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灵芝属是大型真菌的一个重要类群,具有重要的经济价值、生态价值和文化价值。尽管国内外对灵芝属真菌的研究较多,但灵芝属真菌的分类一直存在诸多问题,我国过去报道的灵芝属真菌有114个分类单元,但其中很多的分类地位存在争议。本文基于凭证标本,确认我国目前发现的灵芝种类有40种,其中具有ITS分子序列的种类有39种,其他74个分类单元或为同物异名或为待定种。本文提供的中国39种灵芝的ITS序列可为今后准确鉴定灵芝的野生和栽培种类提供依据。  相似文献   

Fungal spores are important aeroallergens and proper knowledge of their qualitative and quantitative prevalence in indoor and outdoor environments is of paramount importance in the study of allergic disorders. The present investigation was aimed at the study of seasonal and annual prevalence of fungi inside a large grain storage facility. Sampling was carried out from September 1989 to August 1991. Although fungal spores occurred throughout the year there was seasonal variation.Aspergillus flavus. Cladosporium spp.Epicoccum nigrum and basidiospores had a definite seasonal pattern.Aspergillus flavus andUstilago (smuts) were the most predominant fungi in the facility. Their concentration was significantly higher (P<0.05) than in outside air. The need to reduce fungal concentration in grain storage is emphasised.  相似文献   

【目的】明确湛江地区红树林滩涂海洋真菌的种类及其分布,为海洋真菌的开发利用研究奠定基础。【方法】运用稀释平板法从湛江市高桥及特呈岛红树林滩涂不同的潮位带(低、中、高)和不同树种(白骨壤、桐花树、木榄、红海榄)采集淤泥样品550份,采用真菌形态学和ITS序列分析技术进行多样性研究【。结果】分离获得海洋真菌274株,共鉴定出19属39种真菌,以曲霉属Aspergillus、青霉属Penicillium和木霉属Trichoderma真菌分离频率高,为湛江红树林滩涂优势真菌种类,尤其在中潮位带真菌种类最多。此外,分离获得真菌Talaromyces helicus,为中国新记录种。【结论】湛江红树林滩涂海洋真菌的种类十分丰富,具有潜在的开发和利用前景。  相似文献   

本研究使用6种不同培养基对深圳大鹏湾6种珊瑚上的共附生真菌进行平板涂布法分离培养,结合ITS-rDNA基因序列特征和形态学特征进行鉴定来研究深圳大鹏湾海域珊瑚共附生真菌的多样性。共分离培养出457株真菌菌株,分属于7个属,分别为红酵母属Rhodotorula(180株)、曲霉属Aspergillus(170株)、木霉属Trichoderma(50株)、青霉属Penicillium(34株)、枝孢属Cladosporium(21株)、透孢黑团壳属Massarina(1株)和弯颈霉属Tolypocladium(1株),其中优势属为红酵母属Rhodotorula和曲霉属Aspergillus,占菌株分离总数的76.59%。单独鹿角珊瑚上分离到的共附生真菌数量和种类最多,为160株9种;在该种珊瑚上还分离出弯颈霉属Tolypocladium sp.,该属真菌此前从未在珊瑚共附生真菌的研究中分离出来。本研究还发现SDA培养基分离出的共附生真菌数量最多,CDA培养基的真菌数量最少,表明不同培养基分离的共附生真菌多样性存在差异。  相似文献   

银叶杜鹃和繁花杜鹃根部真菌的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物根系与真菌形成菌根, 在自然生态系统的物质能量循环中具有重要的生态功能。作者在四川省的中国杜鹃园选取银叶杜鹃(Rhododendron argyrophyllum)和繁花杜鹃(R. floribundum), 通过直接扩增杜鹃花根部真菌rDNA-ITS区片段, 来揭示该地区杜鹃花属植物根部真菌的多样性。ITS序列分析结果表明: 从两种杜鹃的根部共检测到41个真菌分类单元, 分别属于子囊菌纲的柔膜菌目(Helotiales)、散囊菌目(Eurotiales)、盘菌目(Pezizales)、假球壳目(Pleosporales)和担子菌纲的蜡壳耳目(Sebacinales)、伞菌目(Agaricales)、Erythrobasidiales、线黑粉菌目(Filobasidiales)。银叶杜鹃和繁花杜鹃根部真菌种类丰富, 包括了杜鹃花类菌根真菌、外生菌根真菌和其他类型真菌, 其中担子菌纲的蜡壳耳目和子囊菌纲的柔膜菌目占有较大比例。  相似文献   

