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The origins and importance of spliceosomal introns comprise one of the longest-abiding mysteries of molecular evolution. Considerable debate remains over several aspects of the evolution of spliceosomal introns, including the timing of intron origin and proliferation, the mechanisms by which introns are lost and gained, and the forces that have shaped intron evolution. Recent important progress has been made in each of these areas. Patterns of intron-position correspondence between widely diverged eukaryotic species have provided insights into the origins of the vast differences in intron number between eukaryotic species, and studies of specific cases of intron loss and gain have led to progress in understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms and the forces that control intron evolution.  相似文献   

The number of introns varies considerably among different organisms. This can be explained by the differences in the rates of intron gain and loss. Two factors that are likely to influence these rates are selection for or against introns and the mutation rate that generates the novel intron or the intronless copy. Although it has been speculated that stronger selection for a compact genome might result in a higher rate of intron loss and a lower rate of intron gain, clear evidence is lacking, and the role of selection in determining these rates has not been established. Here, we studied the gain and loss of introns in the two closely related species Arabidopsis thaliana and A. lyrata as it was recently shown that A. thaliana has been undergoing a faster genome reduction driven by selection. We found that A. thaliana has lost six times more introns than A. lyrata since the divergence of the two species but gained very few introns. We suggest that stronger selection for genome reduction probably resulted in the much higher intron loss rate in A. thaliana, although further analysis is required as we could not find evidence that the loss rate increased in A. thaliana as opposed to having decreased in A. lyrata compared with the rate in the common ancestor. We also examined the pattern of the intron gains and losses to better understand the mechanisms by which they occur. Microsimilarity was detected between the splice sites of several gained and lost introns, suggesting that nonhomologous end joining repair of double-strand breaks might be a common pathway not only for intron gain but also for intron loss.  相似文献   

Though spliceosomal introns are a major structural component of most eukaryotic genes and intron density varies by more than three orders of magnitude among eukaryotes [1-3], the origins of introns are poorly understood, and only a few cases of unambiguous intron gain are known [4-8]. We utilized population genomic comparisons of three closely related fungi to identify crucial transitory phases of intron gain and loss. We found 74 intron positions showing intraspecific presence-absence polymorphisms (PAPs) for the entire intron. Population genetic analyses identified intron PAPs at different stages of fixation and showed that intron gain or loss was very recent. We found direct support for extensive intron transposition among unrelated genes. A substantial proportion of highly similar introns in the genome either were recently gained or showed a transient phase of intron PAP. We also identified an intron transfer among paralogous genes that created a new intron. Intron loss was due mainly to homologous recombination involving reverse-transcribed mRNA. The large number of intron positions in transient phases of either intron gain or loss shows that intron evolution is much faster than previously thought and provides an excellent model to study molecular mechanisms of intron gain.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, introns are located in nuclear and organelle genes from several kingdoms. Large introns (up to 5 kbp) are frequent in mitochondrial genomes of plant and fungi but scarce in Metazoa, even if these organisms are grouped with fungi among the Opisthokonts. Mitochondrial introns are classified in two groups (I and II) according to their RNA secondary structure involved in the intron self-splicing mechanism. Most of these mitochondrial group I introns carry a "Homing Endonuclease Gene" (heg) encoding a DNA endonuclease acting in transfer and site-specific integration ("homing") and allowing intron spreading and gain after lateral transfer even between species from different kingdoms. Opposed to this gain mechanism, is another which implies that introns, which would have been abundant in the ancestral genes, would mainly evolve by loss. The importance of both mechanisms (loss and gain) is matter of debate. Here we report the sequence of the cox1 gene of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus, the most widely cultivated mushroom in the world. This gene is both the longest mitochondrial gene (29,902 nt) and the largest group I intron reservoir reported to date with 18 group I and 1 group II. An exhaustive analysis of the group I introns available in cox1 genes shows that they are mobile genetic elements whose numerous events of loss and gain by lateral transfer combine to explain their wide and patchy distribution extending over several kingdoms. An overview of intron distribution, together with the high frequency of eroded heg, suggests that they are evolving towards loss. In this landscape of eroded and lost intron sequences, the A. bisporus cox1 gene exhibits a peculiar dynamics of intron keeping and catching, leading to the largest collection of mitochondrial group I introns reported to date in a Eukaryote.  相似文献   

