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Summary The behaviour of some young conifers and broadleaves on a very acid sandy humuspodzol soil was studied in pot trials. Species differed considerably in foliar copper concentration, reaction to N fertilization and development of Cu deficiency symptoms. Foliar copper concentrations were highest for the broadleaves (esp. oak and beech), and was increased by Cu and N fertilization, the last reaction showing an optimum curve. Cu deficiency symptoms could easily be induced in the conifers but not in the broadleaves.  相似文献   

Established vegetation can facilitate the ectomycorrhizal infection of seedlings, but it is not known whether this interaction is limited by the phylogenetic relatedness of trees and seedlings. We use a series of bioassay experiments to test whether soil modification by different ectomycorrhizal tree species causes different levels of seedling infection, whether the extent of seedling infection is a function of the relatedness of tree and seedling, and whether the effect of trees on seedlings is mediated by biotic or abiotic soil factors. We found that soils from under different tree species do vary in their mycorrhizal infectiveness. However, this variation is not related to the genetic relatedness of trees and seedlings but instead, appears to be an attribute of the overstory species, irrespective of seedling species, mediated through a suite of humus- and base-cation-related abiotic effects on soils. Modification of abiotic soil properties by overstory trees should be considered as an important factor in the effect of different overstory trees on the extent of seedling mycorrhizal infection.  相似文献   

In the present work we examined the composition and distribution across three soil layers of the buried soil seed bank under three different overstory types (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, Pinus sylvestris) and in logging areas in a 4383-ha forest in central Belgium. The objectives were: (1) to investigate whether species composition and species richness of soil seed banks are affected by different forest stands; (2) to examine how abundant are habitat-specific forest species in seed banks under different planted tree layers. The study was carried out in stands which are replicated, managed in the same way (even-aged high forest), and growing on the same soil type with the same land-use history. In the investigated area, the seed bank did show significant differences under oak, beech, pine and in logging areas, respectively in terms of size, composition and depth occurrence. All species and layers taken together, the seed bank size ranked as follows: oakwood > beechwood > logging area > pinewood. The same pattern was found for forest species. Seed numbers of Betula pendula, Calluna vulgaris, Dryopteris dilatata and Rubus fruticosus were significantly higher under the beech canopy. Carex remota, Impatiens parviflora and Lotus sp. showed a significantly denser seed bank in logging areas, while Digitalis purpurea seeds were significantly more abundant in soils under the oak canopy. The fact that the seed bank of an originally homogeneous forest varies under different planted stands highlights that a long period of canopy conversion can affect the composition and depth of buried seeds.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to examine the effects of aluminium (Al) on the growth of Pinus radiata (D. Don) and Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera (Mudie) seedlings in culture solutions in a glasshouse to help explain the failure of radiata pine trees on some acid, low fertility soils in Australia on which the native eucalypts flourish. Aluminium (Al) in culture solution increased the growth of roots and shoots of seedlings of both species but while growth of the eucalypt continued to increase with increases in Al to 2.222 μM, growth of the pine was largest at 370 μM Al. In addition to total root length, specific root length (length per unit dry weight), a measure of fineness of the root, increased in the eucalypt seedlings as the substrate Al increased. Growth of the shoots and roots of the pine in the absence of any added Al was extremely poor suggesting that Al, in low concentrations, may be an essential element or ameliorate some other factors in solution culture at low pH. Root and shoot concentrations of K increased with increasing Al, whilst Ca and Mg Concentrations decreased and Mn concentrations were unaffected in both species. Tissue Ca and Mg concentrations were 2 to 3 times higher in the eucalypt seedlings than the pine at all levels of added Al due to greater uptake of these elements by the eucalypt. In contrast, at the highest concentration of Al in the medium, shoot Al concentrations were lower in the cucalypt than in the pine due to a greater proportion of Al being retained in the eucalypt roots. These differences between the seedlings in terms of root growth and tissue cation concentrations may help explain the ability of eucalypt species to maintain vigorous growth on acid soils high in Al and low in Ca and P, where growth of the pines failed.  相似文献   

