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Minimum shear wind strength required for dynamic soaring of albatrosses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GOTTFRIED SACHS 《Ibis》2005,147(1):1-10
The transfer of energy from the moving air in the shear wind above the sea surface to a bird is considered as an energy source for dynamic soaring, with the goal to determine the minimum shear wind strength required for the dynamic soaring of albatrosses. Focus is on energy-neutral trajectories, implying that the energy gain from the moving air is just sufficient to compensate for the energy loss due to drag for a dynamic soaring cycle. A mathematical optimization method is used for computing minimum shear wind energy-neutral trajectories, using a realistic flight mechanics model for the soaring of albatrosses. Thus, the minimum shear wind strength required for dynamic soaring is determined. The minimum shear wind strength is of a magnitude that often exists or is exceeded in areas in which albatrosses are found. This result holds for two control cases dealt with, one of which shows a freely selectable and the other a constant lift coefficient characteristic. The mechanism of energy transfer from the shear flow to the bird is considered, and it is shown that there is a significant energy gain in the upper curve and a loss in the lower curve. As a result, the upper curve can be qualified as the characteristic flight phase of dynamic soaring to achieve an energy gain.  相似文献   

The flight performance of birds is strongly affected by the dynamic state of the atmosphere at the birds' locations. Studies of flight and its impact on the movement ecology of birds must consider the wind to help us understand aerodynamics and bird flight strategies. Here, we introduce a systematic approach to evaluate wind speed and direction from the high‐frequency GPS recordings from bird‐borne tags during thermalling flight. Our method assumes that a fixed horizontal mean wind speed during a short (18 seconds, 19 GPS fixes) flight segment with a constant turn angle along a closed loop, characteristic of thermalling flight, will generate a fixed drift for each consequent location. We use a maximum‐likelihood approach to estimate that drift and to determine the wind and airspeeds at the birds' flight locations. We also provide error estimates for these GPS‐derived wind speed estimates. We validate our approach by comparing its wind estimates with the mid‐resolution weather reanalysis data from ECMWF, and by examining independent wind estimates from pairs of birds in a large dataset of GPS‐tagged migrating storks that were flying in close proximity. Our approach provides accurate and unbiased observations of wind speed and additional detailed information on vertical winds and uplift structure. These precise measurements are otherwise rare and hard to obtain and will broaden our understanding of atmospheric conditions, flight aerodynamics, and bird flight strategies. With an increasing number of GPS‐tracked animals, we may soon be able to use birds to inform us about the atmosphere they are flying through and thus improve future ecological and environmental studies.  相似文献   

C. J. Wood 《Ibis》1973,115(2):244-256
The equations of motion for gliding flight in a wind gradient have been used to study the way in which the albatross can gain height in non-powered flight against a purely horizontal wind. It is argued that a type of potential and kinetic energy parameter is convenient for the assessment of climbing performance if the kinetic energy term involves the airspeed rather than the absolute velocity. The gradient with height of this parameter shows a maximum value at a particular climb angle for each speed and wind gradient.
Two types of complete flight cycle have been investigated in a logarithmic wind velocity profile having a speed of 15 m/sec at a height of 10 m. The emphasis in the study has been on the possibilities of making progress against the wind. Progress in any other directions is very much easier to achieve.
The first cycle is simple and unidirectional with an upwind dive. Although this leads to a fairly rapid progress against the wind it is shown to be impossible without some power input.
By contrast, the more usual flight cycle which involves a dive in the downwind direction is completed very easily without loss of flying speed. In fact, by diving steeply, sufficient excess airspeed can be gained to permit a very long final upwind glide at low level. This repasses the starting position and thus gives a slow but definite nett progress against the wind.  相似文献   

