each variety was found at shorter distance classes, but varieties remained differentiated in sympatry. Furthermore, coalescent estimates of divergence time indicate separation within the past 950-5050 generations, with minimal gene flow after divergence. A four-level hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (amova) found significant levels of genetic differentiation among varieties (theta(P) = 0.292), populations within varieties (theta(S) = 0.449), subpopulations within populations (theta(SS) = 0.623), and individuals within subpopulations (f = 0.421); but the greatest degree of differentiation was at the subpopulation level. Although it is sometimes assumed that the magnitude of genetic differences (e.g. F(ST)) should be greater between species than among populations or subpopulations of the same species, shared ancestral polymorphism may lead to relatively low levels of differentiation at the species level, even as the stochastic effects of genetic drift generate higher levels of differentiation at lower hierarchical levels. These results suggest that L. microcarpus var. horizontalis and var. densiflorus are recently diverged yet reproductively isolated species, with high levels of inbreeding resulting from the combined effects of limited gene flow, demographic bottlenecks, and partial selfing in finite, geographically structured populations.  相似文献   

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