为了揭示南海长茎葡萄蕨藻Caulerpa lentillifera共附生真菌的群落结构,并分析自来水清洗对真菌群落多样性的影响,本研究以收集于深圳南海各月份长茎葡萄蕨藻为材料,利用Illumina MiSeq 2500测序平台进行真菌ITS1扩增子测序,分析自来水清洗前后真菌类群组成和多样性的差异。研究发现,从所有18个样品中总共获得914个OTUs,检测出真菌3门12纲32目50科74属106种,其中优势属为曲霉属Aspergillus、单胞瓶霉属Phialemonium、枝孢属Cladosporium、链座菌属Catenulostroma和茎点霉属Phoma;不同月份真菌Alpha多样性指数显示南海长茎葡萄蕨藻共附生真菌丰度和多样性均随着温度降低而降低;自来水清洗前后南海长茎葡萄蕨藻共附生真菌的多样性及群落结构存在一定差异,清洗后真菌OTUs和Alpha多样性指数均有所降低,其中Chao1和Ace指数为显著性下降,表明自来水清洗对真菌群落组成丰度及多样性影响显著,这对长茎葡萄蕨藻的食品安全具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The size and distribution of Cortinarius rotundisporus genets at three sclerophyll forest field sites in New South Wales, Australia, were estimated by using microsatellite-primed PCR (MS-PCR) of DNA extracted from sporocarp tissue. MS-PCR fingerprints generated with the primers (GTG)5 and (GACA)4 indicated that two to five genets were present at each site, with each site being characterized by a single large genet (9–30 m in diameter). Analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-RFLP patterns from individual sporocarps used in the study suggested that three distinct RFLP types were present in the sampled C. rotundisporus population. ITS sequence data indicate that the three RFLP types had less than 88.4% sequence identity to each other, strongly suggesting that C. rotundisporus is a complex of three species.  相似文献   

Our study is the first mycological evaluation of the air and the rocks in the underground Rzeczka complex in Sowie Mountains (Lower Silesia, Poland). The density of filamentous fungi isolated from the air inside and outside the adit ranged between 245.5 to 1332.6 Colony Forming Units in 1 m3 of air. Sixteen species of filamentous fungi were isolated from the internal air sampled and 11 from the outside of the adit. Cladosporium spp. were the fungi most frequently isolated from the internal atmosphere of the adit and from the external air. From the rock walls and from the rock debris on the floor of the adit only seven species of fungi were isolated. The fungi most frequently isolated from the rock walls were the Aspergillus niger group and from the rock debris we also found A. niger group along with species of Mucor. The concentration of airborne fungi in the adit did not exceed official limits and norms present for a health risk to the tourists, but fungi species isolated from the rocks can cause their degradation.  相似文献   

We describe two new species of deer truffle, Elaphomyces marmoratus and E. fuscus spp. nov., collected from a secondary forest dominated by Quercus serrata, in Tokyo, Japan. Both species have morphological similarities to E. muricatus and E. granulatus; however, the former has a gleba without a purplish color and the latter has reticulated ascospores more closely resembling E. asperulus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses also support the assignment of these specimens as new species. ITS rDNA homologies with known species were low (<91% and <97%). In addition, phylogenetic trees using neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methods showed that the sequences of the two new species each formed a monophyletic group within section Elaphomyces with bootstrap support of 99%. Analyses of ectomycorrhizal roots collected concurrently with the ascomata revealed that E. marmoratus is associated with at least Pinus densiflora, while E. fuscus is associated with at least Q. serrata.  相似文献   