The weathering of soil minerals in forest ecosystems increases nutrient availability for the trees. The rate of such weathering and its relative contribution to forest tree nutrition, is a major issue when evaluating present and potential forest stand productivity and sustainability. The current paper examines the weathering rate of plagioclase with and without Douglas-fir or Scots pine seedlings, in a laboratory experiment at pH 3–4 and 25 °C. All nutrients, with the exception of Ca, were supplied in sufficient amounts in a nutrient solution. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the potential of trees to mobilise Ca from the mineral plagioclase that contained 12% of Ca. Amounts of nutrients supplied in the nutrient solution, amounts accumulated in the living tissue of the seedlings and amounts leached from the experimental vessels, were measured. A weathering balance, accounting for leached + accumulated − supplied amounts, was established. Bio-induced weathering, defined as the weathering increase in the presence of trees, relative to the weathering rate without trees (geochemical weathering; control vessels), under the present experimental conditions, explained on average, 40% of total weathering (biological + geochemical). These conditions appeared more beneficial to Scots pine (higher relative growth rate, higher Ca incorporation) than to Douglas-fir.  相似文献   

Growth, chemical composition, and nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of hydroponically cultured Rumex crispus, R. palustris, R. acetosa, and R. maritimus were studied in relation to form (NH4 +, NO3 -, or both) and level of N supply (4 mM N, and zero-N following a period of 4mM N). A distinct preference for either NH4 + or NO3 - could not be established. All species were characterized by a very efficient uptake and utilization of N, irrespective of N source, as evident from high concentrations of organic N in the tissues and concurrent excessive accumulations of free NO3 - and free NH4 +. Especially the accumulation of free NH4 + was unusually large. Generally, relative growth rate (RGR) was highest with a combination of NH4 + and NO3 -. Compared to mixed N supply, RGR of NO3 -- and NH4 +-grown plants declined on average 3% and 9%, respectively. Lowest RGR with NH4 + supply probably resulted from direct or indirect toxicity effects associated with high NH4 + and/or low Ca2+ contents of tissues. NRA in NO3 - and NH4NO3 plants was very similar with maxima in the leaves of ca 40 μmol NO2 - g-1 DW h-1. ‘Basal’ NRA levels in shoot tissues of NH4 + plants appeared relatively high with maxima in the leaves of ca 20 μmol NO2 - g-1 DW h-1. Carboxylate to organic N ratios, (C-A)/Norg, on a whole plant basis varied from 0.2 in NH4 + plants to 0.9 in NO3 - plants. After withdrawal of N, all accumulated NO3 - and NH4 + was assimilated into organic N and the organic N redistributed on a large scale. NRA rapidly declined to similar low levels, irrespective of previous N source. Shoot/root ratios of -N plants were 50–80% lower than those from +N plants. In comparison with +N, RGR of -N plants did not decline to a large extent, decreasing by only 15% in -NH4 + plants due to very high initial organic-N contents. N-deprived plants all exhibited an excess cation over anion uptake (net proton efflux), and whole-plant (C-A)/Norg ratios increased to values around unity. Possible difficulties in interpreting the (C-A)/Norg ratio and NRA of plants in their natural habitats are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

V. K. Rajasekhar  H. Mohr 《Planta》1986,169(4):594-599
Nitrate-induced and phytochrome-modulated appearance of nitrate reductase (NR; EC and nitrite reductase (NIR; EC in the cotyledons of the mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedling is strongly affected by externally supplied ammonium (NH 4 + ). In short-term experiments between 60 and 78 h after sowing it was found that in darkness NH 4 + —simultaneously given with NO 3 - —strongly inhibits appearance of nitrate-inducible NR and NIR whereas in continuous far-red light—which operates exclusively via phytochrome without significant chlorophyll formation —NH 4 + (simultaneously given with NO 3 - ) strongly stimulates appearance of NR. The NIR levels are not affected. This indicates that NR and NIR levels are regulated differently. In the absence of external NO 3 - appearance of NR is induced by NH4 in darkness as well as in continuous far-red light whereas NIR levels are not affected. On the other hand, in the absence of external NO 3 - , exogenous NH 4 + strongly inhibits growth of the mustard seedling in darkness as well as in continuous far-red light. This effect can be abolished by simultaneously supplying NO 3 - . The adverse effect of NH 4 + on growth (NH 4 + -toxicity) cannot be attributed to pH-changes in the medium since it was shown that neither the growth responses nor the changes of the enzyme levels are related to pH changes in the medium. Non-specific osmotic effects are not involved either.Abbreviations c continuous - D darkness - FR far-red light - NIR nitrite reductase (EC - NR nitrate reductase (EC  相似文献   

