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Compounds that enhance either the function or biosynthetic processing of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel may be of value in developing new treatments for cystic fibrosis (CF). Previous studies suggested that the herbal extract curcumin might affect the processing of a common CF mutant, CFTR-DeltaF508. Here, we tested the hypothesis that curcumin influences channel function. Curcumin increased CFTR channel activity in excised, inside-out membrane patches by reducing channel closed time and prolonging the time channels remained open. Stimulation was dose-dependent, reversible, and greater than that observed with genistein, another compound that stimulates CFTR. Curcumin-dependent stimulation required phosphorylated channels and the presence of ATP. We found that curcumin increased the activity of both wild-type and DeltaF508 channels. Adding curcumin also increased Cl(-) transport in differentiated non-CF airway epithelia but not in CF epithelia. These results suggest that curcumin may directly stimulate CFTR Cl(-) channels.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a major pathogen causing morbidity and ultimately mortality in patients afflicted with cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. One important virulence factor, pyocyanin (PCN), is a blue, redox-active compound that is secreted in such copious amounts by PA in the CF lungs that it determines the colour of expectorated sputum. In this study, we discovered that physiological concentrations of PCN inactivate the airway epithelial vacuolar ATPase, resulting in reduced expression and trafficking of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in cultured lung and primary nasal epithelial cells. Our study supports the notion that PCN contributes significantly to the pathogenesis of CF and other bronchiectasis patients infected by PA.  相似文献   

We present the evidence for a direct physical association of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), two major ion channels implicated in the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis, a devastating inherited disease. We employed fluorescence resonance energy transfer, a distance-dependent imaging technique with capability to detect molecular complexes with near angstrom resolution, to estimate the proximity of CFTR and ENaC, an essential variable for possible physical interaction to occur. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies were complemented with a classic biochemical approach: coimmunoprecipitation. Our results place CFTR and ENaC within reach of each other, suggestive of a direct interaction between these two proteins.  相似文献   

When excised inside-out membrane patches are bathed in symmetrical Cl--rich solutions, the current-voltage (I-V) relationship of macroscopic cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- currents inwardly rectifies at large positive voltages. To investigate the mechanism of inward rectification, we studied CFTR Cl- channels in excised inside-out membrane patches from cells expressing wild-type human and murine CFTR using voltage-ramp and -step protocols. Using a voltage-ramp protocol, the magnitude of human CFTR Cl- current at +100 mV was 74 +/- 2% (n = 10) of that at -100 mV. This rectification of macroscopic CFTR Cl- current was reproduced in full by ensemble currents generated by averaging single-channel currents elicited by an identical voltage-ramp protocol. However, using a voltage-step protocol the single-channel current amplitude (i) of human CFTR at +100 mV was 88 +/- 2% (n = 10) of that at -100 mV. Based on these data, we hypothesized that voltage might alter the gating behavior of human CFTR. Using linear three-state kinetic schemes, we demonstrated that voltage has marked effects on channel gating. Membrane depolarization decreased both the duration of bursts and the interburst interval, but increased the duration of gaps within bursts. However, because the voltage dependencies of the different rate constants were in opposite directions, voltage was without large effect on the open probability (Po) of human CFTR. In contrast, the Po of murine CFTR was decreased markedly at positive voltages, suggesting that the rectification of murine CFTR is stronger than that of human CFTR. We conclude that inward rectification of CFTR is caused by a reduction in i and changes in gating kinetics. We suggest that inward rectification is an intrinsic property of the CFTR Cl- channel and not the result of pore block.  相似文献   

