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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the level of knowledge and use of folic acid among near relatives in U.S. families of a child with spina bifida. We hypothesized that relatives would be more knowledgeable than the general population and more likely to take folic acid. Further, we hypothesized that relatives would be more motivated by an intervention to increase their use of folic acid. METHODS: We conducted an intervention study among females in families attending a hospital spina bifida clinic in Washington, DC. RESULTS: The 231 subjects consisted of the affected individuals, mothers, sisters, and aunts. The average age was 34 years. At baseline, most (87.4%) reported that they had heard of folic acid; 37.6% were currently taking multivitamins with folic acid and 6.9% were taking folic acid tablets. The intervention significantly increased both knowledge (to 99%) and intake of folic acid from 41.9 to 48.5%. Folic acid intake increased significantly among African-American women and women with less education, women who were older, married, with children, and nonsmokers. CONCLUSIONS: This intervention was successful in increasing folic acid intake among female relatives in spina bifida-affected families. By the end of the study, almost all women had heard of folic acid and folic acid use had increased by 16%. Among these women at higher than expected risk for having an affected child, this rate of intake, while more than the general population, still falls short of optimum. Fortification of food with folic acid may be the only way to ensure increased folic acid intake.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate an occupational therapy intervention to improve outdoor mobility after stroke.Design Randomised controlled trial.Setting General practice registers, social services departments, a primary care rehabilitation service, and a geriatric day hospital.Participants 168 community dwelling people with a clinical diagnosis of stroke in previous 36 months: 86 were allocated to the intervention group and 82 to the control group.Interventions Leaflets describing local transport services for disabled people (control group) and leaflets with assessment and up to seven intervention sessions by an occupational therapist (intervention group).Main outcome measures Responses to postal questionnaires at four and 10 months: primary outcome measure was response to whether participant got out of the house as much as he or she would like, and secondary outcome measures were response to how many journeys outdoors had been made in the past month and scores on the Nottingham extended activities of daily living scale, Nottingham leisure questionnaire, and general health questionnaire.Results Participants in the treatment group were more likely to get out of the house as often as they wanted at both four months (relative risk 1.72, 95% confidence interval 1.25 to 2.37) and 10 months (1.74, 1.24 to 2.44). The treatment group reported more journeys outdoors in the month before assessment at both four months (median 37 in intervention group, 14 in control group: P < 0.01) and 10 months (median 42 in intervention group, 14 in control group: P < 0.01). At four months the mobility scores on the Nottingham extended activities of daily living scale were significantly higher in the intervention group, but there were no significant differences in the other secondary outcomes. No significant differences were observed in these measures at 10 months.Conclusion A targeted occupational therapy intervention at home increases outdoor mobility in people after stroke.  相似文献   



Many HIV-infected children in sub-Saharan Africa enter care at a late stage of disease. As preparation of the child and family for antiretroviral therapy (ART) can take several clinic visits, some children die prior to ART initiation. This study was undertaken to determine mortality rates and clinical predictors of mortality during the period prior to ART initiation.


A prospective cohort study of HIV-infected treatment-naïve children was conducted between September 2007 and September 2010 at the HIV clinic at Macha Hospital in rural Southern Province, Zambia. HIV-infected children younger than 16 years of age who were treatment-naïve at study enrollment were eligible for analysis. Mortality rates prior to ART initiation were calculated and risk factors for mortality were evaluated.


351 children were included in the study, of whom 210 (59.8%) were eligible for ART at study enrollment. Among children ineligible for ART at enrollment, 6 children died (mortality rate: 0.33; 95% CI:0.15, 0.74). Among children eligible at enrollment, 21 children died before initiation of ART and their mortality rate (2.73 per 100 person-years; 95% CI:1.78, 4.18) was significantly higher than among children ineligible for ART (incidence rate ratio: 8.20; 95% CI:3.20, 24.83). In both groups, mortality was highest in the first three months of follow-up. Factors associated with mortality included younger age, anemia and lower weight-for-age z-score at study enrollment.


