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Cervical cancer is still an important cause of death in countries like Colombia. We aimed to determine whether socioeconomic status of residential address (SES) and type of health insurance affiliation (HIA) might be associated with cervical cancer survival among women in Bucaramanga, Colombia. All patients residing in the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer (ICD-0–3 codes C53.X) between 2008 and 2016 (n = 725) were identified through the population-based cancer registry, with 700 women having follow-up data for >5 years (date of study closure: Dec 31, 2021), yielding an overall 5-year survival estimate (95 % CI) of 56.4 % (52.7 – 60.0 %). KM estimates of 5-year overall survival were obtained to assess differences in cervical cancer survival by SES and HIA. Multivariable Cox-proportional hazards modeling was also conducted, including interaction effects between SES and HIA. Five-year overall survival was lower when comparing low vs. high SES (41.9 % vs 57.9 %, p < 0.0001) and subsidized vs. contributive HIA (45.1 % vs 63.0 %, p < 0.0001). Multivariable Cox modeling showed increased hazard ratios (HR) of death for low vs. high SES (HR = 1.78; 95 % CI = 1.18–2.70) and subsidized vs. contributive HIA (HR = 1.44; 95 % CI = 1.13–1.83). The greatest disparity in HR was among women of low SES affiliated to subsidized HIA (vs. contributive HIA and high SES) (HR=2.53; 95 % CI = 1.62–3.97). Despite Colombia’s universal healthcare system, important disparities in cervical cancer survival by health insurance affiliation and socioeconomic status remain.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(3):248-252
We estimated the main and interactive effects of individual race/ethnicity (black, Hispanic, white) and area race, ethnicity, and poverty (proportions of the female population black, Hispanic, and living below the federal poverty level at the census tract level, respectively) on rates of high-grade cervical lesions among young women. Using data from a statewide surveillance system during 2008–2011, we found a marginally significant interaction (P < 0.05) between individual race/ethnicity and area race, with black and Hispanic women living in areas with ≥20% of the female population black having elevated rates compared to those living in areas with <20% of the female population black. These findings indicate a possible synergistic effect between individual race/ethnicity and racial composition in neighborhoods on precancerous cervical lesions.  相似文献   

The survival of approximately 235 000 individual tropical trees and saplings in the 50 ha permanent plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama was analyzed over a 13-year interval (1982–1995) as a function of four biotic neighborhood variables: (i) total stem density; (ii) conspecific density; (iii) relative plant size; and (iv) relative species richness. These neighborhood variables were measured in annular rings of width 2.5 m, extending 30 m from a given focal plant, and in one more distant annulus at 47.5–50 m. Because survival was spatially autocorrelated, a Gibbs sampler and a Monte Carlo Markov chain method were used for fitting an autologistic regression model to obtain unbiased estimates of parameter variances for hypothesis testing. After pooling all species at the community level, results showed that all four variables had significant and often strong effects on focal plant survival. Three of the four variables had negative effects on focal plant survival; relative plant size was the only variable with a positive effect (18% increase in the survival odds ratio). The variables with a negative effect on the survival odds ratio, in order of their effect strength in the nearest annulus, were: stem density (a 70% reduction in the survival odds ratio), conspecific density (50% reduction) and species richness (13% reduction). A guild-level analysis revealed considerable heterogeneity among guilds in their responses to these variables. For example, survival of gap species showed a much larger positive response to relative plant size than did survival of shade-tolerant species. Survival of shrub species was positively affected by conspecific density, but canopy tree survival was negatively affected. Conspecific density negatively affected survival of rare species much more strongly than survival of common species. The neighborhood effects of conspecific density disappear within approximately 12–15 m of the focal plant. Although locally strong, the rapid spatial decay of these effects raises unanswered questions about their quantitative contribution to the maintenance of tree diversity on landscape scales in the BCI forest.  相似文献   

Using data (n = 60,775 women) from the Women's Health Initiative Clinical Trial (WHI CT)—a national study of postmenopausal women aged 50–79 years—we analyzed cross‐sectional associations between the availability of different types of food outlets in the 1.5 miles surrounding a woman's residence, census tract neighborhood socioeconomic status (NSES), BMI, and blood pressure (BP). We simultaneously modeled NSES and food outlets using linear and logistic regression models, adjusting for multiple sociodemographic factors, population density and random effects at the tract and metropolitan statistical area (MSA) level. We found significant associations between NSES, availability of food outlets and individual‐level measurements of BMI and BP. As grocery store/supermarket availability increased from the 10th to the 90th percentile of its distribution, controlling for confounders, BMI was lower by 0.30 kg/m2. Conversely, as fast‐food outlet availability increased from the 10th to the 90th percentile, BMI was higher by 0.28 kg/m2. When NSES increased from the 10th to the 90th percentile of its distribution, BMI was lower by 1.26 kg/m2. As NSES increased from the 10th to the 90th percentile, systolic and diastolic BP were lower by 1.11 mm Hg and 0.40 mm Hg, respectively. As grocery store/supermarket outlet availability increased from the 10th and 90th percentiles, diastolic BP was lower by 0.31 mm Hg. In this national sample of postmenopausal women, we found important independent associations between the food and socioeconomic environments and BMI and BP. These findings suggest that changes in the neighborhood environment may contribute to efforts to control obesity and hypertension.  相似文献   

