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The study of hepatocellular water and electrolyte secretion has been hampered because of the inaccessibility of the hepatobiliary secretory lumen, the canaliculus. The advent of novel experimental models has allowed the application of electrophysiological techniques to investigate the ionic basis of hepatocellular secretion. The "hepatocyte couplet" isolated from the liver in primary monolayer cultures consists of two hepatocytes which enclose a single canalicular unit. The canaliculus of the couplet appears to behave as it would in vivo, exhibiting both secretory and contractile activity. Intracellular microelectrode recordings from this functional unit have permitted direct electrophysiological assessment of cellular and canalicular potentials and measurement of individual ion conductances across the basolateral membrane surface. Further, the application of patch-clamp electrophysiology to study hepatocellular ion transport pathways has characterized individual channel proteins. Intracellular and (or) patch-clamp electrophysiology has elucidated the ion conductance changes activated by bile salts like taurocholate, neurotransmitters like adrenaline, and hormones such as glucagon. These innovative approaches hold much promise in the future study of the ionic basis of hepatocellular secretion.  相似文献   

Nonparallel transport and mechanisms of secretion.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After many years of controversy, it is now clear that at least some cells and tissues that secrete more than one product can vary the composition of the secreted mixture as the result of the differential transport of various substances out of the cells that secrete them. In this article we discuss this phenomenon, non-parallel transport or secretion, and how it has and continues to inform us about how cells release the products they manufacture. We focus on expression of the phenomenon in the secretion of digestive enzymes by the exocrine pancreas, where it has been studied most extensively.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 permeates isolated rat hepatocytes by non-ionic diffusion. Its uptake is neither saturable nor influenced by metabolic energy and not inhibited by treatment of cells with proteases. The initial rate of aflatoxin B1 uptake measured at 7 degrees C is between 40 and 50% compared to that at 37 degrees C. However, after an incubation period of 7 minutes identical equilibrium uptake is reached at both temperatures. The apparent activation energies, calculated for aflatoxin B1 uptake by Arrhenius diagrams ranged between 1.69 and 4.5 kcal/mol. A Q10 value of 1.34 was calculated for a temperature interval of 7-17 degrees C but decreased to 1.05 for the interval of 27-37 degrees C. Liposomes or lipoproteins added to the cell suspension inhibited the aflatoxin B1 uptake into hepatocytes. Liposomes mainly composed of unsaturated fatty acids bind twice as much aflatoxin B1 as those composed of saturated ones, indicating that the lipophilicity of the mycotoxin is crucial in the determination of its uptake into liver cells. At concentrations above 5 micrograms/ml, aflatoxin B1 inhibited the carrier-mediated uptake of cholic acid and of phalloidin into hepatocytes. This effect was reversible and abolished by washing the cells after preincubation with aflatoxin. In concentrations below 5 micrograms/ml the uptake of phallotoxin and cholic acid was however stimulated by 15-25%. These results indicate, that a carrier-mediated uptake into hepatocytes via the multispecific bile salt transporter is not responsible for the organoselective clearance of aflatoxins by the liver. On the other hand, the cholestatic effect of aflatoxin B1 results at least partially from the inhibition of the multispecific bile acid transport system. This inhibition may arise from affinity of aflatoxins to lipid domains of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The anhydrous milk fat ghee is one of the important sources of fat in the Indian diet. Our earlier studies showed that rats fed diets containing greater than 2.5 wt% of ghee had lower levels of serum cholesterol compared with rats fed diets containing groundnut oil. To evaluate the mechanism of the hypocholesterolemic effect of ghee, male Wistar rats were fed a diet containing 2.5 or 5.0 wt% ghee for a period of 8 weeks. The diets were made isocaloric with groundnut oil. Both native and ghee heated at 120 degrees C containing oxidized lipids were included in the diet. The ghee in the diet did not affect the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase activity in the liver microsomes, but it significantly increased biliary excretion of cholesterol, bile acids, uronic acid, and phospholipids. The rats fed ghee had lower levels of cholesterol esters in the serum as well as in the intestinal mucosa. Both native and oxidized ghee influenced cholesterol metabolism. These results indicate that supplementation of diets with ghee lipids would increase the excretion of bile constituents and lower serum cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

