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It is thought that in the gram-negative soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti the protein ExoP is involved in biosynthesis of the acidic exopolysaccharide succinoglycan (EPS I). The amounts and compositions of EPS I produced by mutants expressing ExoP proteins characterized by specific amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain were analyzed. The cytoplasmic domain of the ExoP protein was shown to have ATPase activity. Mutations in the highly conserved Walker A ATP-binding motif prevented ATPase activity of the ExoP protein. Phenotypically, these mutations resulted in much lower levels of succinoglycan which consisted only of monomers of the octasaccharide repeating unit. The ExoP protein has similarities to proteins with autophosphorylating protein tyrosine kinase activity. We found that ExoP was phosphorylated on tyrosine and that site-directed mutagenesis of specific tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of ExoP resulted in an altered ratio of low-molecular-weight succinoglycan to high-molecular-weight succinoglycan.  相似文献   

Sinorhizobium meliloti CE52G strain produces a periplasmic laccase that has been purified by a two-step procedure involving heat treatment and immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). The fraction with laccase activity retained its original activity after 24 h of incubation at pH between 4.0 and 8.0 and after 3 h of incubation at 70 °C, pH 7.2 and supplemented with 1.3 M (NH4)2SO4. It proved to be a homodimeric protein with an apparent molecular mass of 45 kDa each subunit and an isoelectric point of 6.2. CE52G laccase was inhibited by halides (NaF and NaCl), ions (Fe3+, Mn2+, and Cu2+), sulfhydryl organic compounds (β-mercaptoethanol and reduced glutathione), and electron flow inhibitors (NaCN and NaF). Laccase activity was strongly enhanced by (NH4)2SO4, Na2SO4, and K2SO4. The effects of all these agents, as well as the probability of a partially unfolding polypeptide chain to enhance the interaction between the substrate and the active site, are discussed. CE52G laccase is a pH- and thermo-stable protein with promising biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

pIJ1008, a Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid which determines hydrogen uptake ability and symbiotic functions in pea was transferable to three of seven natural isolates of R. meliloti tested. In these three strains, pIJ1008 was maintained stably with the respective sym megaplasmid indigenous to each R. meliloti strain. These strains carrying both plasmids nodulated alfalfa but not pea. By reisolation and examination of the strains from alfalfa nodule tissue, it was shown that pIJ1008 continued to be maintained but that pea-nodulation ability was suppressed.In one strain of R. meliloti which carries a 200 kb cryptic plasmid (in addition to a megaplasmid), the transfer and selection for pIJ1008 resulted in the loss of the cryptic plasmid.In three separate plant growth experiments, alfalfa nodules induced by each of the R. meliloti strain carrying both sym plasmids were assayed for hydrogen uptake activity. The average activity was 40-, 3.5-and 2-fold higher than with the respective pIJ1008-free strains. However, this higher activity was not accompanied by an increase in plant biomass or nitrogen content of shoots.C.B.R.I. Contribution Number: 1478  相似文献   

The major acidic exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti, termed succinoglycan, is required for nodule invasion and possibly nodule development. Succinoglycan is a polymer of octasaccharide subunits composed of one galactose residue, seven glucose residues, and acetyl, succinyl, and pyruvyl modifications, which is synthesized on an isoprenoid lipid carrier. A cluster of exo genes in R. meliloti are required for succinoglycan production, and the biosynthetic roles of their gene products have recently been determined (T.L. Reuber and G. C. Walker, Cell 74:269-280, 1993). Our sequencing of 16 kb of this cluster of exo genes and further genetic analysis of this region resulted in the discovery of several new exo genes and has allowed a correlation of the genetic map with the DNA sequence. In this paper we present the sequences of genes that are required for the addition of the succinyl and pyruvyl modifications to the lipid-linked intermediate and genes required for the polymerization of the octasaccharide subunits or the export of succinoglycan. In addition, on the basis of homologies to known proteins, we suggest that ExoN is a uridine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase and that ExoK is a beta(1,3)-beta (1,4)-glucanase. We propose a model for succinoglycan biosynthesis and processing which assigns roles to the products of nineteen exo genes.  相似文献   

