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罗丽芬  施佳  叶萤  陈华豪 《植物研究》1988,8(3):183-192
Picea koraiensin Nakai的♀球花(球果)多着生在树冠顶端数轮生枝上, 从稍部往下第3-5(8)轮枝上的♀球花(球果)能给予全树冠结实量的80%以上的信息, 第3-5(8)轮枝称信号枝。查数信号枝上的♀球花(球果)能预报全株产量。 半面树冠和全面树冠上的♀球花(球果)数量紧密相关, 得方程y=0.0275+1.8541 x, 测x值预报y(全树冠结实量)值。 同龄的Picea koraiensis人工林胸径越大, 结实株数%及单株结实量越多。预报林分的结实量以平均标准本法, 简便易行, 较准确。  相似文献   

在中学高中生物学教学中,因学生的“植物学”知识欠缺,理解雌球花与枝条同源等概念非常困难。笔者在指导学生研究性学习的备课过程中,发现了罕见的云杉雌球花发育逆转和大孢子叶的多态现象,遂采集了标本,用数码相机拍了照片,并作了进一步的探究,深感是直观教学的良好资料,愿与同行分享。1我校学生对校园云杉的认识云杉(Picea asperata)属裸子植物(Gymnospermae)、球果纲(Coniferopsida)、松科(Pinaceae)、云杉属(Picea),是我校校园绿化的优势树种,所以也是历届学生植物学研究性学习的必选“材料”。根据以往学生的调查记录:我校园内云杉4月中下旬开花,雌球花呈穗状,紫红色,多生于树冠中上部主、侧枝端,较雄球花迟1周  相似文献   

雌雄异株树种黄连木种群性比及空间分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了100m×140m固定样地内黄连木种群的性比格局和空间分布。结果表明,调查样地中dbh≥4cm的黄连木植株共有2116株,其中包括526株雌树,1200株雄树,性别未确定植株390株。黄连木性比(雄/雌=2.28)显著偏雄(P0.001)。雌树和雄树平均胸径分别为7.34和7.81cm,雄树胸径显著大于雌树胸径(P0.05)。黄连木幼树、雌树和雄树均呈显著聚集性分布。黄连木幼树与雌树、幼树与雄树均在较小尺度上表现为相互吸引;雌树与雄树则在空间上相互排斥,即雌树与雄树存在空间分离现象;黄连木不同大小以及不同性别植株之间主要表现为相互排斥。  相似文献   

作为高山生态系统中的奠基种(foundation species), 垫状植物自身种群的繁殖与扩张, 对高山生态系统功能稳定性起着关键作用。但是, 垫状植物如何在极端环境条件下实现资源的有效利用与分配, 达到繁殖最优化, 至今鲜为人知。该研究在滇西北白马雪山沿海拔梯度选择具有不同坡度及坡向的5个团状福禄草(Arenaria polytrichoides)种群, 调查、比较种群内、种群间以及具有不同性系统的植株个体之间的开花面积比、开花方位, 并分析不同生态因子对其开花特性的影响。结果表明: 随着海拔的升高, 团状福禄草个体变小, 其分配到开花的资源比例总体上随海拔上升呈现下降的趋势, 说明团状福禄草的繁殖分配受到由海拔所引起的生态因子的调控。但是, 部分低海拔种群内植物个体的繁殖分配显著低于部分高海拔种群, 说明海拔并非控制植物繁殖分配的唯一因素。此外, 植株开花总面积随植株个体增大而增加, 但开花面积比却随个体增大而变小, 说明植株分配到开花的资源增长速率可能低于植株个体的增长速率。在性别差异方面, 两性植株对开花的资源分配比例要显著高于雌性植株, 但是, 其差异程度受到海拔因素的影响。最后, 在同一种群内, 团状福禄草在冠层表面不同方位上的开花面积比存在显著差异性, 这种差异性在不同种群之间又具有不同的表现形式。  相似文献   