We understand little about the energetic costs of flight in free-ranging birds, in part because current techniques for estimating flight energetics in the wild are limited. Accelerometry is known to estimate energy expenditure through body movement in terrestrial animals, once calibrated using a treadmill with chamber respirometry. The flight equivalent, a wind tunnel with mask respirometry, is particularly difficult to instigate, and has not been applied to calibrate accelerometry. We take the first steps in exploring a novel method for calibrating accelerometers with flight energy expenditure. We collected accelerometry data for Harris's Hawks Parabuteo unicinctus flying to varying heights up to 4.1 m over a small horizontal distance; the mechanical energy expended to gain height can be estimated from physical first principles. The relationship between accelerometry and mechanical energy expenditure was strong, and while a simple wing flapping model confirmed that accelerometry is sensitive to both changes in wing beat amplitude and frequency, the relationship was explained predominately by changes in wing beat frequency, and less so by changes in amplitude. Our study provides initial, positive evidence that accelerometry can be calibrated with body power using climbing flights, potentially providing a basis for estimating flapping flight metabolic rate at least in situations of altitude gain.  相似文献   

Minimaler Windbedarf für den dynamischen Segelflug der Albatrosse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zusammenfassung Die Frage nach dem Mindest-Windbedarf für den dynamischen Segelflug der Albatrosse wird mit einer flugmechanischen Betrachtung geklärt, mittels derer sich die Flugbahn mit dem größtmöglichen Energiegewinn aus der Luftbewegung bestimmen läßt. Ausgangspunkt der Betrachtung sind grundsätzliche Überlegungen zum Energietransfer von der Luftbewegung zum Vogel. Die Berechnungen zu den Flugbahnen liefern als minimalen Windbedarf einen Wert von etwas mehr als 9 m/s im obersten Bahnpunkt, der etwa der freien Anströmung entspricht. Außerdem ergeben sie die Bahnform, den Verlauf von Geschwindigkeit und Höhe sowie die Steuerung der Flugbahn, die über Auftriebsbeiwert und Schräglage erfolgt. Eine detailliertere Untersuchung des Energietransfers zwischen Luftbewegung und Vogel längs der Flugbahn zeigt, daß es einer Phase besondere Bedeutung zukommt, nämlich der oberen Kurve, bei der der Vogel seine Flugrichtung von einer Bewegung gegen den Wind in eine solche mit dem Wind ändert. Sie kann als charakteristisches Element zum Erzielen eines Energiegewinns angesehen werden. Außer der bogenförmigen Flugbahn, die unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Energietransfers die bestmögliche Bahnform darstellt, führen die Albatrosse auch noch eine Art spiralförmige Flugbahn aus. Hierzu wird ebenfalls eine Flugbahn mit kleinstem Windbedarf vorgestellt, der geringfügig über dem Minimalwert der bogenförmigen Bahn liegt.
Minimum wind strength required for dynamic soaring of albatrosses
Summary The problem of minimum wind strength required for dynamic soaring of albatrosses is considered and it is shown with a flight mechanics investigation which is the flight profile for maximum energy gain for the bird. As a starting point, basic considerations for the energy transfer between moving air and a bird are presented. A mathematical model is then developed for describing the bird motion taking horizontally moving air into account. This includes a model for the wind boundary layer within which dynamic soaring is performed. Computations of flight trajectories yield the mimimum wind strength with the use of which dynamic soaring in the boundary layer is possible for albatrosses. Furthermore, the flight profiles as well as the history of speed and altitude are shown. Other quantities presented are the lift coefficient and bank angle with the use of which the bird controls the flight path. A more detailed investigation of the energy transfer between moving air and bird in the course of the flight path shows that there is a certain phase which is of primary significance. This phase is the upper turn where the bird changes its flight direction from a course against the wind into a course with the wind. The upper turn may be understood as a characteristic element of dynamic soaring of albatrosses to achieve an energy gain. Besides a double-S shaped trajectory which represents from an energy transfer standpoint the best flight path, albatrosses also perform a spiral type of flight path. This case is also considered and a trajectory is presented which requires the minimum shear wind strength for this type of flight path.

