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Opiate receptor binding is regulated by guanine nucleotides differentially for agonists and antagonists. Guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP), its stable analogue guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) and GDP inhibit binding of the 3H-agonists dihydromorphine, etorphine and enkephalins but not the 3H-antagonists naloxone or diprenorphine. GMP, ATP, ADP and AMP fail to alter either agonist or antagonist binding. Effects are more pronounced in the presence than in the absence of sodium.  相似文献   

Coactivators such as TIF2 and SRC-1 modulate the positioning of the dose-response curve for agonist-bound glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and the partial agonist activity of antiglucocorticoid complexes. These properties of coactivators differ from their initially defined activities of binding to, and increasing the total levels of transactivation by, agonist-bound steroid receptors. We now report that constructs of TIF2 and SRC-1 lacking the two activation domains (AD1 and AD2) have significantly less ability to increase transactivation but retain most of the activity for modulating the dose-response curve and partial agonist activity. Mammalian two-hybrid experiments show that the minimum TIF2 segment with modulatory activity (TIF2.4) does not interact with p300, CREB-binding protein, or PCAF, which also modulates GR activities. DRIP150 and DRIP205 have been implicated in coactivator actions but are unable to modulate GR activities. The absence of synergism by PCAF or DRIP150 with SRC-1 or TIF2, respectively, further suggests that these other factors are not involved. The ability of a TIF2.4 fragment (i.e. TIF2.37), which is not known to interact with proteins, to block the actions of TIF2.4 suggests that an unidentified binder mediates the modulatory activity of TIF2. Pull-down experiments with GST/TIF2.4 demonstrate a direct interaction of TIF2 with GR in a hormone-dependent fashion that requires the receptor interaction domains of TIF2 and is equally robust with agonists and most antiglucocorticoids. These observations, which are confirmed in mammalian two-hybrid assays, suggest that the capacity of coactivators such as TIF2 to modulate the partial agonist activity of antisteroids is mediated by the binding of coactivators to GR-antagonist complexes. In conclusion, the modulatory activity of coactivators with GR-agonist and -antagonist complexes is mechanistically distinct from the ability of coactivators to augment the total levels of transactivation and appears to involve the binding to both GR-steroid complexes and an unidentified TIF2-associated factor(s).  相似文献   

Rat-liver glucocorticoid receptor was incubated with either [3H]triamcinolone acetonide or [3H]RU 486, a well known antiglucocorticoid. Once formed, the steroid-receptor complexes were analyzed by isoelectric focusing in agarose gel slabs. A careful slicing of the receptor tracks revealed the presence of three distinct radioactive peaks focused at the following pI values: 5.3 +/- 0.2 (n = 17) and 4.4 +/- 0.1 (n = 17). All these peaks correspond with receptor isoforms as suggested by control experiments. The receptor state was analyzed after focusing by a chromatographic assay on DNA-cellulose, DEAE-trisacryl and hydroxyapatite minicolumns. The peak of pI 4.4 apparently corresponded to the non-transformed receptor and was greatly stabilized in the presence of RU 486, whereas the peaks of pI 4.8 and 5.3 were probably made of transformed receptor and meroreceptor. These results were confirmed by autoradiographic studies after isoelectric focusing of receptor molecules covalently labelled with [3H]dexamethasone mesylate. Thus, the rat-liver glucocorticoid receptor appeared to be a rather acidic protein which became less acidic after transformation by heat, displaying a pI shift which was strongly reduced in case of steroid-receptor complexes formed with the antiglucocorticoid RU 486.  相似文献   

Nuclease digestion of nuclei from glucocorticoid sensitive and resistant lymphoma cell lines was used to study the nuclear compartmentalization of wild type and variant glucocorticoid receptors. In comparison with wild type, the variant line (S49 143r) had an increased capacity to translocate to the nucleus (nti), but was more completely released from nuclei by nuclease digestion. Approximately 20% of the receptor in wild type nuclei was resistant to release by DNase I digestion, while only less than 5% of the receptor from nti nuclei was retained under the same conditions. Studies with wild type nuclei show that the nuclease resistant portion of receptors was also more resistant to release by increased ionic strength.  相似文献   

The kinetics of saturation, as well as of denaturation, confirm the existence of two distinct mineralocorticoid receptor populations one each for the agonist aldosterone (MR2) and the antagonist RU 26752 (MR3) in rat kidney. Receptor activation in vitro was dependent upon the buffer, progressed just as well in the presence of the agonist and the antagonist, and was inhibited by molybdate. These necessitate a reassessment of both the importance of receptor activation in vitro and its possible contribution to hormone action in vivo.  相似文献   