Different transmembrane (TM) α helices are known to line the pore of the cystic fibrosis TM conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel. However, the relative alignment of these TMs in the three-dimensional structure of the pore is not known. We have used patch-clamp recording to investigate the accessibility of cytoplasmically applied cysteine-reactive reagents to cysteines introduced along the length of the pore-lining first TM (TM1) of a cysteine-less variant of CFTR. We find that methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents irreversibly modify cysteines substituted for TM1 residues K95, Q98, P99, and L102 when applied to the cytoplasmic side of open channels. Residues closer to the intracellular end of TM1 (Y84-T94) were not apparently modified by MTS reagents, suggesting that this part of TM1 does not line the pore. None of the internal MTS reagent-reactive cysteines was modified by extracellular [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl] MTS. Only K95C, closest to the putative intracellular end of TM1, was apparently modified by intracellular [2-sulfonatoethyl] MTS before channel activation. Comparison of these results with recent work on CFTR-TM6 suggests a relative alignment of these two important TMs along the axis of the pore. This alignment was tested experimentally by formation of disulfide bridges between pairs of cysteines introduced into these two TMs. Currents carried by the double mutants K95C/I344C and Q98C/I344C, but not by the corresponding single-site mutants, were inhibited by the oxidizing agent copper(II)-o-phenanthroline. This inhibition was irreversible on washing but could be reversed by the reducing agent dithiothreitol, suggesting disulfide bond formation between the introduced cysteine side chains. These results allow us to develop a model of the relative positions, functional contributions, and alignment of two important TMs lining the CFTR pore. Such functional information is necessary to understand and interpret the three-dimensional structure of the pore.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel activity is important for fluid and electrolyte transport in many epithelia including the lung, the site of most cystic fibrosis-associated morbidity. CFTR is unique among ion channels in requiring ATP hydrolysis for its gating, suggesting that its activity is coupled to cellular metabolic status. The metabolic sensor AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) binds to and phosphorylates CFTR, co-localizes with it in various tissues, and inhibits CFTR currents in Xenopus oocytes (Hallows, K. R., Raghuram, V., Kemp, B. E., Witters, L. A. & Foskett, J. K. (2000) J. Clin. Invest. 105, 1711-1721). Here we demonstrate that this AMPK-CFTR interaction has functional implications in human lung epithelial cells. Pharmacologic activation of AMPK inhibited forskolin-stimulated CFTR short circuit currents in polarized Calu-3 cell monolayers. In whole-cell patch clamp experiments, the activation of endogenous AMPK either pharmacologically or by the overexpression of an AMPK-activating non-catalytic subunit mutant (AMPK-gamma1-R70Q) dramatically inhibited forskolin-stimulated CFTR conductance in Calu-3 and CFTR-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells. Plasma membrane expression of CFTR, assessed by surface biotinylation, was not affected by AMPK activation. In contrast, the single channel open probability of CFTR was strongly reduced in cell-attached patch clamp measurements of Calu-3 cells transfected with the AMPK-activating mutant, an effect due primarily to a substantial prolongation of the mean closed time of the channel. As a metabolic sensor in cells, AMPK may be important in tuning CFTR activity to cellular energy charge, thereby linking transepithelial transport and the maintenance of cellular ion gradients to cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations inthe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene.CFTR is a chloride channel whose activity requires protein kinaseA-dependent phosphorylation of an intracellular regulatory domain(R-domain) and ATP hydrolysis at the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs).To identify potential sites of domain-domain interaction within CFTR,we expressed, purified, and refolded histidine (His)- andglutathione-S-transferase (GST)-tagged cytoplasmic domainsof CFTR. ATP-binding to his-NBD1 and his-NBD2 was demonstrated bymeasuring tryptophan fluorescence quenching. Trypticdigestion of in vitro phosphorylated his-NBD1-R and in situphosphorylated CFTR generated the same phosphopeptides. An interactionbetween NBD1-R and NBD2 was assayed by tryptophan fluorescencequenching. Binding among all pairwise combinations of R-domain, NBD1,and NBD2 was demonstrated with an overlay assay. To identifyspecific sites of interaction between domains of CFTR, an overlay assaywas used to probe an overlapping peptide library spanning allintracellular regions of CFTR with his-NBD1, his-NBD2, andGST-R-domain. By mapping peptides from NBD1 and NBD2 that bound toother intracellular domains onto crystal structures for HisP, MalK, andRad50, probable sites of interaction between NBD1 and NBD2 wereidentified. Our data support a model where NBDs form dimers with theATP-binding sites at the domain-domain interface.


Expression of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is stringently controlled by molecular chaperones participating in formation of the quality control system. It has been shown that about 75% of all CFTR protein and close to 100% of the [DeltaPhe(508)] CFTR variant are rapidly degraded before leaving the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). B cell antigen receptor-associated proteins (BAPs) are ubiquitously expressed integral membrane proteins that may control association with the cytoskeleton, vesicular transport, or retrograde transport from the cis Golgi to the ER. The present study delivers evidence for cytosolic co-localization of both BAP31 and CFTR and for the control of expression of recombinant CFTR in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and Xenopus oocytes by BAP31. Antisense inhibition of BAP31 in various cell types increased expression of both wild-type CFTR and [DeltaPhe(508)]CFTR and enabled cAMP-activated Cl(-) currents in [DeltaPhe(508)]CFTR-expressing CHO cells. Coexpression of CFTR together with BAP31 attenuated cAMP-activated Cl(-) currents in Xenopus oocytes. These data therefore suggest association of BAP31 with CFTR that may control maturation or trafficking of CFTR and thus expression in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a frequent autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations that impair the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein function. CFTR is a chloride channel activated by cyclic AMP (cAMP) via protein kinase A (PKA) and ATP hydrolysis. We describe here a method to measure CFTR activity in a monolayer of cultured cells using a fluorescence spectrophotometer and the chloride-sensitive probe 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl)quinolinium (SPQ). Modifying a slice holder, the spectrophotometer quartz cuvette was converted in a perfusion chamber, allowing measurement of CFTR activity in real time, in a monolayer of T84 colon carcinoma cells. The SPQ Stern–Volmer constant (KCl-) for chloride in water solution was 115.0 ± 2.8 M−1, whereas the intracellular KCl- was 17.8 ± 0.8 M−1, for T84 cells. A functional analysis was performed by measuring CFTR activity in T84 cells. The CFTR transport inhibitors CFTR(inh)-172 (5 μM) and glibenclamide (100 μM) showed a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in CFTR activity. This simple method allows measuring CFTR activity in a very simple, reproducible, and sensitive way.  相似文献   

Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies, raised against two synthetic peptides corresponding to the R domain and the C terminus of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), were used to characterize and localize the protein in human epithelial cells. Employing an immunoblotting technique that ensures efficient detection of large hydrophobic proteins, both antibodies recognized and approximately 180-kDa protein in cell lysates and isolated membranes of airway epithelial cells from normal and cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and of T84 colon carcinoma cells. Reactivity with the anti-C terminus antibody, but not with the anti-R domain antibody, was eliminated by limited carboxypeptidase Y digestion. When normal CFTR cDNA was overexpressed via a retroviral vector in CF or normal airway epithelial cells or in mouse fibroblasts, the protein produced had an apparent molecular mass of about 180 kDa. The CFTR expressed in insect (Sf9) cells by a baculovirus vector had a molecular mass of about 140 kDa, probably representing a nonglycosylated form. The CFTR in epithelial cells appears to exist in several forms. N-glycosidase treatment of T84 cell membranes reduces the apparent molecular mass of the major CFTR band from 180 kDa to 140 kDa, but a fraction of the T84 cell CFTR could not be deglycosylated, and the CFTR in airway epithelial cell membranes could not be deglycosylated either. Moreover, wheat germ agglutinin absorbs the majority of the CFTR from detergent-solubilized T84 cell membranes but not from airway cell membranes. The CFTR in all epithelial cell types was found to be an integral membrane protein not solubilized by high salt or lithium diiodosalicylate treatment. Sucrose density gradient fractionation of crude membranes prepared from the airway epithelial cells, previously surface-labeled by enzymatic galactosidation, showed a plasma membrane localization for both the normal CFTR and the CFTR carrying the Phe508 deletion (delta F 508). The CFTR in all cases co-localized with the Na+, K(+)-ATPase and the plasma membrane calcium ATPase, while the endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase and mitochondrial membrane markers were enriched at higher sucrose densities. Thus, the CFTR appears to be localized in the plasma membrane both in normal and delta F 508 CF epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), in addition to its well defined Cl- channel properties, regulates other ion channels. CFTR inhibits murine or rat epithelial Na+ channel (mENaC or rENaC) currents in many epithelial and non-epithelial cells, whereas murine or rat ENaC increases CFTR functional expression. These regulatory interactions are reproduced in Xenopus oocytes where both the open probability and surface expression of wild type CFTR Cl- channels are increased when CFTR is co-expressed with alphabetagamma mENaC, and conversely the activity of mENaC is inhibited after wild type CFTR activation. Using the Xenopus oocyte expression system, differences in functional regulatory interactions were observed when CFTR was co-expressed with either alphabetagamma mENaC or alphabetagamma human ENaC (hENaC). Co-expression of CFTR and alphabetagamma mENaC or hENaC resulted in an approximately 3-fold increase in CFTR Cl- current compared with oocytes expressing CFTR alone. Oocytes co-injected with both CFTR and mENaC or hENaC expressed an amiloride-sensitive whole cell current that was decreased compared with that observed with the injection of mENaC or hENaC alone before CFTR activation with forskolin/3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. CFTR activation resulted in a further 50% decrease in mENaC-mediated currents, an approximately 20% decrease in alpha-T663-hENaC-mediated currents, and essentially no change in alpha-A663-hENaC-mediated currents. Changes in ENaC functional expression correlated with ENaC surface expression by oocyte surface biotinylation experiments. Assessment of regulatory interactions between CFTR and chimeric mouse/human ENaCs suggest that the 20 C-terminal amino acid residues of alpha ENaC confer species specificity regarding ENaC inhibition by activated CFTR.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the functional expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) with electrophysiological and molecular technique in rat oviduct epithelium. In whole-cell patch clamp, oviduct epithelial cells responded to 100 microM 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP) with a rise in inward current in Gap-free mode, which was inhibited successively by 5 microM CFTR(inh)-172, a CFTR specific inhibitor, and 1 mM diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC), the Cl- channel blocker. The cAMP-activated current exhibited a linear current-voltage (I-V) relationship and time- and voltage-independent characteristics. The reversal potentials of the cAMP-activated currents in symmetrical Cl- solutions were close to the Cl- equilibrium, 0.5+/-0.2 mV (n=4). When Cl- concentration in the bath solution was changed from 140 mM to 70 mM and a pipette solution containing 140 mM Cl- was used, the reversal potential shifted to a value close to the new equilibrium for Cl-, 20+/-0.6 mV (n=4), as compared with the theoretic value of 18.7 mV. In addition, mRNA expression of CFTR was also detected in rat oviduct epithelium. Western blot analysis showed that CFTR protein is found in the oviduct throughout the cycle with maximal expression at estrus, and immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that CFTR is located at the apical membrane of the epithelial cells. These results showed that the cAMP-activated Cl- current in the oviduct epithelium was characteristic of CFTR, which provided direct evidence for the functional expression of CFTR in the rat oviduct epithelium. CFTR may play a role in modulating fluid transport in the oviduct.  相似文献   

