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Studies on the crustacean cardiac ganglion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. An overview of studies on the decapod crustacean cardiac ganglion is given emphasizing contributions to questions of general interest in cellular neurophysiology. 2. John Welsh, in 1951, introduced this 9-celled, semi-autonomous ganglion as a preparation offering physiologists unique experimental possibilities. 3. It exhibits remarkable reliability and stability in rhythmic pattern generation. The neurons show endogenous burst-forming capability mediated by "driver potentials". 4. These regenerative, Ca-mediated potentials are restricted to the soma, while impulse-generating membrane is segregated to the distal axon. 5. Thus, voltage-clamp analysis of the ionic currents underlying the burst-forming potentials is possible by isolating the soma with a ligature. 6. The isolated ganglion is spontaneously active, but the normal mechanism of pacemaking remains to be clarified, including the possible contribution of stretch-sensitive dendrites. 7. The activity of the ganglion is subject to modulation by neurohumors. These include the transmitter at intraganglionic synapses, transmitters of the pair of inhibitory and the two pairs of acceleratory fibers, and neurohormones released from the pericardial organs. The transmitters are not established. 8. Effects on the ganglion of substances isolated from the pericardial organs have been described. 9. These include 5-hydroxytryptamine, dopamine, octopamine, and two peptides. 10. One of these, proctolin, produces a long-lasting sequence of effects. 11. The work continues to raise new questions for which the ganglion offers excellent research material.  相似文献   

Haloperidol (a dopamine D2 blocker in vertebrates) and phentolamine (an α-adrenergic blocker) alter the pattern of bursting by the isolated cardiac ganglion of the lobster when perfused at concentrations of 10?6–10?5 mol/l. Both drugs decrease the frequency of bursting and increase burst duration. They are most effective in slowing the ganglion when applied selectively to the anterior ganglionic trunk, the same region of the ganglion where dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) are most effective in speeding up bursting. When exogenous monoamine transmitters are applied in the presence of 3×10?6 mol/l haloperidol, the effect of 5HT, but not of DA, is significantly reduced. At the same concentration, phentolamine does not suppress the actions of DA, 5HT or noradrenaline (NA). Both haloperidol and phentolamine significantly alter the properties of endogenous burst-organizing potentials (driver potentials) generated by motorneurons in the ganglion. It is possible that the effects of these drugs on bursting reflect alteration of endogenous electrical properties of the constituent neurons, rather than receptor antagonism.  相似文献   

Activity patterns of the constituent neurons of the posterior cardiac plate-pyloric system in the stomatogastric ganglion of the mantis shrimp Squilla oratoria were studied by recording spontaneous burst discharges intracellularly from neuronal somata. These neurons were identified electrophysiologically, and synaptic connections among them were qualitatively analysed. The posterior cardiac plate constrictor, pyloric constrictor, pyloric dilator and ventricular dilator motoneurons, and the pyloric interneuron were involved in the posterior cardiac plate-pyloric system. All the cell types could produce slow burst-forming potentials which led to repetitive spike discharges. These neurons generated sequentially patterned outputs. Most commonly, the posterior cardiac plate neuron activity was followed by the activity of pyloric constrictor neurons, and then by the activity of pyloric dilator/pyloric interneuron, and ventricular dilator neurons. The motoneurons and interneuron in the posterior cardiac plate-pyloric system were connected to each other either by electrical or by inhibitory chemical synapses, and thus constructed the neural circuit characterized by a wiring diagram which was structurally similar to the pyloric circuit of decapods. The circuitry in the stomatogastric ganglion was strongly conserved during evolution between stomatopods and decapods, despite significant changes in the peripheral structure of the foregut. There were more electrical synapses in stomatopods, and more reciprocal inhibitory synapses in decapods.Abbreviations EJP excitatory junctional potential - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - CoG commissural ganglion - CPG central pattern generator - ion inferior oesophageal nerve - OG oesophageal ganglion - pcp posterior cardiac plate - son superior oesophageal nerve - STG stomatogastric ganglion - stn stomatogastric nerve - PY pyloric constrictor - PD pyloric dilator - VD ventricular dilator - AB pyloric interneuron - lvn lateral ventricular nerves - tcpm transverse cardiac plate muscle  相似文献   