These results underscore the need to increase efforts to identify HIV-infected children at an earlier age and stage of disease progression so they can enroll in HIV care and treatment programs prior to becoming eligible for ART and these deaths can be prevented.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated causes of malaria and how cases were managed at household level, in order to improve the ability to identify malaria and ensure correct use of chloroquine. It was conducted in Nakonde District, Northern Province of Zambia, between 2000 and 2001. Nakonde district is in a hyperendemic malaria province, where Plasmodium falciparum is predominant. The district has a total population of 153, 548 people, the majority of whom are peasant farmers. The main aim of the post intervention survey was to establish the proportion of caretakers of children five years and below, who were able to identify simple and severe malaria and treat it correctly using chloroquine in the home. METHODS: A baseline survey was conducted in five wards divided into intervention and control.Intervention and control wards were compared. Village health motivators and vendors were identified and trained in three intervention wards, as a channel through which information on correct chloroquine dose could be transmitted. A total of 575 carers, who were 15 years old and above and had a child who had suffered from malaria 14 days before the survey commenced, were interviewed. The two control wards received no intervention. 345 caretakers were from the intervention wards, while 230 came from the control wards. Identification of malaria and correct use of anti-malarial drugs was assessed in terms of household diagnosis of malaria in children under five years, type and dose of anti-malarial drugs used, self medication and the source of these anti-malarials. RESULTS: The majority of respondents in the study were females (81%). Chloroquine was the most frequently used anti-malarial (48.5%) in both the intervention and control wards. There was no difference between the intervention and control wards at pre-intervention (P = 0.266 and P = 0.956), in the way mothers and other caretakers identified simple and severe malaria. At baseline, knowledge on correct chloroquine dosage in the under five children was comparable between intervention and control wards. Post-intervention revealed that mothers and other caretakers were 32% and 51%, respectively, more likely to identify simple and severe malaria. There was a 60% increase on correct chloroquine dosage in all age groups among carers living in post-intervention wards. CONCLUSION: Compliance with standard therapeutic doses and correct identification of malaria was poorest in control wards, where no motivators and vendors were trained.  相似文献   

Experience of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a risk factor for the development of maladaptive outcomes across the lifespan. CSA victims have been found to have a significantly higher risk of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) than children who experience non-CSA trauma. While cognitive behavioral therapy approaches have been found to effectively treat PTSD, reviews suggest that children who have experienced CSA commonly disengage from this type of therapy. Engaging children who have been sexually abused may therefore require both innovation and creativity. One approach that is gaining recognition as effectively addressing barriers associated with engagement and retention is animal assisted therapy (AAT). The current article presents a quasi-experimental assessment of an AAT program working with children who present with clinical symptoms of PTSD following CSA. The efficacy of the program is discussed along with implications of the rising interest in AAT initiatives.  相似文献   



When and how to wean breastfed infants exposed to HIV infection has provoked extensive debate, particularly in low-income countries where safe alternatives to breastfeeding are rarely available. Although there is global consensus on optimal infant-feeding practices in the form of guidelines, practices are sub-optimal in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Policy-makers and health workers face many challenges in adapting and implementing these guidelines.


This paper is based on in-depth interviews with five policy-makers and 11 providers of interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, participant observations during clinic sessions and site visits.


The difficulties with adapting the global infant-feeding guidelines in Malawi have affected the provision of services. There was a lack of consensus on HIV and infant-feeding at all levels and general confusion about the 2006 guidelines, particularly those recommending continued breastfeeding after six months if replacement feeding is not acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe. Health workers found it particularly difficult to advise women to continue breastfeeding after six months. They worried that they would lose the trust of the PMTCT clients and the population at large, and they feared that continued breastfeeding was unsafe. Optimal support for HIV-infected women was noted in programmes where health workers were multi-skilled; coordinated their efforts and had functional, multidisciplinary task forces and engaged communities. The recent 2009 recommendations are the first to support antiretroviral (ARV) use by mothers or children during breastfeeding. Besides promoting maternal health and providing protection against HIV infection in children, the new Rapid Advice has the potential to resolve the difficulties and confusion experienced by health workers in Malawi.