红树林叶片感染真菌后可能会向非健康状态变化,为了比较三种红树林植物海漆、秋茄和桐花树健康与非健康叶片真菌类群,明确其中真菌类群的差异,该研究从广西茅尾海红树林自然保护区采集海漆、秋茄和桐花树健康与非健康叶片,对叶片中真菌分离纯化并进行形态学鉴定,提取真菌的DNA,采用RAPD多样性、ITS序列对真菌进行分子鉴定。经过初步分析,从海漆、秋茄和桐花树中共分离到157株真菌,经过形态学和RAPD分析,可能为19种不同的真菌。采用真菌ITS序列对19种真菌代表性菌株进行分析,结果表明:19种真菌都属于子囊菌门,有15株与已有的真菌ITS序列相似性在97%以上;有4株相似性低于95%,可能为新种。海漆健康和非健康叶片分别分离到真菌7种和5种,健康叶片含了非健康叶片中所有真菌;秋茄健康和非健康叶片分离到真菌1种和9种,且健康叶片中分离到的内生真菌Dothiorella aegiceri也包含于非健康叶片分离的真菌中;桐花树健康和非健康叶片分离到真菌1种和3种,且桐花树分离的内生真菌也是Dothiorella aegiceri,其包含于非健康叶片中分离到的真菌。该研究证明,海漆内生真菌同时也可能是植物病原菌,内生真菌与植物病原菌没有明显界限;另一方面,该研究发现秋茄和桐花树叶片的病变是由外部的病原真菌感染引起,感染的原因可能是昆虫叮咬红树林植物后留下了创口,这些创口有利于真菌的感染。  相似文献   

Cladocera Diversity,Abundance and Habitat in a Western Thailand Stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Longitudinal and temporal distribution was determined for 40 species of cladocerans at sites between the headwaters and mouth of Khayeng Stream, a relatively pristine waterway in western Thailand. Cladocerans were confined mostly to lentic areas and abundance between April and September was highest in September, largely a consequence of a floodplain that developed near the mouth. Species richness was related directly to cladoceran abundance. Cladocerans were dominated numerically by three species, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Diaphanosoma excisum, and D. sarsi. Most species were accommodated within four assemblages. Conductivity, water velocity, pH and temperature were important to species distribution, particularly velocity and conductivity. The most common assemblage was also the most speciose and occurred in moderate total abundance. The second assemblage was also speciose but low in total abundance. Species abundance in groups 1 and 2 tended to be positively related to conductivity and negatively, but weakly, related to pH and temperature. The third assemblage consisted of a single species and occurred in water of low conductivity while the fourth assemblage contained few species and low in overall abundance.  相似文献   

  • Introgression is a poorly understood evolutionary outcome of hybridisation because it may remain largely undetected whenever it involves the transfer of small parts of the genome from one species to another. Aiming to understand the early stages of this process, a putative case from the southernmost border of the Armeria pungens range from its congener A. macrophylla is revisited following the discovery of a subpopulation that does not show phenotypic signs of introgression and resembles typical A. pungens.
  • We analysed morphometrics, nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS and plastid DNA (trnL‐trnF) sequences, genome size, 45S and 5S rDNA loci‐FISH data and nrDNA IGS sequences.
  • Within the study site, most individuals match morphologies of either of the two hybridising species, particularly the new subpopulation, with intermediate phenotypes being scarce. This pattern does not fully fit molecular evidence revealing two ITS ribotypes co‐occurring intragenomically in most plants from the study site and one single plastid haplotype. Genome size and structural features of the IGS sequences both indicate that A. pungens from the study site is genetically more similar to its sympatric congener than to the remainder of its conspecifics.
  • Introgression of A. macrophylla into A. pungens and plastid capture explain all the evidence analysed. However, important features to understand the origin and fate of the introgressed population, such as the degree and direction of introgression, which are important for understanding early stages of hybridisation in plants with low reproductive barriers, should be addressed with new data.