Birds: blowin’ by the wind?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Migration is a task that implies a route, a goal and a period of time. To achieve this task, it requires orientation abilities to find the goal and energy to cover the distance. Completing such a journey by flying through a moving airspace makes this relatively simple task rather complex. On the one hand birds have to avoid wind drift or have to compensate for displacements to reach the expected goal. On the other hand flight costs make up a large proportion of energy expenditure during migration and, consequently, have a decisive impact on the refuelling requirements and the time needed for migration. As wind speeds are of the same order of magnitude as birds’ air speeds, flight costs can easily be doubled or, conversely, halved by wind effects. Many studies have investigated how birds should or actually do react to winds aloft, how they avoid additional costs or how they profit from the winds for their journeys. This review brings together numerous theoretical and empirical studies investigating the flight behaviour of migratory birds in relation to the wind. The results of these studies corroborate that birds select for favourable wind conditions both at departure and aloft to save energy and that for some long-distance migrants a tail-wind is an indispensable support to cover large barriers. Compensation of lateral wind drift seems to vary between age classes, depending on their orientation capacities, and probably between species or populations, due to the variety of winds they face en route. In addition, it is discussed how birds might measure winds aloft, and how flight behaviour with respect to wind shall be tested with field data.  相似文献   

Swifts, Apus apus, spend the night aloft and this offers an opportunity to test the degree of adaptability of bird orientation and flight to different ecological situations. We predicted the swifts' behaviour by assuming that they are adapted to minimize energy expenditure during the nocturnal flight and during a compensatory homing flight if they become displaced by wind. We tested the predictions by recording the swifts' altitudes, speeds and directions under different wind conditions with tracking radar; we found an agreement between predictions and observations for orientation behaviour, but not for altitude and speed regulation. The swifts orientated consistently into the head wind, with angular concentration increasing with increasing wind speed. However, contrary to our predictions, they did not select altitudes with slow or moderate winds, nor did they increase their airspeed distinctly when flying into strong head winds. A possible explanation is that their head-wind orientation is sufficient to keep nocturnal displacement from their home area within tolerable limits, leaving flight altitude to be determined by other factors (correlated with temperature), and airspeed to show only a marginal increase in strong winds. The swifts were often moving "backwards", heading straight into the wind but being overpowered by wind speeds exceeding their airspeed. The regular occurrence of such flights is probably uniquely associated with the swifts' remarkable habit of roosting on the wing.  相似文献   

Summary As a comparison to the many studies of larger flying insects, we carried out an initial study of heat balance and thermal dependence of flight of a small butterfly (Colias) in a wind tunnel and in the wild.Unlike many larger, or facultatively endothermic insects, Colias do not regulate heat loss by altering hemolymph circulation between thorax and abdomen as a function of body temperature. During flight, thermal excess of the abdomen above ambient temperature is weakly but consistently coupled to that of the thorax. Total heat loss is best expressed as the sum of heat loss from the head and thorex combined plus heat loss from the abdomen because the whole body is not isothermal. Convective cooling is a simple linear function of the square root of air speed from 0.2 to 2.0 m/s in the wind tunnel. Solar heat flux is the main source of heat gain in flight, just as it is the exclusive source for warmup at rest. The balance of heat gain from sunlight versus heat loss from convection and radiation does not appear to change by more than a few percent between the wings-closed basking posture and the variable opening of wings in flight, although several aspects require further study. Heat generation by action of the flight muscles is small (on the order of 100 m W/g tissue) compared to values reported for other strongly flying insects. Colias appears to have only very limited capacity to modulate flight performance. Wing beat frequency varies from 12–19 Hz depending on body mass, air speed, and thoracic temperature. At suboptimal flight temperatures, wing beat frequency increases significantly with thoracic temperature and body mass but is independent of air speed. Within the reported thermal optimum of 35–39°C, wing beat frequency is negatively dependent on air speed at values above 1.5 m/s, but independent of mass and body temperature. Flight preference of butterflies in the wind tunnel is for air speeds of 0.5–1.5 m/s, and no flight occurs at or above 2.5 m/s. Voluntary flight initiation in the wild occurs only at air speeds 1.4 m/s.In the field, Colias fly just above the vegetation at body temperatures of 1–2°C greater than when basking at the top of the vegetation. These measurements are consistent with our findings on low heat gain from muscular activity during flight. Basking temperatures of butterflies sheltered from the wind within the vegetation were 1–2°C greater than flight temperatures at vegetation height.  相似文献   