The role of spliceosomal intronic structures played in evolution has only begun to be elucidated. Comparative genomic analyses of fungal snoRNA sequences, which are often contained within introns and/or exons, revealed that about one-third of snoRNA-associated introns in three major snoRNA gene clusters manifested polymorphisms, likely resulting from intron loss and gain events during fungi evolution. Genomic deletions can clearly be observed as one mechanism underlying intron and exon loss, as well as generation of complex introns where several introns lie in juxtaposition without intercalating exons. Strikingly, by tracking conserved snoRNAs in introns, we found that some introns had moved from one position to another by excision from donor sites and insertion into target sties elsewhere in the genome without needing transposon structures. This study revealed the origin of many newly gained introns. Moreover, our analyses suggested that intron-containing sequences were more prone to sustainable structural changes than DNA sequences without introns due to intron''s ability to jump within the genome via unknown mechanisms. We propose that splicing-related structural features of introns serve as an additional motor to propel evolution.  相似文献   

Origin of introns by 'intronization' of exonic sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanisms of spliceosomal intron creation have proved elusive. Here we describe a new mechanism: the recruitment of internal exonic sequences ('intronization') in Caenorhabditis species. The numbers of intronization events and introns gained by other mechanisms are similar, suggesting that intronization significantly contributes to recent intron creation in nematodes. Intronization is more common than the reverse process, loss of splicing of retained introns. Finally, these findings link alternative splicing with modern intron creation.  相似文献   

We examined the gene structure of a set of 2563 Arabidopsis thaliana paralogous pairs that were duplicated simultaneously 20-60 MYA by tetraploidy. Out of a total of 23,164 introns in these genes, we found that 10,004 pairs have been conserved and 578 introns have been inserted or deleted in the time since the duplication event. This intron insertion/deletion rate of 2.7 x 10(-3) to 9.1 x 10(-4) per site per million years is high in comparison to previous studies. At least 56 introns were gained and 39 lost based on parsimony analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of these introns. We found weak evidence that genes undergoing intron gain and loss are biased with respect to gene ontology terms. Gene pairs that experienced at least 2 intron insertions or deletions show evidence of enrichment for membrane location and transport and transporter activity function. We do not find any relationship of intron flux to expression level or G + C content of the gene. Detection of a bias in the location of intron gains and losses within a gene depends on the method of measurement: an intragene method indicates that events (specifically intron losses) are biased toward the 3' end of the gene. Despite the relatively recent acquisition of these introns, we found only one case where we could identify the mechanism of intron origin--the TOUCH3 gene has experienced 2 tandem, partial, internal gene duplications that duplicated a preexisting intron and also created a novel, alternatively spliced intron that makes use of a duplicated pair of cryptic splice sites.  相似文献   

Intron density in eukaryote genomes varies by more than three orders of magnitude, so there must have been extensive intron gain and/or intron loss during evolution. A favored and partial explanation for this range of intron densities has been that introns have accumulated stochastically in large eukaryote genomes during their evolution from an intron-poor ancestor. However, recent studies have shown that some eukaryotes lost many introns, whereas others accumulated and/or gained many introns. In this article, we discuss the growing evidence that these differences are subject to selection acting on introns depending on the biology of the organism and the gene involved.  相似文献   

Intron loss and gain in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although introns were first discovered almost 30 years ago, their evolutionary origin remains elusive. In this work, we used multispecies whole-genome alignments to map Drosophila melanogaster introns onto 10 other fully sequenced Drosophila genomes. We were able to find 1,944 sites where an intron was missing in one or more species. We show that for most (>80%) of these cases, there is no leftover intronic sequence or any missing exonic sequence, indicating exact intron loss or gain events. We used parsimony to classify these differences as 1,754 intron loss events and 213 gain events. We show that lost and gained introns are significantly shorter than average and flanked by longer than average exons. They also display quite distinct phase distributions and show greater than average similarity between the 5' splice site and its 3' partner splice site. Introns that have been lost in one or more species evolve faster than other introns, occur in slowly evolving genes, and are found adjacent to each other more often than would be expected for independent single losses. Our results support the cDNA recombination mechanism of intron loss, suggest that selective pressures affect site-specific loss rates, and show conclusively that intron gain has occurred within the Drosophila lineage, solidifying the "introns-middle" hypothesis and providing some hints about the gain mechanism.  相似文献   

The long-standing question of how genes acquire introns has provoked much debate. A recent study makes considerable progress by identifying numerous recently gained introns in nematodes - although it remains difficult to distinguish definitively between models of intron gain.  相似文献   