Ammonium sulphate is a major component of the air pollutants deposited on forests in the Netherlands. Different amounts of NH4 + were added to Douglas-fir seedlings grown in tall containers of sand, to study the influence of high concentrations of NH4 + in the soil on the development of fine roots and the effects of nitrogen uptake on rhizosphere pH. At the end of this eight-month experiment part of the ammonium appeared to have nitrified into nitrate. High doses of ammonium negatively affected root length and root length per unit of dry matter (specific root length). Although Douglas fir shows a preferential ammonium uptake in nutrient solutions the increases in the pH of the rhizosphere in this experiment indicate that nitrogen was mostly taken up as nitrate. When the ammonium concentration in the soil is low, it cannot be taken up readily because of its low mobility in soil. Shoot growth was stimulated by high availability of nitrogen. The possible effects of high doses of ammonium on long-term forest vitality are discussed.  相似文献   

In short-term water culture experiments with different 15N labeled ammonium or nitrate concentrations, citrus seedlings absorbed NH4 + at a higher rate than NO3 . Maximum NO3 uptake by the whole plant occurred at 120 mg L–1 NO3 -N, whereas NH4 + absorption was saturated at 240 mg L–1 NH4 +-N. 15NH4 + accumulated in roots and to a lesser degree in both leaves and stems. However, 15NO3 was mostly partitioned between leaves and roots.Adding increasing amounts of unlabeled NH4 + (15–60 mg L–1 N) to nutrient solutions containing 120 mg L–1 N as 15N labeled nitrate reduced 15NO3 uptake. Maximum inhibition of 15NO3 uptake was about 55% at 2.14 mM NH4 + (30 mg L–1 NH4 +-N) and it did not increase any further at higher NH4 + proportions.In a long-term experiment, the effects of concentration and source of added N (NO3 or NH4 +) on nutrient concentrations in leaves from plants grown in sand were evaluated. Leaf concentration of N, P, Mg, Fe and Cu were increased by NH4 + versus NO3 nutrition, whereas the reverse was true for Ca, K, Zn and Mn.The effects of different NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) at 120 mg L–1 total N on leaf nutrient concentrations, fruit yield and fruit characteristics were investigated in another long-term experiment with plants grown in sand cultures. Nitrogen concentrations in leaves were highest when plants were provided with either NO3 or NH4 + as a sole source of N. Lowest N concentration in leaves was found with a 75:25 NO3 -N/NH4 +-N ratio. With increasing proportions of NH4 + in the N supply, leaf nutrients such as P, Mg, Fe and Cu increased, whereas Ca, K, Mn and Zn decreased. Yield in number of fruits per tree was increased significantly by supplying all N as NH4 +, although fruit weight was reduced. The number of fruits per tree was lowest with the 75:25 NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratio, but in this treatment fruits reached their highest weight. Rind thickness, juice acidity, and colour index of fruits decreased with increasing NH4 + in the N supply, whereas the % pulp and maturity index increased. Percent of juice in fruits and total soluble solids were only slightly affected by NO3 :NH4 + ratio.  相似文献   

One-year-old tree seedlings were incubated in a greenhouse from April to July, under natural daylight conditions, with their root systems at constant temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C and with the above ground parts kept at a constant air temperature of 18–20 °C. The course of height growth, total mass increment, root, shoot and leaf weight as well as leaf areas were measured. The results indicate that clear differences exist in the optimal root zone temperatures for various growth parameters in different tree species. Pinus sylvestris had a maximal height increment at about 5–10 °C and maximal total mass increment at 15 °C root temperature. In contrast, the optimum for Quercus robur was at 25 °C. Tilia cordata and Fagus sylvatica had their optima for most growth parameters at 20 °C. The root temperature apparently indirectly influenced photosynthesis (dry weight accumulation) and respiration loss. From the observed symptoms and indications in the literature it seems probable that a change in hormone levels is involved as the main factor in the described effects. Variation of root temperature had only an insignificant effect on bud burst and the time at which the shoots sprouted. Apparently species of northern origin seem to have lower root temperature optima than those of more southern origin. This is to be verified by investigation of other tree species.  相似文献   

