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Wilt of lucerne caused by species of Verticillium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Field trials confirmed that, whereas the Du Puits variety oflucerne was highly susceptible to Verticillium albo-atrum, ‘Gaetula’hybrids showed slight resistance and certain ‘Swedish’material was moderately resistant. Symptom-free ‘Gaetula’and Swedish plants were used to produce uninfected clonal materialby root propagation. Comparisons of the proteins of such plants with seed-grown DuPuits produced no evidence of a correlation between proteinpattern before inoculation and differences in susceptibilityand resistance. Disc electrophoretic comparisons of infected host material showedthat the pathogen gradually induced a change in the shoot proteinsof Du Puits whereas in the resistant host, after an initialmarked change, there was a development towards normality. Bythe terminal stages of wilting there was a noticeable fall inthe numbers of proteins in both roots and shoots of Du Puits,a finding confirmed both by double diffusion and immunoelectrophoresis.At the same time there was good evidence for a slight increasein protein bands in the resistant material after inoculation. After feeding tritium-labelled leucine to infected Du Puitsplants, a small protein component of fungal origin was detectedin the host. Labelled components from both healthy and infectedDu Puits plants were separated on Sephadex G.25 and compared.  相似文献   

棉花枯萎、黄萎病拮抗芽孢杆菌的抗菌蛋白特性   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从土贝母和腊肠等中药和发酵食品中筛选出对棉花枯萎、黄萎病菌有广谱拮抗作用的芽孢杆菌29株,其中有12株菌产抗菌蛋白。有5株抑菌活性较强:H110、H184、H216、B316和B382。经初步鉴定,H110和H184为枯草芽孢杆菌,H216、B316和B382为地衣芽孢杆菌。5株菌的蛋白粗提液对热稳定,对蛋白酶K、胰蛋白酶均不敏感,但H184、H216的蛋白粗提液对胃蛋白酶部分敏感。  相似文献   

A rapid (10-min) tomato seedling assay was developed for determining the wilt-capacity of cell-free culture filtrates of race 1 and race 2 isolates of Verticiilium dahliae. The assay also rapidly determined the differences in wilt resistance between tomato cultivars. Rapidity was attained by manipulating incubation conditions to promote rapid wilting. These included inducing elongated stems in the susceptible cv. Bonny Best seedlings by growth of plants in subdued light (2.2 × 102 lux) and by concentrating two-fold the cell-free culture filtrates of the pathogen. Further, rapid uptake of the wilt factors in the culture filtrates was facilitated during incubation by increasing transpiration with bright light (23.8 × 103 lux), a wind stream (125–150 metres/min) across the assay seedlings, low relative humidity (28%) and a relatively high assay temperature (30 C). When necessary, these conditions were altered to extend the assay times. This assay system was used to determine optimal incubation time, temperature and medium for obtaining culture filtrates with increased wilt capacities. The assay also determined the relative wilt capacities of races 1 and 2 and the comparative resistance of four tomato cultivars to wilt caused by races 1 and 2.  相似文献   

【背景】2013年11月在甘肃省兰州市皋兰县的日光温室秋冬茬甜瓜种植棚发现黄萎症状的甜瓜植株,病株率约为1%。【目的】明确甜瓜黄萎病的病原。【方法】采用组织分离法进行病原菌分离;通过科赫氏法则(Koch’s法则)明确分出病菌的致病性;采用形态学和分子生物学方法对病原菌进行种类鉴定。【结果】分离得到轮枝菌属真菌8株,轮枝菌属真菌的病株分出率达100%;2个代表性菌株GLTG-2和GLTG-5(显微特征相似但菌落形态和生长速率不同),在温度18-24℃及昼/夜光周期为11.5 h/12.5 h的试验条件下,人工接种可引起甜瓜苗矮化、枯萎;接种后40 d,枯死株率分别为70%和40%;BLASTn分析结果显示,菌株GLTG-2的rDNA-ITS序列与Verticillium dahliae菌株MRHf7的序列相似性达99.78%,菌株GLTG-5的rDNA-ITS序列与V.dahliae菌株MRHf7和Vd414的序列相似性达100.00%。【结论】引起甜瓜黄萎病的病原菌被鉴定为大丽轮枝菌(V. dahliae),这是大丽轮枝菌引起甜瓜黄萎病在我国和亚洲地区的首次报道。  相似文献   

