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The development of denticle rows on the ventral Drosophila embryo is a valuable system for studying the genetic control of epithelial patterning. During late embryogenesis, the apical surfaces of denticle-producing cells acquire a distinctive rectangular morphology with long anteroposterior boundaries, along which the denticles form, and short ventrolateral boundaries that stain strongly for adherens junction proteins. We observe that ventrolateral denticle cell boundaries are also convoluted, suggesting that the strong adherens staining results, at least in part, from the additional membrane in these regions. Embryos mutant for the Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) Effector gene multiple wing hairs (mwh), or expressing dominant negative form of the small GTPase Rac1, have cells present between the normal denticle cell rows. These 'Interloper Cells' do not have convoluted ventrolateral boundaries with strong adherens protein staining, but have normal denticle placement, suggesting that adherens protein localization is not critical for denticle cell PCP. Based on these and other observations, we propose that denticle cell morphology arises from an epithelial stretch without junction remodeling. A crude mechanical model suggests that this mechanism can generate both the straight anteroposterior boundaries and the compacted ventrolateral boundaries typical of denticle cells. We discuss the significance of cell adhesion for denticle cell morphogenesis, especially given the established role for Rac1 in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

The density of distribution and topographical features of small and large ganglion cells were investigated in total silver-impregnated preparations of the retina from two species of frogs (Rana ridibunda andR. temporaria). A horizontal band of increased density of ganglion cells was located in both species above the nasotemporal axis passing through the blind spot. Outside this band the density of the small cell population was maximal in the central zone of the retina, decreasing toward the periphery. In the upper halves of the retina the density of small cells was on average 26% greater than in the lower halves. Large ganglion cells, on the other hand, were more densely distributed in the lower half of the retina than in the upper half; this difference was particularly marked inR. temporaria (by 116%). The large cells were asymmetrically distributed relative to the dorsoventral axis also: In the nasal quadrants their density was 40–55% greater than in the temporal. Large cells were more densely distributed in the middle zone of the retina. Signs of asymmetry in the organization of the retinal output raster may be of adaptive ecologic importance and may determine the characteristics of formation of visually controlled food and avoidance behavioral reflexes.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii State University, Gorkii. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 198–204, March–April, 1985.  相似文献   

Mast cells in the epithelial layer of human gingiva   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

人胚胎干细胞有着巨大的医学应用前景,但人胚胎干细胞要求的生长条件很高,体外很难模拟其生长的体内环境,因此控制人胚胎干细胞的生长常不理想,而使用鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(MEF)作为滋养层则存在动物源性污染的问题。该文阐述人羊膜上皮细胞(HAEC)的特点及其作为滋养层培养胚胎干细胞的现状,并探讨基因组DNA甲基化修饰在胚胎干细胞分化过程中的作用,为建立更优化的培养系统提供依据。  相似文献   

The polarised character of a cell is often obvious from its shape and is largely dependent on the actin cytoskeleton and the membrane-associated cell cortex---a dense network comprising spectrin and other related proteins. Spatially and functionally distinct protein scaffolds, assembled from transmembrane and cytoplasmic proteins, provide the cues for polarisation. Recent data have provided new insights into the molecular nature of these cues and the mechanisms by which they may be translated into a polarised phenotype.  相似文献   

Changes in the frog urinary bladder granular cell ultrastructure were analysed in parallel with those in element composition of these cells after induction of water transport across the urinary bladder wall. Two ultrastructural (ultrathin section and freeze-fracture) methods were used in addition to two methods of object preparation for electron microprobe analysis--freeze-drying and freeze-substitution. It has been shown that arginin-vasotocin stimulation of osmotic water flow across the urinary bladder wall causes certain morphological changes in the granular cells: decrease in electron density of the cytoplasm, depolymerization of the apical submembrane layer of actin microfilaments, increase in the number of sites of specific granules and apical membrane fusion, emergency of intramembrane particle aggregates in the apical membrane P-face. The quantitative electron microprobe analysis made it possible to reveal a statistically significant increase in sodium and calcium concentration and fall in that of potassium and chlorine in granular cells after water transport stimulation. A concentration gradient of sodium and potassium ions was seen to appear along the apical-basal axis in the cytoplasm of granular cells. Possible association between the obvious morphological transformations in granular cells and changes in their elemental composition has been discussed, in addition to some regulatory significance of calcium concentration increase in granular cells after arginin-vasotocin-induced osmotic water transport.  相似文献   