The energetic cost of flight in a wind-tunnel was measured at various combinations of speed and flight angle from two species of bats whose body masses differ by almost an order of magnitude. The highest mean metabolic rate per unit body mass measured from P. hastatus (mean body mass, 0.093 kg) was 130.4 Wkg-1, and that for P. gouldii (mean body mass, 0.78 kg) was 69.6 Wkg-1. These highest metabolic rates, recorded from flying bats, are essentially the same as those predicted for flying birds of the same body masses, but are from 2.5 to 3.0 times greater than the highest metabolic rates of which similar-size exercising terrestrial mammals appear capable. The lowest mean rate of energy utilization per unit body mass P. hastatus required to sustain level flight was 94.2 Wkg-1 and that for P. gouldii was 53.4 Wkg-1. These data from flying bats together with comparable data for flying birds all fall along a straight line when plotted on double logarithmic coordinates as a function of body mass. Such data show that even the lowest metabolic requirements of bats and birds during level flight are about twice the highest metabolic capabilities of similar-size terrestrial mammals. Flying bats share with flying birds the ability to move substantially greater distance per unit energy consumed than walking or running mammals. Calculations show that P. hastatus requires only one-sixth the energy to cover a given distance as does the same-size terrestrial mammal, while P. gouldii requires one-fourth the energy of the same-size terrestrial mammal. An empirically derived equation is presented which enables one to make estimates of the metabolic rates of bats and birds during level flight in nature from body mass data alone. Metabolic data obtained in this study are compared with predictions calculated from an avian flight theory.  相似文献   

