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2-haloacid dehalogenases are enzymes that are capable of degrading 2-haloacid compounds. These enzymes are produced by bacteria, but so far they have only been purified and characterized from terrestrial bacteria. The present study describes the purification and characterization of 2-haloacid dehalogenase from the marine bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri DEH130. P. Stutzeri DEH130 contained two kinds of 2-haloacid dehalogenase (designated as Dehalogenase I and Dehalogenase II) as detected in the crude cell extract after ammonium sulfate fractionation. Both enzymes appeared to exhibit stereo-specificity with respect to substrate. Dehalogenase I was a 109.9-kDa enzyme that preferentially utilized D-2-chloropropropionate and had optimum activity at pH 7.5. Dehalogenase II, which preferentially utilized L-2-chloropropionate, was further purified by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. Purified Dehalogenase II appeared to be a dimeric enzyme with a subunit of 26.0-kDa. It had maximum activity at pH 10.0 and a temperature of 40 °C. Its activity was not inhibited by DTT and EDTA, but strongly inhibited by Cu2+, Zn2+, and Co2+. The K m and V max for L-2-chloropropionate were 0.3 mM and 23.8 μmol/min/mg, respectively. Its substrate specificity was limited to short chain mono-substituted 2-halocarboxylic acids, with no activity detected toward fluoropropionate and monoiodoacetate. This is the first report on the purification and characterization of 2-haloacid dehalogenase from a marine bacterium.  相似文献   

The ptxD gene from Pseudomonas stutzeri WM88 encoding the novel phosphorus oxidizing enzyme NAD:phosphite oxidoreductase (trivial name phosphite dehydrogenase, PtxD) was cloned into an expression vector and overproduced in Escherichia coli. The heterologously produced enzyme is indistinguishable from the native enzyme based on mass spectrometry, amino-terminal sequencing, and specific activity analyses. Recombinant PtxD was purified to homogeneity via a two-step affinity protocol and characterized. The enzyme stoichiometrically produces NADH and phosphate from NAD and phosphite. The reverse reaction was not observed. Gel filtration analysis of the purified protein is consistent with PtxD acting as a homodimer. PtxD has a high affinity for its substrates with Km values of 53.1 +/- 6.7 microm and 54.6 +/- 6.7 microm, for phosphite and NAD, respectively. Vmax and kcat were determined to be 12.2 +/- 0.3 micromol x min(-1) x mg(-1) and 440 min(-1). NADP can substitute poorly for NAD; however, none of the numerous compounds examined were able to substitute for phosphite. Initial rate studies in the absence or presence of products and in the presence of the dead end inhibitor sulfite are most consistent with a sequential ordered mechanism for the PtxD reaction, with NAD binding first and NADH being released last. Amino acid sequence comparisons place PtxD as a new member of the d-2-hydroxyacid NAD-dependent dehydrogenases, the only one to have an inorganic substrate. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed biochemical study on an enzyme capable of direct oxidation of a reduced phosphorus compound.  相似文献   

Oxaloacetate decarboxylase (OXAD), the enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate to pyruvic acid and carbon dioxide, was purified 245-fold to homogeneity from Pseudomonas stutzeri. The three-step purification procedure comprised anion-exchange chromatography, metal-chelate affinity chromatography, and biomimetic-dye affinity chromatography. Estimates of molecular mass from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and native high-performance gel-filtration liquid chromatography were, respectively, 63 and 64 kDa, suggesting a monomeric protein. OXAD required for maximum activity divalent metal cations such as Mn2+ and Mg2+ but not monovalent cations. The enzyme is not inhibited by avidin, but is competitively inhibited by adenosine 5'-diphosphate, acetic acid, phosphoenolpyruvate, malic acid, and oxalic acid. Initial velocity, product inhibition, and dead-end inhibition studies suggested a rapid-equilibrium ordered kinetic mechanism with Mn2+ being added to the enzyme first followed by oxaloacetate, and carbon dioxide is released first followed by pyruvate. Inhibition data as well as pH-dependence profiles and kinetic parameters are reported and discussed in terms of the mechanism operating for oxaloacetate decarboxylation.  相似文献   

A pirin-like protein from a marine denitrifying bacterium, Pseudomonas stutzeri Zobell has been heterologously expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity with metal-affinity and gel filtration chromatographies. The recombinant pirin-like protein has exhibited quercetinase activities upon the incorporation of a divalent metal ion, while its biological role remains unclear. In the case of Cu2+ the holo-protein demonstrated the highest activities and spectroscopic properties typical of type II Cu protein. A 3D-structual model constructed using the crystal structure of human pirin as temperate indicated that the metal biding site is constructed with 3His1Glu located in the consensus sequences in the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