In a Scots pine forest stand, demineralized water and a complete set of nutrients with water were applied to the soil by means of frequent irrigation for four years in order to eliminate water and nutrient shortage of the trees. Apart from this optimization, dissolved (NH4)2SO4 was irrigated at a rate of 120 kg N ha-1 y-1 to create a situation of N excess. Effect of treatments on tree growth and chemical composition of soil water and vegetation were monitored. From the first treatment year onwards basal area growth increased by ca. 35% as a result of the increased water supply. Nutrient applications increased K and P concentrations in pine needles immediately, but growth was enhanced only in the fourth treatment year and coincided with an improved K supply. Most of the applied P and K was retained in the soil, and only 6% was recovered in the vegetation. Tree nutrient status did not respond on Ca and Mg applications, whereas Ca and Mg seepage losses were increased with ca. 5 kg ha-1 y-1. The applied NH4 was mostly retained in the 0–20 cm surface soil and caused a drastic increase of Al in soil solution. Tree growth was stimulated initially by extra NH4, but was hampered after three years obviously because of a decreased P nutrition. The applied base cations were absorped to the soil and the accompanying anions were leached, thus temporarily increasing the acidification of the soil solution.  相似文献   

硬化地表对不同树种土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于伟伟  陈媛媛  汪旭明  王效科 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3575-3585
城市硬化地表可减少土壤有机物输入,并改变土壤理化性质,由此可能影响土壤微生物群落结构和功能,但目前国内外相关研究较少。为研究不同树种下土壤微生物群落对硬化地表的响应,设置透水硬化地表(Pervious pavement, P)、不透水硬化地表(Impervious pavement, IP)和自然地表(Control, C)3个处理水平的地表类型,并栽种北方常见的常绿针叶树油松(pine,Pinus tabulaeformis)和落叶阔叶树白蜡(ash,Fraxinus chinensis)。采用氯仿熏蒸浸提法、磷脂脂肪酸法(PLFA)及BIOLOG培养法分别测定了土壤微生物量、群落结构和功能多样性。结果表明:(1)与自然地表(C)相比,硬化地表下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量显著降低(P0.05),土壤微生物群落组成和群落功能多样性发生了改变。透水和不透水硬化地表下土壤微生物细菌、真菌数量降低,真菌/细菌(fungi/bacteria, F/B)、cy/pre(环丙基脂肪酸/前体结构cyclopropyl fatty acid/monoenoic precursors)和sat/mono(一般饱和脂肪酸/单不饱和脂肪酸normal saturated fatty acid/monounsaturated fatty acid)等环境压力指标均显著升高(P0.05),且土壤微生物cy/pre值在不透水硬化地表下显著高于透水硬化地表下,表明不透水硬化地表下土壤环境压力更大;不透水硬化地表下土壤微生物对糖类、氨基酸类、羧酸类、胺类和聚合物的利用显著降低(P0.05),微生物群落功能丰富度及多样性指数显著降低(P0.05)。(2)土壤微生物群落结构和功能多样性在不同树种间存在一定差异。油松树下土壤微生物真菌、丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)和F/B值在透水和不透水硬化地表下均显著降低(P0.05),而白蜡树下只在透水硬化地表下显著降低(P0.05);硬化地表使土壤微生物对糖类、氨基酸类和聚合物的利用强度在油松和白蜡树下表现出显著差异。硬化地表对土壤微生物的影响将进一步影响城市绿地的养分循环、树木生境和生态系统服务功能。  相似文献   

After growth for 17 to 36 days on nutrient solutions with NH4NO3 as nitrogen source (pH 4.2) dry matter of sorghum genotype SC0283 was much less affected by Al (1.5 and 3.0 ppm) than that of genotype NB9040. In the absence of Al both cultivars released protons into the nutrient solution as a result of an excess of cationic nutrients taken up. When Al was present, this proton efflux per unit dry weight increased drastically, especially with the sensitive genotype NB9040. Chemical analysis of plant material and continuous analyses of NO 3 and NH 4 + in the nutrient solution indicated, that the Al-induced shift in H+-balance of both genotypes could almost completely be attributed to a decreased NO 3 /NH 4 + uptake ratio. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was reduced in the shoot of NB9040 and to a lesser degree in SC0283. Al-induced decrease in NRA was accompanied by similar percentual decreases in NO 3 tissue concentrations. Therefore this decrease is interpreted as being indirect,i.e., the consequence of the reduced NO 3 uptake of the plants. A direct repression of NRA by Al seems also unlikely because nitrate reductase activity of the roots (where cellular Al-concentrations should be higher than in shoots) was not affected in Al-treated plants of either genotype.  相似文献   