Identification of recently gained spliceosomal introns would provide crucial evidence in the continuing debate concerning the age and evolutionary significance of introns. A previously published genomic analysis reported to have identified 122 introns that had been gained since the divergence of the nematodes Caenorhabidits elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae approximately 100 MYA. However, using newly available genomic sequence from additional Caenorhabditis species, we show that 74% (60/81) of the reported gains in C. elegans are present in a C. briggsae relative. This pattern indicates that these introns represent losses in C. briggsae, not gains in C. elegans. In addition, 61% (25/41) of the reported gains in C. briggsae are present in the more distant C. briggsae relative, in a pattern suggesting that additional reported gains in C. elegans and/or C. briggsae may in fact represent unrecognized losses. These results underscore the dominance of intron loss over intron gain in recent eukaryotic evolution, the pitfalls associated with parsimony in inferring intron gains, and the importance of genomic sequencing of clusters of closely related species for drawing accurate inferences about genome evolution.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotes have at least some genes interrupted by introns. While it is well accepted that introns were already present at moderate density in the last eukaryote common ancestor, the conspicuous diversity of intron density among genomes suggests a complex evolutionary history, with marked differences between phyla. The question of the rates of intron gains and loss in the course of evolution and factors influencing them remains controversial. We have investigated a single gene family, alpha-amylase, in 55 species covering a variety of animal phyla. Comparison of intron positions across phyla suggests a complex history, with a likely ancestral intronless gene undergoing frequent intron loss and gain, leading to extant intron/exon structures that are highly variable, even among species from the same phylum. Because introns are known to play no regulatory role in this gene and there is no alternative splicing, the structural differences may be interpreted more easily: intron positions, sizes, losses or gains may be more likely related to factors linked to splicing mechanisms and requirements, and to recognition of introns and exons, or to more extrinsic factors, such as life cycle and population size. We have shown that intron losses outnumbered gains in recent periods, but that "resets" of intron positions occurred at the origin of several phyla, including vertebrates. Rates of gain and loss appear to be positively correlated. No phase preference was found. We also found evidence for parallel gains and for intron sliding. Presence of introns at given positions was correlated to a strong protosplice consensus sequence AG/G, which was much weaker in the absence of intron. In contrast, recent intron insertions were not associated with a specific sequence. In animal Amy genes, population size and generation time seem to have played only minor roles in shaping gene structures.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and evolutionary dynamics of intron insertion and loss in eukaryotic genes remain poorly understood. Reconstruction of parsimonious scenarios of gene structure evolution in paralogous gene families in animals and plants revealed numerous gains and losses of introns. In all analyzed lineages, the number of acquired new introns was substantially greater than the number of lost ancestral introns. This trend held even for lineages in which vertical evolution of genes involved more intron losses than gains, suggesting that gene duplication boosts intron insertion. However, dating gene duplications and the associated intron gains and losses based on the molecular clock assumption showed that very few, if any, introns were gained during the last ~100 million years of animal and plant evolution, in agreement with previous conclusions reached through analysis of orthologous gene sets. These results are generally compatible with the emerging notion of intensive insertion and loss of introns during transitional epochs in contrast to the relative quiet of the intervening evolutionary spans.  相似文献   

Theories regarding the evolution of spliceosomal introns differ in the extent to which the distribution of introns reflects either a formative role in the evolution of protein-coding genes or the adventitious gain of genetic elements. Here, systematic methods are used to assess the causes of the present-day distribution of introns in 10 families of eukaryotic protein-coding genes comprising 1,868 introns in 488 distinct alignment positions. The history of intron evolution inferred using a probabilistic model that allows ancestral inheritance of introns, gain of introns, and loss of introns reveals that the vast majority of introns in these eukaryotic gene families were not inherited from the most recent common ancestral genes, but were gained subsequently. Furthermore, among inferred events of intron gain that meet strict criteria of reliability, the distribution of sites of gain with respect to reading-frame phase shows a 5:3:2 ratio of phases 0, 1 and 2, respectively, and exhibits a nucleotide preference for MAG GT (positions -3 to +2 relative to the site of gain). The nucleotide preferences of intron gain may prove to be the ultimate cause for the phase bias. The phase bias of intron gain is sufficient to account quantitatively for the well-known 5:3:2 bias in phase frequencies among extant introns, a conclusion that holds even when taxonomic heterogeneity in phase patterns is considered. Thus, intron gain accounts for the vast majority of extant introns and for the bias toward phase 0 introns that previously was interpreted as evidence for ancient formative introns.  相似文献   