A total of 48 strains representing the seven Pseudomonas stutzeri genomovars (DNA/DNA homology groups) were studied for cellular fatty acid composition, physiological characteristics and protein profiles. All strains were found to be homogeneous with respect to their fatty acid patterns. Numerical analysis of physiological properties demonstrated a considerable phenotypic heterogeneity within the genomovars. Characterization of the individual genomic groups on the basis of biochemical tests was not possible. In a numerical study of cellular protein patterns, two main clusters were obtained, one representing genomovars 1, 6 and 7 characterized by a high G + C content (mean value > 64 mol%), the other representing genomovars 2, 3, 4 and 5 with a low G + G content (< 64 mol%). The standardized cellular protein patterns have potential for differentiation of the genomic groupings within the species Ps. stutzeri as currently circumscribed.  相似文献   

Cutinase, an extracellular enzyme, was induced by cutin in a fluorescent Pseudomonas putida strain that was found to be cohabiting with an apparently nitrogen-fixing Corynebacterium. This enzyme was purified from the culture fluid by acetone precipitation followed by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, QAE-Sephadex, Sepharose 6B, and Sephadex G-100. The purified enzyme showed a single band when subjected to polyacrylamide electrophoresis and the enzymatic activity coincided with the protein band. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis showed a single band at a molecular weight of 30,000 and gel filtration of the native enzyme through a calibrated Sephadex G-100 column indicated a molecular weight of 30,000, showing that the enzyme is a monomer. The amino acid composition of bacterial cutinase is distinctly different from that of fungal or plant cutinases. This bacterial cutinase showed a broad pH optimum between 8.5 and 10.5 with 3H-labeled apple cutin as the substrate. Linear rates of cutin hydrolysis were measured up to 20 min of incubation time and 4 mg/ml of cutin gave the maximum hydrolysis rate. This cutinase catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl esters of C4 to C16 fatty acids with decreasing V and increasing Km for the longer chain esters. It did not hydrolyze tripalmitoyl glycerol or trioleyl glycerol, indicating that this is not a general lipase. Active serine-directed reagents such as organophosphates and organoboronic acids severely inhibited the enzyme, suggesting that bacterial cutinase is an "active serine" enzyme. Neither thiol-directed reagents nor metal ion chelators had any effect on this enzyme. Antibody raised against purified enzyme gave a single precipitin line on Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis. Western blot analysis of the extracellular fluid of induced Ps. putida showed a single band at 30 kDa. No immunological cross-reactivity was detected between the present bacterial enzyme and the fungal enzyme from Fusarium solani pisi when rabbit antibodies against either enzyme was used.  相似文献   

A silver-resistant strain of Pseudomonas stutzeri was isolated from a silver mine. It harbored three plasmids, the largest of which (pKK1; molecular weight, 49.4 X 10(6)) specified silver resistance. Plasmid pKK1 was apparently nonconjugative but could be transferred to Pseudomonas putida by mobilization with plasmid R68.45.  相似文献   

After purification from the crude commercial preparation, the 3D structure of the synthetically valuable lipase from Pseudomonas stutzeri (LipC) is described through homology modelling, leading to a rational explanation of its catalytic behaviour. This elucidates that the enzyme has an active site defined by residues Ser-109, His-277 and Asp-255, and an oxyanion hole formed by peptidic NH groups from Met-43 and His-110. Interestingly, the active site is covered by two lids, one of them (Lid1, residues 145–181) being larger than the other (Lid2, residues 233–253). The opening and closing of these lids have been simulated by molecular modelling assuming both water and pure THF as solvents. Accordingly, THF clearly helps the exposure of the catalytic serine to the reaction medium which explains its excellent reported performance in this organic solvent. On the other hand, the stereospecificity of this enzyme is explained considering a small hydrophobic cavity formed by Gly-45, Phe-46, Tyr-54, Trp-55, Leu-278, Val-281 and Phe-284; particularly, Tyr-54 plays an important role in substrate recognition. In fact, in benzoin acylation, this residue forces the benzoyl group of the substrate to go into that cavity via H bonding with the carbonyl O atom of benzoin, thereby explaining the observed S-preference in benzoin acylation, which apparently contradicts the canonical Kazlauskas’ rule. For other alcohols non possessing the α-hydroxycarbonyl core, Tyr-54 is allowing the entrance into the above-mentioned hydrophobic cavity only to those substrates with no steric hindrance in the vicinity of the hydroxymethane moiety.  相似文献   