为了了解落羽杉(Taxodium distichum)、乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)和美国山核桃(Carya illinoensis)等树种的耐涝机制, 采用盆栽模拟涝渍环境的试验方法, 设置了淹水、渍水和对照3个处理, 测定了一年生落羽杉、乌桕和美国山核桃实生苗的生长、组织孔隙度、根氧消耗等指标。结果表明, 涝渍处理抑制了落羽杉、乌桕和美国山核桃的生物量和生物量增量(渍水处理下落羽杉的生长得到了促进), 增加了3树种的根冠比, 从生物量和生物量增量下降幅度来评价, 落羽杉的耐涝性最强, 其次为美国山核桃。淹水和渍水处理下, 落羽杉、乌桕和美国山核桃的根、茎和叶中的组织孔隙度显著增加, 且随着处理时间的延长, 各器官的组织孔隙度有增加的趋势, 3个树种中, 落羽杉的根、茎和叶中的组织孔隙度均较其他2个树种高。淹水和渍水处理下, 移除茎明显增加了落羽杉、美国山核桃和乌桕的根的氧消耗, 表明涝渍处理增强了O2在3个树种体内的运输并通过根系扩散到涝渍土壤中的能力, 并且随着处理时间的延长, 3个树种体内运输O2并扩散到土壤中的能力有逐渐增强的趋势。因此, 涝渍环境总体上抑制了落羽杉、乌桕和美国山核桃等树种的生长, 但各树种为了适应这种生长环境, 形成了大量的通气组织, 从而导致各器官组织孔隙度的增加, 增强了O2通过植物体运输到根系并扩散到土壤中的能力, 解决了根系及根际缺氧的矛盾。  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] plants were grown in growth chambers at 20, 25 and 30°C in a low P Typic Argiudoll (3.65 µg P g–1 soil, pH 8.3) inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum, Glomus intraradices, and Glomus macrocarpum to determine effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) species on plant growth and mineral nutrient uptake. Sorghum root colonization by VAMF and plant responses to Glomus species were temperature dependent. G. macrocarpum colonized sorghum roots best and enhanced plant growth and mineral uptake considerably more than the other VAMF species, especially at 30°C. G. fasciculatum enhanced shoot growth at 20 and 25°C, and mineral uptake only at 20°C. G. intraradices depressed shoot growth and mineral uptake at 30°C. G. macrocarpum enhanced shoot P, K, and Zn at all temperatures, and Fe at 25 and 30°C above that which could be accounted for by increased biomass. Sorghum plant growth responses to colonization by VAMF species may need to be evaluated at different temperatures to optimize beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a fertilization experiment with wood bark ash (0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Mg ha-1) applied to prevent and cure visible nutrient disorders of young Scots pine established on a peatland field. 13 years after fertilization, dieback of trees and other symptoms of nutrient disorders were substantially reduced or even eliminated, especially where higher doses had been applied. The volume of the growing stock was more than 70 m3 ha-1 for the highest dose while control plots produced less than 15 m3 ha-1. Vegetation characteristics changed following ash treatments with high ash doses favouring grasses and low ash doses promoting mosses. Some major changes in soil and foliar nutrient concentrations were evident due to ash fertilization. K and B, however, were clearly the most limiting nutrients that could be cycled where high doses of ash were used. This was particularly the case with a dose of 20 Mg ha-1. Decomposition of the topsoil was at its highest on plots with ash doses of 5 and 10 Mg ha-1 ash and at its lowest when the dose was 2 Mg ha-1. This was partly due to differences in the C/N ratio of the soil. All decomposition parameters indicated a high degree of humification in the topsoil. High N content (of organic material), low C/N in the soil and optimum levels of foliar N concentrations suggested sufficient N mineralization for tree growth to have occurred in the soil.  相似文献   

为了探讨解磷菌肥分区施入对低磷胁迫下马尾松磷营养状况的影响,该文设置了局部和均匀施用解磷菌肥(PSB肥)的盆栽接种试验,并利用WinRHIZO Pro STD1600+根系图像分析软件、H2SO4-H2O2消煮和钼锑抗比色法研究了马尾松不同家系根系形态参数和苗木磷素吸收量对PSB肥不同施用方式的响应。结果表明:(1)局部和均匀施用PSB肥均对马尾松生长影响显著,局部施用较均匀显著增加了苗木苗高、地径、根冠比、根系和整株干物质量等主要生长指标。(2)局部施用PSB肥苗木根长、根表面积、根体积和根尖数显著增加,而均匀施用根系各参数有所增加但差异不显著;局部施用较均匀0<根系直径(D)≤0.5 mm的细根根长增加了近2倍。两种处理根系生长的差异与局部施用PSB肥造成了土壤磷素的异质性分布有关。(3)与均匀施用PSB肥相比,局部施用显著增加了苗木根、茎、叶及整株磷素吸收量。相关性分析表明,苗木磷素吸收量与根系形态参数、D≤1.0 mm根系根长呈显著正相关。说明局部施用PSB肥通过诱导根系的生长促进苗木...  相似文献   