棉花黄萎病及其抗病育种的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
就棉花黄萎病菌的致病机理、棉花的抗黄萎病机制、抗黄萎病的遗传方式以及抗黄萎病棉花育种等方面的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

Verticillium Wilt of the Hop (Humulus Lupulus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An account is given of the methods used to determine the relative pathogenicity of isolates of Verticillium albo-atrum from fluctuating and from progressive outbreaks of the wilt disease of hops. Isolates from fluctuating outbreaks were less pathogenic to young hop plants than those from progressive outbreaks, and it is suggested that this is the main cause of the differences in symptom incidence and intensity between the two types of outbreak in the field.  相似文献   

A limited field survey of lucerne crops on four Kent farms showed infection by Fusarium species to be widespread. Plants selected at random were for the most part free from aerial symptoms, but 90–100% showed browning of the lower stem and tap root. Fusarium avenaceum was most commonly isolated exceeding Verticillium albo-atrum in four out of six sites. Other species isolated included F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. graminearum, F. oxysporum, F. solani and F. tabacinum. Phoma medicaginis and Cylindrocarpon destructans were also found in roots and stems. Isolates of F. avenaceum were either pathogenic or non-pathogenic on a range of lucerne cultivars, some reducing leaf area and shoot dry weight. One isolate showed differential pathogenicity to cvs Europe, Vertus, Sabilt and Dupuits. No evidence was found to suggest that natural infection by Fusarium spp. was limiting to growth. The possible significance of lucerne as a reservoir for cereal fusaria is discussed.  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae Kleb. (from Brussels sprouts), non-pathogenic to tomato, and V. tricorpus Issac, a virulent pathogen to tomato, differed in their ability to colonize samples of commercial Cellophane, their rate of colonization being dependent upon external sources of carbohydrate. Cellophane and filter paper were both utilized in culture as the sole carbon source and it appears that both fungi have identical cellulase enzyme systems. Prolonged growth of the isolates is liquid medium containing sucrose as the carbon source resulted in lysis of the mycelium, which coincided with the production of polysaccharide material in culture.  相似文献   

Pepper crops in Morocco formerly thought to be free from attack by Verticillium were found to be susceptible to this pathogen. Verticillium wilt of pepper was observed in plots where the crop was cultivated in rotation with tomatoes. Strains of Verticillium isolated from pepper possessed different morphological and pathogenic characteristics.  相似文献   

Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) offers a powerful approach for functional analysis of individual genes by knocking down their expression. We have adopted this approach to dissect gene functions in cotton resistant to Verticillium wilt, one of the most devastating diseases worldwide. We showed here that highly efficient VIGS was obtained in a cotton breeding line (CA4002) with partial resistance to Verticillium wilt, and GhMKK2 and GhVe1 are required for its resistance to Verticillium wilt. Arabidopsis AtBAK1/SERK3, a central regulator in plant disease resistance, belongs to a subfamily of somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases (SERKs) with five members, AtSERK1 to AtSERK5. Two BAK1 orthologs and one SERK1 ortholog were identified in the cotton genome. Importantly, GhBAK1 is required for CA4002 resistance to Verticillium wilt. Surprisingly, silencing of GhBAK1 is sufficient to trigger cell death accompanied with production of reactive oxygen species in cotton. This result is distinct from Arabidopsis in which AtBAK1 and AtSERK4 play redundant functions in cell death control. Apparently, cotton has only evolved SERK1 and BAK1 whereas AtSERK4/5 are newly evolved genes in Arabidopsis. Our studies indicate the functional importance of BAK1 in Verticillium wilt resistance and suggest the dynamic evolution of SERK family members in different plant species.  相似文献   