通过对铁杉(Tusga chinensis Pritz)-云杉(Picea retroflexac Mast)、铁杉-华山松(Pinus armardi Franch)、云南铁杉(Tusga domosa Eichler)-槭树(Acer mono Maxim)-桦木(Betula platyphylla Suk)四川主要铁杉林类型中铁杉球蚜Adelges tsugae Annand林间定株、种群随机抽样、室内饲养研究表明,铁杉球蚜在四川1年发生2代(越冬代和第1代),世代重叠,成虫营孤雌生殖。越冬代从4月上旬至第2年的4月下旬,产卵盛期在5月下旬,平均产卵量为15.58粒,1龄若虫具有滞育越夏习性;第1代从12月下旬至8月中旬,产卵盛期在3月下旬,平均产卵量为67.37粒,并可产生有翅成虫,但无转主危害现象。种群的发育与温度有相关性,温度高林分种群发育进度快于温度低林分。该虫的危害与生境有一定相关性,铁杉针阔混交林危害重于铁杉针叶林;同一树冠不同层次之间、不同方位之间危害程度差异不显著;当年受害严重的树株第2年受害不严重。  相似文献   

何爽  谭敦炎 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1652-1660
新疆阿魏是特产于我国新疆的伞形科阿魏属多年生一次结实草本植物,属于国家二级保护的濒危植物。其种群中除了该科植物典型的雄全同株个体以外,还具有一定数量雄性不育的雌株。为了探究新疆阿魏的雄性不育现象及其影响因素,该文从细胞形态学角度对种群中的雌株以及雌花的形态特征进行了观测,采用石蜡切片技术对功能性雌花雄蕊的花药败育过程进行了观察。结果表明:(1)雌株3月底萌动,4月中旬进入花期,5月底果实成熟;物候期与雄全同株个体相同。(2)植株高度(71.00±10.92) cm和直径(71.67±17.64) cm、一级分支(23.83±2.04);基生叶长(33.41±11.63) cm、宽(24.47±8.60) cm;在植株大小、基生叶大小等方面雌株与雄全同株个体无差异。(3)在雌株上,一级分支和二级分支均为雌花序,均可结实;雌花序的伞幅数/每复伞花序(13.22±4.70)、花数/每花序(12.03±2.30)、总花数/每复伞花序(159.08)均高于两性花序;雌株比雄全同株个体产生更多可结实的花,形成更多具有杂种优势的异交后代。(4)雌花序中,花排列紧密,花间距小于两性花序和雄花序;开花时...  相似文献   

继1989年以后,1991年大兴安岭林区兴安落叶松又出现一次结实,结实率平均为63.8%,且结实的林木多出现在过火的林地上。胸径28cm以上的林木结实率可达到80%以上,而且结实量多的林木绝大部分(85%以上)是树冠稀疏的。球果多集中于树冠的中部。短枝年龄结构格局对结实具有重要影响。短枝的数量以1、2年生最多,但结实的短枝主要属于3—7年生的短枝,一次种子丰收年,需要消耗大量的短枝数量,花芽中大部分为雄花,直接用于形成球果的雌花,一般尚不足20%。开花结实成熟年龄短枝的存蓄率愈高,其结实的潜力也愈大,出现种子年的可能性也愈大。  相似文献   

为实现马尾松无性系种子园精准施肥和丰产经营,用不同结实能力无性系作为材料,设置每株0、400、800和1600 g 4个磷肥水平(分别记为Po、P4、P8和P16),分别在花原基形成前和球果采摘后施肥,研究磷肥对马尾松无性系雌球花量的影响,以及花原基形成期和球花分化前期不同高度的针叶N、P含量的变化.结果 表明:与Po...  相似文献   

以位于广西黄连山自然保护区的德保苏铁Cycas debaoensis回归种群为对象,从开花情况、传粉媒介、传粉昆虫数量、结实率、种子散播媒介和方式等方面,与德保苏铁模式产地的自然种群进行比较研究。结果表明,2016年回归种群与自然种群开花植株分别为149和49株,雄雌性比分别为3.96∶1和4.44∶1,开花植株占比分别为31.63%和19.52%,自然结实率分别为60.53%和86.53%。留存在雌株上的未脱落种子一年内的萌发率分别为53.13%和42.51%,一年内幼苗存活率分别为0和3.56%;因重力或外力(雨水、风和动物)搬运后散布的种子一年内的萌发率分别为42.51%和38.46%,一年内幼苗存活率分别为74.46%和88.26%。与自然种群一样,回归种群的有效传粉者为大蕈甲科甲虫,但传粉昆虫数量较少,每雌球花有23.5头甲虫。回归种群结实率低于自然种群,可能的原因是传粉昆虫数量相对较少。啮齿动物等外力对种子的散布能显著提高幼苗存活率并直接影响幼苗的定植与分布,对回归种群的补充与更新有重要影响。总体上,黄连山德保苏铁回归种群在自然界中已能顺利完成生长和繁殖进程,基本具备自我更新能力。  相似文献   