l-asparaginase from Cladosporium sp. grown on wheat bran by SSF was purified. Enzyme appeared to be a trimer with homodimer of 37 kDa and another 47 kDa amounting to total mass of 121 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE and 120 kDa on gel filtration column. The optimum temperature and pH of the enzyme were 30 °C and 6.3, respectively with Vmax of 4.44 μmol/mL/min and Km of 0.1 M. Substrate specificity studies indicated that, l-asparaginase has greater affinity towards l-asparagine with substrate hydrolysis efficiency (Vmax/Km ratio) eightfold higher than that of l-glutamine. l-asparaginase activity in presence of thiols studied showed decrease in Vmax and increase in Km, indicating nonessential mode of inactivation. Among the thiols tested, β-mercaptomethanol, exerted inhibitory effect, suggesting a critical role of disulphide linkages in maintaining a suitable conformation of the enzyme. Metal ions such as Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and Zn2+ significantly affected enzyme activity whereas presence of Fe3+, Pb2+ and KI stimulated the activity. Detergents studied also enhanced l-asparaginase activity. In-vitro half-life of purified l-asparaginase in mammalian blood serum was 93.69 h. The enzyme inhibited acrylamide formation in potato chips by 96 % making it a potential candidate for food industry to reduce acrylamide content in starchy fried food commodities.  相似文献   

Bacterial strain QZ1 was isolated from sludge of anoxic sulfide-oxidizing (ASO) reactor. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis and morphological characteristics, the isolate was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri. The isolate was found to be a facultative chemolithotroph, using sulfide as electron donor and nitrite as electron acceptor. The strain QZ1 produced sulfate as the major product of sulfide oxidation, depending on the initial sulfide and nitrite concentrations. The isolate was capable of growth under strictly autotrophic conditions. The growth and substrate removal of Pseudomonas stutzeri QZ1 were optimal at an initial pH of 7.5–8.0 at 30 °C. The specific growth rate (μ) was found as 0.035 h−1 with a doubling time of 21.5 h. For isolate QZ1, the EC50 values both for sulfide and nitrite were found to be 335.95 mg S L−1 and 512.38 mg N L−1, respectively, showing that the sulfide oxidation into sulfate by Pseudomonas stutzeri QZ1 was badly affected beyond these substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Dihydropyrimidinase from Pseudomonas stutzeri ATCC 17588 was purified 100-fold and characterized. It was found that dihydrouracil, dihydrothymine and hydantoin could serve as substrates for the partially purified enzyme. The K m values for dihydrouracil, dihydrothymine and hydantoin were determined to be 19.6 M, 21.3 M and 36.4 M, respectively, while their respective V max values were 0.836 mol/min, 0.666 mol/min and 2.21 mol/min. Between pH 7.5 and 9.0, enzyme activity was shown to be maximal. The optimum temperature for enzyme activity was 45 °C. Using gel filtration, the molecular weight of the enzyme was calculated to be approximately 115000 Da. Metal ions were found to influence the level of enzyme activity. Dihydropyrimidinase activity was stimulated by magnesium ions and inhibited by either zinc or copper ions.  相似文献   

The psychrophilic alkaline metalloprotease (PAP) produced by a Pseudomonas bacterium isolated from Antarctica has been purified and characterized. The gene encoding PAP has been cloned and sequenced and the derived amino acid sequence shows 66% identity with the mesophilic alkaline metalloprotease from Pseudomonas aeruginosa IFO 3455 (AP). Compared to the purified AP, PAP is three times more active at 20 degrees C, is very sensitive to chelating agents and is rapidly inactivated at 45 degrees C. The lower thermostability of PAP can tentatively be explained by a loss of a stabilizing Ca(2+), a decrease in the content of hydrophobic residues and a smaller aliphatic index.  相似文献   

In this study, the adhesive exopolysaccharides of strains of Pseudomonas putida and P. fluorescens, both isolated from freshwater epilithic communities, were examined with regard to their chemical composition, biosynthesis, and their role in adhesion. Electron microscopy showed that both strains were enrobed in fibrous glycocalyces and that these structures were involved in attachment of the cells to a solid surface and as structural matrices in the microcolony mode of growth. In batch culture experiments most of the extracellular polysaccharide of both strains was found to be soluble in the growth medium rather than being associated with bacterial cells. Exopolysaccharide was synthesized during all phases of growth, but when growth was limited by exhaustion of the carbon source, exopolysaccharide synthesis ceased whereas exopolysaccharide synthesis continued for some time after cessation of growth in nitrogen-limited cultures. Exopolysaccharide from both strains was isolated and purified. Pseudomonas putida synthesized an exopolysaccharide composed of glucose, galactose, and pyruvate in a ratio of 1:1:1; the P. fluorescens polymer contained glucose, galactose, and pyruvate in a ratio of 1:1:0.5, respectively. Polymers from both strains were acetylated to a variable degree.  相似文献   