陆地棉品种抗黄萎病反应规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国自育的108个陆地棉品种的抗黄萎病性进行了研究。在黄萎病发病期内,对黄萎病发病情况进行连续调查,测定产量、考查产量因素并检测纤维品质。利用因子分析法对陆地棉抗黄萎病反应规律进行分析,得出不同时期的黄萎病病指主要与前后3~5个阶段抗病性有关。病情发展主要由4个主因子决定,且第1、2主因子具有较大的方差贡献率。第1主因子(F1)主要与品种7月26日至8月9日的黄萎病病指有关,第2主因子(F2)主要与品种8月20日至9月4日的黄萎病病指有关。利用因子分析结果将108个品种划分为4个类型,前期抗病性较好而后期发病较快的第Ⅰ类品种,其产量较低,单株结铃数、单铃重、衣分均低于其他3类;纤维品质均较差,纤维长度、整齐度、比强度和马克隆值均较其他3类差。前期和后期病指均较低、发病缓慢的第Ⅱ类则小区产量最高,纤维品质处于平均水平。第Ⅲ类品种前期发病较慢,中期发病较快,具有较高的小区产量,单铃重最高;纤维整齐度、比强度和伸长率好于其他3类品种;前期发病较快,中期发病平缓,后期仍具有较高病指的为第Ⅳ类品种,小区产量较低,单株产量、单株结铃数和衣分较高;其他性状处于中等水平。但研究表明,某一阶段具有的抗病性并不能完全代表品种的抗病性。  相似文献   

茄子黄萎病菌抗性根际芽孢杆菌的筛选与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用离体抑菌圈法从茄子根际土壤筛选出8株对黄萎病菌大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)抑菌效果明显的芽孢杆菌,其中F53菌株分泌几丁质酶和-β1,3-葡聚糖酶,对所检测的12种植物病原菌具明显的抑制作用,其发酵液热、酸碱稳定性强,用F53菌株制成的菌剂对茄子黄萎病盆栽试验防效为52.4%~75.8%,初步鉴定F53菌株为环状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus circulans)。  相似文献   

Treatments with conidia of Penicillium oxalicum produced in a solid‐state fermentation system were applied at similar densities (6 × 106 spores/g seedbed substrate) to tomato seedbeds in water suspensions (T1: 5 days before sowing, or T2: 7 days before transplanting; 15 days after sowing), or in mixture with the production substrate (T3: 7 days before transplanting; 15 days after sowing). Treatments T2 and T3 significantly (P = 0.05) reduced fusarium wilt of tomato in both greenhouse (artificial inoculation) (33 and 28%, respectively) and field conditions (naturally infested soils) (51 and 72%, respectively), while treatment T1 was efficient only in greenhouse (52%). Verticillium wilt disease reduction was obtained with T3 in two field experiments (56 and 46%, respectively), while T1 and T2 reduced disease only in one field experiment (52% for both T1 and T2). Treatment with conidia of P. oxalicum plus fermentation substrate (T3) resulted in better establishment of a stable and effective population of P. oxalicum in seedbed soil and rhizosphere providing populations of approx. 107 CFU/g soil before transplanting. Results indicate that it will be necessary to apply P. oxalicum at a rate of approx. 106–107 CFU/g in seedbed substrate and rhizosphere before transplanting for effective control of fusarium and verticillium wilt of tomato, and that formulation of P. oxalicum has a substantial influence on its efficacy.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb., is presently the most destructive disease of olive, particularly in Andalucía (southern Spain). ‘Picual’ and ‘Arbequina’ are the dominant cultivars being planted in Spain. Both cultivars are highly susceptible to the defoliating pathotype of V. dahliae when artificially inoculated by root‐dipping or stem injection. Conversely, ‘Arbequina’ is considered more resistant than ‘Picual’ based on field observations and farmer's experience. In this study, the differential reaction between of cultivars was confirmed by surveys of naturally infested orchards with different inoculum densities of the pathogen. The average percentage of affected olive trees of ‘Picual’ was 60.2%, while only 13.1% of trees of ‘Arbequina’ showed disease symptoms. Overall, the pathogen caused extensive wilting of branches and defoliation on the trees of ‘Picual’, whereas ‘Arbequina’‐infected trees showed chlorotic symptoms and slight defoliation. The relationship between inoculum density and disease incidence fit a logarithmic function for both cultivars. The percentage of affected trees of ‘Arbequina’ per year increased linearly (y = 0.3559x, R2 = 0.5652, and P = 0.0195) with the inoculum density in the soil, whereas this relationship was not observed for the ‘Picual’. Planting density had no effect on disease incidence for any of the two cultivars.  相似文献   

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