Wind tunnels, in which birds fly against an artificially generated air flow, have since long been used to evaluate aerodynamic properties of steady bird flight. A new generation of wind tunnels has also allowed the many processes associated with migratory flights to be studied in captivity. We review how wind tunnel studies of aerodynamics and migratory performance together have helped advancing our understanding of bird migration. Current migration theory is based on the power‐speed relationship of flight as well as flight range equations, both of which can be evaluated using birds flying in wind tunnels. In addition, and depending on wind tunnel properties, performance during gliding and climbing flight, and effects of air pressure, humidity and turbulence on bird flight has been measured. Long‐distance migrant species have been flown repeatedly for up to 16 h non‐stop, allowing detailed studies of the energy expenditure, fuel composition, protein turnover, water balance, immunocompetence and stress associated with sustained migratory flights. In addition, wind tunnels allow the fuelling periods between migratory flights to be studied from new angles. We end our review by suggesting several important topics for future wind tunnel studies, ranging from on of the key questions remaining, the efficiency at which chemical power in converted to mechanical power, to new useful avenues, such as improving and calibrating the techniques used for tracking of individual birds in the wild.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Birds often fly close to the ground or water. Wind shear theory predicts that wind speeds decline with proximity to the substratum, so birds might be expected to fly lower when flying upwind than when flying downwind. We tested this prediction and found that the wind shear equation is valid at heights below 4 m, with wind speed over a smooth surface ~40% lower at a height of 0.08 m than at 4 m. Birds that fly close enough to smooth substrata can also benefit energetically from ground effect, where vortices generated by their flight interact with the ground or water. This suggests that birds should use ground effect more when flying upwind than when flying downwind. We determined the percent time spent flying in ground effect by 21 species of passerine and non‐passerine birds flying in sheltered coastal aquatic and nearby terrestrial areas of County Cork, Ireland. We found that use of ground effect was uncommon for passerines, but common for a variety of non‐passerine waterbirds. However, phylogenetic analysis indicates no linkage between phylogeny and incidence of ground effect use and it is probable that incidence of use is determined by ecology rather than phylogeny. Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) used ground effect most frequently over water (59.4% of time in flight). Over land, Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) used ground effect most often (19.8% of time). Phylogenetic contrasts regression analysis showed no significant relationship between use of ground effect and either wing aspect ratio or wing loading for 18 of our focal species, though simple linear regression analysis indicated that birds with greater wing loading used ground effect slightly (but significantly) more often. We found that 95% of Great Cormorants flying upwind used ground effect whereas only 35% did so when flying downwind. Few Black‐headed Gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) used ground effect (probably because they fly high to locate prey), but still showed greater use when flying upwind (25%) than downwind (2.5%). When flying upwind in ground effect at the wind speeds encountered in our study, the velocity for minimum power (Vmp) for Great Cormorants was exceeded, suggesting theoretical benefits of about 14.3%. Our study indicates that several species exploit both wind shear and ground effect to minimize energy expenditure during commuting and foraging, but that others do not, because of either complexity of habitat morphology or the demands of their foraging ecology.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the field over short grass, pheromone-stimulated oriental fruit moth males, Grapholita molesta (Busck), flying under high windspeeds tended to steer courses more into the wind and to increase their airspeeds compared with those flying in low windspeeds.Thus, optomotor anemotaxis enabled the males to steer relatively consistent upwind track angles and to maintain an upwind progress of between c. 50–100 cm/s despite variable wind velocities.Zigzagging flight tracks were observed at both 10 m and 3 m from the source, as were tracks with no apparent zigzags.Transitions from casting to upwind flight or vice-versa were observed.The durations of the intervals between reversals during both upwind zigzagging flight and casting were consistent with those observed in previous wind-tunnel experiments.The control of altitude was more precise during upwind zigzagging flight than during casting.In general, the side-to-side deviations in the tracks were greater than the up-and-down deviations, with both the side-to-side and vertical distances and their ratios being consistent with previous wind-tunnel studies of pheromone-mediated flight.One difference between the field and laboratory flight tracks was that males in the field exhibited much higher airspeeds than in the wind tunnel.Males occasionally were observed to progress downwind faster than the wind itself, and further analysis showed that they were steering a downwind course in pheromone-free air following exposure to pheromone, which is the first time this has been recorded in moths.We propose that such downwind flight may aid in the relocation of a pheromone plume that has been lost due to a wind-shift, by enabling the moth to catch up to the pheromone as it recedes straight downwind away from the source.  相似文献   

Birds modulate their flight paths in relation to regional and global airflows in order to reduce their travel costs. Birds should also respond to fine-scale airflows, although the incidence and value of this remains largely unknown. We resolved the three-dimensional trajectories of gulls flying along a built-up coastline, and used computational fluid dynamic models to examine how gulls reacted to airflows around buildings. Birds systematically altered their flight trajectories with wind conditions to exploit updraughts over features as small as a row of low-rise buildings. This provides the first evidence that human activities can change patterns of space-use in flying birds by altering the profitability of the airscape. At finer scales still, gulls varied their position to select a narrow range of updraught values, rather than exploiting the strongest updraughts available, and their precise positions were consistent with a strategy to increase their velocity control in gusty conditions. Ultimately, strategies such as these could help unmanned aerial vehicles negotiate complex airflows. Overall, airflows around fine-scale features have profound implications for flight control and energy use, and consideration of this could lead to a paradigm-shift in the way ecologists view the urban environment.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Moving in a moving medium: new perspectives on flight’.  相似文献   

