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The phytohormone gibberellin (GA) promotes plant growth by stimulating cellular expansion. Whilst it is known that GA acts by opposing the growth-repressing effects of DELLA proteins, it is not known how these events promote cellular expansion. Here we present a time-lapse analysis of the effects of a single pulse of GA on the growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Our analyses permit kinetic resolution of the transient growth effects of GA on expanding cells. We show that pulsed application of GA to the relatively slowly growing cells of the unexpanded light-grown Arabidopsis hypocotyl results in a transient burst of anisotropic cellular growth. This burst, and the subsequent restoration of initial cellular elongation rates, occurred respectively following the degradation and subsequent reappearance of a GFP-tagged DELLA (GFP-RGA). In addition, we used a GFP-tagged α-tubulin 6 (GFP-TUA6) to visualise the behaviour of microtubules (MTs) on the outer tangential wall (OTW) of epidermal cells. In contrast to some current hypotheses concerning the effect of GA on MTs, we show that the GA-induced boost of hypocotyl cell elongation rate is not dependent upon the maintenance of transverse orientation of the OTW MTs. This confirms that transverse alignment of outer face MTs is not necessary to maintain rapid elongation rates of light-grown hypocotyls. Together with future studies on MT dynamics in other faces of epidermal cells and in cells deeper within the hypocotyl, our observations advance understanding of the mechanisms by which GA promotes plant cell and organ growth.  相似文献   

Plant-cell expansion is controlled by cellulose microfibrils in the wall with microtubules providing tracks for cellulose synthesizing enzymes. Microtubules can be reoriented experimentally and are hypothesized to reorient cyclically in aerial organs, but the mechanism is unclear. Here, Arabidopsis hypocotyl microtubules were labelled with AtEB1a-GFP (Arabidopsis microtubule end-binding protein 1a) or GFP-TUA6 (Arabidopsis alpha-tubulin 6) to record long cycles of reorientation. This revealed microtubules undergoing previously unseen clockwise or counter-clockwise rotations. Existing models emphasize selective shrinkage and regrowth or the outcome of individual microtubule encounters to explain realignment. Our higher-order view emphasizes microtubule group behaviour over time. Successive microtubules move in the same direction along self-sustaining tracks. Significantly, the tracks themselves migrate, always in the direction of the individual fast-growing ends, but twentyfold slower. Spontaneous sorting of tracks into groups with common polarities generates a mosaic of domains. Domains slowly migrate around the cell in skewed paths, generating rotations whose progressive nature is interrupted when one domain is displaced by collision with another. Rotary movements could explain how the angle of cellulose microfibrils can change from layer to layer in the polylamellate cell wall.  相似文献   

Variations in both intracellular and extracellular pH are known to be involved in a wealth of physiological responses. Using the patch-clamp technique on Arabidopsis hypocotyl cells, it is shown that rapid-type and slow-type anion channels at the plasma membrane are both regulated by pH via distinct mechanisms. Modifications of pH modulate the voltage-dependent gating of the rapid channel. While intracellular alkalinization facilitates channel activation by shifting the voltage gate towards negative potentials, extracellular alkalinization shifts the activation threshold to more positive potentials, away from physiological resting membrane potentials. By contrast, pH modulates slow anion channel activity in a voltage-independent manner. Intracellular acidification and extracellular alkalinization increase slow anion channel currents. The possible role of these distinct modulations in physiological processes involving anion efflux and modulation of extracellular and/or intracellular pH, such as elicitor and ABA signalling, are discussed.  相似文献   