Somatic stem/progenitor cells are known to be present in most adult tissues. However, those in the lung have limited abilities for tissue regeneration after serious damage as a result of chronic disease. Therefore, regenerative medicine using exogenous stem cells has been suggested for the treatment of progressive lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis. Embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, with their potent differentiation abilities, are promising sources for the generation of various tissue cells. In this study, we investigated the effects of various differentiation-inducing growth factors on the differentiation of lung cells from ES cells in vitro. Several factors, including activin, nodal, and noggin, significantly promoted the induction of Nkx2.1-positive lung progenitor cells when cells were cultured as embryoid bodies. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 4 signaling controls the lineage commitment of lung cells along the proximal–distal axis. BMP4 promotes the induction of distal cell lineages of alveolar bud, such as Clara cells and mucus-producing goblet cells. These results suggest that several developmentally essential factors, including nodal/activin and BMP signaling, are important in the control of the differentiation of lung epithelial cells from mouse ES cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary— Microfilaments were localised by immunofluorescence and immunogold cytochemistry to examine their distribution in granular cells of the isolated frog skin epithelium. Strongly fluorescent bundles of actin were observed beneath the plasma membrane with little evidence for actin in the central regions. Higher resolution offered by cytochemistry revealed that bundles of actin filaments comprised a substantial portion of the cortical cytoskeleton. Quantitative analysis of the frequency of gold label revealed an extremely rich array of filaments beneath the apical membrane of granular cells, with markedly less babel along the basolateral membrane and in the central cytoplasm. Treating cells with cytochalasin B or arginine vasopressin caused an apparent disruption of the apical actin fibres, concurrent with a decrease in gold label density. Assumably these signs are indicative of depolymerization of the filaments. Although the significance of this distribution is unknown, the apical polarisation of actin is consistent with a role in regulating the Na+ permeability of the apical membrane. The data are discussed in relation to possible roles of the cytoskeleton in the regulation of transepithelial sodium transport by vasopressin.  相似文献   

Cell morphology dictates response to a wide variety of stimuli, controlling cell metabolism, differentiation, proliferation, and death. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a developmental process in which epithelial cells acquire migratory characteristics, and in the process convert from a "cuboidal" epithelial structure into an elongated mesenchymal shape. We had shown previously that matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP3) can stimulate EMT of cultured mouse mammary epithelial cells through a process that involves increased expression of Rac1b, a protein that stimulates alterations in cytoskeletal structure. We show here that cells treated with MMP-3 or induced to express Rac1b spread to cover a larger surface, and that this induction of cell spreading is a requirement of MMP-3/Rac1b-induced EMT. We find that limiting cell spreading, either by increasing cell density or by culturing cells on precisely defined micropatterned substrata, blocks expression of characteristic markers of EMT in cells treated with MMP-3. These effects are not caused by general disruptions in cell signaling pathways, as TGF-beta-induced EMT is not affected by similar limitations on cell spreading. Our data reveal a previously unanticipated cell shape-dependent mechanism that controls this key phenotypic alteration and provide insight into the distinct mechanisms activated by different EMT-inducing agents.  相似文献   

BRL, a non-malignant rat liver epithelial-like cell line, possessed the ability to adhere through fibronectin to a solid substrate. Oncogenical transformation of these BRL cells with RSV induced a significant decrease in the fibronectin molecules in the extracellular matrix and reduction in its ability to adhere to fibronectin. The alpha 5 and beta 1 subunits of integrin (fibronectin receptor) were quantitatively diminished during RSV transformation in BRL cells. These results suggest that adhesive reduction of BRL cells to a substrate by RSV transformation may be caused by a decrease in cell surface fibronectin and fibronectin receptor molecules.  相似文献   