We examined expression of the megaplasmid pRme41b of Rhizobium meliloti in two different Rhizobium sp. Strains and in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transfer of pRme41b into these bacteria was facilitated by insertion of a recombinant plasmid coding for mobilization functions of RP4 into the nif region (Kondorosi, A., E. Kondorosi, C.E. Pankhurst, W. J. Broughton, and Z. Banfalvi, 1982, Mol. Gen. Genet., 188:433-439). In all cases, transconjugants formed nodule-like structures on the roots of Medicago sativa. These structures were largely composed of meristematic cells but they were not invaded by bacteria. Bacteria were found only within infection threads in root hairs, and within intercellular spaces of the outermost cells of the structures. The donor strain of R. meliloti containing pAK11 or pAK12 in pRme41b initially produced nodules on M. sativa that did not fix nitrogen (Fix- ). In these nodules, bacteria were released from infection threads into the host cells but they did not multiply appreciably. Any bacteroids formed degenerated prematurely. In some cases, however, reversion to a Fix+ phenotype occurred after 4 to 6 wk. Bacteria released into newly infected cells in these nodules showed normal development into bacteriods.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, envelope stress can be overcome by three different envelope stress responses: the sigma(E) stress response and the Bae and Cpx two-component systems. The Cpx envelope stress response is controlled by the sensor kinase CpxA, the response regulator CpxR, and the novel periplasmic protein CpxP. CpxP mediates feedback inhibition of the Cpx pathway through a hypothetical interaction with the sensing domain of CpxA. No informative homologues of CpxP are known, and thus it is unclear how CpxP exerts this inhibition. Here, we identified six cpxP loss-of-function mutations using a CpxP-beta-lactamase (CpxP'-'Bla) translational fusion construct. These loss-of-function mutations identified a highly conserved, predicted alpha-helix in the N-terminal domain of CpxP that affects both the function and the stability of the protein. In the course of this study, we also found that CpxP'-'Bla stability is differentially controlled by the periplasmic protease DegP in response to inducing cues and that mutation of degP diminishes Cpx pathway activity. We propose that the N-terminal alpha-helix is an important functional domain for inhibition of the Cpx pathway and that CpxP is subject to DegP-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   

The nod  C genes from rhizobia encode an N -acetylglucosaminyl transferase (chitin synthase) involved in the formation of lipo-chito-oligosaccharide Nod factors that initiate root nodule morphogenesis in legume plants. NodC proteins have two hydrophobic domains, one of about 21 residues at the N-terminus and a longer one, which could consist of two or three transmembrane spans, near the C-terminus. These two hydrophobic domains flank a large hydrophilic region that shows extensive homology with other β-glycosyl transferases. The topology of NodC in the inner membrane of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae was analysed using a series of gene fusions encoding proteins in which NodC was fused to alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) lacking an N-terminal transit sequence or to β-galactosidase (LacZ). Our data support a model in which the N-terminal hydrophobic domain spans the membrane in a Nout–Cin orientation, with the adjacent large hydrophilic domain being exposed to the cytoplasm. This orientation appears to depend upon the presence of the hydrophobic region near the C-terminus. We propose that this hydrophobic region contains three transmembrane spans, such that the C-terminus of NodC is located in the periplasm. A short region of about 40 amino acids, encompassing the last transmembrane span, is essential for the function of NodC. Our model for NodC topology suggests that most of NodC, including the region showing most similarity to other β-glycosyl transferases, is exposed to the cytoplasm, where it is likely that polymerization of N -acetyl glucoasamine occurs. Such a model is incompatible with previous reports suggesting that NodC spans both inner and outer membranes.  相似文献   

Tetherin (BST2) is the host cell factor that blocks the particle release of some enveloped viruses. Two putative feline tetherin proteins differing at the level of the N-terminal coding region have recently been described and tested for their antiviral activity. By cloning and comparing the two reported feline tetherins (called here cBST2(504) and cBST2*) and generating specific derivative mutants, this study provides evidence that feline tetherin has a shorter intracytoplasmic domain than those of other known homologues. The minimal tetherin promoter was identified and assayed for its ability to drive tetherin expression in an alpha interferon-inducible manner. We also demonstrated that cBST2(504) is able to dimerize, is localized at the cellular membrane, and impairs human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) particle release, regardless of the presence of the Vpu antagonist accessory protein. While cBST2(504) failed to restrict wild-type feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) egress, FIV mutants, bearing a frameshift at the level of the envelope-encoding region, were potently blocked. The transient expression of the FIV envelope glycoprotein was able to rescue mutant particle release from feline tetherin-positive cells but did not antagonize human BST2 activity. Moreover, cBST2(504) was capable of specifically immunoprecipitating the FIV envelope glycoprotein. Finally, cBST2(504) also exerted its function on HIV-2 ROD10 and on the simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239. Taken together, these results show that feline tetherin does indeed have a short N-terminal region and that the FIV envelope glycoprotein is the predominant factor counteracting tetherin restriction.  相似文献   

