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The effect of partial and complete spinal cord transection (Th7–Th8) on locomotor activity evoked in decerebrated cats by electrical epidural stimulation (segment L5, 80–100 μA, 0.5 ms at 5 Hz) has been investigated. Transection of dorsal columns did not substantially influence the locomotion. Disruption of the ventral spinal quadrant resulted in deterioration and instability of the locomotor rhythm. Injury to lateral or medial descending motor systems led to redistribution of the tone in antagonist muscles. Locomotion could be evoked by epidural stimulation within 20 h after complete transection of the spinal cord. The restoration of polysynaptic components in EMG responses correlated with recovery of the stepping function. The data obtained confirm that initiation of locomotion under epidural stimulation is caused by direct action on intraspinal systems responsible for locomotor regulation. With intact or partially injured spinal cord, this effect is under the influence of supraspinal motor systems correcting and stabilizing the evoked locomotor pattern.  相似文献   

These studies examined Fos protein expression in spinal cord neurons synaptically activated by stimulation of bladder afferent pathways after spinal cord injury (SCI). In urethan-anesthetized Wistar rats after SCI for 6 wk, intravesical saline distension significantly (P 相似文献   

Locomotion induced by spinal cord stimulation in the neonate rat in vitro.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present studies employed the neonate rat brain stem-spinal cord preparation to determine whether electrical stimulation of the lumbosacral enlargement (LE) of the spinal cord itself can be used to elicit locomotion, and whether or not such stimulation persists in inducing locomotion following midthoracic spinal cord transection or hindlimb deafferentation. Results suggest that (1) stimulation of the dorsal columns or ventral funiculus of the LE is effective in inducing airstepping in the neonatal rat brain stem-spinal cord limb-attached preparation; (2) central disconnection by midthoracic spinal cord transection does not alter LE-stimulation-induced airstepping and may lead to an increase in stepping frequency if suprathreshold stimulation is used; and (3) dorsal root section also leads to an increase in the frequency of suprathreshold LE-stimulation-induced locomotion, but there is not further increase in frequency if a spinal cord transection is performed in addition to dorsal rhizotomy.  相似文献   

The dynamic of the parameters of lung ventilation and gas exchange have been studied in 10 young male subjects during involuntary stepping movements induced by transcutaneous spinal cord electrical stimulation applied in the projection of T 11T 12 vertebrae and during voluntary stepping movements. It has been found that the transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation inducing stepping movements leads to an increase in breathing frequency and a reduction in tidal volume. These effects may be mediated by some neurogenic factors associated with muscular activity during stepping movements, the activation of abdominal expiratory muscles, and the interaction between the stepping pattern and breathing generators.  相似文献   

These studies examined Fos protein expression in spinal cord neurons synaptically activated by stimulation of bladder afferent pathways after cyclophosphamide (CYP)-induced bladder inflammation. In urethan-anesthetized Wistar rats with cystitis, intravesical saline distension significantly (P 相似文献   

Depolarization of primary afferent terminals induced by selective activation of intersegmental connections of the substantia gelatinosa was investigated in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. Depolarization was found to develop most rapidly in fibers of high-threshold muscular and cutaneous sensory nerves, but it was present only to a very slight degree in fibers of group Ia muscular afferents. It is suggested that the spread of activity inducing depolarization takes place in the substantia gelatinosa along a chain of excessively excited neurons. The possible role of primary afferent depolarization as a factor stabilizing coordinated activity of spinal neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

Using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique, the location of cell bodies and fibers containing substance P, neurokinin A and neurokinin B was studied in the cat spinal cord. The former two neuropeptides showed a widespread distribution throughout the whole spinal cord, whereas the distribution of neurokinin B was more restricted. Neurokinin A-immunoreactive structures showed a more widespread distribution and a higher density than the immunoreactive structures observed to contain substance P. In the cat spinal cord, we observed cell bodies containing neurokinin A, but no cell bodies containing neurokinin B or substance P were found. These cell bodies were located in laminae V (sacral 1 and 2 levels), VI (sacral 1 and 3), VII (lumbar 7, sacral 1 and 3, caudal 1) and X (sacral 1). Laminae I and II showed the highest density of immunoreactive fibers for each of the three tachykinins studied, being in general lamina IV who showed the lowest number of immunoreactive fibers containing substance P, neurokinin A or B. The anatomical distribution of the three tachykinins studied in the cat spinal cord indicates that the neuropeptides could be involved in the neurotransmission and/or in the neuromodulation of nociceptive information, as well as in autonomic and affective responses to pain. Moreover, the involvement of substance P, neurokinin A or B in other functions unrelated to the transmission of pain is also possible (autonomic and motor functions). The distribution of the neuropeptides studied in the cat is compared with the location of the same neuropeptides in the spinal cord of other species. The possible origin of the tachykinergic fibers in the cat spinal cord is also discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of neurons in Deiters' lateral vestibular nucleus was recorded in decerebrate cats before, during and after spinal cord stimulation. An almost equal number of units were inhibited and excited early during stimulation. Later during stimulation the majority of units was inhibited. Early after cessation of stimulation an ever larger number of units were inhibited to an even larger extent (for about 2 imp/s on the average). Later after stimulus cessation the predominant inhibitory effect could still be noted, as well as excitation in some units. The results could support the hypothesis that the inhibition of Deiters' neurons during and for some time after epidural cord stimulation may play a part in the decrease of limb spasticity. The mechanism of inhibitory and excitatory unitary responses, side effects during stimulation and differences between the experimental model and human state are discussed.  相似文献   