The patch clamp technique was applied to protoplasts isolated from the epidermis and pericycle of Arabidopsis roots and their plasma membrane currents investigated. In the whole cell configuration, all protoplasts from the epidermis exhibited depolarization‐activated time‐dependent outwardly rectifying (OR) currents whereas OR currents were present in only 50% of cells from the pericycle. The properties of the OR currents in the epidermis and pericycle were compared with respect to their selectivity, pharmacology and gating. The time‐dependent activation kinetics, selectivity and sensitivity to extracellular tetraethyl ammonium of the OR current in each cell type were not significantly different. The reversal potential (Erev) of the OR currents indicated that they were primarily due to the movement of K+. However, the gating properties of the OR currents from the epidermis differed markedly from those exhibited in the pericycle. Although both cell types displayed OR currents with voltage‐dependent gating modulated in a potassium‐dependent fashion [i.e. the activation threshold (V0.5) was displaced to more positive voltages as extracellular K+ increased], the OR currents in the epidermis also displayed voltage‐independent gating by extracellular K+ which dramatically regulated current density. In the present study, reducing extracellular K+ activity from 40 to 0.87 mm reduced the OR current density in epidermal cells by approximately 80%. The chord conductance of the OR current saturated as a function of extracellular K+ and could be fitted with a Michaelis–Menten function to yield a binding constant (Km) of 10.5 mm . The ability of other monovalent cations to substitute for K+‐gating of the OR currents was also investigated and shown to exhibit a relative sequence of K+ ≥ Rb+ > Cs+ > Na+ ≥ Li+ (Eisenmann sequence IV) with respect to efficacy of gating. Furthermore, single channel recordings demonstrated that channel activity rather than the single channel conductance was modulated by extracellular K+. In contrast, OR current density in the pericycle was largely independent of extracellular K+. It is suggested that the contrasting gating properties of the K+ channels in the epidermis and pericycle reflect their different physiological roles, particularly with respect to their role in K+ (nutrient) transport from the soil solution to the shoot.  相似文献   

Of light and length: regulation of hypocotyl growth in Arabidopsis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At all stages, plant development results from a complex integration of multiple endogenous and environmental signals. The sedentary nature of plants strongly enhances the impact of the environment on plant development as compared to animal development. The embryonic and postembryonic seedling stem, called the hypocotyl, of the model species Arabidopsis (thale cress) has proved to be an excellent system for studying such signal interplay in the regulation of growth and developmental responses. The extension of the hypocotyl, which is regulated by a network of interacting factors, including light and plant hormones, is such a process. These regulatory factors often reciprocally regulate their biosynthesis and/or signalling. Here we present the current state of knowledge about the regulation of hypocotyl growth by a large repertoire of internal and external cues.  相似文献   

Plant development is highly plastic and dependent on light quantity and quality monitored by specific photoreceptors. Although we have a detailed knowledge of light signaling pathways, little is known about downstream targets involved in growth control. Cell size and shape are in part controlled by cellulose microfibrils extruded from large cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) that migrate in the plasma membrane along cortical microtubules. Here we show a role for the red/far-red light photoreceptor PHYTOCHROME B (PHYB) in the regulation of cellulose synthesis in the growing Arabidopsis hypocotyl. In this organ, CSCs contains three distinct cellulose synthase (CESA) isoform classes: nonredundant CESA1 and CESA3 and a third class represented by partially redundant CESA2, CESA5, and CESA6. Interestingly, in the dark, depending on which CESA subunits occupy the third position, CSC velocity is more or less inhibited through an interaction with microtubules. Activation of PHYB overrules this inhibition. The analysis of cesa5 mutants shows a role for phosphorylation in the control of CSC velocity. These results, combined with the cesa5 mutant phenotype, suggest that cellulose synthesis is fine tuned through the regulated interaction of CSCs with microtubules and that PHYB signaling impinges on this process to maintain cell wall strength and growth in changing environments.  相似文献   

