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Clinico-bacteriological examination of patients with purulent infections showed that Staphylococcus was the predominating microflora in the wounds. Simultaneously an increasing role of gram-negative conditionally pathogenic bacteria was shown. Multiple drug resistance was found in the organisms tested. The highest sensitivity levels were observed to gentamicin, kanamycin, tetracycline, levomycetin. It was shown by means of special typing methods that staphylococci of phage group III and Ps. Aeruginosa of serotype II predominated in the infected wounds. When the pathological material contained the antibiotic resistant cultures of Ps. aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella and toxigenic strains of Staphylococcus, a tendency for prolongation of the suppurative process was observed.  相似文献   

Materials from 1134 patients with various surgical infections were tested. From the materials collected from purulent inflammatory foci 2137 cultures were isolated. Many of them belonged to Micrococcaceae (63.7 per cent). Cultures belonging to Enterobacteriaceae and Streptococcaceae were isolated from 50.9 and 25.2 per cent of the patients respectively. Isolates belonging to other families were less frequent: diphtheroids were isolated from 13.3 per cent of the patients and Pseudomonas spp. were isolated from 10.6 per cent of the patients. The majority of the isolates of diverse taxons were sensitive to gentamicin (73 to 98.4 per cent). As the second active antibiotic the following should be indicated: fusidin, active against staphylococci (S. epidermidis and S. aureus, 70.5 and 83.3 per cent respectively); ristomycin, active against micrococci and diphtheroids (75.3 and 79.1 per cent respectively); ampicillin, active against S. faecalis (61.3 per cent); polymyxin, active against the trib microbes Escherichia, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas (75.5, 64.3 and 71.4 per cent respectively). No second antibiotic active against a significant percentage of various species of Proteus, fecal alkali forming bacteria, and A. calcoaceticus was stated. Sporulating aerobes were sensitive to the majority of the antibiotics.  相似文献   

The results of the study on the composition, properties and antibiotic sensitivity of pathogenic microbes isolated from purulent wounds of the soft tissues of patients treated in the Institute clinic in 1977-1980 are presented. The frequency of secondary infection of the purulent wounds was estimated. During this period the percentage of gram-negative bacteria isolated from opened purulent foci increased. In some cases investigation of the time course of the purulent processes revealed new microbial strains, such as pathogenic staphylococci or opportunistic gram-negative bacteria. Sometimes replacement of the causative agent by new organisms was observed. The new strains were high- and multiple-resistant to the antibiotics.  相似文献   

The dynamics of sensitivity to penicillin of staphylococcal populations in purulent inflammatory foci of patients treated and not treated with antibiotics was estimated according to 4 indices. No reliable differences in the dynamics of sensitivity to penicillin were found in 2 groups of the patients, when estimation was performed with respect to the frequency of the penicillin resistant or penicillin sensitive staphylococci and detection of the penicillin resistant staphylococci by direct inoculation of the focal excretion to the medium with penicillin. A reliable increase in the percentage of the penicillin resistant staphylococci in the microbial population was observed only in the patients treated with penicillin.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the data on the isolation rate of P. aeruginosa from suppurative wounds of different origin during their treatment by the commonly used methods under dressings and by the open method under the conditions of controlled germ-free environment. The results of the immunotyping of P. aeruginosa strains isolated from patients treated by different methods are presented. The dynamics of changes in the isolation rate of P. aeruginosa at different periods of treatment, both by the open method and with the use of dressings, is shown. Among P. aeruginosa strains isolated from suppurative wounds, those belonging to immunotypes 6, 7 and 2, as well as nontyping strains, occurred most frequently. Treatment in the controlled germ-free environment permits the protection of the wound surface from hospital infection. During treatment with the use of dressings the cases of hospital infection were revealed (31.3%). Such infection occurred, as a rule, at a later period of treatment.  相似文献   

