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围绕国家对公立医院公共卫生服务的要求,以一级、二级、三级公立医院承担公共卫生服务的合理性和科学性为目的,通过对公共卫生服务进行重新归纳分类,并运用DEA/TOPSIS组合模型,计算并评价一级、二级、三级公立医院公共卫生服务的完成效率,找出其差异程度,从而探索出不同等级公立医院应该侧重不同类别公共卫生服务的政策建议。  相似文献   

公立医院作为公共卫生体系中不可或缺的一个部分, 在公共卫生体系中起着重要的支撑作用。然而对于公立医院公共卫生服务的补偿问题一直以来都没有得到合理、有效的解决。分析了当前我国公立医院公共卫生服务补偿中存在的问题,并对进一步完善公立医院公共卫生服务补偿机制提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

目的 构建公立医院公共卫生服务监管的评价模型,评价公立医院公共卫生服务的监管能力。方法 采用层次分析法、综合指数法、数理统计分析、模糊数学法来构建评价模型,评价监管能力,以此来建立政府对公立医院公共卫生监管准绳。结果 给出包括5项一级指标、18项二级指标的公立医院公共卫生服务监管能力评价模型。结论 构建的公立医院公共卫生服务监管能力评价模型,为综合评价公立医院公共卫生服务监管能力提供了内容依据和量化标准,为政府有效评价公共卫生服务质量提供了科学依据。  相似文献   




为了分析公立医院提供公共卫生服务效果的影响因素,通过问卷调查,收集了黑龙江省102家公立医院公共卫生服务相关数据。运用软件SPSS18.0和AMOS7.0对数据进行统计分析,建立公立医院提供公共卫生服务效果影响因素结构方程模型,探讨公共卫生服务提供效果的影响因素。研究发现,财政补偿与政府监管、医院管理、医院投入对公共卫生服务提供效果具有促进作用。  相似文献   

The Australian moratorium on human clinical trials of xenotransplantation was lifted in December 2009. This decision follows public consultations on whether xenotransplantation should or should not proceed in Australia, which occurred in 2002 and 2004. However, the public consultation, in its design and process, did not facilitate meaningful public engagement and involvement, thus marginalising the public and devaluing their social experiences and diverse knowledges. This brief article questions what constitutes adequate public consultation, and suggests that consensus conferences or citizen juries should be explored as a mechanism for meaningful public engagement for future public consultation exercises in Australia.  相似文献   

从公益性角度分析并结合我国公立医院公共服务的实践,提出公立医院确保基础医疗服务、提高扶持基层医疗的水平、开展公共卫生和卫生应急服务、控制成本和提供针对弱势群体的医疗服务的公共服务职能,推动公立医院切实履行公益性,为人民群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务。  相似文献   

目的 探索公立医院外部绩效评价在公立医院的有效执行路径。方法 访谈公立医院管理人员,调研不同执行情况的北京市属公立医院进行案例分析;构建公立医院外部绩效评价政策执行的分析框架;对公立医院外部绩效评价政策资料和研究文献进行分析。结果 构建公立医院外部绩效评价政策在公立医院的四种执行模式,归纳外部绩效评价执行的院科两级影响因素。结论 政府主管部门、公立医院、部门科室三层级的绩效评价融合是推进公立医院外部绩效评价政策在公立医院内有效执行的路径选择。  相似文献   

目的 摸底二级以上医疗机构公共卫生工作的组织方式,并对其设置公共卫生职能科室的必要性进行讨论。方法 检索北大法律信息数据库查找相关政府文件,梳理医疗机构设置公共卫生相关科室的要求。对发文要求设立公共卫生科室的省份和对比省份的163家医疗机构进行问卷调查。结果 原卫生部要求500张床位以上的医疗机构设立预防保健科,2003年以后部分省份发文要求二级以上医疗机构设立疾病预防控制或公共卫生科。72.5%的发文地区医疗机构和39.8%的未发文地区医疗机构设立了公共卫生相关科室,二级以上公立医疗机构设置公共卫生科室对公共卫生职责的承担有促进作用。结论 二级以上医疗机构应当设置公共卫生职能科室,以促进公共卫生职责的落实。  相似文献   

An individually costly act that benefits all group members is a public good. Natural selection favours individual contribution to public goods only when some benefit to the individual offsets the cost of contribution. Problems of sex ratio, parasite virulence, microbial metabolism, punishment of noncooperators, and nearly all aspects of sociality have been analysed as public goods shaped by kin and group selection. Here, I develop two general aspects of the public goods problem that have received relatively little attention. First, variation in individual resources favours selfish individuals to vary their allocation to public goods. Those individuals better endowed contribute their excess resources to public benefit, whereas those individuals with fewer resources contribute less to the public good. Thus, purely selfish behaviour causes individuals to stratify into upper classes that contribute greatly to public benefit and social cohesion and to lower classes that contribute little to the public good. Second, if group success absolutely requires production of the public good, then the pressure favouring production is relatively high. By contrast, if group success depends weakly on the public good, then the pressure favouring production is relatively weak. Stated in this way, it is obvious that the role of baseline success is important. However, discussions of public goods problems sometimes fail to emphasize this point sufficiently. The models here suggest simple tests for the roles of resource variation and baseline success. Given the widespread importance of public goods, better models and tests would greatly deepen our understanding of many processes in biology and sociality.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国公立医院临床医师对临床路径实施工作及效果的评价。方法 对我国东、中、西3省(直辖市)1638名临床医师进行问卷调查。结果 我国公立医院临床医师对临床路径实施工作和实施效果的总体评价分别为3.16分和3.41分。并且,不同地区、等级公立医院临床医师的评价存在一定差异。结论 我国公立医院临床医师对临床路径实施工作的认可度不高;西部地区和二级医院的临床医师更偏好实施临床路径;临床医师对临床路径实施可提高医疗服务过程质量的认同度相对较高。  相似文献   