Predictions from flight mechanical theory concerning optimal flight speeds were tested in the field in two Mediterranean seabirds, the Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea and the Audouin’s gull Larus audouinii. Both species were commuting off the coast of Isola di San Pietro, 6 km south-west of the coast of Sardinia. Heading and airspeed were obtained by vector calculation of flight tracks and measured wind. The Cory’s shearwater used a mixture of gliding and active flight. At low wind speeds the proportion of active flight was large but it decreased with increasing wind speed. The mean airspeed was 12.0 m s–1, which is not significantly different from minimum power speed (V mp) in active flight or the speed for best glide (V bg) used in gliding flight. However, the shearwaters showed a significant response to wind increment/decrement, indicating that they were not flying at V mp, which should be unaffected by head and tailwind. Furthermore, shearwaters can potentially reduce induced drag by the ground effect while flying close to the sea surface at weak winds, which leads to a reduction in characteristic flight speed. We suspect that the predictions for gliding flight are most valid for shearwaters at moderate to high wind speeds, when they should be maximising distance by using V bg. Audouin’s gulls used active flight exclusively, with a mean airspeed of 11.3 m s–1 that was significantly different from the predicted V mp. Interestingly, though, the gulls did not show any significant wind response, indicating that they were flying close to their true V mp when foraging along the coast. Received: 17 May 2000 / Received in revised form: 21 November 2000 / Accepted: 8 January 2001  相似文献   

Body miniaturization in insects is predicted to result in decreased flight speed and therefore limited ability of these insects to fly upwind. Therefore, tiny insects are often regarded as relying on passive dispersal by winds. We tested this assumption in a wind tunnel by measuring the burst speed of Eretmocerus mundus (Mercet), a beneficial parasitoid wasp with body length <1 mm. Insects were filmed flying upwind towards a UV light source in a range of wind speed 0–0.5 m/s. The Insects flew towards the UV light in the absence and presence of wind but increased their flight speed in the presence of wind. They also changed flight direction to be directly upwind and maintained this body orientation even while drifted backwards relative to the ground by stronger winds. Field measurements showed that the average flight speed observed in the wind tunnel (0.3 m/s) is sufficient to allow flying between plants even when the wind speed above the vegetation was 3–5 folds higher. A simulation of the ability of the insects to control their flight trajectory towards a visual target (sticky traps) in winds show that the insects can manipulate their progress relative to the ground even when the wind speed exceeds their flight speed. The main factors determining the ability of the insects to reach the trap were trap diameter and the difference between insect flight speed and wind speed. The simulation also predicts the direction of arrival to the sticky target showing that many of the insects reach the target from the leeward side (i.e. by flight upwind). In light of these results, the notion that miniature insects passively disperse by winds is misleading because it disregards the ability of the insects to control their drift relative to the ground in winds that are faster than their flight speed.  相似文献   

Many birds spend important portions of their time and energy flying. For this reason, quantification of metabolic rates during flight is of crucial importance to understanding avian energy balance. Measurement of organismal gas exchange rates using a mask enclosing the whole head or respiratory orifices has served as an important tool for studying animal energetics because it can free the rest of the body, permitting movement. Application of so-called “mask respirometry” to the study of avian forward flight energetics presents unique challenges because birds must be tethered to gas analysis equipment thus typically necessitating use of a wind tunnel. Resulting potential alterations to a study organism's behaviour, physiology, and aerodynamics have made interpretation of such studies contentious. In contrast, the study of hovering flight energetics in hummingbirds using a specialized form of mask respirometry is comparatively easy and can be done without a wind tunnel. Small size, hovering flight, and a nectarivorous diet are characteristics shared by all hummingbird species that make these birds ideally suited for this approach. Specifically, nectar feeders are modified to function as respirometry masks hummingbirds voluntarily respire into when hover-feeding. Feeder-mask based respirometry has revealed some of the highest vertebrate metabolic rates in hovering hummingbirds. In this review I discuss techniques for the successful measurement of metabolic rate using feeder-mask respirometry. I also emphasize how this technique has been used to address fundamental questions regarding avian flight energetics such as capacities for fuel use and mechanisms by which ecology, behaviour and energy balance are linked.  相似文献   

E. Eliassen 《Ibis》1963,105(2):234-237
The physiology of birds in flight is discussed in relation to (a) energy metabolism; (b) heat regulation, including the importance of the ventral part of the wing and its temperature, measured in a bird gliding in a specially constructed wind tunnel; and (c) cardio-vascular responses, measured in flying birds by telemetric methods.  相似文献   