Summary By quantitative analysis of cellulose microfibril orientation at different levels in the primary cell wall of a number of cell types, the development of wall texture was studied. Meristematic, isodiametric and cylindrical parenchyma cells and cells of a suspension culture were used. Within the newly deposited microfibril population, various orientations were recognized on the micrographs. Within subpopulations the orientation of undercrossing and overcrossing microfibrils were measured. These measurements showed a gradual shift in cellulose microfibril orientation in the different levels. Microfibrils showed predominant orientations at particular levels but microfibrils of intermediate orientation also occurred, although at a much lower density. As cellulose microfibrils of intermediate orientation were not closely packed, lamellae were not formed. Interwoven microfibrils were occasionally present, indicating that differently orientated microfibrils are occasionally deposited simultaneously. Also gradual changes in orientation over the entire inner cell wall surface were observed. From these observations it was inferred that microfibril deposition occurs with a small but regular and progressive change in orientation, the rotational motion, related to that of a helicoidal system.Dedicated to Professor Dr. M. M. A. Sassen on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The gibberellins (GAs) are endogenous regulators of plant growth. Experiments are described here that test the hypothesis that GA regulates hypocotyl growth by altering the extent of hypocotyl cell elongation. These experiments use GA-deficient and altered GA-response mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyhn. It is shown that GA regulates elongation, in both light- and dark-grown hypocotyls, by influencing the rate and final extent of cellular elongation. However, light- and dark-grown hypocotyls exhibit markedly different GA dose-response relationships. The length of dark-grown hypocotyls is relatively unaffected by exogenous GA, whilst light-grown hypocotyl length is significantly increased by exogenous GA. Further analysis suggests that GA control of hypocotyl length is close to saturation in dark-grown hypocotyls, but not in light grown hypocotyls. The results show that a large range of possible hypocotyl lengths is achieved via dose-dependent GA-regulated alterations in the degree of elongation of individual hypocotyl cells.Key words: Arabidopsis, cell elongation, gibberellin (GA), GA mutants, hypocotyl.   相似文献   

Arabidopsis, like most plants, exhibits tissue-specific, light-dependent growth responses. Cotyledon and leaf growth and the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments are promoted by light, whereas hypocotyl growth is inhibited. The identification and characterization of distinct phytochrome-dependent molecular effectors that are associated with these divergent tissue-specific, light-dependent growth responses are limited. To identify phytochrome-dependent factors that impact the photoregulation of hypocotyl length, we conducted comparative gene expression studies using Arabidopsis lines exhibiting distinct patterns of phytochrome chromophore inactivation and associated disparate hypocotyl elongation responses under far-red (FR) light. A large number of genes was misregulated in plants lacking mesophyll-specific phytochromes relative to constitutively-deficient phytochrome lines. We identified and characterized genes whose expression is impacted by light and by phyA and phyB that have roles in the photoregulation of hypocotyl length. We characterized the functions of several identified target genes by phenotyping of T-DNA mutants. Among these genes is a previously uncharacterized LHE (LIGHT-INDUCED HYPOCOTYL ELONGATION) gene, which we show impacts light- and phytochrome-mediated regulation of hypocotyl elongation under red (R) and FR illumination. We describe a new approach for identifying genes involved in light- and phytochrome-dependent, tissue-specific growth regulation and confirmed the roles of three such genes in the phytochrome-dependent photoregulation of hypocotyl length.  相似文献   

The net orientation of cellulose fibrils in the outer epidermal wall of the root elongation zone of 57 angiosperm species belonging to 29 families was determined by means of Congo Red fluorescence and polarization confocal microscopy. The angiosperms can be divided in three groups. In all but four plant families, the net orientation of the cellulose fibrils is transverse to the root axis. Three families, the Poaceae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae, have a totally different organization. In the root elongation zone of these plants, the net orientation of cellulose fibrils in the outer epidermal wall is parallel with the root axis. In roots of one family, the Arecaceae, an elongation zone in the literal sense of the word is absent and cellulose fibrils are randomly oriented.  相似文献   