The process of integrating new evidence into institutionalised actions takes time. The challenge of keeping programmes, and especially health workers, up-to-standard is a dynamic process. Effective programmes require more than basic resources. Along with up-to-date information, health workers need contextualized, easy-to-follow guidelines in order to effectively provide services. They also require supportive supervision during the processes of change. Policy-makers should ensure that consensus is carefully considered and that comprehensive perspectives are incorporated when adapting the global guidelines.  相似文献   

Arginine stimulates growth hormone (GH) secretion, possibly by inhibiting hypothalamic somatostatin (SS) release. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) inhibits GH secretion via effects at the pituitary and/or hypothalamus. We hypothesized that if the dominant action of IGF-I is to suppress GH release at the level of the pituitary, then the arginine-induced net increase in GH concentration would be unaffected by an IGF-I infusion. Eight healthy young adults (3 women, 5 men) were studied on day 2 of a 47-h fast for 12 h (35th-47th h) on four occasions. Saline (Sal) or 10 microg. kg(-1). h(-1) recombinant human IGF-I was infused intravenously for 5 h from 37 to 42 h of the 47-h fast. Arginine (Arg) (30 g iv) or Sal was infused over 30 min during the IGF-I or Sal infusion from 40 to 40.5 h of the fast. Subjects received the following combinations of treatments in random order: 1) Sal + Sal; 2) Sal + Arg; 3) IGF-I + Sal; 4) IGF-I + Arg. Peak GH concentration on the IGF-I + Arg day was ~45% of that on the Sal + Arg day. The effect of arginine on net GH release was calculated as [(Sal + Arg) - (Sal + Sal)] - [(IGF-I + Arg) - (IGF-I + Sal)]. There was no significant effect of IGF-I on net arginine-induced GH release over control conditions. These findings suggest that the negative feedback effect of IGF-I on GH secretion is primarily mediated at the pituitary level and/or at the hypothalamus through a mechanism different from the stimulatory effect of arginine.  相似文献   

K M Bagnall 《Teratology》1988,38(1):75-77
A method is presented by which the survival rate of early chick embryos following surgical procedure can be greatly improved. It was discovered that the embryos were dying at the stage of the operating procedure at which ink was being introduced under the embryo. Ink was used to visualize the embryonic features more easily. The use of a contrast medium in which the ink has been previously mixed with yolk in the ratio of 1:30 solved the problem.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine protopathic stimulant use among children with the symptoms of ADHD but do not have a diagnosis of ADHD. Protopathic or prodromal stimulant use refers to the use of stimulants by children with the symptoms of ADHD prior to a diagnosis of ADHD. In the current study, we examined children with the symptoms of ADHD who received stimulant treatment across time and with respect to several background variables. Our results indicate that these children who receive stimulant treatment without a diagnosis of ADHD are significantly more like to be eventually diagnosed with ADHD than not. Results also indicate that these children who receive stimulant treatment but do not yet have a diagnosis of ADHD are significantly more likely to have insurance that does not pay for diagnostic procedures. These results are discussed in view of treatment.  相似文献   