Flight dynamics theories are influenced by two major topics: how birds adapt their flight to cope with heterogeneous habitats, and whether birds plan to use the wind field or simply experience it. The aim of this study was to understand the flight dynamics of free-flying Cory’s shearwaters in relation to the wind characteristics on the coastal upwelling region of continental Portugal. We deployed recently miniaturised devices—global positioning system loggers to collect precise and detailed information on birds’ positions and motions. Prevalent winds were blowing from the north-east and adults used those winds by adjusting their flight directions mainly towards north-west and south-west, flying with cross and tail winds, respectively, and avoiding head winds. This is confirmation that Cory’s shearwaters use a shear soaring flying strategy while exploiting the environment for food: adults foraged mainly with cross winds and their ground speed was not constant during all foraging trips as it changed dynamically as a result of the ocean surface shear winds. During travelling phases, ground speed was strongly influenced by the position of the bird with regard to the wind direction, as ground speed increased significantly with increasing tail wind component (TWC) values. Adults appear to choose foraging directions to exploit ambient wind, in order to improve shear soaring efficiency (cross winding) and exploit diurnal changes in tail wind strength to maximise commuting efficiency. We report, for the first time, precise ground speed values (GPS-derived data) and computed actual flight speed values (using TWC analysis) for Cory’s shearwater.  相似文献   

The use of miniaturized video cameras to study the at‐sea behavior of flying seabirds has increased in recent years. These cameras allow researchers to record several behaviors that were not previously possible to observe. However, video recorders produce large amounts of data and videos can often be time‐consuming to analyze. We present a new technique using open‐source software to extract bank angles from bird‐borne video footage. Bank angle is a key facet of dynamic soaring, which allows albatrosses and petrels to efficiently search vast areas of ocean for food. Miniaturized video cameras were deployed on 28 Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) on Marion Island (one of the two Prince Edward Islands) from 2016 to 2018. The OpenCV library for the Python programming language was used to extract the angle of the horizon relative to the bird’s body (= bank angle) from footage when the birds were flying using a series of steps focused on edge detection. The extracted angles were not significantly different from angles measured manually by three independent observers, thus being a valid method to measure bank angles. Image quality, high wind speeds, and sunlight all influenced the accuracy of angle estimates, but post‐processing eliminated most of these errors. Birds flew most often with cross‐winds (58%) and tailwinds (39%), resulting in skewed distributions of bank angles when birds turned into the wind more often. Higher wind speeds resulted in extreme bank angles (maximum observed was 94°). We present a novel method for measuring postural data from seabirds that can be used to describe the fine‐scale movements of the dynamic‐soaring cycle. Birds appeared to alter their bank angle in response to varying wind conditions to counter wind drift associated with the prevailing westerly winds in the Southern Ocean. These data, in combination with fine‐scale positional data, may lead to new insights into dynamic‐soaring flight.  相似文献   

LARRY B. SPEAR  DAVID G. AINLEY 《Ibis》1997,139(2):221-233
We studied flight direction relative to wind direction (hereafter referred to as "flight direction"), the relation between wing morphology and flight behaviour and interspecies relationships in flight behaviour among all major seabird taxa. We calculated wing loading and aspect ratios for 98 species from 1029 specimens. Species were sorted into 13 groups on the basis of similarity in patterns of flight direction. The primary flight direction of Pelecaniformes and Charadriiformes was into and across headwinds. The most common flight direction of Procellariiformes was across wind. Seabirds avoided flying with tailwinds. Wing loading and aspect ratios were positively correlated in Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes and alcids but negatively correlated in larids. In Procellariiformes, incidence of headwind flight and that of tailwind flight were significantly correlated with wing loading and aspect ratio; species with higher wing loading and aspect ratios flew more often into headwinds and less often with tailwinds. In contrast, the proportion of Pelecaniformes and Charadriiformes flying with tailwinds increased significantly with increased wing loading. Our results demonstrate a close link in seabirds between flight behaviour, wing morphology and natural history patterns in terms of distribution, colony location, dispersal and foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

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