Identification of all residues involved in the recognition and binding of cholinergic ligands (e.g. agonists, competitive antagonists, and noncompetitive agonists) is a primary objective to understand which structural components are related to the physiological function of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The picture for the localization of the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites is now clearer in the light of newer and better experimental evidence. These sites are located mainly on both alpha subunits in a pocket approximately 30-35 A above the surface membrane. Since both alpha subunits are identical, the observed high and low affinity for different ligands on the receptor is conditioned by the interaction of the alpha subunit with other non-alpha subunits. This molecular interaction takes place at the interface formed by the different subunits. For example, the high-affinity acetylcholine (ACh) binding site of the muscle-type AChR is located on the alphadelta subunit interface, whereas the low-affinity ACh binding site is located on the alphagamma subunit interface. Regarding homomeric AChRs (e.g. alpha7, alpha8, and alpha9), up to five binding sites may be located on the alphaalpha subunit interfaces. From the point of view of subunit arrangement, the gamma subunit is in between both alpha subunits and the delta subunit follows the alpha aligned in a clockwise manner from the gamma. Although some competitive antagonists such as lophotoxin and alpha-bungarotoxin bind to the same high- and low-affinity sites as ACh, other cholinergic drugs may bind with opposite specificity. For instance, the location of the high- and the low-affinity binding site for curare-related drugs as well as for agonists such as the alkaloid nicotine and the potent analgesic epibatidine (only when the AChR is in the desensitized state) is determined by the alphagamma and the alphadelta subunit interface, respectively. The case of alpha-conotoxins (alpha-CoTxs) is unique since each alpha-CoTx from different species is recognized by a specific AChR type. In addition, the specificity of alpha-CoTxs for each subunit interface is species-dependent.In general terms we may state that both alpha subunits carry the principal component for the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites, whereas the non-alpha subunits bear the complementary component. Concerning homomeric AChRs, both the principal and the complementary component exist on the alpha subunit. The principal component on the muscle-type AChR involves three loops-forming binding domains (loops A-C). Loop A (from mouse sequence) is mainly formed by residue Y(93), loop B is molded by amino acids W(149), Y(152), and probably G(153), while loop C is shaped by residues Y(190), C(192), C(193), and Y(198). The complementary component corresponding to each non-alpha subunit probably contributes with at least four loops. More specifically, the loops at the gamma subunit are: loop D which is formed by residue K(34), loop E that is designed by W(55) and E(57), loop F which is built by a stretch of amino acids comprising L(109), S(111), C(115), I(116), and Y(117), and finally loop G that is shaped by F(172) and by the negatively-charged amino acids D(174) and E(183). The complementary component on the delta subunit, which corresponds to the high-affinity ACh binding site, is formed by homologous loops. Regarding alpha-neurotoxins, several snake and alpha-CoTxs bear specific residues that are energetically coupled with their corresponding pairs on the AChR binding site. The principal component for snake alpha-neurotoxins is located on the residue sequence alpha1W(184)-D(200), which includes loop C. In addition, amino acid sequence 55-74 from the alpha1 subunit (which includes loop E), and residues gammaL(119) (close to loop F) and gammaE(176) (close to loop G) at the low-affinity binding site, or deltaL(121) (close to the homologous region of loop G) at the high-affinity binding site, are i  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties of complexes formed between the glucocorticoid antagonist, RU38486, and the glucocorticoid receptor in rat thymus cytosol were investigated and compared with those of complexes formed with the potent agonist, triamcinolone acetonide. The equilibrium dissociation constant for the interaction of [3H]RU38486 with the molybdate-stabilized glucocorticoid receptor was lower than that for [1,2,4-3H]triamcinolone acetonide at 0 degree C but higher at 25 degrees C, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions play a major role in the binding of RU38486. Differences in equilibrium constants were reflected in corresponding differences in dissociation rate constants; association rate constants for the two steroids were similar. The rate of dissociation of [3H]RU38486 from the glucocorticoid receptor was higher in the absence of molybdate than in its presence both at 0 degree C and at 25 degrees C, suggesting that molybdate modifies the physical state of the antagonist-receptor complex, but other physical properties were similar both in the presence and in the absence of molybdate. The rate of inactivation of the unoccupied glucocorticoid receptor at 25 degrees C in the absence of molybdate was lower in phosphate buffer than in Tris-HCl buffer but the rate of dissociation of [3H]RU38486 was the same in both buffers. The binding of RU38486 afforded little, if any, protection against inactivation in either buffer; [3H]RU38486 dissociated irreversibly from the inactivated receptor at the same rate as from the non-inactivated complex but molybdate had no effect on the dissociation kinetics of the inactivated complex. It is concluded that RU38486 interacts with the ground state of the glucocorticoid receptor in a manner which neither promotes receptor transformation nor prevents receptor inactivation.  相似文献   