The development of valid animal models of learning is especially important since learning is critical for nearly all aspects of human behavior and identifying appropriate surrogates provides additional opportunity to study various aspects of learning. Examining the factors that affect learning is often complicated by the need to administer the same task repeatedly across experimental conditions. Incremental repeated acquisition (IRA) tasks have been used extensively in animal research because they circumvent this problem by requiring a subject to learn different response chains repeatedly across sessions. The present study examined the association of age, sex of the participant, and IQ on the performance of an incremental repeated acquisition task in 837 children, aged 5-13 years. This task required children to learn to press four response levers in a specific sequence that was randomly chosen. Illumination of colored indicator lights signaled position in the required response chain. Initially, for the first link, only one of the four levers was correct: a response to it resulted in the delivery of a monetary reinforcer (5 cents). After mastery of the first link (i.e. three correct presses), the children were presented with a two-link response chain: a different lever had to be pressed before pressing the previously correct lever. After mastery of the two-link chain, the response chain length was once again increased, and so on until a response chain consisting of six links was completed or until the task timed out. Older children and children with higher IQs mastered longer response chain lengths and were more accurate in performance of this learning task than younger children. In addition, older children and children with higher IQs had higher effective response rates and lower ineffective response rates. No significant effects of the sex of the participant were demonstrated for any of the variables on this task, except overall response rate. The results indicate that this test is sensitive to developmental variables in children, with the degree of sensitivity of certain dependent variables being age-dependent. Characterization of performance of this task by humans facilitates comparisons with animal models employing the same task, thus enhancing its translational utility.  相似文献   


Background and Methods

Roll Back Malaria set the goal of 100% of households in malaria endemic countries in Africa owning an insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) by 2010. Zambia has used mass free distribution campaigns and distribution through antenatal care (ANC) clinics to achieve high coverage.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We conducted a probability survey of 801 households in 2008 to assess factors associated with households that lacked an ITN after mass distribution. Community perceptions of barriers to ITN access were also obtained from in-depth interviews with household heads that reported not owning an ITN. Nearly 74% of households in Luangwa district reported owning ≥1 ITN. Logistic regression showed households without a child <5 years old during the ITN distribution campaigns were twice as likely to not have an ITN as those with a child <5 during distribution (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR)  = 2.43; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.67–3.55). Households without a woman who attended an ANC in the past 2 years were more likely to be without ITNs compared to households with a woman who attended an ANC in the past 2 years (AOR  = 1.52; 95% CI: 1.04–2.21). In-depth interviews with heads of households without an ITN revealed that old age was a perceived barrier to receiving an ITN during distribution, and that ITNs wore out before they could be replaced.

Conclusions and Significance

Delivery of a large number of ITNs does not translate directly into 100% household coverage. Due to their design, current ITN distribution strategies may miss households occupied by the elderly and those without children or ANC access. ITN distribution strategies targeting the elderly, those with limited access to distribution points, and others most likely to be missed are necessary if 100% ITN coverage of households is to be achieved.  相似文献   

While the neuroprotective benefits of estrogen and progesterone in critical illness are well established, the data regarding the effects of androgens are conflicting. Surgical repair of congenital heart disease is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, but there are scant data regarding the postoperative metabolism of sex steroids in this setting. The objective of this prospective observational study was to compare the postoperative sex steroid patterns in pediatric patients undergoing major cardiac surgery (MCS) versus those undergoing less intensive non-cardiac surgery. Urinary excretion rates of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen metabolites (μg/mmol creatinine/m2 body surface area) were determined in 24-h urine samples before and after surgery using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry in 29 children undergoing scheduled MCS and in 17 control children undergoing conventional non-cardiac surgery. Eight of the MCS patients had Down’s syndrome. There were no significant differences in age, weight, or sex between the groups. Seven patients from the MCS group showed multi-organ dysfunction after surgery. Before surgery, the median concentrations of 17β-estradiol, pregnanediol, 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) were (control/MCS) 0.1/0.1 (NS), 12.4/11.3 (NS), 4.7/4.4 (NS), and 2.9/1.1 (p = 0.02). Postoperatively, the median delta 17β-estradiol, delta pregnanediol, delta DHT, and delta DHEA were (control/MCS) 0.2/6.4 (p = 0.0002), −3.2/23.4 (p = 0.013), −0.6/3.7 (p = 0.0004), and 0.5/4.2 (p = 0.004). Postoperative changes did not differ according to sex. We conclude that MCS, but not less intensive non-cardiac surgery, induced a distinct postoperative increase in sex steroid levels. These findings suggest that sex steroids have a role in postoperative metabolism following MCS in prepubertal children.  相似文献   