Phospholipids (PL) for biliary secretion could be supplied from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the plasma membrane by cytosolic transfer proteins or transport vesicles. Therefore, we studied whether biliary secretions of PL and apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), as markers for the ER-to-Golgi vesicular transport pathway, are tightly coupled in isolated perfused rat livers with enhanced secretion (+60%) of PL after withdrawal of the cholesterol synthesis inhibitor pravastatin (0.1% of chow, fed for 7 days). Blocking agents dissociated the secretion of apo A-I and PL. Brefeldin A as well as cycloheximide inhibited biliary secretion of apo A-I (-52%; -68%), however, not of PL. Both bilirubin ditaurate and taurodehydrocholic acid reduced biliary secretion of PL (-27%; -79%), but not of apo A-I. The data support the concept that PL destined for biliary secretion bypass the vesicular transport pathway of apo A-I through the Golgi compartment, most likely via cytosolic transfer proteins.  相似文献   

Intracellular transport of lipids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Translocation of lipids inside mammalian cells is considered to be facilitated by a number of low-molecular weight lipid binding proteins. An overview of these proteins is given, with particular reference to the heart. Three distinct phospholipid transfer proteins specifically stimulate the net transfer of individual phospholipid classes between membrane structures. In rat cardiac muscle their content is 15–140 pmol/g ww. Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABP) are abundantly present in tissues actively involved in the uptake or utilization of long-chain fatty acids, such as intestine, liver and heart. The four distinct FABP types now identified show a complex tissue distribution with some tissues containing more than one type. Heart (H-) FABP comprises about 5% of the cytosolic protein mass; its content in rat heart is 100 nmol/g ww. Immunochemical evidence has been obtained for the presence of H-FABP in several other tissues, including red skeletal muscle, mammary gland and kidney. Beside long-chain fatty acids FABP binds with similar affinity also fatty acyl-CoA and acyl-L-carnitines. In heart the latter compound may be the primary ligand, since normoxic acyl-L-carnitine levels are several fold higher than those of fatty acids. In addition, H-FABP was found to modulate cardiac energy production by controlling the transfer of acyl-L-carnitine to the mitochondrial -oxidative system. H-FABP may also protect the heart against the toxic effects of high intracellular levels of fatty acid intermediates that arise during ischemia.  相似文献   