The Sinorhizobium meliloti periplasmic ExoR protein and the ExoS/ChvI two‐component system form a regulatory mechanism that directly controls the transformation of free‐living to host‐invading cells. In the absence of crystal structures, understanding the molecular mechanism of interaction between ExoR and the ExoS sensor, which is believed to drive the key regulatory step in the invasion process, remains a major challenge. In this study, we present a theoretical structural model of the active form of ExoR protein, ExoRm, generated using computational methods. Our model suggests that ExoR possesses a super‐helical fold comprising 12 α‐helices forming six Sel1‐like repeats, including two that were unidentified in previous studies. This fold is highly conducive to mediating protein–protein interactions and this is corroborated by the identification of putative protein binding sites on the surface of the ExoRm protein. Our studies reveal two novel insights: (a) an extended conformation of the third Sel1‐like repeat that might be important for ExoR regulatory function and (b) a buried proteolytic site that implies a unique proteolytic mechanism. This study provides new and interesting insights into the structure of S. meliloti ExoR, lays the groundwork for elaborating the molecular mechanism of ExoRm cleavage, ExoRm–ExoS interactions, and studies of ExoR homologs in other bacterial host interactions.  相似文献   

Sen A  Sen N  Mackow ER 《Journal of virology》2007,81(21):11758-11767
The rotavirus NSP5 protein directs the formation of viroplasm-like structures (VLS) and is required for viroplasm formation within infected cells. In this report, we have defined signals within the C-terminal 21 amino acids of NSP5 that are required for VLS formation and that direct the insolubility and hyperphosphorylation of NSP5. Deleting C-terminal residues of NSP5 dramatically increased the solubility of N-terminally tagged NSP5 and prevented NSP5 hyperphosphorylation. Computer modeling and analysis of the NSP5 C terminus revealed the presence of an amphipathic alpha-helix spanning 21 C-terminal residues that is conserved among rotaviruses. Proline-scanning mutagenesis of the predicted helix revealed that single-amino-acid substitutions abolish NSP5 insolubility and hyperphosphorylation. Helix-disrupting NSP5 mutations also abolished localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-NSP5 fusions into VLS and directly correlate VLS formation with NSP5 insolubility. All mutations introduced into the hydrophobic face of the predicted NSP5 alpha-helix disrupted VLS formation, NSP5 insolubility, and the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated NSP5 isoforms. Some NSP5 mutants were highly soluble but still were hyperphosphorylated, indicating that NSP5 insolubility was not required for hyperphosphorylation. Expression of GFP containing the last 68 residues of NSP5 at its C terminus resulted in the formation of punctate VLS within cells. Interestingly, GFP-NSP5-C68 was diffusely dispersed in the cytoplasm when calcium was depleted from the medium, and after calcium resupplementation GFP-NSP5-C68 rapidly accumulated into punctate VLS. A potential calcium switch, formed by two tandem pseudo-EF-hand motifs (DxDxD), is present just upstream of the predicted alpha-helix. Mutagenesis of either DxDxD motif abolished the regulatory effect of calcium on VLS formation and resulted in the constitutive assembly of GFP-NSP5-C68 into punctate VLS. These results reveal specific residues within the NSP5 C-terminal domain that direct NSP5 hyperphosphorylation, insolubility, and VLS formation in addition to defining residues that constitute a calcium-dependent trigger of VLS formation. These studies identify functional determinants within the C terminus of NSP5 that regulate VLS formation and provide a target for inhibiting NSP5-directed VLS functions during rotavirus replication.  相似文献   