【背景】拉鲁湿地是我国海拔最高、面积最大的城市天然湿地。开展拉鲁湿地微生物群落结构分析,可为青藏高原生物资源的开发利用和保护提供理论依据,并为湿地生态系统的微生物多样性研究奠定基础。【目的】开展拉鲁湿地水体丝状真菌的多样性研究,探究影响该环境丝状真菌群落分布特征的主要理化因子。【方法】从拉鲁湿地11个水样中分离丝状真菌,应用nr DNA ITS序列分析,并结合经典分类学方法对获得的菌株进行鉴定,运用SPSS和CANOCO软件分析丝状真菌群落结构及其与环境因子的关系。【结果】从拉鲁湿地水体分离的丝状真菌菌株分属于6属13种。拉鲁湿地冬季水体丝状真菌优势属为Mucor、Cladosporium和Galactomyces,优势种为M.hiemalis、M.racemosus和G.geotrichum。总氮与拉鲁湿地水体丝状真菌数量呈显著负相关(P0.05),总氮和总磷对于丝状真菌的分布具有较明显的影响,这2种理化因子与M.racemosus的多度呈正相关性,而与M.hiemalis呈较强的负相关性。【结论】环境因子是影响高原湿地生态系统微生物群落结构的主要因素之一,探讨西藏典型脆弱生态环境中微生物多样性与环境因子的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

田甲佳  刘贺  杨季婷  王毅  刘良燕 《广西植物》2023,43(7):1201-1212
为研究云南马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)内生真菌的多样性,该文以采自云南省德宏芒市、大理喜洲和临沧双江3个地区的马铃薯植株为研究对象,采用组织块分离法、尖端菌丝挑取法对马铃薯根、茎及块茎中的内生真菌进行分离纯化,并采用形态学鉴定方法和ITS序列分析法对分离得到的内生真菌进行鉴定,对内生真菌的定殖率、分离率及多样性指数进行计算和分析。结果表明:(1)共分离得到内生真菌98株,其中从德宏芒市的样品中获得40株,从大理喜洲的样品中获得27株,从临沧双江的样品中获得31株。(2)经鉴定,分离得到的马铃薯内生真菌共涵盖10目10科13属,大多为子囊菌门和担子菌门,优势菌为镰刀菌属(Fusarium)和青霉属(Penicillium),褶皱裸孢壳(Emericella rugulosa)、接骨木镰刀菌(Fusarium sambucinum)、毛韧革菌(Stereum hirsutum)、Psathyrella sulcatotuberculosa和Epicoccum catenisporum 5种真菌均为首次从马铃薯植株中分离得到。(3)马铃薯块茎内生真菌的定殖率最高,根部内生真菌定殖率最低;内生真菌的分离率以马铃薯根部为最高,而茎部最低;不同组织中内生真菌的多样性指数趋势均为根>块茎>茎。从综合来看,云南马铃薯植株中的内生真菌具有较高的多样性,不同地区的马铃薯样品中内生真菌优势菌不同,马铃薯根部具有最丰富的内生真菌种群和最高的分离率,是最适合进行内生真菌分离的材料。该研究结果为后期探究马铃薯内生真菌对病原菌的拮抗作用奠定了基础,也为马铃薯内生真菌多样性研究提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of species of microfungi was investigated on the beaches of Delfines, Km 24 Veracruz-Alvarado Highway, and El Coco, located on the coasts of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean, respectively. On each beach a sample composed of sand, subtidal wood or washed-up detritus with moist sand was collected. The samples were analyzed by three different methods, resulting in a total of 1,160 occurrences that fluctuated between 340 and 441 occurrences/sample. The number of species/sample fluctuated between 20 and 32. A total of 52 species was found, of which 12 were marine, and 40 nomarine, of terrestrial origin, and of these 15 were ascomycetes, 34 were hyphomycetes, 2 were blastomycetes and one was a coelomycete. The abundance distribution showed few species with high or low values, with the greates proportion having intermediate values. In order to compare species diversity among the samples frequency curves were utilized, based on the number of species expected from samples taken at random; the results showed that the beach at El Coco was richest in species.  相似文献   