The liver cell plasma membranes of fed male Wistar rats were separated into a fraction rich in bile canaliculi and the remainder of the plasma membrane. Electron-microscopically, the bile canalicular fraction consisted almost exclusively of intact bile canaliculi with thier contiguous membranes. The remaining plasma membrane fraction consisted primarily of vesicles and sheets of membranes essentially free from the bile canaliculi. The bile canalicular membrane fraction contained relatively more total lipid, cholesterol, and phospholipid, and relatively less protein. Although the phospholipid composition of the two fractions was the same, the specific activity of the bile canalicular membrane phosholipids, up to 12 h following in vivo administration of [2-3H]glycerol, was always significantly greater than that of the remaining plasma membranes, and showed a biphasic response not found in the latter. The specific activity of the phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and lysophosphatidylcholine of the bile canalicular membranes rose to a peak within 40 min after administration of the label, fell sharply and then rose to a second peak after 120 min. The specific activity of the sphingomyelin and phosphatidylserine plus phosphatidylinositol of the bile canalicular membranes and of all the phospholipids of the remaining plasma membranes diphasic pattern but increased steadily to reach a maximum at 120 min. The specific activity of biliary phosphatidylcholine followed a pattern identical to that of the phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and lysophosphatidylcholine of the bile canalicular membrane fraction. These results show that the average rate of turnover of phospholipid in the bile canalicular membranes is considerably greater than that in the remaining plasma membrane and other cell membrane fractions; they indicate that the phospholipid of the bile canalicular membranes exists in two or more pools, turning over a different rates; and they support the concept that biliary phospholipid is derived from the bile canalicular membrane. The results also suggest that bile canalicular phospholipid may be derived from two different sources, in contrast to the remainong plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Transport of reduced glutathione (GSH) was studied in isolated rat liver canalicular membrane vesicles by a rapid filtration technique. The membrane vesicles exhibit uptake of [2-3H]glycine--labeled GSH into an osmotically reactive intravesicular space. Although the canalicular membrane vesicles possess gamma-glutamyltransferase and aminopeptidase M, enzymes that hydrolyze glutathione into component amino acids, inactivation of the vesicle-associated transferase by affinity labeling with L-(alpha S,5S)-alpha-amino-3-chloro-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazoleacetic acid (AT-125) had no effect on the initial rate of GSH transport. Chemical analysis revealed that intact GSH accounted for most of vesicle-associated radioactivity. The initial rate of transport followed saturation kinetics with respect to GSH concentration; an apparent Km of 0.33 mM and V of 1.47 nmol/mg protein in 20 s were calculated. These results indicate that transport of GSH across the canalicular membranes is a carrier-mediated process. Replacement of NaCl in the transport medium by KCl, LiCl or choline chloride had no effect on the transport activity of the vesicles. The rate of GSH uptake by the vesicles was enhanced by valinomycin-induced K+-diffusion potential (vesicle inside-positive) and was inhibited by probenecid, indicating that GSH transport across the canalicular membranes is electrogenic and involves the transfer of negative charge. The transport of GSH was inhibited by oxidized glutathione or S-benzyl-glutathione. This transport system in canalicular plasma membranes may function in biliary secretion of GSH and its derivatives which are synthesized in hepatocytes by oxidative processes or glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested endotoxin, derived from the intestine through the portal blood to the liver, was predominantly metabolized by Kupffer cells. In the present study, fluorescent-labeled endotoxin injected into the rat portal vein was demonstrated not only in Kupffer cells but also in hepatocytes. Furthermore a great amount of labeled endotoxin was recovered in bile. In the livers of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), immunohistochemistry demonstrated significant retention of endotoxin in the biliary epithelial cells, and treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid significantly reduced the retention in those cells. The study for detection of apoptosis demonstrated increased rates of apoptosis in hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells in PBC liver, and the rate of apoptosis in biliary epithelial cells was significantly reduced after treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid. Immunohistochemistry in PBC liver demonstrated significant reduction of fluorescence intensity for a 7H6 antigen in biliary epithelial cells, indicating the increased paracellular permeability of bile ducts, because cellular immunolocalization of that antigen has been shown to be inversely correlated with the paracellular permeability of the tight junction. These results suggest that, in biliary epithelial cells, retention of endotoxin, increased apoptosis, and increased permeability of tight junctions may be involved in the pathogenesis of PBC.  相似文献   

Bicarbonate excretion in bile is a major function of the biliary epithelium. It is driven by the apically located Cl-/HCO3- exchanger which is functionally coupled with a cAMP-dependent Cl- channel (CFTR). A number of hormones and/or neuropeptides with different mechanisms and at different intracellular levels regulate, in concert, the processes underlying bicarbonate excretion in the biliary epithelium. Secretin induces a bicarbonate rich choleresis by stimulating the activity of the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger by cAMP and protein kinase A mediated phosphorylation of CFTR regulatory domain. Protein phosphatase 1/2A are involved in the run-down of secretory stimulus after secretin removal. Acetylcholine potentiates secretin-choleresis by inducing a Ca(++)-calcineurin mediated "sensitization" of adenyl cyclase to secretin. Bombesin and vasoactive intestinal peptide also enhance the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger activity, but the intracellular signal transduction pathway has not yet been defined. Somatostatin and gastrin inhibit basal and/or secretin-stimulated bicarbonate excretion by down-regulating the secretin receptor and decreasing cAMP intracellular levels induced by secretin.  相似文献   