Cell-wall deposition of cellulose microfibrils is essential for plant growth and development. In plant cells,cellulose synthesis is accomplished by cellulose synthase complexes located in the plasma membrane. Trafficking of the complex between endomembrane compartments and the plasma membrane is vital for cellulose biosynthesis;however, the mechanism for this process is not well understood. We here report that, in Arabidopsis thaliana,Rab-H_1b, a Golgi-localized small GTPase, participates in the trafficking of CELLULOSE SYNTHASE 6(CESA6) to the plasma membrane. Loss of Rab-H_1b function resulted in altered distribution and motility of CESA6 in the plasma membrane and reduced cellulose content. Seedlings with this defect exhibited short, fragile etiolated hypocotyls.Exocytosis of CESA6 was impaired in rab-h1 b cells, and endocytosis in mutant cells was significantly reduced as well. We further observed accumulation of vesicles around an abnormal Golgi apparatus having an increased number of cisternae in rab-h1 b cells, suggesting a defect in cisternal homeostasis caused by Rab-H_1b loss function. Our findings link Rab GTPases to cellulose biosynthesis, during hypocotyl growth, and suggest Rab-H_1b is crucial for modulating the trafficking of cellulose synthase complexes between endomembrane compartments and the plasma membrane and for maintaining Golgi organization and morphology.e  相似文献   

Plant epidermal cells are morphologically diverse, differing in size, shape, and function. Their unique morphologies reflect the integral function each cell performs in the organ to which it belongs. Cell morphogenesis involves multiple cellular processes acting in concert to create specialized shapes. The Arabidopsis epidermis contains numerous cell types greatly differing in shape, size, and function. Work on three types of epidermal cells, namely trichomes, root hairs, and pavement cells, has made significant progress towards understanding how plant cells reach their final morphology. These three cell types have highly distinct morphologies and each has become a model cell for the study of morphological processes. A growing body of knowledge is creating a picture of how endoreduplication, cytoskeletal dynamics, vesicle transport, and small GTPase signalling, work in concert to create specialized shapes. Similar mechanisms that determine cell shape and polarity are shared between these cell types, while certain mechanisms remain specific to each.  相似文献   

A central problem in plant biology is how cell expansion is coordinated with wall synthesis. We have studied growth and wall deposition in epidermal cells of dark-grown Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Cells elongated in a biphasic pattern, slowly first and rapidly thereafter. The growth acceleration was initiated at the hypocotyl base and propagated acropetally. Using transmission and scanning electron microscopy, we analyzed walls in slowly and rapidly growing cells in 4-d-old dark-grown seedlings. We observed thick walls in slowly growing cells and thin walls in rapidly growing cells, which indicates that the rate of cell wall synthesis was not coupled to the cell elongation rate. The thick walls showed a polylamellated architecture, whereas polysaccharides in thin walls were axially oriented. Interestingly, innermost cellulose microfibrils were transversely oriented in both slowly and rapidly growing cells. This suggested that transversely deposited microfibrils reoriented in deeper layers of the expanding wall. No growth acceleration, only slow growth, was observed in the cellulose synthase mutant cesA6(prc1-1) or in seedlings, which had been treated with the cellulose synthesis inhibitor isoxaben. In these seedlings, innermost microfibrils were transversely oriented and not randomized as has been reported for other cellulose-deficient mutants or following treatment with dichlorobenzonitrile. Interestingly, isoxaben treatment after the initiation of the growth acceleration in the hypocotyl did not affect subsequent cell elongation. Together, these results show that rapid cell elongation, which involves extensive remodeling of the cell wall polymer network, depends on normal cellulose deposition during the slow growth phase.  相似文献   

The process of importing nuclear encoded proteins into chloroplasts is mediated by the T ranslocons on the O uter/I nner Envelope of C hloroplasts (TOC and TIC complex). The ancestor of the TOC complex was formed by pre‐existing proteins from the cyanobacterial ancestor; other proteins recruited from the host cell or cyanobacterial ancestor were subsequently integrated into the complex. However, little is known about the origin of the TIC complex. In this work, the origin of the TIC complex was investigated through one of its channel proteins, AtTic21. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that AtTic21 is conserved in photosynthetic organisms. AtTic21 showed 33% sequence identity to a Synechocystis protein SynTic21. The successful genetic complementation of an AtTic21 knockout mutant by SynTic21 plus the transit peptide coding sequence of AtTic21 suggested that SynTic21 is an ortholog of AtTic21. The sequence and functional conservation between SynTic21 and AtTic21 suggested that the TIC complex shares a similar evolutionary origin to the TOC complex.  相似文献   

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