 Di-heme Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c 4 has been characterized by electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies in the ferric and ferrous forms at pH 7.5 and at room temperature. The data indicate that the two hemes are inequivalent. It is proposed that the N-terminal contains a more relaxed heme as a consequence of the relative orientation of the methionine and histidine ligands with respect to the N-Fe-N directions of the heme plane. This causes a weakening of the Fe-S bond with concomitant partial dissociation of the methionine and the formation of an Fe-aquo bond. Heme group relaxation is further accompanied by less distortion of the heme group than that associated with cytochrome c, expansion of the "core" and a negative shift of the redox potential. Received: 17 December 1996 / Accepted: 6 March 1997  相似文献   

A new carbazole (CAR)-degrading bacterium, called strain OM1, was isolated from activated sludge obtained from sewage disposal plants in Fukuoka Prefecture, and it was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri. Anthranilic acid (AN), 2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol and its meta-cleavage product, 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2'-aminophenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid, were identified as metabolic intermediates of CAR in the ethyl acetate extract of the culture broth. Therefore, the CAR catabolic pathway to AN in strain OM1 was indicated to be identical to those found in the Pseudomonas sp. strains CA06 and CA10. The strain OM1 degraded catechol (CAT) via a meta-cleavage pathway in contrast to strains CA06 and CA10, which transform catechol into cis, cis-munonic acid. Clones containing a 6.9-kb EcoRI fragment and a 3-kb PstI-SphI fragment were isolated from colonies, forming a clear zone of CAR and a yellow ring-cleavage product from CAT, respectively. Recombinant E. coli carrying the 6.9-kb fragment degraded CAR in the L-broth and produced AN. Cell-free extract from the clone carrying a 3-kb PstI-SphI fragment had high meta-ring-cleavage dioxygenase activity for CAT. The nucleotide sequences of these fragments were determined. The 6.9-kb fragment showed a very high degree of homology with the CAR catabolic genes of strain CA10. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences of the 3-kb fragment were found to exhibit significant homology with the genes for the CAT-catabolic enzymes of TOL plasmid pWW0, plasmid NAH7, and plasmid pVI150.  相似文献   

An extracellular lipase catalyzing the synthesis of macrocyclic lactones in anhydrous organic solvents was purified to homogeneity from Pseudomonas nov. sp. 109, and characterized. The lipase showed a pI of 5.3 on isoelectric focusing and a Mr of 29,000 +/- 1,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. With respect to substrate specificity, optimum chain length for acyl moiety varied depending on the type of reaction catalyzed: C18 in monomer lactone formation, C11 or shorter in dimer lactone formation, and C8 in ester hydrolysis. The amino-terminal 19 amino acid residues of the purified lipase were determined as Ser-Thr-Tyr-Thr-Gln-Thr-Lys-Tyr-Pro-Ile-Val-Leu-Ala-His-Gly-Met-Leu-Gly- Phe, and the gene encoding the lipase was identified by hybridization to a synthetic 20-nucleotide probe, cloned, and sequenced. Nucleotide sequence analysis predicted a 311-amino acid open reading frame, a putative ribosome-binding site, and a 26-amino acid sequence at the amino terminus of the sequence that is not found in the mature protein. This 26-amino acid sequence has many of the characteristics common to known signal peptides. The lipase gene encoded a sequence of Val-Asn-Leu-Ile-Gly-His-Ser-His-Gly-Gly which is very well conserved among lipases, and showed 38-40% overall homology to the amino acid sequences of lipases from Pseudomonas fragie and Pseudomonas cepacia, but showed little homology to those of other lipases, suggesting that some structural features are required for catalyzing macrocyclic lactone synthesis in organic solvents and are restricted to lipases of the Pseudomonas origin.  相似文献   

Methioninase of Pseudomonas putida was purified to homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with a specific activity 270-fold higher than that of the crude extract. 1. The purified enzyme had an S20,w of 8.37, a molecular weight of 160,000, and an isoelectric point of 5.6. 2. A break in the Arrhenius plot was observed at 40 degrees and the activation energies below and above this temperature were 15.5 and 2.97 kcal per mole, respectively. 3. In addition to L-methionine, various S-substituted derivatives of homocysteine and cysteine could serve as substrates. D-Methionine, 2-oxo-4-methylthiobutanoate, and related non sulfur-containing amino acids were inert. Equimolar formation of alpha-ketobutyrate and CH3SH was observed with methionine as a substrate. 4. In addition to the protein peak at 278 nm, two absorption maxima were observed at 345 and 430 nm at pH 7.5. Hydroxylamine removed the enzyme-bound pyridoxal phosphate, resulting in almost complete resolution with the concomitant disappearance of both peaks. Reconstruction of the treated enzyme could be achieved by addition of the cofactor; the Km value was calculated to be 0.37 muM. 5. The reported purified enzyme should be designated as L-methionine methanethiollyase (deaminating).  相似文献   

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