The heartbeat is initiated and coordinated by a heterogeneous set of tissues, collectively referred to as the pacemaking and conduction system (PCS). While the structural and physiological properties of these specialized tissues has been studied for more than a century, distinct new insights have emerged in recent years. The tools of molecular biology and the lessons of modern embryology are beginning to uncover the mechanisms governing induction, patterning and developmental integration of the PCS. In particular, significant advances have been made in understanding the developmental biology of the fast conduction network in the ventricles--the His-Purkinje system. Although this progress has largely been made by using animal models such as the chick and mouse, the insights gained may help explain cardiac disease in humans, as well as lead to new treatment strategies.  相似文献   

We identified two pairs of cardioacceleratory (CA1, CA2) neurons in the central nervous system of the isopod Ligiaexotica and examined their effects on the cardiac ganglion (CG). CA1 neurons had cell bodies in the 2nd thoracic ganglion and had arborizations in the subesophageal ganglion and the 1st and 2nd thoracic ganglia. CA2 neurons had cell bodies in the 3rd thoracic ganglion and had arborizations in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th thoracic ganglia. They sent axons to the heart through the ipsilateral 3rd roots of the ganglia where their cell bodies were located. Repetitive stimulation of the CA1 axon rapidly increased the burst frequency of the CG, and that of CA2 rather slowly. The increased burst rate caused by the CA1 stimulation was significantly higher than that caused by CA2. Overall depolarization of a quiescent CG cell produced by the CA1 stimulation was significantly larger in amplitude than that produced by CA2. Facilitation was obviously seen in the excitatory post-synaptic potentials evoked by the CA1 stimulation. These results show that the synaptic properties of CA1 and CA2 neurons are different, suggesting that they have different functional roles in heart regulation. Accepted: 19 July 1997  相似文献   

Stress-induced arrest of ventilatory motor pattern generation is tightly correlated with an abrupt increase in extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]o) within the metathoracic neuropil of the locust, Locusta migratoria. Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition with ouabain elicits repetitive surges of [K+]o that coincide with arrest and recovery of motor activity. Here we show that ouabain induces repetitive [K+]o events in a concentration-dependent manner. 10−5 M, 10−4 M, and 10−3 M ouabain was bath-applied in semi-intact locust preparations. 10−4 M and 10−3 M ouabain reliably induced repetitive [K+]o events whereas 10−5 M ouabain had no significant effect. In comparison to 10−4 M ouabain, 10−3 M ouabain increased the number and hastened the time to onset of repetitive [K+]o waves, prolonged [K+]o event duration, increased resting [K+]o, and diminished the absolute value of [K+]o waves. Recovery of motor patterning following [K+]o events was less likely in 10−3 M ouabain. In addition, we show that K+ channel inhibition using TEA suppressed the onset and decreased the amplitude of ouabain-induced repetitive [K+]o waves. Our results demonstrate that ventilatory circuit function in the locust CNS is dependent on the balance between mechanisms of [K+] accumulation and [K+] clearance. We suggest that with an imbalance in favour of accumulation the system tends towards a bistable state with transitions mediated by positive feedback involving voltage-dependent K+ channels.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent sodium (Na(+)) channels are heterogeneously distributed through the pacemaker of the heart, the sinoatrial node (SA node). The measured sodium channel current (i(Na)) density is higher in the periphery but low or zero in the center of the SA node. The functional roles of i(Na) in initiation and conduction of cardiac pacemaker activity remain uncertain. We evaluated the functional roles of i(Na) by computer modeling. A gradient model of the intact SA node and atrium of the rabbit heart was developed that incorporates both heterogeneities of the SA node electrophysiology and histological structure. Our computations show that a large i(Na) in the periphery helps the SA node to drive the atrial muscle. Removal i(Na) from the SA node slows down the pacemaking rate and increases the sinoatrial node-atrium conduction time. In some cases, reduction of the SA node i(Na) results in impairment of impulse initiation and conduction that leads to the SA node-atrium conduction exit block. Decrease in active SA node cell population has similar effects. Combined actions of reduced cell population and removal of i(Na) from the SA node have greater impacts on weakening the ability of the SA node to pace and drive the atrium.  相似文献   