Using primary embryonic Drosophila cell cultures, we have investigated the assembly of transcellular microtubule bundles in epidermal tendon cells. Muscles attach to the tendon cells of previously undescribed epidermal balls that form shortly after culture initiation. Basal capture of microtubule ends in cultured tendon cells is confined to discrete sites that occupy a relatively small proportion of the basal cell surface. These capturing sites are associated with hemiadherens junctions that link the ends of muscle cells to tendon cell bases. In vivo, muscle attachment and microtubule capture occur across the entire cell base. The cultured tendon cells reveal that the basal ends of their microtubules can be precisely targeted to small, pre-existing, structurally well-defined cortical capturing sites. However, a search and capture targeting procedure, such as that undertaken by kinetochore microtubules, cannot fully account for the precision of microtubule capture and positioning in tendon cells. We propose that cross-linkage of microtubules is also required to zip them into apicobasally oriented alignment, progressing from captured basal plus ends to apical minus ends. This involves repositioning of apical minus ends before they become anchored to an apical set of hemiadherens junctions. The proposal is consistent with our finding that hemiadherens junctions assemble at tendon cell bases before they do so at cell apices in both cultures and embryos. It is argued that control of microtubule positioning in the challenging spatial situations found in vitro involves the same procedures as those that operate in vivo.  相似文献   

Research that pertains to the molecular mechanisms involved in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) development can significantly contribute to cell therapy studies. The effects of periocular mesenchymal cells on the expansion of RPE cells remain elusive. We have examined the possible proliferative role of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) as a mesenchymal cell secretory factor against human embryonic stem cell derived RPE (hESC-RPE). We found that the conditioned medium of human mesenchymal stem cells from apical papilla and/or exogenous HGF promoted proliferation of the hESC-RPE cells as single cells and cell sheets, in addition to rabbit RPE sheets in vitro. Blockage of HGF signaling by HGF receptor inhibitor, PHA-665752, inhibited proliferation of hESC-RPE cells. However, differentiation of hESCs and human-induced pluripotent stem cells to a rostral fate and eye-field specification was unaffected by HGF. Our in vivo analysis showed HGF expression in periocular mesenchymal cells after optic cup formation in chicken embryos. Administration of HGF receptor inhibitor at this developmental stage in chicken embryos led to reduced eye size and disorganization of the RPE sheet. These findings suggested that HGF administration could be beneficial for obtaining higher numbers of hESC-RPE cells in human preclinical and clinical trials.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanotransduction pathway in endothelial cells between their nucleus and adhesions to the extracellular matrix. First, we measured nuclear deformations in response to alterations of cell shape as cells detach from a flat surface. We found that the nuclear deformation appeared to be in direct and immediate response to alterations of the cell adhesion area. The nucleus was then treated as a neo-Hookean compressible material, and we estimated the stress associated with the cytoskeleton and acting on the nucleus during cell rounding. With the obtained stress field, we estimated the magnitude of the forces deforming the nucleus. Considering the initial and final components of this adhesion-cytoskeleton-nucleus force transmission pathway, we found our estimate for the internal forces acting on the nucleus to be on the same order of magnitude as previously measured traction forces, suggesting a direct mechanical link between adhesions and the nucleus.  相似文献   

K T Trevor 《The New biologist》1990,2(11):1004-1014
The murine keratins Endo B and Endo A, which are homologs of the human keratins K18 and K8, constitute the intermediate filaments (IFs) that are found in all simple epithelia of the adult and in the first epithelial derivatives of the early embryo. The cellular role of simple epithelial keratins in development and differentiation was investigated by inducing filament collapse in HR9 endoderm and F9 embryonal carcinoma cells in which mutant Endo B protein was constitutively expressed. By immunolocalization techniques a perturbation of the keratin network was revealed as well as concomitant disruption of vimentin IFs and displacement of surface desmosomal proteins, demonstrating an intimate structural association of Endo B/A filaments with these cellular components. In aggregates of differentiating F9 cells displaying altered Endo A/B IFs, the formation of a compact, polarized visceral endoderm layer was significantly compromised. These results indicate that an intact keratin network influences the three-dimensional formation of cell-cell or cell-substratum contacts in embryonic visceral endoderm.  相似文献   

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