BackgroundCardiovascular disease (CVD) disproportionately affects Black adults in the United States. This is increasingly acknowledged to be due to inequitable distribution of health-promoting resources. One potential contributor is inequities in educational opportunities, although it is unclear what aspects of education are most salient. School racial segregation may affect cardiovascular health by increasing stress, constraining socioeconomic opportunities, and altering health behaviors. We investigated the association between school segregation and Black adults’ CVD risk.Methods and findingsWe leveraged a natural experiment created by quasi-random (i.e., arbitrary) timing of local court decisions since 1991 that released school districts from court-ordered desegregation. We used the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) (1991 to 2017), linked with district-level school segregation measures and desegregation court order status. The sample included 1,053 Black participants who ever resided in school districts that were under a court desegregation order in 1991. The exposure was mean school segregation during observed schooling years. Outcomes included several adult CVD risk factors and outcomes. We fitted standard ordinary least squares (OLS) multivariable linear regression models, then conducted instrumental variables (IV) analysis, using the proportion of schooling years spent in districts that had been released from court-ordered desegregation as an instrument. We adjusted for individual- and district-level preexposure confounders, birth year, and state fixed effects. In standard linear models, school segregation was associated with a lower probability of good self-rated health (−0.05 percentage points per SD of the segregation index; 95% CI: −0.08, −0.03; p < 0.001) and a higher probability of binge drinking (0.04 percentage points; 95% CI: 0.002, 0.07; p = 0.04) and heart disease (0.01 percentage points; 95% CI: 0.002, 0.15; p = 0.007). IV analyses also found that school segregation was associated with a lower probability of good self-rated health (−0.09 percentage points; 95% CI: −0.17, −0.02, p = 0.02) and a higher probability of binge drinking (0.17 percentage points; 95% CI: 0.04, 0.30, p = 0.008). For IV estimates, only binge drinking was robust to adjustments for multiple hypothesis testing. Limitations included self-reported outcomes and potential residual confounding and exposure misclassification.ConclusionsSchool segregation exposure in childhood may have longstanding impacts on Black adults’ cardiovascular health. Future research should replicate these analyses in larger samples and explore potential mechanisms. Given the recent rise in school segregation, this study has implications for policies and programs to address racial inequities in CVD.

Min Hee Kim and colleagues investigate the association between exposure to school racial segregation in childhood and long-term cardiovascular health among Black adults in the United States.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that several gap junction uncouplers increase the uptake of glucose in astrocytes. The aim of the present work was to study whether the increase in glucose uptake was a consequence of the inhibition of gap junction communication and the purpose of this effect. Our results show that alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid and endothelin-1 increase the uptake of glucose in highly, but not in poorly, coupled astrocytes. This effect depended on connexin 43 levels and was abolished when the inhibition of gap junction communication was prevented by tolbutamide or ouabain. The inhibition of gap junctions increased the rate of glucose incorporation into DNA and RNA, which was inhibited by treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone, an inhibitor of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the regulatory enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway. The inhibition of gap junctions significantly increased astrocyte proliferation, which was counteracted by tolbutamide. These effects were not observed in poorly coupled astrocytes expressing low levels of connexin 43. The increase in astrocyte proliferation caused by gap junction inhibition was prevented when either glucose uptake or the pentose phosphate pathway were inhibited. We conclude that the inhibition of gap junction communication induces astrocyte proliferation, resulting in an enhancement of glucose uptake and its utilization through the pentose phosphate pathway to provide ribose-5-phosphate for the synthesis of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

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