云南丽江地区铁杉球蚜发生与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李立  卢文华 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):83-87
铁杉球蚜Adelges tsugae Annand(Hemiptera:Adelgidae)是铁杉的主要害虫,在北美造成铁杉成片死亡。为有效地寻找控制铁杉球蚜的天敌,作者于2005年8~2006年12月,在云南省丽江地区的河源、牦牛坪、黑水河3个地点对铁杉球蚜的发生进行6次调查,统计不同树枝方位、不同树冠层次、不同取样地点、不同取样时间的铁杉球蚜的为害率。在多数情况下,铁杉北向和南向树枝上的球蚜为害率高于西向和东向;树冠下层的铁杉树枝上的球蚜为害率高于树冠上层;5月树冠上层球蚜为害率反而高于下层,树冠层次球蚜密度随着时间而变化的现象,与铁杉球蚜第2代发生高峰期相吻合。3个地点的每株树铁杉球蚜为害率平均为24.6%,河源的球蚜为害率又高于牦牛坪和黑水河。对来自3个地点的12块样地的每样地铁杉球蚜为害率与环境因子进行偏相关分析表明,坡向、年均相对湿度、年均降雨量与铁杉球蚜发生呈显著正相关。在调查铁杉球蚜的发生或采集球蚜天敌昆虫时,应在不同时间依据树枝方位和树冠层次来分别进行。在选择调查采集地点时,应以林区坡向、相对湿度、降雨量等环境因子为依据。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that reproductive cost differs between sexes was tested in Juniperus communis subsp. alpina along an altitudinal gradient. Sex ratio (male : female) increased significantly with elevation, and above 2,600 m it was significantly male-biased. The reproductive effort was markedly greater for females than for males at all elevations. However, over 3 years of study, the growth of the females, measured as elongation of the main axes, was similar to that of the males. In both sexes, growth decreased with increasing elevation. Neither size of the ripe seed cones, nor the number of developed seeds per cone varied with elevation. The percentage of filled seeds was significantly greater at higher elevations indicating more favourable conditions for wind pollination in these stands. However, cone production decreased with elevation and so, reproductive success of J. communis subsp. alpina in Sierra Nevada decreases towards both upper and lower altitudinal distribution limits. The results do not support the hypothesis of differential reproductive cost between sexes; thus, alternative arguments to explain the altitudinal variation of sex ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

  • The study of intraspecific seed packaging (i.e. seed size/number strategy) variation across different populations may allow better understanding of the ecological forces that drive seed evolution in plants. Juniperus thurifera (Cupressaceae) provides a good model to study this due to the existence of two subspecies differentiated by phenotypic traits, such as seed size and cone seediness (number of seeds inside a cone), across its range.
  • The aim of this study was to analyse seed packaging (seed mass and cone seediness) variation at different scales (subspecies, populations and individuals) and the relationship between cone and seed traits in European and African J. thurifera populations.
  • After opening more than 5300 cones and measuring 3600 seeds, we found that seed packaging traits followed different patterns of variation. Large‐scale effects (region and population) significantly contributed to cone seediness variance, while most of the seed mass variance occurred within individuals. Seed packaging differed between the two sides of the Mediterranean Sea, with African cones bearing fewer but larger seeds than the European ones. However, no differences in seed mass were found between populations when taking into account cone seediness. Larger cones contained more pulp and seeds and displayed a larger variation in individual seed mass.
  • We validated previous reports on the intraspecific differences in J. thurifera seed packaging, although both subspecies followed the same seed size/number trade‐off. The higher seediness and variation in seed mass found in larger cones reveals that the positive relationship between seed and cone sizes may not be straightforward.We hypothesise that the large variation of seed size found within cones and individuals in J. thurifera, but also in other fleshy‐fruited species, could represent a bet‐hedging strategy for dispersal.