Obesity has been described as pandemic and a public health crisis. It has been argued that concerted research efforts are needed to enhance our understanding and develop effective interventions for the complex and multiple dimensions of the health challenges posed by obesity. This would provide a secure evidence base in order to justify clinical interventions and public policy. This paper critically examines these claims through the examination of models of public health and public health ethics. I argue that the concept of an effective public health intervention is unclear and underdeveloped and, as a consequence, normative frameworks reliant on meeting the effectiveness criterion may miss morally salient dimensions of the problems. I conclude by arguing for the need to consider both an ecological model of public health and inclusion of a critical public health ethics perspective for an adequate account of the public health challenges posed by obesity.  相似文献   

Social networks of stakeholders are necessary to foster public support for classical biological control for nature. Drawing from recent scholarship in policy-relevant social science fields, this article describes two key concepts that can improve science communication strategies to support invasive species management and biocontrol: lay public risk perception, and public engagement with science. This article then recommends a fundamental communication strategy: construct public trust in invasive species control efforts using public engagement processes that link trustworthy messengers and appropriate messages with the public. It draws examples from biocontrol projects that used pathogens as the natural enemy of choice, but more broadly seeks to inform efforts to engage the public about the use of classical biocontrol agents in nature conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Social foragers can potentially use private information gained from personal experience and public information gained from observing the foraging success of others to determine the profitability of a foraging patch. We investigated how nine-spined sticklebacks use conflicting public and private information of variable reliability to make foraging decisions. In a first experiment, when private information was reliable, sticklebacks ignored public information and based their foraging decision on private information. However, when private information was less reliable, sticklebacks tended to use public rather than private information. A second experiment investigated how the time since experiencing private information affected sticklebacks' use of this information when it conflicted with recent public information. Fish based their foraging decisions on recently acquired private information, but reliance on private information diminished as the period since experiencing it increased. Fish used public information if 7 days had elapsed since updating their private information. Our findings suggest that nine-spined sticklebacks flexibly adjust their decision making to exploit the most reliable information available, be it public or private, and that animals will weight private and public information appropriately depending on circumstances.  相似文献   

目的 对公立医院公共卫生服务项目科学分类,为公共卫生服务补偿机制的改革提供理论基础。 方法 运用Delphi法、层次分析法对所调查城市目前所开展的67项公共卫生服务进行科学分类。 结果 将上述公共卫生服务项目划分为突发紧急及传染病类、支农支边与义诊类、疾病预防类、保健类,并对其附加权重。 结论 政府可根据不同等级公立医院提供不同类别公共卫生服务,对各级公立医院具有针对性的财政补偿。  相似文献   

张琳  李国红  郑志杰 《生命科学》2012,(11):1344-1350
试图阐述公共卫生伦理学的基本概念、基本原则和概念框架,并通过例举多个公共卫生伦理的具体案例来阐明如何利用道德推理来解决公共卫生研究和实践中出现的伦理冲突,制定有效的公共卫生政策和措施。  相似文献   

以实现公益性和公共服务责任为目标的战略绩效评价内容导向是公立医院(简称医院)的本质要求,也是扭转当前医院绩效战略缺失,偏重短期经济效益的有效手段。公益性和公共服务责任为遴选战略绩效评价内容设置了10项原则,运用该原则构建了4类医院战略绩效评价内容框架体系。战略绩效评价与既往绩效评价内容存在7个方面显著差异,由此推测将分3个阶段影响医院未来发展。  相似文献   

论述了卫生财政投入和卫生财政转移支付的现状,结合公立医院公益性的现状,分析了当前卫生投入存在的问题,提出了增强公立医院公益性的卫生财政转移支付的政策建议:制定财政转移支付制度的远景规划,调整卫生财政转移支付的模式,加大对地方财政转移支付力度,合理划分事权并明确财权,改进并优化卫生财政转移支付制度,从而为公立医院发挥公益性提供有力的财政保障。  相似文献   

采用SWOT分析方法对新形势下我国公立医院开展突发公共事件医疗应急救援工作的优势、劣势、机会与威胁进行系统分析,并提出我国公立医院开展突发公共事件医疗应急救援工作的发展策略,为更好地开展相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对公立医院的补偿、公立医院的补偿机制、公立医院的补偿方式和公立医院的补偿渠道等系列问题的分析,为公立医院补偿机制等相关问题的研究提供理论基础和科学依据。尝试剖析补偿机制本身的复杂性与多样性,将会使这项研究更加深入和有意义。  相似文献   

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