BassiriRad  Hormoz  Prior  Stephen A.  Norby  Rich J.  Rogers  Hugo H. 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):195-204
Models describing plant and ecosystem N cycles require an accurate assessment of root physiological uptake capacity for NH 4 + and NO 3 - under field conditions. Traditionally, rates of ion uptake in field-grown plants are determined by using excised root segments incubated for a short period in an assay solution containing N either as a radioactive or stable isotope tracer (e.g., 36ClO3 as a NH 4 + analogue, 14CH3NH3 as an NO 3 - analogue or 15NH 4 + and 15NO 3 - ). Although reliable, this method has several drawbacks. For example, in addition to radioactive safety issues, purchase and analysis of radioactive and stable isotopes is relatively expensive and can be a major limitation. More importantly, because excision effectively interrupts exchange of compounds between root and shoot (e.g., carbohydrate supply to root and N transport to shoot), the assay must be conducted quickly to avoid such complications. Here we present a novel field method for simultaneous measurements of NH 4 + and NO 3 - uptake kinetics in intact root systems. The application of this method is demonstrated using two tree species; red maple (Acer rubrum) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and two crop species soybean (Glycine max) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Plants were grown in open-top chambers at either ambient or elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 at two separate US national sites involved in CO2 research. Absolute values of net uptake rates and the kinetic parameters determined by our method were found to be in agreement with the literature reports. Roots of the crop species exhibited a greater uptake capacity for both N forms relative to tree species. Elevated CO2 did not significantly affect kinetics of N uptake in species tested except in red maple where it increased root uptake capacity, V, for NH 4 + . The application, reliability, advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed in detail. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wood structure might be altered through the physiological responses to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and nitrogen (N) deposition. We investigated growth, water relations and wood structure of 1-year-old seedlings of two deciduous broad-leaved tree species, Quercus mongolica (oak, a ring-porous species) and Alnus hirsuta (alder, a diffuse-porous species and N2–fixer), grown under a factorial combination of two levels of [CO2] (36 and 72 Pa) and nitrogen supply (N; low and high) for 141 days in phytotron chambers. In oak, there was no significant effect of [CO2] on wood structure, although elevated [CO2] tended to decrease stomatal conductance (g s) and increased water use efficiency regardless of the N treatment. However, high N supply increased root biomass and induced wider earlywood and larger vessels in the secondary xylem in stems, leading to increased hydraulic conductance. In alder, there was significant interactive effect of [CO2] and N on vessel density, and high N supply increased the mean vessel area. Our results suggest that wood structures related to water transport were not markedly altered, although elevated [CO2] induced changes in physiological parameters such as g s and biomass allocation, and that N fertilization had more pronounced effects on non-N2-fixing oak than on N2-fixing alder.  相似文献   

以湿地挺水植物七叶红色大花美人蕉(Cana generalis Bailey)幼苗为实验材料,在温室中用150μmol/L氯化镁溶液预处理12h,然后置于硝态氮(NO3--N)浓度为10mg/L的农田废水中处理,考察氯化镁预处理对美人蕉吸收农田废水中硝态氮效率的影响,以及处理期间根部质膜H+-ATPase活性、H+-泵活性、14-3-3蛋白与质膜H+-ATPase相互作用。结果显示:经过150μmol/L氯化镁溶液预处理12h后,美人蕉吸收农田废水中硝态氮的效率比对照增加11%;与没有预处理的植株相比,氯化镁预处理美人蕉根中质膜H+-ATPase和H+-泵的活性均显著提高,质膜H+-ATPase和14-3-3蛋白的相互作用显著增强。研究表明,氯化镁能够通过增强质膜H+-ATPase与14-3-3蛋白的相互作用来提高质膜H+-ATPase的活性,从而增加美人蕉对硝态氮的吸收效率。  相似文献   

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