Sulfurtransferases/rhodaneses are a group of enzymes widely distributed in plants, animals, and bacteria that catalyze the transfer of sulfur from a donor molecule to a thiophilic acceptor substrate. Sulfurtransferases (STs) consist of two globular domains of nearly identical size and conformation connected by a short linker sequence. In plant STs this linker sequence is exceptionally longer than in sequences from other species. The Arabidopsis ST1 protein (AJ131404) contains five cysteine residues: one residue is universally conserved in all STs and considered to be catalytically essential; a second one, closely located in the primary sequence, is conserved only in sequences from eukaryotic species. Of the remaining three cysteine residues two are conserved in the so far known plant STs and one is unique to the Arabidopsis ST1. The aim of our study was to investigate the role of the two-domain structure, of the unique plant linker sequence and of each cysteine residue. The N- and C-terminal domains of the Arabidopsis ST1, the full-length protein with a shortened linker sequence and several point-mutated proteins were overexpressed in E. coli, purified and used for enzyme activity measurements. The C-terminal domain itself displayed ST activity which could be increased by adding the separately prepared N-terminal domain. The activity of an ST1 derivative with a shortened linker sequence was reduced by more than 60% of the wild-type activity, probably because of a drastically reduced protein stability. The replacement of each cysteine residue resulted in mutant forms which differed significantly in their stability, in the specific ST activities, and in their kinetic parameters which were determined for 3-mercaptopyruvate as well as thiosulfate as sulfur substrates: mutation of the putative active site cysteine (C332) essentially abolished activity; for C339 a crucial role at least for the turnover of thiosulfate could be identified.  相似文献   

Proteins of the YPT1/SEC4/rab family are well documented to be involved in the regulation of membrane transport. We have previously reported that rab5 regulates endosome-endosome recognition and/or fusion in vitro. Here, we show that this process depends on the rab5 N-terminal domain. Treatment of early endosomal membranes at a low trypsin concentration essentially abolished fusion and cleaved rab5 to a 1 kDa smaller polypeptide. Two-dimensional gel analysis suggested that rab5 is one of the few, if not the only, polypeptides cleaved by trypsin under these conditions. Whereas endosome fusion could be stimulated by cytosol prepared from cells overexpressing rab5 (and thus containing high amounts of the protein), this stimulation was abolished by trypsin-treatment of the cytosol. Trypsin-treated cytosol prepared from mock-transfected cells, which contains very low amounts of rab5, showed no inhibitory activity indicating that rab5 is the target of trypsin in these experiments. Purified rab5 prepared after expression in Escherichia coli was treated with trypsin, which cleaved the protein at the N-terminus. A synthetic peptide of rab5 N-terminal domain inhibited endosome fusion in our cell-free assay. A version of the same peptide truncated at the N-terminus or a peptide of rab3 N-terminal domain were without effects. Altogether, these observations suggest that the N-terminal domain of rab5 is involved in the process of early endosome recognition and/or fusion, presumably because it interacts with another component of the transport machinery.  相似文献   

Bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 is a multidomain protein that is an essential component of a system for ensuring that protein synthesis begins at the correct codon within a messenger RNA. Full-length IF2 from Escherichia coli and seven fragments of the protein were expressed, purified, and characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) methods. Interestingly, resonances of the 6 kD IF2N domain located at the extreme N terminus of IF2 can be clearly identified within the NMR spectra of the full-length 97-kD protein. (15)N NMR relaxation rate data indicate that (1) the IF2N domain is internally well ordered and tumbles in solution in a manner that is independent of the other domains of the IF2 protein, and (2) the IF2N domain is connected to the C-terminal regions of IF2 by a flexible linker. Chemical shifts of resonances within the isolated IF2N domain do not significantly differ from those of the corresponding residues within the context of the full-length 97-kD protein, indicating that IF2N is a structurally independent unit that does not strongly interact with other regions of IF2. CD and NMR data together provide evidence that Domains I-III of IF2 have unstructured and flexible regions as well as substantial helical content; CD data indicate that the helical content of these regions decreases significantly at temperatures above 35 degrees C. The features of structurally well-ordered N- and C-terminal domains connected by a flexible linker with significant helical content are reminiscent of another translation initiation factor, IF3.  相似文献   

Nodulation and host-specific recognition of legumes such as peas and Vicia spp. are encoded by the nodulation (nod) genes of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae. One of these genes, nodO, has been shown to encode an exported protein that contains a multiple tandem repeat of a nine amino acid domain. This domain was found to be homologous to repeated sequences in a group of bacterial exported proteins that includes haemolysin, cyclolysin, leukotoxin and two proteases. These proteins are secreted by a mechanism that does not involve an N-terminal signal peptide. The NodO protein is present in the growth medium of Rhizobium bacteria induced for nod gene expression, and partial protein sequencing of the purified protein showed that there is no N-terminal cleavage of the exported protein. It has been suggested that the internally repeated domain of haemolysin may be involved in Ca2(+)-mediated binding to erythrocytes and we show that the NodO protein can bind 45Ca2+. It is proposed that the NodO protein may interact directly with plant root cells in a Ca2(+)-dependent way, thereby mediating an early stage in the recognition that occurs between Rhizobium and its host legume.  相似文献   

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