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Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for blowflies for use in studies of genetic differentiation in wild populations of Lucilia illustris, to detect the possible occurrence of bottlenecks and to study changes in genetic variation in laboratory populations of Lucilia sericata following artificial bottlenecks. In this preliminary study it was revealed that heterozygosity was lower than expected in wild populations and genetic variation had been lost in the laboratory population despite being kept at a large size.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101999
Pollinators play an important role in the production of many agricultural products. Honeybees, Apis mellifera L., are leading pollinators, but the number of honeybees in the world is declining. Finding alternatives is beginning to be important. In the present study, we compared the longevity of Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826), which is used as a pollinator, in cages in the laboratory and in a vinyl greenhouse under controlled feeding conditions. First, we showed that the longevity of the flies was significantly extended (c.a. 40 days) in the laboratory when water and sugar were supplied compared to the cases without sugar and/or water. Second, we found that the average longevity was 20 days with water and sugar in cages kept in a vinyl greenhouse during the summer. Finally, we released marked flies into a vinyl greenhouse where strawberries were cultivated without feeding water or sugar in the spring. As a result, fewer than 10% of the flies survived 10 days after release. Based on the result, we discuss the use of this species as a pollinator in the context of its survival rate.  相似文献   

This review presents both literature data and results of our own studies aimed at finding out if lower vertebrates are susceptible to motion sickness. In our experiments, fish and amphibians were submitted to motion for 2 h and longer on a centrifuge (f = 0.25 Hz, a centrifugal = 0.144 g) and on a parallel swing (f = 0.2 Hz, a horizontal = 0.059 g). The performed studies did not revealed in 4 fish species and in toads any single feature characteristic of motion sickness (sopite syndrome, pre-vomiting behavior or emesis). At the same time, in toads, the characteristic stress reaction appeared (escape reaction, increase of urination frequency, worsening of appetite) as well as some other responses not associated with motion sickness (synchronized head swinging, eye retraction). In trout fry, the used stimulation promoted division of individuals into groups differing by locomotor reaction to stress as well as individuals with a well-pronounced compensatory response that we called the otolithotropic reaction. Our conclusions are confirmed by analysis of results obtained by other authors. Therefore, the lower vertebrates, unlike mammals, are not susceptible to motion sickness either under terrestrial conditions or under conditions of weightlessness. Based on available experimental data and theoretical concepts of mechanism of development of the motion sickness, which have been formulated in several hypotheses (the hypothesis of discoordination, Treisman’s hypothesis, resonance hypotheses), there is put forward the synthetic hypothesis of sopite that is of conceptual values. According to this hypothesis, the unusual stimulation producing sensory-motor or sensory-sensory discoordinations or action of vestibular and visual stimuli of frequency of about 0.2 Hz is perceived by the CNS as poisoning and causes the corresponding reactions. The sopiting is, in fact, a side effect of technological evolution. It is suggested that in the lower vertebrates, unlike mammals, there is absent a hypothetic vomiting center, therefore, they are not submitted to motion sickness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In order to verify the physiological functions of male accessory gland (MAG) substances of the blowfly, Lucilia illustris Meigen, the growth and changes in metabolites of male accessory gland with aging, and the effect of male accessory gland extract on mating receptivity of L. illustris were examined. There was not a significant difference in length of MAG with aging, but the width of MAG was grown widely from 0 to 5-days old apparently. Changes in glycogen, total protein and lipid of male accessory gland substances showed same patterns but total protein content was higher than the others. Therefore, male nutrition affected the production of male accessory proteins. During the mating fed unmated male transferred larger amount of protein than that of starved male. When male accessory gland homogenates injected, mating receptivity of gravid female was greatly inhibited comparing to control, suggesting that the accessory gland substances of L. illustris alters female mating receptivity after mating.  相似文献   

After spawning their first nest, female chinock salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha paired with small males ( c. 46% of female weight) spent an average of 16·2 h between spawning of successive nests compared with 9·6 h for females paired with large males ( c. 112% of female weight) ( P< 0·05). Neither frequencies of female nest construction behaviours (digging and probing) nor male courtship behaviour (crossovers and quivers) differed between large- and small-male pairs. Male quivering frequencies were correlated significantly with female digging and probing frequencies, whereas the crossover frequencies were not. It is suggested that delayed spawning by females in the presence of relatively small males is a primary mechanism by which females in the genus Oncorhynchus exhibit mate choice.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy documentation of first instar Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, Phormia regina (Meigen) and Lucilia illustris (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is presented for the first time, and the following morphological structures are documented: pseudocephalon; antenna; maxillary palpus; facial mask; labial lobe; thoracic and abdominal spinulation; spiracular field; posterior spiracles, and anal pad. Light microscopy documentation and illustrations are provided for the cephaloskeleton in lateral and ventral views. New diagnostic features are revealed in the configuration of the facial mask, cephaloskeleton and posterior spiracles. The first instar morphology of C. vicina, Ph. regina and L. illustris is discussed in the light of existing knowledge about early instars of blowflies.  相似文献   