Patterns of rodent species abundance and diversity were examined over a 5 months period in two areas of a Kenyan relict tropical rainforest. The two areas are subjected to different administrations which lead to various levels of anthropogenic disturbance: one can be considered relatively disturbed and one relatively undisturbed. Anthropogenic disturbance causes a reduction in woody stem density between 0 and 1.5 m and reduced understory tree canopy cover. Rodent abundance was estimated using the program CAPTURE and compared with the number of individuals actually captured. Density was estimated with three different methods, two of these utilised a boundary strip to estimate effective size of the area trapped. Density resulted in being relatively high in both areas, so population might have been at a peak. Species richness was higher in the disturbed forest, while species diversity and evenness was higher in the undisturbed forest. We suggest that in the disturbed forest the increase in number of species might be due to sporadical entrance in the forest by non-forest species, while the decrease in diversity might be due to the decrease of lower strata vegetation that occurs in the disturbed forest, hence this factor might affect species equitability. Bibliographic data supports this hypothesis as rodent species diversity and ground vegetation cover have been found to be correlated.  相似文献   

The most common representatives of tomentelloid ectomycorrhizae (EM) collected in broad-leaved forests (Populus and Quercus) of the Hungarian Plain during a 4-year project are demonstrated. Eighteen specimens of nine tomentelloid EM morphotypes were investigated. Five of these, introduced here for the first time, were characterized by microscopical–morphological and anatomical methods. Molecular identification was carried out using sequence analysis of the nrDNA ITS region. Altogether, 54 ITS sequences (6 previously published and 12 new sequences from our mycorrhizae and 36 from GenBank derived from fruitbodies) were compared by phylogenetic analyses using neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. Identification to species level was successful in the case of six EM morphotypes (Tomentella galzinii, T. subtestacea, T. sublilacina, T. pilosa, T. ferruginea and T. stuposa), and the possible taxonomic position of the remaining three was approached. These results are supported by morphology, as compared with literature data. Relative abundance of the EM morphotypes within the soil samples was estimated. Our results confirm that tomentelloid EM are constant, diverse and abundant members of the EM communities in temperate-continental broad-leaved forests.  相似文献   

利用可培养法对新疆伊犁河流域水体和沉积物中细菌多样性进行分析,以期初步阐明流域河流可培养细菌群落结构。采用5种琼脂培养基分离纯化可培养细菌,依据其16S rRNA基因序列进行系统发育分析,并运用平板法对纯化菌株的胞外酶产生情况进行检测。序列分析结果表明,225株细菌分别属于变形菌门γ亚群(Gamma-pseudomonadota, 56.44%)、放线菌门(Actinomycetota, 18.22%)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes, 14.22%)、变形菌门α亚群(Alpha-pseudomonadota, 4.89%)、变形菌门β亚群(Beta-pseudomonadota, 4%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota, 0.44%)和异常球菌-栖热菌门(Deinococcota, 0.44%)等7个大的系统发育类群,41个属84个种。其中假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas,42.22%)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter,9.33%)和芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus,9.33%)为优势菌属。菌种分布结果显示,伊犁河流域主要支流和干流中可培养细菌地域分布性强。分离菌株产胞外酶...  相似文献   

We examined parasite prevalence, abundance of protozoan cysts and helminth eggs in the feces, and number of parasitic taxa in a population of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) in semi-free-ranging conditions in their habitat range, with respect to the annual cycle, sex, age, dominance rank, and female reproductive status. We identified 3 taxa of amebic protozoa (Entamoeba coli, E. histolytica/dispar complex, and Endolimax nana), 1 ciliate protozoa (Balantidium coli), and various nematodes. Prevalence ranged from 1 observation in 874 samples for Trichuris and Mammomonogamus (nematodes) to 100% for Entamoeba coli and Endolimax nana. Daily observation, consistency of fecal samples, and periodic veterinary examination indicated that the mandrills were all healthy, suggesting that the presence of intestinal parasites in the provisioned population is well tolerated. Parasite prevalence, abundance in the feces, and number of taxa varied significantly across the annual cycle. Nematode egg prevalence and abundance were lowest during the dry season. We found no sexual difference and no influence of female dominance rank on parasitic infections. Nematode prevalence increased significantly with age in females, but not in males. There was no influence of age on prevalence of other taxa, abundance in the feces, or number of taxa. Abundance of nematode eggs in the feces was higher in pregnant than in lactating or cycling females. However, births are seasonal in the mandrill colony, and pregnant females were present during the months when nematode egg abundance was also higher in males, suggesting that this may be an influence of climatic seasonality in addition to, or instead of, female status.  相似文献   

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