Neural induction and differentiation with minimal numbers of cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Species richness in ground water is still largely underestimated, and this situation stems from two different impediments: the Linnaean (i.e. the taxonomic) and the Wallacean (i.e. the biogeographical) shortfalls. Within this fragmented frame of knowledge of subterranean biodiversity, this review was aimed at (i) assessing species richness in ground water at different spatial scales, and its contribution to overall freshwater species richness at the continental scale; (ii) analysing the contribution of historical and ecological determinants in shaping spatial patterns of stygobiotic species richness across multiple spatial scales; (iii) analysing the role of β-diversity in shaping patterns of species richness at each scale analysed. From data of the present study, a nested hierarchy of environmental factors appeared to determine stygobiotic species richness. At the broad European scale, historical factors were the major determinants in explaining species richness patterns in ground water. In particular, Quaternary glaciations have strongly affected stygobiotic species richness, leading to a marked latitudinal gradient across Europe, whereas little effects were observed in surface fresh water. Most surface-dwelling fauna is of recent origin, and colonized this realm by means of post-glacial dispersal. Historical factors seemed to have also operated at the smaller stygoregional and regional scales, where different karstic and porous aquifers showed different values of species richness. Species richness at the small, local scale was more difficult to be explained, because the analyses revealed that point-diversity in ground water was rather low, and at increasing values of regional species richness, reached a plateau. This observation supports the coarse-grained role of truncated food webs and oligotrophy, potentially reflected in competition for food resources among co-occurring species, in shaping groundwater species diversity at the local scale. Alpha-diversity resulted decoupled from γ-diversity, suggesting that β-diversity accounted for the highest values of total species richness at the spatial scales analysed.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) causes a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of motor neuron bursts [virtual ventilation (fR)] produced by deafferented crab ventilatory pattern generators (CPGv). Domperidone, a D2-specific DA antagonist, by itself reversibly depresses fR and also blocks the stimulatory effects of DA. Serotonin (5HT) has no direct effects on this CPGv. Nicotine also causes dramatic dose-dependent increases in the frequency of motor bursts from the CPGv. The action is triphasic, beginning with an initial reversal of burst pattern typical of reversed-mode ventilation, followed by a 2- to 3-min period of depression and then a long period of elevated burst rate. Acetylcholine chloride (ACh) alone is ineffective, but in the presence of eserine is moderately stimulatory. The inhibitory effects of nicotine are only partially blocked by curare. The excitatory action of nicotine is blocked by prior perfusion of domperidone, but not by SKF-83566.HCl, a D1-specific DA antagonist. SKF-83566 had no effects on the ongoing pattern of firing. These observations support the hypothesis that dopaminergic pathways are involved in the maintenance of the CPGv rhythm and that the acceleratory effects of nicotine may involve release of DA either directly or via stimulation of atypical ACh receptors at intraganglionic sites. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Theoretical predictions for the relationships between duration of dormancy, reproductive life span, and dispersal ability developed for plants in temporally varying environments are applied here to crustaceans. Mathematical models suggest that diapause duration should negatively covary with adult life span, and that both diapause and life span should negatively covary with dispersal ability. A survey of 167 crustacean species from 20 orders and three classes confirms that species with prolonged diapause have short adult life spans and those with long adult lives either have diapause lasting less than a year, or do not diapause at all. Prolonged diapause is more common among small or inland water crustaceans than it is among large or marine species, whereas large or marine species have significantly longer adult life spans on average than do those that are small or from inland waters. A greater fraction of species in the Branchiopoda exhibit prolonged diapause than do members of the Maxillopoda which, in turn, are more likely to exhibit prolonged diapause than are the Malacostraca. A greater fraction of malacostracan species have adult life spans exceeding one year than do species in either the Branchiopoda or the Maxillopoda. Cladistic analysis shows that phylogenetic constraint is likely to be at least in part responsible for the expression of diapause among the Crustacea. We conclude that both natural selection and macroevolutionary pattern have influenced the distribution of diapause among modern crustaceans.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨酿酒酵母衰老过程中细胞壁蛋白变化, 从蛋白水平上解释酿酒酵母衰老的原因。【方法】以酿酒酵母FFC2146为研究对象, 采用显微镜观察法比较了经2、10、15次连续传代酿酒酵母的细胞形态; 用计算细胞沉降速率的方法考查酵母凝絮性; 通过3,5-二硝基水杨酸法测定降糖速率来表征酵母代谢活力; 采用二硫苏糖醇溶解法结合苯酚萃取法抽提不同传代次数的酿酒酵母细胞壁蛋白; 并且通过双向电泳进行差异性分析。【结果】结果显示随着传代次数的增加酿酒细胞个体表面变得粗糙, 凝絮能力明显增强, 降糖能力明显减弱, 表明多次传代后的酵母体现出衰老现象。双向电泳结果共得到309个胞壁蛋白点, 其中11个蛋白质点存在明显差异。6个蛋白质点在第15代丰度小于第2代丰度2倍以上, 4个蛋白质点只在第15代酵母细胞壁中出现, 1个蛋白质点只在第2代酵母细胞壁中出现。【结论】酿酒酵母FFC2146经过15次连续传代培养后11个细胞壁蛋白丰度发生明显变化, 此11个细胞壁蛋白的表达水平与酿酒酵母衰老相关。  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) causes a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of motor neuron bursts [virtual ventilation (fR)] produced by deafferented crab ventilatory pattern generators (CPGv). Domperidone, a D2-specific DA antagonist, by itself reversibly depresses fR and also blocks the stimulatory effects of DA. Serotonin (5HT) has no direct effects on this CPGv. Nicotine also causes dramatic dose-dependent increases in the frequency of motor bursts from the CPGv. The action is triphasic, beginning with an initial reversal of burst pattern typical of reversed-mode ventilation, followed by a 2- to 3-min period of depression and then a long period of elevated burst rate. Acetylcholine chloride (ACh) alone is ineffective, but in the presence of eserine is moderately stimulatory. The inhibitory effects of nicotine are only partially blocked by curare. The excitatory action of nicotine is blocked by prior perfusion of domperidone, but not by SKF-83566.HCl, a D1-specific DA antagonist. SKF-83566 had no effects on the ongoing pattern of firing. These observations support the hypothesis that dopaminergic pathways are involved in the maintenance of the CPGv rhythm and that the acceleratory effects of nicotine may involve release of DA either directly or via stimulation of atypical ACh receptors at intraganglionic sites.  相似文献   