This paper considers an animal foraging on prey which are distributed in well-defined patches. It is assumed that the environment may be stochastic and that the animal can gain information on patch type as it forages. The foraging policy which maximises mean reward rate for the environment is characterised in terms of a function of state called the potential function. This policy is shown to be given by the rule: continue foraging on the present patch while the potential is positive, when the potential falls to zero move on to the next patch. Let r denote the current reward rate on a patch and let γ denote the maximum mean reward rate for the environment. It is shown that r ? γ if it is optimal to leave. Conditions which ensure r < γ are also given. For a large class of environments the optimal policy is stated in terms of a revised reward rate r?, and is given by the rule: continue on the present patch while r? > γ, when r? falls to γ move on to the next patch. Finally, it is shown that the stay time on a patch is a decreasing function of γ.  相似文献   

Optimal control theory is applied to the problem of controlling pests by biological and chemical means simultaneously. The net birth rate of the pests is controlled chemically while at the same time predators are allowed to operate. Several numerical examples are included.  相似文献   

Optimal control of the chemotherapy of HIV   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 Using an existing ordinary differential equation model which describes the interaction of the immune system with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), we introduce chemotherapy in an early treatment setting through a dynamic treatment and then solve for an optimal chemotherapy strategy. The control represents the percentage of effect the chemotherapy has on the viral production. Using an objective function based on a combination of maximizing benefit based on T cell counts and minimizing the systemic cost of chemotherapy (based on high drug dose/strength), we solve for the optimal control in the optimality system composed of four ordinary differential equations and four adjoint ordinary differential equations. Received 5 July 1995; received in revised form 3 June 1996  相似文献   

There is evidence of genetic predisposition to autism, but the percent of autistic subjects with this background is unknown. It is clear that other factors, such as environmental influences, may play a role in this disease. In the present study, we have examined the fecal microbial flora of 33 subjects with various severities of autism with gastrointestinal symptoms, 7 siblings not showing autistic symptoms (sibling controls) and eight non-sibling control subjects, using the bacterial tag encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP) procedure. The results provide us with information on the microflora of stools of young children and a compelling picture of unique fecal microflora of children with autism with gastrointestinal symptomatology. Differences based upon maximum observed and maximum predicted operational taxonomic units were statistically significant when comparing autistic and control subjects with p-values ranging from <0.001 to 0.009 using both parametric and non-parametric estimators. At the phylum level, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes showed the most difference between groups of varying severities of autism. Bacteroidetes was found at high levels in the severely autistic group, while Firmicutes were more predominant in the control group. Smaller, but significant, differences also occurred in the Actinobacterium and Proteobacterium phyla. Desulfovibrio species and Bacteroides vulgatus are present in significantly higher numbers in stools of severely autistic children than in controls. If the unique microbial flora is found to be a causative or consequent factor in this type of autism, it may have implications with regard to a specific diagnostic test, its epidemiology, and for treatment and prevention.  相似文献   

AIMS: The identification of culturable microbial communities on wooden art objects and from indoor air, and the analysis of their biodegradative properties. METHODS AND RESULTS: Common and newly-developed agar media were used for the isolation of fungal and bacterial microflora. The identification was carried out by traditional methods and by the sequencing of 16S or 18S rDNA PCR products. Different plate assays were employed to screen the lignolytic and cellulolytic activities of the isolated microflora. Interesting bacteria were isolated from art objects even though the fungi were the principal contaminants of art works. Various fungal and bacterial species exhibited their lignolytic and cellulolytic activity by the decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R, Phenol Red, Azure B and Ostazin Brilliant Red H-3B. CONCLUSIONS: The microbial communities on wooden art objects exposed in an indoor environment were identified. The study showed the biodegradative power of many microorganisms, and new data were added to this field barely investigated. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: By the development of new culture media and the evaluation of different biodegradative plate assays, a strategy for the analysis of microflora in wooden art objects was established. Several aspects of the study could be also exploited for biotechnology applications.  相似文献   