Interaction of electrocutaneous stimulation with an impaired human motor control system may result in unstable reflex loops causing excessive spastic reactions. These contractions are usually excluded from analysis since the presence of spasm is one of the criteria commonly applied for discarding a contraction. They may, however, provide interesting information on the nature of spasticity. The dorsiflexor muscles of four SCI subjects were activated by means of surface electrical stimulation and the isometric ankle moment was measured. Short bursts of constant stimulation frequency at seven different frequencies (8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 33, 50 Hz) triggered spastic reactions in all subjects. The onset times of spastic activity during an electrically elicited contraction shortened with increased stimulation frequency. A stimulation burst may also have a spasticity reduction effect on a subsequent burst, indicating potential short term therapeutic effects of stimulation on spasticity in isometric conditions.  相似文献   

To examine the role of the laryngeal reflex in modulating cardiorespiratory function, we stimulated the superior laryngeal nerves (SLN) bilaterally in unanesthetized, chronically instrumented piglets (n = 10, age 5-14 days). The SLN were placed in cuff electrodes and wires were exteriorized in the neck for stimulation. A cannula placed in the aorta was used for blood pressure recording and arterial blood sampling. During each experiment, 1-2 days after surgery, ventilation was recorded using whole-body plethysmography, and electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram were recorded after acute subcutaneous electrode placement. After base-line recordings, the SLN were electrically stimulated for 1 h. During this period, mean respiratory frequency decreased by 40-75% and apneas of 10-15 s were regularly interspersed between single breaths or clusters of breaths. Periods of breathing were always associated with opening of the eyes and generally with head and body movements, an awakening that occurred every 10-15 s. At 1 h into the stimulus period, minute ventilation had decreased by 57 +/- 7% (mean +/- SE), arterial partial pressure of O2 (PaO2) by 68 +/- 3 Torr, and arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2) had increased by 19 +/- 2 Torr. Throughout the entire stimulus period, mean blood pressure and average heart rate were maintained within 12% of base line. We suggest that: low-threshold SLN afferents exert primarily respiratory effects and only minor cardiovascular effects; breathing during laryngeal reflex activation is sustained by an arousal system; and the laryngeal reflex does not pose an imminent threat to the unanesthetized, awake, young animal.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the effects of spinal cord stimulation on myocardial ischaemia, coronary blood flow, and myocardial oxygen consumption in angina pectoris induced by atrial pacing. DESIGN--The heart was paced to angina during a control phase and treatment with spinal cord stimulation. Blood samples were drawn from a peripheral artery and the coronary sinus. SETTING--Multidisciplinary pain centre, department of medicine, Ostra Hospital, and Wallenberg Research Laboratory, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. SUBJECTS--Twenty patients with intractable angina pectoris, all with a spinal cord stimulator implanted before the study. RESULTS--Spinal cord stimulation increased patients'' tolerance to pacing (p < 0.001). At the pacing rate comparable to that producing angina during the control recording, myocardial lactate production during control session turned into extraction (p = 0.003) and, on the electrocardiogram, ST segment depression decreased, time to ST depression increased, and time to recovery from ST depression decreased (p = 0.01; p < 0.05, and p < 0.05, respectively). Spinal cord stimulation also reduced coronary sinus blood flow (p = 0.01) and myocardial oxygen consumption (p = 0.02). At the maximum pacing rate during treatment, all patients experienced anginal pain. Myocardial lactate extraction reverted to production (p < 0.01) and the magnitude and duration of ST segment depression increased to the same values as during control pacing, indicating that myocardial ischaemia during treatment with spinal cord stimulation gives rise to anginal pain. CONCLUSIONS--Spinal cord stimulation has an anti-anginal and anti-ischaemic effect in severe coronary artery disease. These effects seem to be secondary to a decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption. Furthermore, myocardial ischemia during treatment gives rise to anginal pain. Thus, spinal cord stimulation does not deprive the patient of a warning signal.  相似文献   

Structures containing acetylcholinesterase were found in the motor nuclei of the cervical enlargement of the cat spinal cord by light and electron microscopy in material stained by the Karnovsky-Roots method. The specific response was observed not only in neurons of the motor nuclei, but also in some satellite cells, astrocytic glial cells, and Schwann cells. A positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase was found in some of the satellite cells located close to both cholinergic and noncholinergic neurons. As a result of electron microscopy, an electron-dense deposit of copper ferrocyanide was found on the structures of the nucleolus, on the surface of the inner and outer layers of the nuclear membrane, in the pores of the nuclear membrane, in the perinuclear space, and in the endoplasmic reticulum of the perikaryon of some satellite cells, as well as on the outer and inner surfaces of the cytoplasmic membrane of the Schwann cells.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 48–51, January–February, 1977.  相似文献   



The diaphragm has sensory innervation from mechanoreceptors with myelinated axons entering the spinal cord via the phrenic nerve that project to the thalamus and somatosensory cortex. It was hypothesized that phrenic nerve afferent (PnA) projection to the central nervous system is via the spinal dorsal column pathway.  相似文献   

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