Three distinct clusters of crustacean cardioactive-peptide-immunoreactive neurones occur in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the crayfish species Orconectes limosus, Astacus leptodactylus, Astacus astacus and Procambarus clarkii, as revealed by immunocytochemistry of whole-mount preparations and sections. They exhibit similar topology and projection patterns in all four studied species. An anterior ventral lateral and a posterior lateral cluster contain one small, strongly stained perikaryon and two large, less intensely stained perikarya, each showing contralateral projections. A posterior medial lateral cluster of up to six cells also contains these two types of perikarya. Whereas the small type perikarya belong to putative interneurones, the large type perikarya give rise to extensive neurohaemal plexuses in perineural sheaths of the third roots of the fifth abdominal ganglia, the connectives, the dorsal telson nerves, the ganglion itself, its roots and arteriolar supply. Thin fibres from these plexuses reach newly discovered putative neurohaemal areas around the hindgut and anus via the intestinal and the anal nerves, and directly innervate the phasic telson musculature. A comparison with earlier investigations of motoneurones and segmentation indicates that these three cell groups containing putative neurosecretory neurones may be members of at least three neuromeres in this ganglion. Crustacean cardioactive peptide released from these neurones may participate in the neurohumoral and modulatory control of different neuronal and muscle targets, thereby exceeding its previously established hindgut and heart excitatory effects.Abbreviations AG abdominal ganglion - adpl arteria dorsalis pleica - Ala arreria lateralis abdominalis - Asub arteria subneuralis - CCAP crustacean cardioactive peptide - CNS central nervous system - IR immunoreactive - LG lateral giant axon - LTr lateral tract - MDT medial dorsal tract - MG medial giant axon - M Tr medial tract - mcan musculus compressor ani - mfltp museulus flexor telsonos posterior - nan nervus ani (AG6 N5) - nant nervus anterior (AG6 N1, N2) - nia nervus intestinal anterior - nin nervus intestinalis (AG6 N7) - nip nervus intestinalis posterior - nteld nervus telsonos dorsalis (AG6 N6) - nielv nervus telsonos ventralis (AG6 N4) - nur nervus uropedalis (AG6 N3) - nven nervus ventralis (AG5 N3) - PIR peri-intestinal ring - PTF posterior telson flexor - VLT ventral lateral tract - VMT ventral medial tract - VNC ventral nerve cord - VIF ventral telson flexor - AVLC, PLC, PMLC anterior ventral lateral, posterior lateral, posterior medial lateral CCAP-immunoreactive cell cluster - A6AVC, A7AVC anterior ventral commissures - A7DCI dorsal commissure I - A7PVC posterior ventral commissure - A7SCII sensory commissure II - A7VCII, A7VCIII ventral commissures II and III of the sixth (A6) and seventh (A7) abdominal neuromer  相似文献   

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