Exposure of isolated perfused rat livers to either 100 microM-forskolin, a potent activator of adenylate cyclase, or to 0.5 mM-concentrations of the cAMP analogues chlorophenylthio cAMP (CPTcAMP), dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) and 8-bromo cAMP (8BrcAMP), to provoke increases in intracellular concentrations of cAMP, resulted in marked changes in bile volume and composition. Bile flow reached a peak after 10 min, before declining towards control levels, and an increase in several secretory parameters was also observed at this time. At 20 min, a substantial decrease in the output of both phospholipid and cholesterol was evident, and this suppression of secretion was maintained throughout the remainder of the experiment. The order of effectiveness of the cAMP-elevating agents at decreasing biliary lipid output was CPTcAMP greater than forskolin greater than dbcAMP greater than 8BrcAMP. Biliary output of bile acids was essentially unaltered compared with controls; similarly, no decrease in the secretion of protein and triacylglycerols into the perfusion medium was observed. This suggests that the elevation of intracellular levels of cAMP may cause a selective inhibition of biliary lipid output rather than a more general inhibition of hepatic secretion.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic survey of biliary lipids in vertebrates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biliary lipids (bile salts, phospholipids, cholesterol, plant sterols) were determined in 89 vertebrate species (cartilaginous and bony fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals), and individual phospholipid classes were measured in 35 species. All samples contained conjugated bile salts (C(27) bile alcohol sulfates and/or N-acyl amidates of C(27) and/or C(24) bile acids). Phospholipids were generally absent in the bile of cartilaginous fish and reptiles and were present in low amounts relative to bile salts in bony fish and most birds. In mammals, the phospholipid-bile salt ratio varied widely. The bile from species with low biliary phospholipid-bile salt ratios often contained a high proportion of sphingomyelin, confirmed by HPLC-MS. In species with a high phospholipid-bile salt ratio, the predominant biliary phospholipid was phosphatidylcholine (PC). The phospholipid-bile salt ratio correlated weakly with the calculated weighted hydrophobic index value. Cholesterol was present in the bile of virtually all species, with plant sterols uniformly being present in only trace amounts. The cholesterol-bile salt ratio tended to be higher in mammals than in non-mammals, but bile of all species was unsaturated. Thus, most nonmammalian vertebrates have relatively low levels of biliary phospholipid and cholesterol, suggesting that cholesterol is eliminated predominantly as bile salts. Mammals have a higher phospholipid and cholesterol to bile salt ratio, with the dominant phospholipid being PC.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize lipid metabolism in long-term cultures of adult rat hepatocytes from female rats and explore the potential use of this culture system to study the effect of hormones, drugs and toxic chemicals on it. Hepatocytes, seeded on a feeder layer of 3T3 cells, maintained for 2 weeks their typical morphology. The cultures were able to take up [14C]acetic and [14C]oleic acid from the culture medium and incorporate them into lipids. The synthesis and secretion of lipids by [14C]acetic acid-labeled cultures had a maximum value after 11 and 13 days in culture. Triacylglycerols were the main lipidic species synthesized and secreted by hepatocytes (up to 67% of the total lipids); they also synthesized and secreted phospholipids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters from [14C]acetic acid. Similarly, [14C]oleic acid-labeled cultures synthesized and secreted mostly triacylglycerols (up to 60-70% of the total lipids), but they were also able to incorporate the labeled precursor into both cellular and secreted phospholipids and cholesterol esters. The activity of glycerol-phosphate-dehydrogenase, marker enzyme of glycerolipid synthesis, decreased slightly during the culture time whereas the activity of malic enzyme, marker of fatty acid synthesis, increased. Our results show that long-term cultures of female rat hepatocytes are able to synthesize and secrete several lipids, specially triacylglycerols, from both [14C]acetic and [14C]oleic acid for at least 2 weeks and that they maintain enzyme activities related with the synthetic pathways of glycerolipids and fatty acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A number of organic anions are known to decrease biliary secretion of cholesterol and phospholipid without affecting bile acid secretion. Cyclobutyrol (CB) is a choleretic agent which also inhibits biliary lipid secretion. Using isolated perfused rat liver we have studied this inhibition in relation to possible mechanisms suggested for other anions. Shortly after its administration to the isolated perfused liver, CB decreases biliary outputs of cholesterol and phospholipid, without changes in bile acid secretion, at low (450 nmol/min), high (1350 nmol/min) and nil taurocholate infusion rates. The absolute inhibition does not appear to be decreased by elevated bile acid secretion. There is a differential effect on secretion of cholesterol and phospholipid, more marked at low bile acid secretion rates. Biliary outputs of the canalicular membrane enzymes 5'-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphodiesterase I are also depressed by CB administration, but the anion does not affect the biliary output of bovine serum albumin or the output of rat serum albumin into the perfusion fluid. Since CB does not inhibit intracellular vesicular transport or apparently inhibit intracanalicular events, its effect is different from the effect of several other anions. From these studies it appears that the most likely effect of CB is exerted at the level of the canalicular membrane.  相似文献   

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