A tissue culture assay has been used to measure the survival of murine lymphoma cells (L-cells) after freezing and thawing in the presence of 2 M glycerol or 1.6 M dimethyl sulfoxide. The effect of variations in cooling rate (0.1 to 10.0 °C/min) and warming rate (0.3 to 200 °C/min) were studied. It was found that survival exhibited a peak at the “conventional” combination of slow cooling and rapid warming (~1 and 200 °C/ min, respectively). It was also shown, however, that a second peak of similar magnitude occurred when the cells were cooled and rewarmed at 0.2-0.3 °C/min. These results are interpreted on the basis of current theories of freezing injury, stressing the importance of damage produced by the recrystallization of intracellular ice and by solute loading. The ultraslow rates of cooling and rewarming which produced the second survival peak are practicable for whole organs, and their potential importance for organ cryopreservation is apparent.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Despite increased screening options and state-of-art treatments offered in clinics, racial differences remain in CRC. African Americans (AAs) are disproportionately affected by the disease; the incidence and mortality are higher in AAs than Caucasian Americans (CAs). At the time of diagnosis, AAs more often present with advanced stages and aggressive CRCs, primarily accounting for the racial differences in therapeutic outcomes and mortality. The early incidence of CRC in AAs could be attributed to race-specific gene polymorphisms and lifestyle choices associated with socioeconomic status (SES). Altered melatonin-serotonin signaling, besides the established CRC risk factors (age, diet, obesity, alcoholism, and tobacco use), steered by SES, glucocorticoid, and Vitamin D status in AAs could also account for the early incidence in this racial group. This review focuses on how the lifestyle factors, diet, allelic variants, and altered expression of specific genes could lead to atypical serotonin and melatonin signaling by modulating the synthesis, secretion, and signaling of these pineal hormones in AAs and predisposing them to develop more aggressive CRC earlier than CAs. Crosstalk between gut microbiota and pineal hormones and its impact on CRC pathobiology is addressed from a race-specific perspective. Lastly, the status of melatonin-focused CRC treatments, the need to better understand the perturbed melatonin signaling, and the potential of pineal hormone-directed therapeutic interventions to reduce CRC-associated disparity are discussed.  相似文献   

Antineoplastic agents are known to induce the production of free radicals leading to cell damage. These adverse effects may fuel the acquisition of new mutations and the development of treatment resistances. We selected 30 metastatic breast cancer patients receiving palliative chemotherapy, and paired blood samples, before and after chemotherapy, were extracted. We analysed DNA, lipid and protein oxidative damage markers and determined the extent of antioxidant and repair defences activation at the systemic level. We found that the DNA repair activity of the KU86 enzyme was significantly lower after chemotherapy and the antioxidant capacity of the plasma was significantly higher after treatment. Cox regression analysis revealed a significant effect of KU86 activity on the survival rates of those patients who received anthracyclines as part of their treatment. The high clinical heterogeneity of metastatic breast cancer patients warrants further studies to clarify the role of DNA repair and systemic antioxidant capacities during chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Fires strongly influence the ecology of reptiles and have both direct and indirect effects on population dynamics as they affect life history traits. Here, we examine the effects of fire on individual growth patterns and on the survival rates of a tortoise Testudo graeca population in south-eastern Spain. We compare the biometric data from recaptures 4 years before and after a fire which burned 31 % of our study area. The von Bertalanffy and Gompertz growth models best describe the individual growth patterns for males and females. In males, but not females, fire significantly decreased the time required to reach their asymptotic size (k parameter). However, adult survival analyses reveal that the local survival rates lowered for both sexes after fire. Our work evidences that the effects of fire can be complex and maintained over time, affecting different life history traits.  相似文献   

Summary Bumblebee foraging behavior was observed on two plant species with similar floral and inflorescence structures. One species produces nectar while the other does not. Bees, upon visiting nectar producing flowers tend to empty them of nectar and by frequently moving between close neighbors, create a patchily distributed resource base. Bees maximize their foraging efficiency in such an environment by using an area-restricted searching behavior and flying distances inversely correlated with the quality of reward received. Pollen collecting bumblebees do not create a patchy environment and maximize their foraging efficiency by more consistently moving shorter distances. Pollen collecting bumblebees are significantly more likely to revisit flowers and to visit more flowers per inflorescence than are nectar gathering bumblebees. These differences in foraging behavior increase the neighborhood size for nectar producing species and make it increasingly unlikely that random drift will be a dominant mode of evolution in populations of these species.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between obesity and survival, and the extent to which this relationship varies by socioeconomic status (SES). The underlying model is based on the “Pathways to health” framework in which SES affects health by modifying the relationship between lifestyles and health. We use data from the British Health and Lifestyle Survey (1984–1985) and the longitudinal follow-up in June 2009, and run parametric Gompertz survival models to investigate the association between obesity and survival, also accounting for interactions between obesity and both age and SES. Generally we find that obesity is negatively associated with survival, and that SES is positively associated with survival, in both men and women. The interactions between obesity and SES predict survival among women but not among men. Obesity compared with normal weight is associated with a reduction in survival of 3.3, 3.2 and 2.8 years in men aged 40, 50 and 60 years, respectively. Corresponding numbers among women in the lowest SES group are 13.1, 9.7 and 6.1 years, respectively; in the highest SES group they are 6.2, 3.1 and 0.1 years, respectively, a difference of approximately 6 years between the highest and lowest SES groups.  相似文献   