This paper uses regression and simulation to develop some stochastic models of time to completion of development (TTCOD) of a parasite of sheep on pasture under the influence of temperature in the presence of adequate moisture. A statistical distribution is fitted to the development of the parasite at the prevalent average temperature for the day. Approximate solutions using Newton–Raphson method, and MLE estimates were obtained for parameters, and Monte Carlo methods were used to simulate the distributions of development of the parasite at constant and varying temperatures, tracking the stochasticity of the completion of development of the parasite on pasture where its infectivity is a menace to livestock and livestock farmers. The simulated distribution provides a tool for predicting infectivity, which can lead to strategies for containing or eliminating infection.  相似文献   

The performed investigations have revealed 21 kinds of pathologies in the embryonal development of amphibia and more than 30 kinds in small mammals in the territories with radiation-chemical environmental pollution. Differences in embryonal mortality and pathologies of embryogenesis have been demonstrated for both the representatives of amphibia and mammals and within one class in the regions with different technogenic load. Embryonàl death and pathologies of embryonal development are considered as important reasons of reproductive losses for different species.  相似文献   

Abstract The role of Musca domestica Linnaeus as a vector of the dermatophyte Microsporum canis was investigated under experimental laboratory conditions. About 400 4‐day‐old M. domestica flies were divided into two groups. Group A consisted of about 200 infected flies and group B comprised about 200 uninfected flies that were used as controls. Each trial was run three times. Flies from group A were fed for 24 h with a solution of ultra‐high temperature‐treated (UHT) milk containing about 106 colony‐forming units (CFU) per mL of M. canis (infected milk inoculum [IMI]). The control group (group B) was fed with only UHT milk spiked with a teaspoon of honey. Microsporum canis was detected from faeces, vomitus, external surfaces and internal organs of 20 adult flies, eggs, first‐, second‐ and third‐stage (L1, L2, L3) larvae and pupae of each group, as well from 20 adult newly emerged flies (NEFs; from infected generations only). Samples were collected at 2, 4, 6 and 24 h post‐infection (p.i.) (i.e. the times at which IMI was available) and on 2, 5, 7 and 8 days p.i. from adult flies, faeces and vomitus. Eggs, L1, L2, L3 and pupae were processed as soon as they appeared. Equivalent samples were taken from group B. All the samples were individually cultured. Microsporum canis was not isolated from the control group, from eggs, larvae, pupae or NEFs, or from faeces and vomitus, although it was detected on the body surface (26.2%) and internal organs (26.9%) of adult flies. The highest positivity for M. canis was detected on flies within the first 6 h p.i. (i.e. 57.2% on the body surface and 71.6% in the internal organs). No M. canis was isolated at 24 h p.i., but it was isolated from the body surface only at 2 and 5 days p.i. The results presented provide evidence that M. domestica transmits M. canis mechanically with its outer body surface for up to 5 days p.i., but does not do so through its vomitus and faeces or transovarially. The role played by M. domestica in the epidemiology of human and animal dermatophytoses is discussed.  相似文献   

Programmes for the control of phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae), the vectors of leishmaniases, mainly target adults because larval breeding sites are generally unknown or inaccessible. To determine how blood‐questing sandfly females enter homes and to develop means for their control, an experimental house (EH) was constructed in a village endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Initially, carbon dioxide (CO2)‐baited suction traps were installed inside the EH to attract and capture sandflies. For other experiments, the windows of the EH were fitted with CO2‐baited window entrance traps (WETs) that allow each window to be considered as a separate unit. The majority of captures inside the EH and in WETs consisted of Phlebotomus sergenti, a species that enters inhabited houses relatively infrequently. Analyses of collections in WETs and in sticky traps on external walls showed that sandflies entered windows having landed previously on the wall below or either side of the window. Shelves constructed below windows significantly reduced the numbers of sandflies that entered both the EH and inhabited houses. The lining of internal walls with insecticide‐impregnated fabric significantly increased mortality rates of sandflies captured inside the EH. To reduce the biting burden imposed by phlebotomine sandflies, several control measures must be integrated and sustained.  相似文献   