The efficacy of 2‐furfuraldehyde for control of Sclerotium rolfsii was studied in laboratory and greenhouse experiments. Mycelial growth of the fungus was reduced proportionally with concentrations of 0.1–0.5 ml furfuraldehyde l‐1 agar medium, and viability of sclerotia diminished on exposure to 2‐furfuraldehyde vapours. Detectable populations of bacteria and fungi, including Trichoderma spp., were reduced significantly (9=0.05) when furfuraldehyde was added to the agar used for soil dilution plates of untreated soil. Repeated treatments of natural soil with the fumigant significantly increased populations of Trichoderma spp. and bacteria, but diminished numbers of actinomycetes. Increasing dosages applied to soil artificially infested with S. rolfsii caused a reduction of disease on lentil, Lens culinaris. Results indicate that the compound, when applied to field soil, changes the composition of soil microflora and has potential for integrated control of S. rolfsii.  相似文献   

Recently, a model for a pair of antogonistic muscles has been studied (O?uztöreli and Stein, 1982). In the present paper we formulate and investigate the minimization of the costs associated with the time to complete the movement, the oscillation about the end-point, the energy costs to the muscles to complete the movement, the cost to the nervous system to supply the inputs, and the cost of reliability in the face of perturbing forces. To solve these optimization problems the maximum principle of Pontryagin is employed. In all of these optimization problems, except the energy optimal problem, the optimal controls (active states or nervous inputs) are of the bang-bang type.  相似文献   

Foraging theory has typically been concerned with the acquisition of a single resource even though organisms from mammals to protozoa are capable of balancing their requirements for multiple resources. Existing theory concerning multiple nutrients from multiple foods does not predict the sequence of food selection. We constructed an optimisation model of the simplest case of two foods containing differing amounts of two nutrients. We begin with the well-supported assumption that reproductive value declines with the distance from target nutrient intake. We show that nutrient space divides into two distinct areas where the animal should exclusively consume one food or the other. The organism thus initially concentrates on one food type until the border between the areas is reached and then moves as closely as possible along the border to approach the target. This strategy is commonly observed in a range of organisms, suggesting that the assumed fitness function is common.  相似文献   

Most ecological and epidemiological models describe systems with continuous uninterrupted interactions between populations. Many systems, though, have ecological disturbances, such as those associated with planting and harvesting of a seasonal crop. In this paper, we introduce host–parasite–hyperparasite systems as models of biological control in a disturbed environment, where the host–parasite interactions are discontinuous. One model is a parasite–hyperparasite system designed to capture the essence of biological control and the other is a host–parasite–hyperparasite system that incorporates many more features of the population dynamics. Two types of discontinuity are included in the models. One corresponds to a pulse of new parasites at harvest and the other reflects the discontinuous presence of the host due to planting and harvesting. Such discontinuities are characteristic of many ecosystems involving parasitism or other interactions with an annual host. The models are tested against data from an experiment investigating the persistent biological control of the fungal plant parasite of lettuce Sclerotinia minor by the fungal hyperparasite Sporidesmium sclerotivorum, over successive crops. Using a combination of mathematical analysis, model fitting and parameter estimation, the factors that contribute the observed persistence of the parasite are examined. Analytical results show that repeated planting and harvesting of the host allows the parasite to persist by maintaining a quantity of host tissue in the system on which the parasite can reproduce. When the host dynamics are not included explicitly in the model, we demonstrate that homogeneous mixing fails to predict the persistence of the parasite population, while incorporating spatial heterogeneity by allowing for heterogeneous mixing prevents fade-out. Including the host''s dynamics lessens the effect of heterogeneous mixing on persistence, though the predicted values for the parasite population are closer to the observed values. An alternative hypothesis for persistence involving a stepped change in rates of infection is also tested and model fitting is used to show that changes in some environmental conditions may contribute to parasite persistence. The importance of disturbances and periodic forcing in models for interacting populations is discussed.  相似文献   

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