Enhanced osmotic water permeability has been observed in Xenopus oocytes expressing cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. Subsequent studies have shown that CFTR activates an endogenous water permeability in oocytes, but that CFTR itself is not the water channel. Here, we show CFTR-dependent activation of endogenous water permeability in normal but not in cystic fibrosis human airway epithelial cells. Cell volume was measured by novel confocal x-z laser scanning microscopy. Glycerol uptake and antisense studies suggest CFTR-dependent regulation of aquaporin 3 (AQP3) water channels in airway epithelial cells. Regulatory interaction was confirmed by coexpression of CFTR and AQP3 cloned from human airways in Xenopus oocytes and of CFTR and rat AQP3 in Chinese hamster ovary cells. These findings indicate that CFTR is a regulator of AQP3 in airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The fluorescein derivative phloxine B is a potent modulator of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Low micromolar concentrations of phloxine B stimulate CFTR Cl(-) currents, whereas higher concentrations of the drug inhibit CFTR. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of action of phloxine B. Phloxine B (1 microm) stimulated wild-type CFTR and the most common cystic fibrosis mutation, DeltaF508, by increasing the open probability of phosphorylated CFTR Cl(-) channels. At each concentration of ATP tested, the drug slowed the rate of channel closure without altering the opening rate. Based on the effects of fluorescein derivatives on transport ATPases, these data suggest that phloxine B might stimulate CFTR by binding to the ATP-binding site of the second nucleotide-binding domain (NBD2) to slow the dissociation of ATP from NBD1. Channel block by phloxine B (40 microm) was voltage-dependent, enhanced when external Cl(-) concentration was reduced and unaffected by ATP (5 mm), suggesting that phloxine B inhibits CFTR by occluding the pore. We conclude that phloxine B interacts directly with CFTR at multiple sites to modulate channel activity. It or related agents might be of value in the development of new treatments for diseases caused by the malfunction of CFTR.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has been known for the past 11 years to be a membrane glycoprotein with chloride channel activity. Only recently has the glycosylation of CFTR been examined in detail, by O'Riordan et al in Glycobiology. Using cells that overexpress wild-type (wt)CFTR, the presence of polylactosamine was noted on the fully glycosylated form of CFTR. In the present commentary the results of that work are discussed in relation to the glycosylation phenotype of cystic fibrosis (CF), and the cellular localization and processing of ΔF508 CFTR. The significance of the glycosylation will be known when endogenous CFTR from primary human tissue is examined.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP and cGMP-regulated chloride channel critical to the regulation of intestinal fluid, chloride, and bicarbonate secretion. In cystic fibrosis (CF), mutations in CFTR result in downregulation of CFTR function and small intestinal obstruction. Unlike the human CF intestine, severe gastrointestinal disease and lethal obstruction is common in transgenic mice deficient in CFTR. The relevance of the physiology of CFTR and pathophysiology of CF in genetically altered mice to that of human CF disease remains incompletely understood. We hypothesized that the expression and distribution of CFTR in mouse intestine may differ from that of human and may contribute to the variation in disease expression between the two species. Using immunocytochemical and immunoblot techniques and well-characterized anti-rodent anti-CFTR antibodies, we examined the cellular distribution of CFTR in the mouse intestinal tract. We identified significant differences in villus distribution for CFTR in the mouse proximal small intestine compared to those previously reported for human and rat. These observations are important to the understanding of CFTR pathophysiology in transgenic CF mouse model systems and bear relevance to the different phenotypic expression of disease in mice compared to human.  相似文献   

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