Spliceosomal introns are key components of the eukaryotic gene structure. Although they contributed to the emergence of eukaryotes, their origin remains elusive. In fungi, they might originate from the multiplication of invasive introns named Introner-Like Elements (ILEs). However, so far ILEs have been observed in six fungal species only, including Fulvia fulva and Dothistroma septosporum (Dothideomycetes), arguing against ILE insertion as a general mechanism for intron gain. Here, we identified novel ILEs in eight additional fungal species that are phylogenetically related to F. fulva and D. septosporum using PCR amplification with primers derived from previously identified ILEs. The ILE content appeared unique to each species, suggesting independent multiplication events. Interestingly, we identified four genes each containing two gained ILEs. By analysing intron positions in orthologues of these four genes in Ascomycota, we found that three ILEs had inserted within a 15 bp window that contains regular spliceosomal introns in other fungal species. These three positions are not the result of intron sliding because ILEs are newly gained introns. Furthermore, the alternative hypothesis of an inferred ancestral gain followed by independent losses contradicts the observed degeneration of ILEs. These observations clearly indicate three parallel intron gains in four genes that were randomly identified. Our findings suggest that parallel intron gain is a phenomenon that has been highly underestimated in ILE-containing fungi, and likely in the whole fungal kingdom.  相似文献   

Today, the reconstruction of the organismal evolutionary tree is based mainly on molecular sequence data. However, sequence data are sometimes insufficient to reliably resolve in particular deep branches. Thus, it is highly desirable to find novel, more reliable types of phylogenetic markers that can be derived from the wealth of genomic data. Here, we consider the gain of introns close to older preexisting ones. Because correct splicing is impeded by very small exons, nearby pairs of introns very rarely coexist, that is, the gain of the new intron is nearly always associated with the loss of the old intron. Both events may even be directly connected as in cases of intron migration. Therefore, it should be possible to identify one of the introns as ancient (plesiomorphic) and the other as novel (derived or apomorphic). To test the suitability of such near intron pairs (NIPs) as a marker class for phylogenetic analysis, we undertook an analysis of the evolutionary positions of bees and wasps (Hymenoptera) and beetles (Coleoptera) in relation to moths (Lepidoptera) and dipterans (Diptera) using recently completed genome project data. By scanning 758 putatively orthologous gene structures of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera) and Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera), we identified 189 pairs of introns, one from each species, which are located less than 50 nt from each other. A comparison with genes from 5 other holometabolan and 9 metazoan outgroup genomes resulted in 22 shared derived intron positions found in beetle as well as in butterflies and/or dipterans. This strongly supports a basal position of hymenopterans in the holometabolous insect tree. In addition, we found 31 and 12 intron positions apomorphic for A. mellifera and T. castaneum, respectively, which seem to represent changes inside these branches. Another 12 intron pairs indicate parallel intron gains or extraordinarily small exons. In conclusion, we show here that the analysis of phylogenetically nested, nearby intron pairs is suitable to identify evolutionarily younger intron positions and to determine their relative age, which should be of equal importance for the understanding of intron evolution and the reconstruction of the eukaryotic tree.  相似文献   

Although spliceosomal introns are present in all characterized eukaryotes, intron numbers vary dramatically, from only a handful in the entire genomes of some species to nearly 10 introns per gene on average in vertebrates. For all previously studied intron-rich species, significant fractions of intron positions are shared with other widely diverged eukaryotes, indicating that 1) large numbers of the introns date to much earlier stages of eukaryotic evolution and 2) these lineages have not passed through a very intron-poor stage since early eukaryotic evolution. By the same token, among species that have lost nearly all of their ancestral introns, no species is known to harbor large numbers of more recently gained introns. These observations are consistent with the notion that intron-dense genomes have arisen only once over the course of eukaryotic evolution. Here, we report an exception to this pattern, in the intron-rich diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Only 8.1% of studied T. pseudonana intron positions are conserved with any of a variety of divergent eukaryotic species. This implies that T. pseudonana has both 1) lost nearly all of the numerous introns present in the diatom-apicomplexan ancestor and 2) gained a large number of new introns since that time. In addition, that so few apparently inserted T. pseudonana introns match the positions of introns in other species implies that insertion of multiple introns into homologous genic sites in eukaryotic evolution is less common than previously estimated. These results suggest the possibility that intron-rich genomes may have arisen multiple times in evolution. These results also provide evidence that multiple intron insertion into the same site is rare, further supporting the notion that early eukaryotic ancestors were very intron rich.  相似文献   

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