Kim SK  Riley L  Abrol R  Jacobson KA  Goddard WA 《Proteins》2011,79(6):1878-1897
We used the GEnSeMBLE Monte Carlo method to predict ensemble of the 20 best packings (helix rotations and tilts) based on the neutral total energy (E) from a vast number (10 trillion) of potential packings for each of the four subtypes of the adenosine G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are involved in many cytoprotective functions. We then used the DarwinDock Monte Carlo methods to predict the binding pose for the human A(3) adenosine receptor (hAA(3)R) for subtype selective agonists and antagonists. We found that all four A(3) agonists stabilize the 15th lowest conformation of apo-hAA(3)R while also binding strongly to the 1st and 3rd. In contrast the four A(3) antagonists stabilize the 2nd or 3rd lowest conformation. These results show that different ligands can stabilize different GPCR conformations, which will likely affect function, complicating the design of functionally unique ligands. Interestingly all agonists lead to a trans χ1 angle for W6.48 that experiments on other GPCRs associate with G-protein activation while all 20 apo-AA(3)R conformations have a W6.48 gauche+ χ1 angle associated experimentally with inactive GPCRs for other systems. Thus docking calculations have identified critical ligand-GPCR structures involved with activation. We found that the predicted binding site for selective agonist Cl-IB-MECA to the predicted structure of hAA(3)R shows favorable interactions to three subtype variable residues, I253(6.58), V169(EL2), and Q167(EL2), while the predicted structure for hAA(2A)R shows weakened to the corresponding amino acids: T256(6.58), E169(EL2), and L167(EL2), explaining the observed subtype selectivity.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possibility that there may be two conformationally distinct dopamine D1 binding sites, the effect of lysine-modifying agents on striatal dopamine D1 receptors was investigated. Treatment with the distilbene derivative, 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate, (DIDS), resulted in an irreversible D1 receptor inactivation that was associated with a 70% loss of binding sites. The remaining DIDS-insensitive sites displayed both a decreased affinity (approximately 5 fold) for the D1 antagonist SCH-23390 and an enhanced affinity of dopaminergic agonists (approximately 10 fold) for the agonist high-affinity form of the receptor. Pretreatment with Gpp(NH)p, a non-hydrolysable guanine nucleotide, prevented the formation of the agonist high-affinity form, indicating that these sites are G-protein-linked. Prior occupancy of D1 receptors with dopaminergic agonists and antagonists afforded no protection against DIDS inactivation, suggesting that a site outside the ligand binding subunit of the D1 receptor was modified. Taken together, these data suggest that [3H]SCH-23390 labels two conformationally distinct populations of dopamine D1 receptors.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-receptor complexes in rat thymus cytosol were characterized by gel-filtration and ion-exchange chromatography and by other procedures. Two forms of non-transformed complex were identified at low ionic strength in the presence of molybdate, with Stokes radii of approx. 8 and 6 nm. The 8 nm molybdate-stabilized form could be converted to the 6 nm form by chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 or Lipidex 1000 or by incubation with charcoal or phospholipase C, but not by chromatography on Sephadex G-25. The dissociation rate of the complex was reduced by treatment with charcoal or Lipidex 1000, but none of the treatments caused transformation to a DNA-binding form. Transformation of the complex, by exposure to elevated temperature or ionic strength in the absence of molybdate, resulted in the appearance of a different 6 nm form, distinguished by an increased affinity for DNA-cellulose and a reduced affinity for DEAE-cellulose. These results suggest that receptor transformation is preceded by structural changes associated with the loss of a lipid factor from the complex. Non-polar steroid antagonists, and lipophilic compounds such as phenothiazines, were found to bind to secondary, hydrophobic sites on the receptor and to exert allosteric effects on the primary steroid-binding site; these and other observations emphasize the importance of hydrophobic interactions as determinants of the structure and properties of glucocorticoid receptors.  相似文献   

The specific melanocortin receptors, MC3R and MC4R, are directly linked to metabolism and body weight control. These receptors are activated by the peptide hormone alpha-MSH and antagonized by the agouti-related protein (AGRP). Whereas alpha-MSH acts broadly on most members of the MCR family (with the exception of MC2R), AGRP is highly specific for only MC3R and MC4R. AGRP is a complex ligand of approximately 100 amino acids. Within AGRP, MCR recognition and antagonism is localized to a 34 residue, cysteine-rich domain that adopts an inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) fold. An oxidatively folded peptide corresponding to this domain, referred to as mini-AGRP, exhibits full antagonist function and selectivity for MC3R and MC4R. Here we investigate a series of chimera proteins based on the mini-AGRP scaffold. Amino acid sequences derived from peptide agonists are grafted into the mini-AGRP active loop, implicated in receptor recognition, with the goal of producing ICK based agonists specific for MC3R and MC4R. Several constructs indeed exhibited potent agonist activity; however, with all chimeras, receptor selectivity is significantly altered. Pharmacologic data indicate that the chimeras do not interact with MC receptors through native AGRP like contacts. A model to explain the data suggest that there is only partial overlap of the agonist versus antagonist binding surfaces within MC receptors. Moreover, accessibility to the binding pocket is highly receptor specific with MC3R being the least tolerant of ligand alterations.  相似文献   

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