Although cone morphology has been mainly utilized for taxonomy or forestry purposes, characterization of the environmental factors that influence its variation is still insufficient. Major conifers distributed over diverse climatic conditions like the Japanese archipelago could show cone morphology variation among populations related to large differences in key influential factors such as temperature, snow, irradiance and sunshine. Geographical variation in cone characteristics (cone size, seed production, seed productivity per cone and seed size) was examined across the species distribution in 24 old planted Pinus thunbergii populations (479 trees) along two major seasides in Japan (Pacific Ocean side and Japan Sea side). Variance components of cone characteristics explained by seaside were at similar levels to those for populations nested within seasides. Populations on the Japan Sea side produced cones that had larger size (length and width), higher seed production (number of filled seeds per cone and seed mass per cone) and seed productivity per cone (seed-to-ovule ratio). Analysis of covariance showed that significant latitudinal clines observed in cone size and seed productivity per cone were mostly a result of inter-seaside differences. Linear mixed model analysis detected that geographical variation in cone size, seed production and seed productivity per cone in the populations were affected significantly by low temperature, more snow, less solar irradiance and less sunshine time. Large cone sizes and high seed productivity per cone found in the populations on the Japan Sea side could be explained by a genetic or plastic response to maintain reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract. Though fecundity and dispersal have been recognized as major factors in most invasion models, their ecological determinants are still poorly known. This paper aims to identify the main sources of variation in seed production and dispersal distance in a naturally expanding Pinus sylvestris population. We propose some tree measurements that may be related to their contribution to population expansion. We quantified cone and seed production and measured three seed characteristics related to their dispersal ability: mass, wing area and wing‐loading (mass:area ratio) in cones sampled at different relative heights and aspects in the canopy and in trees of different age and competitive status. Results showed that isolated trees had a much more abundant cone production, which was more evenly distributed in the canopy than trees within stands. Age was also positively related to cone production. Seed dimensions varied between and within trees but we found no effect of isolation or age. The strong positive correlation between wing area and seed mass leads to a limited variability of seed wing loading. Seed characteristics may thus play a minor role in individual dispersal ability and relative tree position in the stand that is strongly linked to tree fecundity should be more appropriate for estimating the individual contribution to the whole population expansion. Our results also highlight the importance of obtaining demographic data in low‐density populations to estimate the invasive potential of a species.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the endemic to Greece Abies cephalonica Loudon, including the phenology of the reproductive life cycle, cone production in relation to plant age and the required seed germination conditions, was studied. All individuals growing within 20 permanent plots of 100 m2 each established in 11 different locations covering the entire strictly protected area of Mount Aenos National Park (Cephalonia) were monitored over a period of 4 years. The cones are formed on the upper part of the previous year’s branches, mostly at the upper crown half of the reproductive individuals (over 53 years old). Female flowers are pollinated in spring and cone maturation lasts until the beginning of autumn, when seed dispersal occurs. The annual production of cones per individual varied significantly, revealing masting behavior for this tree. This behavior was also expressed in the number of trees producing cones, as well as the percentage of sound seeds per cone. A significant difference in the mass and the length of the cones between the years of low and high cone production was observed, being higher in the years of massive cone production. Similar germination percentages were observed in full darkness or under “canopy light” and “sun light”, provided that the seeds were previously stratified for 6 weeks. It is concluded that A. cephalonica exhibits plasticity expressed in its reproductive behavior for alternating years of high to low cone production and in its seed germination for an array of habitat light conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The influences of Colorado pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) cone crop size, cone and seed weight, cone length, number of seeds per cone, number of viable seeds, and percent viable seeds on the foraging behavior of avian seed dispersal agents were examined in field and laboratory settings. In the field, there was a significant positive relationship between cone number per tree and both the absolute number of cones and the percentage of the cone crop from which seeds were harvested. Cone weight and the number of viable seeds were also significantly related to seed harvest intensity. Laboratory experiments examined the relationship between crop size and cone characters on seed harvest by 18 Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). Nutcrackers were offered a choice of two tree types: one with 20 cones attached, and another with 10 cones attached. Significantly more birds chose to remove seeds first from the tree with 20 cones than the tree with 10 cones. In timed trials, they also harvested seeds from significantly more cones on the tree with the higher cone density. In the laboratory, cones chosen for seed removal by the nutcrackers had significantly more viable seeds, more seeds, and were longer compared to cones that were not chosen. Such discriminatory foraging behavior may increase avian foraging efficiency and result in differential reproductive success of pinyon pines. This behavior may therefore influence the evolution of pinyon pine reproductive traits.  相似文献   