The interactions between copper, zinc, and iron intake in rats were investigated with regard to copper status. Weanling male rats were fed purified diets containing two levels of each of the three elements in a 23 factorial design. The added amounts of copper, zinc, and iron in the diets were 5, 12, and 35 mg/kg feed or were 10 times as high. After feeding on the experimental diets for 4 wk, the rats were killed and copper concentrations in plasma and organs measured. Plasma copper concentration was lowered by high zinc and iron intakes but this was seen only in the rats fed the normal-copper instead of the high-copper diets. In essence, the effects of zinc and iron were additive. Neither in rats fed the normal-copper diets nor in those fed the high-copper diets did extra iron or zinc intake alter copper concentrations in liver, spleen, kidney, and tibia.  相似文献   

Background: This study investigated the role that demographic and tumour factors play in explaining socioeconomic inequalities in breast cancer survival. Methods: Breast cancer cases notified to the New Zealand Cancer Registry (NZCR) from April 2005 to April 2007 were followed up to April 2009. The New Zealand area-based deprivation index (NZDep) was used as a measure of socioeconomic position. Relative survival rates were estimated using sex-, deprivation- and ethnic-specific life tables. Multiple imputation was used to impute missing data. Excess mortality modelling was used to estimate the contribution of demographic and tumour factors to inequalities in survival. Results: There were 2968 breast cancer cases included and 433 recorded deaths. Relative survival rates at 4 years varied across deprivation groups. Using NZDep deciles 1–4 (least deprived) as the reference group, the age- and ethnicity-adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for NZDep deciles 7–8 was 2.03 (CI 1.36–3.04) and for NZDep deciles 9–10 was 1.93 (CI 1.28–2.92). In the fully adjusted model there remained 50% excess mortality for the two most deprived groups compared to the most affluent. Variables which measured timely access to care (extent/size) accounted for more of the survival disparity than breast cancer subtype variables (ER/PR/HER2). Conclusion: Women from deprived areas in New Zealand who are diagnosed with breast cancer are less likely to survive as long as those from affluent areas. A substantial proportion of these socioeconomic disparities can be attributed to differential access to health care although other factors, currently unknown, are also likely to play an important role.  相似文献   

Poor health is widely recognized as a consequence of social disadvantage, but health problems may also help transmit social disadvantage over time and generations. Experimentally assigned health exposures, namely those tested in randomized controlled trials, may provide opportunities to estimate the causal effects of health on socioeconomic status (SES). We revisit data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, a randomized controlled trial of glucose control therapy in Type 1 diabetic patients, and use treatment assignment as an instrument for health status to test the causal effect of treatment-related health improvement on subsequent SES measured during the trial's follow-up study, the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications study. We used the Two-Factor Hollingshead Index of Social Position, which comprises education and occupation, to measure SES. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) served as a proxy for health status. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models showed that lower HbA1c at the trial's end was associated with higher SES at both the start of the follow-up and 17 years later. However, instrumental variable analyses showed no causal effect of HbA1c on SES, suggesting that OLS estimates are biased by endogeneity. Sensitivity analyses showed robustness to several alternate specifications. While the HbA1c advantage conferred by random assignment to treatment within the trial did not produce higher Hollingshead Index scores, we note that occupation and education categories may be harder to affect than are outcomes such as income. This analysis offers evidence that clinical trial data may be a rich and unrecognized resource for estimating health effects on SES.  相似文献   

Background: Survival differences in stomach cancer are depended on patient, tumour and treatment factors. Some populations are more prone to develop stomach cancer, such as people with low socioeconomic status (SES). The aim of this population based study was to assess whether differences in socioeconomic status (SES) alone, after adjusting for confounding factors, also influence survival. Methods: From 1989 to 2007 all patients with stomach cancer were selected from the cancer registry of the Comprehensive Cancer Centre North-East. Postal code at diagnosis was used to determine SES, dividing patients in three groups; low, intermediate and high SES. Associations between age, localization, grade, stage, and treatment were determined using Chi-square analysis. Relative survival analysis was used to estimate relative excess risk (RER) of dying according to SES. Results: In low SES neighbourhoods diagnosis was established at older age. More distal tumours were detected in patients with low SES, whereas pathology showed more poorly differentiated tumours in patients with high SES. Overall, more resections were performed in, and more chemotherapy was administrated to patients in high SES neighbourhoods. After adjusting for confounding factors, the risk of dying was lower for patients with high SES (RER 0.89, 95% Confidence Interval 0.81–0.98) compared to patients with low SES. Conclusion: SES proved to be an independent prognostic factor for survival in patients with stomach cancer.  相似文献   

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