Peat harvesting is a lucrative industry in New Brunswick, Canada, and is for the most part located along the coast. Current methods of mining peatlands are such that high levels of peat fibers are transported by runoff into fresh and marine waters. To understand better the influence of peat substrate on aquatic organisms living in peat‐impacted habitats, the sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa) was used as a bioindicator. A series of laboratory experiments was conducted in which shrimp were provided with a choice between sand and peat. Long‐term studies on starved shrimp confirmed that whereas foraging activities took place on both substrates, shrimp display an overall preference for sand (73% of all shrimp observed were on sand, n=60). When food was deposited on each of the substrates, shrimp generally opted to feed on sand (75% of all shrimp observed were on sand, n=60). After all food on sand was consumed, shrimp tended to move to peat. This was followed by a short period of foraging on both sand and peat with an eventual return to sand in most instances. The presence of food on both substrates did not influence their preference for sand. However, shrimp will move onto a peat substrate to forage if food is present only there. This observation suggests that, although there is a marked preference for sand, peat is not completely repellent to them. Finally, histological investigations of the shrimp digestive system revealed that peat was ingested with food particles and processed in the gastric mill. There was, however, no discernible discrimination between the two substances during ingestion. Finally, starved shrimp on peat substrate did not ingest peat fibers, suggesting that peat is not perceived as an alternative food source.  相似文献   

In two laboratory experiments, the effects of temperature and food availability on the growth of 10- to 23-mm high specimens of the bivalveArctica islandica were estimated. Each experimental set-up consisted of 5 treatments in which either the food supply or the temperature differed. It was demonstrated thatArctica is able to grow at temperatures as low as 1°C. A tenfold increase of shell growth was observed at temperatures between 1° and 12°C. The greatest change in growth rate took place between 1° and 6°C. Average instantaneous shell growth varies between 0.0003 at 1°C to 0.0032/day at 12°C. The results suggest that temperature hardly affects the time spent in filtration, whereas particle density strongly influences that response. Starved animals at 9°C have their siphons open during only 12% of the time, whereas the siphons of optimally fed animals were open on average during 76% of the observations. Increased siphon activity corresponded to high shell and tissue growth. At 9°C, average shell growth at the optimum cell density of 20×106 cell/l was 3.1 mm corresponding to an instantaneous rate of 0.0026/day. An algal cell density (Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella marina) ranging between 5 and 7×106 cell/l is just enough to keep shells alive at 9°C. Carbon conversion efficiency at 9°C is estimated to vary between 11 and 14%.  相似文献   

【目的】观察研究重要的医学昆虫丝光绿蝇Lucilia sericata触角感受器的形态,以明确不同类型感受器的结构及功能。【方法】采用透射电镜与激光共聚焦显微镜技术相结合的方法。【结果】明确并详细描述了毛型感受器、锥型感受器、腔锥型感受器及感觉囊的形态结构。【结论】毛型感受器和锥型感受器可能为化学感受器,腔锥型感受器可能为温湿度感受器;感觉囊中的无孔锥型感受器可能为温湿度感受器,类锥型感受器及类腔锥型感受器可能为化学感受器,各类型感受器同时行使功能,表明感觉囊为一个功能复合体。蝇类触角的感器类型多样、囊结构复杂,可作为研究昆虫触角感器形态、功能及演化的模式类群。  相似文献   

Maggots of Lucilia sericata are widely used in the therapy of infected wounds and skin ulcers. Antimicrobial materials released by the insects during their feeding period in order to suppress microbial competitors and potential pathogens play the key role both in the maggots’ survival in their natural habitats (animal corpses) and their therapeutic efficacy. Although the antimicrobial activity of the maggots’ excretion was demonstrated about a hundred years ago, little is known about the nature of its active compounds. We studied the structural characteristics and antimicrobial activities of the compounds released by L. sericata maggots into the environment. To isolate the compounds, excretion was collected from the culture of actively feeding last instar larvae, active compounds were purified using a combination of liquid chromatography and antibacterial growth inhibition assay and characterized by mass spectrometry. Two groups of antibacterial compounds were isolated from the excretion: polypeptides with molecular masses ranging from 6466 to 9025 Da and small molecules with molecular masses ranging from 130 to 700 Da. The polypeptides characterized by the masses of 8882 and 9025 Da and showing selective activity against Gram-negative bacteria correspond well to diptericins, antimicrobial peptides previously found in the hemolymph of Calliphoridae maggots and known to be part of immune response to bacterial pathogens. Other high-molecular compounds with masses 6466, 6633, 5772, and 8631 Da have no clear analogs among antimicrobial peptides present in the hemolymph. The nature of small molecules present in the excretion awaits further study. Thus, the diversity of antimicrobial compounds discovered in Lucilia excretion demonstrates a sophisticated strategy that helps the maggots to fight bacteria and other microorganisms settling their environment. The strategy combines secretion of a set of antibacterial peptides involved in insect immune response as well as molecules which function outside the host organism.  相似文献   

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