The advantages of canopy seed retention (serotiny) for plants inhabiting fire‐prone ecosystems are well documented. However, very few species are completely serotinous and non‐fire induced opening of serotinous fruits is commonly observed (weak serotiny). Two non‐mutually exclusive causes are envisaged to contribute to this process: mechanical changes in serotinous fruits mediated by climatic conditions (e.g. drought) or the costs of maintenance for the plant of these long‐lasting structures. However, their relative contribution to the spontaneous opening of serotinous fruits remains elusive as well as the consequences for the build‐up of the canopy seed bank and inter‐individual differences in serotiny. In this study we monitored the dynamics of cone production and cone opening in the weakly serotinous Pinus halepensis for five years (2004–2008), including two severe drought episodes (2005, 2006). Drought decreased the production of conelets, increased the abortion of immature cones, reduced the seed quality in the cohorts of cones produced during these years, and increased the opening of serotinous cones. During the first drought episode, a higher proportion of serotinous cones opened in those pines bearing a larger crop of younger cones. This suggests that not only passive changes induced by drought but also competition among cones for resources (e.g. water) might be involved in this process. The opening of serotinous cones in pines bearing more cones made inter‐individual differences in the size of the canopy cone bank to narrow or even to reverse from 2004 to 2008. These results may help to understand the decrease in serotiny when pines grow and accumulate more cones and the large inter‐individual variability in the degree of serotiny observed in P. halepensis forests. In addition, the negative effects of drought episodes for the size of the canopy cone bank and the seeds contained can be an unexplored cause of post‐fire regeneration constraint.  相似文献   

AB Leslie 《Annals of botany》2012,110(4):915-921
Background and Aims Correlated relationships between branch thickness, branch density, and twig and leaf size have been used extensively to study the evolution of plant canopy architecture, but fewer studies have explored the impact of these relationships on the allocation of reproductive resources. This study quantifies pollen cone production in conifers, which have similar basic reproductive biology but vary dramatically in branching habit, in order to test how differences in branch diameter influence pollen cone size and the density with which they are deployed in the canopy. Methods Measurements of canopy branch density, the number of cones per branch and cone size were used to estimate the amount of pollen cone tissues produced by 16 species in three major conifer clades. The number of pollen grains produced was also estimated using direct counts from individual pollen cones. Key Results The total amount of pollen cone tissues in the conifer canopy varied little among species and clades, although vegetative traits such as branch thickness, branch density and pollen cone size varied over several orders of magnitude. However, branching habit controls the way these tissues are deployed: taxa with small branches produce small pollen cones at a high density, while taxa with large branches produce large cones relatively sparsely. Conclusions Conifers appear to invest similar amounts of energy in pollen production independent of branching habit. However, similar associations between branch thickness, branch density and pollen cone size are seen across conifers, including members of living and extinct groups not directly studied here. This suggests that reproductive features relating to pollen cone size are in large part a function of the evolution of vegetative morphology and branching habit.  相似文献   

太白红杉 (Larixchinensis) 是仅分布于我国陕西秦岭境内的国家二级保护植物, 研究其生殖规律将有助于加深对其濒危原因的认识。该文用单因素方差分析的方法研究了太白红杉种实数量特征, 并用Pearson相关系数检验了不同环境条件下的变化及其与环境因子和植株生长状况的关系, 结果表明种实数量特征在不同环境条件下差异明显, 太白山国家森林公园单株种子产量最高 ;长安光头山平均每株产生的种子总重、球果总重和球果平均重量最重, 平均每株球果数目和每球果种子数也是最多。多重比较表明牛背梁种群太白红杉种子千粒重最重。其中球果的种子数在小种群中较多 ;每株的种子总重量、球果平均重和球果总重在小种群中较重。太白红杉种实数量特征与海拔、坡度和坡向呈负相关, 与植株年龄呈正相关, 球果的种子数目与年均温呈正相关 (p <0.0 5 ), 而与一月均温呈负相关 (p <0.0 5 ) 。种子大小与种子总数呈弱正相关, 种子大小和数目间不存在权衡 (Trade-ff) 。  相似文献   

This report summarizes a 6-yr study of male and female cone production in a population of 216 ponderosa pines whose ages, diameters, and genotypes at 7 protein polymorphisms are known. There are different schedules of male and female reproduction. The majority of cones are produced by the same few trees each year. There is a tradeoff between growth rate and female cone production but not pollen production. Differential female (but not male) cone production is associated with protein genotype. The variance of female reproductive effort declines with increasing protein heterozygosity.  相似文献   

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